blob: 49af2ef102b376391fcf47f8d9c98ab24732372a [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
// top level module
module rolfmobile99_alu_fsm_top(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire clk = io_in[7];
wire reset = io_in[6];
wire ctl_in = io_in[5];
wire notused = io_in[4];
wire [3:0] databus = io_in[3:0];
assign io_out[4] = aluCout;
assign io_out[3:0] = aluOut[3:0];
wire [2:0] state_out;
wire enA, enB, enM, enC, selC;
wire rst_out;
wire [3:0] aluA, aluB; // tmp: to alu A input
wire aluCout;
wire aluZ; // notused
wire [3:0] aluOut;
wire [3:0] aluOp; // bit0: add=0, sub=1 bit1: enCin bit2,3: unused
wire op0; // bit0 of above
assign op0 = aluOp[0];
// connect modules
alu_fsm alu_fsm(
.clk(clk) ); // clk with 'clk' signal
flop_4 regA(
.qEn(1'b1), // always enable output
.reset(rst_out),// clear on reset state
.clk(clk) ); // clk with 'clk' signal
flop_4 regB(
.qEn(1'b1), // always enable output
.reset(rst_out),// clear on reset state
.clk(clk) ); // clk with 'clk' signal
flop_4 regM(
.qq(aluOp), // note: regM drives aluOp lines
.qEn(1'b1), // always enable output
.reset(rst_out),// clear on reset state
.clk(clk) ); // clk with 'clk' signal
alu_4 alu(
.op(op0), // controls add/sub
.cin(1'b0), // tmp: carryin=0
.z(aluZ), // alu zero (notused)
.outEn(1'b1) ); // always enable output