blob: 2732da567fee42d7b1eebb797a0eb20182c08a44 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
`timescale 1ns/10ps
module video_signal_generator_640x480 (
input wire i_clk, // base clock
input wire i_pix_stb, // pixel clock strobe
input wire i_rst, // reset: restarts frame
output wire o_hs, // horizontal sync
output wire o_vs, // vertical sync
output wire o_blanking, // high during blanking interval
output wire o_active, // high during active pixel drawing
output wire o_screenend, // high for one tick at the end of screen
output wire o_animate, // high for one tick at end of active drawing
output wire [9:0] o_x, // current pixel x position
output wire [9:0] o_y, // current pixel y position
output wire signed [9:0] o_clks_before_active
localparam H_PIXELS = 640;
localparam V_LINES = 480;
// Numeros para 640x460@60, video clock 25.175 MHz
// VGA timings
// Pixel Clock 25.175 MHz
// TMDS Clock 251.750 MHz
// Pixel Time 39.7 ns ±0.5%
// Horizontal Freq. 31.469 kHz
// Line Time 31.8 μs
// Vertical Freq. 59.940 Hz
// Frame Time 16.7 ms
// 640x480 @ 75
// localparam H_BACK_PORCH_CLOCKS = 120;
// localparam H_SYNC_CLOCKS = 64;
// localparam H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS = 16;
// localparam V_BACK_PORCH_LINES = 16;//1;
// localparam V_SYNC_LINES = 3;
// localparam V_FRONT_PORCH = 1;//26;
// 640x480 @ 60
localparam H_BACK_PORCH_CLOCKS = 48;
localparam H_SYNC_CLOCKS = 96;
localparam H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS = 16;
localparam V_BACK_PORCH_LINES = 33;//1;
localparam V_SYNC_LINES = 2;
localparam V_FRONT_PORCH = 10;//26;
localparam HS_STA = H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS; // horizontal sync start
localparam HS_END = H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS + H_SYNC_CLOCKS; // horizontal sync end
localparam HA_STA = H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS + H_SYNC_CLOCKS + H_BACK_PORCH_CLOCKS; // horizontal active pixel start
localparam VS_STA = V_LINES + V_FRONT_PORCH; // vertical sync start
localparam VS_END = V_LINES + V_FRONT_PORCH + V_SYNC_LINES; // vertical sync end
localparam VA_END = V_LINES; // vertical active pixel end
localparam LINE = H_PIXELS + H_FRONT_PORCH_CLOCKS + H_SYNC_CLOCKS + H_BACK_PORCH_CLOCKS; // complete line (pixels)
localparam SCREEN = V_LINES + V_FRONT_PORCH + V_SYNC_LINES + V_BACK_PORCH_LINES; // complete screen (lines)
// localparam HS_STA = 16; // horizontal sync start
// localparam HS_END = 16 + 96; // horizontal sync end
// localparam HA_STA = 16 + 96 + 48; // horizontal active pixel start
// localparam VS_STA = 480 + 11; // vertical sync start
// localparam VS_END = 480 + 11 + 2; // vertical sync end
// localparam VA_END = 480; // vertical active pixel end
// localparam LINE = 800; // complete line (pixels)
// localparam SCREEN = 524; // complete screen (lines)
reg [9:0] h_count; // line position
reg [9:0] v_count; // screen position
// generate sync signals (active low for 640x480)
assign o_hs = ~((h_count >= HS_STA) & (h_count < HS_END));
assign o_vs = ~((v_count >= VS_STA) & (v_count < VS_END));
// keep x and y bound within the active pixels
assign o_x = (h_count < HA_STA) ? 0 : (h_count - HA_STA);
assign o_y = (v_count >= VA_END) ? (VA_END - 1) : (v_count);
// blanking: high within the blanking period
assign o_blanking = ((h_count < HA_STA) | (v_count > VA_END - 1));
// active: high during active pixel drawing
assign o_active = ~((h_count < HA_STA) | (v_count > VA_END - 1));
// screenend: high for one tick at the end of the screen
assign o_screenend = ((v_count == SCREEN - 1) & (h_count == LINE));
// animate: high for one tick at the end of the final active pixel line
assign o_animate = ((v_count == VA_END - 1) & (h_count == LINE));
// assign o_trigger_read = (( (h_count+READ_TRIGGER_BEFORE_ACTIVE_CLKS) == HA_STA) & (v_count <= V_LINES - 1));
// assign o_clks_before_active = HA_STA >= h_count ? HA_STA - h_count : 0;
assign o_clks_before_active = HA_STA - h_count;
always @ (posedge i_pix_stb)
if (i_rst) // reset to start of frame
h_count <= 0;
v_count <= 0;
end else begin
// if (i_pix_stb) // once per pixel
if (h_count == LINE) // end of line
h_count <= 0;
v_count <= v_count + 1;
h_count <= h_count + 1;
if (v_count == SCREEN) // end of screen
v_count <= 0;
`ifdef FORMAL
// register for knowing if we have just started
reg f_past_valid = 0;
reg initial_reset_passed = 0;
initial begin
// assume(i_rst);
// assume(i_rst==0);
// assume(v_count==100);
// assume(h_count==HA_STA-10);
always @(posedge i_pix_stb) begin
f_past_valid <= 1;
if(f_past_valid) begin
// COVER_ACTIVE_RISE: cover($rose(o_active));
// COVER_ACTIVE_FALL: cover($fell(o_active));
// COVER_VSYNC_RISE: cover($rose(o_vs));
// COVER_VSYNC_FALL: cover($fell(o_vs));
// COVER_HSYNC_RISE: cover($rose(o_hs));
// COVER_HSYNC_FALL: cover($fell(o_hs));
// COVER_ANIMATE_RISE: cover($rose(o_animate));
// COVER_TRIGGER_READ: cover($rose(o_trigger_read));
COVER_CLOCKS_BEFORE_ACTIVE: cover(o_clks_before_active==0);
if($fell(i_rst)) begin
initial_reset_passed <= 1;
if(initial_reset_passed) begin
assert(o_clks_before_active <= HA_STA && o_clks_before_active >=0 );
// cover(o_hs);
// cover(o_vs);
// cover(h_count==(LINE-1));
// cover($past(v_count==(SCREEN-1)) && (v_count==0) );
// if($changed(v_count)) begin
// if(v_count==0) begin
// ASSERT_VCOUNT_LOOP: assert($past(v_count==SCREEN));
// end
// end
// if(h_count >= HS_STA && h_count < HS_END) begin
// ASSERT_HSYNC: assert(o_hs);
// end