blob: 597c81a445a0cd8001b1b4ba938b7f22dd8ce38e [file] [log] [blame]
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// (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 YongaTek (Yonga Technology Microelectronics)
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// Project : GCU
// File ID : %%
// Design Unit Name : Modbus_RegSpace_Top.vhd
// Description : Modbus Register Space Top Module
// Comments :
// Revision : %%
// Last Changed Date : %%
// Last Changed By : %%
// Designer
// Name : Burak Yakup Çakar
// E-mail :
// =====================================================================================
module Modbus_w_RegSpace_Controller (
// Power pins
inout vccd1, //VDD
inout vssd1, //GND
// Clock, reset and enable pins
input i_clk,
input i_rst,
// Wishbone interface
input i_wbs_stb,
input i_wbs_cyc,
input i_wbs_we,
input [3:0] i_wbs_sel,
input [31:0] i_wbs_dat,
input [31:0] i_wbs_adr,
output reg o_wbs_ack,
output [31:0] o_wbs_dat,
// SRAM interface
output sram_csb0, // active low chip select
output sram_web0, // active low write control
output [7:0] sram_addr0,
output [31:0] sram_din0,
input [31:0] sram_dout0,
output [3:0] sram_wmask0, // write mask
output sram_csb1, // active low chip select
output [7:0] sram_addr1,
input [31:0] sram_dout1,
// UART interface
input i_rx,
output o_tx
// Modbus controller interface
wire [7:0] controller_addr;
wire controller_wren;
wire controller_rden;
wire [15:0] controller_dout;
wire [15:0] controller_din;
wire controller_wrready;
wire wb_valid;
assign wb_valid = i_wbs_cyc && i_wbs_stb;
assign sram_addr0 = (wb_valid && i_wbs_we) ? i_wbs_adr[9:2] : controller_addr; // Processor only uses RW port when writing
assign sram_web0 = (wb_valid && i_wbs_we) ? ~i_wbs_we : ~controller_wren;
assign sram_csb0 = i_rst;
assign sram_din0 = { 16'h0000, (wb_valid) ? i_wbs_dat[15:0] : controller_din };
assign controller_wrready = 1'b1;
assign controller_dout = (wb_valid) ? 0 : sram_dout0[15:0];
assign o_wbs_dat = (wb_valid) ? sram_dout1 : 0;
assign sram_wmask0 = 4'hf;
assign sram_csb1 = i_rst;
assign sram_addr1 = i_wbs_adr[9:2];
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if(i_rst) o_wbs_ack <= 1'b0;
else begin
if (wb_valid && !o_wbs_ack) o_wbs_ack <= 1'b1;
else o_wbs_ack <= 1'b0;
Modbus_Top #(
.device_id(8'h01), // Device address is 0x01
.clk_freq(50000000), // 40 MHz clock frequency
.baud_rate(115200) // 115200 Baud Rate
) Modbus_Top_inst
// Clock, reset and enable pins
// Interface with register space
// UART interface