blob: 3969984e0196afadefa49b54f8aea2bc7bd03818 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020-2021 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
proc run_magic {args} {
puts_info "Running Magic to generate various views..."
# |----------------------------------------------------|
# |---------------- 6. TAPE-OUT ---------------------|
# |----------------------------------------------------|
puts_info "Streaming out GDS-II with Magic..."
set ::env(CURRENT_STAGE) signoff
set ::env(PDKPATH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)"
# the following MAGTYPE better be mag for clean GDS generation
# use load -dereference to ignore it later if needed
set ::env(MAGTYPE) mag
# Generate GDS and MAG views
set ::env(MAGIC_GDS) $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).magic.gds
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/magic/mag_gds.tcl \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/gdsii.log]
if { $::env(PRIMARY_SIGNOFF_TOOL) == "magic" } {
set ::env(CURRENT_GDS) $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).gds
file copy -force $::env(MAGIC_GDS) $::env(CURRENT_GDS)
file copy -force $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) $::env(signoff_results)/.magicrc
# Take a PNG screenshot
scrot_klayout -log $::env(cts_logs)/screenshot.log
puts_info "Generating MAGLEF views..."
# Generate mag file that includes GDS pointers
set ::env(MAGTYPE) mag
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/magic/gds_pointers.tcl \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/gds_ptrs.log]
# Only keep the properties section in the file
try_catch sed -i -n "/^<< properties >>/,/^<< end >>/p" $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/gds_ptrs.mag
# If desired, copy GDS_* properties into the mag/ view
copy_gds_properties $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/gds_ptrs.mag $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).mag
if { $::env(MAGIC_GENERATE_LEF) } {
# Generate LEF view
set ::env(MAGTYPE) maglef
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/magic/lef.tcl \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/lef.log]
if { $::env(MAGIC_GENERATE_MAGLEF) } {
# Generate MAGLEF view
set ::env(MAGTYPE) maglef
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/magic/maglef.tcl \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/maglef.log]
# By default, copy the GDS properties into the maglef/ view
copy_gds_properties $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/gds_ptrs.mag $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).lef.mag
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" | python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ "gdsii - magic"
proc run_magic_drc {args} {
puts_info "Running Magic DRC..."
set ::env(PDKPATH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)"
set ::env(drc_prefix) $::env(signoff_reports)/drc
# Has to be maglef for DRC Checking
set ::env(MAGTYPE) maglef
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/magic/drc.tcl \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/drc.log]
puts_info "Converting Magic DRC Violations to Magic Readable Format..."
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ \
-i $::env(drc_prefix).rpt \
-o $::env(drc_prefix).tcl
puts_info "Converting Magic DRC Violations to Klayout XML Database..."
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ \
-i $::env(drc_prefix).rpt \
-o $::env(drc_prefix).tr
puts_info "Converting TritonRoute DRC Violations to Klayout XML Database..."
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ \
-i $::env(drc_prefix).tr \
-o $::env(drc_prefix).klayout.xml \
--design-name $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
if { $::env(MAGIC_CONVERT_DRC_TO_RDB) == 1 } {
puts_info "Converting DRC Violations to RDB Format..."
try_catch $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ \
--magic_drc_in $::env(drc_prefix).rpt \
--rdb_out $::env(drc_prefix).rdb
file copy -force $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) $::env(signoff_results)/.magicrc
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" | python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ "drc - magic"
quit_on_magic_drc -log $::env(drc_prefix).tr
proc run_magic_spice_export {args} {
if { [info exist ::env(MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS)] && $::env(MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS) } {
set extract_type "gds.spice"
puts_info "Running Magic Spice Export from GDS..."
# GDS extracted file design.gds.spice, log file magic_gds.spice.log
} else {
set extract_type "spice"
puts_info "Running Magic Spice Export from LEF..."
# LEF extracted file design.spice (copied to design.lef.spice), log file magic_spice.log
set ::env(magic_extract_prefix) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/ext2]
set ::env(EXT_NETLIST) $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).$extract_type
set magic_export $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/$extract_type.tcl
set commands \
if { \[info exist ::env(MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS)\] && \$::env(MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS) } {
gds read \$::env(CURRENT_GDS)
} else {
lef read $::env(TECH_LEF)
if { \[info exist ::env(EXTRA_LEFS)\] } {
set lefs_in \$::env(EXTRA_LEFS)
foreach lef_file \$lefs_in {
lef read \$lef_file
def read $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
load $::env(DESIGN_NAME) -dereference
cd $::env(signoff_results)/
extract do local
extract no capacitance
extract no coupling
extract no resistance
extract no adjust
if { ! $::env(LVS_CONNECT_BY_LABEL) } {
extract unique
# extract warn all
ext2spice lvs
ext2spice -o $::env(EXT_NETLIST) $::env(DESIGN_NAME).ext
feedback save $::env(magic_extract_prefix)$
# exec cp $::env(DESIGN_NAME).spice $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).spice
set magic_export_file [open $magic_export w]
puts $magic_export_file $commands
close $magic_export_file
set ::env(PDKPATH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
# the following MAGTYPE has to be maglef for the purpose of LVS
# otherwise underlying device circuits would be considered
set ::env(MAGTYPE) maglef
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$magic_export \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/$extract_type.log]
if { $extract_type == "spice" } {
file copy -force $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).spice $::env(signoff_results)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).lef.spice
file rename -force {*}[glob $::env(signoff_results)/*.ext] $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" | python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ "$extract_type extraction - magic"
quit_on_illegal_overlaps -log [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/ext2$]
proc export_magic_view {args} {
set options {
{-def required}
{-output required}
set flags {}
parse_key_args "export_magic_views" args arg_values $options flags_map $flags
set script_dir $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/magic_mag_save.tcl
set commands \
lef read $::env(TECH_LEF)
if { \[info exist ::env(EXTRA_LEFS)\] } {
set lefs_in \$::env(EXTRA_LEFS)
foreach lef_file \$lefs_in {
lef read \$lef_file
def read $arg_values(-def)
save $arg_values(-output)
puts \"\[INFO\]: Done exporting $arg_values(-output)\"
set stream [open $script_dir w]
puts $stream $commands
close $stream
set ::env(PDKPATH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$script_dir \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/save_mag.log]
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" | python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ "mag export - magic"
proc run_magic_antenna_check {args} {
puts_info "Running Magic Antenna Checks..."
set feedback_file [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/]
set magic_export $::env(signoff_tmpfiles)/magic_antenna.tcl
set commands \
lef read \$::env(TECH_LEF)
if { \[info exist ::env(EXTRA_LEFS)\] } {
set lefs_in \$::env(EXTRA_LEFS)
foreach lef_file \$lefs_in {
lef read \$lef_file
def read \$::env(CURRENT_DEF)
load \$::env(DESIGN_NAME) -dereference
cd \$::env(signoff_tmpfiles)
select top cell
# for now, do extraction anyway; can be optimized by reading the maglef ext
# but getting many warnings
if { ! \[file exists \$::env(DESIGN_NAME).ext\] } {
extract do local
extract no capacitance
extract no coupling
extract no resistance
extract no adjust
if { ! $::env(LVS_CONNECT_BY_LABEL) } {
extract unique
# extract warn all
feedback save $feedback_file
antennacheck debug
set magic_export_file [open $magic_export w]
puts $magic_export_file $commands
close $magic_export_file
set ::env(PDKPATH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
# the following MAGTYPE has to be mag; antennacheck needs to know
# about the underlying devices, layers, etc.
set ::env(MAGTYPE) mag
set antenna_log [index_file $::env(signoff_logs)/antenna.log]
try_catch magic \
-noconsole \
-dnull \
-rcfile $::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) \
$magic_export \
</dev/null \
|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) $antenna_log
# process the log
try_catch awk "/Cell:/ {print \$2}" $antenna_log > $antenna_log
set ::env(ANTENNA_CHECKER_LOG) $antenna_log
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" | python3 $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ "antenna check - magic"
proc copy_gds_properties {from to} {
# copy GDS properties from $from to $to
set gds_properties [list]
set fp [open $from r]
set mag_lines [split [read $fp] "\n"]
foreach line $mag_lines {
if { [string first "string GDS_" $line] != -1 } {
lappend gds_properties $line
close $fp
set fp [open $to r]
set mag_lines [split [read $fp] "\n"]
set new_mag_lines [list]
foreach line $mag_lines {
if { [string first "<< end >>" $line] != -1 } {
lappend new_mag_lines [join $gds_properties "\n"]
lappend new_mag_lines $line
close $fp
set fp [open $to w]
puts $fp [join $new_mag_lines "\n"]
close $fp
package provide openlane 0.9