blob: beb76afb4198f54383a830b59b964737b7249aec [file] [log] [blame]
module VideoMemory (
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// Peripheral bus interface
input wire peripheralBus_we,
input wire peripheralBus_oe,
output wire peripheralBus_busy,
input wire[23:0] peripheralBus_address,
input wire[3:0] peripheralBus_byteSelect,
input wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataWrite,
output wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataRead,
output wire requestOutput,
// Video interface
input wire video_fetchData,
input wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+3:0] video_address,
output reg[31:0] video_data,
// Left Video SRAM rw port
output wire[1:0] sram0_csb0,
output wire sram0_web0,
output wire[3:0] sram0_wmask0,
output wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram0_addr0,
output wire[31:0] sram0_din0,
input wire[63:0] sram0_dout0,
// Left Video SRAM r port
output wire[1:0] sram0_csb1,
output wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram0_addr1,
input wire[63:0] sram0_dout1,
// Right Video SRAM rw port
output wire[1:0] sram1_csb0,
output wire sram1_web0,
output wire[3:0] sram1_wmask0,
output wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram1_addr0,
output wire[31:0] sram1_din0,
input wire[63:0] sram1_dout0,
// Right Video SRAM r port
output wire[1:0] sram1_csb1,
output wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram1_addr1,
input wire[63:0] sram1_dout1
localparam SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE = 9;
localparam SRAM_PERIPHERAL_BUS_ADDRESS = 11'h000;
// Merge two ports into one
reg[3:0] sram_csb0;
wire sram_web0;
wire[3:0] sram_wmask0;
wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram_addr0;
wire[31:0] sram_din0;
wire[127:0] sram_dout0;
reg[3:0] sram_csb1;
wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram_addr1;
wire[127:0] sram_dout1;
assign sram0_csb0 = sram_csb0[1:0];
assign sram0_web0 = sram_web0;
assign sram0_wmask0 = sram_wmask0;
assign sram0_addr0 = sram_addr0;
assign sram0_din0 = sram_din0;
assign sram0_csb1 = sram_csb1[1:0];
assign sram0_addr1 = sram_addr1;
assign sram1_csb0 = sram_csb0[3:2];
assign sram1_web0 = sram_web0;
assign sram1_wmask0 = sram_wmask0;
assign sram1_addr0 = sram_addr0;
assign sram1_din0 = sram_din0;
assign sram1_csb1 = sram_csb1[3:2];
assign sram1_addr1 = sram_addr1;
assign sram_dout0 = { sram1_dout0, sram0_dout0 };
assign sram_dout1 = { sram1_dout1, sram0_dout1 };
wire peripheralBusValidAddress = peripheralBus_address[23:SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+4] == SRAM_PERIPHERAL_BUS_ADDRESS;
wire peripheralBusReadEnable = peripheralBus_oe && peripheralBusValidAddress;
wire peripheralBusWriteEnable = peripheralBus_we && peripheralBusValidAddress;
wire peripheralBusEnableSRAM = peripheralBusReadEnable || peripheralBusWriteEnable;
wire[1:0] peripheralBusSRAMBank = peripheralBus_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+3:SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+2];
// Set enable bit for peripheral bus port (active low)
always @(*) begin
if (peripheralBusEnableSRAM) begin
case (peripheralBusSRAMBank)
2'b00: sram_csb0 <= 4'b1110;
2'b01: sram_csb0 <= 4'b1101;
2'b10: sram_csb0 <= 4'b1011;
2'b11: sram_csb0 <= 4'b0111;
end else begin
sram_csb0 <= 4'b1111;
// Read data only valid the clock cycle after the address is sent
reg wbReadReady = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) wbReadReady <= 1'b0;
else if (peripheralBusReadEnable) wbReadReady <= 1'b1;
else wbReadReady <= 1'b0;
reg[31:0] readData;
assign peripheralBus_dataRead = {
peripheralBus_byteSelect[3] && wbReadReady ? readData[31:24] : 8'h00,
peripheralBus_byteSelect[2] && wbReadReady ? readData[23:16] : 8'h00,
peripheralBus_byteSelect[1] && wbReadReady ? readData[15:8] : 8'h00,
peripheralBus_byteSelect[0] && wbReadReady ? readData[7:0] : 8'h00
assign peripheralBus_busy = peripheralBusReadEnable && !wbReadReady;
assign requestOutput = peripheralBusReadEnable;
assign sram_web0 = !peripheralBusWriteEnable;
assign sram_wmask0 = peripheralBus_byteSelect;
assign sram_addr0 = peripheralBus_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1:2];
assign sram_din0 = peripheralBus_dataWrite;
// Select return data for peripheral bus port
always @(*) begin
if (peripheralBusReadEnable) begin
case (peripheralBusSRAMBank)
2'b00: readData <= sram_dout0[31:0];
2'b01: readData <= sram_dout0[63:32];
2'b10: readData <= sram_dout0[95:64];
2'b11: readData <= sram_dout0[127:96];
end else begin
readData <= ~32'b0;
wire[1:0] videoSRAMBank = video_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+3:SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+2];
// Set enable bit for video port (active low)
always @(*) begin
if (video_fetchData) begin
case (videoSRAMBank)
2'b00: sram_csb1 <= 4'b1110;
2'b01: sram_csb1 <= 4'b1101;
2'b10: sram_csb1 <= 4'b1011;
2'b11: sram_csb1 <= 4'b0111;
end else begin
sram_csb1 <= 4'b1111;
assign sram_addr1 = video_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1:2];
// Select return data for video port
always @(*) begin
case (videoSRAMBank)
2'b00: video_data <= sram_dout1[31:0];
2'b01: video_data <= sram_dout1[63:32];
2'b10: video_data <= sram_dout1[95:64];
2'b11: video_data <= sram_dout1[127:96];