blob: f58a2da112dcf22342278e97ec0fe7790d7b1af6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ludvig Strigeus
// This program is GPL Licensed. See COPYING for the full license.
// Module handles updating the loopy scroll register
module LoopyGen(input clk, input ce,
input is_rendering,
input [2:0] ain, // input address from CPU
input [7:0] din, // data input
input read, // read
input write, // write
input is_pre_render, // Is this the pre-render scanline
input [8:0] cycle,
output [14:0] loopy,
output [2:0] fine_x_scroll); // Current loopy value
// Controls how much to increment on each write
reg ppu_incr; // 0 = 1, 1 = 32
// Current VRAM address
reg [14:0] loopy_v;
// Temporary VRAM address
reg [14:0] loopy_t;
// Fine X scroll (3 bits)
reg [2:0] loopy_x;
// Latch
reg ppu_address_latch;
initial begin
ppu_incr = 0;
loopy_v = 0;
loopy_t = 0;
loopy_x = 0;
ppu_address_latch = 0;
// Handle updating loopy_t and loopy_v
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if (is_rendering) begin
// Increment course X scroll right after attribute table byte was fetched.
if (cycle[2:0] == 3 && (cycle < 256 || cycle >= 320 && cycle < 336)) begin
loopy_v[4:0] <= loopy_v[4:0] + 1;
loopy_v[10] <= loopy_v[10] ^ (loopy_v[4:0] == 31);
// Vertical Increment
if (cycle == 251) begin
loopy_v[14:12] <= loopy_v[14:12] + 1;
if (loopy_v[14:12] == 7) begin
if (loopy_v[9:5] == 29) begin
loopy_v[9:5] <= 0;
loopy_v[11] <= !loopy_v[11];
end else begin
loopy_v[9:5] <= loopy_v[9:5] + 1;
// Horizontal Reset at cycle 257
if (cycle == 256)
{loopy_v[10], loopy_v[4:0]} <= {loopy_t[10], loopy_t[4:0]};
// On cycle 256 of each scanline, copy horizontal bits from loopy_t into loopy_v
// On cycle 304 of the pre-render scanline, copy loopy_t into loopy_v
if (cycle == 304 && is_pre_render) begin
loopy_v <= loopy_t;
if (write && ain == 0) begin
loopy_t[10] <= din[0];
loopy_t[11] <= din[1];
ppu_incr <= din[2];
end else if (write && ain == 5) begin
if (!ppu_address_latch) begin
loopy_t[4:0] <= din[7:3];
loopy_x <= din[2:0];
end else begin
loopy_t[9:5] <= din[7:3];
loopy_t[14:12] <= din[2:0];
ppu_address_latch <= !ppu_address_latch;
end else if (write && ain == 6) begin
if (!ppu_address_latch) begin
loopy_t[13:8] <= din[5:0];
loopy_t[14] <= 0;
end else begin
loopy_t[7:0] <= din;
loopy_v <= {loopy_t[14:8], din};
ppu_address_latch <= !ppu_address_latch;
end else if (read && ain == 2) begin
ppu_address_latch <= 0; //Reset PPU address latch
end else if ((read || write) && ain == 7 && !is_rendering) begin
// Increment address every time we accessed a reg
loopy_v <= loopy_v + (ppu_incr ? 32 : 1);
assign loopy = loopy_v;
assign fine_x_scroll = loopy_x;
// Generates the current scanline / cycle counters
module ClockGen(input clk, input ce, input reset,
input is_rendering,
output reg [8:0] scanline,
output reg [8:0] cycle,
output reg is_in_vblank,
output end_of_line,
output at_last_cycle_group,
output exiting_vblank,
output entering_vblank,
output reg is_pre_render);
reg second_frame;
// Scanline 0..239 = picture scan lines
// Scanline 240 = dummy scan line
// Scanline 241..260 = VBLANK
// Scanline -1 = Pre render scanline (Fetches objects for next line)
assign at_last_cycle_group = (cycle[8:3] == 42);
// Every second pre-render frame is only 340 cycles instead of 341.
assign end_of_line = at_last_cycle_group && cycle[3:0] == (is_pre_render && second_frame && is_rendering ? 3 : 4);
// Set the clock right before vblank begins
assign entering_vblank = end_of_line && scanline == 240;
// Set the clock right before vblank ends
assign exiting_vblank = end_of_line && scanline == 260;
// New value for is_in_vblank flag
wire new_is_in_vblank = entering_vblank ? 1'b1 : exiting_vblank ? 1'b0 : is_in_vblank;
// Set if the current line is line 0..239
always @(posedge clk) if (reset) begin
cycle <= 0;
is_in_vblank <= 1;
end else if (ce) begin
cycle <= end_of_line ? 0 : cycle + 1;
is_in_vblank <= new_is_in_vblank;
// always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
// $write("%x %x %x %x %x\n", new_is_in_vblank, entering_vblank, exiting_vblank, is_in_vblank, entering_vblank ? 1'b1 : exiting_vblank ? 1'b0 : is_in_vblank);
// end
always @(posedge clk) if (reset) begin
scanline <= 0;
is_pre_render <= 0;
second_frame <= 0;
end else if (ce && end_of_line) begin
// Once the scanline counter reaches end of 260, it gets reset to -1.
scanline <= exiting_vblank ? 9'b111111111 : scanline + 1;
// The pre render flag is set while we're on scanline -1.
is_pre_render <= exiting_vblank;
if (exiting_vblank)
second_frame <= !second_frame;
endmodule // ClockGen
// 8 of these exist, they are used to output sprites.
module Sprite(input clk, input ce,
input enable,
input [3:0] load,
input [26:0] load_in,
output [26:0] load_out,
output [4:0] bits); // Low 4 bits = pixel, high bit = prio
reg [1:0] upper_color; // Upper 2 bits of color
reg [7:0] x_coord; // X coordinate where we want things
reg [7:0] pix1, pix2; // Shift registers, output when x_coord == 0
reg aprio; // Current prio
wire active = (x_coord == 0);
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if (enable) begin
if (!active) begin
// Decrease until x_coord is zero.
x_coord <= x_coord - 8'h01;
end else begin
pix1 <= pix1 >> 1;
pix2 <= pix2 >> 1;
if (load[3]) pix1 <= load_in[26:19];
if (load[2]) pix2 <= load_in[18:11];
if (load[1]) x_coord <= load_in[10:3];
if (load[0]) {upper_color, aprio} <= load_in[2:0];
assign bits = {aprio, upper_color, active && pix2[0], active && pix1[0]};
assign load_out = {pix1, pix2, x_coord, upper_color, aprio};
endmodule // SpriteGen
// This contains all 8 sprites. Will return the pixel value of the highest prioritized sprite.
// When load is set, and clocked, load_in is loaded into sprite 7 and all others are shifted down.
// Sprite 0 has highest prio.
// 226 LUTs, 68 Slices
module SpriteSet(input clk, input ce, // Input clock
input enable, // Enable pixel generation
input [3:0] load, // Which parts of the state to load/shift.
input [26:0] load_in, // State to load with
output [4:0] bits, // Output bits
output is_sprite0); // Set to true if sprite #0 was output
wire [26:0] load_out7, load_out6, load_out5, load_out4, load_out3, load_out2, load_out1, load_out0;
wire [4:0] bits7, bits6, bits5, bits4, bits3, bits2, bits1, bits0;
Sprite sprite7(clk, ce, enable, load, load_in, load_out7, bits7);
Sprite sprite6(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out7, load_out6, bits6);
Sprite sprite5(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out6, load_out5, bits5);
Sprite sprite4(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out5, load_out4, bits4);
Sprite sprite3(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out4, load_out3, bits3);
Sprite sprite2(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out3, load_out2, bits2);
Sprite sprite1(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out2, load_out1, bits1);
Sprite sprite0(clk, ce, enable, load, load_out1, load_out0, bits0);
// Determine which sprite is visible on this pixel.
assign bits = bits0[1:0] != 0 ? bits0 :
bits1[1:0] != 0 ? bits1 :
bits2[1:0] != 0 ? bits2 :
bits3[1:0] != 0 ? bits3 :
bits4[1:0] != 0 ? bits4 :
bits5[1:0] != 0 ? bits5 :
bits6[1:0] != 0 ? bits6 :
assign is_sprite0 = bits0[1:0] != 0;
endmodule // SpriteSet
module SpriteRAM(input clk, input ce,
input reset_line, // OAM evaluator needs to be reset before processing is started.
input sprites_enabled, // Set to 1 if evaluations are enabled
input exiting_vblank, // Set to 1 when exiting vblank so spr_overflow can be reset
input obj_size, // Set to 1 if objects are 16 pixels.
input [8:0] scanline, // Current scan line (compared against Y)
input [8:0] cycle, // Current cycle.
output reg [7:0] oam_bus, // Current value on the OAM bus, returned to NES through $2004.
input oam_ptr_load, // Load oam with specified value, when writing to NES $2003.
input oam_load, // Load oam_ptr with specified value, when writing to NES $2004.
input [7:0] data_in, // New value for oam or oam_ptr
output reg spr_overflow, // Set to true if we had more than 8 objects on a scan line. Reset when exiting vblank.
output reg sprite0); // True if sprite#0 is included on the scan line currently being painted.
reg [7:0] sprtemp[0:31]; // Sprite Temporary Memory. 32 bytes.
reg [7:0] oam[0:255]; // Sprite OAM. 256 bytes.
reg [7:0] oam_ptr; // Pointer into oam_ptr.
reg [2:0] p; // Upper 3 bits of pointer into temp, the lower bits are oam_ptr[1:0].
reg [1:0] state; // Current state machine state
wire [7:0] oam_data = oam[oam_ptr];
// Compute the current address we read/write in sprtemp.
reg [4:0] sprtemp_ptr;
// Check if the current Y coordinate is inside.
wire [8:0] spr_y_coord = scanline - {1'b0, oam_data};
wire spr_is_inside = (spr_y_coord[8:4] == 0) && (obj_size || spr_y_coord[3] == 0);
reg [7:0] new_oam_ptr; // [wire] New value for oam ptr
reg [1:0] oam_inc; // [wire] How much to increment oam ptr
reg sprite0_curr; // If sprite0 is included on the line being processed.
reg oam_wrapped; // [wire] if new_oam or new_p wrapped.
wire [7:0] sprtemp_data = sprtemp[sprtemp_ptr];
always @* begin
// Compute address to read/write in temp sprite ram
case({cycle[8], cycle[2]})
2'b0_?: sprtemp_ptr = {p, oam_ptr[1:0]};
2'b1_0: sprtemp_ptr = {cycle[5:3], cycle[1:0]}; // 1-4. Read Y, Tile, Attribs
2'b1_1: sprtemp_ptr = {cycle[5:3], 2'b11}; // 5-8. Keep reading X.
always @* begin
/* verilator lint_off CASEOVERLAP */
// Compute value to return to cpu through $2004. And also the value that gets written to temp sprite ram.
case({sprites_enabled, cycle[8], cycle[6], state, oam_ptr[1:0]})
7'b1_10_??_??: oam_bus = sprtemp_data; // At cycle 256-319 we output what's in sprite temp ram
7'b1_??_00_??: oam_bus = 8'b11111111; // On the first 64 cycles (while inside state 0), we output 0xFF.
7'b1_??_01_00: oam_bus = {4'b0000, spr_y_coord[3:0]}; // Y coord that will get written to temp ram.
7'b?_??_??_10: oam_bus = {oam_data[7:5], 3'b000, oam_data[1:0]}; // Bits 2-4 of attrib are always zero when reading oam.
default: oam_bus = oam_data; // Default to outputting from oam.
always @* begin
// Compute incremented oam counters
case ({oam_load, state, oam_ptr[1:0]})
5'b1_??_??: oam_inc = {oam_ptr[1:0] == 3, 1'b1}; // Always increment by 1 when writing to oam.
5'b0_00_??: oam_inc = 2'b01; // State 0: On the the first 64 cycles we fill temp ram with 0xFF, increment low bits.
5'b0_01_00: oam_inc = {!spr_is_inside, spr_is_inside}; // State 1: Copy Y coordinate and increment oam by 1 if it's inside, otherwise 4.
5'b0_01_??: oam_inc = {oam_ptr[1:0] == 3, 1'b1}; // State 1: Copy remaining 3 bytes of the oam.
// State 3: We've had more than 8 sprites. Set overflow flag if we found a sprite that overflowed.
// NES BUG: It increments both low and high counters.
5'b0_11_??: oam_inc = 2'b11;
// While in the final state, keep incrementing the low bits only until they're zero.
5'b0_10_??: oam_inc = {1'b0, oam_ptr[1:0] != 0};
/* verilator lint_on CASEOVERLAP */
new_oam_ptr[1:0] = oam_ptr[1:0] + {1'b0, oam_inc[0]};
{oam_wrapped, new_oam_ptr[7:2]} = {1'b0, oam_ptr[7:2]} + {6'b0, oam_inc[1]};
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
// Some bits of the OAM are hardwired to zero.
if (oam_load)
oam[oam_ptr] <= (oam_ptr & 3) == 2 ? data_in & 8'hE3: data_in;
if (cycle[0] && sprites_enabled || oam_load || oam_ptr_load) begin
oam_ptr <= oam_ptr_load ? data_in : new_oam_ptr;
// Set overflow flag?
if (sprites_enabled && state == 2'b11 && spr_is_inside)
spr_overflow <= 1;
// Remember if sprite0 is included on the scanline, needed for hit test later.
sprite0_curr <= (state == 2'b01 && oam_ptr[7:2] == 0 && spr_is_inside || sprite0_curr);
// if (scanline == 0 && cycle[0] && (state == 2'b01 || state == 2'b00))
// $write("Drawing sprite %d/%d. bus=%d oam_ptr=%X->%X oam_data=%X p=%d (%d %d %d)\n", scanline, cycle, oam_bus, oam_ptr, new_oam_ptr, oam_data, p,
// cycle[0] && sprites_enabled, oam_load, oam_ptr_load);
// Always writing to temp ram while we're in state 0 or 1.
if (!state[1]) sprtemp[sprtemp_ptr] <= oam_bus;
// Update state machine on every second cycle.
if (cycle[0]) begin
// Increment p whenever oam_ptr carries in state 0 or 1.
if (!state[1] && oam_ptr[1:0] == 2'b11) p <= p + 1;
// Set sprite0 if sprite1 was included on the scan line
case({state, (p == 7) && (oam_ptr[1:0] == 2'b11), oam_wrapped})
4'b00_0_?: state <= 2'b00; // State #0: Keep filling
4'b00_1_?: state <= 2'b01; // State #0: Until we filled 64 items.
4'b01_?_1: state <= 2'b10; // State #1: Goto State 2 if processed all OAM
4'b01_1_0: state <= 2'b11; // State #1: Goto State 3 if we found 8 sprites
4'b01_0_0: state <= 2'b01; // State #1: Keep comparing Y coordinates.
4'b11_?_1: state <= 2'b10; // State #3: Goto State 2 if processed all OAM
4'b11_?_0: state <= 2'b11; // State #3: Keep comparing Y coordinates
4'b10_?_?: state <= 2'b10; // Stuck in state 2.
if (reset_line) begin
state <= 0;
p <= 0;
oam_ptr <= 0;
sprite0_curr <= 0;
sprite0 <= sprite0_curr;
if (exiting_vblank)
spr_overflow <= 0;
endmodule // SpriteRAM
// Generates addresses in VRAM where we'll fetch sprite graphics from,
// and populates load, load_in so the SpriteGen can be loaded.
// 10 LUT, 4 Slices
module SpriteAddressGen(input clk, input ce,
input enabled, // If unset, |load| will be all zeros.
input obj_size, // 0: Sprite Height 8, 1: Sprite Height 16.
input obj_patt, // Object pattern table selection
input [2:0] cycle, // Current load cycle. At #4, first bitmap byte is loaded. At #6, second bitmap byte is.
input [7:0] temp, // Input temp data from SpriteTemp. #0 = Y Coord, #1 = Tile, #2 = Attribs, #3 = X Coord
output [12:0] vram_addr,// Low bits of address in VRAM that we'd like to read.
input [7:0] vram_data, // Byte of VRAM in the specified address
output [3:0] load, // Which subset of load_in that is now valid, will be loaded into SpritesGen.
output [26:0] load_in); // Bits to load into SpritesGen.
reg [7:0] temp_tile; // Holds the tile that we will get
reg [3:0] temp_y; // Holds the Y coord (will be swapped based on FlipY).
reg flip_x, flip_y; // If incoming bitmap data needs to be flipped in the X or Y direction.
wire load_y = (cycle == 0);
wire load_tile = (cycle == 1);
wire load_attr = (cycle == 2) && enabled;
wire load_x = (cycle == 3) && enabled;
wire load_pix1 = (cycle == 5) && enabled;
wire load_pix2 = (cycle == 7) && enabled;
reg dummy_sprite; // Set if attrib indicates the sprite is invalid.
// Flip incoming vram data based on flipx. Zero out the sprite if it's invalid. The bits are already flipped once.
wire [7:0] vram_f = dummy_sprite ? 0 :
!flip_x ? {vram_data[0], vram_data[1], vram_data[2], vram_data[3], vram_data[4], vram_data[5], vram_data[6], vram_data[7]} :
wire [3:0] y_f = temp_y ^ {flip_y, flip_y, flip_y, flip_y};
assign load = {load_pix1, load_pix2, load_x, load_attr};
assign load_in = {vram_f, vram_f, temp, temp[1:0], temp[5]};
// If $2000.5 = 0, the tile index data is used as usual, and $2000.3
// selects the pattern table to use. If $2000.5 = 1, the MSB of the range
// result value become the LSB of the indexed tile, and the LSB of the tile
// index value determines pattern table selection. The lower 3 bits of the
// range result value are always used as the fine vertical offset into the
// selected pattern.
assign vram_addr = {obj_size ? temp_tile[0] : obj_patt,
temp_tile[7:1], obj_size ? y_f[3] : temp_tile[0], cycle[1], y_f[2:0] };
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if (load_y) temp_y <= temp[3:0];
if (load_tile) temp_tile <= temp;
if (load_attr) {flip_y, flip_x, dummy_sprite} <= {temp[7:6], temp[4]};
// always @(posedge clk) begin
// if (load[3]) $write("Loading pix1: %x\n", load_in[26:19]);
// if (load[2]) $write("Loading pix2: %x\n", load_in[18:11]);
// if (load[1]) $write("Loading x: %x\n", load_in[10:3]);
// if (valid_sprite && enabled)
// $write("%d. Found %d. Flip:%d%d, Addr: %x, Vram: %x!\n", cycle, temp, flip_x, flip_y, vram_addr, vram_data);
// end
endmodule // SpriteAddressGen
module BgPainter(input clk, input ce,
input enable, // Shift registers activated
input [2:0] cycle,
input [2:0] fine_x_scroll,
input [14:0] loopy,
output [7:0] name_table, // VRAM name table to read next.
input [7:0] vram_data,
output [3:0] pixel);
reg [15:0] playfield_pipe_1; // Name table pixel pipeline #1
reg [15:0] playfield_pipe_2; // Name table pixel pipeline #2
reg [8:0] playfield_pipe_3; // Attribute table pixel pipe #1
reg [8:0] playfield_pipe_4; // Attribute table pixel pipe #2
reg [7:0] current_name_table; // Holds the current name table byte
reg [1:0] current_attribute_table; // Holds the 2 current attribute table bits
reg [7:0] bg0; // Pixel data for last loaded background
wire [7:0] bg1 = vram_data;
initial begin
playfield_pipe_1 = 0;
playfield_pipe_2 = 0;
playfield_pipe_3 = 0;
playfield_pipe_4 = 0;
current_name_table = 0;
current_attribute_table = 0;
bg0 = 0;
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
case (cycle[2:0])
1: current_name_table <= vram_data;
3: current_attribute_table <= (!loopy[1] && !loopy[6]) ? vram_data[1:0] :
( loopy[1] && !loopy[6]) ? vram_data[3:2] :
(!loopy[1] && loopy[6]) ? vram_data[5:4] :
5: bg0 <= vram_data; // Pattern table bitmap #0
// 7: bg1 <= vram_data; // Pattern table bitmap #1
if (enable) begin
playfield_pipe_1[14:0] <= playfield_pipe_1[15:1];
playfield_pipe_2[14:0] <= playfield_pipe_2[15:1];
playfield_pipe_3[7:0] <= playfield_pipe_3[8:1];
playfield_pipe_4[7:0] <= playfield_pipe_4[8:1];
// Load the new values into the shift registers at the last pixel.
if (cycle[2:0] == 7) begin
playfield_pipe_1[15:8] <= {bg0[0], bg0[1], bg0[2], bg0[3], bg0[4], bg0[5], bg0[6], bg0[7]};
playfield_pipe_2[15:8] <= {bg1[0], bg1[1], bg1[2], bg1[3], bg1[4], bg1[5], bg1[6], bg1[7]};
playfield_pipe_3[8] <= current_attribute_table[0];
playfield_pipe_4[8] <= current_attribute_table[1];
assign name_table = current_name_table;
wire [3:0] i = {1'b0, fine_x_scroll};
assign pixel = {playfield_pipe_4[i], playfield_pipe_3[i],
playfield_pipe_2[i], playfield_pipe_1[i]};
endmodule // BgPainter
module PixelMuxer(input [3:0] bg, input [3:0] obj, input obj_prio, output [3:0] out, output is_obj);
wire bg_flag = bg[0] | bg[1];
wire obj_flag = obj[0] | obj[1];
assign is_obj = !(obj_prio && bg_flag) && obj_flag;
assign out = is_obj ? obj : bg;
module PaletteRam(input clk, input ce, input [4:0] addr, input [5:0] din, output [5:0] dout, input write);
reg [5:0] palette [0:31];
initial begin
//$readmemh("oam_palette.txt", palette);
// Force read from backdrop channel if reading from any addr 0.
wire [4:0] addr2 = (addr[1:0] == 0) ? 0 : addr;
assign dout = palette[addr2];
always @(posedge clk) if (ce && write) begin
// Allow writing only to x0
if (!(addr[3:2] != 0 && addr[1:0] == 0))
palette[addr2] <= din;
endmodule // PaletteRam
module PPU(input clk, input ce, input reset, // input clock 21.48 MHz / 4. 1 clock cycle = 1 pixel
output [5:0] color, // output color value, one pixel outputted every clock
input [7:0] din, // input data from bus
output [7:0] dout, // output data to CPU
input [2:0] ain, // input address from CPU
input read, // read
input write, // write
output nmi, // one while inside vblank
output vram_r, // read from vram active
output vram_w, // write to vram active
output [13:0] vram_a, // vram address
input [7:0] vram_din, // vram input
output [7:0] vram_dout,
output [8:0] scanline,
output [8:0] cycle,
output [19:0] mapper_ppu_flags);
// These are stored in control register 0
reg obj_patt; // Object pattern table
reg bg_patt; // Background pattern table
reg obj_size; // 1 if sprites are 16 pixels high, else 0.
reg vbl_enable; // Enable VBL flag
// These are stored in control register 1
reg grayscale; // Disable color burst
reg playfield_clip; // 0: Left side 8 pixels playfield clipping
reg object_clip; // 0: Left side 8 pixels object clipping
reg enable_playfield; // Enable playfield display
reg enable_objects; // Enable objects display
reg [2:0] color_intensity; // Color intensity
initial begin
obj_patt = 0;
bg_patt = 0;
obj_size = 0;
vbl_enable = 0;
grayscale = 0;
playfield_clip = 0;
object_clip = 0;
enable_playfield = 0;
enable_objects = 0;
color_intensity = 0;
reg nmi_occured; // True if NMI has occured but not cleared.
reg [7:0] vram_latch;
// Clock generator
wire is_in_vblank; // True if we're in VBLANK
//wire [8:0] scanline; // Current scanline
//wire [8:0] cycle; // Current cycle inside of the line
wire end_of_line; // At the last pixel of a line
wire at_last_cycle_group; // At the very last cycle group of the scan line.
wire exiting_vblank; // At the very last cycle of the vblank
wire entering_vblank; //
wire is_pre_render_line; // True while we're on the pre render scanline
wire is_rendering = (enable_playfield || enable_objects) && !is_in_vblank && scanline != 240;
ClockGen clock(clk, ce, reset, is_rendering, scanline, cycle, is_in_vblank, end_of_line, at_last_cycle_group,
exiting_vblank, entering_vblank, is_pre_render_line);
// The loopy module handles updating of the loopy address
wire [14:0] loopy;
wire [2:0] fine_x_scroll;
LoopyGen loopy0(clk, ce, is_rendering, ain, din, read, write, is_pre_render_line, cycle, loopy, fine_x_scroll);
// Set to true if the current ppu_addr pointer points into
// palette ram.
wire is_pal_address = (loopy[13:8] == 6'b111111);
// Paints background
wire [7:0] bg_name_table;
wire [3:0] bg_pixel_noblank;
BgPainter bg_painter(clk, ce, !at_last_cycle_group, cycle[2:0], fine_x_scroll, loopy, bg_name_table, vram_din, bg_pixel_noblank);
// Blank out BG in the leftmost 8 pixels?
wire show_bg_on_pixel = (playfield_clip || (cycle[7:3] != 0)) && enable_playfield;
wire [3:0] bg_pixel = {bg_pixel_noblank[3:2], show_bg_on_pixel ? bg_pixel_noblank[1:0] : 2'b00};
// This will set oam_ptr to 0 right before the scanline 240 and keep it there throughout vblank.
wire before_line = (enable_playfield || enable_objects) && (exiting_vblank || end_of_line && !is_in_vblank);
wire [7:0] oam_bus;
wire sprite_overflow;
wire obj0_on_line; // True if sprite#0 is included on the current line
SpriteRAM sprite_ram(clk, ce,
before_line, // Condition for resetting the sprite line state.
is_rendering, // Condition for enabling sprite ram logic. Check so we're not on
scanline, cycle,
write && (ain == 3), // Write to oam_ptr
write && (ain == 4), // Write to oam[oam_ptr]
wire [4:0] obj_pixel_noblank;
wire [12:0] sprite_vram_addr;
wire is_obj0_pixel; // True if obj_pixel originates from sprite0.
wire [3:0] spriteset_load; // Which subset of the |load_in| to load into SpriteSet
wire [26:0] spriteset_load_in; // Bits to load into SpriteSet
// Between 256..319 (64 cycles), fetches bitmap data for the 8 sprites and fills in the SpriteSet
// so that it can start drawing on the next frame.
SpriteAddressGen address_gen(clk, ce,
cycle[8] && !cycle[6], // Load sprites between 256..319
obj_size, obj_patt, // Object size and pattern table
cycle[2:0], // Cycle counter
oam_bus, // Info from temp buffer.
sprite_vram_addr, // [out] VRAM Address that we want data from
vram_din, // [in] Data at the specified address
spriteset_load_in); // Which parts of SpriteGen to load
// Between 0..255 (256 cycles), draws pixels.
// Between 256..319 (64 cycles), will be populated for next line
SpriteSet sprite_gen(clk, ce, !cycle[8], spriteset_load, spriteset_load_in, obj_pixel_noblank, is_obj0_pixel);
// Blank out obj in the leftmost 8 pixels?
wire show_obj_on_pixel = (object_clip || (cycle[7:3] != 0)) && enable_objects;
wire [4:0] obj_pixel = {obj_pixel_noblank[4:2], show_obj_on_pixel ? obj_pixel_noblank[1:0] : 2'b00};
reg sprite0_hit_bg; // True if sprite#0 has collided with the BG in the last frame.
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if (exiting_vblank)
sprite0_hit_bg <= 0;
else if (is_rendering && // Object rendering is enabled
!cycle[8] && // X Pixel 0..255
cycle[7:0] != 255 && // X pixel != 255
!is_pre_render_line && // Y Pixel 0..239
obj0_on_line && // True if sprite#0 is included on the scan line.
is_obj0_pixel && // True if the pixel came from tempram #0.
show_obj_on_pixel &&
bg_pixel[1:0] != 0) begin // Background pixel nonzero.
sprite0_hit_bg <= 1;
// if (!cycle[8] && is_visible_line && obj0_on_line && is_obj0_pixel)
// $write("Sprite0 hit bg scan %d!!\n", scanline);
// if (is_obj0_pixel)
// $write("drawing obj0 pixel %d/%d\n", scanline, cycle);
wire [3:0] pixel;
wire pixel_is_obj;
PixelMuxer pixel_muxer(bg_pixel, obj_pixel[3:0], obj_pixel[4], pixel, pixel_is_obj);
// Compute the value to put on the VRAM address bus
assign vram_a = !is_rendering ? loopy[13:0] : // VRAM
(cycle[2:1] == 0) ? {2'b10, loopy[11:0]} : // Name table
(cycle[2:1] == 1) ? {2'b10, loopy[11:10], 4'b1111, loopy[9:7], loopy[4:2]} : // Attribute table
cycle[8] && !cycle[6] ? {1'b0, sprite_vram_addr} :
{1'b0, bg_patt, bg_name_table, cycle[1], loopy[14:12]}; // Pattern table bitmap #0, #1
// Read from VRAM, either when user requested a manual read, or when we're generating pixels.
assign vram_r = read && (ain == 7) ||
is_rendering && cycle[0] == 0 && !end_of_line;
// Write to VRAM?
assign vram_w = write && (ain == 7) && !is_pal_address && !is_rendering;
wire [5:0] color2;
PaletteRam palette_ram(clk, ce,
is_rendering ? {pixel_is_obj, pixel[3:0]} : (is_pal_address ? loopy[4:0] : 5'b0000), // Read addr
din[5:0], // Value to write
color2, // Output color
write && (ain == 7) && is_pal_address); // Condition for writing
assign color = grayscale ? {color2[5:4], 4'b0} : color2;
// always @(posedge clk)
// if (scanline == 194 && cycle < 8 && color == 15) begin
// $write("Pixel black %x %x %x %x %x\n", bg_pixel,obj_pixel,pixel,pixel_is_obj,color);
// end
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
// if (!is_in_vblank && write)
// $write("%d/%d: $200%d <= %x\n", scanline, cycle, ain, din);
if (write) begin
case (ain)
0: begin // PPU Control Register 1
// t:....BA.. ........ = d:......BA
obj_patt <= din[3];
bg_patt <= din[4];
obj_size <= din[5];
vbl_enable <= din[7];
//$write("PPU Control #0 <= %X\n", din);
1: begin // PPU Control Register 2
grayscale <= din[0];
playfield_clip <= din[1];
object_clip <= din[2];
enable_playfield <= din[3];
enable_objects <= din[4];
color_intensity <= din[7:5];
if (!din[3] && scanline == 59)
$write("Disabling playfield at cycle %d\n", cycle);
// Reset frame specific counters upon exiting vblank
if (exiting_vblank)
nmi_occured <= 0;
// Set the
if (entering_vblank)
nmi_occured <= 1;
// Reset NMI register when reading from Status
if (read && ain == 2)
nmi_occured <= 0;
// If we're triggering a VBLANK NMI
assign nmi = nmi_occured && vbl_enable;
// One cycle after vram_r was asserted, the value
// is available on the bus.
reg vram_read_delayed;
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if (vram_read_delayed)
vram_latch <= vram_din;
vram_read_delayed = vram_r;
// Value currently being written to video ram
assign vram_dout = din;
reg [7:0] latched_dout;
always @* begin
case (ain)
2: latched_dout = {nmi_occured,
4: latched_dout = oam_bus;
default: if (is_pal_address) begin
latched_dout = {2'b00, color};
end else begin
latched_dout = vram_latch;
assign dout = latched_dout;
assign mapper_ppu_flags = {scanline, cycle, obj_size, is_rendering};
endmodule // PPU