| module PWMDevice #( |
| parameter ID = 4'h0, |
| parameter OUTPUTS = 4, |
| parameter WIDTH = 16, |
| parameter CLOCK_WIDTH = 32 |
| )( |
| input wire clk, |
| input wire rst, |
| |
| // Peripheral bus |
| input wire peripheralEnable, |
| input wire peripheralBus_we, |
| input wire peripheralBus_oe, |
| output wire peripheralBus_busy, |
| input wire[15:0] peripheralBus_address, |
| input wire[3:0] peripheralBus_byteSelect, |
| output reg[31:0] peripheralBus_dataRead, |
| input wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataWrite, |
| output wire requestOutput, |
| |
| // PWM output |
| output wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] pwm_en, |
| output wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] pwm_out, |
| output wire pwm_irq |
| ); |
| |
| localparam CLOCK_BITS = $clog2(CLOCK_WIDTH); |
| |
| wire counterEnable; |
| wire[CLOCK_BITS-1:0] clockScale; |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] compareEnable; |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] outputEnable; |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] riseInterruptEnable; |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] fallInterruptEnable; |
| |
| // Counter control |
| reg[CLOCK_WIDTH + WIDTH - 1:0] baseCounter = 'b0; |
| wire[CLOCK_WIDTH + WIDTH - 1:0] nextCounter = baseCounter + 1; |
| wire[WIDTH-1:0] counterValue = baseCounter >> clockScale; |
| |
| // Device select |
| wire[11:0] localAddress; |
| wire deviceEnable; |
| DeviceSelect #(.ID(ID)) select( |
| .peripheralEnable(peripheralEnable), |
| .peripheralBus_address(peripheralBus_address), |
| .localAddress(localAddress), |
| .deviceEnable(deviceEnable)); |
| |
| // Register |
| // Configuration register Default 0x000003 (for .CLOCK_WIDTH(32)) |
| // b00-b04: clockScale Default 0x03 |
| // b05: counterEnable Default 0x0 |
| // b06: compareEnable0 Default 0x0 |
| // b07: compareEnable1 Default 0x0 |
| // b08: compareEnable2 Default 0x0 |
| // b09: compareEnable3 Default 0x0 |
| // b10: outputEnable0 Default 0x0 |
| // b11: outputEnable1 Default 0x0 |
| // b12: outputEnable2 Default 0x0 |
| // b13: outputEnable3 Default 0x0 |
| // b14: riseInterruptEnable0 Default 0x0 |
| // b15: riseInterruptEnable1 Default 0x0 |
| // b16: riseInterruptEnable2 Default 0x0 |
| // b17: riseInterruptEnable3 Default 0x0 |
| // b18: fallInterruptEnable0 Default 0x0 |
| // b19: fallInterruptEnable1 Default 0x0 |
| // b20: fallInterruptEnable2 Default 0x0 |
| // b21: fallInterruptEnable3 Default 0x0 |
| localparam CONFIG_WIDTH = 1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 4); |
| wire[CONFIG_WIDTH-1:0] configuration; |
| wire[31:0] configurationRegisterOutputData; |
| wire configurationRegisterOutputRequest; |
| ConfigurationRegister #(.WIDTH(CONFIG_WIDTH), .ADDRESS(12'h000), .DEFAULT({ {(CONFIG_WIDTH-5){1'b0}}, 5'h0E })) configurationRegister( |
| .clk(clk), |
| .rst(rst), |
| .enable(deviceEnable), |
| .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we), |
| .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe), |
| .peripheralBus_address(localAddress), |
| .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect), |
| .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite), |
| .peripheralBus_dataRead(configurationRegisterOutputData), |
| .requestOutput(configurationRegisterOutputRequest), |
| .currentValue(configuration)); |
| |
| assign clockScale = configuration[CLOCK_BITS-1:0]; |
| assign counterEnable = configuration[CLOCK_BITS]; |
| assign compareEnable = configuration[(1 + CLOCK_BITS + OUTPUTS)-1:1 + CLOCK_BITS]; |
| assign outputEnable = configuration[(1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 2))-1:1 + CLOCK_BITS + OUTPUTS]; |
| assign riseInterruptEnable = configuration[(1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 3))-1:1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 2)]; |
| assign fallInterruptEnable = configuration[(1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 4))-1:1 + CLOCK_BITS + (OUTPUTS * 3)]; |
| |
| // Counter top compare Default 0x1387 (for .WIDTH(16)) |
| // With clockScale=0x03, this gives a 1kHz signal with a 200ns resolution |
| localparam DEFAULT_TOP_COMPARE_VALUE = 'h1387; |
| wire[31:0] topCompareRegisterOutputData; |
| wire topCompareRegisterOutputRequest; |
| wire topCompareRegisterBusBusy_nc; |
| wire[WIDTH-1:0] topCompareRegisterWriteData; |
| wire topCompareRegisterWriteDataEnable; |
| wire topCompareRegisterReadDataEnable_nc; |
| reg[WIDTH-1:0] topCompare; |
| DataRegister #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .ADDRESS(12'h004)) topCompareRegister( |
| .clk(clk), |
| .rst(rst), |
| .enable(deviceEnable), |
| .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we), |
| .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe), |
| .peripheralBus_busy(topCompareRegisterBusBusy_nc), |
| .peripheralBus_address(localAddress), |
| .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect), |
| .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite), |
| .peripheralBus_dataRead(topCompareRegisterOutputData), |
| .requestOutput(topCompareRegisterOutputRequest), |
| .writeData(topCompareRegisterWriteData), |
| .writeData_en(topCompareRegisterWriteDataEnable), |
| .writeData_busy(1'b0), |
| .readData(topCompare), |
| .readData_en(topCompareRegisterReadDataEnable_nc), |
| .readData_busy(1'b0)); |
| |
| // Current data register (for .WIDTH(16), .OUTPUTS(4)) |
| // b00-b15: counterValue |
| // b16-b19: output |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] outputs; |
| wire[31:0] dataRegisterOutputData; |
| wire dataRegisterOutputRequest; |
| wire dataRegisterBusBusy_nc; |
| wire[WIDTH+OUTPUTS-1:0] dataRegisterWriteData_nc; |
| wire dataRegisterWriteDataEnable_nc; |
| wire dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc; |
| DataRegister #(.WIDTH(WIDTH + OUTPUTS), .ADDRESS(12'h008)) dataRegister( |
| .clk(clk), |
| .rst(rst), |
| .enable(deviceEnable), |
| .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we), |
| .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe), |
| .peripheralBus_busy(dataRegisterBusBusy_nc), |
| .peripheralBus_address(localAddress), |
| .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect), |
| .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite), |
| .peripheralBus_dataRead(dataRegisterOutputData), |
| .requestOutput(dataRegisterOutputRequest), |
| .writeData(dataRegisterWriteData_nc), |
| .writeData_en(dataRegisterWriteDataEnable_nc), |
| .writeData_busy(1'b0), |
| .readData({ outputs, counterValue }), |
| .readData_en(dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc), |
| .readData_busy(1'b0)); |
| |
| always @(posedge clk) begin |
| if (rst) begin |
| baseCounter <= 'b0; |
| end else begin |
| if (topCompareRegisterWriteDataEnable) begin |
| baseCounter <= 'b0; |
| topCompare <= topCompareRegisterWriteData; |
| end else begin |
| if (counterEnable) begin |
| if (counterValue == topCompare) baseCounter <= 'b0; |
| else baseCounter <= nextCounter; |
| end else begin |
| baseCounter <= 'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] compareRegisterOutputRequest; |
| wire[(32 * OUTPUTS) - 1:0] compareRegisterOutputData; |
| wire[31:0] compareValuesOutputData; |
| wire compareValuesOutputRequest; |
| Mux #(.WIDTH(32), .INPUTS(OUTPUTS), .DEFAULT(~32'b0)) mux( |
| .select(compareRegisterOutputRequest), |
| .in(compareRegisterOutputData), |
| .out(compareValuesOutputData), |
| .outputEnable(compareValuesOutputRequest)); |
| |
| assign requestOutput = configurationRegisterOutputRequest || topCompareRegisterOutputRequest || dataRegisterOutputRequest || compareValuesOutputRequest; |
| |
| always @(*) begin |
| case (1'b1) |
| configurationRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= configurationRegisterOutputData; |
| topCompareRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= topCompareRegisterOutputData; |
| dataRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= dataRegisterOutputData; |
| compareValuesOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= compareValuesOutputData; |
| default: peripheralBus_dataRead <= 32'b0; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] compareRise; |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] compareFall; |
| |
| // Outputs |
| genvar i; |
| generate |
| for (i = 0; i < OUTPUTS; i = i + 1) begin |
| // Compare value register |
| wire[WIDTH-1:0] compareValue; |
| ConfigurationRegister #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .ADDRESS(12'h010 + (i * 12'h004)), .DEFAULT('b0)) compareRegister( |
| .clk(clk), |
| .rst(rst), |
| .enable(deviceEnable), |
| .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we), |
| .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe), |
| .peripheralBus_address(localAddress), |
| .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect), |
| .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite), |
| .peripheralBus_dataRead(compareRegisterOutputData[(i * 32) + 31:i * 32]), |
| .requestOutput(compareRegisterOutputRequest[i]), |
| .currentValue(compareValue)); |
| PWMOutput #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) outputPort( |
| .clk(clk), |
| .rst(rst), |
| .compareValue(compareValue), |
| .enable(compareEnable[i]), |
| .counterValue(counterValue), |
| .pwm_out(outputs[i]), |
| .compareRise(compareRise[i]), |
| .compareFall(compareFall[i])); |
| end |
| endgenerate |
| |
| assign peripheralBus_busy = 1'b0; |
| |
| assign pwm_en = compareEnable & outputEnable; |
| assign pwm_out = outputs; |
| |
| wire[OUTPUTS-1:0] comparatorIRQ = (riseInterruptEnable & compareRise) || (fallInterruptEnable & compareFall); |
| assign pwm_irq = |comparatorIRQ; |
| |
| endmodule |