blob: 3cd8027e398315cd21c4ad464ea919d479773419 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//-----------Sim Parametreleri----
`define FAST_UART
//`define SIM_SRAM
`define GL_RTL_SIM
//------Sentez Parametreleri------
//`define VCU108
//`define BASYS3
`define BASLANGIC_ADRESI 32'h0
`define BASBEL_TABAN_ADR 32'h0 // baslangic bellegi (bootrom) taban adresi
`define BB_TABAN_ADR 32'h1_0000 // buyruk bellegi baslangic adresi
`define VB_TABAN_ADR 32'h4000_0000 // veri bellegi baslangic adresi
`define HIGH 1
`define LOW 0
`define VERI_BIT 32
`define ADRES_BIT 32
`define UIS_BIT 197
`define BB_ADRES_BIT 32
`define BUYRUK_BIT 32
`define BUY_ISKODU 0
`define BUY_ISKODU_BIT 7
`define BUY_HY 7
`define BUY_HY_BIT 5
`define BUY_KY1 15
`define BUY_KY1_BIT 5
`define BUY_KY2 20
`define BUY_KY2_BIT 5
`define BUY_F7 25
`define BUY_F7_BIT 7
`define BUY_F3 12
`define BUY_F3_BIT 3
`define I_ANLIK 20
`define I_ANLIK_BIT 12
`define I_ANLIK_ISARET 31
`define U_ANLIK 12
`define U_ANLIK_BIT 20
`define ODD_BIT 5
// Kural disi durum kodlari
`define KDD_HBA 32'd0 // hizasiz buyruk adresi
`define KDD_YB 32'd2 // yanlis buyruk
`define KDD_HYA 32'd4 // hizasiz yukle buyrugu
`define KDD_HKA 32'd6 // hizasiz kaydet buyrugu
`define KDD_MRET 32'd11 // makine modundan ortam cagrisi
// Priv. mode degerleri
`define PRIV_USER 2'd0
`define PRIV_SUPER 2'd1
`define PRIV_MACHINE 2'd3
// Yazmac adresleri
// TODO, bunlar uyumlu mu?
`define DDY_MSTATUS 12'h300
`define DDY_MISA 12'h301
`define DDY_MEDELEG 12'h302
`define DDY_MIDELEG 12'h303
`define DDY_MIE 12'h304
`define DDY_MTVEC 12'h305
`define DDY_MSCRATCH 12'h340
`define DDY_MEPC 12'h341
`define DDY_MCAUSE 12'h342
`define DDY_MTVAL 12'h343
`define DDY_MIP 12'h344
`define DDY_MCYCLE 12'hc00
`define DDY_MTIME 12'hc01
`define DDY_MTIMEH 12'hc81
`define DDY_MHARTID 12'hF14
// MSTATUS yazmac offsetleri
`define MSTATUS_MIE 3
`define MSTATUS_MPIE 7
`define MSTATUS_MPP 11