blob: 42b8e9254eb25df3c3d541558dea5d688d3d647e [file] [log] [blame]
module Config_access (C_bit0, C_bit1, C_bit2, C_bit3, ConfigBits);
parameter NoConfigBits = 4;// has to be adjusted manually (we don't use an arithmetic parser for the value)
// Pin0
output C_bit0; // EXTERNAL
output C_bit1; // EXTERNAL
output C_bit2; // EXTERNAL
output C_bit3; // EXTERNAL
// GLOBAL all primitive pins that are connected to the switch matrix have to go before the GLOBAL label
input [NoConfigBits-1:0] ConfigBits;
// we just wire configuration bits to fabric top
assign C_bit0 = ConfigBits[0];
assign C_bit1 = ConfigBits[1];
assign C_bit2 = ConfigBits[2];
assign C_bit3 = ConfigBits[3];