Merged changes from upstream repository.
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index c73b442..1be944d 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
 [submodule "caravel-lite"]
 	path = caravel
 	url =
+[submodule "openram_testchip"]
+	path = openram_testchip
+	url =
+[submodule "wb_openram_wrapper"]
+	path = wb_openram_wrapper
+	url =
diff --git a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.json b/openlane/user_proj_example/config.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c3de8af..0000000
--- a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-    "PDK"                      : "sky130A",
-    "STD_CELL_LIBRARY"         : "sky130_fd_sc_hd",
-    "CARAVEL_ROOT"             : "../../caravel",
-    "CLOCK_NET"                : "counter.clk",
-    "CLOCK_PERIOD"             : "10",
-    "CLOCK_PORT"               : "wb_clk_i",
-    "DESIGN_IS_CORE"           : "0",
-    "DESIGN_NAME"              : "user_proj_example",
-    "DIE_AREA"                 : "0 0 900 600",
-    "FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG"         : "pin_order.cfg",
-    "FP_SIZING"                : "absolute",
-    "GLB_RT_MAXLAYER"          : "5",
-    "GND_NETS"                 : "vssd1",
-    "PL_BASIC_PLACEMENT"       : "1",
-    "PL_TARGET_DENSITY"        : "0.05",
-    "RUN_CVC"                  : "1",
-    "VDD_NETS"                 : "vccd1",
-    "VERILOG_FILES"            : ["../../caravel/verilog/rtl/defines.v", "../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v"]
diff --git a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl b/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 94af8ba..0000000
--- a/openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set ::env(PDK) "sky130A"
-set ::env(STD_CELL_LIBRARY) "sky130_fd_sc_hd"
-set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
-set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) user_proj_example
-set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
-	$::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/verilog/rtl/defines.v \
-	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v"
-set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) 0
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "wb_clk_i"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "counter.clk"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
-set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 900 600"
-set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $script_dir/pin_order.cfg
-set ::env(PL_BASIC_PLACEMENT) 1
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.05
-# Maximum layer used for routing is metal 4.
-# This is because this macro will be inserted in a top level (user_project_wrapper) 
-# where the PDN is planned on metal 5. So, to avoid having shorts between routes
-# in this macro and the top level metal 5 stripes, we have to restrict routes to metal4.  
-set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
-# You can draw more power domains if you need to 
-set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list {vccd1}]
-set ::env(GND_NETS) [list {vssd1}]
-# If you're going to use multiple power domains, then disable cvc run.
-set ::env(RUN_CVC) 1
diff --git a/openlane/user_proj_example/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/user_proj_example/pin_order.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fda806..0000000
--- a/openlane/user_proj_example/pin_order.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
index 5006ced..7fc61ba 100755
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 ## Clock configurations
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "user_clock2"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "mprj.clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "wb_clk_i"
+set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "mprj.wb_clk_i"
 set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
@@ -54,16 +54,25 @@
 ### Black-box verilog and views
 	$::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/verilog/rtl/defines.v \
-	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v"
+	$script_dir/../../wb_openram_wrapper/src/wb_openram_wrapper.v \
+	$script_dir/../../openram_testchip/verilog/rtl/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v"
 set ::env(EXTRA_LEFS) "\
-	$script_dir/../../lef/user_proj_example.lef"
+	$script_dir/../../wb_openram_wrapper/lef/wb_openram_wrapper.lef \
+	$script_dir/../../openram_testchip/lef/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.lef"
 set ::env(EXTRA_GDS_FILES) "\
-	$script_dir/../../gds/user_proj_example.gds"
+	$script_dir/../../wb_openram_wrapper/gds/wb_openram_wrapper.gds \
+	$script_dir/../../openram_testchip/gds/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.gds"
+# use 4 cores
+set ::env(ROUTING_CORES) 4
 set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
+set ::env(FP_HORIZONTAL_HALO) 20
+set ::env(FP_VERTICAL_HALO) 20
 # disable pdn check nodes becuase it hangs with multiple power domains.
 # any issue with pdn connections will be flagged with LVS so it is not a critical check.
 set ::env(FP_PDN_CHECK_NODES) 0
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
index a7365ab..6868dd2 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-mprj 1175 1690 N
+openram_1kB 1000 1000 N
+wb_openram_wrapper 2000.07 1000.27 N
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pin_order.cfg
index 8797dcd..267d91c 120000
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pin_order.cfg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openram_testchip b/openram_testchip
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..f2cb18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openram_testchip
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit f2cb18b735872621722a1a63c7b5a95585e5d270
diff --git a/verilog/dv/Makefile b/verilog/dv/Makefile
index d87238f..7acbc5d 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 .SILENT: clean all
-PATTERNS = io_ports la_test1 la_test2 wb_port mprj_stimulus
+PATTERNS = wb_openram
 all:  ${PATTERNS}
 	for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
diff --git a/verilog/dv/io_ports/Makefile b/verilog/dv/io_ports/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5237a05..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/io_ports/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-## PDK 
-PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
-## Caravel Pointers
-CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
-## User Project Pointers
-UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
-## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
-PATTERN = io_ports
-all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
-hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
-%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
-ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-%.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
-%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
-%.hex: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
-	# to fix flash base address
-	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
-%.bin: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
-ifndef PDK_ROOT
-	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
-	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
-	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
-# check for efabless style installation
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
-# ---- Clean ----
-	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
-.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports.c b/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b23571..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
-	IO Test:
-		- Configures MPRJ lower 8-IO pins as outputs
-		- Observes counter value through the MPRJ lower 8 IO pins (in the testbench)
-void main()
-	/* 
-	IO Control Registers
-	| 3-bits | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit  | 1-bit  | 1-bit | 1-bit   | 1-bit   | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit   |
-	Output: 0000_0110_0000_1110  (0x1808) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT
-	| 110    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 1       | 0     | 0     | 0       |
-	Input: 0000_0001_0000_1111 (0x0402) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL
-	| 001    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 0       | 0     | 1     | 0       |
-	*/
-	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
-	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
-	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
-                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
-	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
-	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
-	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
-	// Configure lower 8-IOs as user output
-	// Observe counter value in the testbench
-	reg_mprj_io_0 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_1 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_2 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_3 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_4 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_5 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_6 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	reg_mprj_io_7 =  GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-	/* Apply configuration */
-	reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
-	while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports_tb.v b/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f7628bc..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/io_ports/io_ports_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`include "uprj_netlists.v"
-`include "caravel_netlists.v"
-`include "spiflash.v"
-module io_ports_tb;
-	reg clock;
-	reg RSTB;
-	reg CSB;
-	reg power1, power2;
-	reg power3, power4;
-    	wire gpio;
-    	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
-	wire [7:0] mprj_io_0;
-	assign mprj_io_0 = mprj_io[7:0];
-	// assign mprj_io_0 = {mprj_io[8:4],mprj_io[2:0]};
-	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
-	// assign mprj_io[3] = 1'b1;
-	// External clock is used by default.  Make this artificially fast for the
-	// simulation.  Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
-	// would be the fast clock.
-	always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
-	initial begin
-		clock = 0;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("io_ports.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0, io_ports_tb);
-		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
-		repeat (25) begin
-			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
-			// $display("+1000 cycles");
-		end
-		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
-		`ifdef GL
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project IO Ports (GL) Failed");
-		`else
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project IO Ports (RTL) Failed");
-		`endif
-		$display("%c[0m",27);
-		$finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-	    // Observe Output pins [7:0]
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h01);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h02);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h03);
-    	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h04);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h05);
-            wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h06);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h07);
-            wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h08);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h09);
-            wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h0A);   
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'hFF);
-	    wait(mprj_io_0 == 8'h00);
-		`ifdef GL
-	    	$display("Monitor: Test 1 Mega-Project IO (GL) Passed");
-		`else
-		    $display("Monitor: Test 1 Mega-Project IO (RTL) Passed");
-		`endif
-	    $finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		RSTB <= 1'b0;
-		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
-		#2000;
-		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
-		#170000;
-		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
-	end
-	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
-		power1 <= 1'b0;
-		power2 <= 1'b0;
-		power3 <= 1'b0;
-		power4 <= 1'b0;
-		#100;
-		power1 <= 1'b1;
-		#100;
-		power2 <= 1'b1;
-		#100;
-		power3 <= 1'b1;
-		#100;
-		power4 <= 1'b1;
-	end
-	always @(mprj_io) begin
-		#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %b ", mprj_io[7:0]);
-	end
-	wire flash_csb;
-	wire flash_clk;
-	wire flash_io0;
-	wire flash_io1;
-	wire VDD3V3 = power1;
-	wire VDD1V8 = power2;
-	wire USER_VDD3V3 = power3;
-	wire USER_VDD1V8 = power4;
-	wire VSS = 1'b0;
-	caravel uut (
-		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssio	  (VSS),
-		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssa	  (VSS),
-		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vssd	  (VSS),
-		.vdda1    (USER_VDD3V3),
-		.vdda2    (USER_VDD3V3),
-		.vssa1	  (VSS),
-		.vssa2	  (VSS),
-		.vccd1	  (USER_VDD1V8),
-		.vccd2	  (USER_VDD1V8),
-		.vssd1	  (VSS),
-		.vssd2	  (VSS),
-		.clock	  (clock),
-		.gpio     (gpio),
-        	.mprj_io  (mprj_io),
-		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
-		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
-		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
-		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
-		.resetb	  (RSTB)
-	);
-	spiflash #(
-		.FILENAME("io_ports.hex")
-	) spiflash (
-		.csb(flash_csb),
-		.clk(flash_clk),
-		.io0(flash_io0),
-		.io1(flash_io1),
-		.io2(),			// not used
-		.io3()			// not used
-	);
-`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test1/Makefile b/verilog/dv/la_test1/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ba979f7..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test1/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-## PDK 
-PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
-## Caravel Pointers
-CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
-## User Project Pointers
-UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
-## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
-PATTERN = la_test1
-all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
-hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
-%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
-ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-%.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
-%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
-%.hex: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
-	# to fix flash base address
-	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
-%.bin: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
-ifndef PDK_ROOT
-	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
-	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
-	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
-# check for efabless style installation
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
-# ---- Clean ----
-	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
-.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1.c b/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 220bdfe..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-	MPRJ Logic Analyzer Test:
-		- Observes counter value through LA probes [31:0] 
-		- Sets counter initial value through LA probes [63:32]
-		- Flags when counter value exceeds 500 through the management SoC gpio
-		- Outputs message to the UART when the test concludes successfuly
-void main()
-	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
-	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
-	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
-                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
-	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
-	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
-	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
-	// The upper GPIO pins are configured to be output
-	// and accessble to the management SoC.
-	// Used to flad the start/end of a test 
-	// The lower GPIO pins are configured to be output
-	// and accessible to the user project.  They show
-	// the project count value, although this test is
-	// designed to read the project count through the
-	// logic analyzer probes.
-	// I/O 6 is configured for the UART Tx line
-        reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_9  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_8  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_7  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_5  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_4  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_3  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_2  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_1  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_0  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_6  = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-	// Set UART clock to 64 kbaud (enable before I/O configuration)
-	reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
-	reg_uart_enable = 1;
-        /* Apply configuration */
-        reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
-        while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
-	// Configure LA probes [31:0], [127:64] as inputs to the cpu 
-	// Configure LA probes [63:32] as outputs from the cpu
-	reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [31:0]
-	reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0x00000000;    // [63:32]
-	reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [95:64]
-	reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [127:96]
-	// Flag start of the test 
-	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB400000;
-	// Set Counter value to zero through LA probes [63:32]
-	reg_la1_data = 0x00000000;
-	// Configure LA probes from [63:32] as inputs to disable counter write
-	reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    
-	while (1) {
-		if (reg_la0_data > 0x1F4) {
-			reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB410000;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	print("\n");
-	print("Monitor: Test 2 Passed\n\n");	// Makes simulation very long!
-	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB510000;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1_tb.v b/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 626e390..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test1/la_test1_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`include "uprj_netlists.v"
-`include "caravel_netlists.v"
-`include "spiflash.v"
-`include "tbuart.v"
-module la_test1_tb;
-	reg clock;
-    reg RSTB;
-	reg CSB;
-	reg power1, power2;
-    	wire gpio;
-	wire uart_tx;
-    	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
-	wire [15:0] checkbits;
-	assign checkbits  = mprj_io[31:16];
-	assign uart_tx = mprj_io[6];
-	always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
-	initial begin
-		clock = 0;
-	end
-	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
-	initial begin
-		// $dumpfile("la_test1.vcd");
-		// $dumpvars(0, la_test1_tb);
-		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
-		repeat (200) begin
-			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
-			// $display("+1000 cycles");
-		end
-		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
-		`ifdef GL
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test LA (GL) Failed");
-		`else
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test LA (RTL) Failed");
-		`endif
-		$display("%c[0m",27);
-		$finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		wait(checkbits == 16'hAB40);
-		$display("LA Test 1 started");
-		wait(checkbits == 16'hAB41);
-		wait(checkbits == 16'hAB51);
-		#10000;
-		$finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		RSTB <= 1'b0;
-		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
-		#2000;
-		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
-		#170000;
-		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
-	end
-	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
-		power1 <= 1'b0;
-		power2 <= 1'b0;
-		#200;
-		power1 <= 1'b1;
-		#200;
-		power2 <= 1'b1;
-	end
-    	wire flash_csb;
-	wire flash_clk;
-	wire flash_io0;
-	wire flash_io1;
-	wire VDD1V8;
-    	wire VDD3V3;
-	wire VSS;
-	assign VDD3V3 = power1;
-	assign VDD1V8 = power2;
-	assign VSS = 1'b0;
-	caravel uut (
-		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssio	  (VSS),
-		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssa	  (VSS),
-		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vssd	  (VSS),
-		.vdda1    (VDD3V3),
-		.vdda2    (VDD3V3),
-		.vssa1	  (VSS),
-		.vssa2	  (VSS),
-		.vccd1	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vccd2	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vssd1	  (VSS),
-		.vssd2	  (VSS),
-		.clock	  (clock),
-		.gpio     (gpio),
-        	.mprj_io  (mprj_io),
-		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
-		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
-		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
-		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
-		.resetb	  (RSTB)
-	);
-	spiflash #(
-		.FILENAME("la_test1.hex")
-	) spiflash (
-		.csb(flash_csb),
-		.clk(flash_clk),
-		.io0(flash_io0),
-		.io1(flash_io1),
-		.io2(),			// not used
-		.io3()			// not used
-	);
-	// Testbench UART
-	tbuart tbuart (
-		.ser_rx(uart_tx)
-	);
-`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test2/Makefile b/verilog/dv/la_test2/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0435500..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test2/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-## PDK 
-PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
-## Caravel Pointers
-CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
-## User Project Pointers
-UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
-## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
-PATTERN = la_test2
-all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
-hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
-%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
-ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-%.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
-%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
-%.hex: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
-	# to fix flash base address
-	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
-%.bin: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
-ifndef PDK_ROOT
-	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
-	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
-	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
-# check for efabless style installation
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
-# ---- Clean ----
-	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
-.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2.c b/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5875432..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
-	MPRJ LA Test:
-		- Sets counter clk through LA[64]
-		- Sets counter rst through LA[65] 
-		- Observes count value for five clk cycle through LA[31:0]
-int clk = 0;
-int i;
-void main()
-        /* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
-	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
-	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
-                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
-	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
-	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
-	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
-	// All GPIO pins are configured to be output
-	// Used to flad the start/end of a test 
-        reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_9  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_8  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_7  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_5  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_4  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_3  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_2  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_1  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        reg_mprj_io_0  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-        /* Apply configuration */
-        reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
-        while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
-	// Configure All LA probes as inputs to the cpu 
-	reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [31:0]
-	reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [63:32]
-	reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [95:64]
-	reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [127:96]
-	// Flag start of the test
-	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB600000;
-	// Configure LA[64] LA[65] as outputs from the cpu
-	reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFC; 
-	// Set clk & reset to one
-	reg_la2_data = 0x00000003;
-        // DELAY
-        for (i=0; i<5; i=i+1) {}
-	// Toggle clk & de-assert reset
-	for (i=0; i<11; i=i+1) {
-		clk = !clk;
-		reg_la2_data = 0x00000000 | clk;
-	}
-	if (reg_la0_data >= 0x05) {
-		reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB610000;
-	}
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2_tb.v b/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e09905e..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/la_test2/la_test2_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`include "uprj_netlists.v"
-`include "caravel_netlists.v"
-`include "spiflash.v"
-module la_test2_tb;
-	reg clock;
-	reg RSTB;
-	reg CSB;
-	reg power1, power2;
-    	wire gpio;
-    	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
-	wire [15:0] checkbits;
-	assign checkbits = mprj_io[31:16];
-	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
-	always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
-	initial begin
-		clock = 0;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("la_test2.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0, la_test2_tb);
-		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
-		repeat (30) begin
-			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
-			// $display("+1000 cycles");
-		end
-		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
-		`ifdef GL
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project IO (GL) Failed");
-		`else
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project IO (RTL) Failed");
-		`endif
-		$display("%c[0m",27);
-		$finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		wait(checkbits == 16'h AB60);
-		$display("Monitor: Test 2 MPRJ-Logic Analyzer Started");
-		wait(checkbits == 16'h AB61);
-		$display("Monitor: Test 2 MPRJ-Logic Analyzer Passed");
-		$finish;
-	end
-	initial begin
-		RSTB <= 1'b0;
-		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
-		#2000;
-		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
-		#170000;
-		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
-	end
-	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
-		power1 <= 1'b0;
-		power2 <= 1'b0;
-		#200;
-		power1 <= 1'b1;
-		#200;
-		power2 <= 1'b1;
-	end
-    	wire flash_csb;
-	wire flash_clk;
-	wire flash_io0;
-	wire flash_io1;
-	wire VDD1V8;
-    	wire VDD3V3;
-	wire VSS;
-	assign VDD3V3 = power1;
-	assign VDD1V8 = power2;
-	assign VSS = 1'b0;
-	caravel uut (
-		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssio	  (VSS),
-		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
-		.vssa	  (VSS),
-		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vssd	  (VSS),
-		.vdda1    (VDD3V3),
-		.vdda2    (VDD3V3),
-		.vssa1	  (VSS),
-		.vssa2	  (VSS),
-		.vccd1	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vccd2	  (VDD1V8),
-		.vssd1	  (VSS),
-		.vssd2	  (VSS),
-		.clock	  (clock),
-		.gpio     (gpio),
-        	.mprj_io  (mprj_io),
-		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
-		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
-		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
-		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
-		.resetb	  (RSTB)
-	);
-	spiflash #(
-		.FILENAME("la_test2.hex")
-	) spiflash (
-		.csb(flash_csb),
-		.clk(flash_clk),
-		.io0(flash_io0),
-		.io1(flash_io1),
-		.io2(),
-		.io3()
-	);
-`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus.c b/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d0a2d..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void main()
-    // The upper GPIO pins are configured to be output
-    // and accessble to the management SoC.
-    // Used to flag the start/end of a test
-    // The lower GPIO pins are configured to be output
-    // and accessible to the user project.  They show
-    // the project count value, although this test is
-    // designed to read the project count through the
-    // logic analyzer probes.
-    // I/O 6 is configured for the UART Tx line
-    uint32_t testval;
-    reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2
-    reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
-    reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;;
-    reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;;
-    reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_9  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_8  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_7  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUT_MONITORED;
-    reg_mprj_io_5  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_4  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_3  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_2  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_1  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_0  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_6  = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    // Set UART clock to 64 kbaud (enable before I/O configuration)
-    reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
-    reg_uart_enable = 1;
-    /* Apply configuration */
-    reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
-    while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
-    /* TEST:  Recast channels 35 to 32 to allow input to user project	*/
-    /* This is done locally only:  Do not run reg_mprj_xfer!		*/
-    reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    // Configure LA probes [31:0], [127:64] as inputs to the cpu
-    // Configure LA probes [63:32] as outputs from the cpu
-    reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [31:0]
-    reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0x00000000;    // [63:32]
-    reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [95:64]
-    reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [127:96]
-    // Flag start of the test
-    reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB400000;
-    // Set Counter value to zero through LA probes [63:32]
-    reg_la1_data = 0x00000000;
-    // Configure LA probes from [63:32] as inputs to disable counter write
-    reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB410000;
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
-    // Test ability to force data on channel 37
-    // NOTE:  Only the low 6 bits of reg_mprj_datah are meaningful
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0xffffffca;
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0x0f0f0fc5;
-    reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
-    // Test ability to read back data generated by the user project
-    // on the "monitored" outputs.  Read from the lower 16 bits and
-    // copy the value to the upper 16 bits.
-    testval = reg_mprj_datal;
-    reg_mprj_datal = ((testval & 0xff8) << 9) & 0xffff0000;
-    // Flag end of the test
-    reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB510000;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus_tb.v b/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1409015..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/mprj_stimulus_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype wire
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`include "uprj_netlists.v"
-`include "caravel_netlists.v"
-`include "spiflash.v"
-`include "tbuart.v"
-module mprj_stimulus_tb;
-    // Signals declaration
-    reg clock;
-    reg RSTB;
-    reg CSB;
-    reg power1, power2;
-    reg power3, power4;
-    wire HIGH;
-    wire LOW;
-    wire TRI;
-    assign HIGH = 1'b1;
-    assign LOW = 1'b0;
-    assign TRI = 1'bz;
-    wire gpio;
-    wire uart_tx;
-    wire [37:0] mprj_io;
-    wire [15:0] checkbits;
-    wire [3:0] status;
-    // Signals Assignment
-    assign checkbits  = mprj_io[31:16];
-    assign status = mprj_io[35:32];
-    assign uart_tx = mprj_io[6];
-    assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
-    always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
-    initial begin
-        clock = 0;
-    end
-    initial begin
-        $dumpfile("mprj_stimulus.vcd");
-        $dumpvars(0, mprj_stimulus_tb);
-        // Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
-        repeat (150) begin
-            repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
-        end
-        $display("%c[1;31m",27);
-        $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Project IO Stimulus (RTL) Failed");
-        $display("%c[0m",27);
-        $finish;
-    end
-    initial begin
-        wait(checkbits == 16'hAB40);
-        $display("Monitor: mprj_stimulus test started");
-        wait(status == 4'ha);
-        wait(status == 4'h5);
-	// Value 0009 reflects copying user-controlled outputs to memory and back
-	// to management-controlled outputs.
-        wait(checkbits == 16'h0009);
-        wait(checkbits == 16'hAB51);
-        $display("Monitor: mprj_stimulus test Passed");
-        #10000;
-        $finish;
-    end
-   // Reset Operation
-    initial begin
-        RSTB <= 1'b0;
-        CSB  <= 1'b1;       // Force CSB high
-        #2000;
-        RSTB <= 1'b1;       // Release reset
-        #170000;
-        CSB = 1'b0;         // CSB can be released
-    end
-    initial begin		// Power-up sequence
-        power1 <= 1'b0;
-        power2 <= 1'b0;
-        #200;
-        power1 <= 1'b1;
-        #200;
-        power2 <= 1'b1;
-    end
-    wire flash_csb;
-    wire flash_clk;
-    wire flash_io0;
-    wire flash_io1;
-    wire VDD3V3 = power1;
-    wire VDD1V8 = power2;
-    wire VSS = 1'b0;
-    caravel uut (
-        .vddio	  (VDD3V3),
-        .vssio	  (VSS),
-        .vdda	  (VDD3V3),
-        .vssa	  (VSS),
-        .vccd	  (VDD1V8),
-        .vssd	  (VSS),
-        .vdda1    (VDD3V3),
-        .vdda2    (VDD3V3),
-        .vssa1	  (VSS),
-        .vssa2	  (VSS),
-        .vccd1	  (VDD1V8),
-        .vccd2	  (VDD1V8),
-        .vssd1	  (VSS),
-        .vssd2	  (VSS),
-        .clock	  (clock),
-        .gpio     (gpio),
-        .mprj_io  (mprj_io),
-        .flash_csb(flash_csb),
-        .flash_clk(flash_clk),
-        .flash_io0(flash_io0),
-        .flash_io1(flash_io1),
-        .resetb	  (RSTB)
-    );
-    spiflash #(
-        .FILENAME("mprj_stimulus.hex")
-    ) spiflash (
-        .csb(flash_csb),
-        .clk(flash_clk),
-        .io0(flash_io0),
-        .io1(flash_io1),
-        .io2(),         // not used
-        .io3()          // not used
-    );
-    // Testbench UART
-    tbuart tbuart (
-        .ser_rx(uart_tx)
-    );
-`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/Makefile
similarity index 74%
rename from verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/Makefile
rename to verilog/dv/wb_openram/Makefile
index 3a73b99..f700888 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/mprj_stimulus/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/Makefile
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-## PDK 
-PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
 ## Caravel Pointers
 CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
@@ -33,14 +30,14 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
-PATTERN = mprj_stimulus
+PATTERN = wb_openram
 all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
@@ -48,12 +45,12 @@
 %.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
 ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	iverilog -DFUNCTIONAL -DSIM -I $(PDK_PATH) \
 	$< -o $@ 
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
 	$< -o $@ 
@@ -62,7 +59,7 @@
 %.vcd: %.vvp
 	vvp $<
-%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
 	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
 %.hex: %.elf
@@ -73,21 +70,6 @@
 %.bin: %.elf
 	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
-ifndef PDK_ROOT
-	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
-	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
-	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
-# check for efabless style installation
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
 # ---- Clean ----
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram.c b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd265c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram.c
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
+// Caravel allows user project to use 0x30xx_xxxx address space on Wishbone bus
+// 0x3000_0000 till 3000_03ff -> 256 Words of OpenRAM (1024 Bytes)
+#define OPENRAM_BASE_ADDRESS	0x30000000
+#define OPENRAM_SIZE_DWORDS		256ul			
+#define OPENRAM_MEM(offset)		(*(volatile uint32_t*)(OPENRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + (offset & OPENRAM_ADDRESS_MASK)))
+// Generates 32bits wide value out of address, not random
+unsigned long generate_value(unsigned long address)
+	return ((address & OPENRAM_ADDRESS_MASK) << 19) | 
+			((~address & OPENRAM_ADDRESS_MASK) << 1);
+void main()
+	unsigned int address, err_cnt = 0;
+	/* 
+	IO Control Registers
+	| 3-bits | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit  | 1-bit  | 1-bit | 1-bit   | 1-bit   | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit   |
+	Output: 0000_0110_0000_1110  (0x1808) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT
+	| 110    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 1       | 0     | 0     | 0       |
+	Input: 0000_0001_0000_1111 (0x0402) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL
+	| 001    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 0       | 0     | 1     | 0       |
+	*/
+	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
+	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
+	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
+                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
+	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
+	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
+	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
+	// All GPIO pins are configured to be output
+	// Used to flad the start/end of a test 
+	reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	/* Apply configuration */
+	reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
+	while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
+	// Flag start of the test
+	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB600000;
+	// Fill memory
+	for (address = 0; address < OPENRAM_SIZE_DWORDS; address += 32)
+	{
+		// generate some dword based on address
+		OPENRAM_MEM(address) = generate_value(address);
+	}
+	// Check memory
+	for (address = 0; address < OPENRAM_SIZE_DWORDS; address += 32)
+	{
+		// check dword based on address
+		if (OPENRAM_MEM(address) != generate_value(address))
+		{
+			reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB7E0000;		
+			return;							// instant fail
+		}
+	}
+	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB700000;			// pass
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram_tb.v
similarity index 65%
rename from verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v
rename to verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram_tb.v
index b32f900..9bcf0d9 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_openram/wb_openram_tb.v
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
 `include "caravel_netlists.v"
 `include "spiflash.v"
-module wb_port_tb;
+module wb_openram_tb;
 	reg clock;
 	reg RSTB;
 	reg CSB;
 	reg power1, power2;
 	reg power3, power4;
-	wire gpio;
-	wire [37:0] mprj_io;
-	wire [7:0] mprj_io_0;
-	wire [15:0] checkbits;
+    wire gpio;
+    wire [37:0] mprj_io;
+	wire [11:0] checkpoint;
+	wire [3:0] status;
-	assign checkbits = mprj_io[31:16];
+	assign checkpoint = mprj_io[31:20];
+	assign status = mprj_io[19:16];
-	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
 	// External clock is used by default.  Make this artificially fast for the
 	// simulation.  Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
@@ -48,33 +48,46 @@
 	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("wb_port.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0, wb_port_tb);
+		$dumpfile("wb_openram.vcd");
+		$dumpvars(0, wb_openram_tb);
-		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
-		repeat (30) begin
-			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
-			// $display("+1000 cycles");
+		// Repeat cycles of 10000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
+		repeat (25) begin
+			repeat (10000) @(posedge clock);
+			$display("+10000 cycles");
 		`ifdef GL
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project WB Port (GL) Failed");
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test OpenRAM Project IO Ports (GL) Failed");
-			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Mega-Project WB Port (RTL) Failed");
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test OpenRAM Project IO Ports (RTL) Failed");
 	initial begin
-	   wait(checkbits == 16'h AB60);
-		$display("Monitor: MPRJ-Logic WB Started");
-		wait(checkbits == 16'h AB61);
+		wait(checkpoint == 12'h AB6);
 		`ifdef GL
-	    	$display("Monitor: Mega-Project WB (GL) Passed");
+			$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (GL) Started");
-		    $display("Monitor: Mega-Project WB (RTL) Passed");
+			$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (RTL) Started");
+		wait(checkpoint == 12'h AB7);
+		if (status == 4'h 0) begin
+			`ifdef GL
+				$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (GL) Passed");
+			`else
+				$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (RTL) Passed");
+			`endif
+		end
+		else begin
+			`ifdef GL
+				$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (GL) Failed on read operation");
+			`else
+				$display("Monitor: Test OpenRAM Project IO (RTL) Failed on read operation");
+			`endif
+		end
@@ -82,9 +95,9 @@
 		RSTB <= 1'b0;
 		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
-		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
-		#170000;
-		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
+		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    // Release reset
+		#1700000;
+		CSB = 1'b0;			// CSB can be released
 	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
@@ -101,11 +114,11 @@
 		power4 <= 1'b1;
 	always @(mprj_io) begin
-		#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %b ", mprj_io[7:0]);
+		#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %b ", mprj_io[20:0]);
 	wire flash_csb;
 	wire flash_clk;
 	wire flash_io0;
@@ -143,7 +156,7 @@
 	spiflash #(
-		.FILENAME("wb_port.hex")
+		.FILENAME("wb_openram.hex")
 	) spiflash (
@@ -154,4 +167,4 @@
-`default_nettype wire
\ No newline at end of file
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c784c6..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-## PDK 
-PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
-## Caravel Pointers
-CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
-## User Project Pointers
-UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
-## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
-PATTERN = wb_port
-all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
-hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
-%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
-ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-	iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
-	$< -o $@ 
-%.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
-%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
-%.hex: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
-	# to fix flash base address
-	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
-%.bin: %.elf
-	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
-ifndef PDK_ROOT
-	$(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
-	$(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
-	$(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
-# check for efabless style installation
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
-# ---- Clean ----
-	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
-.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port.c b/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 425c115..0000000
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
-#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
-	Wishbone Test:
-		- Configures MPRJ lower 8-IO pins as outputs
-		- Checks counter value through the wishbone port
-int i = 0; 
-int clk = 0;
-void main()
-	/* 
-	IO Control Registers
-	| 3-bits | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit  | 1-bit  | 1-bit | 1-bit   | 1-bit   | 1-bit | 1-bit | 1-bit   |
-	Output: 0000_0110_0000_1110  (0x1808) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT
-	| 110    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 1       | 0     | 0     | 0       |
-	Input: 0000_0001_0000_1111 (0x0402) = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_INPUT_NOPULL
-	| 001    | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0       | 0       | 0     | 1     | 0       |
-	*/
-	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
-	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
-	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
-                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
-	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
-	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
-	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
-    reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-    reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
-     /* Apply configuration */
-    reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
-    while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
-	reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [95:64]
-    // Flag start of the test
-	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB600000;
-    reg_mprj_slave = 0x00002710;
-    if (reg_mprj_slave == 0x2752) {
-        reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB610000;
-    } else {
-        reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB600000;
-    }
diff --git a/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
index ecae883..977ea18 100644
--- a/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -53,8 +53,210 @@
  output [31:0] wbs_dat_o;
  input [3:0] wbs_sel_i;
+ wire \openram_addr0[0] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[1] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[2] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[3] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[4] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[5] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[6] ;
+ wire \openram_addr0[7] ;
+ wire openram_clk0;
+ wire openram_csb0;
+ wire \openram_din0[0] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[10] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[11] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[12] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[13] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[14] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[15] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[16] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[17] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[18] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[19] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[1] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[20] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[21] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[22] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[23] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[24] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[25] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[26] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[27] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[28] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[29] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[2] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[30] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[31] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[3] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[4] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[5] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[6] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[7] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[8] ;
+ wire \openram_din0[9] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[0] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[10] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[11] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[12] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[13] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[14] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[15] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[16] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[17] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[18] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[19] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[1] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[20] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[21] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[22] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[23] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[24] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[25] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[26] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[27] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[28] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[29] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[2] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[30] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[31] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[3] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[4] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[5] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[6] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[7] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[8] ;
+ wire \openram_dout0[9] ;
+ wire openram_web0;
+ wire \openram_wmask0[0] ;
+ wire \openram_wmask0[1] ;
+ wire \openram_wmask0[2] ;
+ wire \openram_wmask0[3] ;
- user_proj_example mprj (.vccd1(vccd1),
+ sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 openram_1kB (.csb0(openram_csb0),
+    .web0(openram_web0),
+    .clk0(openram_clk0),
+    .vccd1(vccd1),
+    .vssd1(vssd1),
+    .addr0({\openram_addr0[7] ,
+    \openram_addr0[6] ,
+    \openram_addr0[5] ,
+    \openram_addr0[4] ,
+    \openram_addr0[3] ,
+    \openram_addr0[2] ,
+    \openram_addr0[1] ,
+    \openram_addr0[0] }),
+    .addr1({_NC1,
+    _NC2,
+    _NC3,
+    _NC4,
+    _NC5,
+    _NC6,
+    _NC7,
+    _NC8}),
+    .din0({\openram_din0[31] ,
+    \openram_din0[30] ,
+    \openram_din0[29] ,
+    \openram_din0[28] ,
+    \openram_din0[27] ,
+    \openram_din0[26] ,
+    \openram_din0[25] ,
+    \openram_din0[24] ,
+    \openram_din0[23] ,
+    \openram_din0[22] ,
+    \openram_din0[21] ,
+    \openram_din0[20] ,
+    \openram_din0[19] ,
+    \openram_din0[18] ,
+    \openram_din0[17] ,
+    \openram_din0[16] ,
+    \openram_din0[15] ,
+    \openram_din0[14] ,
+    \openram_din0[13] ,
+    \openram_din0[12] ,
+    \openram_din0[11] ,
+    \openram_din0[10] ,
+    \openram_din0[9] ,
+    \openram_din0[8] ,
+    \openram_din0[7] ,
+    \openram_din0[6] ,
+    \openram_din0[5] ,
+    \openram_din0[4] ,
+    \openram_din0[3] ,
+    \openram_din0[2] ,
+    \openram_din0[1] ,
+    \openram_din0[0] }),
+    .dout0({\openram_dout0[31] ,
+    \openram_dout0[30] ,
+    \openram_dout0[29] ,
+    \openram_dout0[28] ,
+    \openram_dout0[27] ,
+    \openram_dout0[26] ,
+    \openram_dout0[25] ,
+    \openram_dout0[24] ,
+    \openram_dout0[23] ,
+    \openram_dout0[22] ,
+    \openram_dout0[21] ,
+    \openram_dout0[20] ,
+    \openram_dout0[19] ,
+    \openram_dout0[18] ,
+    \openram_dout0[17] ,
+    \openram_dout0[16] ,
+    \openram_dout0[15] ,
+    \openram_dout0[14] ,
+    \openram_dout0[13] ,
+    \openram_dout0[12] ,
+    \openram_dout0[11] ,
+    \openram_dout0[10] ,
+    \openram_dout0[9] ,
+    \openram_dout0[8] ,
+    \openram_dout0[7] ,
+    \openram_dout0[6] ,
+    \openram_dout0[5] ,
+    \openram_dout0[4] ,
+    \openram_dout0[3] ,
+    \openram_dout0[2] ,
+    \openram_dout0[1] ,
+    \openram_dout0[0] }),
+    .dout1({_NC9,
+    _NC10,
+    _NC11,
+    _NC12,
+    _NC13,
+    _NC14,
+    _NC15,
+    _NC16,
+    _NC17,
+    _NC18,
+    _NC19,
+    _NC20,
+    _NC21,
+    _NC22,
+    _NC23,
+    _NC24,
+    _NC25,
+    _NC26,
+    _NC27,
+    _NC28,
+    _NC29,
+    _NC30,
+    _NC31,
+    _NC32,
+    _NC33,
+    _NC34,
+    _NC35,
+    _NC36,
+    _NC37,
+    _NC38,
+    _NC39,
+    _NC40}),
+    .wmask0({\openram_wmask0[3] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[2] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[1] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[0] }));
+ wb_openram_wrapper wb_openram_wrapper (.clk0(openram_clk0),
+    .csb0(openram_csb0),
+    .vccd1(vccd1),
@@ -62,507 +264,79 @@
-    .io_in({io_in[37],
-    io_in[36],
-    io_in[35],
-    io_in[34],
-    io_in[33],
-    io_in[32],
-    io_in[31],
-    io_in[30],
-    io_in[29],
-    io_in[28],
-    io_in[27],
-    io_in[26],
-    io_in[25],
-    io_in[24],
-    io_in[23],
-    io_in[22],
-    io_in[21],
-    io_in[20],
-    io_in[19],
-    io_in[18],
-    io_in[17],
-    io_in[16],
-    io_in[15],
-    io_in[14],
-    io_in[13],
-    io_in[12],
-    io_in[11],
-    io_in[10],
-    io_in[9],
-    io_in[8],
-    io_in[7],
-    io_in[6],
-    io_in[5],
-    io_in[4],
-    io_in[3],
-    io_in[2],
-    io_in[1],
-    io_in[0]}),
-    .io_oeb({io_oeb[37],
-    io_oeb[36],
-    io_oeb[35],
-    io_oeb[34],
-    io_oeb[33],
-    io_oeb[32],
-    io_oeb[31],
-    io_oeb[30],
-    io_oeb[29],
-    io_oeb[28],
-    io_oeb[27],
-    io_oeb[26],
-    io_oeb[25],
-    io_oeb[24],
-    io_oeb[23],
-    io_oeb[22],
-    io_oeb[21],
-    io_oeb[20],
-    io_oeb[19],
-    io_oeb[18],
-    io_oeb[17],
-    io_oeb[16],
-    io_oeb[15],
-    io_oeb[14],
-    io_oeb[13],
-    io_oeb[12],
-    io_oeb[11],
-    io_oeb[10],
-    io_oeb[9],
-    io_oeb[8],
-    io_oeb[7],
-    io_oeb[6],
-    io_oeb[5],
-    io_oeb[4],
-    io_oeb[3],
-    io_oeb[2],
-    io_oeb[1],
-    io_oeb[0]}),
-    .io_out({io_out[37],
-    io_out[36],
-    io_out[35],
-    io_out[34],
-    io_out[33],
-    io_out[32],
-    io_out[31],
-    io_out[30],
-    io_out[29],
-    io_out[28],
-    io_out[27],
-    io_out[26],
-    io_out[25],
-    io_out[24],
-    io_out[23],
-    io_out[22],
-    io_out[21],
-    io_out[20],
-    io_out[19],
-    io_out[18],
-    io_out[17],
-    io_out[16],
-    io_out[15],
-    io_out[14],
-    io_out[13],
-    io_out[12],
-    io_out[11],
-    io_out[10],
-    io_out[9],
-    io_out[8],
-    io_out[7],
-    io_out[6],
-    io_out[5],
-    io_out[4],
-    io_out[3],
-    io_out[2],
-    io_out[1],
-    io_out[0]}),
-    .irq({user_irq[2],
-    user_irq[1],
-    user_irq[0]}),
-    .la_data_in({la_data_in[127],
-    la_data_in[126],
-    la_data_in[125],
-    la_data_in[124],
-    la_data_in[123],
-    la_data_in[122],
-    la_data_in[121],
-    la_data_in[120],
-    la_data_in[119],
-    la_data_in[118],
-    la_data_in[117],
-    la_data_in[116],
-    la_data_in[115],
-    la_data_in[114],
-    la_data_in[113],
-    la_data_in[112],
-    la_data_in[111],
-    la_data_in[110],
-    la_data_in[109],
-    la_data_in[108],
-    la_data_in[107],
-    la_data_in[106],
-    la_data_in[105],
-    la_data_in[104],
-    la_data_in[103],
-    la_data_in[102],
-    la_data_in[101],
-    la_data_in[100],
-    la_data_in[99],
-    la_data_in[98],
-    la_data_in[97],
-    la_data_in[96],
-    la_data_in[95],
-    la_data_in[94],
-    la_data_in[93],
-    la_data_in[92],
-    la_data_in[91],
-    la_data_in[90],
-    la_data_in[89],
-    la_data_in[88],
-    la_data_in[87],
-    la_data_in[86],
-    la_data_in[85],
-    la_data_in[84],
-    la_data_in[83],
-    la_data_in[82],
-    la_data_in[81],
-    la_data_in[80],
-    la_data_in[79],
-    la_data_in[78],
-    la_data_in[77],
-    la_data_in[76],
-    la_data_in[75],
-    la_data_in[74],
-    la_data_in[73],
-    la_data_in[72],
-    la_data_in[71],
-    la_data_in[70],
-    la_data_in[69],
-    la_data_in[68],
-    la_data_in[67],
-    la_data_in[66],
-    la_data_in[65],
-    la_data_in[64],
-    la_data_in[63],
-    la_data_in[62],
-    la_data_in[61],
-    la_data_in[60],
-    la_data_in[59],
-    la_data_in[58],
-    la_data_in[57],
-    la_data_in[56],
-    la_data_in[55],
-    la_data_in[54],
-    la_data_in[53],
-    la_data_in[52],
-    la_data_in[51],
-    la_data_in[50],
-    la_data_in[49],
-    la_data_in[48],
-    la_data_in[47],
-    la_data_in[46],
-    la_data_in[45],
-    la_data_in[44],
-    la_data_in[43],
-    la_data_in[42],
-    la_data_in[41],
-    la_data_in[40],
-    la_data_in[39],
-    la_data_in[38],
-    la_data_in[37],
-    la_data_in[36],
-    la_data_in[35],
-    la_data_in[34],
-    la_data_in[33],
-    la_data_in[32],
-    la_data_in[31],
-    la_data_in[30],
-    la_data_in[29],
-    la_data_in[28],
-    la_data_in[27],
-    la_data_in[26],
-    la_data_in[25],
-    la_data_in[24],
-    la_data_in[23],
-    la_data_in[22],
-    la_data_in[21],
-    la_data_in[20],
-    la_data_in[19],
-    la_data_in[18],
-    la_data_in[17],
-    la_data_in[16],
-    la_data_in[15],
-    la_data_in[14],
-    la_data_in[13],
-    la_data_in[12],
-    la_data_in[11],
-    la_data_in[10],
-    la_data_in[9],
-    la_data_in[8],
-    la_data_in[7],
-    la_data_in[6],
-    la_data_in[5],
-    la_data_in[4],
-    la_data_in[3],
-    la_data_in[2],
-    la_data_in[1],
-    la_data_in[0]}),
-    .la_data_out({la_data_out[127],
-    la_data_out[126],
-    la_data_out[125],
-    la_data_out[124],
-    la_data_out[123],
-    la_data_out[122],
-    la_data_out[121],
-    la_data_out[120],
-    la_data_out[119],
-    la_data_out[118],
-    la_data_out[117],
-    la_data_out[116],
-    la_data_out[115],
-    la_data_out[114],
-    la_data_out[113],
-    la_data_out[112],
-    la_data_out[111],
-    la_data_out[110],
-    la_data_out[109],
-    la_data_out[108],
-    la_data_out[107],
-    la_data_out[106],
-    la_data_out[105],
-    la_data_out[104],
-    la_data_out[103],
-    la_data_out[102],
-    la_data_out[101],
-    la_data_out[100],
-    la_data_out[99],
-    la_data_out[98],
-    la_data_out[97],
-    la_data_out[96],
-    la_data_out[95],
-    la_data_out[94],
-    la_data_out[93],
-    la_data_out[92],
-    la_data_out[91],
-    la_data_out[90],
-    la_data_out[89],
-    la_data_out[88],
-    la_data_out[87],
-    la_data_out[86],
-    la_data_out[85],
-    la_data_out[84],
-    la_data_out[83],
-    la_data_out[82],
-    la_data_out[81],
-    la_data_out[80],
-    la_data_out[79],
-    la_data_out[78],
-    la_data_out[77],
-    la_data_out[76],
-    la_data_out[75],
-    la_data_out[74],
-    la_data_out[73],
-    la_data_out[72],
-    la_data_out[71],
-    la_data_out[70],
-    la_data_out[69],
-    la_data_out[68],
-    la_data_out[67],
-    la_data_out[66],
-    la_data_out[65],
-    la_data_out[64],
-    la_data_out[63],
-    la_data_out[62],
-    la_data_out[61],
-    la_data_out[60],
-    la_data_out[59],
-    la_data_out[58],
-    la_data_out[57],
-    la_data_out[56],
-    la_data_out[55],
-    la_data_out[54],
-    la_data_out[53],
-    la_data_out[52],
-    la_data_out[51],
-    la_data_out[50],
-    la_data_out[49],
-    la_data_out[48],
-    la_data_out[47],
-    la_data_out[46],
-    la_data_out[45],
-    la_data_out[44],
-    la_data_out[43],
-    la_data_out[42],
-    la_data_out[41],
-    la_data_out[40],
-    la_data_out[39],
-    la_data_out[38],
-    la_data_out[37],
-    la_data_out[36],
-    la_data_out[35],
-    la_data_out[34],
-    la_data_out[33],
-    la_data_out[32],
-    la_data_out[31],
-    la_data_out[30],
-    la_data_out[29],
-    la_data_out[28],
-    la_data_out[27],
-    la_data_out[26],
-    la_data_out[25],
-    la_data_out[24],
-    la_data_out[23],
-    la_data_out[22],
-    la_data_out[21],
-    la_data_out[20],
-    la_data_out[19],
-    la_data_out[18],
-    la_data_out[17],
-    la_data_out[16],
-    la_data_out[15],
-    la_data_out[14],
-    la_data_out[13],
-    la_data_out[12],
-    la_data_out[11],
-    la_data_out[10],
-    la_data_out[9],
-    la_data_out[8],
-    la_data_out[7],
-    la_data_out[6],
-    la_data_out[5],
-    la_data_out[4],
-    la_data_out[3],
-    la_data_out[2],
-    la_data_out[1],
-    la_data_out[0]}),
-    .la_oenb({la_oenb[127],
-    la_oenb[126],
-    la_oenb[125],
-    la_oenb[124],
-    la_oenb[123],
-    la_oenb[122],
-    la_oenb[121],
-    la_oenb[120],
-    la_oenb[119],
-    la_oenb[118],
-    la_oenb[117],
-    la_oenb[116],
-    la_oenb[115],
-    la_oenb[114],
-    la_oenb[113],
-    la_oenb[112],
-    la_oenb[111],
-    la_oenb[110],
-    la_oenb[109],
-    la_oenb[108],
-    la_oenb[107],
-    la_oenb[106],
-    la_oenb[105],
-    la_oenb[104],
-    la_oenb[103],
-    la_oenb[102],
-    la_oenb[101],
-    la_oenb[100],
-    la_oenb[99],
-    la_oenb[98],
-    la_oenb[97],
-    la_oenb[96],
-    la_oenb[95],
-    la_oenb[94],
-    la_oenb[93],
-    la_oenb[92],
-    la_oenb[91],
-    la_oenb[90],
-    la_oenb[89],
-    la_oenb[88],
-    la_oenb[87],
-    la_oenb[86],
-    la_oenb[85],
-    la_oenb[84],
-    la_oenb[83],
-    la_oenb[82],
-    la_oenb[81],
-    la_oenb[80],
-    la_oenb[79],
-    la_oenb[78],
-    la_oenb[77],
-    la_oenb[76],
-    la_oenb[75],
-    la_oenb[74],
-    la_oenb[73],
-    la_oenb[72],
-    la_oenb[71],
-    la_oenb[70],
-    la_oenb[69],
-    la_oenb[68],
-    la_oenb[67],
-    la_oenb[66],
-    la_oenb[65],
-    la_oenb[64],
-    la_oenb[63],
-    la_oenb[62],
-    la_oenb[61],
-    la_oenb[60],
-    la_oenb[59],
-    la_oenb[58],
-    la_oenb[57],
-    la_oenb[56],
-    la_oenb[55],
-    la_oenb[54],
-    la_oenb[53],
-    la_oenb[52],
-    la_oenb[51],
-    la_oenb[50],
-    la_oenb[49],
-    la_oenb[48],
-    la_oenb[47],
-    la_oenb[46],
-    la_oenb[45],
-    la_oenb[44],
-    la_oenb[43],
-    la_oenb[42],
-    la_oenb[41],
-    la_oenb[40],
-    la_oenb[39],
-    la_oenb[38],
-    la_oenb[37],
-    la_oenb[36],
-    la_oenb[35],
-    la_oenb[34],
-    la_oenb[33],
-    la_oenb[32],
-    la_oenb[31],
-    la_oenb[30],
-    la_oenb[29],
-    la_oenb[28],
-    la_oenb[27],
-    la_oenb[26],
-    la_oenb[25],
-    la_oenb[24],
-    la_oenb[23],
-    la_oenb[22],
-    la_oenb[21],
-    la_oenb[20],
-    la_oenb[19],
-    la_oenb[18],
-    la_oenb[17],
-    la_oenb[16],
-    la_oenb[15],
-    la_oenb[14],
-    la_oenb[13],
-    la_oenb[12],
-    la_oenb[11],
-    la_oenb[10],
-    la_oenb[9],
-    la_oenb[8],
-    la_oenb[7],
-    la_oenb[6],
-    la_oenb[5],
-    la_oenb[4],
-    la_oenb[3],
-    la_oenb[2],
-    la_oenb[1],
-    la_oenb[0]}),
+    .web0(openram_web0),
+    .addr0({\openram_addr0[7] ,
+    \openram_addr0[6] ,
+    \openram_addr0[5] ,
+    \openram_addr0[4] ,
+    \openram_addr0[3] ,
+    \openram_addr0[2] ,
+    \openram_addr0[1] ,
+    \openram_addr0[0] }),
+    .din0({\openram_dout0[31] ,
+    \openram_dout0[30] ,
+    \openram_dout0[29] ,
+    \openram_dout0[28] ,
+    \openram_dout0[27] ,
+    \openram_dout0[26] ,
+    \openram_dout0[25] ,
+    \openram_dout0[24] ,
+    \openram_dout0[23] ,
+    \openram_dout0[22] ,
+    \openram_dout0[21] ,
+    \openram_dout0[20] ,
+    \openram_dout0[19] ,
+    \openram_dout0[18] ,
+    \openram_dout0[17] ,
+    \openram_dout0[16] ,
+    \openram_dout0[15] ,
+    \openram_dout0[14] ,
+    \openram_dout0[13] ,
+    \openram_dout0[12] ,
+    \openram_dout0[11] ,
+    \openram_dout0[10] ,
+    \openram_dout0[9] ,
+    \openram_dout0[8] ,
+    \openram_dout0[7] ,
+    \openram_dout0[6] ,
+    \openram_dout0[5] ,
+    \openram_dout0[4] ,
+    \openram_dout0[3] ,
+    \openram_dout0[2] ,
+    \openram_dout0[1] ,
+    \openram_dout0[0] }),
+    .dout0({\openram_din0[31] ,
+    \openram_din0[30] ,
+    \openram_din0[29] ,
+    \openram_din0[28] ,
+    \openram_din0[27] ,
+    \openram_din0[26] ,
+    \openram_din0[25] ,
+    \openram_din0[24] ,
+    \openram_din0[23] ,
+    \openram_din0[22] ,
+    \openram_din0[21] ,
+    \openram_din0[20] ,
+    \openram_din0[19] ,
+    \openram_din0[18] ,
+    \openram_din0[17] ,
+    \openram_din0[16] ,
+    \openram_din0[15] ,
+    \openram_din0[14] ,
+    \openram_din0[13] ,
+    \openram_din0[12] ,
+    \openram_din0[11] ,
+    \openram_din0[10] ,
+    \openram_din0[9] ,
+    \openram_din0[8] ,
+    \openram_din0[7] ,
+    \openram_din0[6] ,
+    \openram_din0[5] ,
+    \openram_din0[4] ,
+    \openram_din0[3] ,
+    \openram_din0[2] ,
+    \openram_din0[1] ,
+    \openram_din0[0] }),
@@ -662,5 +436,9 @@
-    wbs_sel_i[0]}));
+    wbs_sel_i[0]}),
+    .wmask0({\openram_wmask0[3] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[2] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[1] ,
+    \openram_wmask0[0] }));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index 3537de8..fc0f7a9 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@
     // Assume default net type to be wire because GL netlists don't have the wire definitions
     `default_nettype wire
     `include "gl/user_project_wrapper.v"
-    `include "gl/user_proj_example.v"
+    `include "../wb_openram_wrapper/src/wb_openram_wrapper.v"
+    `include "../openram_testchip/verilog/rtl/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v"
     `include "user_project_wrapper.v"
-    `include "user_proj_example.v"
+    `include "../../wb_openram_wrapper/src/wb_openram_wrapper.v"
+    `include "../../openram_testchip/verilog/rtl/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v b/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 26081e9..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype none
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * user_proj_example
- *
- * This is an example of a (trivially simple) user project,
- * showing how the user project can connect to the logic
- * analyzer, the wishbone bus, and the I/O pads.
- *
- * This project generates an integer count, which is output
- * on the user area GPIO pads (digital output only).  The
- * wishbone connection allows the project to be controlled
- * (start and stop) from the management SoC program.
- *
- * See the testbenches in directory "mprj_counter" for the
- * example programs that drive this user project.  The three
- * testbenches are "io_ports", "la_test1", and "la_test2".
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-module user_proj_example #(
-    parameter BITS = 32
-    inout vccd1,	// User area 1 1.8V supply
-    inout vssd1,	// User area 1 digital ground
-    // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
-    input wb_clk_i,
-    input wb_rst_i,
-    input wbs_stb_i,
-    input wbs_cyc_i,
-    input wbs_we_i,
-    input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
-    input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
-    input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
-    output wbs_ack_o,
-    output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
-    // Logic Analyzer Signals
-    input  [127:0] la_data_in,
-    output [127:0] la_data_out,
-    input  [127:0] la_oenb,
-    // IOs
-    input  [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
-    output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
-    output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
-    // IRQ
-    output [2:0] irq
-    wire clk;
-    wire rst;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
-    wire [31:0] rdata; 
-    wire [31:0] wdata;
-    wire [BITS-1:0] count;
-    wire valid;
-    wire [3:0] wstrb;
-    wire [31:0] la_write;
-    // WB MI A
-    assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i; 
-    assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
-    assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
-    assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
-    // IO
-    assign io_out = count;
-    assign io_oeb = {(`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1){rst}};
-    // IRQ
-    assign irq = 3'b000;	// Unused
-    // LA
-    assign la_data_out = {{(127-BITS){1'b0}}, count};
-    // Assuming LA probes [63:32] are for controlling the count register  
-    assign la_write = ~la_oenb[63:32] & ~{BITS{valid}};
-    // Assuming LA probes [65:64] are for controlling the count clk & reset  
-    assign clk = (~la_oenb[64]) ? la_data_in[64]: wb_clk_i;
-    assign rst = (~la_oenb[65]) ? la_data_in[65]: wb_rst_i;
-    counter #(
-        .BITS(BITS)
-    ) counter(
-        .clk(clk),
-        .reset(rst),
-        .ready(wbs_ack_o),
-        .valid(valid),
-        .rdata(rdata),
-        .wdata(wbs_dat_i),
-        .wstrb(wstrb),
-        .la_write(la_write),
-        .la_input(la_data_in[63:32]),
-        .count(count)
-    );
-module counter #(
-    parameter BITS = 32
-    input clk,
-    input reset,
-    input valid,
-    input [3:0] wstrb,
-    input [BITS-1:0] wdata,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_write,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_input,
-    output ready,
-    output [BITS-1:0] rdata,
-    output [BITS-1:0] count
-    reg ready;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] count;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] rdata;
-    always @(posedge clk) begin
-        if (reset) begin
-            count <= 0;
-            ready <= 0;
-        end else begin
-            ready <= 1'b0;
-            if (~|la_write) begin
-                count <= count + 1;
-            end
-            if (valid && !ready) begin
-                ready <= 1'b1;
-                rdata <= count;
-                if (wstrb[0]) count[7:0]   <= wdata[7:0];
-                if (wstrb[1]) count[15:8]  <= wdata[15:8];
-                if (wstrb[2]) count[23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
-                if (wstrb[3]) count[31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
-            end else if (|la_write) begin
-                count <= la_write & la_input;
-            end
-        end
-    end
-`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index 5ee1cee..7c2ad82 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -82,40 +82,58 @@
 /* User project is instantiated  here   */
-user_proj_example mprj (
+wire openram_clk0;
+wire openram_csb0;
+wire openram_web0;
+wire [3:0] openram_wmask0;
+wire [7:0] openram_addr0;
+wire [31:0] openram_din0;
+wire [31:0] openram_dout0;
+sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 openram_1kB
-	.vccd1(vccd1),	// User area 1 1.8V power
-	.vssd1(vssd1),	// User area 1 digital ground
+    .vccd1 (vccd1),
+    .vssd1 (vssd1),
-    .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
-    .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+    .clk0 (openram_clk0),
+    .csb0 (openram_csb0),
+    .web0 (openram_web0),
+    .wmask0 (openram_wmask0),
+    .addr0 (openram_addr0),
+    .din0 (openram_din0),
+    .dout0 (openram_dout0)
-    // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
+wb_openram_wrapper wb_openram_wrapper
+    .vccd1 (vccd1),	    // User area 1 1.8V supply
+    .vssd1 (vssd1),	    // User area 1 digital ground
+ `endif
-    .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
-    .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
-    .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
-    .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
-    .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
-    .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
-    .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
-    .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+    // Wishbone port A
+    .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
+    .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
+    .wbs_stb_i (wbs_stb_i),
+    .wbs_cyc_i (wbs_cyc_i),
+    .wbs_we_i (wbs_we_i),
+    .wbs_sel_i (wbs_sel_i),
+    .wbs_dat_i (wbs_dat_i),
+    .wbs_adr_i (wbs_adr_i),
+    .wbs_ack_o (wbs_ack_o),
+    .wbs_dat_o (wbs_dat_o),
-    // Logic Analyzer
-    .la_data_in(la_data_in),
-    .la_data_out(la_data_out),
-    .la_oenb (la_oenb),
-    // IO Pads
-    .io_in (io_in),
-    .io_out(io_out),
-    .io_oeb(io_oeb),
-    // IRQ
-    .irq(user_irq)
+    // OpenRAM interface
+    // Port 0: RW
+    .ram_clk0 (openram_clk0),       // clock
+    .ram_csb0 (openram_csb0),       // active low chip select
+    .ram_web0 (openram_web0),       // active low write control
+    .ram_wmask0 (openram_wmask0),   // write mask
+    .ram_addr0 (openram_addr0),
+    .ram_din0 (openram_dout0),
+    .ram_dout0 (openram_din0)
 endmodule	// user_project_wrapper
diff --git a/wb_openram_wrapper b/wb_openram_wrapper
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..b6034ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wb_openram_wrapper
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit b6034ae5bdef576eeaaf5553df7706ea0ca77316