blob: 4425a62d0ed39d5a96a57469e602dccbf6d27e99 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import math
import sys
from itertools import product
script_dir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath(__file__))
site_width = 0.46
site_height = 2.72
top_left_margin_mult = 12
top_right_margin_mult = 12
top_top_margin_mult = 4
top_bottom_margin_mult = 4
top_voffset = 16.32 # horizontal offset of vertical strips
top_vpitch = 153.60 # horizontal pitch of vertical strips
# this is VDD-to-VDD, i.e. there's a GND at half top_vpitch
top_vwidth = 1.60 # width of the vertical strips
top_vspace = 1.70 # min spacing between any vertical PDN
top_hoffset = 16.65 # vertical offset of horizontal strips
top_hpitch = 153.18 # vertical pitch of horizontal strips
top_hwidth = 1.60 # width of the horizontal strips
top_hspace = 1.70 # min spacing between any horizontal PDN
# Vertical multiplier
vmult = 2.5
# the goal is to place one CLB every (2*top_vpitch, vmult*top_hpitch)
num_clb_x = 8
num_clb_y = 8
# Get PDN shapes in tile_clb
def get_clb_pdn_met4 ():
pdn = []
found_met4 = False
for lineno, line in enumerate(
open(os.path.join(script_dir, "..", "..", "lef", "tile_clb.lef")),
tokens = line.split()
if found_met4:
found_met4 = False
pdn.append (tuple(map(float, tokens[1:5])))
except (IndexError, ValueError):
raise RuntimeError ("[LINE {:>06d}] Expecting 'RECT %f %f %f %f ;'".format(lineno))
if len(tokens) >= 2 and tokens[0] == "LAYER" and tokens[1] == "met4":
found_met4 = True
return list(sorted(pdn, key = lambda x: x[0]))
# Analyze PDN shapes: reverse-engineer the horizontal offset, pitch and width of the vertical strips of PDN
def analyze_pdn (pdn):
if len(pdn) < 2:
raise RuntimeError("At least 2 PDN shapes are required for analysis")
strips = [ ((shape[0] + shape[2])/2., (shape[2] - shape[0])/2.)
for shape in pdn ]
strips = sorted(strips, key = lambda x: x[0])
offset = strips[0][0]
pitch = strips[1][0] - offset
width = strips[0][1]
for i, strip in enumerate(strips):
if i < len(strip) - 1:
if abs(strips[i+1][0] - strip[0] - pitch) > 1e-10:
raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent pitch")
if abs(strip[1] - width) > 1e-10:
raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent width")
return offset, pitch, width
# Validate horizontal placement
def validate_hplace ( macro_hoffset, macro_pdn ):
# top grid:
# for any integer __k__:
# top_left_margin_mult * site_width
# + top_voffset
# + __k__ * top_vpitch / 2
x_top_pdn_met4 = top_left_margin_mult * site_width + top_voffset
for x in range(num_clb_x):
for x0, _0, x1, _1 in macro_pdn:
x0 += macro_hoffset + x * top_vpitch * 2
x1 += macro_hoffset + x * top_vpitch * 2
left_space = (x0 - x_top_pdn_met4)
left_space -= math.floor(2 * left_space / top_vpitch) * top_vpitch / 2
if left_space < top_vwidth / 2 + top_vspace:
raise RuntimeError("[Error] PDN conflict at {:g}".format(x0))
right_space = (x1 - x_top_pdn_met4)
right_space -= math.floor(2 * right_space / top_vpitch) * top_vpitch / 2
right_space = top_vpitch / 2 - right_space
if right_space < top_vwidth / 2 + top_vspace:
raise RuntimeError("[Error] PDN conflict at {:g}".format(x0))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
raise RuntimeError("Three arguments required (x and y offset of macros, output file name)")
macro_hoffset = math.floor(float(sys.argv[1]) / site_width) * site_width
macro_voffset = math.floor(float(sys.argv[2]) / site_height) * site_height
print ("x offset legalized to {:>4.2f}".format(macro_hoffset))
print ("y offset legalized to {:>4.2f}".format(macro_voffset))
validate_hplace (macro_hoffset, get_clb_pdn_met4())
with open(sys.argv[3], 'w') as f:
for x, y in product(range(num_clb_x), range(num_clb_y)):
f.write ("i_tile_x{}y{} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} R0\n"
.format(x + 1, y + 1,
macro_hoffset + x * top_vpitch * 2,
macro_voffset + y * top_hpitch * vmult))