blob: bbb555c632509732d8ed74685302ca8200d3847d [file] [log] [blame]
module IOMultiplexer (
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// IO Modules
input wire[3:1] uart_en,
output wire[3:1] uart_rx,
input wire[3:1] uart_tx,
// SPI
input wire[0:0] spi_en,
input wire[0:0] spi_clk,
input wire[0:0] spi_mosi,
output wire[0:0] spi_miso,
input wire[0:0] spi_cs,
// PWM
input wire[7:0] pwm_en,
input wire[7:0] pwm_out,
output wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] gpio_input,
input wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] gpio_output,
input wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] gpio_oe,
// IO Pads
input wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output wire[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
output wire jtag_tck,
output wire jtag_tms,
output wire jtag_tdi,
input wire jtag_tdo,
// Flash
input wire flash_csb,
input wire flash_sck,
input wire flash_io0_we,
input wire flash_io0_write,
output wire flash_io0_read,
input wire flash_io1_we,
input wire flash_io1_write,
output wire flash_io1_read,
// IRQ
input wire irq_en,
output wire irq_in,
// VGA
input wire[1:0] vga_r,
input wire[1:0] vga_g,
input wire[1:0] vga_b,
input wire vga_vsync,
input wire vga_hsync,
output wire[1:0] probe_blink
// Test blink
localparam BLINK_CLOCK_DIV = 26;
reg blinkEnabled = 1'b1;
wire[1:0] blink;
Counter #(.WIDTH(2), .DIV(BLINK_CLOCK_DIV), .TOP(0)) ctr(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .halt(1'b0), .value(blink));
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) blinkEnabled <= 1'b1;
else if (gpio_oe[PIN_BLINK0]) blinkEnabled <= 1'b0;
assign probe_blink = blink;
wire jtag;
wire sdo;
wire sdi;
wire csb;
wire sck;
assign jtag_tck = sck;
assign jtag_tms = csb;
assign jtag_tdi = sdi;
assign sdo = jtag_tdo;
//----------------Pin Mapping Start----------------//
//-------------Start of Generated Code-------------//
// Interface IO mapping
// GPIO0 (user1 side)
// IO00: JTAG
// IO01: SDO
// IO02: SDI
// IO03: CSB
// IO04: SCK
// IO05: UART1_RX
// IO06: UART1_TX
// IO07: GPIO07 or IRQ
// IO10: FLASH_IO0
// IO11: FLASH_IO1
// IO12: GPIO12 or PWM0
// IO13: GPIO13 or PWM1
// IO14: GPIO14 or PWM2
// IO15: GPIO15 or PWM3
// IO16: GPIO16 or PWM4
// IO17: GPIO17 or PWM5
// IO18: GPIO18 or PWM6
// GPIO1 (user2 side)
// IO19: GPIO19 or UART2_RX
// IO20: GPIO20 or UART2_TX
// IO21: GPIO21 or PWM7
// IO22: GPIO22 or SPI0_CLK
// IO23: GPIO23 or SPI0_MOSI
// IO24: GPIO24 or SPI0_MISO
// IO25: GPIO25 or SPI0_CS
// IO26: GPIO26 or UART3_RX
// IO27: GPIO27 or UART3_TX
// IO28: GPIO28 or BLINK0
// IO29: GPIO29 or BLINK1
// IO30: VGA_R0
// IO31: VGA_R1
// IO32: VGA_G0
// IO33: VGA_G1
// IO34: VGA_B0
// IO35: VGA_B1
// IO00-PIN_JTAG: Input
localparam PIN_JTAG = 0;
assign gpio_input[PIN_JTAG] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_JTAG] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[PIN_JTAG] = 1'b1;
assign jtag = io_in[PIN_JTAG];
// IO01-PIN_SDO: Output
localparam PIN_SDO = 1;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SDO] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_SDO] = sdo;
assign io_oeb[PIN_SDO] = 1'b0;
// IO02-PIN_SDI: Input
localparam PIN_SDI = 2;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SDI] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_SDI] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[PIN_SDI] = 1'b1;
assign sdi = io_in[PIN_SDI];
// IO03-PIN_CSB: Input
localparam PIN_CSB = 3;
assign gpio_input[PIN_CSB] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_CSB] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[PIN_CSB] = 1'b1;
assign csb = io_in[PIN_CSB];
// IO04-PIN_SCK: Input
localparam PIN_SCK = 4;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SCK] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_SCK] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[PIN_SCK] = 1'b1;
assign sck = io_in[PIN_SCK];
// IO05-PIN_UART1_RX: Input
localparam PIN_UART1_RX = 5;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART1_RX] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_UART1_RX] = 1'b0;
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART1_RX] = 1'b1;
assign uart_rx[1] = io_in[PIN_UART1_RX];
// IO06-PIN_UART1_TX: Output
localparam PIN_UART1_TX = 6;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART1_TX] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_UART1_TX] = uart_tx[1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART1_TX] = 1'b0;
// IO07-PIN_IRQ: Input
localparam PIN_IRQ = 7;
assign gpio_input[PIN_IRQ] = irq_en ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_IRQ];
assign io_out[PIN_IRQ] = irq_en ? 1'b0 : gpio_output[PIN_IRQ];
assign io_oeb[PIN_IRQ] = irq_en ? 1'b1 : gpio_oe[PIN_IRQ];
assign irq_in = irq_en ? io_in[PIN_IRQ] : 1'b0;
// IO08-PIN_FLASH_CSB: Output
localparam PIN_FLASH_CSB = 8;
assign gpio_input[PIN_FLASH_CSB] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_FLASH_CSB] = flash_csb;
assign io_oeb[PIN_FLASH_CSB] = 1'b0;
// IO09-PIN_FLASH_SCK: Output
localparam PIN_FLASH_SCK = 9;
assign gpio_input[PIN_FLASH_SCK] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_FLASH_SCK] = flash_sck;
assign io_oeb[PIN_FLASH_SCK] = 1'b0;
// IO10-PIN_FLASH_IO0: InOut
localparam PIN_FLASH_IO0 = 10;
assign gpio_input[PIN_FLASH_IO0] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_FLASH_IO0] = flash_io0_write;
assign io_oeb[PIN_FLASH_IO0] = !flash_io0_we;
assign flash_io0_read = !flash_io0_we ? io_in[PIN_FLASH_IO0] : 1'b0;
// IO11-PIN_FLASH_IO1: InOut
localparam PIN_FLASH_IO1 = 11;
assign gpio_input[PIN_FLASH_IO1] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_FLASH_IO1] = flash_io1_write;
assign io_oeb[PIN_FLASH_IO1] = !flash_io1_we;
assign flash_io1_read = !flash_io1_we ? io_in[PIN_FLASH_IO1] : 1'b0;
// IO12-PIN_PWM0: Output
localparam PIN_PWM0 = 12;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM0] = pwm_en[0] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM0];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM0] = pwm_en[0] ? pwm_out[0] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM0];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM0] = pwm_en[0] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM0];
// IO13-PIN_PWM1: Output
localparam PIN_PWM1 = 13;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM1] = pwm_en[1] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM1];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM1] = pwm_en[1] ? pwm_out[1] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM1] = pwm_en[1] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM1];
// IO14-PIN_PWM2: Output
localparam PIN_PWM2 = 14;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM2] = pwm_en[2] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM2];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM2] = pwm_en[2] ? pwm_out[2] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM2];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM2] = pwm_en[2] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM2];
// IO15-PIN_PWM3: Output
localparam PIN_PWM3 = 15;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM3] = pwm_en[3] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM3];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM3] = pwm_en[3] ? pwm_out[3] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM3];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM3] = pwm_en[3] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM3];
// IO16-PIN_PWM4: Output
localparam PIN_PWM4 = 16;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM4] = pwm_en[4] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM4];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM4] = pwm_en[4] ? pwm_out[4] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM4];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM4] = pwm_en[4] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM4];
// IO17-PIN_PWM5: Output
localparam PIN_PWM5 = 17;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM5] = pwm_en[5] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM5];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM5] = pwm_en[5] ? pwm_out[5] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM5];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM5] = pwm_en[5] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM5];
// IO18-PIN_PWM6: Output
localparam PIN_PWM6 = 18;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM6] = pwm_en[6] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM6];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM6] = pwm_en[6] ? pwm_out[6] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM6];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM6] = pwm_en[6] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM6];
// IO19-PIN_UART2_RX: Input
localparam PIN_UART2_RX = 19;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART2_RX] = uart_en[2] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_UART2_RX];
assign io_out[PIN_UART2_RX] = uart_en[2] ? 1'b0 : gpio_output[PIN_UART2_RX];
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART2_RX] = uart_en[2] ? 1'b1 : gpio_oe[PIN_UART2_RX];
assign uart_rx[2] = uart_en[2] ? io_in[PIN_UART2_RX] : 1'b1;
// IO20-PIN_UART2_TX: Output
localparam PIN_UART2_TX = 20;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART2_TX] = uart_en[2] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_UART2_TX];
assign io_out[PIN_UART2_TX] = uart_en[2] ? uart_tx[2] : gpio_output[PIN_UART2_TX];
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART2_TX] = uart_en[2] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_UART2_TX];
// IO21-PIN_PWM7: Output
localparam PIN_PWM7 = 21;
assign gpio_input[PIN_PWM7] = pwm_en[7] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_PWM7];
assign io_out[PIN_PWM7] = pwm_en[7] ? pwm_out[7] : gpio_output[PIN_PWM7];
assign io_oeb[PIN_PWM7] = pwm_en[7] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_PWM7];
// IO22-PIN_SPI0_CLK: Output
localparam PIN_SPI0_CLK = 22;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SPI0_CLK] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_SPI0_CLK];
assign io_out[PIN_SPI0_CLK] = spi_en[0] ? spi_clk[0] : gpio_output[PIN_SPI0_CLK];
assign io_oeb[PIN_SPI0_CLK] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_SPI0_CLK];
// IO23-PIN_SPI0_MOSI: Output
localparam PIN_SPI0_MOSI = 23;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SPI0_MOSI] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_SPI0_MOSI];
assign io_out[PIN_SPI0_MOSI] = spi_en[0] ? spi_mosi[0] : gpio_output[PIN_SPI0_MOSI];
assign io_oeb[PIN_SPI0_MOSI] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_SPI0_MOSI];
// IO24-PIN_SPI0_MISO: Input
localparam PIN_SPI0_MISO = 24;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SPI0_MISO] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_SPI0_MISO];
assign io_out[PIN_SPI0_MISO] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : gpio_output[PIN_SPI0_MISO];
assign io_oeb[PIN_SPI0_MISO] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b1 : gpio_oe[PIN_SPI0_MISO];
assign spi_miso[0] = spi_en[0] ? io_in[PIN_SPI0_MISO] : 1'b0;
// IO25-PIN_SPI0_CS: Output
localparam PIN_SPI0_CS = 25;
assign gpio_input[PIN_SPI0_CS] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_SPI0_CS];
assign io_out[PIN_SPI0_CS] = spi_en[0] ? spi_cs[0] : gpio_output[PIN_SPI0_CS];
assign io_oeb[PIN_SPI0_CS] = spi_en[0] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_SPI0_CS];
// IO26-PIN_UART3_RX: Input
localparam PIN_UART3_RX = 26;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART3_RX] = uart_en[3] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_UART3_RX];
assign io_out[PIN_UART3_RX] = uart_en[3] ? 1'b0 : gpio_output[PIN_UART3_RX];
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART3_RX] = uart_en[3] ? 1'b1 : gpio_oe[PIN_UART3_RX];
assign uart_rx[3] = uart_en[3] ? io_in[PIN_UART3_RX] : 1'b1;
// IO27-PIN_UART3_TX: Output
localparam PIN_UART3_TX = 27;
assign gpio_input[PIN_UART3_TX] = uart_en[3] ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_UART3_TX];
assign io_out[PIN_UART3_TX] = uart_en[3] ? uart_tx[3] : gpio_output[PIN_UART3_TX];
assign io_oeb[PIN_UART3_TX] = uart_en[3] ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_UART3_TX];
// IO28-PIN_BLINK0: Output
localparam PIN_BLINK0 = 28;
assign gpio_input[PIN_BLINK0] = blinkEnabled ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_BLINK0];
assign io_out[PIN_BLINK0] = blinkEnabled ? blink[0] : gpio_output[PIN_BLINK0];
assign io_oeb[PIN_BLINK0] = blinkEnabled ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_BLINK0];
// IO29-PIN_BLINK1: Output
localparam PIN_BLINK1 = 29;
assign gpio_input[PIN_BLINK1] = blinkEnabled ? 1'b0 : io_in[PIN_BLINK1];
assign io_out[PIN_BLINK1] = blinkEnabled ? blink[1] : gpio_output[PIN_BLINK1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_BLINK1] = blinkEnabled ? 1'b0 : gpio_oe[PIN_BLINK1];
// IO30-PIN_VGA_R0: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_R0 = 30;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_R0] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_R0] = vga_r[0];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_R0] = 1'b0;
// IO31-PIN_VGA_R1: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_R1 = 31;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_R1] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_R1] = vga_r[1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_R1] = 1'b0;
// IO32-PIN_VGA_G0: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_G0 = 32;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_G0] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_G0] = vga_g[0];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_G0] = 1'b0;
// IO33-PIN_VGA_G1: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_G1 = 33;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_G1] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_G1] = vga_g[1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_G1] = 1'b0;
// IO34-PIN_VGA_B0: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_B0 = 34;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_B0] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_B0] = vga_b[0];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_B0] = 1'b0;
// IO35-PIN_VGA_B1: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_B1 = 35;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_B1] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_B1] = vga_b[1];
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_B1] = 1'b0;
// IO36-PIN_VGA_VSYNC: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_VSYNC = 36;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_VSYNC] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_VSYNC] = vga_vsync;
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_VSYNC] = 1'b0;
// IO37-PIN_VGA_HSYNC: Output
localparam PIN_VGA_HSYNC = 37;
assign gpio_input[PIN_VGA_HSYNC] = 1'b0;
assign io_out[PIN_VGA_HSYNC] = vga_hsync;
assign io_oeb[PIN_VGA_HSYNC] = 1'b0;
//--------------End of Generated Code--------------//
//-----------------Pin Mapping End-----------------//