blob: 8fa97d235b8a9bfa44d51e6986b21c4f58c17c46 [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module add_normalizer (
input sign,
input [ 4:0] exponent,
input [10:0] mantissa_add,
output reg [15:0] result,
input if_carray,
input if_sub
reg [4:0] number_of_zero_lead;
reg [10:0] norm_mantissa_add;
reg [9:0] mantissa_tmp;
wire [4:0] shift_left_exp;
wire c1;
always @ (*) begin
if (mantissa_add[10:4] == 7'b0000_001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd6;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd6);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:5] == 6'b0000_01) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd5;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd5);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:6] == 5'b0000_1) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd4;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd4);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:7] == 4'b0001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd3;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd3);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:8] == 3'b001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd2;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd2);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:9] == 2'b01) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd1;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd1);
end else begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd0;
norm_mantissa_add = mantissa_add[10:0];
always @(*) begin
result[15] = sign;
if (!if_sub) begin
result[14:10] = if_carray ? exponent + 1'b1 : exponent;
result[9:0] = if_carray ? mantissa_add[10:1] : mantissa_add[9:0];
end else begin
result[14:10] = shift_left_exp;
result[9:0] = norm_mantissa_add[9:0];
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u1(exponent,~number_of_zero_lead+1'b1,1'b0,shift_left_exp,c1);
`ifndef CONTROL_V_
`define CONTROL_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// Really 3x3, a done output??
// 6 logic cycles + 2 (buffered?) delay cycles
module control #(
parameter W = 16,
parameter N = 3
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] o_C,
output wire o_done,
// debug
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_a,
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_b
reg [3 : 0] states, next_states;
reg [W - 1 : 0] a00, a01, a02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] a01_q, a02_q;
reg [W - 1 : 0] b00, b01, b02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] b01_q, b02_q;
wire [W * N - 1 : 0] A_in;
wire [W * N - 1 : 0] B_in;
assign A_in = {a02_q, a01_q, a00};
assign B_in = {b02_q, b01_q, b00};
// 0000 is the idle / standby state
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_rst | ~i_en) begin
states <= 4'b0000;
else if (i_en) begin
states <= next_states;
always @(*) begin
if (next_states == 4'b1001) begin
// Done: Force waiting
// This can also be done by switching off input
next_states = 4'b1001;
end else begin
next_states = states + 4'b0001;
assign o_done = (states == 4'b1001);
always @(*) begin
case (states)
4'b0001: begin
a00 = i_A[ W - 1 : 0 * W];
a01 = i_A[2 * W - 1 : 1 * W];
a02 = i_A[3 * W - 1 : 2 * W];
b00 = i_B[ W - 1 : 0 * W];
b01 = i_B[2 * W - 1 : 1 * W];
b02 = i_B[3 * W - 1 : 2 * W];
4'b0010: begin
a00 = i_A[4 * W - 1 : 3 * W];
a01 = i_A[5 * W - 1 : 4 * W];
a02 = i_A[6 * W - 1 : 5 * W];
b00 = i_B[4 * W - 1 : 3 * W];
b01 = i_B[5 * W - 1 : 4 * W];
b02 = i_B[6 * W - 1 : 5 * W];
4'b0011: begin
a00 = i_A[7 * W - 1 : 6 * W];
a01 = i_A[8 * W - 1 : 7 * W];
a02 = i_A[9 * W - 1 : 8 * W];
b00 = i_B[7 * W - 1 : 6 * W];
b01 = i_B[8 * W - 1 : 7 * W];
b02 = i_B[9 * W - 1 : 8 * W];
default: begin
a00 = 0;
a01 = 0;
a02 = 0;
b00 = 0;
b01 = 0;
b02 = 0;
systolic #(.W(W), .N(N)) sys(.i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(A_in), .i_B(B_in), .o_C(o_C), .debug_pe_a(debug_pe_a), .debug_pe_b(debug_pe_b));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayA1(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(a01), .data_out(a01_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(2)) delayA2(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(a02), .data_out(a02_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayB1(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(b01), .data_out(b01_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(2)) delayB2(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(b02), .data_out(b02_q));
`default_nettype wire
// No pipelined/piplined MAC
// Version: 1.0
// Description:
// Function : mac_out = in_a * in_b + in_c. Both work for INT8 and FP16 mode. Default INT8 and FP16 are signed number
// Exception : error detection for overflow and underflow in FP16 mode
`ifndef MAC_UNIT_V_
`define MAC_UNIT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mac_unit
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [15:0] in_a, // multiplier input1
input [15:0] in_b, // multiplier input2
input [15:0] in_c, // adder input2 ; adder input1 = in_a*in_b
input mode,
//output [15:0] mac_out,
output [15:0] mac_out,
output error
wire [15:0] mul_out;
int_fp_add add(
.clk (clk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.mode (mode ),
.a (mul_out),
.b (in_c ),
.c (mac_out)
int_fp_mul mul(
.clk (clk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.mode (mode ),
.a (in_a ),
.b (in_b ),
.c (mul_out),
.error (error )
`ifndef PE_2_V_
`define PE_2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
module PE #(
//parameter W = 32
parameter W = 16
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_A,
output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_B,
//output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_C
output reg [ W - 1 : 0] o_C
//wire mode;
//assign mode = 1;
wire sync_load;
assign o_A = i_A_buffered;
assign o_B = i_B_buffered;
assign sync_load = i_rst | ~i_en;
wire [W - 1 : 0] i_A_buffered;
wire [W - 1 : 0] i_B_buffered;
reg [15 : 0] accu;
wire [15 : 0] mac_out;
// Buffered in MAC
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayA(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(i_A), .data_out(i_A_buffered));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayB(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(i_B), .data_out(i_B_buffered));
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (sync_load) begin
accu <= 0;
o_C <= 0;
else begin
accu <= mac_out;
o_C <= mac_out;
// Optional: making it clocked
mac_unit u0_mac(
.in_a (i_A_buffered),
.in_b (i_B_buffered),
.in_c (accu),
.mode (i_mode),
.mac_out (mac_out)
`default_nettype wire
`ifndef DELAY_2_V_
`define DELAY_2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
module delay2 #(
parameter WIDTH = 16,
parameter DEPTH = 3
) (
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_in,
output wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_out
wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] connect_wire [DEPTH : 0];
assign data_out = connect_wire[DEPTH];
assign connect_wire[0] = data_in;
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin
// D flip-flop with synchronous reset
module dff#(
parameter WIDTH = 1
) (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [WIDTH-1:0] inp,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] outp
always @(posedge clk) begin
outp <= rst ? 0 : inp;
`default_nettype wire
`ifndef MUL_2x2_V_
`define MUL_2x2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul2x2(
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] c
wire [3:0] tmp;
assign tmp[0] = a[0] & b[0];
assign tmp[1] = (a[1]&b[0]) ^ (a[0]&b[1]);
assign tmp[2] = (a[0]&b[1]) & (a[1]&b[0]) ^ (a[1]&b[1]);
assign tmp[3] = (a[0]&b[1]) & (a[1]&b[0]) & (a[1]&b[1]);
assign c = {tmp[3],tmp[2],tmp[1],tmp[0]};
`ifndef MUL_4x4_V_
`define MUL_4x4_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul4x4(
input [3:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
output [7:0] c
wire [15:0] tmp1;
wire [ 5:0] result1;
wire [ 5:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
mul2x2 u1(a[3:2],b[3:2],tmp1[15:12]);
mul2x2 u2(a[1:0],b[3:2],tmp1[11:8]);
mul2x2 u3(a[3:2],b[1:0],tmp1[7:4]);
mul2x2 u4(a[1:0],b[1:0],tmp1[3:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u5({tmp1[15:12],2'b0},{2'b0,tmp1[11:8]},1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u6({2'b0,tmp1[7:4]} ,{4'b0,tmp1[3:2]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[7:2] ,co3);
assign c[1:0] = tmp1[1:0];
`ifndef MUL_8x8_V_
`define MUL_8x8_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul8x8(
input [ 7:0] a,
input [ 7:0] b,
output [15:0] c
wire [31:0] tmp1;
wire [11:0] result1;
wire [11:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
mul4x4 u1(a[7:4],b[7:4],tmp1[31:24]);
mul4x4 u2(a[3:0],b[7:4],tmp1[23:16]);
mul4x4 u3(a[7:4],b[3:0],tmp1[15:8]);
mul4x4 u4(a[3:0],b[3:0],tmp1[7:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u5({tmp1[31:24],4'b0} ,{4'b0,tmp1[23:16]} ,1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u6({4'b0,tmp1[15:8]} ,{8'b0,tmp1[7:4]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[15:4] ,co3);
assign c[3:0] = tmp1[3:0];
`ifndef MUL_16x16_V_
`define MUL_16x16_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul16x16(
`ifdef PIPLINE
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [31:0] c);
wire [63:0] tmp1,tmp2;
wire [23:0] result1;
wire [23:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
`ifdef PIPLINE
// one stage pipline
reg [63:0] tmp1_reg;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
tmp1_reg <= 64'b0;
end else begin
tmp1_reg <= tmp1;
assign tmp2 = tmp1_reg;
assign tmp2 = tmp1;
mul8x8 u1(a[15:8],b[15:8],tmp1[63:48]);
mul8x8 u2(a[7:0] ,b[15:8],tmp1[47:32]);
mul8x8 u3(a[15:8],b[ 7:0],tmp1[31:16]);
mul8x8 u4(a[7:0] ,b[ 7:0],tmp1[15:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u5({tmp2[63:48],8'b0} ,{8'b0,tmp2[47:32]} ,1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u6({8'b0,tmp2[31:16]} ,{16'b0,tmp2[15:8]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[31:8] ,co3);
assign c[7:0] = tmp2[7:0];
`ifndef ALIGNMENT_V_
`define ALIGNMENT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module alignment (
input [14:0] bigger,
input [14:0] smaller,
output [10:0] aligned_small
wire c1;
wire [4:0] bigger_exponent, smaller_exponent, shift_bits;
assign bigger_exponent = bigger [14:10];
assign smaller_exponent = smaller [14:10];
assign aligned_small = ({1'b1,smaller[9:0]} >> shift_bits);
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u1(bigger_exponent,~smaller_exponent+1'b1,1'b0,shift_bits,c1);
`ifndef SYSTOLIC_V_
`define SYSTOLIC_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// row
// 3 x 3
module systolic #(
parameter W = 16,
parameter N = 3
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] o_C,
// debug
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_a,
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_b
//localparam O_VEC_WIDTH = 2 * W;
localparam O_VEC_WIDTH = W;
wire [W - 1 : 0] a00, a01, a02, b00, b01, b02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] pe_a_00_01, pe_a_01_02, pe_a_10_11, pe_a_11_12, pe_a_20_21, pe_a_21_22;
wire [W - 1 : 0] pe_b_00_10, pe_b_01_11, pe_b_02_12, pe_b_10_20, pe_b_11_21, pe_b_12_22;
wire [O_VEC_WIDTH - 1 : 0] c00, c01, c02, c10, c11, c12, c20, c21, c22;
assign a00 = i_A[0 * W +: W];
assign a01 = i_A[1 * W +: W];
assign a02 = i_A[2 * W +: W];
assign b00 = i_B[0 * W +: W];
assign b01 = i_B[1 * W +: W];
assign b02 = i_B[2 * W +: W];
PE #(.W(W)) PE00(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a00), .i_B(b00), .o_A(pe_a_00_01),.o_B(pe_b_00_10),.o_C(c00));
PE #(.W(W)) PE01(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_00_01), .i_B(b01), .o_A(pe_a_01_02),.o_B(pe_b_01_11),.o_C(c01));
PE #(.W(W)) PE02(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_01_02), .i_B(b02), .o_A(), .o_B(pe_b_02_12),.o_C(c02));
PE #(.W(W)) PE10(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a01), .i_B(pe_b_00_10),.o_A(pe_a_10_11),.o_B(pe_b_10_20),.o_C(c10));
PE #(.W(W)) PE11(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_10_11),.i_B(pe_b_01_11),.o_A(pe_a_11_12),.o_B(pe_b_11_21),.o_C(c11));
PE #(.W(W)) PE12(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_11_12),.i_B(pe_b_02_12),.o_A(), .o_B(pe_b_12_22),.o_C(c12));
PE #(.W(W)) PE20(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a02), .i_B(pe_b_10_20),.o_A(pe_a_20_21),.o_B(),.o_C(c20));
PE #(.W(W)) PE21(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_20_21),.i_B(pe_b_11_21),.o_A(pe_a_21_22),.o_B(),.o_C(c21));
PE #(.W(W)) PE22(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_21_22),.i_B(pe_b_12_22),.o_A(), .o_B(),.o_C(c22));
// a_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == a_vect[ 7 : 0]
//assign o_C[1 * O_VEC_WIDTH - 1 -: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c00;
assign o_C[0 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c00;
assign o_C[1 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c01;
assign o_C[2 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c02;
assign o_C[3 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c10;
assign o_C[4 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c11;
assign o_C[5 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c12;
assign o_C[6 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c20;
assign o_C[7 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c21;
assign o_C[8 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c22;
assign debug_pe_a = {pe_a_00_01, pe_a_01_02, pe_a_10_11, pe_a_11_12, pe_a_20_21, pe_a_21_22};
assign debug_pe_b = {pe_b_00_10, pe_b_01_11, pe_b_02_12, pe_b_10_20, pe_b_11_21, pe_b_12_22};
`ifndef CLA_NBIT_V_
`define CLA_NBIT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Carry Look-ahead adder (CLA)
module cla_nbit #(
parameter n = 4
) (
input [n-1:0] a,
input [n-1:0] b,
input ci,
output [n-1:0] s,
output co
wire [n-1:0] g;
wire [n-1:0] p;
wire [ n:0] c;
assign c[0] = ci;
assign co = c[n];
genvar i; /* i - generate index variable */
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) begin : addbit
assign s[i] = a[i] ^ b[i] ^ c[i];
assign g[i] = a[i] & b[i];
assign p[i] = a[i] | b[i];
assign c[i + 1] = g[i] | (p[i] & c[i]);
`ifndef INT_FP_ADD_V_
`define INT_FP_ADD_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module int_fp_add (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input mode,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [15:0] c
wire [10:0] adder_input_1,adder_input_2,aligned_small,adder_output;
wire if_sub,a_sign, b_sign, c_sign,c1, c2;
wire [15:0] normalized_out;
// only used in INT8 MAC mode
wire [4:0] higher_add,higher_a,higher_b;
wire [15:0] result;
reg [14:0] bigger, smaller;
reg a_larger_b;
reg [14:0] bigger_reg, smaller_reg;
reg [10:0] adder_output_reg;
wire [14:0] bigger_tmp, smaller_tmp;
wire [10:0] adder_output_tmp;
assign a_sign = a[15];
assign b_sign = b[15];
assign if_sub = (a_sign == b_sign) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign c_sign = a_larger_b ? a_sign : b_sign;
assign higher_a = (mode == 1'b0) ? a[15:11] : 5'b0;
assign higher_b = (mode == 1'b0) ? b[15:11] : 5'b0;
assign adder_input_1 = (mode==1'b0) ? a[10:0] :{1'b1,bigger[9:0]};
assign adder_input_2 = (mode==1'b0) ? b[10:0] : (if_sub ? ~aligned_small + 1'b1 : aligned_small);
assign c = (mode == 1'b0) ? {higher_add,adder_output} : result;
//compare two number regardless sign
always @(*) begin
if (a[14:0] > b[14:0]) begin
bigger = a[14:0];
smaller = b[14:0];
a_larger_b = 1'b1;
end else begin
bigger = b[14:0];
smaller = a[14:0];
a_larger_b = 1'b0;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
bigger_reg <= 15'b0;
smaller_reg <= 15'b0;
adder_output_reg <= 11'b0;
end else begin
bigger_reg <= bigger;
smaller_reg <= smaller;
adder_output_reg <= adder_output;
assign bigger_tmp = bigger_reg[14:0];
assign smaller_tmp = smaller_reg[14:0];
assign adder_output_tmp = adder_output_reg[10:0];
// align small number
alignment u1(bigger_tmp,smaller_tmp,aligned_small);
// align small number
alignment u1(bigger,smaller,aligned_small);
cla_nbit #(.n(11)) u2(adder_input_1,adder_input_2,1'b0,adder_output,c1);
// This 5 bit adder only used in INT8 MAC mode
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u3(higher_a,higher_b,c1,higher_add,c2);
add_normalizer u4(c_sign,bigger[14:10],adder_output_tmp,result,c1,if_sub);
add_normalizer u4(c_sign,bigger[14:10],adder_output,result,c1,if_sub);
`ifndef INT_FP_MUL_V_
`define INT_FP_MUL_V_
module int_fp_mul (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input mode,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [15:0] c,
output error // valid in fp16 mode
wire [15:0] c_tmp;
wire c_sign,a_zero,b_zero;
wire [ 4:0] sum_exponent, biased_sum_exponent;
wire [15:0] multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2;
wire [31:0] multiplier_output;
wire [14:0] normalized_out;
wire [21:0] mantissa_prod;
wire c1,c2,underflow,overflow;
assign overflow = (c1 && c2 && ~biased_sum_exponent[4]) ? 1'b1 :1'b0;
assign underflow = (~c1 && ~c2 && biased_sum_exponent[4]) ? 1'b1:1'b0;
assign a_zero = ~(|a);
assign b_zero = ~(|b);
assign c_sign = a[15] ^ b[15];
assign multiplier_input1 = mode ? {5'b0,1'b1,a[9:0]} : ((a[7]==1'b0) ? {9'b0,a[6:0]} : {9'b0,~a[6:0]+1'b1});
assign multiplier_input2 = mode ? {5'b0,1'b1,b[9:0]} : ((b[7]==1'b0) ? {9'b0,b[6:0]} : {9'b0,~b[6:0]+1'b1});
assign c = mode ? ((a_zero | b_zero) ? 16'b0 : c_tmp) : ((a[7]^b[7] == 1'b0) ? multiplier_output[15:0] : {1'b1,~multiplier_output[14:0]+1'b1});
//error detect
assign c_tmp = (~error) ? {c_sign,normalized_out} : (underflow ? {c_sign,15'b0000_0000_0000_000} : {c_sign,5'b1111_1,10'b0000_0000_00});
assign error = overflow | underflow;
reg [31:0] multiplier_output_tmp;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
multiplier_output_tmp <= 32'b0;
end else begin
multiplier_output_tmp <= multiplier_output;
assign mantissa_prod = multiplier_output_tmp[21:0];
mul16x16 u1(clk,rst_n,multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2,multiplier_output);
assign mantissa_prod = multiplier_output[21:0];
mul16x16 u1(multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2,multiplier_output);
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u2(a[14:10],b[14:10],1'b0,sum_exponent,c1); // add exponent
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u3(sum_exponent, 5'b10001,1'b0,biased_sum_exponent,c2); // minus bias
mul_normalizer u4(biased_sum_exponent,mantissa_prod,normalized_out);
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul_normalizer (
input [ 4:0] exponent,
input [21:0] mantissa_prod,
output [14:0] result
wire [4:0] result_exponent;
wire [9:0] result_mantissa;
assign result_exponent = (mantissa_prod[21]) ? (exponent + 1'b1): exponent;
assign result_mantissa = (mantissa_prod[21]) ? mantissa_prod[20:11]:mantissa_prod[19:10];
assign result = {result_exponent,result_mantissa};
// No rounding and No overflow/underflow detection
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module add_normalizer (
input sign,
input [ 4:0] exponent,
input [10:0] mantissa_add,
output reg [15:0] result,
input if_carray,
input if_sub
reg [4:0] number_of_zero_lead;
reg [10:0] norm_mantissa_add;
reg [9:0] mantissa_tmp;
wire [4:0] shift_left_exp;
wire c1;
always @ (*) begin
if (mantissa_add[10:4] == 7'b0000_001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd6;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd6);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:5] == 6'b0000_01) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd5;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd5);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:6] == 5'b0000_1) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd4;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd4);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:7] == 4'b0001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd3;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd3);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:8] == 3'b001) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd2;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd2);
end else if (mantissa_add[10:9] == 2'b01) begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd1;
norm_mantissa_add = (mantissa_add << 4'd1);
end else begin
number_of_zero_lead = 5'd0;
norm_mantissa_add = mantissa_add[10:0];
always @(*) begin
result[15] = sign;
if (!if_sub) begin
result[14:10] = if_carray ? exponent + 1'b1 : exponent;
result[9:0] = if_carray ? mantissa_add[10:1] : mantissa_add[9:0];
end else begin
result[14:10] = shift_left_exp;
result[9:0] = norm_mantissa_add[9:0];
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u1(exponent,~number_of_zero_lead+1'b1,1'b0,shift_left_exp,c1);
`ifndef CONTROL_V_
`define CONTROL_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// Really 3x3, a done output??
// 6 logic cycles + 2 (buffered?) delay cycles
module control #(
parameter W = 16,
parameter N = 3
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] o_C,
output wire o_done,
output wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] A_in,
output wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] B_in,
// debug
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_a,
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_b
reg [3 : 0] states, next_states;
reg [W - 1 : 0] a00, a01, a02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] a01_q, a02_q;
reg [W - 1 : 0] b00, b01, b02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] b01_q, b02_q;
assign A_in = {a02_q, a01_q, a00};
assign B_in = {b02_q, b01_q, b00};
// 0000 is the idle / standby state
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_rst | ~i_en) begin
states <= 4'b0000;
else if (i_en) begin
states <= next_states;
always @(*) begin
if (next_states == 4'b1001) begin
// Done: Force waiting
// This can also be done by switching off input
next_states = 4'b1001;
end else begin
next_states = states + 4'b0001;
assign o_done = (states == 4'b1001);
always @(*) begin
case (states)
4'b0001: begin
a00 = i_A[ W - 1 : 0 * W];
a01 = i_A[2 * W - 1 : 1 * W];
a02 = i_A[3 * W - 1 : 2 * W];
b00 = i_B[ W - 1 : 0 * W];
b01 = i_B[2 * W - 1 : 1 * W];
b02 = i_B[3 * W - 1 : 2 * W];
4'b0010: begin
a00 = i_A[4 * W - 1 : 3 * W];
a01 = i_A[5 * W - 1 : 4 * W];
a02 = i_A[6 * W - 1 : 5 * W];
b00 = i_B[4 * W - 1 : 3 * W];
b01 = i_B[5 * W - 1 : 4 * W];
b02 = i_B[6 * W - 1 : 5 * W];
4'b0011: begin
a00 = i_A[7 * W - 1 : 6 * W];
a01 = i_A[8 * W - 1 : 7 * W];
a02 = i_A[9 * W - 1 : 8 * W];
b00 = i_B[7 * W - 1 : 6 * W];
b01 = i_B[8 * W - 1 : 7 * W];
b02 = i_B[9 * W - 1 : 8 * W];
default: begin
a00 = 0;
a01 = 0;
a02 = 0;
b00 = 0;
b01 = 0;
b02 = 0;
systolic #(.W(W), .N(N)) sys(.i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(A_in), .i_B(B_in), .o_C(o_C), .debug_pe_a(debug_pe_a), .debug_pe_b(debug_pe_b));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayA1(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(a01), .data_out(a01_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(2)) delayA2(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(a02), .data_out(a02_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayB1(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(b01), .data_out(b01_q));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(2)) delayB2(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(b02), .data_out(b02_q));
`default_nettype wire
// No pipelined/piplined MAC
// Version: 1.0
// Description:
// Function : mac_out = in_a * in_b + in_c. Both work for INT8 and FP16 mode. Default INT8 and FP16 are signed number
// Exception : error detection for overflow and underflow in FP16 mode
`ifndef MAC_UNIT_V_
`define MAC_UNIT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mac_unit
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [15:0] in_a, // multiplier input1
input [15:0] in_b, // multiplier input2
input [15:0] in_c, // adder input2 ; adder input1 = in_a*in_b
input mode,
//output [15:0] mac_out,
output [15:0] mac_out,
output error
wire [15:0] mul_out;
int_fp_add add(
.clk (clk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.mode (mode ),
.a (mul_out),
.b (in_c ),
.c (mac_out)
int_fp_mul mul(
.clk (clk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.mode (mode ),
.a (in_a ),
.b (in_b ),
.c (mul_out),
.error (error )
`ifndef PE_2_V_
`define PE_2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
module PE #(
//parameter W = 32
parameter W = 16
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_A,
output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_B,
//output wire [ W - 1 : 0] o_C
output reg [ W - 1 : 0] o_C
//wire mode;
//assign mode = 1;
wire sync_load;
assign o_A = i_A_buffered;
assign o_B = i_B_buffered;
assign sync_load = i_rst | ~i_en;
wire [W - 1 : 0] i_A_buffered;
wire [W - 1 : 0] i_B_buffered;
reg [15 : 0] accu;
wire [15 : 0] mac_out;
// Buffered in MAC
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayA(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(i_A), .data_out(i_A_buffered));
delay2 #(.WIDTH(W), .DEPTH(1)) delayB(.clk(i_clk), .reset(i_rst), .data_in(i_B), .data_out(i_B_buffered));
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (sync_load) begin
accu <= 0;
o_C <= 0;
else begin
accu <= mac_out;
o_C <= mac_out;
// Optional: making it clocked
mac_unit u0_mac(
.in_a (i_A_buffered),
.in_b (i_B_buffered),
.in_c (accu),
.mode (i_mode),
.mac_out (mac_out)
`default_nettype wire
`ifndef DELAY_2_V_
`define DELAY_2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
module delay2 #(
parameter WIDTH = 16,
parameter DEPTH = 3
) (
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_in,
output wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_out
wire [WIDTH - 1 : 0] connect_wire [DEPTH : 0];
assign data_out = connect_wire[DEPTH];
assign connect_wire[0] = data_in;
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin
// D flip-flop with synchronous reset
module dff#(
parameter WIDTH = 1
) (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [WIDTH-1:0] inp,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] outp
always @(posedge clk) begin
outp <= rst ? 0 : inp;
`default_nettype wire
`ifndef MUL_2x2_V_
`define MUL_2x2_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul2x2(
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] c
wire [3:0] tmp;
assign tmp[0] = a[0] & b[0];
assign tmp[1] = (a[1]&b[0]) ^ (a[0]&b[1]);
assign tmp[2] = (a[0]&b[1]) & (a[1]&b[0]) ^ (a[1]&b[1]);
assign tmp[3] = (a[0]&b[1]) & (a[1]&b[0]) & (a[1]&b[1]);
assign c = {tmp[3],tmp[2],tmp[1],tmp[0]};
`ifndef MUL_4x4_V_
`define MUL_4x4_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul4x4(
input [3:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
output [7:0] c
wire [15:0] tmp1;
wire [ 5:0] result1;
wire [ 5:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
mul2x2 u1(a[3:2],b[3:2],tmp1[15:12]);
mul2x2 u2(a[1:0],b[3:2],tmp1[11:8]);
mul2x2 u3(a[3:2],b[1:0],tmp1[7:4]);
mul2x2 u4(a[1:0],b[1:0],tmp1[3:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u5({tmp1[15:12],2'b0},{2'b0,tmp1[11:8]},1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u6({2'b0,tmp1[7:4]} ,{4'b0,tmp1[3:2]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(6)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[7:2] ,co3);
assign c[1:0] = tmp1[1:0];
`ifndef MUL_8x8_V_
`define MUL_8x8_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul8x8(
input [ 7:0] a,
input [ 7:0] b,
output [15:0] c
wire [31:0] tmp1;
wire [11:0] result1;
wire [11:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
mul4x4 u1(a[7:4],b[7:4],tmp1[31:24]);
mul4x4 u2(a[3:0],b[7:4],tmp1[23:16]);
mul4x4 u3(a[7:4],b[3:0],tmp1[15:8]);
mul4x4 u4(a[3:0],b[3:0],tmp1[7:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u5({tmp1[31:24],4'b0} ,{4'b0,tmp1[23:16]} ,1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u6({4'b0,tmp1[15:8]} ,{8'b0,tmp1[7:4]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(12)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[15:4] ,co3);
assign c[3:0] = tmp1[3:0];
`ifndef MUL_16x16_V_
`define MUL_16x16_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul16x16(
`ifdef PIPLINE
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [31:0] c);
wire [63:0] tmp1,tmp2;
wire [23:0] result1;
wire [23:0] result2;
wire co1,co2,co3;
`ifdef PIPLINE
// one stage pipline
reg [63:0] tmp1_reg;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
tmp1_reg <= 64'b0;
end else begin
tmp1_reg <= tmp1;
assign tmp2 = tmp1_reg;
assign tmp2 = tmp1;
mul8x8 u1(a[15:8],b[15:8],tmp1[63:48]);
mul8x8 u2(a[7:0] ,b[15:8],tmp1[47:32]);
mul8x8 u3(a[15:8],b[ 7:0],tmp1[31:16]);
mul8x8 u4(a[7:0] ,b[ 7:0],tmp1[15:0]);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u5({tmp2[63:48],8'b0} ,{8'b0,tmp2[47:32]} ,1'b0 ,result1 ,co1);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u6({8'b0,tmp2[31:16]} ,{16'b0,tmp2[15:8]} ,co1 ,result2 ,co2);
cla_nbit #(.n(24)) u7(result1 ,result2 ,co2 ,c[31:8] ,co3);
assign c[7:0] = tmp2[7:0];
`ifndef ALIGNMENT_V_
`define ALIGNMENT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module alignment (
input [14:0] bigger,
input [14:0] smaller,
output [10:0] aligned_small
wire c1;
wire [4:0] bigger_exponent, smaller_exponent, shift_bits;
assign bigger_exponent = bigger [14:10];
assign smaller_exponent = smaller [14:10];
assign aligned_small = ({1'b1,smaller[9:0]} >> shift_bits);
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u1(bigger_exponent,~smaller_exponent+1'b1,1'b0,shift_bits,c1);
`ifndef SYSTOLIC_V_
`define SYSTOLIC_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// row
// 3 x 3
module systolic #(
parameter W = 16,
parameter N = 3
) (
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_mode,
input wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] i_A,
input wire [ W * N - 1 : 0] i_B,
output wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] o_C,
// debug
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_a,
output wire [ W * N * 2 - 1 : 0] debug_pe_b
//localparam O_VEC_WIDTH = 2 * W;
localparam O_VEC_WIDTH = W;
wire [W - 1 : 0] a00, a01, a02, b00, b01, b02;
wire [W - 1 : 0] pe_a_00_01, pe_a_01_02, pe_a_10_11, pe_a_11_12, pe_a_20_21, pe_a_21_22;
wire [W - 1 : 0] pe_b_00_10, pe_b_01_11, pe_b_02_12, pe_b_10_20, pe_b_11_21, pe_b_12_22;
wire [O_VEC_WIDTH - 1 : 0] c00, c01, c02, c10, c11, c12, c20, c21, c22;
assign a00 = i_A[0 * W +: W];
assign a01 = i_A[1 * W +: W];
assign a02 = i_A[2 * W +: W];
assign b00 = i_B[0 * W +: W];
assign b01 = i_B[1 * W +: W];
assign b02 = i_B[2 * W +: W];
PE #(.W(W)) PE00(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a00), .i_B(b00), .o_A(pe_a_00_01),.o_B(pe_b_00_10),.o_C(c00));
PE #(.W(W)) PE01(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_00_01), .i_B(b01), .o_A(pe_a_01_02),.o_B(pe_b_01_11),.o_C(c01));
PE #(.W(W)) PE02(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_01_02), .i_B(b02), .o_A(), .o_B(pe_b_02_12),.o_C(c02));
PE #(.W(W)) PE10(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a01), .i_B(pe_b_00_10),.o_A(pe_a_10_11),.o_B(pe_b_10_20),.o_C(c10));
PE #(.W(W)) PE11(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_10_11),.i_B(pe_b_01_11),.o_A(pe_a_11_12),.o_B(pe_b_11_21),.o_C(c11));
PE #(.W(W)) PE12(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_11_12),.i_B(pe_b_02_12),.o_A(), .o_B(pe_b_12_22),.o_C(c12));
PE #(.W(W)) PE20(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(a02), .i_B(pe_b_10_20),.o_A(pe_a_20_21),.o_B(),.o_C(c20));
PE #(.W(W)) PE21(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_20_21),.i_B(pe_b_11_21),.o_A(pe_a_21_22),.o_B(),.o_C(c21));
PE #(.W(W)) PE22(.i_clk(i_clk),.i_rst(i_rst),.i_en(i_en), .i_mode(i_mode), .i_A(pe_a_21_22),.i_B(pe_b_12_22),.o_A(), .o_B(),.o_C(c22));
// a_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == a_vect[ 7 : 0]
//assign o_C[1 * O_VEC_WIDTH - 1 -: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c00;
assign o_C[0 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c00;
assign o_C[1 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c01;
assign o_C[2 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c02;
assign o_C[3 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c10;
assign o_C[4 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c11;
assign o_C[5 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c12;
assign o_C[6 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c20;
assign o_C[7 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c21;
assign o_C[8 * O_VEC_WIDTH +: O_VEC_WIDTH] = c22;
assign debug_pe_a = {pe_a_00_01, pe_a_01_02, pe_a_10_11, pe_a_11_12, pe_a_20_21, pe_a_21_22};
assign debug_pe_b = {pe_b_00_10, pe_b_01_11, pe_b_02_12, pe_b_10_20, pe_b_11_21, pe_b_12_22};
`ifndef CLA_NBIT_V_
`define CLA_NBIT_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Carry Look-ahead adder (CLA)
module cla_nbit #(
parameter n = 4
) (
input [n-1:0] a,
input [n-1:0] b,
input ci,
output [n-1:0] s,
output co
wire [n-1:0] g;
wire [n-1:0] p;
wire [ n:0] c;
assign c[0] = ci;
assign co = c[n];
genvar i; /* i - generate index variable */
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) begin : addbit
assign s[i] = a[i] ^ b[i] ^ c[i];
assign g[i] = a[i] & b[i];
assign p[i] = a[i] | b[i];
assign c[i + 1] = g[i] | (p[i] & c[i]);
`ifndef INT_FP_ADD_V_
`define INT_FP_ADD_V_
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module int_fp_add (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input mode,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [15:0] c
wire [10:0] adder_input_1,adder_input_2,aligned_small,adder_output;
wire if_sub,a_sign, b_sign, c_sign,c1, c2;
wire [15:0] normalized_out;
// only used in INT8 MAC mode
wire [4:0] higher_add,higher_a,higher_b;
wire [15:0] result;
reg [14:0] bigger, smaller;
reg a_larger_b;
reg [14:0] bigger_reg, smaller_reg;
reg [10:0] adder_output_reg;
wire [14:0] bigger_tmp, smaller_tmp;
wire [10:0] adder_output_tmp;
assign a_sign = a[15];
assign b_sign = b[15];
assign if_sub = (a_sign == b_sign) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign c_sign = a_larger_b ? a_sign : b_sign;
assign higher_a = (mode == 1'b0) ? a[15:11] : 5'b0;
assign higher_b = (mode == 1'b0) ? b[15:11] : 5'b0;
assign adder_input_1 = (mode==1'b0) ? a[10:0] :{1'b1,bigger[9:0]};
assign adder_input_2 = (mode==1'b0) ? b[10:0] : (if_sub ? ~aligned_small + 1'b1 : aligned_small);
assign c = (mode == 1'b0) ? {higher_add,adder_output} : result;
//compare two number regardless sign
always @(*) begin
if (a[14:0] > b[14:0]) begin
bigger = a[14:0];
smaller = b[14:0];
a_larger_b = 1'b1;
end else begin
bigger = b[14:0];
smaller = a[14:0];
a_larger_b = 1'b0;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
bigger_reg <= 15'b0;
smaller_reg <= 15'b0;
adder_output_reg <= 11'b0;
end else begin
bigger_reg <= bigger;
smaller_reg <= smaller;
adder_output_reg <= adder_output;
assign bigger_tmp = bigger_reg[14:0];
assign smaller_tmp = smaller_reg[14:0];
assign adder_output_tmp = adder_output_reg[10:0];
// align small number
alignment u1(bigger_tmp,smaller_tmp,aligned_small);
// align small number
alignment u1(bigger,smaller,aligned_small);
cla_nbit #(.n(11)) u2(adder_input_1,adder_input_2,1'b0,adder_output,c1);
// This 5 bit adder only used in INT8 MAC mode
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u3(higher_a,higher_b,c1,higher_add,c2);
add_normalizer u4(c_sign,bigger[14:10],adder_output_tmp,result,c1,if_sub);
add_normalizer u4(c_sign,bigger[14:10],adder_output,result,c1,if_sub);
`ifndef INT_FP_MUL_V_
`define INT_FP_MUL_V_
module int_fp_mul (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input mode,
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
output [15:0] c,
output error // valid in fp16 mode
wire [15:0] c_tmp;
wire c_sign,a_zero,b_zero;
wire [ 4:0] sum_exponent, biased_sum_exponent;
wire [15:0] multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2;
wire [31:0] multiplier_output;
wire [14:0] normalized_out;
wire [21:0] mantissa_prod;
wire c1,c2,underflow,overflow;
assign overflow = (c1 && c2 && ~biased_sum_exponent[4]) ? 1'b1 :1'b0;
assign underflow = (~c1 && ~c2 && biased_sum_exponent[4]) ? 1'b1:1'b0;
assign a_zero = ~(|a);
assign b_zero = ~(|b);
assign c_sign = a[15] ^ b[15];
assign multiplier_input1 = mode ? {5'b0,1'b1,a[9:0]} : ((a[7]==1'b0) ? {9'b0,a[6:0]} : {9'b0,~a[6:0]+1'b1});
assign multiplier_input2 = mode ? {5'b0,1'b1,b[9:0]} : ((b[7]==1'b0) ? {9'b0,b[6:0]} : {9'b0,~b[6:0]+1'b1});
assign c = mode ? ((a_zero | b_zero) ? 16'b0 : c_tmp) : ((a[7]^b[7] == 1'b0) ? multiplier_output[15:0] : {1'b1,~multiplier_output[14:0]+1'b1});
//error detect
assign c_tmp = (~error) ? {c_sign,normalized_out} : (underflow ? {c_sign,15'b0000_0000_0000_000} : {c_sign,5'b1111_1,10'b0000_0000_00});
assign error = overflow | underflow;
reg [31:0] multiplier_output_tmp;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
multiplier_output_tmp <= 32'b0;
end else begin
multiplier_output_tmp <= multiplier_output;
assign mantissa_prod = multiplier_output_tmp[21:0];
mul16x16 u1(clk,rst_n,multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2,multiplier_output);
assign mantissa_prod = multiplier_output[21:0];
mul16x16 u1(multiplier_input1,multiplier_input2,multiplier_output);
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u2(a[14:10],b[14:10],1'b0,sum_exponent,c1); // add exponent
cla_nbit #(.n(5)) u3(sum_exponent, 5'b10001,1'b0,biased_sum_exponent,c2); // minus bias
mul_normalizer u4(biased_sum_exponent,mantissa_prod,normalized_out);
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mul_normalizer (
input [ 4:0] exponent,
input [21:0] mantissa_prod,
output [14:0] result
wire [4:0] result_exponent;
wire [9:0] result_mantissa;
assign result_exponent = (mantissa_prod[21]) ? (exponent + 1'b1): exponent;
assign result_mantissa = (mantissa_prod[21]) ? mantissa_prod[20:11]:mantissa_prod[19:10];
assign result = {result_exponent,result_mantissa};
// No rounding and No overflow/underflow detection
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
* user_proj_example
* This is an example of a (trivially simple) user project,
* showing how the user project can connect to the logic
* analyzer, the wishbone bus, and the I/O pads.
* This project generates an integer count, which is output
* on the user area GPIO pads (digital output only). The
* wishbone connection allows the project to be controlled
* (start and stop) from the management SoC program.
* See the testbenches in directory "mprj_counter" for the
* example programs that drive this user project. The three
* testbenches are "io_ports", "la_test1", and "la_test2".
module user_proj_example #(
parameter BITS = 32
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
// Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rst_i,
input wbs_stb_i,
input wbs_cyc_i,
input wbs_we_i,
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output wbs_ack_o,
output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
// Logic Analyzer Signals
input [127:0] la_data_in,
output [127:0] la_data_out,
input [127:0] la_oenb,
// IOs
input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
// IRQ
output [2:0] irq
wire clk;
wire rst;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
wire [31:0] rdata;
wire [31:0] wdata;
wire [BITS-1:0] count;
wire valid;
wire [3:0] wstrb;
wire [31:0] la_write;
// WB MI A
assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i;
assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
// IO
assign io_out = count;
assign io_oeb = {(`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1){rst}};
// IRQ
assign irq = 3'b000; // Unused
// LA
assign la_data_out = {{(127-BITS){1'b0}}, count};
// Assuming LA probes [63:32] are for controlling the count register
assign la_write = ~la_oenb[63:32] & ~{BITS{valid}};
// Assuming LA probes [65:64] are for controlling the count clk & reset
assign clk = (~la_oenb[64]) ? la_data_in[64]: wb_clk_i;
assign rst = (~la_oenb[65]) ? la_data_in[65]: wb_rst_i;
wire cs;
// Assuming LA probes [66] are for controlling cs (data ready)
assign cs = (~la_oenb[66]) ? la_data_in[66] : 0;
counter #(
) counter(
interface_top interface_inst(
module counter #(
parameter BITS = 32
input clk,
input reset,
input valid,
input [3:0] wstrb,
input [BITS-1:0] wdata,
input [BITS-1:0] la_write,
input [BITS-1:0] la_input,
output ready,
output [BITS-1:0] rdata,
output [BITS-1:0] count
reg ready;
reg [BITS-1:0] count;
reg [BITS-1:0] rdata;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
count <= 0;
ready <= 0;
end else begin
ready <= 1'b0;
if (~|la_write) begin
count <= count + 1;
if (valid && !ready) begin
ready <= 1'b1;
rdata <= count;
if (wstrb[0]) count[7:0] <= wdata[7:0];
if (wstrb[1]) count[15:8] <= wdata[15:8];
if (wstrb[2]) count[23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
if (wstrb[3]) count[31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
end else if (|la_write) begin
count <= la_write & la_input;
`default_nettype wire
`default_nettype none
// Looks like we need our own version of transactional memory definition
// SPI alike
// 3 x 3, 3 x 3 -- 18 in
// 3 x 3 9 out
module interface_top (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire cs, // data ready
input wire [31:0] data_in,
output reg [31:0] data_out
localparam W = 16;
localparam N = 3;
wire done_o;
//assign data_out = 1;
// scratch pad
reg [2 * W * N * N - 1 : 0] input_registers;
wire [ W * N * N - 1 : 0] C_mat;
// 16bit - 8
// 32bit - 9
// clog2 function
reg [7 : 0] addr_ptr;
wire [W * N * N - 1 : 0] A_mat;
wire [W * N * N - 1 : 0] B_mat;
assign A_mat = input_registers[ 0 +: W * N * N];
assign B_mat = input_registers[W * N * N +: W * N * N];
// mode selection
// First try on FP16
reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0] next_state;
wire [2:0] IDLE = 3'b000;
wire [2:0] LOAD = 3'b001;
wire [2:0] PROCESS = 3'b011;
// Refactor: Moving them inside control
wire [W * N - 1 : 0] A_in;
wire [W * N - 1 : 0] B_in;
control #(.W(W), .N(N)) control_inst(
// memory counter
reg [4:0] addr_cnter;
reg [4:0] next_addr_cnter;
//assign data_out = A_mat[W * 3 +: W];
//assign data_out = done_o;
//assign data_out[2:0] = state[2:0];
// TODO: might be redundant
reg mat_en;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
state <= IDLE;
next_state <= IDLE;
addr_cnter <= 5'b0;
next_addr_cnter <= 5'b0;
data_out <= 32'b0;
else begin
state <= next_state;
addr_cnter <= next_addr_cnter;
data_out <= {31'b0, done_o};
always @(*) begin
case (state)
IDLE: begin
if (cs) begin
next_state = LOAD;
mat_en = 1'b0;
LOAD: begin
input_registers[addr_cnter * W +: W] = data_in[W - 1 : 0];
if (addr_cnter >= 2 * N * N - 1) begin
mat_en = 1'b1;
next_state = PROCESS;
next_addr_cnter = 0;
else begin
next_addr_cnter = addr_cnter + 1;
PROCESS: begin
next_state = done_o ? IDLE : PROCESS;
`default_nettype wire