blob: 9de1143cd408cbff918f91bb40d3ea425d8b2836 [file] [log] [blame]
module QSPIDevice #(
parameter CLOCK_WIDTH = 8
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// Cache interface
input wire[23:0] dataRequest_address,
input wire dataRequest_enable,
output wire[31:0] dataRequest_data,
output wire dataRequest_dataValid,
// QSPI interface
output wire flash_csb,
output wire flash_sck,
output wire flash_io0_we,
output wire flash_io0_write,
input wire flash_io0_read, // Unused
output wire flash_io1_we,
output wire flash_io1_write, // Unused (constant 1'b0)
input wire flash_io1_read
// Have this running at the system clock rate
// This will probably be 40MHz
assign flash_sck = clk;
assign flash_csb = 1'b0;
assign flash_io0_we = 1'b1;
assign flash_io0_write = 1'b0;
assign flash_io1_we = 1'b0;
assign flash_io1_write = 1'b0;
//assign in = flash_io1_read;
assign dataRequest_data = 32'b0;
assign dataRequest_dataValid = 1'b1;
// localparam CLOCK_BITS = $clog2(CLOCK_WIDTH);
// localparam STATE_IDLE = 2'b00;
// localparam STATE_SETUP = 2'b01;
// localparam STATE_SHIFT = 2'b10;
// localparam STATE_END = 2'b11;
// // Device select
// wire[11:0] localAddress;
// wire deviceEnable;
// DeviceSelect #(.ID(ID)) select(
// .peripheralEnable(peripheralEnable),
// .peripheralBus_address(peripheralBus_address),
// .localAddress(localAddress),
// .deviceEnable(deviceEnable));
// // Register
// // Configuration register Default 0x064
// // b00-b02: clockScale Default 0x4
// // b03-04: spiMode Default 0x0
// // b05: msbFirst Default 0x1
// // b06: useCS Default 0x1
// // b07: activeHighCS Default 0x0
// // b08: enable Default 0x0
// wire[31:0] configurationRegisterOutputData;
// wire configurationRegisterOutputRequest;
// wire[8:0] configuration;
// ConfigurationRegister #(.WIDTH(9), .ADDRESS(12'h000), .DEFAULT(9'h064)) configurationRegister(
// .clk(clk),
// .rst(rst),
// .enable(deviceEnable),
// .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
// .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
// .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
// .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
// .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
// .peripheralBus_dataRead(configurationRegisterOutputData),
// .requestOutput(configurationRegisterOutputRequest),
// .currentValue(configuration));
// wire[2:0] clockScale = configuration[2:0];
// wire[1:0] spiMode = configuration[4:3];
// wire msbFirst = configuration[5];
// wire useCS = configuration[6];
// wire activeHighCS = configuration[7];
// assign spi_en = configuration[8];
// wire spiClockPolarity = spiMode[1];
// wire spiSampleMode = spiMode[0];
// // Input and Output register
// wire[31:0] dataRegisterOutputData;
// wire dataRegisterOutputRequest;
// wire[7:0] readData;
// wire[7:0] writeData;
// wire writeData_en;
// wire dataRegisterBusBusy_nc;
// wire dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc;
// DataRegister #(.WIDTH(8), .ADDRESS(12'h004)) dataRegister(
// .clk(clk),
// .rst(rst),
// .enable(deviceEnable),
// .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
// .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
// .peripheralBus_busy(dataRegisterBusBusy_nc),
// .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
// .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
// .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
// .peripheralBus_dataRead(dataRegisterOutputData),
// .requestOutput(dataRegisterOutputRequest),
// .writeData(writeData),
// .writeData_en(writeData_en),
// .writeData_busy(1'b0),
// .readData(readData),
// .readData_en(dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc),
// .readData_busy(1'b0));
// // State control
// reg[1:0] state = STATE_IDLE;
// wire busy = state != STATE_IDLE;
// reg[2:0] bitCounter = 3'b0;
// wire[2:0] nextBitCounter = bitCounter + 1;
// reg[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockCounter = {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// wire nextClockCounter = clockCounter + 1;
// wire[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockScaleHalfMask = {CLOCK_BITS{1'b1}} << clockScale;
// wire[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockScaleMask = { clockScaleMask[CLOCK_WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0 };
// wire spiHalfClock = clockCounter == (clockScaleHalfMask - 1);//|(clockCounter & clockScaleHalfMask);
// wire spiClock = clockCounter == (clockScaleMask - 1);
// reg spiClockRise = 1'b0;
// reg spiClockFall = 1'b0;
// wire shiftInEnable = spiSampleMode ? spiClockFall : spiClockRise;
// wire shiftOutEnable = spiSampleMode ? spiClockRise : spiClockFall;
// reg loadEnable;
// ShiftRegister #(.WIDTH(8)) register (
// .clk(clk),
// .rst(rst),
// .loadEnable(loadEnable),
// .shiftInEnable(shiftInEnable),
// .shiftOutEnable(shiftOutEnable),
// .msbFirst(msbFirst),
// .parallelIn(writeData),
// .parallelOut(readData),
// .serialIn(spi_miso),
// .serialOut(spi_mosi));
// always @(posedge clk) begin
// if (rst) begin
// state <= STATE_IDLE;
// bitCounter <= 3'b0;
// clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// loadEnable <= 1'b0;
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// end else begin
// case (state)
// STATE_IDLE: begin
// bitCounter <= 3'b0;
// clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// loadEnable <= 1'b0;
// if (writeData_en && peripheralBus_byteSelect[0]) begin
// state <= STATE_SETUP;
// loadEnable <= 1'b1;
// end
// end
// STATE_SETUP: begin
// loadEnable <= 1'b0;
// if (spiHalfClock) begin
// clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// bitCounter <= 1'b0;
// state <= STATE_SHIFT;
// end else begin
// clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
// end
// end
// STATE_SHIFT: begin
// if (spiClock) begin
// if (spiClockPolarity) begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b1;
// end else begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b1;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// end
// clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// if (bitCounter == 3'h7) state <= STATE_END;
// else bitCounter <= nextBitCounter;
// end else if (spiHalfClock) begin
// if (spiClockPolarity) begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b1;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// end else begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b1;
// end
// end else begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
// end
// end
// STATE_END: begin
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// if (spiClock) state <= STATE_IDLE;
// else clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
// end
// default: begin
// state <= STATE_IDLE;
// bitCounter <= 3'b0;
// clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// loadEnable <= 1'b0;
// spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
// spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
// end
// endcase
// end
// end
// assign requestOutput = configurationRegisterOutputRequest || dataRegisterOutputRequest;
// assign peripheralBus_dataRead = configurationRegisterOutputRequest ? configurationRegisterOutputData :
// dataRegisterOutputRequest ? dataRegisterOutputData :
// 32'b0;
// assign peripheralBus_busy = busy;
// assign spi_clk = spiClockPolarity ? !(spiClock && busy) : spiClock && busy;
// assign spi_cs = useCS ? (activeHighCS ? busy : !busy) : 1'b0;