Update quickstart.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/quickstart.rst b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
index f2ec2c8..fc7bc8e 100644
--- a/docs/source/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@
 #.  Now that your git environment is setup, it's time to setup your local environment by running.
     .. code:: bash
+    	# make sure to change <directory_name> with the directory you created in step 2
+	# in this case it is caravel_tutorial
+	export OPENLANE_ROOT=~/<directory_name>/openlane # you need to export this whenever you start a new shell
+	export PDK_ROOT=~/<directory_name>/pdks # you need to export this whenever you start a new shell
         make setup