blob: dec8591582f98b5fd34e79f2a9eb5ef1a656dba9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020-2022 Efabless Corporation
# ECO Flow Copyright 2021 The University of Michigan
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# warn about deprecated configs and preserve backwards compatibility
proc handle_deprecated_config {old new} {
if { [info exists ::env($old)] } {
puts_warn "$old is now deprecated; use $new instead."
if { ! [info exists ::env($new)] } {
set ::env($new) $::env($old)
if { $::env($new) != $::env($old) } {
puts_err "Conflicting values of $new and $old; please remove $old from your design configurations"
return -code error
proc find_all {ext} {
if { ! [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
puts_err "You are not currently running a design. Perhaps you forgot to run 'prep'?"
return -code error
return [exec find $::env(RUN_DIR) -name "*.$ext" | sort | xargs realpath --relative-to=$::env(PWD)]
proc handle_deprecated_command {new} {
set invocation [info level -1]
set caller [lindex $invocation 0]
set args [lrange $invocation 1 end]
puts_warn "$caller is now deprecated; use $new instead."
eval {$new {*}$args}
proc set_if_unset {var default_value} {
upvar $var x
if {! [info exists x] } {
set x $default_value
# create an array out of a list
proc add_to_env {my_array} {
foreach {key value} [array get my_array] {
set $::env($key) $value
# helper function for argument parsing
proc is_keyword_arg { arg } {
if { [string length $arg] >= 2 \
&& [string index $arg 0] == "-" \
&& [string is alpha [string index $arg 1]] } {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc extract_pins_from_yosys_netlist {netlist_file} {
# This sed command works because the module herader in a
# yosys-generated netlist is on one line.
return [list [exec sed -E -n {/^module/ s/module[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]*\((.*)\);/\1/pg}\
$netlist_file \
| tr -d ',']]
# parse arguments
# adopted from
proc parse_key_args {cmd arg_var key_var options {flag_var ""} {flags {}} {consume_args_flag "-consume"}} {
upvar 1 $arg_var args
upvar 1 $key_var key_value
upvar 1 $flag_var flag_present
set args_copy $args
set keys {}
foreach option $options {
set option_name [lindex $option 0]
if { [lsearch -exact $option required ] >= 0} {
set key_index [lsearch -exact $args [lindex $option 0]]
if {$key_index < 0} {
puts_err "$cmd missing required $option_name"
return -code error
lappend keys $option_name
set args_rtn {}
while { $args != "" } {
set arg [lindex $args 0]
if { [is_keyword_arg $arg] } {
set key_index [lsearch -exact $keys $arg]
if { $key_index >= 0 } {
set key $arg
if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
puts_err "$cmd $key missing value."
return -code error
set key_value($key) [lindex $args 1]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
} else {
set flag_index [lsearch -exact $flags $arg]
if { $flag_index >= 0 } {
set flag_present($arg) 1
} else {
lappend args_rtn $arg
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
if { $consume_args_flag == "-no_consume" } {
set args $args_copy
} else {
set args $args_rtn
return -code ok
# puts a variable in a log file
proc set_log {var val filepath log_flag} {
set cmd "set ${var} \{${val}\}"
uplevel #0 ${cmd}
set global_cfg_file [open $filepath a+]
if { $log_flag } {
puts $global_cfg_file $cmd
close $global_cfg_file
# a minimal try catch block
proc try_catch {args} {
# puts_info "Executing \"$args\"\n"
if { ! [catch { set cmd_log_file [open $::env(RUN_DIR)/cmds.log a+] } ]} {
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
puts $cmd_log_file "$timestamp - Executing \"$args\"\n"
close $cmd_log_file
set exit_code [catch {eval exec $args} error_msg]
if { $exit_code } {
set tool [string range $args 0 [string first " " $args]]
set print_error_msg "during executing: \"$args\""
puts_err "$print_error_msg"
puts_err "Exit code: $exit_code"
puts_err "Last 10 lines:\n[exec tail -10 << $error_msg]\n"
proc relpath {args} {
set from [lindex $args 0]
set to [lindex $args 1]
return [exec python3 -c "import os; print(os.path.relpath('$to', '$from'), end='')"]
proc run_openroad_script {args} {
# Note that this proc is not responsible for indexing its own logs.
set options {
{-indexed_log optional}
set flags {-netlist_in -gui}
parse_key_args "run_openroad_script" args arg_values $options flag_map $flags
set_if_unset arg_values(-indexed_log) /dev/null
set script [lindex $args 0]
if { [info exists flag_map(-gui)] } {
set args "$::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -gui $script |& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) $arg_values(-indexed_log)"
} else {
set args "$::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -exit $script |& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) $arg_values(-indexed_log)"
if { ! [catch { set cmd_log_file [open $::env(RUN_DIR)/cmds.log a+] } ]} {
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
puts $cmd_log_file "$timestamp - Executing \"$args\"\n"
close $cmd_log_file
set script_relative [relpath . $script]
puts_verbose "Executing OpenROAD with script '$script_relative'..."
set exit_code [catch {exec {*}$args } error_msg]
if { $exit_code } {
set tool [string range $args 0 [string first " " $args]]
set print_error_msg "during executing openroad script $script"
puts_err "$print_error_msg"
puts_err "Exit code: $exit_code"
puts_err "full log: [relpath $::env(PWD) $arg_values(-indexed_log)]"
puts_err "Last 10 lines:\n[exec tail -10 << $error_msg]\n"
puts_info "Creating reproducible..."
set reproducible_dir $::env(RUN_DIR)/openroad_issue_reproducible
set reproducible_dir_relative [relpath $::env(PWD) $reproducible_dir]
set or_issue_arg_list [list]
lappend or_issue_arg_list --output-dir $reproducible_dir
lappend or_issue_arg_list --or-script $script
lappend or_issue_arg_list --run-path $::env(RUN_DIR)
if { [info exists flag_map(-netlist_in)] } {
lappend or_issue_arg_list --netlist $::env(CURRENT_NETLIST)
} else {
lappend or_issue_arg_list $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
if {[catch {exec -ignorestderr python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ {*}$or_issue_arg_list} result] == 0} {
puts_info "Reproducible packaged: Please tarball and upload $reproducible_dir_relative if you're going to submit an issue."
} else {
puts_err "Failed to package reproducible."
proc increment_index {args} {
set ::env(CURRENT_INDEX) [expr 1 + $::env(CURRENT_INDEX)]
puts "\[STEP $::env(CURRENT_INDEX)\]"
proc index_file {args} {
set file_full_name [lindex $args 0]
if { $file_full_name == "/dev/null" } {
# Can't index that :)
return $file_full_name
set file_path [file dirname $file_full_name]
set fbasename [file tail $file_full_name]
set fbasename "$::env(CURRENT_INDEX)-$fbasename"
set new_file_full_name "$file_path/$fbasename"
set replace [string map {/ \\/} $::env(CURRENT_INDEX)]
if { [info exists ::env(GLB_CFG_FILE)]} {
exec sed -i -e "s/\\(set ::env(CURRENT_INDEX)\\).*/\\1 $replace/" "$::env(GLB_CFG_FILE)"
return $new_file_full_name
proc flow_fail {args} {
if { ! [info exists ::env(FLOW_FAILED)] || ! $::env(FLOW_FAILED) } {
set ::env(FLOW_FAILED) 1
calc_total_runtime -status "flow failed"
puts_err "Flow failed."
show_warnings "The failure may have been because of the following warnings:"
return -code error
proc calc_total_runtime {args} {
## Calculate Total Runtime
if {[info exists ::env(timer_start)] && [info exists ::env(START_TIME)]} {
puts_verbose "Calculating runtime..."
set ::env(timer_end) [clock seconds]
set options {
{-report optional}
{-status optional}
parse_key_args "calc_total_runtime" args arg_values $options
set_if_unset arg_values(-report) $::env(REPORTS_DIR)/total_runtime.txt
set_if_unset arg_values(-status) "flow completed"
exec python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ --conclude --seconds --time-in $::env(timer_end) $arg_values(-status)
# Value Color
# 0 Black
# 1 Red *******
# 2 Green *******
# 3 Yellow *******
# 4 Blue
# 5 Magenta
# 6 Cyan *******
# 7 White
# 8 Not used
# 9 Reset to default color
proc color_text {color txt} {
if {[info exists ::env(TERM)] && $::env(TERM) != ""} {
return [exec tput setaf $color]$txt[exec tput setaf 9]
} else {
return $txt
proc puts_err {txt} {
set message "\[ERROR\]: $txt"
puts "[color_text 1 "$message"]"
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/openlane.log
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/errors.log
proc puts_success {txt} {
set message "\[SUCCESS\]: $txt"
puts "[color_text 2 "$message"]"
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/openlane.log
proc puts_warn {txt} {
set message "\[WARNING\]: $txt"
puts "[color_text 3 "$message"]"
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/openlane.log
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/warnings.log
proc puts_info {txt} {
set message "\[INFO\]: $txt"
puts "[color_text 6 "$message"]"
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/openlane.log
proc puts_verbose {txt} {
if { $::env(OPENLANE_VERBOSE) } {
set message "\[INFO\]: $txt"
puts "[color_text 6 "$message"]"
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] } {
exec echo $message >> $::env(RUN_DIR)/openlane.log
proc show_warnings {msg} {
if { [info exists ::env(RUN_DIR)] && [file exists $::env(RUN_DIR)/warnings.log] } {
puts_info $msg
set warnings_file [open $::env(RUN_DIR)/warnings.log "r"]
set warnings [read $warnings_file]
close $warnings_file
puts $warnings
proc generate_routing_report {args} {
puts_info "Generating a partial report for routing..."
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ -d $::env(DESIGN_DIR) \
--design_name $::env(DESIGN_NAME) \
--tag $::env(RUN_TAG) \
--run_path $::env(RUN_DIR)
proc generate_final_summary_report {args} {
puts_info "Generating final set of reports..."
set options {
{-output optional}
{-man_report optional}
set flags {}
parse_key_args "generate_final_summary_report" args arg_values $options flags_map $flags
set_if_unset arg_values(-output) $::env(REPORTS_DIR)/metrics.csv
set_if_unset arg_values(-man_report) $::env(REPORTS_DIR)/manufacturability.rpt
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(OPENLANE_ROOT)/scripts/ -d $::env(DESIGN_DIR) \
--design_name $::env(DESIGN_NAME) \
--tag $::env(RUN_TAG) \
--output_file $arg_values(-output) \
--man_report $arg_values(-man_report) \
--run_path $::env(RUN_DIR)
set man_report_rel [relpath . $arg_values(-man_report)]
set metrics_report_rel [relpath . $arg_values(-output)]
puts_info "Created manufacturability report at '$man_report_rel'."
puts_info "Created metrics report at '$metrics_report_rel'."
namespace eval TIMER {
variable timer_start
variable timer_end
proc timer_start {} {
variable timer_start
set timer_start [clock milliseconds]
proc timer_stop {} {
variable timer_end
set timer_end [clock milliseconds]
proc get_runtime {} {
variable timer_start
variable timer_end
set total_ms [expr {$timer_end - $timer_start }]
set runtime_ms [expr { int($total_ms) % 1000 }]
set runtime_s [expr { int(floor($total_ms) / 1000) % 60 }]
set runtime_m [expr { int(floor($total_ms / (1000*60))) % 60 }]
set runtime_h [expr { int(floor($total_ms / (1000*3600))) % 24 }]
set runtime "${runtime_h}h${runtime_m}m${runtime_s}s${runtime_ms}ms"
return $runtime
proc assert_files_exist {files} {
foreach f $files {
if { ! [file exists $f] } {
puts_err "$f doesn't exist."
} else {
puts_info "$f exists."
proc count_matches {pattern search_file} {
set count [exec bash -c "grep $pattern $search_file | wc -l"]
return $count
proc cat {args} {
set res {}
foreach file $args {
set f [open $file r]
set tmp [read $f]
close $f
append res $tmp
return $res
package provide openlane_utils 0.9