iverilog does not like registers named 'config', though other verilog tools don't seem to have a problem with it
diff --git a/test/README.md b/test/README.md
index 12954f4..ad9f7dc 100644
--- a/test/README.md
+++ b/test/README.md
@@ -27,4 +27,6 @@
 ### test003ycconfig.v
-This tests the configuration circuit by manually shifting in 3 bits at a time and listing the outputs
+This tests the configuration circuit by manually shifting in 3 bits at a time and listing the outputs. It adds a comment about which state the configuration is in after the 3 bits.
+A second configuration circuit is cascaded with the first in this test. Every time the first circuit has a valid configuration, the second one should have the previous valid configuration of the first circuit.
diff --git a/test/test003ycconfig.v b/test/test003ycconfig.v
index 320a210..068aeac 100644
--- a/test/test003ycconfig.v
+++ b/test/test003ycconfig.v
@@ -30,12 +30,21 @@
                  hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
                  vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
-  wire [9:0] ans;
-  assign ans = {cbitout, empty,
-                hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
-                vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1};
+  // adds a second device cascade with the main one being tested to
+  // see if the expected timing (always holds the previous configuration
+  // of the first device) is present
+  wire cbitout2;
+  wire empty2;
+  wire hblock2, hbypass2, hmatch02, hmatch12;
+  wire vblock2, vbypass2, vmatch02, vmatch12;
+  ycconfig DUT2 (confclk, cbitout, cbitout2,
+                 empty2,
+                 hblock2, hbypass2, hmatch02, hmatch12,
+                 vblock2, vbypass2, vmatch02, vmatch12);
     confclk = 0; cbitin = 0;
@@ -57,12 +66,70 @@
     #10 cbitin = 1; // lsb
     #10 confclk = 1;
     #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = +");
+    #10 cbitin = 0; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 0; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = -");
+    #10 cbitin = 0; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = |");
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 0;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 0; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = 1");
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 0;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = 0");
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 0; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = Y");
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // msb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0;
+    #10 cbitin = 1; // lsb
+    #10 confclk = 1;
+    #10 confclk = 0; $display("configuration = N");
-  $monitor($time,,confclk,,cbitin,,ans);
+  $monitor($time,,confclk,cbitin,cbitout,,empty,,
+                hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,,
+                vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1,,
+                cbitout2,,empty2,,
+                hblock2, hbypass2, hmatch02, hmatch12,,
+                vblock2, vbypass2, vmatch02, vmatch12);
-  end
diff --git a/verilog/morphlelogic.v b/verilog/morphlelogic.v
index 4496743..88f59d8 100644
--- a/verilog/morphlelogic.v
+++ b/verilog/morphlelogic.v
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@
        assign {empty,hblock,hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
                vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1} = r;
-       reg [2:0] config;
-       always @(posedge confclk) config = {config[1:0],cbitin}; // shift to msb
-       assign cbitout = config[2];  // shifted to next cell
+       reg [2:0] cnfg;
+       always @(posedge confclk) cnfg = {cnfg[1:0],cbitin}; // shift to msb
+       assign cbitout = cnfg[2];  // shifted to next cell
-       always @(config)
-         case(config)
+       always @(cnfg)
+         case(cnfg)
            3'b000: r = 9'b110001000; // space is empty and blocked
            3'b001: r = 9'b000110011; // +     sync with don't cares
            3'b010: r = 9'b001001000; // -     horizontal short circuit