blob: 1305af3a266ac60533c5fdcf66c044976fe8c188 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright 2019 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Code to execute
.section .text
.global _start
li x5, 0x40B60EBF
fmv.w.x f0, x5
li x5, 0x4208ED91
fmv.w.x f1, x5
li x5, 0x3FF78D50
fmv.w.x f2, x5
li x5, 0xC0ADD2F2
fmv.w.x f3, x5
li x5, 0xC6B97C00
fmv.w.x f4, x5
li x5, 0x463C087B
fmv.w.x f5, x5
li x5, 0x4158F5C3
fmv.w.x f6, x5
li x5, 0xC3F7999A
fmv.w.x f7, x5
li x5, 0xC236B021
fmv.w.x f8, x5
li x5, 0x4147EB85
fmv.w.x f9, x5
li x5, 0x44545333
fmv.w.x f10, x5
li x5, 0xC2095C29
fmv.w.x f11, x5
li x5, 0x3EB33333
fmv.w.x f12, x5
li x5, 0xBB195AAF
fmv.w.x f13, x5
li x5, 0x380FDD58
fmv.w.x f14, x5
li x5, 0xBCA75DB8
fmv.w.x f15, x5
fadd.s f16, f1, f0
fadd.s f17, f3, f2
fadd.s f18, f5, f4
fadd.s f19, f7, f6
fadd.s f20, f9, f8
fadd.s f21, f11, f10
fadd.s f22, f13, f12
fadd.s f23, f15, f14
fsub.s f24, f0, f1
fsub.s f25, f1, f0
fsub.s f26, f3, f2
fsub.s f27, f5, f4
fsub.s f28, f7, f6
fsub.s f29, f9, f8
fsub.s f30, f11, f10
fsub.s f31, f13, f12