blob: 65c12070f5810d925654c35e6fc9616e9400307e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The University of Michigan
# Copyright 2022 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
proc insert_buffer {pin_name pin_type master_name net_name inst_name} {
set db [ord::get_db]
set block [ord::get_db_block]
# Create buffer instance
set master [$db findMaster $master_name]
if { $master == "NULL" } {
puts "Buffer cell '$master' not found."
exit -1
set inst [odb::dbInst_create $block $master $inst_name]
# Figure out the inputs & outputs of the master
foreach mterm [$master getMTerms] {
if {[$mterm getSigType] == "POWER"} {
if {[$mterm getSigType] == "GROUND"} {
if {[$mterm getIoType] == "INPUT"} {
set input $mterm
if {[$mterm getIoType] == "OUTPUT"} {
set output $mterm
# New net to connect to
set new_net [odb::dbNet_create $block $net_name]
if {$pin_type=="ITerm"} {
# Finding the block with pin name
set iterm [$block findITerm $pin_name]
if { $iterm == "NULL" } {
puts "Instance terminal '$pin_name' not found."
exit -1
set old_net [$iterm getNet]
# Original disconnect command
odb::dbITerm_disconnect $iterm
# Original connect command
odb::dbITerm_connect $iterm $new_net
# Set I/O of iterm (Buffer)
set in_iterm [$inst getITerm $input]
set out_iterm [$inst getITerm $output]
if { ![info exists ::env(INSERT_BUFFER_NO_PLACE)] } {
# define the instance to which the buffer inserted will connected to
set master_inst [$iterm getInst]
# get the geometry of the instance, geometry means its shape, the coordinate of its vertex...
set box [$master_inst getBBox]
# get the position of the lower left point of this instance
set x_min [$box xMin]
set y_min [$box yMin]
# $inst is the buffer we want to insert, now insert it in the position of the instance it is connected to,
# using setLocation, and detail_place will help us separate them
[$inst setLocation $x_min $y_min]
[$inst setPlacementStatus PLACED]
odb::dbITerm_connect $in_iterm $new_net
odb::dbITerm_connect $out_iterm $old_net
} else {
# Finding the block with pin name
set bterm [$block findBTerm $pin_name]
set old_net [$bterm getNet]
set net_out_iterm [odb::dbNet_get1stITerm $old_net]
set old_net_inst [$net_out_iterm getInst]
set net_mterm [$net_out_iterm getMTerm]
set old_net_input $net_mterm
odb::dbITerm_disconnect $net_out_iterm
if { ![info exists ::env(INSERT_BUFFER_NO_PLACE)] } {
set box [$bterm getBBox]
# get the position of the lower left point of this instance
set x_min [$box xMin]
set y_min [$box yMin]
# $inst is the buffer we want to insert, now insert it in the position of the instance it is connected to,
# using setLocation, and detail_place will help us separate them
[$inst setLocation $x_min $y_min]
[$inst setPlacementStatus PLACED]
# Find output/input of buffer iterm
set in_iterm [$inst getITerm $input]
set out_iterm [$inst getITerm $output]
odb::dbITerm_connect $out_iterm $new_net
odb::dbITerm_connect $net_out_iterm $new_net
odb::dbITerm_connect $in_iterm $old_net
if { [info exists ::env(INSERT_BUFFER_COMMAND) ]} {
if {[catch {read_lef $::env(MERGED_LEF)} errmsg]} {
puts stderr $errmsg
exit 1
if {[catch {read_def $::env(CURRENT_DEF)} errmsg]} {
puts stderr $errmsg
exit 1
set arg_list [split $::env(INSERT_BUFFER_COMMAND) " "]
insert_buffer {*}$arg_list
write_def $::env(SAVE_DEF)