Update caravel GDS with new user_project_wrapper run
4 files changed
tree: f482206bc7cf1454be24ccd25ff2dd6a0f77a75f
  1. .travisCI/
  2. checks/
  3. def/
  4. doc/
  5. gds/
  6. lef/
  7. macros/
  8. mag/
  9. maglef/
  10. ngspice/
  11. openlane/
  12. qflow/
  13. scripts/
  14. spi/
  15. utils/
  16. verilog/
  17. .travis.yml
  18. info.yaml
  20. Makefile
  21. mpw-one-b.md
  22. README.md

OSU RISC-V Caravel

This is an implementation of a single-cycle RISC-V processor inside of the Caravel test system for use in the SkyWater 130nm PDK.