Add Turbo Encoder RTL files, add tests
diff --git a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl b/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2aa188c..e664a25
--- a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl
@@ -13,27 +13,40 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+set ::env(PDK) "sky130A"
+set ::env(STD_CELL_LIBRARY) "sky130_fd_sc_hd"
 set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
 set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) user_proj_example
 set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
 	$::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/verilog/rtl/defines.v \
-	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v"
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/turbo_encoder_top.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/turbo_enc_agu.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/pre_encoder.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/pre_encoder_rom.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/dual_ram.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/encoder_core.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/fifo.v"
 set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) 0
 set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "wb_clk_i"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "counter.clk"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+#set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "20"
-set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 900 600"
+#set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
+#set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 900 600"
 set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $script_dir/pin_order.cfg
-set ::env(PL_BASIC_PLACEMENT) 1
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.05
+#set ::env(PL_BASIC_PLACEMENT) 1
+#set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.05
 # Maximum layer used for routing is metal 4.
 # This is because this macro will be inserted in a top level (user_project_wrapper) 
@@ -45,6 +58,6 @@
 set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list {vccd1}]
 set ::env(GND_NETS) [list {vssd1}]
 # If you're going to use multiple power domains, then disable cvc run.
 set ::env(RUN_CVC) 1
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/Makefile b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514d9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+## PDK 
+PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
+## Caravel Pointers
+CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
+## User Project Pointers
+UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
+## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
+PATTERN = turbo_encoder_gpio_test
+all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
+	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	$< -o $@ 
+	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	$< -o $@ 
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+	vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
+	# to fix flash base address
+	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+ifndef PDK_ROOT
+	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
+	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
+	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
+# check for efabless style installation
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
+# ---- Clean ----
+	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/encoder_input.txt b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/encoder_input.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd104c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/encoder_input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/ref_encoder_out.txt b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/ref_encoder_out.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f8841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/ref_encoder_out.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test.c b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045b6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
+	Wishbone Test:
+		- Configures MPRJ lower 8-IO pins as outputs
+		- Checks counter value through the wishbone port
+int i = 0; 
+int clk = 0;
+void main()
+	/* 
+	IO Control Registers
+	| 3-bits | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit  | 1-bit  | 1-bit | 1-bit   | 1-bit   | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit   |
+	Output: 0000_0110_0000_1110  (0x1808) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT
+	| 110    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 1       | 0     | 0     | 0       |
+	Input: 0000_0001_0000_1111 (0x0402) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL
+	| 001    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 0       | 0     | 1     | 0       |
+	*/
+	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
+	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
+	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
+                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
+	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
+	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
+	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
+    reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_9  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+    reg_mprj_io_8  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL;
+     /* Apply configuration */
+    reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
+    while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
+    reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFE;    // [95:64]
+    reg_la1_data = 0x00000001;
+    // Flag start of the test
+	reg_mprj_datah = 0x0000003F;
+    /*reg_mprj_slave = 0x00002710;
+    if (reg_mprj_slave == 0x2752) {
+        reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB610000;
+    } else {
+        reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB600000;
+    }*/
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test_tb.v b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532363a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_gpio_test/turbo_encoder_gpio_test_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "uprj_netlists.v"
+`include "caravel_netlists.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module turbo_encoder_gpio_test_tb;
+	reg RSTB;
+	reg CSB;
+	reg clock = 0;
+	reg power1, power2;
+	reg power3, power4;
+	wire gpio;
+	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
+	reg  [1:0] encoder_input [55:0];
+	reg  [5:0] ref_encoder_out [55:0];
+	integer i, j, mismatch_count = 0, dump_file;
+	reg  test_start = 0;
+	reg  rstn 		= 1;
+	reg  i_bof		= 0;
+	reg  i_eof		= 0;
+	reg  i_valid 	= 0;
+	reg  i_ready 	= 1;
+	reg  [1:0] i_data;
+	reg  [5:0] param_sel = 0;
+	wire clk;
+	wire o_bof;
+	wire o_eof;
+	wire o_valid;
+	wire o_ready;
+	wire [5:0] o_data;
+	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
+	assign mprj_io[8]		= rstn;
+	assign mprj_io[9]		= i_bof;
+	assign mprj_io[10]		= i_eof;
+	assign mprj_io[11]		= i_valid;
+	assign mprj_io[18]		= i_ready;
+	assign mprj_io[14:13]	= i_data;
+	assign mprj_io[30:25]	= param_sel;
+	assign clk 				= mprj_io[31];
+	assign o_bof	 		= mprj_io[15];
+	assign o_eof	 		= mprj_io[16];
+	assign o_valid	 		= mprj_io[17];
+	assign o_ready	 		= mprj_io[12];
+	assign o_data	 		= mprj_io[24:19];
+	// External clock is used by default.  Make this artificially fast for the
+	// simulation.  Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+	// would be the fast clock.
+	always #12.5 clock = ~clock;
+	initial begin
+		$dumpfile("turbo_encoder_gpio_test.vcd");
+		$dumpvars(0, turbo_encoder_gpio_test_tb);
+		$readmemb("encoder_input.txt", encoder_input);
+		$readmemb("ref_encoder_out.txt", ref_encoder_out);
+		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
+		repeat (30) begin
+			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
+			// $display("+1000 cycles");
+		end
+		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
+		`ifdef GL
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Turbo Encoder Test (GL) Failed");
+		`else
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Turbo Encoder Test (RTL) Failed");
+		`endif
+		$display("%c[0m",27);
+		$finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		dump_file = $fopen("test_dump.txt");
+		wait(test_start);
+		for (j = 0; j < 300; j = j + 1) begin
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "\n -------------------- t = %d -------------------- \n\n", j);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_clk : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_clk);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_rstn : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_rstn);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_bof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_bof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_eof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_eof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_valid : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_valid);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_data : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_data);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_ready : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_ready);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_ready : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_ready);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_valid : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_valid);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_bof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_bof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_eof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_eof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_data : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_data);
+			#20 wait(clk);
+		end
+	end
+	initial begin
+		wait (mprj_io [37:32] == 6'b111111);
+		test_start = 1;
+		$display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test Started");
+		rstn = 0;
+		#100;
+		rstn = 1;
+		wait (~clk);
+		wait (clk);
+		i_valid = 1;
+		for (i = 0; i < 56; i = i + 1) begin
+			if (i == 0) i_bof = 1;
+			else i_bof = 0;
+			if (i == 55) i_eof = 1;
+			else i_eof = 0;
+			i_data = encoder_input[i];
+			$display("Input Data = %b", encoder_input[i]);
+			wait(~clk);
+			wait(clk);
+		end  
+		i_valid = 0;
+		i_eof = 0;
+		wait(o_bof);
+		wait(clk);
+		for (i = 0; i < 56; i = i + 1) begin
+			if (o_data != ref_encoder_out[i]) mismatch_count = mismatch_count + 1;
+			$display("Output Data = %b, Reference Data = %b", o_data, ref_encoder_out[i]);
+			wait(~clk);
+			wait(clk);
+		end  
+		if(mismatch_count == 0) begin
+			`ifdef GL
+		    	$display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test (GL) Passed");
+			`else
+			    $display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test (RTL) Passed");
+			`endif
+		end
+		else begin
+			`ifdef GL
+				$display ("Monitor: Mismatch, Turbo Encoder Test (GL) Failed");
+			`else
+				$display ("Monitor: Mismatch, Turbo Encoder Test (RTL) Failed");
+			`endif
+		end
+	    $finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		RSTB <= 1'b0;
+		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
+		#2000;
+		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
+		#170000;
+		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
+	end
+	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
+		power1 <= 1'b0;
+		power2 <= 1'b0;
+		power3 <= 1'b0;
+		power4 <= 1'b0;
+		#100;
+		power1 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power2 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power3 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power4 <= 1'b1;
+	end
+	always @(mprj_io) begin
+		#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %b ", mprj_io);
+	end
+	wire flash_csb;
+	wire flash_clk;
+	wire flash_io0;
+	wire flash_io1;
+	wire VDD3V3 = power1;
+	wire VDD1V8 = power2;
+	wire USER_VDD3V3 = power3;
+	wire USER_VDD1V8 = power4;
+	wire VSS = 1'b0;
+	caravel uut (
+		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssio	  (VSS),
+		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssa	  (VSS),
+		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
+		.vssd	  (VSS),
+		.vdda1    (USER_VDD3V3),
+		.vdda2    (USER_VDD3V3),
+		.vssa1	  (VSS),
+		.vssa2	  (VSS),
+		.vccd1	  (USER_VDD1V8),
+		.vccd2	  (USER_VDD1V8),
+		.vssd1	  (VSS),
+		.vssd2	  (VSS),
+		.clock	  (clock),
+		.gpio     (gpio),
+        .mprj_io  (mprj_io),
+		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
+		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
+		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
+		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
+		.resetb	  (RSTB)
+	);
+	spiflash #(
+		.FILENAME("turbo_encoder_gpio_test.hex")
+	) spiflash (
+		.csb(flash_csb),
+		.clk(flash_clk),
+		.io0(flash_io0),
+		.io1(flash_io1),
+		.io2(),			// not used
+		.io3()			// not used
+	);
+`default_nettype wire
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/Makefile b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d3205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+## PDK 
+PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
+## Caravel Pointers
+CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
+## User Project Pointers
+UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
+## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
+PATTERN = turbo_encoder_la_test
+all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
+	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	$< -o $@ 
+	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	$< -o $@ 
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+	vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
+	# to fix flash base address
+	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+ifndef PDK_ROOT
+	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
+	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
+	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
+# check for efabless style installation
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
+# ---- Clean ----
+	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test.c b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60e9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
+	Wishbone Test:
+		- Configures MPRJ lower 8-IO pins as outputs
+		- Checks counter value through the wishbone port
+void main()
+	/* 
+	IO Control Registers
+	| 3-bits | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit  | 1-bit  | 1-bit | 1-bit   | 1-bit   | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit   |
+	Output: 0000_0110_0000_1110  (0x1808) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT
+	| 110    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 1       | 0     | 0     | 0       |
+	Input: 0000_0001_0000_1111 (0x0402) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL
+	| 001    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 0       | 0     | 1     | 0       |
+	*/
+	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
+	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
+	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
+                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
+	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
+	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
+	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
+    reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+    reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+     /* Apply configuration */
+    reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
+    while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
+    reg_mprj_datah = 0x0000003F;
+	reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFF80;    // [63:32]
+    reg_la1_data = 0x00000000;
+    // Flag start of the test
+    /*for (int i = 0; i < 56; i++){
+        reg_mprj_slave = input_data[i];
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 56; i++){
+        while (reg_mprj_slave == out_ref_data[i])
+        reg_mprj_slave = input_data[i];
+    }*/
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c043;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c002;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c003;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c001;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c000;
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x0000c083;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++);
+    reg_mprj_slave = 0x00006000;
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c070);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c022);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c038);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c004);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c007);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c001);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c00e);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c032);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c03b);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01d);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c03f);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c020);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c00c);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01b);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c00f);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c010);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c000);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c005);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c00c);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c00d);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c006);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c027);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c015);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c02e);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c002);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01e);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c035);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c02d);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c028);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c029);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c017);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01b);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c02f);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c004);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c022);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c028);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01c);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c026);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c036);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c008);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c02d);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01f);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c037);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01e);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c017);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c009);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c01a);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c02c);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c019);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c026);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c009);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c036);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c015);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c005);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c004);
+    while (reg_mprj_slave != 0x0000c0b2);
+    reg_mprj_datah = 0x0000003E;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test_tb.v b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7babea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/turbo_encoder_la_test/turbo_encoder_la_test_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "uprj_netlists.v"
+`include "caravel_netlists.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module turbo_encoder_la_test_tb;
+	reg RSTB;
+	reg CSB;
+	reg clock = 0;
+	reg power1, power2;
+	reg power3, power4;
+	wire gpio;
+	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
+	reg  [1:0] encoder_input [55:0];
+	reg  [5:0] ref_encoder_out [55:0];
+	integer i, j, mismatch_count = 0, dump_file;
+	reg  test_start = 0;
+	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
+	// External clock is used by default.  Make this artificially fast for the
+	// simulation.  Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+	// would be the fast clock.
+	always #12.5 clock = ~clock;
+	initial begin
+		$dumpfile("turbo_encoder_la_test.vcd");
+		$dumpvars(0, turbo_encoder_la_test_tb);
+		$readmemb("encoder_input.txt", encoder_input);
+		$readmemb("ref_encoder_out.txt", ref_encoder_out);
+		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
+		repeat (50) begin
+			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
+			// $display("+1000 cycles");
+		end
+		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
+		`ifdef GL
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Turbo Encoder Test (GL) Failed");
+		`else
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Turbo Encoder Test (RTL) Failed");
+		`endif
+		$display("%c[0m",27);
+		$finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		dump_file = $fopen("test_dump.txt");
+		wait(test_start);
+		for (j = 0; j < 300; j = j + 1) begin
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "\n -------------------- t = %d -------------------- \n\n", j);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_clk : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_clk);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_rstn : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_rstn);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_bof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_bof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_eof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_eof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_valid : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_valid);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_data : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_data);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "i_ready : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.i_ready);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_ready : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_ready);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_valid : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_valid);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_bof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_bof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_eof : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_eof);
+			$fdisplay(dump_file, "o_data : %b\n", uut.mprj.mprj.turbo_encoder_top_inst.o_data);
+			#20 wait(clock);
+		end
+	end
+	initial begin
+		wait (mprj_io [37:32] == 6'b111111);
+		test_start = 1;
+		$display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test Started");
+		wait (mprj_io [37:32] == 6'b111110);
+		`ifdef GL
+		   	$display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test (GL) Passed");
+		`else
+		    $display("Monitor: Turbo Encoder Test (RTL) Passed");
+		`endif
+	    $finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		RSTB <= 1'b0;
+		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
+		#2000;
+		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
+		#170000;
+		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
+	end
+	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
+		power1 <= 1'b0;
+		power2 <= 1'b0;
+		power3 <= 1'b0;
+		power4 <= 1'b0;
+		#100;
+		power1 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power2 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power3 <= 1'b1;
+		#100;
+		power4 <= 1'b1;
+	end
+	always @(mprj_io) begin
+		#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %b ", mprj_io);
+	end
+	wire flash_csb;
+	wire flash_clk;
+	wire flash_io0;
+	wire flash_io1;
+	wire VDD3V3 = power1;
+	wire VDD1V8 = power2;
+	wire USER_VDD3V3 = power3;
+	wire USER_VDD1V8 = power4;
+	wire VSS = 1'b0;
+	caravel uut (
+		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssio	  (VSS),
+		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssa	  (VSS),
+		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
+		.vssd	  (VSS),
+		.vdda1    (USER_VDD3V3),
+		.vdda2    (USER_VDD3V3),
+		.vssa1	  (VSS),
+		.vssa2	  (VSS),
+		.vccd1	  (USER_VDD1V8),
+		.vccd2	  (USER_VDD1V8),
+		.vssd1	  (VSS),
+		.vssd2	  (VSS),
+		.clock	  (clock),
+		.gpio     (gpio),
+        .mprj_io  (mprj_io),
+		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
+		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
+		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
+		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
+		.resetb	  (RSTB)
+	);
+	spiflash #(
+		.FILENAME("turbo_encoder_la_test.hex")
+	) spiflash (
+		.csb(flash_csb),
+		.clk(flash_clk),
+		.io0(flash_io0),
+		.io1(flash_io1),
+		.io2(),			// not used
+		.io3()			// not used
+	);
+`default_nettype wire
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/dual_ram.v b/verilog/rtl/dual_ram.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9f8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/dual_ram.v
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module dual_ram
+	input [1:0] dia, dib,
+	input [11:0] addra, addrb,
+	input wea, web, clk,
+	output reg [1:0] doa, dob
+	// Declare the RAM variable
+	reg [1:0] ram[2395:0];
+	// Port A
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (wea) 
+		begin
+			ram[addra] <= dia;
+			doa <= dia;
+		end
+		else 
+		begin
+			doa <= ram[addra];
+		end
+	end
+	// Port B
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (web)
+		begin
+			ram[addrb] <= dib;
+			dob <= dib;
+		end
+		else
+		begin
+			dob <= ram[addrb];
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/encoder_core.v b/verilog/rtl/encoder_core.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafdcd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/encoder_core.v
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module encoder_core (
+    //inputs
+    i_clk, 
+    i_rstn, 
+    i_valid, 
+    i_ena, 
+    i_load_si, 
+    i_a, 
+    i_b, 
+    i_si, 
+    //outputs
+    o_a, 
+    o_b, 
+    o_y, 
+    o_w, 
+    o_so
+	parameter  MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH	  = 10,
+					 P_WIDTH                           = 10,
+    input       i_clk;
+    input       i_rstn;
+    input       i_valid; 
+    input       i_ena; 
+    input       i_load_si; 
+    input       i_a;
+    input       i_b; 
+    input[3:0]  i_si;
+    output      o_a; 
+    output      o_b; 
+    output      o_y; 
+    output      o_w; 
+    output[3:0] o_so;
+    reg[3:0]    s_reg;
+    always @(posedge i_clk)
+        begin
+            if (i_rstn == 0) //
+                s_reg <= 0;
+            else begin
+                if (i_load_si == 1)
+                    s_reg <= i_si;
+                else if (i_valid == 1 && i_ena == 1) 
+				begin
+                    s_reg[3] <= i_a ^ i_b ^ s_reg[1] ^ s_reg[0];
+                    s_reg[2] <= s_reg[3] ^ i_b;
+                    s_reg[1] <= s_reg[2];
+                    s_reg[0] <= s_reg[1] ^ i_b;
+                end
+                else
+                    s_reg <= s_reg;
+			end
+        end
+    assign o_a = i_a;
+    assign o_b = i_b;
+    assign o_y = i_a ^ i_b ^ s_reg[1] ^ s_reg[0] ^ s_reg[3] ^ s_reg[2] ^ s_reg[0];
+    assign o_w = i_a ^ i_b ^ s_reg[1] ^ s_reg[0] ^ s_reg[2] ^ s_reg[1] ^ s_reg[0];
+    assign o_so = s_reg;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/fifo.v b/verilog/rtl/fifo.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a693122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/fifo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Listing 4.20
+module fifo
+   #(
+    parameter B=8, // number of bits in a word
+              W=4  // number of address bits
+   )
+   (
+    input wire clk, reset,
+    input wire rd, wr,
+    input wire [B-1:0] w_data,
+    output wire empty, full,
+    output wire [B-1:0] r_data
+   );
+   //signal declaration
+   reg [B-1:0] array_reg [2**W-1:0];  // register array
+   reg [W-1:0] w_ptr_reg, w_ptr_next, w_ptr_succ;
+   reg [W-1:0] r_ptr_reg, r_ptr_next, r_ptr_succ;
+   reg full_reg, empty_reg, full_next, empty_next;
+   wire wr_en;
+   // body
+   // register file write operation
+   always @(posedge clk)
+      if (wr_en)
+         array_reg[w_ptr_reg] <= w_data;
+   // register file read operation
+   assign r_data = array_reg[r_ptr_reg];
+   // write enabled only when FIFO is not full
+   assign wr_en = wr & ~full_reg;
+   // fifo control logic
+   // register for read and write pointers
+   always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
+      if (reset)
+         begin
+            w_ptr_reg <= 0;
+            r_ptr_reg <= 0;
+            full_reg <= 1'b0;
+            empty_reg <= 1'b1;
+         end
+      else
+         begin
+            w_ptr_reg <= w_ptr_next;
+            r_ptr_reg <= r_ptr_next;
+            full_reg <= full_next;
+            empty_reg <= empty_next;
+         end
+   // next-state logic for read and write pointers
+   always @*
+   begin
+      // successive pointer values
+      w_ptr_succ = w_ptr_reg + 1;
+      r_ptr_succ = r_ptr_reg + 1;
+      // default: keep old values
+      w_ptr_next = w_ptr_reg;
+      r_ptr_next = r_ptr_reg;
+      full_next = full_reg;
+      empty_next = empty_reg;
+      case ({wr, rd})
+         // 2'b00:  no op
+         2'b01: // read
+            if (~empty_reg) // not empty
+               begin
+                  r_ptr_next = r_ptr_succ;
+                  full_next = 1'b0;
+                  if (r_ptr_succ==w_ptr_reg)
+                     empty_next = 1'b1;
+               end
+         2'b10: // write
+            if (~full_reg) // not full
+               begin
+                  w_ptr_next = w_ptr_succ;
+                  empty_next = 1'b0;
+                  if (w_ptr_succ==r_ptr_reg)
+                     full_next = 1'b1;
+               end
+         2'b11: // write and read
+            begin
+               w_ptr_next = w_ptr_succ;
+               r_ptr_next = r_ptr_succ;
+            end
+      endcase
+   end
+   // output
+   assign full = full_reg;
+   assign empty = empty_reg;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder.v b/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf974a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder.v
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module pre_encoder (
+    //inputs
+    i_clk, 
+    i_rstn, 
+    i_valid, 
+    i_ena, 
+    i_load_si, 
+    i_a, 
+    i_b,
+    i_conf_blocksize, 
+    //outputs
+    o_s
+	parameter  MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH	  = 10,
+					 P_WIDTH                           = 10,
+    input       i_clk;
+    input       i_rstn;
+    input       i_valid; 
+    input       i_ena; 
+    input       i_load_si; 
+    input       i_a;
+    input       i_b;
+    input[MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0]  i_conf_blocksize;
+    output[3:0] o_s;
+    // wires and registers assigned
+    wire[3:0]   o_so;
+    wire[3:0]   w_S_out;
+    reg [3:0]   nmod15_minus1;
+    encoder_core ec1 (
+      .i_clk     (i_clk),
+      .i_rstn    (i_rstn),
+      .i_valid   (i_valid),
+      .i_ena     (i_ena),
+      .i_load_si (i_load_si),
+      .i_a       (i_a),
+      .i_b       (i_b),
+      .i_si      (4'b0000),
+      .o_a       (),
+      .o_b       (),
+      .o_y       (),
+      .o_w       (),
+      .o_so      (o_so)
+      );
+    pre_encoder_rom pre_rom(
+        .i_S(o_so),
+        .i_nmod15_minus1(nmod15_minus1),
+        .o_S_out(w_S_out)
+    );
+    always @(i_conf_blocksize)
+    begin
+        case(i_conf_blocksize)
+            14: nmod15_minus1 = 10;
+            38: nmod15_minus1 = 1;
+            51: nmod15_minus1 = 8;
+            55: nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            59: nmod15_minus1 = 10;
+            62: nmod15_minus1 = 7;
+            69: nmod15_minus1 = 5;
+            84: nmod15_minus1 = 5;
+            85: nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            93: nmod15_minus1 = 11;
+            96: nmod15_minus1 = 8;
+            100:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            108:nmod15_minus1 = 11;
+            115:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            123:nmod15_minus1 = 11;
+            130:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            144:nmod15_minus1 = 5;
+            170:nmod15_minus1 = 4;
+            175:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            188:nmod15_minus1 = 1;
+            194:nmod15_minus1 = 10;
+            264:nmod15_minus1 = 5;
+            298:nmod15_minus1 = 6;
+            333:nmod15_minus1 = 11;
+            355:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            400:nmod15_minus1 = 9;
+            438:nmod15_minus1 = 11;
+            444:nmod15_minus1 = 5;
+            539:nmod15_minus1 = 10;
+            599:nmod15_minus1 = 10;
+            128:nmod15_minus1 = 1;
+            192:nmod15_minus1 = 2;
+            256:nmod15_minus1 = 3;
+            307:nmod15_minus1 = 12;
+            default: nmod15_minus1 = 0;
+        endcase
+    end
+    assign o_s = w_S_out;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder_rom.v b/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder_rom.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d24b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pre_encoder_rom.v
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module pre_encoder_rom (
+    i_S,
+    i_nmod15_minus1,
+    o_S_out
+    input [3:0] i_S;
+    input [3:0] i_nmod15_minus1;
+    output reg [3:0] o_S_out;
+	wire [7:0] addr;
+	assign addr = {i_nmod15_minus1,i_S};  // multiply by 16 and add current state  //changed non-blocking assignment to blocking assignment
+	always @(*)
+	begin
+		case (addr)
+			0: o_S_out = 0;
+			1: o_S_out = 14;
+			2: o_S_out = 3;
+			3: o_S_out = 13;
+			4: o_S_out = 7;
+			5: o_S_out = 9;
+			6: o_S_out = 4;
+			7: o_S_out = 10;
+			8: o_S_out = 15;
+			9: o_S_out = 1;
+			10: o_S_out = 12;
+			11: o_S_out = 2;
+			12: o_S_out = 8;
+			13: o_S_out = 6;
+			14: o_S_out = 11;
+			15: o_S_out = 5;
+			16: o_S_out = 0;
+			17: o_S_out = 11;
+			18: o_S_out = 13;
+			19: o_S_out = 6;
+			20: o_S_out = 10;
+			21: o_S_out = 1;
+			22: o_S_out = 7;
+			23: o_S_out = 12;
+			24: o_S_out = 5;
+			25: o_S_out = 14;
+			26: o_S_out = 8;
+			27: o_S_out = 3;
+			28: o_S_out = 15;
+			29: o_S_out = 4;
+			30: o_S_out = 2;
+			31: o_S_out = 9;
+			32: o_S_out = 0;
+			33: o_S_out = 8;
+			34: o_S_out = 9;
+			35: o_S_out = 1;
+			36: o_S_out = 2;
+			37: o_S_out = 10;
+			38: o_S_out = 11;
+			39: o_S_out = 3;
+			40: o_S_out = 4;
+			41: o_S_out = 12;
+			42: o_S_out = 13;
+			43: o_S_out = 5;
+			44: o_S_out = 6;
+			45: o_S_out = 14;
+			46: o_S_out = 15;
+			47: o_S_out = 7;
+			48: o_S_out = 0;
+			49: o_S_out = 3;
+			50: o_S_out = 4;
+			51: o_S_out = 7;
+			52: o_S_out = 8;
+			53: o_S_out =11;
+			54: o_S_out = 12;
+			55: o_S_out = 15;
+			56: o_S_out = 1;
+			57: o_S_out = 2;
+			58: o_S_out = 5;
+			59: o_S_out = 6;
+			60: o_S_out = 9;
+			61: o_S_out = 10;
+			62: o_S_out = 13;
+			63: o_S_out = 14;
+			64: o_S_out = 0;
+			65: o_S_out = 12;
+			66: o_S_out = 5;
+			67: o_S_out = 9;
+			68: o_S_out = 11;
+			69: o_S_out = 7;
+			70: o_S_out = 14;
+			71: o_S_out = 2;
+			72: o_S_out = 6;
+			73: o_S_out = 10;
+			74: o_S_out = 3;
+			75: o_S_out = 15;
+			76: o_S_out = 13;
+			77: o_S_out = 1;
+			78: o_S_out = 8;
+			79: o_S_out = 4;
+			80: o_S_out = 0;
+			81: o_S_out = 4; 
+			82: o_S_out = 12;
+			83: o_S_out = 8;
+			84: o_S_out = 9;
+			85: o_S_out = 13;
+			86: o_S_out = 5;
+			87: o_S_out = 1;
+			88: o_S_out = 2;
+			89: o_S_out = 6;
+			90: o_S_out = 14;
+			91: o_S_out = 10;
+			92: o_S_out = 11;
+			93: o_S_out = 15;
+			94: o_S_out = 7;
+			95: o_S_out = 3;
+			96: o_S_out = 0;
+			97: o_S_out = 6;
+			98: o_S_out = 10;
+			99: o_S_out = 12;
+			100: o_S_out = 5;
+			101: o_S_out = 3;
+			102: o_S_out = 15;
+			103: o_S_out = 9;
+			104: o_S_out = 11;
+			105: o_S_out = 13;
+			106: o_S_out = 1;
+			107: o_S_out = 7;
+			108: o_S_out = 14;
+			109: o_S_out = 8;
+			110: o_S_out = 4;
+			111: o_S_out = 2;
+			112: o_S_out = 0;
+			113: o_S_out = 7;
+			114: o_S_out = 8;
+			115: o_S_out = 15;
+			116: o_S_out = 1;
+			117: o_S_out = 6;
+			118: o_S_out = 9;
+			119: o_S_out = 14;
+			120: o_S_out = 3;
+			121: o_S_out = 4;
+			122: o_S_out = 11;
+			123: o_S_out = 12;
+			124: o_S_out = 2;
+			125: o_S_out = 5;
+			126: o_S_out = 10;
+			127: o_S_out = 13;
+			128: o_S_out = 0;
+			129: o_S_out = 5;
+			130: o_S_out = 14;
+			131: o_S_out = 11;
+			132: o_S_out = 13;
+			133: o_S_out = 8;
+			134: o_S_out = 3;
+			135: o_S_out = 6;
+			136: o_S_out = 10;
+			137: o_S_out = 15;
+			138: o_S_out = 4;
+			139: o_S_out = 1;
+			140: o_S_out = 7;
+			141: o_S_out = 2;
+			142: o_S_out = 9;
+			143: o_S_out = 12;
+			144: o_S_out = 0;
+			145: o_S_out = 13;
+			146: o_S_out = 7;
+			147: o_S_out = 10;
+			148: o_S_out = 15;
+			149: o_S_out = 2;
+			150: o_S_out = 8;
+			151: o_S_out = 5;
+			152: o_S_out = 14;
+			153: o_S_out = 3;
+			154: o_S_out = 9;
+			155: o_S_out = 4;
+			156: o_S_out = 1;
+			157: o_S_out = 12;
+			158: o_S_out = 6;
+			159: o_S_out = 11;
+			160: o_S_out = 0;
+			161: o_S_out = 2;
+			162: o_S_out = 6;
+			163: o_S_out = 4;
+			164: o_S_out = 12;
+			165: o_S_out = 14;
+			166: o_S_out = 10;
+			167: o_S_out = 8;
+			168: o_S_out = 9;
+			169: o_S_out = 11;
+			170: o_S_out = 15;
+			171: o_S_out = 13;
+			172: o_S_out = 5;
+			173: o_S_out = 7;
+			174: o_S_out = 3;
+			175: o_S_out = 1;
+			176: o_S_out = 0;
+			177: o_S_out = 9;
+			178: o_S_out = 11;
+			179: o_S_out = 2;
+			180: o_S_out = 6;
+			181: o_S_out = 15;
+			182: o_S_out = 13;
+			183: o_S_out = 4;
+			184: o_S_out = 12;
+			185: o_S_out = 5;
+			186: o_S_out = 7;
+			187: o_S_out = 14;
+			188: o_S_out = 10;
+			189: o_S_out = 3;
+			190: o_S_out = 1;
+			191: o_S_out = 8;
+			192: o_S_out = 0;
+			193: o_S_out = 10;
+			194: o_S_out = 15;
+			195: o_S_out = 5;
+			196: o_S_out = 14;
+			197: o_S_out = 4;
+			198: o_S_out = 1;
+			199: o_S_out = 11;
+			200: o_S_out = 13;
+			201: o_S_out = 7;
+			202: o_S_out = 2;
+			203: o_S_out = 8;
+			204: o_S_out = 3;
+			205: o_S_out = 9;
+			206: o_S_out = 12;
+			207: o_S_out = 6;
+			208: o_S_out = 0;
+			209: o_S_out = 15;
+			210: o_S_out = 1;
+			211: o_S_out = 14;
+			212: o_S_out = 3;
+			213: o_S_out = 12;
+			214: o_S_out = 2;
+			215: o_S_out = 13;
+			216: o_S_out = 7;
+			217: o_S_out = 8;
+			218: o_S_out = 6;
+			219: o_S_out = 9;
+			220: o_S_out = 4;
+			221: o_S_out = 11;
+			222: o_S_out = 5;
+			223: o_S_out = 10;
+			default: o_S_out = 0;
+			endcase
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/turbo_enc_agu.v b/verilog/rtl/turbo_enc_agu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03a76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/turbo_enc_agu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module turbo_enc_agu (
+    //inputs
+    i_clk,         
+    i_rstn,        
+    i_block_size,  
+    i_mode,        
+    i_ea,          
+    i_p0,         
+    i_q0,          
+    i_q1,          
+    i_q2,          
+    i_q3,          
+    i_start,       
+    i_ib_data_ab,  
+    //outputs
+    o_ib_adx_ab,   
+    o_siso_data_ab,
+    o_siso_buf_wr, 
+    o_read_done   
+	parameter  MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH	  = 10,
+					 P_WIDTH                           = 10,
+					 MAX_DATA_WIDTH       =  MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH + 2;
+    input                       						  i_clk;
+    input                      						  i_rstn;
+    input[MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0]  i_block_size;
+    input                                              i_mode;
+    input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   i_ea;
+    input[P_WIDTH-1:0]                      i_p0;
+    input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   i_q0;
+    input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   i_q1;
+    input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   i_q2;
+    input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   i_q3;
+    input                                              i_start;
+    input[1:0]                  					  i_ib_data_ab;
+    output[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   o_ib_adx_ab;
+    output[1:0]                 					    o_siso_data_ab;
+    output reg                      					o_siso_buf_wr;
+    output                      						o_read_done;
+    reg addr_state;  // state machine for addr_states
+        parameter wait_start = 0, addr_generate = 1;
+	reg mode;
+	reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lin_adx;
+	reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lin_adx_d;
+	reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pi_d;
+	reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lambda_d;
+	reg toggle_d;
+	reg valid;
+	reg valid_d;
+	reg read_done;
+	reg read_done_d;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] n;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] q0_d;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] q1_d;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] q2_d;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] q3_d;
+	reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] q_mux;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lambda;
+	wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pi;
+	wire[(MAX_DATA_WIDTH+1)-1:0] lambda_mod_1;
+	wire signed[(MAX_DATA_WIDTH+1)-1:0] lambda_mod_2;
+	wire[(MAX_DATA_WIDTH+1)-1:0] pi_mod_1;
+	wire signed[(MAX_DATA_WIDTH+1)-1:0] pi_mod_2;
+	wire siso_buf_wr;
+	assign q0_d = i_q0;
+	assign q1_d = i_q1;
+	assign q2_d = i_q2;
+	assign q3_d = i_q3;
+	always @(posedge i_clk) //address_generation_process
+	begin
+		if(i_rstn == 0) begin
+			addr_state  <= wait_start;
+            mode        <= 0;
+            lin_adx     <= 0;
+            lin_adx_d   <= 0;
+            lambda_d    <= 0;
+            pi_d        <= 0;
+            valid       <= 0;
+            read_done   <= 0;
+		end
+		else begin
+        case(addr_state)
+            wait_start:
+            begin
+                valid <= 0;
+                read_done <= 0;
+                if (i_start == 1) begin
+                    mode <= i_mode;
+                    lin_adx <= 0;
+                    lambda_d <= 0;
+                    addr_state <= addr_generate;	
+                end	
+            end
+            addr_generate:
+            begin
+                valid <= 1;
+                lin_adx <= lin_adx + 1;
+                lin_adx_d <= lin_adx;
+                lambda_d <= lambda;
+                pi_d <= pi;
+                if (lin_adx == i_ea) begin
+                    read_done <= 1;
+                    addr_state <= wait_start;
+                end
+            end
+        endcase
+		end
+	end
+	assign siso_buf_wr = valid_d;
+	always @(posedge i_clk) // siso_buffer_write_process
+	begin
+		if (i_rstn == 0) begin
+			valid_d <= 0;
+			toggle_d <= 0;
+			read_done_d <= 0;
+		end
+		else begin
+            valid_d <= valid;
+            if (mode == 1)begin
+               toggle_d <= ~pi_d[0];
+            end
+            else begin
+               toggle_d <= 0;
+            end    
+            read_done_d <= read_done;
+        end
+    end
+	assign n = {i_block_size,2'b00};
+	// ACC Unit 1
+	assign lambda_mod_1 = {1'b0,lambda_d} + i_p0;
+	assign lambda_mod_2 = lambda_mod_1 - {1'b0,n};
+	assign lambda = (lambda_mod_2[MAX_DATA_WIDTH]) ? lambda_mod_1[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : lambda_mod_2[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+    // ACC Unit 2
+	always@(*)
+	begin
+	case (lin_adx[1:0])
+		  1:      		 q_mux = q1_d;
+		  2: 			 q_mux = q2_d;
+		  3: 			 q_mux = q3_d;
+		  default:       q_mux = q0_d;
+	endcase
+	end
+	assign pi_mod_1 = {1'b0,lambda_d} + {1'b0,q_mux};
+	assign pi_mod_2 = pi_mod_1 - {1'b0,n};
+	assign pi = (pi_mod_2[MAX_DATA_WIDTH]) ? pi_mod_1[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : pi_mod_2[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+	// read data from input buffer
+	assign o_ib_adx_ab = (mode) ? pi_d : lin_adx_d;  
+	// send data to encoder
+	assign o_siso_data_ab = (toggle_d) ? {i_ib_data_ab[0],i_ib_data_ab[1]} : i_ib_data_ab;
+	always @(posedge i_clk)
+	begin
+		if (i_rstn == 0)
+			o_siso_buf_wr <= 0;
+		else
+			o_siso_buf_wr <= siso_buf_wr;
+	end
+	// Send feedback to controller
+	assign o_read_done = read_done_d;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/turbo_encoder_top.v b/verilog/rtl/turbo_encoder_top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0da7ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/turbo_encoder_top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module turbo_encoder_top (
+	//inputs
+	i_clk,
+	i_rstn,
+	i_bof,
+	i_eof,
+	i_valid,
+	i_data,
+	i_ready,
+	//outputs
+	o_ready,
+	o_valid,
+	o_bof,
+	o_eof,
+	o_data,
+	//
+	i_conf_blocksize,
+	i_conf_p,
+	i_conf_q0,
+	i_conf_q1,
+	i_conf_q2,
+	i_conf_q3
+parameter  MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH	  = 10,
+					 P_WIDTH                           = 10,
+input i_clk;
+input i_rstn;
+input i_bof;
+input i_eof;
+input i_valid;
+input[1:0] i_data;
+input i_ready;
+output reg o_ready;
+output o_valid;
+output o_bof;
+output reg o_eof;
+input[MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0]	i_conf_blocksize;
+input[P_WIDTH-1:0] 						i_conf_p;
+input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	i_conf_q0;
+input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	i_conf_q1;
+input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	i_conf_q2;
+input[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	i_conf_q3;
+// AGU_0 Signals
+wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] agu_ib_adx_ab;
+wire[1:0] 										agu_data_ab;
+wire 											agu_buf_wr;
+reg 												start;
+wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] agu_ea;
+wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] agu_ea_gen;
+wire 											read_done;
+reg[1:0] 										agu_data_ab_d;
+reg 												start_d1;
+reg 												start_d2;
+reg 												start_d3;
+reg 												start_d4;
+reg 												start_d5;
+reg 												valid_select;
+// AGU_1 Signals
+wire[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] agu_int_ib_adx_ab;
+wire[1:0] 										agu_int_data_ab;
+reg[1:0]  										agu_int_data_ab_d;
+wire 											agu_int_buf_wr;
+reg[1:0] 										ib_data;
+// RAM_0 Signals
+reg 												wea_AB;
+reg[MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   addra;
+wire[1:0] 										dob_ram0_AB_0;
+// RAM_1 Signals
+wire[1:0] dob_ram1_AB_0;
+// pre encoder signals
+reg pre_enc_valid;
+reg pre_enc_ena;
+reg pre_enc_load_si;
+wire[3:0] o_s;
+wire[3:0] o_s_int;
+// encoder signals
+reg enc_ena;
+reg enc_load_si;
+wire o_a;
+wire o_b;
+wire o_y1;
+wire o_w1;
+wire o_y2;
+wire o_w2;
+//delay registers
+reg read_done_d;
+reg read_done_dd;
+reg [2:0]state;  // state machine 
+        parameter 
+                         idle = 3'b000, 
+						 write_input_buffer_state = 3'b001, 
+						 pre_encode_state = 3'b010, 
+						 ready_wait_state = 3'b011, 
+						 si_load_state = 3'b100, 
+						 encode_state = 3'b101,
+						 encode_state_end = 3'b110;
+assign agu_ea_gen = {i_conf_blocksize,2'b00};
+assign agu_ea = agu_ea_gen - 1;
+dual_ram  inst_input_ram_0(
+	//port a (read/write)
+	.clk(i_clk),
+	.wea(wea_AB),
+	.addra(addra),
+	.dia(ib_data),
+	.doa(),
+	//port b (read/write)
+	.web(0),
+	.addrb(agu_ib_adx_ab),
+	.dib(0),
+	.dob(dob_ram0_AB_0)
+dual_ram  inst_input_ram_1(
+	//port a (read/write)
+	.clk(i_clk),
+	.wea(wea_AB),
+	.addra(addra),
+	.dia(ib_data),
+	.doa(),
+	//port b (read/write)
+	.web(0),
+	.addrb(agu_int_ib_adx_ab),
+	.dib(0),
+	.dob(dob_ram1_AB_0)
+turbo_enc_agu  inst_agu_0(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_block_size(i_conf_blocksize),
+	.i_mode(0),
+	.i_ea(agu_ea),
+	.i_p0(i_conf_p),
+	.i_q0(i_conf_q0),
+	.i_q1(i_conf_q1),
+	.i_q2(i_conf_q2),
+	.i_q3(i_conf_q3),
+	.i_start(start),
+	.i_ib_data_ab(dob_ram0_AB_0),
+	.o_ib_adx_ab(agu_ib_adx_ab),
+	.o_siso_data_ab(agu_data_ab),
+	.o_siso_buf_wr(agu_buf_wr),
+	.o_read_done(read_done)
+turbo_enc_agu  inst_agu_1(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_block_size(i_conf_blocksize),
+	.i_mode(1),
+	.i_ea(agu_ea),
+	.i_p0(i_conf_p),
+	.i_q0(i_conf_q0),
+	.i_q1(i_conf_q1),
+	.i_q2(i_conf_q2),
+	.i_q3(i_conf_q3),
+	.i_start(start),
+	.i_ib_data_ab(dob_ram1_AB_0),
+	.o_ib_adx_ab(agu_int_ib_adx_ab),
+	.o_siso_data_ab(agu_int_data_ab),
+	.o_siso_buf_wr(agu_int_buf_wr),
+	.o_read_done()
+pre_encoder  inst_pre_encoder_0(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_valid(agu_buf_wr),
+	.i_ena(pre_enc_ena),
+	.i_load_si(pre_enc_load_si),
+	.i_a(agu_data_ab_d[1]),
+	.i_b(agu_data_ab_d[0]),
+	.i_conf_blocksize(i_conf_blocksize),
+	.o_s(o_s)
+pre_encoder  inst_pre_encoder_1(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_valid(agu_int_buf_wr),
+	.i_ena(pre_enc_ena),
+	.i_load_si(pre_enc_load_si),
+	.i_a(agu_int_data_ab_d[1]),
+	.i_b(agu_int_data_ab_d[0]),
+	.i_conf_blocksize(i_conf_blocksize),
+	.o_s(o_s_int)
+encoder_core  inst_encoder_core_0(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_valid(agu_buf_wr),
+	.i_ena(enc_ena),
+	.i_load_si(enc_load_si),
+	.i_a(agu_data_ab_d[1]),
+	.i_b(agu_data_ab_d[0]),
+	.i_si(o_s),
+	.o_a(o_a),
+	.o_b(o_b),
+	.o_y(o_y1),
+	.o_w(o_w1),
+	.o_so()
+encoder_core  inst_encoder_core_1(
+	.i_clk(i_clk),
+	.i_rstn(i_rstn),
+	.i_valid(agu_buf_wr),
+	.i_ena(enc_ena),
+	.i_load_si(enc_load_si),
+	.i_a(agu_int_data_ab_d[1]),
+	.i_b(agu_int_data_ab_d[0]),
+	.i_si(o_s_int),
+	.o_a(),
+	.o_b(),
+	.o_y(o_y2),
+	.o_w(o_w2),
+	.o_so()
+always @(posedge i_clk)   //state machine
+	if (i_rstn == 0) 
+	begin
+		state <= idle;
+		pre_enc_load_si <= 0;
+		enc_load_si <= 0;
+		start <= 0;
+		o_eof <= 0;
+		o_ready <= 1;
+		read_done_d   <= 0;
+		read_done_dd  <= 0;
+	    addra <= 0;
+		ib_data <= 0;
+		pre_enc_ena <= 0;
+		enc_ena <= 0;
+		agu_data_ab_d <= 0;
+		start_d1 <= 0;
+		start_d2 <= 0;
+		start_d3 <= 0;
+		start_d4 <= 0;
+		start_d5 <= 0;
+		valid_select <= 0;
+	end
+	else
+	 begin
+		read_done_d <= read_done;
+		read_done_dd <= read_done_d;
+	  //read_done_ddd <= read_done_dd;
+		agu_data_ab_d <= agu_data_ab;
+		agu_int_data_ab_d <= agu_int_data_ab;
+		start_d1 <= start;
+		start_d2 <= start_d1;
+		start_d3 <= start_d2;
+		start_d4 <= start_d3;
+		start_d5 <= start_d4;
+		case (state)
+			idle:  ////
+			begin
+				addra <= 0;
+				wea_AB <= 0;
+				pre_enc_load_si <= 0;
+				pre_enc_valid <= 0;
+				enc_load_si <= 0;
+				start <= 0;
+				o_eof <= 0;
+				o_ready <= 1;
+				ib_data <= 0;
+				pre_enc_ena <= 0;
+				enc_ena <= 0;
+				valid_select <= 0;
+				if (i_bof == 1 && i_valid == 1) begin
+					wea_AB <= 1;
+					ib_data <= i_data;
+					state     <= write_input_buffer_state;
+				end
+				end
+			write_input_buffer_state: ////
+			begin
+				valid_select <= 0;
+				if (i_valid == 1) begin
+					wea_AB <= 1;
+					addra <= addra + 1;
+					ib_data <= i_data;
+					if (i_eof == 1) begin
+						state        <= pre_encode_state;
+						o_ready <= 0;
+						pre_enc_load_si <= 1;
+						pre_enc_ena <= 1;
+						start <= 1;		
+					end
+				end
+				else 
+					wea_AB <= 0;
+				end	
+			pre_encode_state: ////
+			begin
+				wea_AB <= 0;
+				pre_enc_load_si <= 1'b0;
+				start <= 0;
+				if (read_done_dd == 1) begin
+					if(i_ready == 1)
+						state <= si_load_state;
+					else
+						state <= ready_wait_state;
+				end
+				end
+			ready_wait_state: ////
+			begin
+				if (i_ready == 1)
+					state <= si_load_state;
+				end
+			si_load_state: ////
+			begin
+				valid_select <= 1;
+				state <= encode_state;
+				pre_enc_ena <= 0;
+				enc_load_si <= 1;
+				enc_ena <= 1;
+				start <= 1;
+				end
+			encode_state: ////
+			begin
+				enc_load_si <= 0;
+				start <= 0;
+				if (read_done == 1) begin
+					o_eof <= 1;
+					state <= encode_state_end;
+				end
+				end
+			encode_state_end: ////
+			begin
+				o_eof <= 0;
+				state <= idle;
+				end
+			default:
+				begin
+				state <= idle;
+				end 
+		endcase
+	end
+assign o_bof = start_d4 & valid_select;
+assign o_valid = agu_buf_wr & valid_select;
+assign o_data = {o_a , o_b , o_y1 , o_w1 , o_y2 , o_w2};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index 3537de8..5936275 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -25,4 +25,11 @@
     `include "user_project_wrapper.v"
     `include "user_proj_example.v"
+    `include "fifo.v"
+    `include "dual_ram.v"
+    `include "encoder_core.v"
+    `include "pre_encoder_rom.v"
+    `include "pre_encoder.v"
+    `include "turbo_enc_agu.v"
+    `include "turbo_encoder_top.v"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v b/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
index 26081e9..f7b7834 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
@@ -70,96 +70,505 @@
     wire clk;
     wire rst;
+    wire i_bof;
+    wire i_eof;
+    wire i_valid;
+    wire [1:0] i_data;
+    wire i_ready;
+    wire o_ready;
+    wire o_valid;
+    wire o_bof;
+    wire o_eof;
+    wire [5:0] o_data;
+    wire rx_fifo_rd;
+    wire rx_fifo_wr;
+    wire [3:0] rx_fifo_r_data;
+    wire [3:0] rx_fifo_w_data;
+    wire rx_fifo_empty;
+    wire rx_fifo_full;
+    wire tx_fifo_rd;
+    wire tx_fifo_wr;
+    wire [7:0] tx_fifo_r_data;
+    wire [7:0] tx_fifo_w_data;
+    wire tx_fifo_empty;
+    wire tx_fifo_full;
+    wire [5:0] param_sel;
+    reg  rx_fifo_rd_start;
+    reg  tx_fifo_rd_start;
+    reg  master_rden;
+    reg  wbs_ack_o;
+    reg [9:0] i_conf_blocksize;
+    reg [9:0] i_conf_p;
+    reg [11:0] i_conf_q0;
+    reg [11:0] i_conf_q1;
+    reg [11:0] i_conf_q2;
+    reg [11:0] i_conf_q3;
     wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
     wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
     wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
-    wire [31:0] rdata; 
-    wire [31:0] wdata;
-    wire [BITS-1:0] count;
     wire valid;
     wire [3:0] wstrb;
-    wire [31:0] la_write;
     // WB MI A
     assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i; 
     assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
-    assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
-    assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
-    // IO
-    assign io_out = count;
     assign io_oeb = {(`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1){rst}};
     // IRQ
     assign irq = 3'b000;	// Unused
-    // LA
-    assign la_data_out = {{(127-BITS){1'b0}}, count};
-    // Assuming LA probes [63:32] are for controlling the count register  
-    assign la_write = ~la_oenb[63:32] & ~{BITS{valid}};
-    // Assuming LA probes [65:64] are for controlling the count clk & reset  
-    assign clk = (~la_oenb[64]) ? la_data_in[64]: wb_clk_i;
-    assign rst = (~la_oenb[65]) ? la_data_in[65]: wb_rst_i;
+    assign rx_fifo_rd = rx_fifo_rd_start & (~rx_fifo_empty);
-    counter #(
-        .BITS(BITS)
-    ) counter(
-        .clk(clk),
-        .reset(rst),
-        .ready(wbs_ack_o),
-        .valid(valid),
-        .rdata(rdata),
-        .wdata(wbs_dat_i),
-        .wstrb(wstrb),
-        .la_write(la_write),
-        .la_input(la_data_in[63:32]),
-        .count(count)
+    assign clk      = wb_clk_i;
+    assign rst      = wb_rst_i;
+    assign i_bof    = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[9] : rx_fifo_rd & rx_fifo_r_data[2];
+    assign i_eof    = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[10] : rx_fifo_rd & rx_fifo_r_data[3];
+    assign i_valid  = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[11] : rx_fifo_rd;
+    assign i_data   = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[14:13] : (rx_fifo_rd) ? rx_fifo_r_data[1:0] : 0;
+    assign i_ready  = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[18] : 1'b1;
+    assign wbs_dat_o[14]    = (la_data_in[32]) ? 1'bz : 1'b1;
+    assign wbs_dat_o[15]    = (la_data_in[32]) ? 1'bz : tx_fifo_rd_start;
+    assign wbs_dat_o[6]     = (la_data_in[32]) ? 1'bz : tx_fifo_r_data[6];
+    assign wbs_dat_o[7]     = (la_data_in[32]) ? 1'bz : tx_fifo_r_data[7];
+    assign wbs_dat_o[5:0]   = (la_data_in[32]) ? 6'bz : tx_fifo_r_data[5:0]; 
+    assign wbs_dat_o[31:16] = 0;
+    assign wbs_dat_o[13:8]  = 0;
+    assign io_out[12]       = (la_data_in[32]) ? o_ready : 1'bz;   
+    assign io_out[17]       = (la_data_in[32]) ? o_valid : 1'bz;
+    assign io_out[15]       = (la_data_in[32]) ? o_bof : 1'bz;
+    assign io_out[16]       = (la_data_in[32]) ? o_eof : 1'bz;
+    assign io_out[24:19]    = (la_data_in[32]) ? o_data : 6'bz;
+    assign io_out[31]       = (la_data_in[32]) ? ~wb_clk_i : 1'bz;
+    assign param_sel        = (la_data_in[32]) ? io_in[30:25] : la_data_in[38:33];
+    turbo_encoder_top turbo_encoder_top_inst(
+    .i_clk(clk),
+    .i_rstn(~rst),
+    .i_bof(i_bof),
+    .i_eof(i_eof),
+    .i_valid(i_valid),
+    .i_data(i_data),
+    .i_ready(i_ready),
+    .o_ready(o_ready),
+    .o_valid(o_valid),
+    .o_bof(o_bof),
+    .o_eof(o_eof),
+    .o_data(o_data),
+    .i_conf_blocksize(i_conf_blocksize),
+    .i_conf_p(i_conf_p),
+    .i_conf_q0(i_conf_q0),
+    .i_conf_q1(i_conf_q1),
+    .i_conf_q2(i_conf_q2),
+    .i_conf_q3(i_conf_q3)
+    fifo #(.B(4), .W(8)) rx_fifo_inst(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .reset(rst),
+        .rd(rx_fifo_rd),
+        .wr(valid & (~wbs_ack_o) & wbs_dat_i[15]),
+        .w_data({wbs_dat_i[7], wbs_dat_i[6], wbs_dat_i[1:0]}),
+        .r_data(rx_fifo_r_data),
+        .empty(rx_fifo_empty),
+        .full(rx_fifo_full)
+        );
-module counter #(
-    parameter BITS = 32
-    input clk,
-    input reset,
-    input valid,
-    input [3:0] wstrb,
-    input [BITS-1:0] wdata,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_write,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_input,
-    output ready,
-    output [BITS-1:0] rdata,
-    output [BITS-1:0] count
-    reg ready;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] count;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] rdata;
+    fifo #(.B(8), .W(8)) tx_fifo_inst(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .reset(rst),
+        .rd(valid & wbs_ack_o & master_rden ),
+        .wr(o_valid),
+        .w_data({o_eof, o_bof, o_data}),
+        .r_data(tx_fifo_r_data),
+        .empty(tx_fifo_empty),
+        .full(tx_fifo_full)
+        );
     always @(posedge clk) begin
-        if (reset) begin
-            count <= 0;
-            ready <= 0;
-        end else begin
-            ready <= 1'b0;
-            if (~|la_write) begin
-                count <= count + 1;
-            end
-            if (valid && !ready) begin
-                ready <= 1'b1;
-                rdata <= count;
-                if (wstrb[0]) count[7:0]   <= wdata[7:0];
-                if (wstrb[1]) count[15:8]  <= wdata[15:8];
-                if (wstrb[2]) count[23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
-                if (wstrb[3]) count[31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
-            end else if (|la_write) begin
-                count <= la_write & la_input;
-            end
+        if (rst) begin
+            rx_fifo_rd_start = 0;
+            tx_fifo_rd_start = 0;
+            master_rden = 0;
+            wbs_ack_o = 0;
+        end
+        else begin 
+            if (valid & wbs_dat_i[15] & wbs_dat_i[7]) rx_fifo_rd_start <= 1;
+            if (rx_fifo_empty) rx_fifo_rd_start <= 0;
+            if (o_eof) tx_fifo_rd_start <= 1;
+            if (tx_fifo_empty) tx_fifo_rd_start <= 0;
+            if ((~wbs_dat_i[13]) & valid & (~wbs_ack_o)) master_rden <= 0;
+            if (wbs_dat_i[13] & valid & (~wbs_ack_o)) master_rden <= 1;
+            wbs_ack_o <= 0;
+            if (valid & (~wbs_ack_o)) wbs_ack_o <= 1;
+            case(param_sel)
+                0:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 14;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 9;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 51;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 19;
+                    end
+                1:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 38;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 17;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 63;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 11;
+                    end
+                2:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 51;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 107;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 107;
+                    end
+                3:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 55;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 43;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 131;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 115;
+                    end
+                4:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 59;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 219;
+                    end
+                5:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 62;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 35;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 63;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 63;
+                    end
+                6:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 69;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 25;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 111;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 103;
+                    end
+                7:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 84;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 83;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 71;
+                    end
+                8:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 85;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 55;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 255;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 215;
+                    end
+                9:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 93;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 25;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 111;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 107;
+                    end
+                10:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 96;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 25;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 103;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 107;
+                    end
+                11:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 100;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 35;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 131;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 127;
+                    end
+                12:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 108;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 29;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 19;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 123;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 123;
+                    end
+                13:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 115;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 29;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 239;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 239;
+                    end
+                14:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 123;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 15;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 3;
+                    end
+                15:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 128;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 135;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 131;
+                    end
+                16:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 130;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 3;
+                    end
+                17:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 144;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 3;
+                    end
+                18:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 170;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 33;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 63;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 523;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 515;
+                    end
+                19:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 175;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 37;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 11;
+                    end
+                20:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 188;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 37;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 15;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 167;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 159;
+                    end
+                21:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 192;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 37;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 183;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 123;
+                    end
+                22:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 194;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 39;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 319;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 319;
+                    end
+                23:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 256;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 45;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 199;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 183;
+                    end
+                24:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 264;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 43;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 27;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 11;
+                    end
+                25:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 298;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 49;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 15;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 3;
+                    end
+                26:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 307;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 49;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 27;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 7;
+                    end
+                27:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 333;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 49;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 23;
+                    end
+                28:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 355;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 53;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 19;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 239;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 223;
+                    end
+                29:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 400;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 53;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 43;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 243;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 219;
+                    end
+                30:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 438;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 59;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 7;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 247;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 243;
+                    end
+                31:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 444;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 59;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 35;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 731;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 715;
+                    end
+                32:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 539;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 65;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 15;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 31;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 3;
+                    end
+                33:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 59;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 3;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 11;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 23;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 219;
+                    end
+                default:
+                    begin
+                    i_conf_blocksize <= 0;
+                    i_conf_p  <= 0;
+                    i_conf_q0 <= 0;
+                    i_conf_q1 <= 0;
+                    i_conf_q2 <= 0;
+                    i_conf_q3 <= 0;
+                    end
+            endcase
 `default_nettype wire