blob: e193c4555c81468fc79e4ab3beb37a791c4d2f53 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Elpis processor project.
* Copyright © 2020-present. All rights reserved.
* Authors: Aurora Tomas and Rodrigo Huerta.
* This file is licensed under both the BSD-3 license for individual/non-commercial
* use. Full text of both licenses can be found in LICENSE file.
`default_nettype none
`ifdef TESTS
`include "elpis/definitions.v"
`include "/project/openlane/user_proj_example/../../verilog/rtl/elpis/definitions.v"
module memory
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
input clk,
input reset,
input we,
input[19:0] addr_in,
input[127:0] wr_data,
input requested,
input reset_mem_req,
output reg[127:0] rd_data_out,
// output[127:0] rd_data_out,
output ready,
input is_loading_memory_into_core,
input[19:0] addr_to_core_mem,
input[31:0] data_to_core_mem
wire[19:0] addr_output_mem;
wire[7:0] first_bit_out_current;
reg[7:0] first_bit_out_previous;
wire[31:0] auxiliar_mem_out;
// (* ramstyle = "M9K" *) reg[31:0] mem[0:`MEMORY_SIZE-1];
reg[$clog2(`MEMORY_DELAY_CYCLES):0] cycles;
assign ready = cycles == 0;
assign addr_output_mem = addr_in + (cycles % 3'd4);
assign first_bit_out_current = 6'd32 * (cycles % 3'd4);
integer i;
always@(posedge clk) begin
if(reset) begin
cycles <= 0;
end else if (reset_mem_req) begin
cycles <= 0;
end else if ((ready && requested))begin
end else if(cycles!=0) begin
cycles <= cycles-1'b1 ;
// if (we && requested && !is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
// if(cycles == 4)
// mem[addr_in] <= wr_data[31:0];
// else if (cycles == 3) begin
// mem[addr_in+1] <= wr_data[63:32];
// end else if (cycles == 2) begin
// mem[addr_in+2] <= wr_data[95:64];
// end else if (cycles == 1) begin
// mem[addr_in+3] <= wr_data[127:96];
// end
// end else if(is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
// mem[addr_to_core_mem] <= data_to_core_mem;
// end
// auxiliar_mem_out <= mem[addr_output_mem];
first_bit_out_previous <= first_bit_out_current;
rd_data_out[first_bit_out_previous +:32] <= auxiliar_mem_out;
wire[31:0] dummy_out;
reg[19:0] addr_to_sram;
always@(*) begin
if (we && requested && !is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
if(cycles == 4)
addr_to_sram <= addr_in;
else if (cycles == 3) begin
addr_to_sram <= addr_in+1;
end else if (cycles == 2) begin
addr_to_sram <= addr_in+2;
end else if (cycles == 1) begin
addr_to_sram <= addr_in+3;
end else if(is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
addr_to_sram <= addr_to_core_mem;
end else begin
addr_to_sram <= addr_output_mem;
reg[31:0] data_to_sram;
always@(*) begin
if (we && requested && !is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
if(cycles == 4)
data_to_sram <= wr_data[31:0];
else if (cycles == 3) begin
data_to_sram <= wr_data[63:32];
end else if (cycles == 2) begin
data_to_sram <= wr_data[95:64];
end else if (cycles == 1) begin
data_to_sram <= wr_data[127:96];
end else if(is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
data_to_sram <= data_to_core_mem;
end else begin
data_to_sram <= 32'b0;
sram_32_1024_sky130 CPURAM(
// always @(*) begin
// auxiliar_mem_out <= we ? 32'b0 : data_to_sram;
// end
// reg[31:0] mem[0:`MEMORY_SIZE-1];
// reg[$clog2(`MEMORY_DELAY_CYCLES):0] cycles;
// assign ready = cycles == 0;
// // integer i;
// always@(posedge clk) begin
// if(reset) begin
// cycles <= 0;
// end else if (reset_mem_req) begin
// cycles <= 0;
// end else if ((ready && requested))begin
// cycles <= `MEMORY_DELAY_CYCLES;
// end else if(cycles!=0) begin
// cycles <= cycles-1'b1 ;
// end
// if (we && requested && !is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
// mem[addr_in+3] <= wr_data[127:96];
// mem[addr_in+2] <= wr_data[95:64];
// mem[addr_in+1] <= wr_data[63:32];
// mem[addr_in] <= wr_data[31:0];
// end else if(is_loading_memory_into_core) begin
// mem[addr_to_core_mem] <= data_to_core_mem;
// end
// end
// assign rd_data_out[127:96] = mem[addr_in+3];
// assign rd_data_out[95:64] = mem[addr_in+2];
// assign rd_data_out[63:32] = mem[addr_in+1];
// assign rd_data_out[31:0] = mem[addr_in];