blob: e003b4a9394b01bd3f2d9403dee649379f36182f [file] [log] [blame]
// @file sram_wb_wrapper.vhd
// @brief This block is a wishbone wrapper for SRAM signal mapping
// @details This wrapper gets signal from master if it is selected
// and convey to the SRAM module and vice versa.
// @author Sukru Uzun <>
// @date 10.03.2022
// @todo SRAM signalization should be checked
// @warning SRAM signalization
// @project
// @revision :
// 0.1 - 10 March 2022, Sukru Uzun
// initial version
module sram_wb_wrapper #(
parameter SRAM_ADDR_WD = 9,
parameter SRAM_DATA_WD = 32,
parameter SRAM_ADDR_START = 9'h000,
parameter SRAM_ADDR_END = 9'h1F8)
input logic rst_n,
// Wishbone Interface
input logic wb_clk_i, // System clock
input logic wb_cyc_i, // strobe/request
input logic wb_stb_i, // strobe/request
input logic [SRAM_ADDR_WD-1:0] wb_adr_i, // address
input logic wb_we_i, // write
input logic [SRAM_DATA_WD-1:0] wb_dat_i, // data output
input logic [SRAM_DATA_WD/8-1:0] wb_sel_i, // byte enable
output wire [SRAM_DATA_WD-1:0] wb_dat_o, // data input
output logic wb_ack_o // acknowlegement
// Port A
wire sram_clk_a;
wire sram_csb_a;
wire [SRAM_ADDR_WD-1:0] sram_addr_a;
wire [SRAM_DATA_WD-1:0] sram_dout_a;
// Port B
wire sram_clk_b;
wire sram_csb_b;
wire sram_web_b;
wire [SRAM_DATA_WD/8-1:0] sram_mask_b;
wire [SRAM_ADDR_WD-1:0] sram_addr_b;
wire [SRAM_DATA_WD-1:0] sram_din_b;
// Memory Write Port
assign sram_clk_b = wb_clk_i;
assign sram_csb_b = !wb_stb_i;
assign sram_web_b = !wb_we_i;
assign sram_mask_b = wb_sel_i;
assign sram_addr_b = wb_adr_i;
assign sram_din_b = wb_dat_i;
// Memory Read Port
assign sram_clk_a = wb_clk_i;
assign sram_csb_a = (wb_stb_i == 1'b1 && wb_we_i == 1'b0 && wb_cyc_i == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign sram_addr_a = wb_adr_i;
assign wb_dat_o = sram_dout_a;
sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram1_2kb(
.vccd1 (vccd1), // User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1), // User area 1 digital ground
// Port 0: RW
.clk0 (sram_clk_b),
.csb0 (sram_csb_b),
.web0 (sram_web_b),
.wmask0 (sram_mask_b),
.addr0 (sram_addr_b),
.din0 (sram_din_b),
.dout0 (), // dont read from Port B
// Port 1: R
.clk1 (sram_clk_a),
.csb1 (sram_csb_a),
.addr1 (sram_addr_a),
.dout1 (sram_dout_a)
// Generate once cycle delayed ACK to get the data from SRAM
always @(negedge rst_n or posedge wb_clk_i)
if ( rst_n == 1'b0 )
wb_ack_o <= 'h0;
end else
wb_ack_o <= (wb_stb_i == 1'b1) & (wb_cyc_i == 1'b1) & (wb_ack_o == 0);