| // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| module add_sub( |
| input wire [31:0] in_x, |
| input wire [31:0] in_y, |
| input wire operation, |
| input wire [2:0] round_mode, |
| output wire [31:0] out_z, |
| output wire [4:0] exceptions); |
| |
| wire sign_x, sign_y; |
| wire [7:0] exp_x, exp_y, exp_a, exp_b, subnorm_exp, norm_exp; |
| wire [22:0] mant_x, mant_y, mant_a, mant_b; |
| |
| wire x_is_zero, x_is_inf, x_is_qNaN, x_is_sNaN; |
| wire y_is_zero, y_is_inf, y_is_qNaN, y_is_sNaN; |
| wire a_is_subnorm, b_is_subnorm; |
| wire hd_bit_a, hd_bit_b; |
| |
| wire [26:0] arg1, arg2; |
| wire [26:0] rt_shift_mant; |
| wire [26:0] lt_shft_mant, norm_sum; |
| wire [26:0] mant_sum; |
| wire [23:0] rounded_mant; |
| wire [31:0] inter_result, of_result; |
| |
| wire comp, exp_shft_comp; |
| wire operator_y, subtract; |
| wire cout, cout_check; |
| |
| wire [7:0] exp_diff; |
| wire [4:0] ld_zero_cnt, inc_dec_exp_amt; |
| wire [7:0] inter_shft_amt, shft_amt; |
| wire round_of; |
| |
| wire sign_z; |
| wire [7:0] exp_z; |
| wire [22:0] mant_z; |
| |
| wire invalid_operation; |
| wire divide_by_zero; |
| wire overflow; |
| wire underflow; |
| wire inexact; |
| wire [9:0] x_check_res, y_check_res; |
| |
| // checking inputs for special values |
| special_check #(8, 24) check_x (.in(in_x), .result(x_check_res)); |
| special_check #(8, 24) check_y (.in(in_y), .result(y_check_res)); |
| |
| assign x_is_zero = x_check_res[3] | x_check_res[4]; |
| assign x_is_inf = x_check_res[0] | x_check_res[7]; |
| assign x_is_qNaN = x_check_res[9]; |
| assign x_is_sNaN = x_check_res[8]; |
| |
| assign y_is_zero = y_check_res[3] | y_check_res[4]; |
| assign y_is_inf = y_check_res[0] | y_check_res[7]; |
| assign y_is_qNaN = y_check_res[9]; |
| assign y_is_sNaN = y_check_res[8]; |
| |
| // unpacking inputs |
| assign sign_x = in_x[31]; |
| assign sign_y = in_y[31]; |
| assign exp_x = in_x[30:23]; |
| assign exp_y = in_y[30:23]; |
| assign mant_x = in_x[22:0]; |
| assign mant_y = in_y[22:0]; |
| |
| // comparing both numbers |
| assign comp = (exp_y > exp_x) ? 1'b1 : (exp_y != exp_x) ? 1'b0 : (mant_y > mant_x); |
| |
| // determining operation to be performed |
| assign operator_y = sign_y ^ operation; |
| assign subtract = sign_x ^ operator_y; |
| |
| // determining output sign |
| assign sign_z = x_is_zero ? (operator_y) : (y_is_zero ? sign_x : |
| (subtract ? (comp ? operator_y : sign_x) : sign_x)); |
| |
| // swapping operands |
| assign {exp_a, mant_a} = comp ? {exp_y, mant_y} : {exp_x, mant_x}; |
| assign {exp_b, mant_b} = comp ? {exp_x, mant_x} : {exp_y, mant_y}; |
| |
| // checking for subnormal numbers |
| assign a_is_subnorm = (|exp_a == 0); |
| assign b_is_subnorm = (|exp_b == 0); |
| |
| // checking difference in exponents |
| assign exp_diff = (a_is_subnorm | b_is_subnorm) & (exp_a != exp_b) ? (exp_a - exp_b - 1) |
| : (exp_a - exp_b); |
| |
| // generating hidden bits |
| assign hd_bit_a = !a_is_subnorm; |
| assign hd_bit_b = !b_is_subnorm; |
| |
| // right shifting mantissa to make exponents equal |
| right_shifter exp_equalizer (.mantisa({hd_bit_b, mant_b, 3'b000}), .shift_amount(exp_diff), |
| .out(rt_shift_mant)); |
| |
| // computing sum of the mantissas |
| assign arg1 = {hd_bit_a, mant_a, 3'b0}; |
| assign arg2 = subtract ? (~rt_shift_mant + 27'b1) : rt_shift_mant; |
| |
| assign {cout, mant_sum} = {1'b0,arg1} + {1'b0,arg2}; |
| assign cout_check = cout & ~subtract; |
| |
| leading_zero norm_dist_checker (.in(mant_sum[26:3]), .out(ld_zero_cnt)); |
| |
| // computing the shift amount |
| assign inter_shft_amt = a_is_subnorm ? 8'b0 : {3'b0, ld_zero_cnt}; |
| assign exp_shft_comp = (exp_a <= inter_shft_amt); |
| assign shft_amt = exp_shft_comp ? (exp_a - |exp_a) : inter_shft_amt; |
| |
| left_shifter #(27) norm_shifter (.mantisa(mant_sum), .shift_amount(shft_amt), |
| .out(lt_shft_mant)); |
| |
| // determining the exponent increment/decrement |
| assign norm_sum = cout_check ? {cout, mant_sum[26:2], |mant_sum[1:0]} : lt_shft_mant; |
| assign inc_dec_exp_amt = a_is_subnorm ? 5'b0 : cout_check ? 5'b1 : shft_amt; |
| |
| rounding add_sub_rounder (.sign(sign_z), .mantisa(norm_sum), .round_mode(round_mode), |
| .rounded_mantisa(rounded_mant), .rounding_overflow(round_of)); |
| |
| // determine exponent in case of normal numbers |
| assign norm_exp = cout_check ? (exp_a + inc_dec_exp_amt + round_of) : |
| (exp_a - inc_dec_exp_amt + round_of); |
| |
| // determine exponent in case of subnormal numbers |
| assign subnorm_exp = (rounded_mant[23] & !(|norm_exp)) ? 8'b1 : |
| (norm_exp - ((hd_bit_a | hd_bit_b) & exp_shft_comp & !rounded_mant[23])); |
| |
| assign {exp_z, mant_z} = x_is_zero ? {exp_y, mant_y} : (y_is_zero ? {exp_x, mant_x} : |
| ((mant_x == mant_y) & (exp_x == exp_y) & subtract ? 'd0 : |
| {subnorm_exp, rounded_mant[22:0]})); |
| |
| // result check for special numbers |
| assign inter_result = (x_is_qNaN | y_is_qNaN) ? {1'h0, 8'hff, 23'h400000} : |
| ((x_is_inf | y_is_inf) ? {sign_z, 8'hff, 23'h0} : ((exp_z == 8'hff) ? |
| {sign_z, exp_z, 23'd0} : {sign_z, exp_z, mant_z})); |
| |
| assign invalid_operation = !(x_is_qNaN | y_is_qNaN) & (x_is_inf & y_is_inf & subtract) | |
| x_is_sNaN | y_is_sNaN; |
| |
| // does not occur in addition subtraction |
| assign divide_by_zero = 0; |
| |
| assign overflow = !(x_is_qNaN | y_is_qNaN) & &exp_z & !(x_is_inf | y_is_inf | x_is_qNaN | |
| y_is_qNaN | x_is_sNaN | y_is_sNaN); |
| |
| // determining result in case of overflow |
| assign of_result = ({32{(round_mode == 3'h0) | (round_mode == 3'h4)}} & {sign_z, 8'hff, 23'h0}) | |
| ({32{round_mode == 3'h1}} & {sign_z, 8'hfe, 23'h7fffff}) | |
| ({32{round_mode == 3'h2}} & (sign_z ? {1'h1, 8'hff, 23'h0} : |
| {1'h0, 8'hfe, 23'h7fffff})) | |
| ({32{round_mode == 3'h3}} & (sign_z ? {1'h1, 8'hfe, 23'h7fffff} : |
| {1'h0, 8'hff, 23'h0})); |
| |
| // does not occur in addition subtraction |
| assign underflow = 0; |
| |
| assign inexact = !(x_is_qNaN | y_is_qNaN) & (|norm_sum[2:0] | overflow | underflow) & |
| !(x_is_zero | y_is_zero | x_is_qNaN | y_is_qNaN | x_is_sNaN | y_is_sNaN | |
| x_is_inf | y_is_inf); |
| |
| assign exceptions = {invalid_operation, divide_by_zero, overflow, underflow, inexact}; |
| |
| // assign output |
| assign out_z = overflow ? of_result : underflow ? 32'd0 : invalid_operation ? |
| {1'h0, 8'hff, 23'h400000} : inter_result; |
| |
| endmodule |