blob: dcfac7a6f1947432e3d7d9467bc31fd75757e8da [file] [log] [blame]
// Project : 16-Bit Modified Booth Multiplier
// File : booth_16bit.v
// Author : Fasih-ud-Din Farrukh
// Company : Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
// Start Date :
// Last Updated :
// Version : 0.1
// Abstract : This module implements ....
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// 09th May, 2019 Rai Fasih 0.1 Original Version
`timescale 1ps/1ps
// TOP Module of 16-Bit Modified Booth Multiplier
module BOOTH_16BIT_SIGN(//Inputs
parameter WIDTH = 16;
// Input & Output Declarations
input [15:0] multiplier;
input [15:0] multiplicand;
output [30:0] product;
// Internal reg and wires declaration
//reg [6:0] pps [0:2];
//reg [10:0] correctionVector;
//reg [2:0] recoderOut[2:0];
//wire [6:0] pps [0:2];
wire [16:0] pp0,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5,pp6,pp7;
wire [30:0] correctionVector;
//wire [2:0] recoderOut[2:0];
wire [2:0] recoderOut0,recoderOut1,recoderOut2,recoderOut3,
wire [16:0] a, a_n;
wire [16:0] aa, aa_n;
wire [16:0] twos_multiplicand;
//wire [31:0] pp0_0,pp1_1,pp2_2,pp3_3,pp4_4,pp5_5,pp6_6,pp7_7;
//wire [2:0] RECODERfn_0,RECODERfn_1,RECODERfn_2;
// Main Logic
1 x multiplicand, sign extend the multiplicand, and flip the sign bit
2 x multiplicand, shift a by 1 and flip the sign bit
-1 x multiplicand, sign extend multiplicand and then flip all bits except the sign bit
-2 x multiplicand, shift a by 1, flip all the bits except the sign bit
//assign a = {~multiplicand[WIDTH-1], multiplicand};
//assign aa = {~multiplicand[WIDTH-1], multiplicand[WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0};
//assign a_n = { multiplicand[WIDTH-1], ~multiplicand};
//assign aa_n = { multiplicand[WIDTH-1], ~multiplicand[WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0};
1 x multiplicand, Copy the multiplicand
2 x multiplicand, Shift a by 1 and copy the multiplicand
-1 x multiplicand, Two's complement of the multiplicand is copied
-2 x multiplicand, Shift a by 1, Two's complement of the multiplicand is copied
assign twos_multiplicand = ~multiplicand + 1'b1;
assign a = { multiplicand[WIDTH-1], multiplicand};
assign aa = { multiplicand, 1'b0};
assign a_n = twos_multiplicand;
assign aa_n = { twos_multiplicand, 1'b0};
booth_recoder inst0 ({multiplier[1:0],1'b0},recoderOut0);
booth_recoder inst1 ( multiplier[3:1], recoderOut1);
booth_recoder inst2 ( multiplier[5:3], recoderOut2);
booth_recoder inst3 ( multiplier[7:5], recoderOut3);
booth_recoder inst4 ( multiplier[9:7], recoderOut4);
booth_recoder inst5 ( multiplier[11:9], recoderOut5);
booth_recoder inst6 ( multiplier[13:11], recoderOut6);
booth_recoder inst7 ( multiplier[15:13], recoderOut7);
// generate pps and correction vector
generate_pp_cv inst8 ( recoderOut0, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp0 );
generate_pp_cv inst9 ( recoderOut1, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp1 );
generate_pp_cv inst10 ( recoderOut2, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp2 );
generate_pp_cv inst11 ( recoderOut3, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp3 );
generate_pp_cv inst12 ( recoderOut4, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp4 );
generate_pp_cv inst13 ( recoderOut5, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp5 );
generate_pp_cv inst14 ( recoderOut6, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp6 );
generate_pp_cv inst15 ( recoderOut7, a, aa, a_n, aa_n, pp7 );
// pre-computed CV for sign extension elimination
//assign correctionVector[30:16] = 15'b010_1010_1010_1011;
//Sign extension
//assign pp0_0 = { 15{pp0[16]}, pp0 };
//assign pp1_1 = { 15{pp1[16]}, pp1 }
//assign pp2_2 = { 15{pp2[16]}, pp2 }
//assign pp3_3 = { 15{pp3[16]}, pp3 }
//assign pp4_4 = { 15{pp4[16]}, pp4 }
//assign pp5_5 = { 15{pp5[16]}, pp5 }
//assign pp6_6 = { 15{pp6[16]}, pp6 }
//assign pp7_7 = { 15{pp7[16]}, pp7 }
// simply add all the PPs and CV, to complete the functionality of the multiplier,
// for optimized implementation, a reduction tree should be used for compression
//assign product = pp0 + {pp1,2'b00} + {pp2,4'b0000} + {pp3,6'b0000_00} + {pp4,8'b0000_0000} + {pp5,10'b0000_0000_00}
// + {pp6,12'b0000_0000_0000} + {pp7,14'b0000_0000_0000_00} + correctionVector;
assign product = {{15{pp0[16]}}, pp0} + {{13{pp1[16]}},pp1,2'b00} + {{11{pp2[16]}},pp2,4'b0000} + {{9{pp3[16]}},pp3,6'b0000_00}
+ {{7{pp4[16]}},pp4,8'b0000_0000} + {{5{pp5[16]}},pp5,10'b0000_0000_00} + {{3{pp6[16]}},pp6,12'b0000_0000_0000}
+ {{1{pp7[16]}},pp7,14'b0000_0000_0000_00} ;
// End Module