blob: fb9273303cc9af45868bf8779c27e7689ada077c [file] [log] [blame]
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// (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 YongaTek (Yonga Technology Microelectronics)
// All rights reserved.
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// Project : lz4_decompress
// File ID : %%
// Design Unit Name : yonga_lz4_decoder.v
// Description :
// Comments :
// Revision : %%
// Last Changed Date : %%
// Last Changed By :
// Designer
// Name : Bahadir TÜRKOGLU
// E-mail :
// =====================================================================================
module yonga_lz4_decoder
input wire clk,
input wire rstn,
input wire i_lz4_decompress_enable,
input wire lz4_decompress_start,
input wire i_compress_data_write,
output wire o_compress_fifo_full,
input wire [7:0] i_compress_data,
input wire i_decompress_data_read,
output wire o_decompress_fifo_empty,
output wire [5:0] o_fifo2_data_count,
output wire [7:0] o_decompress_data,
output wire o_idle
wire [7:0] i_read_ram_data;
wire o_read_ram_en;
wire [6:0] o_read_ram_address;
wire o_write_ram_en;
wire [6:0] o_write_ram_address;
wire [7:0] o_write_ram_data;
wire i_fifo1_empty;
wire o_fifo1_read;
wire [7:0] i_fifo1_compressed_data;
wire i_fifo2_full;
wire o_fifo2_write;
wire [7:0] o_fifo2_decompress_data;
wire i_fifo2_almst_full;
wire [7:0] temp;
wire not_rstn;
yonga_lz4_decoder_controller U1
.clk (clk),
.rstn (rstn),
.i_lz4_decompress_enable (i_lz4_decompress_enable),
.lz4_decompress_start (lz4_decompress_start),
.i_read_ram_data (i_read_ram_data),
.o_read_ram_en (o_read_ram_en),
.o_read_ram_address (o_read_ram_address),
.o_write_ram_en (o_write_ram_en),
.o_write_ram_address (o_write_ram_address),
.o_write_ram_data (o_write_ram_data),
.i_fifo1_empty (i_fifo1_empty),
.o_fifo1_read (o_fifo1_read),
.i_fifo1_compressed_data (i_fifo1_compressed_data),
.i_fifo2_full (i_fifo2_full),
.i_fifo2_almst_full (i_fifo2_almst_full),
.o_fifo2_write (o_fifo2_write),
.o_fifo2_decompress_data (o_fifo2_decompress_data),
.o_idle (o_idle)
dual_ram U2
.clka (clk),
.data_a (o_write_ram_data),
.addr_a (o_write_ram_address),
.ena (1'b1),
.we_a (o_write_ram_en),
.q_a (),
.clkb (clk),
.data_b (temp),
.addr_b (o_read_ram_address),
.enb (1'b1),
.we_b (1'b0),
.q_b (i_read_ram_data)
.clk (clk),
.n_reset (rstn),
.wr_en (i_compress_data_write),
.data_in (i_compress_data),
.rd_en (o_fifo1_read),
.data_out (i_fifo1_compressed_data),
.data_count (),
.empty (i_fifo1_empty),
.full (o_compress_fifo_full),
.almst_empty (),
.almst_full (),
.err ()
.clk (clk),
.n_reset (rstn),
.wr_en (o_fifo2_write),
.data_in (o_fifo2_decompress_data),
.rd_en (i_decompress_data_read),
.data_out (o_decompress_data),
.data_count (o_fifo2_data_count),
.empty (o_decompress_fifo_empty),
.full (i_fifo2_full),
.almst_empty (),
.almst_full (i_fifo2_almst_full),
.err ()