blob: b616590d78e469e221cef17a76472d195b47e635 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Elpis processor project.
* Copyright © 2020-present. All rights reserved.
* Authors: Aurora Tomas and Rodrigo Huerta.
* This file is licensed under both the BSD-3 license for individual/non-commercial
* use. Full text of both licenses can be found in LICENSE file.
`default_nettype none
`ifdef TESTS
`include "elpis/definitions.v"
`include "/project/openlane/user_proj_example/../../verilog/rtl/elpis/definitions.v"
module regfile(
input clk,
input reset,
input wrd, // write permission
input[31:0] d, // data
input[4:0] addr_a, // source register A
input[4:0] addr_b, // source register B
input[4:0] addr_d, // destination register
output[31:0] a, // read port A
output[31:0] b, // read port B
input[4:0] dest_read,
output[31:0] dest_value
reg[31:0] registers[31:0];
integer i;
always@(negedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
for (i=0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
registers[i] <= 0;
end else if (wrd && (addr_d > 0)) begin
registers[addr_d] <= d;
assign a = registers[addr_a];
assign b = registers[addr_b];
assign dest_value = registers[dest_read];