blob: 88f59d8b07b531e0d7347400a30ab6a956496854 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Jecel Mattos de Assumpcao Jr
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// These are the building blocks for Morphle Logic, an asynchronous
// runtime reconfigurable array (ARRA).
// many signals are two bit busses
`define Vempty 0
`define V0 1
`define V1 2
// the combination 3 is not defined
// this asynchronous finite state machine is the basic building block
// of Morphle Logic. It explicitly defines 5 simple latches that
// directly change when their inputs do, so there is no clock anywhere
module ycfsm (reset, in, match, out);
input reset;
input [1:0] in;
input [1:0] match;
output [1:0] out;
wire [1:0] lin;
wire [1:0] nlin;
wire [1:0] lmatch;
wire [1:0] nlmatch;
wire lmempty;
wire nlmempty;
wire clear;
wire linval, inval, lmatchval, matchval;
assign linval = lin != `Vempty;
assign inval = in != `Vempty;
assign lmatchval = lmatch != `Vempty;
assign matchval = match != `Vempty;
assign clear = reset | (lmempty & linval & ~inval);
wire [1:0] clear2;
assign clear2 = {clear,clear};
// two bit latches
assign lin = ~(clear2 | nlin);
assign nlin = ~(in | lin);
assign lmatch = ~(clear2 | nlmatch);
assign nlmatch = ~((match & {nlmempty,nlmempty}) | lmatch);
// one bit latch
assign lmempty = ~(~(linval | lmatchval) | nlmempty);
assign nlmempty = ~((lmatchval & ~matchval) | lmempty);
// forward the result of combining match and in
assign out[1] = lin[1] & lmatch[1];
assign out[0] = (lmatch[1] & lin[0]) | (lmatch[0] & linval);
// each "yellow cell" in Morphle Logic can be configured to one of eight
// different options. This circuit saves the 3 bits of the configuration
// and outputs the control circuit the rest of the cell needs
// the case statement is where the meaning of the configuration bits are
// defined and is the only thing that needs to change (not counting software)
// if the meaning needs to be changed
module ycconfig (confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
input confclk, cbitin;
output cbitout;
output empty;
output hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1;
output vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1;
reg [8:0] r; // case needs REG even though we want a combinational circuit
assign {empty,hblock,hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1} = r;
reg [2:0] cnfg;
always @(posedge confclk) cnfg = {cnfg[1:0],cbitin}; // shift to msb
assign cbitout = cnfg[2]; // shifted to next cell
always @(cnfg)
3'b000: r = 9'b110001000; // space is empty and blocked
3'b001: r = 9'b000110011; // + sync with don't cares
3'b010: r = 9'b001001000; // - horizontal short circuit
3'b011: r = 9'b010000100; // | vertical short circuit
3'b100: r = 9'b000110001; // 1 1 vertical, X horizontal
3'b101: r = 9'b000110010; // 0 0 vertical, X horizontal
3'b110: r = 9'b000010011; // Y X vertical, 1 horizontal
3'b111: r = 9'b000100011; // N X vertical, 0 horizontal