blob: a2a33b671edb95ac3f1aedf57c2fce2a460eba68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Module: simple_spi_master
// Copyright (C) 2019 efabless, inc.
// This source file may be used and distributed without
// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not
// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains
// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
// later version.
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
// details.
// resetn: active low async reset
// clk: master clock (before prescaler)
// stream:
// 0 = apply/release CSB separately for each byte
// 1 = apply CSB until stream bit is cleared
// mlb:
// 0 = msb 1st
// 1 = lsb 1st
// invsck:
// 0 = normal SCK
// 1 = inverted SCK
// invcsb:
// 0 = normal CSB (active low)
// 1 = inverted CSB (active high)
// mode:
// 0 = read and change data on opposite SCK edges
// 1 = read and change data on the same SCK edge
// enable:
// 0 = disable the SPI master
// 1 = enable the SPI master
// irqena:
// 0 = disable interrupt
// 1 = enable interrupt
// prescaler: count (in master clock cycles) of 1/2 SCK cycle.
// reg_dat_we:
// 1 = data write enable
// reg_dat_re:
// 1 = data read enable
// reg_cfg_*: Signaling for read/write of configuration register
// reg_dat_*: Signaling for read/write of data register
// err_out: Indicates attempt to read/write before data ready
// (failure to wait for reg_dat_wait to clear)
// Between "mode" and "invsck", all four standard SPI modes are supported
module simple_spi_master_wb #(
parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h2100_0000,
parameter CONFIG = 8'h00,
parameter DATA = 8'h04
) (
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rst_i,
input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
input wb_we_i,
input wb_cyc_i,
input wb_stb_i,
output wb_ack_o,
output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
input sdi, // SPI input
output csb, // SPI chip select
output sck, // SPI clock
output sdo, // SPI output
output sdoenb, // SPI output enable
output irq // interrupt output
wire [31:0] simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_do;
wire [31:0] simple_spi_master_reg_dat_do;
wire resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
wire valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
wire simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_sel = valid && (wb_adr_i == (BASE_ADR | CONFIG));
wire simple_spi_master_reg_dat_sel = valid && (wb_adr_i == (BASE_ADR | DATA));
wire [1:0] reg_cfg_we = (simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_sel) ?
(wb_sel_i[1:0] & {2{wb_we_i}}): 2'b00;
wire reg_dat_we = (simple_spi_master_reg_dat_sel) ? (wb_sel_i[0] & wb_we_i): 1'b0;
wire [31:0] mem_wdata = wb_dat_i;
wire reg_dat_re = simple_spi_master_reg_dat_sel && !wb_sel_i && ~wb_we_i;
assign wb_dat_o = (simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_sel) ? simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_do :
assign wb_ack_o = (simple_spi_master_reg_cfg_sel || simple_spi_master_reg_dat_sel)
&& (!reg_dat_wait);
simple_spi_master spi_master (
.sdi(sdi), // SPI input
.csb(csb), // SPI chip select
.sck(sck), // SPI clock
.sdo(sdo), // SPI output
.irq_out(irq) // interrupt
module simple_spi_master (
input resetn,
input clk, // master clock (assume 100MHz)
input [1:0] reg_cfg_we,
input [31:0] reg_cfg_di,
output [31:0] reg_cfg_do,
input reg_dat_we,
input reg_dat_re,
input [31:0] reg_dat_di,
output [31:0] reg_dat_do,
output reg_dat_wait,
output irq_out,
output err_out,
input sdi, // SPI input
output csb, // SPI chip select
output sck, // SPI clock
output sdo // SPI output
parameter IDLE = 2'b00;
parameter SENDL = 2'b01;
parameter SENDH = 2'b10;
parameter FINISH = 2'b11;
reg done;
reg isdo, hsck, icsb;
reg [1:0] state;
reg isck;
reg err_out;
reg [7:0] treg, rreg, d_latched;
reg [2:0] nbit;
reg [7:0] prescaler;
reg [7:0] count;
reg invsck;
reg invcsb;
reg mlb;
reg irqena;
reg stream;
reg mode;
reg enable;
wire csb;
wire irq_out;
wire sck;
wire sdo;
wire sdoenb;
// Define behavior for inverted SCK and inverted CSB
assign csb = (enable == 1'b0) ? 1'bz : (invcsb) ? ~icsb : icsb;
assign sck = (enable == 1'b0) ? 1'bz : (invsck) ? ~isck : isck;
// No bidirectional 3-pin mode defined, so SDO is enabled whenever CSB is low.
assign sdoenb = icsb;
// assign sdo = (enable == 1'b0) ? 1'bz : icsb ? 1'bz : isdo;
assign sdo = (enable == 1'b0) ? 1'bz : isdo;
assign irq_out = irqena & done;
// Read configuration and data registers
assign reg_cfg_do = {17'd0, irqena, enable, stream, mode, invsck, invcsb, mlb, prescaler};
assign reg_dat_wait = ~done;
assign reg_dat_do = done ? rreg : ~0;
// Write configuration register
always @(posedge clk or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
prescaler <= 8'd2;
invcsb <= 1'b0;
invsck <= 1'b0;
mlb <= 1'b0;
enable <= 1'b0;
irqena <= 1'b0;
stream <= 1'b0;
mode <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (reg_cfg_we[0]) prescaler <= reg_cfg_di[7:0];
if (reg_cfg_we[1]) begin
mlb <= reg_cfg_di[8];
invcsb <= reg_cfg_di[9];
invsck <= reg_cfg_di[10];
mode <= reg_cfg_di[11];
stream <= reg_cfg_di[12];
enable <= reg_cfg_di[13];
irqena <= reg_cfg_di[14];
end //reg_cfg_we[1]
end //resetn
end //always
// Watch for read and write enables on clk, not hsck, so as not to
// miss them.
reg w_latched, r_latched;
always @(posedge clk or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
err_out <= 1'b0;
w_latched <= 1'b0;
r_latched <= 1'b0;
d_latched <= 8'd0;
end else begin
// Clear latches on SEND, otherwise latch when seen
if (state == SENDL || state == SENDH) begin
if (reg_dat_we == 1'b0) begin
w_latched <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (reg_dat_we == 1'b1) begin
if (done == 1'b0 && w_latched == 1'b1) begin
err_out <= 1'b1;
end else begin
w_latched <= 1'b1;
d_latched <= reg_dat_di[7:0];
err_out <= 1'b0;
if (reg_dat_re == 1'b1) begin
if (r_latched == 1'b1) begin
r_latched <= 1'b0;
end else begin
err_out <= 1'b1; // byte not available
end else if (state == FINISH) begin
r_latched <= 1'b1;
end if (state == SENDL || state == SENDH) begin
if (r_latched == 1'b1) begin
err_out <= 1'b1; // last byte was never read
end else begin
r_latched <= 1'b0;
// State transition.
always @(posedge hsck or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
state <= IDLE;
nbit <= 3'd0;
icsb <= 1'b1;
done <= 1'b1;
end else begin
if (state == IDLE) begin
if (w_latched == 1'b1) begin
state <= SENDL;
nbit <= 3'd0;
icsb <= 1'b0;
done <= 1'b0;
end else begin
icsb <= ~stream;
end else if (state == SENDL) begin
state <= SENDH;
end else if (state == SENDH) begin
nbit <= nbit + 1;
if (nbit == 3'd7) begin
state <= FINISH;
end else begin
state <= SENDL;
end else if (state == FINISH) begin
icsb <= ~stream;
done <= 1'b1;
state <= IDLE;
// Set up internal clock. The enable bit gates the internal clock
// to shut down the master SPI when disabled.
always @(posedge clk or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
count <= 8'd0;
hsck <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (enable == 1'b0) begin
count <= 8'd0;
end else begin
count <= count + 1;
if (count == prescaler) begin
hsck <= ~hsck;
count <= 8'd0;
end // count
end // enable
end // resetn
end // always
// sck is half the rate of hsck
always @(posedge hsck or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
isck <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (state == IDLE || state == FINISH)
isck <= 1'b0;
isck <= ~isck;
end // resetn
end // always
// Main procedure: read, write, shift data
always @(posedge hsck or negedge resetn) begin
if (resetn == 1'b0) begin
rreg <= 8'hff;
treg <= 8'hff;
isdo <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (isck == 1'b0 && (state == SENDL || state == SENDH)) begin
if (mlb == 1'b1) begin
// LSB first, sdi@msb -> right shift
rreg <= {sdi, rreg[7:1]};
end else begin
// MSB first, sdi@lsb -> left shift
rreg <= {rreg[6:0], sdi};
end // read on ~isck
if (w_latched == 1'b1) begin
if (mlb == 1'b1) begin
treg <= {1'b1, d_latched[7:1]};
isdo <= d_latched[0];
end else begin
treg <= {d_latched[6:0], 1'b1};
isdo <= d_latched[7];
end // mlb
end else if ((mode ^ isck) == 1'b1) begin
if (mlb == 1'b1) begin
// LSB first, shift right
treg <= {1'b1, treg[7:1]};
isdo <= treg[0];
end else begin
// MSB first shift LEFT
treg <= {treg[6:0], 1'b1};
isdo <= treg[7];
end // mlb
end // write on mode ^ isck
end // resetn
end // always