blob: 66cc3f2ef91a9bfe8fa21c39acf489bf128343cf [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
module fifo(
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
// RCC
input wire i_reset,
input wire i_clk,
// Write
input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] i_w_data,
input wire i_w_data_stb,
// Read
output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] o_r_data,
input wire i_r_data_stb,
// Status
output wire o_full,
output wire o_empty,
output wire [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] o_item_count,
output wire [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] o_free_size
// Width of FIFO entries
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 16;
// Element count for backing data array.
// Note that this implementation can only actually hold MAX_ENTRIES - 1 entries
parameter MAX_ENTRIES = 8;
// Read/write pointers
reg [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] write_idx = 0;
reg [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] read_idx = 0;
// Data storage
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data [MAX_ENTRIES-1:0];
// Empty if read/write are same index
wire [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] read_plus_1 = read_idx + 1;
reg r_empty = 1'b1;
assign o_empty = r_empty;
// Full if write + 1 == read
wire [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] write_plus_2 = write_idx + 2;
reg r_full = 1'b0;
assign o_full = r_full;
// Number of items in FIFO
reg [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0] r_item_count = 0;
assign o_item_count = r_item_count;
// Free size is max size - item_count - 1
wire [$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES+1)-1:0] free_size = (MAX_ENTRIES-1) - r_item_count;
assign o_free_size = free_size[$clog2(MAX_ENTRIES)-1:0];
// Buffer for read data from block ram
// Need to always read this for it to interpret the read clock domain correctly
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] read_idx_data;
// If a write occurs to an empty fifo, the r_empty signal will go low
// immediately, but the output value will not change until the cycle after.
// To get around this, check for this case and display the input directly on
// the output when it happens
reg is_write_on_empty;
always @(posedge i_clk)
is_write_on_empty <= (write_idx == read_idx && i_w_data_stb);
assign o_r_data = is_write_on_empty ? i_w_data : read_idx_data;
// Data
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_reset) begin
write_idx <= 0;
read_idx <= 0;
end else begin
// Read can always load the data at the read index into the output reg
read_idx_data <= data[read_idx];
// Special case concurrent write + read - this works even if we are full
// since both pointers will move
if (!r_empty && i_w_data_stb && i_r_data_stb) begin
data[write_idx] <= i_w_data;
write_idx <= write_idx + 1;
read_idx <= read_idx + 1;
end else begin
// Are we being written?
if (i_w_data_stb && !r_full) begin
// Set write enable on RAM
data[write_idx] <= i_w_data;
write_idx <= write_idx + 1;
// Are we being read?
if (i_r_data_stb && !r_empty) begin
read_idx <= read_idx + 1;
// Size and flags
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_reset) begin
r_item_count <= 0;
r_full <= 0;
r_empty <= 1;
end else begin
casez ({i_w_data_stb, i_r_data_stb, r_empty, r_full})
4'b010?: begin
// Read while non-empty
r_item_count <= r_item_count - 1;
r_empty <= read_plus_1 == write_idx;
r_full <= 0; // Can't be full if we just read something
4'b10?0: begin
// Write while non-full
r_item_count <= r_item_count + 1;
r_full <= write_plus_2 == read_idx;
r_empty <= 0; // Can't be empty if we just wrote something
default: begin /* anything else doesn't affect */ end