blob: a93c5169453c8a572a5dd2e3fd2a25b19d3409b6 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
module serv_alu
input wire clk,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_cnt0,
output wire o_cmp,
input wire i_sub,
input wire [1:0] i_bool_op,
input wire i_cmp_eq,
input wire i_cmp_sig,
input wire [2:0] i_rd_sel,
input wire i_rs1,
input wire i_op_b,
input wire i_buf,
output wire o_rd);
wire result_add;
reg cmp_r;
wire add_cy;
reg add_cy_r;
//Sign-extended operands
wire rs1_sx = i_rs1 & i_cmp_sig;
wire op_b_sx = i_op_b & i_cmp_sig;
wire add_b = i_op_b^i_sub;
assign {add_cy,result_add} = i_rs1+add_b+add_cy_r;
wire result_lt = rs1_sx + ~op_b_sx + add_cy;
wire result_eq = !result_add & (cmp_r | i_cnt0);
assign o_cmp = i_cmp_eq ? result_eq : result_lt;
The result_bool expression implements the following operations between
i_rs1 and i_op_b depending on the value of i_bool_op
00 xor
01 0
10 or
11 and
i_bool_op will be 01 during shift operations, so by outputting zero under
this condition we can safely or result_bool with i_buf
wire result_bool = ((i_rs1 ^ i_op_b) & ~ i_bool_op[0]) | (i_bool_op[1] & i_op_b & i_rs1);
assign o_rd = i_buf |
(i_rd_sel[0] & result_add) |
(i_rd_sel[1] & cmp_r & i_cnt0) |
(i_rd_sel[2] & result_bool);
always @(posedge clk) begin
add_cy_r <= i_en ? add_cy : i_sub;
if (i_en)
cmp_r <= o_cmp;