blob: cbddbae8463e1e80c662ed1dec1538f57af73d98 [file] [log] [blame]
// File accum_bhv.vhd translated with vhd2vl v2.4 VHDL to Verilog RTL translator
// vhd2vl settings:
// * Verilog Module Declaration Style: 1995
// vhd2vl is Free (libre) Software:
// Copyright (C) 2001 Vincenzo Liguori - Ocean Logic Pty Ltd
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Gonzales - PMC Sierra Inc
// Modifications (C) 2010 Shankar Giri
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2002, 2005, 2008-2010 Larry Doolittle - LBNL
// vhd2vl comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Always check the resulting
// Verilog for correctness, ideally with a formal verification tool.
// You are welcome to redistribute vhd2vl under certain conditions.
// See the license (GPLv2) file included with the source for details.
// The result of translation follows. Its copyright status should be
// considered unchanged from the original VHDL.
// 20 bit accumulator used to accumulate 1 msec data (from I or
// Q prompt (after carrier multiplication)multiplied by goldcode)
// to check threshold for acquition is reached.
// I/O signals
// clr,clk --> master rest and master clock signal
// accclr --> used to clear the accumulator every epoch(1 msec)
// datain --> 20 bit data input either from I or Q prompt
// dataout --> 20 bit accumulated data output used to check acq
// no timescale needed
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module accum_bhv(
input [19:0] datain;
input clk, clr;
input accclr;
inout [19:0] datout;
wire [19:0] datain;
wire clk;
wire clr;
wire accclr;
wire [19:0] datout;
reg [19:0] dataout;
assign datout = dataout;
always @(negedge clk or negedge clr or posedge accclr) begin
if(clr == 1'b 0) begin
dataout <= {20{1'b0}};
end else if(accclr== 1'b1) begin
dataout <= {20{1'b0}};
end else begin
dataout <= dataout + datain;