blob: 6503a65fd8c80e467c3f3c7b71b68ffe8d44503c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors
// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
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// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
// disclaimer.
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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// *File Name: ogfx_backend_frame_fifo.v
// *Module Description:
// Mini-cache memory for frame memory access.
// *Author(s):
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev$
// $LastChangedBy$
// $LastChangedDate$
`include "openGFX430_defines.v"
module ogfx_backend_frame_fifo (
frame_data_o, // Frame data
frame_data_ready_o, // Frame data ready
vid_ram_addr_o, // Video-RAM address
vid_ram_cen_o, // Video-RAM enable (active low)
mclk, // Main system clock
puc_rst, // Main system reset
display_width_i, // Display width
display_height_i, // Display height
display_size_i, // Display size (number of pixels)
display_y_swap_i, // Display configuration: swap Y axis (horizontal symmetry)
display_x_swap_i, // Display configuration: swap X axis (vertical symmetry)
display_cl_swap_i, // Display configuration: swap column/lines
frame_data_request_i, // Request for next frame data
gfx_mode_i, // Video mode (1xx:16bpp / 011:8bpp / 010:4bpp / 001:2bpp / 000:1bpp)
vid_ram_dout_i, // Video-RAM data output
vid_ram_dout_rdy_nxt_i, // Video-RAM data output ready during next cycle
refresh_active_i, // Display refresh on going
refresh_frame_base_addr_i // Refresh frame base address
output [15:0] frame_data_o; // Frame data
output frame_data_ready_o; // Frame data ready
output[`VRAM_MSB:0] vid_ram_addr_o; // Video-RAM address
output vid_ram_cen_o; // Video-RAM enable (active low)
input mclk; // Main system clock
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
input [`LPIX_MSB:0] display_width_i; // Display width
input [`LPIX_MSB:0] display_height_i; // Display height
input [`SPIX_MSB:0] display_size_i; // Display size (number of pixels)
input display_y_swap_i; // Display configuration: swap Y axis (horizontal symmetry)
input display_x_swap_i; // Display configuration: swap X axis (vertical symmetry)
input display_cl_swap_i; // Display configuration: swap column/lines
input frame_data_request_i; // Request for next frame data
input [2:0] gfx_mode_i; // Video mode (1xx:16bpp / 011:8bpp / 010:4bpp / 001:2bpp / 000:1bpp)
input [15:0] vid_ram_dout_i; // Video-RAM data output
input vid_ram_dout_rdy_nxt_i; // Video-RAM data output ready during next cycle
input refresh_active_i; // Display refresh on going
input [`APIX_MSB:0] refresh_frame_base_addr_i; // Refresh frame base address
// Some parameter(s)
parameter FIFO_EMPTY = 2'h0,
FIFO_FULL = 2'h3;
// Video modes decoding
wire gfx_mode_1_bpp = (gfx_mode_i == 3'b000);
wire gfx_mode_2_bpp = (gfx_mode_i == 3'b001);
wire gfx_mode_4_bpp = (gfx_mode_i == 3'b010);
wire gfx_mode_8_bpp = (gfx_mode_i == 3'b011);
wire gfx_mode_16_bpp = ~(gfx_mode_8_bpp | gfx_mode_4_bpp |
gfx_mode_2_bpp | gfx_mode_1_bpp);
// Others
reg [1:0] fifo_counter;
wire [1:0] fifo_counter_nxt;
wire fifo_data_ready;
wire read_from_fifo;
reg vid_ram_data_mux_ready;
reg vid_ram_dout_ready;
wire [15:0] vid_ram_dout_processed;
// FIFO data request
// The FIFO requests for new data whenever it is not full (or not about to get full)
reg fifo_data_request;
wire fifo_data_request_nxt = refresh_active_i &
(fifo_counter_nxt != FIFO_FULL) & // FIFO is full
~((fifo_counter_nxt == (FIFO_FULL-1)) & fifo_data_ready); // FIFO is about to be full
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) fifo_data_request <= 1'h0;
else fifo_data_request <= fifo_data_request_nxt;
// Video RAM Address generation
reg [`APIX_MSB:0] vid_ram_pixel_addr;
reg [`APIX_MSB:0] vid_ram_line_addr;
reg [`LPIX_MSB:0] vid_ram_column_count;
// Detect when the fifo is done reading the current pixel data
wire vid_ram_pixel_done = fifo_data_request & fifo_data_ready;
// Detect when the current line refresh is done
wire [`LPIX_MSB:0] line_length = display_cl_swap_i ? display_height_i : display_width_i;
wire vid_ram_line_done = vid_ram_pixel_done & (vid_ram_column_count==(line_length-{{`LPIX_MSB{1'b0}}, 1'b1}));
// Zero extension for LINT cleanup
wire [`VRAM_MSB*3:0] display_size_norm = {{`VRAM_MSB*3-`SPIX_MSB{1'b0}}, display_size_i};
wire [`VRAM_MSB*3:0] display_width_norm = {{`VRAM_MSB*3-`LPIX_MSB{1'b0}}, display_width_i};
// Based on the display configuration (i.e. X-Swap / Y-Swap / CL-Swap)
// the screen is not going to be refreshed in the same way.
// The screen refresh is the performed according to the following
// pseudo-code procedure:
// for (l_idx=0; l_idx<HEIGHT; l_idx++)
// for (c_idx=0; c_idx<WIDTH; c_idx++)
// addr = FIRST + 0 + WIDTH*l_idx + c_idx // Normal
// addr = FIRST + WIDTH-1 + WIDTH*l_idx - c_idx // X-Swap
// addr = LAST - WIDTH+1 - WIDTH*l_idx + c_idx // Y-Swap
// addr = LAST - 0 - WIDTH*l_idx - c_idx // X/Y-Swap
wire [`APIX_MSB:0] next_base_addr = ~refresh_active_i ? refresh_frame_base_addr_i :
vid_ram_line_done ? vid_ram_line_addr :
vid_ram_pixel_addr ;
wire [`APIX_MSB:0] next_addr = next_base_addr
+ (display_size_norm[`APIX_MSB:0] & {`APIX_MSB+1{refresh_active_i ? 1'b0 : display_y_swap_i}})
+ (display_width_norm[`APIX_MSB:0] & {`APIX_MSB+1{refresh_active_i ? (~display_y_swap_i & (display_cl_swap_i ^ vid_ram_line_done)) : display_x_swap_i}})
- (display_width_norm[`APIX_MSB:0] & {`APIX_MSB+1{refresh_active_i ? ( display_y_swap_i & (display_cl_swap_i ^ vid_ram_line_done)) : display_y_swap_i}})
+ ({{`APIX_MSB{1'b0}}, 1'b1} & {`APIX_MSB+1{refresh_active_i ? (~display_x_swap_i & ~(display_cl_swap_i ^ vid_ram_line_done)) : 1'b0 }})
- ({{`APIX_MSB{1'b0}}, 1'b1} & {`APIX_MSB+1{refresh_active_i ? ( display_x_swap_i & ~(display_cl_swap_i ^ vid_ram_line_done)) : display_x_swap_i}});
wire update_line_addr = ~refresh_active_i | vid_ram_line_done;
wire update_pixel_addr = update_line_addr | vid_ram_pixel_done;
// Start RAM address of currentely refreshed line
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_line_addr <= {`APIX_MSB+1{1'b0}};
else if (update_line_addr) vid_ram_line_addr <= next_addr;
// Current RAM address of the currentely refreshed pixel
wire [`APIX_MSB:0] vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt = update_pixel_addr ? next_addr : vid_ram_pixel_addr;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_pixel_addr <= {`APIX_MSB+1{1'b0}};
else vid_ram_pixel_addr <= vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt;
// Count the pixel number in the current line
// (used to detec the end of a line)
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_column_count <= {`LPIX_MSB+1{1'b0}};
else if (~refresh_active_i) vid_ram_column_count <= {`LPIX_MSB+1{1'b0}};
else if (vid_ram_line_done) vid_ram_column_count <= {`LPIX_MSB+1{1'b0}};
else if (vid_ram_pixel_done) vid_ram_column_count <= vid_ram_column_count + {{`LPIX_MSB{1'b0}}, 1'b1};
// Depending on the color mode, format the address for doing the RAM accesses.
assign vid_ram_addr_o = ({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_1_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr[`VRAM_MSB+4:4]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_2_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr[`VRAM_MSB+3:3]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_4_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr[`VRAM_MSB+2:2]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_8_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr[`VRAM_MSB+1:1]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_16_bpp}} & vid_ram_pixel_addr[`VRAM_MSB+0:0]) ;
// Compute the next RAM address to detect when a new address is generated
wire [`VRAM_MSB:0] vid_ram_addr_nxt = ({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_1_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt[`VRAM_MSB+4:4]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_2_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt[`VRAM_MSB+3:3]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_4_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt[`VRAM_MSB+2:2]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_8_bpp }} & vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt[`VRAM_MSB+1:1]) |
({`VRAM_MSB+1{gfx_mode_16_bpp}} & vid_ram_pixel_addr_nxt[`VRAM_MSB+0:0]) ;
// Detect when a new word needs to be fetched from the memory
// (i.e. detect when the RAM address is updated)
reg vid_ram_addr_update;
wire vid_ram_addr_update_nxt = (vid_ram_addr_o != vid_ram_addr_nxt);
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_addr_update <= 1'h0;
else if (~refresh_active_i) vid_ram_addr_update <= 1'h1;
else if (vid_ram_pixel_done) vid_ram_addr_update <= vid_ram_addr_update_nxt;
// Disable RAM access if there is no need to fetch a new word
assign vid_ram_cen_o = vid_ram_addr_update ? ~fifo_data_request : 1'b1;
// If the next FIFO data doesn't come from the RAM, then it is ready as
// soon as it is requested
assign fifo_data_ready = vid_ram_addr_update ? vid_ram_dout_rdy_nxt_i : fifo_data_request;
// Data buffer
// For the LUT modes, it is not necessary to access the RAM for
// every pixel. In that case, the FIFO is filled with the values
// coming from the buffer.
// (i.e. we only take data directly from the RAM when it is just read)
reg [15:0] vid_ram_dout_buf;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_dout_buf <= 16'h0000;
else if (vid_ram_dout_ready) vid_ram_dout_buf <= vid_ram_dout_i;
wire [15:0] vid_ram_dout_mux = vid_ram_dout_ready ? vid_ram_dout_i : vid_ram_dout_buf;
// Data formating
// Depending on the mode, the address LSBs are used to select which bits
// of the current data word need to be put in the FIFO
wire [3:0] vid_ram_data_sel_nxt = ({4{gfx_mode_1_bpp}} & {vid_ram_pixel_addr[3:0] }) |
({4{gfx_mode_2_bpp}} & {vid_ram_pixel_addr[2:0], 1'b0 }) |
({4{gfx_mode_4_bpp}} & {vid_ram_pixel_addr[1:0], 2'b00 }) |
({4{gfx_mode_8_bpp}} & {vid_ram_pixel_addr[0], 3'b000 }) ;
reg [3:0] vid_ram_data_sel;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_data_sel <= 4'h0;
else if (vid_ram_pixel_done) vid_ram_data_sel <= vid_ram_data_sel_nxt;
wire [15:0] vid_ram_dout_shifted = (vid_ram_dout_mux >> vid_ram_data_sel);
// Format data output for LUT processing
// (8 bit LSBs are used to address the LUT memory, MSBs are ignored)
assign vid_ram_dout_processed = ({16{gfx_mode_1_bpp }} & {8'h00, 7'b0000000, vid_ram_dout_shifted[0] }) |
({16{gfx_mode_2_bpp }} & {8'h00, 6'b000000 , vid_ram_dout_shifted[1:0]}) |
({16{gfx_mode_4_bpp }} & {8'h00, 4'b0000 , vid_ram_dout_shifted[3:0]}) |
({16{gfx_mode_8_bpp }} & {8'h00, vid_ram_dout_shifted[7:0]}) |
({16{gfx_mode_16_bpp}} & { vid_ram_dout_shifted[15:0] }) ;
// Data Ready
// Data is available on the bus one cycle after the rdy_nxt signals
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_data_mux_ready <= 1'b0;
else vid_ram_data_mux_ready <= fifo_data_ready;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) vid_ram_dout_ready <= 1'b0;
else vid_ram_dout_ready <= vid_ram_dout_rdy_nxt_i;
// Declaration
// Control signals
wire fifo_push = vid_ram_data_mux_ready & (fifo_counter != FIFO_FULL);
wire fifo_pop = read_from_fifo & (fifo_counter != FIFO_EMPTY);
// Fifo counter
assign fifo_counter_nxt = ~refresh_active_i ? FIFO_EMPTY : // Initialize
(fifo_push & fifo_pop) ? fifo_counter : // Keep value (pop & push at the same time)
fifo_push ? fifo_counter + 2'h1 : // Push
fifo_pop ? fifo_counter - 2'h1 : // Pop
fifo_counter; // Hold
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) fifo_counter <= FIFO_EMPTY;
else fifo_counter <= fifo_counter_nxt;
// Write pointer
reg [1:0] wr_ptr;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) wr_ptr <= 2'h0;
else if (~refresh_active_i) wr_ptr <= 2'h0;
else if (fifo_push)
if (wr_ptr==(FIFO_FULL-1)) wr_ptr <= 2'h0;
else wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 2'h1;
// Memory
reg [15:0] fifo_mem [0:2];
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst)
fifo_mem[0] <= 16'h0000;
fifo_mem[1] <= 16'h0000;
fifo_mem[2] <= 16'h0000;
else if (fifo_push)
fifo_mem[wr_ptr] <= vid_ram_dout_processed;
// Read pointer
reg [1:0] rd_ptr;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) rd_ptr <= 2'h0;
else if (~refresh_active_i) rd_ptr <= 2'h0;
else if (fifo_pop)
if (rd_ptr==(FIFO_FULL-1)) rd_ptr <= 2'h0;
else rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 2'h1;
// RAW Data is valid
reg frame_data_init;
wire frame_data_init_nxt = ~refresh_active_i ? 1'h0 :
fifo_pop ? 1'b1 : frame_data_init;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) frame_data_init <= 1'h0;
else frame_data_init <= frame_data_init_nxt;
// RAW Data from the frame buffer
reg [15:0] frame_data_o;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) frame_data_o <= 16'h0000;
else if (fifo_pop) frame_data_o <= fifo_mem[rd_ptr];
// Data is ready
assign frame_data_ready_o = frame_data_init_nxt & (fifo_counter != FIFO_EMPTY);
// Read from FIFO command
assign read_from_fifo = ~refresh_active_i |
~frame_data_init |
((fifo_counter != FIFO_EMPTY) & frame_data_request_i);
endmodule // ogfx_backend_frame_fifo
`include "openGFX430_undefines.v"