blob: 9744ec9e66b1996a2f27a84738c1d2dbc26c6066 [file] [log] [blame]
`include "fwrisc_exec_formal_defines.svh"
module fwrisc_exec_formal_mem_checker(
input clock,
input reset,
input decode_valid,
input instr_complete,
// Indicates whether the instruction is compressed
input instr_c,
input[4:0] op_type,
input[31:0] op_a, // jump_base
input[31:0] op_b, // always zero
input[5:0] op,
input[31:0] op_c, // jump_offset
input[5:0] rd,
input[5:0] rd_waddr,
input[31:0] rd_wdata,
input rd_wen,
input[31:0] pc,
// Indicates that the PC is sequential to the last PC
input pc_seq,
input[31:0] mtvec,
input[31:0] daddr,
input dvalid,
input dwrite,
input[31:0] dwdata,
input[3:0] dwstb,
input[31:0] drdata,
input dready
`include "fwrisc_op_type.svh"
`include "fwrisc_mem_op.svh"
reg[7:0] count = 0;
reg[31:0] wr_data;
reg instr_c_last;
reg[31:0] pc_last;
reg[2:0] rd_wr_count;
reg[5:0] rd_addr;
reg[31:0] rd_val;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
count <= 0;
wr_data <= 0;
pc_last <= 0;
rd_wr_count <= 0;
rd_val <= 0;
end else begin
if (decode_valid) begin
pc_last <= pc;
instr_c_last <= instr_c;
if (rd_wen) begin
rd_wr_count <= rd_wr_count + 1;
`assert(rd_waddr == rd);
rd_val <= rd_wdata;
if (instr_complete) begin
`cover(op == OP_LB);
`cover(op == OP_LH);
`cover(op == OP_LBU);
`cover(op == OP_LHU);
`cover(op == OP_LW);
`cover(op == OP_SB);
`cover(op == OP_SH);
`cover(op == OP_SW);
// case (op)
// endcase
if (op == OP_LB || op == OP_LH || op == OP_LBU || op == OP_LHU || op == OP_LW) begin
`assert(rd_wr_count == 1);
end else begin
`assert(rd_wr_count == 0);
rd_wr_count <= 0;