Update info.yaml
diff --git a/info.yaml b/info.yaml
index 65e82e8..e93d7ff 100644
--- a/info.yaml
+++ b/info.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # TinyTapeout project information
-  wokwi_id:    334445762078310996        # If using wokwi, set this to your project's ID
+  wokwi_id:    350175937959035475        # If using wokwi, set this to your project's ID
 #  source_files:        # If using an HDL, set wokwi_id as 0 and uncomment and list your source files here
 #    - verilog/rtl/counter.v
 #    - verilog/rtl/decoder.v
@@ -26,21 +26,32 @@
   clock_hz:     0       # Clock frequency in Hz (if required) we are expecting max clock frequency to be ~6khz. Provided on input 0.
   picture:      ""      # relative path to a picture in your repository
   inputs:               # a description of what the inputs do
-    - clock
-    - reset
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
+    - in0
+    - in1
+    - in2
+    - in3
+    - in4
+    - in5
+    - in6
+    - in7
+    - in8
+    - in9
+    - in10
+    - in11
+    - in12
+    - in13
+    - in14
+    - in15
-    - segment a         # a description of what the outputs do
-    - segment b
-    - segment c
-    - segment d
-    - segment e
-    - segment f
-    - segment g
-    - none
+    - out0
+    - out1
+    - out2
+    - out3
+    - out4
+    - out5
+    - out6
+    - out7
+    - out8
+    - out9
+    - out10
+    - out11