| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Copyright 2017 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Engineer: Matthias Baer - baermatt@student.ethz.ch // |
| // // |
| // Additional contributions by: // |
| // Sven Stucki - svstucki@student.ethz.ch // |
| // // |
| // // |
| // Design Name: RISC-V processor core // |
| // Project Name: ibex // |
| // Language: SystemVerilog // |
| // // |
| // Description: Defines for various constants used by the processor core. // |
| // // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| module ibex_multdiv_fast ( |
| clk, |
| rst_n, |
| mult_en_i, |
| div_en_i, |
| operator_i, |
| signed_mode_i, |
| op_a_i, |
| op_b_i, |
| alu_adder_ext_i, |
| alu_adder_i, |
| equal_to_zero, |
| alu_operand_a_o, |
| alu_operand_b_o, |
| multdiv_result_o, |
| ready_o |
| ); |
| input wire clk; |
| input wire rst_n; |
| input wire mult_en_i; |
| input wire div_en_i; |
| input wire [1:0] operator_i; |
| input wire [1:0] signed_mode_i; |
| input wire [31:0] op_a_i; |
| input wire [31:0] op_b_i; |
| input wire [33:0] alu_adder_ext_i; |
| input wire [31:0] alu_adder_i; |
| input wire equal_to_zero; |
| output reg [32:0] alu_operand_a_o; |
| output reg [32:0] alu_operand_b_o; |
| output wire [31:0] multdiv_result_o; |
| output wire ready_o; |
| reg [4:0] div_counter_q; |
| reg [4:0] div_counter_n; |
| reg [1:0] mult_state_q; |
| reg [1:0] mult_state_n; |
| reg [2:0] divcurr_state_q; |
| reg [2:0] divcurr_state_n; |
| wire signed [34:0] mac_res_ext; |
| reg [33:0] mac_res_q; |
| reg [33:0] mac_res_n; |
| wire [33:0] mac_res; |
| reg [33:0] op_reminder_n; |
| reg [15:0] mult_op_a; |
| reg [15:0] mult_op_b; |
| reg [33:0] accum; |
| reg sign_a; |
| reg sign_b; |
| wire div_sign_a; |
| wire div_sign_b; |
| wire signed_mult; |
| reg is_greater_equal; |
| wire div_change_sign; |
| wire rem_change_sign; |
| wire [31:0] one_shift; |
| reg [31:0] op_denominator_q; |
| reg [31:0] op_numerator_q; |
| reg [31:0] op_quotient_q; |
| reg [31:0] op_denominator_n; |
| reg [31:0] op_numerator_n; |
| reg [31:0] op_quotient_n; |
| wire [31:0] next_reminder; |
| wire [32:0] next_quotient; |
| wire [32:0] res_adder_h; |
| reg mult_is_ready; |
| localparam [1:0] ALBL = 0; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_IDLE = 0; |
| always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin : proc_mult_state_q |
| if (!rst_n) begin |
| mult_state_q <= ALBL; |
| mac_res_q <= {34 {1'sb0}}; |
| div_counter_q <= {5 {1'sb0}}; |
| divcurr_state_q <= MD_IDLE; |
| op_denominator_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; |
| op_numerator_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; |
| op_quotient_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; |
| end |
| else begin |
| if (mult_en_i) |
| mult_state_q <= mult_state_n; |
| if (div_en_i) begin |
| div_counter_q <= div_counter_n; |
| op_denominator_q <= op_denominator_n; |
| op_numerator_q <= op_numerator_n; |
| op_quotient_q <= op_quotient_n; |
| divcurr_state_q <= divcurr_state_n; |
| end |
| case (1'b1) |
| mult_en_i: mac_res_q <= mac_res_n; |
| div_en_i: mac_res_q <= op_reminder_n; |
| default: mac_res_q <= mac_res_q; |
| endcase |
| end |
| end |
| assign signed_mult = signed_mode_i != 2'b00; |
| assign multdiv_result_o = (div_en_i ? mac_res_q[31:0] : mac_res_n[31:0]); |
| assign mac_res_ext = ($signed({sign_a, mult_op_a}) * $signed({sign_b, mult_op_b})) + $signed(accum); |
| assign mac_res = mac_res_ext[33:0]; |
| assign res_adder_h = alu_adder_ext_i[33:1]; |
| assign next_reminder = (is_greater_equal ? res_adder_h[31:0] : mac_res_q[31:0]); |
| assign next_quotient = (is_greater_equal ? {1'b0, op_quotient_q} | {1'b0, one_shift} : {1'b0, op_quotient_q}); |
| assign one_shift = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000001 << div_counter_q; |
| always @(*) |
| if ((mac_res_q[31] ^ op_denominator_q[31]) == 1'b0) |
| is_greater_equal = res_adder_h[31] == 1'b0; |
| else |
| is_greater_equal = mac_res_q[31]; |
| assign div_sign_a = op_a_i[31] & signed_mode_i[0]; |
| assign div_sign_b = op_b_i[31] & signed_mode_i[1]; |
| assign div_change_sign = div_sign_a ^ div_sign_b; |
| assign rem_change_sign = div_sign_a; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_ABS_A = 1; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_ABS_B = 2; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_CHANGE_SIGN = 5; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_COMP = 3; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_FINISH = 6; |
| localparam [2:0] MD_LAST = 4; |
| localparam [1:0] ibex_defines_MD_OP_DIV = 2; |
| always @(*) begin : div_fsm |
| div_counter_n = div_counter_q - 5'h01; |
| op_reminder_n = mac_res_q; |
| op_quotient_n = op_quotient_q; |
| divcurr_state_n = divcurr_state_q; |
| op_numerator_n = op_numerator_q; |
| op_denominator_n = op_denominator_q; |
| alu_operand_a_o = 33'b000000000000000000000000000000001; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; |
| case (divcurr_state_q) |
| MD_IDLE: begin |
| if (operator_i == ibex_defines_MD_OP_DIV) begin |
| op_reminder_n = {34 {1'sb1}}; |
| divcurr_state_n = (equal_to_zero ? MD_FINISH : MD_ABS_A); |
| end |
| else begin |
| op_reminder_n = {2'b00, op_a_i}; |
| divcurr_state_n = (equal_to_zero ? MD_FINISH : MD_ABS_A); |
| end |
| alu_operand_a_o = 33'b000000000000000000000000000000001; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; |
| div_counter_n = 5'd31; |
| end |
| MD_ABS_A: begin |
| op_quotient_n = {32 {1'sb0}}; |
| op_numerator_n = (div_sign_a ? alu_adder_i : op_a_i); |
| divcurr_state_n = MD_ABS_B; |
| div_counter_n = 5'd31; |
| alu_operand_a_o = 33'b000000000000000000000000000000001; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_a_i, 1'b1}; |
| end |
| MD_ABS_B: begin |
| op_reminder_n = {33'h000000000, op_numerator_q[31]}; |
| op_denominator_n = (div_sign_b ? alu_adder_i : op_b_i); |
| divcurr_state_n = MD_COMP; |
| div_counter_n = 5'd31; |
| alu_operand_a_o = 33'b000000000000000000000000000000001; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; |
| end |
| MD_COMP: begin |
| op_reminder_n = {1'b0, next_reminder[31:0], op_numerator_q[div_counter_n]}; |
| op_quotient_n = next_quotient[31:0]; |
| divcurr_state_n = (div_counter_q == 5'd1 ? MD_LAST : MD_COMP); |
| alu_operand_a_o = {mac_res_q[31:0], 1'b1}; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_denominator_q[31:0], 1'b1}; |
| end |
| MD_LAST: begin |
| if (operator_i == ibex_defines_MD_OP_DIV) |
| op_reminder_n = {1'b0, next_quotient}; |
| else |
| op_reminder_n = {2'b00, next_reminder[31:0]}; |
| alu_operand_a_o = {mac_res_q[31:0], 1'b1}; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~op_denominator_q[31:0], 1'b1}; |
| divcurr_state_n = MD_CHANGE_SIGN; |
| end |
| MD_CHANGE_SIGN: begin |
| divcurr_state_n = MD_FINISH; |
| if (operator_i == ibex_defines_MD_OP_DIV) |
| op_reminder_n = (div_change_sign ? {2'h0, alu_adder_i} : mac_res_q); |
| else |
| op_reminder_n = (rem_change_sign ? {2'h0, alu_adder_i} : mac_res_q); |
| alu_operand_a_o = 33'b000000000000000000000000000000001; |
| alu_operand_b_o = {~mac_res_q[31:0], 1'b1}; |
| end |
| MD_FINISH: divcurr_state_n = MD_IDLE; |
| default: |
| ; |
| endcase |
| end |
| assign ready_o = mult_is_ready | (divcurr_state_q == MD_FINISH); |
| localparam [1:0] AHBH = 3; |
| localparam [1:0] AHBL = 2; |
| localparam [1:0] ALBH = 1; |
| localparam [1:0] ibex_defines_MD_OP_MULL = 0; |
| always @(*) begin : mult_fsm |
| mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; |
| mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; |
| sign_a = 1'b0; |
| sign_b = 1'b0; |
| accum = mac_res_q; |
| mac_res_n = mac_res; |
| mult_state_n = mult_state_q; |
| mult_is_ready = 1'b0; |
| case (mult_state_q) |
| ALBL: begin |
| mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; |
| mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; |
| sign_a = 1'b0; |
| sign_b = 1'b0; |
| accum = {34 {1'sb0}}; |
| mac_res_n = mac_res; |
| mult_state_n = ALBH; |
| end |
| ALBH: begin |
| mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; |
| mult_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; |
| sign_a = 1'b0; |
| sign_b = signed_mode_i[1] & op_b_i[31]; |
| accum = {18'b000000000000000000, mac_res_q[31:16]}; |
| if (operator_i == ibex_defines_MD_OP_MULL) |
| mac_res_n = {2'b00, mac_res[15:0], mac_res_q[15:0]}; |
| else |
| mac_res_n = mac_res; |
| mult_state_n = AHBL; |
| end |
| AHBL: begin |
| mult_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; |
| mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; |
| sign_a = signed_mode_i[0] & op_a_i[31]; |
| sign_b = 1'b0; |
| if (operator_i == ibex_defines_MD_OP_MULL) begin |
| accum = {18'b000000000000000000, mac_res_q[31:16]}; |
| mac_res_n = {2'b00, mac_res[15:0], mac_res_q[15:0]}; |
| mult_is_ready = 1'b1; |
| mult_state_n = ALBL; |
| end |
| else begin |
| accum = mac_res_q; |
| mac_res_n = mac_res; |
| mult_state_n = AHBH; |
| end |
| end |
| AHBH: begin |
| mult_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; |
| mult_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; |
| sign_a = signed_mode_i[0] & op_a_i[31]; |
| sign_b = signed_mode_i[1] & op_b_i[31]; |
| accum[17:0] = mac_res_q[33:16]; |
| accum[33:18] = {16 {signed_mult & mac_res_q[33]}}; |
| mac_res_n = mac_res; |
| mult_state_n = ALBL; |
| mult_is_ready = 1'b1; |
| end |
| default: |
| ; |
| endcase |
| end |
| endmodule |