blob: 552d5cda48cd157bc7f460463f90738332fd928c [file] [log] [blame]
// Filename: div.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Provide an Integer divide capability to the Zip CPU. Provides
// for both signed and unsigned divide.
// Steps:
// i_reset The DIVide unit starts in idle. It can also be placed into an
// idle by asserting the reset input.
// i_wr When i_reset is asserted, a divide begins. On the next clock:
// o_busy is set high so everyone else knows we are at work and they can
// wait for us to complete.
// pre_sign is set to true if we need to do a signed divide. In this
// case, we take a clock cycle to turn the divide into an unsigned
// divide.
// o_quotient, a place to store our result, is initialized to all zeros.
// r_dividend is set to the numerator
// r_divisor is set to 2^31 * the denominator (shift left by 31, or add
// 31 zeros to the right of the number.
// pre_sign When true (clock cycle after i_wr), a clock cycle is used
// to take the absolute value of the various arguments (r_dividend
// and r_divisor), and to calculate what sign the output result
// should be.
// At this point, the divide is has started. The divide works by walking
// through every shift of the
// DIVIDEND over the
// If the DIVISOR is bigger than the dividend, the divisor is shifted
// right, and nothing is done to the output quotient.
// This repeats, until DIVISOR is less than or equal to the divident, as in
// At this point, if the DIVISOR is less than the dividend, the
// divisor is subtracted from the dividend, and the DIVISOR is again
// shifted to the right. Further, a '1' bit gets set in the output
// quotient.
// Once we've done this for 32 clocks, we've accumulated our answer into
// the output quotient, and we can proceed to the next step. If the
// result will be signed, the next step negates the quotient, otherwise
// it returns the result.
// On the clock when we are done, o_busy is set to false, and o_valid set
// to true. (It is a violation of the ZipCPU internal protocol for both
// busy and valid to ever be true on the same clock. It is also a
// violation for busy to be false with valid true thereafter.)
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2018, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
`default_nettype none
// `include "cpudefs.v"
module zipdiv(i_clk, i_reset, i_wr, i_signed, i_numerator, i_denominator,
o_busy, o_valid, o_err, o_quotient, o_flags);
parameter BW=32, LGBW = 5;
input wire i_clk, i_reset;
// Input parameters
input wire i_wr, i_signed;
input wire [(BW-1):0] i_numerator, i_denominator;
// Output parameters
output reg o_busy, o_valid, o_err;
output reg [(BW-1):0] o_quotient;
output wire [3:0] o_flags;
// r_busy is an internal busy register. It will clear one clock
// before we are valid, so it can't be o_busy ...
reg r_busy;
reg [(2*BW-2):0] r_divisor;
reg [(BW-1):0] r_dividend;
wire [(BW):0] diff; // , xdiff[(BW-1):0];
assign diff = r_dividend - r_divisor[(BW-1):0];
reg r_sign, pre_sign, r_z, r_c, last_bit;
reg [(LGBW-1):0] r_bit;
reg zero_divisor;
// The Divide logic begins with r_busy. We use r_busy to determine
// whether or not the divide is in progress, vs being complete.
// Here, we clear r_busy on any reset and set it on i_wr (the request
// do to a divide). The divide ends when we are on the last bit,
// or equivalently when we discover we are dividing by zero.
initial r_busy = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_busy <= 1'b0;
else if (i_wr)
r_busy <= 1'b1;
else if ((last_bit)||(zero_divisor))
r_busy <= 1'b0;
// o_busy is very similar to r_busy, save for some key differences.
// Primary among them is that o_busy needs to (possibly) be true
// for an extra clock after r_busy clears. This would be that extra
// clock where we negate the result (assuming a signed divide, and that
// the result is supposed to be negative.) Otherwise, the two are
// identical.
initial o_busy = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_busy <= 1'b0;
else if (i_wr)
o_busy <= 1'b1;
else if (((last_bit)&&(!r_sign))||(zero_divisor))
o_busy <= 1'b0;
else if (!r_busy)
o_busy <= 1'b0;
// If we are asked to divide by zero, we need to halt. The sooner
// we halt and report the error, the better. Hence, here we look
// for a zero divisor while being busy. The always above us will then
// look at this and halt a divide in the middle if we are trying to
// divide by zero.
// Note that this works off of the 2BW-1 length vector. If we can
// simplify that, it should simplify our logic as well.
initial zero_divisor = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
// zero_divisor <= (r_divisor == 0)&&(r_busy);
if (i_reset)
zero_divisor <= 1'b0;
else if (i_wr)
zero_divisor <= (i_denominator == 0);
else if (!r_busy)
zero_divisor <= 1'b0;
// o_valid is part of the ZipCPU protocol. It will be set to true
// anytime our answer is valid and may be used by the calling module.
// Indeed, the ZipCPU will halt (and ignore us) once the i_wr has been
// set until o_valid gets set.
// Here, we clear o_valid on a reset, and any time we are on the last
// bit while busy (provided the sign is zero, or we are dividing by
// zero). Since o_valid is self-clearing, we don't need to clear
// it on an i_wr signal.
initial o_valid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (r_busy)
if ((last_bit)||(zero_divisor))
o_valid <= (zero_divisor)||(!r_sign);
end else if (r_sign)
o_valid <= (!zero_divisor); // 1'b1;
end else
o_valid <= 1'b0;
// Division by zero error reporting. Anytime we detect a zero divisor,
// we set our output error, and then hold it until we are valid and
// everything clears.
initial o_err = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_err <= 1'b0;
else if (o_valid)
o_err <= 1'b0;
else if (((r_busy)||(r_sign))&&(zero_divisor))
o_err <= 1'b1;
o_err <= 1'b0;
// r_bit
// Keep track of which "bit" of our divide we are on. This number
// ranges from 31 down to zero. On any write, we set ourselves to
// 5'h1f. Otherwise, while we are busy (but not within the pre-sign
// adjustment stage), we subtract one from our value on every clock.
initial r_bit = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_bit <= 0;
else if ((r_busy)&&(!pre_sign))
r_bit <= r_bit + 1'b1;
r_bit <= 0;
// last_bit
// This logic replaces a lot of logic that was inside our giant state
// machine with ... something simpler. In particular, we'll use this
// logic to determine we are processing our last bit. The only trick
// is, this bit needs to be set whenever (r_busy) and (r_bit == 0),
// hence we need to set on (r_busy) and (r_bit == 1) so as to be set
// when (r_bit == 0).
initial last_bit = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
last_bit <= 1'b0;
else if (r_busy)
last_bit <= (r_bit == {(LGBW){1'b1}}-1'b1);
last_bit <= 1'b0;
// pre_sign
// This is part of the state machine. pre_sign indicates that we need
// a extra clock to take the absolute value of our inputs. It need only
// be true for the one clock, and then it must clear itself.
initial pre_sign = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
pre_sign <= 1'b0;
else if (i_wr)
pre_sign <= (i_signed)&&((i_numerator[BW-1])||(i_denominator[BW-1]));
pre_sign <= 1'b0;
// As a result of our operation, we need to set the flags. The most
// difficult of these is the "Z" flag indicating that the result is
// zero. Here, we'll use the same logic that sets the low-order
// bit to clear our zero flag, and leave the zero flag set in all
// other cases. Well ... not quite. If we need to flip the sign of
// our value, then we can't quite clear the zero flag ... yet.
initial r_z = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_z <= 1'b0;
else if((r_busy)&&(r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW)] == 0)&&(!diff[BW]))
// If we are busy, the upper bits of our divisor are
// zero (i.e., we got the shift right), and the top
// (carry) bit of the difference is zero (no overflow),
// then we could subtract our divisor from our dividend
// and hence we add a '1' to the quotient, while setting
// the zero flag to false.
r_z <= 1'b0;
else if (i_wr)
r_z <= 1'b1;
// r_dividend
// This is initially the numerator. On a signed divide, it then becomes
// the absolute value of the numerator. We'll subtract from this value
// the divisor shifted as appropriate for every output bit we are
// looking for--just as with traditional long division.
initial r_dividend = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_dividend <= 0;
else if (pre_sign)
// If we are doing a signed divide, then take the
// absolute value of the dividend
if (r_dividend[BW-1])
r_dividend <= -r_dividend;
// The begin/end block is important so we don't lose
// the fact that on an else we don't do anything.
end else if((r_busy)&&(r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW)]==0)&&(!diff[BW]))
// This is the condition whereby we set a '1' in our
// output quotient, and we subtract the (current)
// divisor from our dividend. (The difference is
// already kept in the diff vector above.)
r_dividend <= diff[(BW-1):0];
else if (!r_busy)
// Once we are done, and r_busy is no longer high, we'll
// always accept new values into our dividend. This
// guarantees that, when i_wr is set, the new value
// is already set as desired.
r_dividend <= i_numerator;
initial r_divisor = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_divisor <= 0;
else if (pre_sign)
if (r_divisor[(2*BW-2)])
<= -r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW-1)];
end else if (r_busy)
r_divisor <= { 1'b0, r_divisor[(2*BW-2):1] };
r_divisor <= { i_denominator, {(BW-1){1'b0}} };
// r_sign
// is a flag for our state machine control(s). r_sign will be set to
// true any time we are doing a signed divide and the result must be
// negative. In that case, we take a final logic stage at the end of
// the divide to negate the output. This flag is what tells us we need
// to do that. r_busy will be true during the divide, then when r_busy
// goes low, r_sign will be checked, then the idle/reset stage will have
// been reached. For this reason, we cannot set r_sign unless we are
// up to something.
initial r_sign = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_sign <= 1'b0;
else if (pre_sign)
r_sign <= ((r_divisor[(2*BW-2)])^(r_dividend[(BW-1)]));
else if (r_busy)
r_sign <= (r_sign)&&(!zero_divisor);
r_sign <= 1'b0;
initial o_quotient = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_quotient <= 0;
else if (r_busy)
o_quotient <= { o_quotient[(BW-2):0], 1'b0 };
if ((r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW)] == 0)&&(!diff[BW]))
o_quotient[0] <= 1'b1;
end else if (r_sign)
o_quotient <= -o_quotient;
o_quotient <= 0;
// Set Carry on an exact divide
// Perhaps nothing uses this, but ... well, I suppose we could remove
// this logic eventually, just ... not yet.
initial r_c = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_c <= 1'b0;
r_c <= (r_busy)&&((diff == 0)||(r_dividend == 0));
// The last flag: Negative. This flag is set assuming that the result
// of the divide was negative (i.e., the high order bit is set). This
// will also be true of an unsigned divide--if the high order bit is
// ever set upon completion. Indeed, you might argue that there's no
// logic involved.
wire w_n;
assign w_n = o_quotient[(BW-1)];
assign o_flags = { 1'b0, w_n, r_c, r_z };
`ifdef FORMAL
reg f_past_valid;
initial f_past_valid = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
f_past_valid <= 1'b1;
`ifdef DIV
`define ASSUME assume
`define ASSUME assert
initial `ASSUME(i_reset);
always @(*)
if (!f_past_valid)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!f_past_valid)||($past(i_reset)))
always @(*)
if (o_busy)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(o_busy))&&(!o_busy))
// A formal methods section
// This section isn't yet complete. For now, it is just
// a description of things I think should be in here ... not
// yet a description of what it would take to prove
// this divide (yet).
always @(*)
if (o_err)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_wr)))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(i_wr))&&($past(i_signed))
// always @(posedge i_clk)
// if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(pre_sign)))
// assert(!r_sign);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(i_wr)))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_valid)))
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)&&(!o_err))
assert(r_z == ((o_quotient == 0)? 1'b1:1'b0));
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)&&(!o_err))
assert(w_n == o_quotient[BW-1]);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(r_busy))&&(!$past(i_wr)))
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if(o_busy) `ASSUME(!i_wr);
always @(*)
if(r_busy) assert(o_busy);
reg [BW:0] f_bits_set;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
f_bits_set <= 0;
else if (i_wr)
f_bits_set <= 0;
else if ((r_busy)&&(!pre_sign))
f_bits_set <= { f_bits_set[BW-1:0], 1'b1 };
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)&&(!o_err))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(r_busy))
if ($past(r_divisor) == 0)
else if ($past(pre_sign))
if ($past(r_dividend[BW-1]))
assert(r_dividend == -$past(r_dividend));
if ($past(r_divisor[(2*BW-2)]))
== -$past(r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW-1)]));
assert(r_divisor[BW-2:0] == 0);
end else begin
if (o_quotient[0])
assert(r_dividend == $past(diff));
assert(r_dividend == $past(r_dividend));
// r_divisor should shift down on every step
if ($past(r_dividend) >= $past(r_divisor[BW-1:0]))