blob: 6063bb0e36e094b82c7154c0eb60551e0611e2ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
from operator import itemgetter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Selects top configuration from a report file and produces a new report file containing the top configurations only for each design"
parser.add_argument("--input", "-i", required=True, help="input report file")
"--output", "-o", required=True, help="output report file with top configuration"
args = parser.parse_args()
report_file = args.input
output_file = args.output
tr_violations_idx = 0
lvs_errors_idx = 0
magic_violations_idx = 0
antenna_violations_idx = 0
wire_length_idx = 0
via_idx = 0
flow_status_idx = 0
design_idx = 0
def get_header(report_file):
f = open(report_file, "r")
header = f.readline()
return header
def build_dictionary(report_file):
with open(report_file, "r") as f:
lines = list(filter(None, (line.rstrip() for line in f)))
header = lines[0]
lines = lines[1:]
lines = [line.split(",") for line in lines]
dictionary = {}
for config in lines:
if len(config) < len(header.split(",")):
key = config[design_idx]
if key in dictionary:
dictionary[key].append(config[design_idx + 1 :])
dictionary[key] = [config[design_idx + 1 :]]
return dictionary
def convert_vio_to_int(val):
val = int(val)
if val < 0:
val = 2**31 # Explode
return val
def convert_vio_to_string(val):
if val == 2**31:
val = -1
return str(val)
def convert_vios_to_int(results_vector):
# change violations to int
for i in range(len(results_vector)):
row = results_vector[i]
row[tr_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_int(row[tr_violations_idx])
row[lvs_errors_idx] = convert_vio_to_int(row[lvs_errors_idx])
row[magic_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_int(row[magic_violations_idx])
row[antenna_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_int(row[antenna_violations_idx])
results_vector[i] = row
return results_vector
def filter_by_tr_vios(results_vector):
# Get a close subset by TR vios
sorted_violations = sorted(results_vector, key=itemgetter(tr_violations_idx))
best_violation = int(sorted_violations[0][tr_violations_idx])
close_subset = [sorted_violations[0]]
for result in sorted_violations[1:]:
violation = int(result[tr_violations_idx])
if (abs(violation - best_violation) < 5) and best_violation != 0:
elif violation == 0:
return close_subset
def filter_by_lvs_errors(results_vector):
# Get a close subset by LVS errors
# The philosiphy here is if one run is LVS clean, then don't accept anything that
# is not LVS clean. Otherwise, don't trust the reported result by netgen and pass
# everything as is to the next filter.
sorted_violations = sorted(results_vector, key=itemgetter(lvs_errors_idx))
best_violation = int(sorted_violations[0][lvs_errors_idx])
if best_violation == 0:
close_subset = [sorted_violations[0]]
for result in sorted_violations[1:]:
violation = int(result[lvs_errors_idx])
if violation == 0:
return close_subset
return results_vector
def filter_by_magic_vios(results_vector):
# Get a close subset by magic drc vios
sorted_violations = sorted(results_vector, key=itemgetter(magic_violations_idx))
best_violation = int(sorted_violations[0][magic_violations_idx])
close_subset = [sorted_violations[0]]
for result in sorted_violations[1:]:
violation = int(result[magic_violations_idx])
# Allow for 100 vios tolerance (given the history of magic drc(full))
if (abs(violation - best_violation) < 100) and best_violation != 0:
elif violation == 0:
return close_subset
def filter_by_antenna_vios(results_vector):
# Get a close subset by antenna vios
sorted_violations = sorted(results_vector, key=itemgetter(antenna_violations_idx))
best_violation = int(sorted_violations[0][antenna_violations_idx])
close_subset = [sorted_violations[0]]
for result in sorted_violations[1:]:
violation = int(result[antenna_violations_idx])
# Allow for 10 vios tolerance
if (abs(violation - best_violation) < 10) and best_violation != 0:
elif violation == 0:
return close_subset
def get_best_violation(results_vector):
# Remove all failing designs (unless they are all failing then only keep one of them)
remover = 0
n = len(results_vector)
while remover != n and n != 1:
if "fail" in str(results_vector[remover][flow_status_idx]):
remover -= 1
n = len(results_vector)
remover += 1
# Convert violations to integers
results_vector = convert_vios_to_int(results_vector)
# Filter the results vector by TR violations
close_subset = filter_by_tr_vios(results_vector)
# Filter the close subset by LVS errors
close_subset = filter_by_lvs_errors(close_subset)
# Filter the close subset by magic DRC violations
close_subset = filter_by_magic_vios(close_subset)
# Filter the close subset by antenna violations
close_subset = filter_by_antenna_vios(close_subset)
# Finalize selection based on wire length and via count
for i in range(len(close_subset)):
row = close_subset[i]
wirelength = row[wire_length_idx]
via = row[via_idx]
row.append((int(wirelength) + int(via)))
row[tr_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_string(row[tr_violations_idx])
row[lvs_errors_idx] = convert_vio_to_string(row[lvs_errors_idx])
row[magic_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_string(row[magic_violations_idx])
row[antenna_violations_idx] = convert_vio_to_string(row[antenna_violations_idx])
close_subset[i] = row
sorted_wire_length_via = sorted(close_subset, key=itemgetter(-1))
best_result = sorted_wire_length_via[0][:-1]
return best_result
def get_best_results(results_dictionary):
best = {}
for key in results_dictionary:
results = results_dictionary[key]
best_result = get_best_violation(results)
best[key] = best_result
return best
def save_top_results(results_dictionary, output_file, header):
out = open(output_file, "w")
for key in results_dictionary:
out.writelines("%s,%s" % (key, ",".join(results_dictionary[key])))
def findIdx(header, column):
for idx in range(len(header)):
if header[idx] == column:
return int(idx)
return -1
header = get_header(report_file)
headerSplit = header.split(",")
design_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "design")
results_dictionary = build_dictionary(report_file)
tr_violations_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "tritonRoute_violations") - (design_idx + 1)
lvs_errors_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "lvs_total_errors") - (design_idx + 1)
magic_violations_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "Magic_violations") - (design_idx + 1)
antenna_violations_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "antenna_violations") - (design_idx + 1)
wire_length_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "wire_length") - (design_idx + 1)
via_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "vias") - (design_idx + 1)
flow_status_idx = findIdx(headerSplit, "flow_status") - (design_idx + 1)
best_results = get_best_results(results_dictionary)
save_top_results(best_results, output_file, ",".join(headerSplit[design_idx:]))