general improvements for project startup
diff --git a/xschem/cadrc b/xschem/cadrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2631af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/cadrc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Source this file before starting any of the tools 
+# in the project.
+# Also specify the location of the pdk.
+export PRJ="$(realpath "$(pwd)/../")"
+export XSCHEMRC="$PRJ/design/xschemrc"
+export SIM="$PRJ/sim"
+export PDKPATH="$(realpath "$(pwd)/../pdk")"
+export SKY130_PDK_PATH="$PDKPATH/libraries"
diff --git a/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
index d87166b..7b23799 100644
--- a/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
+++ b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
@@ -54,24 +54,14 @@
 C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 210 0 0 {name=p28 lab=la_oenb[127:0]}
 C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3750 -450 0 0 {name=l1 sig_type=std_logic lab=vdda1}
 C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3760 -150 0 0 {name=l2 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3750 -500 0 0 {name=l3 sig_type=std_logic lab=vccd2
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3750 -500 0 0 {name=l3 sig_type=std_logic lab=vccd2}
 C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3710 -240 0 0 {name=l5 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[4]}
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3760 -80 0 0 {name=l6 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd2
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4180 -290 0 1 {name=l7 sig_type=std_logic lab=la_data_out[29:36]
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4180 -260 0 1 {name=l11 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[17]
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3980 -100 1 1 {name=l12 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[20]
-C {/home/christoph/Studium/projekte/design/mpw3-tapeout/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/sar/sar/sar.sym} 4030 -110 0 0 {name=xsar
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3710 -340 0 0 {name=l4 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[5]
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4010 -100 1 1 {name=l13 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[19]
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4030 -100 1 1 {name=l14 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[23]
-C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3980 -480 3 1 {name=l15 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[18]
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3760 -80 0 0 {name=l6 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd2}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4180 -290 0 1 {name=l7 sig_type=std_logic lab=la_data_out[29:36]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4180 -260 0 1 {name=l11 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[17]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3980 -100 1 1 {name=l12 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[20]}
+C {sar/sar/sar.sym} 4030 -110 0 0 {name=xsar}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3710 -340 0 0 {name=l4 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[5]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4010 -100 1 1 {name=l13 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[19]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4030 -100 1 1 {name=l14 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[23]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3980 -480 3 1 {name=l15 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_in[18]}
diff --git a/xschem/xschemrc b/xschem/xschemrc
index 5c06d70..7c03e47 100644
--- a/xschem/xschemrc
+++ b/xschem/xschemrc
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 set XSCHEM_SKY130_SCRIPTS_PATH ${DESIGN_PATH}/xschem/scripts
-# NOTE: You need update this to point to your xschem symbols
+# NOTE: You need update this to point to your xschem symbols,
+#       or place the symbols in this location:
 append XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH :${DESIGN_PATH}/xschem/symbols