blob: 3edd41119e24e5eb5fbf2f805b369cf2c8389f49 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ruediger Ehlers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
* monitor
* This is an example of a (trivially simple) user project,
* showing how the user project can connect to the logic
* analyzer, the wishbone bus, and the I/O pads.
* This project generates an integer count, which is output
* on the user area GPIO pads (digital output only). The
* wishbone connection allows the project to be controlled
* (start and stop) from the management SoC program.
* See the testbenches in directory "mprj_counter" for the
* example programs that drive this user project. The three
* testbenches are "io_ports", "la_test1", and "la_test2".
`define WMASK_SIZE 4
`define ADDR_SIZE 16
`define DATA_SIZE 32
`define SELECT_SIZE 4
`define MAX_CHIPS 2
module monitor (
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input resetn,
input clk,
//input la_in_load,
//input la_sram_load,
//input [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_in,
// GPIO bit to clock control register
//input gpio_in,
//input gpio_scan,
//input gpio_sram_load,
//input global_csb,
// I/O for SRAMs A and B
output reg [7:0] addrA0,
output reg [31:0] dinA0,
input [31:0] doutA0,
output reg webA,
output reg [3:0] wmaskA,
output reg [7:0] addrA1,
output reg csbA0,
output reg csbA1,
input [31:0] doutA1,
output reg [8:0] addrB0,
output reg [31:0] dinB0,
input [31:0] doutB0,
output reg webB,
output reg [3:0] wmaskB,
output reg [8:0] addrB1,
output reg csbB0,
output reg csbB1,
input [31:0] doutB1,
//output reg [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_out,
//output reg gpio_out,
// Wishbone access
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rst_i,
input wbs_stb_i,
input wbs_cyc_i,
input wbs_we_i,
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output reg wbs_ack_o,
output reg [31:0] wbs_dat_o
// Main control register
reg [31:0] mainControlReg;
wire mainControlRegMonitorProcessingActive;
assign mainControlRegMonitorProcessingActive = mainControlReg[31];
wire [5:0] mainControlRegMaxBlockNum;
assign mainControlRegMaxBlockNum = mainControlReg[5:0];
wire [5:0] mainControlRegCurrentBlock;
assign mainControlRegCurrentBlock = mainControlReg[11:6];
wire [2:0] currentMonitorCycle;
assign currentMonitorCycle = mainControlReg[14:12];
wire [2:0] mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs;
assign mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs = mainControlReg[20:18];
// Registers for monitoring
reg [63:0] stateReg;
reg [63:0] nextBitSelectionReg;
reg [15:0] nextMonitoringOpReg;
reg [63:0] bitFilterReg;
// BExp
wire inReadySigBitextractor;
wire outValidSigBitextractor;
reg inValidSigBitextractor;
wire[63:0] outputBitExtractor;
reg[63:0] bitExtractorDataIn;
reg[63:0] bitExtractorMaskIn;
bextdep64p2 bitExtractor(
// Address computation
wire [13:0] targetAddressTableLookup;
assign targetAddressTableLookup = outputBitExtractor[13:0] + nextMonitoringOpReg[13:0];
reg[2:0] storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup;
// Access for SRAM
reg [31:0] ramAccessDelayRegister;
reg [31:0] accessFunction;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (wb_rst_i) begin
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 0;
csbA0 <= 1;
csbA1 <= 1;
csbB0 <= 1;
csbB1 <= 1;
mainControlReg <= 0;
wbs_ack_o <= 0;
accessFunction <= 0;
inValidSigBitextractor <= 0;
nextBitSelectionReg <= 0;
nextMonitoringOpReg <= 0;
bitFilterReg <= 0;
$display("Reset WBS!");
end else begin
// Waiting...
if (wbs_ack_o && ~wbs_stb_i) begin
// Undo ack after master confirms ack
wbs_ack_o <= 0;
end else if (mainControlRegMonitorProcessingActive) begin
/* Here, the monitoring takes place
Case Lookup:
7 - Pass state information to bit Extractor with mask nextBitSelectionReg
- Trigger read access of part 0 of nextBitSelectionReg
6 - Wait for state information from the bit extractor
- Trigger read access of part 1 of nextBitSelectionReg
5 -
4 - Store part 0 of nextBitSelectionReg
- Forward extracted information to SRAM12
3 - Store part 1 of nextBitSelectionReg
- Trigger read access of part 1 of nextBitSelectionReg
0 - Store nextMonitoringOpReg
- update current Block Number
- Stop This mode when
if (currentMonitorCycle==7) begin
addrA1 <= mainControlRegCurrentBlock*4;
csbA1 <= 0;
inValidSigBitextractor <= 1;
bitExtractorDataIn <= stateReg;
bitExtractorMaskIn <= nextBitSelectionReg;
$display("BitExtractor 1 data: %h %h",stateReg,nextBitSelectionReg);
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==6) begin
addrA1 <= mainControlRegCurrentBlock*4+1;
inValidSigBitextractor <= 0;
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==5) begin
addrA1 <= mainControlRegCurrentBlock*4+2;
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==4) begin
// Here, read-ack works
addrA1 <= mainControlRegCurrentBlock*4+3;
nextBitSelectionReg[31:0] <= doutA1;
if (nextMonitoringOpReg[15:14]==0) begin
// 16 Bit
addrB1 <= targetAddressTableLookup[11:1];
end else if (nextMonitoringOpReg[15:14]==1) begin
// 8 bit
addrB1 <= targetAddressTableLookup[12:2];
end else begin
// 4 bit
addrB1 <= targetAddressTableLookup[13:3];
storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup <= targetAddressTableLookup[2:0];
// Delay the actual access to SRAM12 by one
bitExtractorDataIn <= stateReg; // TODO: Can this be made constant?
bitExtractorMaskIn <= bitFilterReg;
inValidSigBitextractor <= 1;
$display("Cycle 4 - Output Bit Extractor: %h",outputBitExtractor);
$display("Cycle 4 - Input Bit Extractor: %h %h", outputBitExtractor, bitFilterReg);
$display("Cycle 4 - TAL: %h %h %b",outputBitExtractor,nextMonitoringOpReg,targetAddressTableLookup[2:0]);
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==3) begin
// Here, read-ack works
nextBitSelectionReg[63:32] <= doutA1;
addrA1 <= ~mainControlRegCurrentBlock[5:1];
csbB1 <= 0;
inValidSigBitextractor <= 0;
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==2) begin
csbA1 <= 1;
csbB1 <= 1;
bitFilterReg[31:0] <= doutA1;
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==1) begin
bitFilterReg[63:32] <= doutA1;
stateReg <= outputBitExtractor;
$display("Cycle 1 - Output Bit Extractor and StoredLSB: %h %b",outputBitExtractor,storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup);
end else if (currentMonitorCycle==0) begin
// Read 16 bit of the nextMonitoringOpReg
if (mainControlRegCurrentBlock[0]) begin
nextMonitoringOpReg <= doutA1[31:16];
end else begin
nextMonitoringOpReg <= doutA1[15:0];
// Overwrite state part according to how many bits are used
if (nextMonitoringOpReg[15:14]==0) begin
// 16 Bit
if (storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[0]) begin
stateReg[63:48] <= doutB1[31:16];
end else begin
stateReg[63:48] <= doutB1[15:0];
end else if (nextMonitoringOpReg[15:14]==1) begin
// 8 bit
if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[1:0])==2'b11) begin
stateReg[63:56] <= doutB1[31:24];
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[1:0])==2'b10) begin
stateReg[63:56] <= doutB1[23:16];
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[1:0])==2'b01) begin
stateReg[63:56] <= doutB1[15:8];
end else begin
stateReg[63:56] <= doutB1[7:0];
end else begin
// 4 bit
if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b111) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[31:28];
$display("Store msb 1: %h",doutB1[31:28]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b110) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[27:24];
$display("Store msb 2: %h",doutB1[27:24]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b101) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[23:20];
$display("Store msb 3: %h",doutB1[23:20]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b100) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[19:16];
$display("Store msb 4: %h",doutB1[19:16]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b011) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[15:12];
$display("Store msb 5: %h",doutB1[15:12]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b010) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[11:8];
$display("Store msb 6: %h",doutB1[11:8]);
end else if ((storedLeastSignificantBitsTargetAddressTableLookup[2:0])==3'b001) begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[7:4];
$display("Store msb 7: %h",doutB1[7:4]);
end else begin
stateReg[63:60] <= doutB1[3:0];
$display("Store msb 8: %h",doutB1[3:0]);
// Switch to next block
if (mainControlRegMaxBlockNum==mainControlRegCurrentBlock) begin
mainControlReg[11:6] <= 0;
end else if (mainControlRegCurrentBlock==0) begin
mainControlReg[11:6] <= mainControlReg[11:6] + 1;
mainControlReg[31] <= 0;
end else begin
mainControlReg[11:6] <= mainControlReg[11:6] + 1;
$display("Begin of cycle doutB1: %h",doutB1);
$display("Monitor cycle - mainCtrlReg: %h stateReg: %h nextBitSelectionReg: %h nextMonitoringOpReg: %h bitFilterReg: %h",mainControlReg,stateReg,nextBitSelectionReg, nextMonitoringOpReg, bitFilterReg);
mainControlReg[14:12] <= mainControlReg[14:12] - 1; // Reduce cycle
// Allow access to SRAM12 even when the monitor is running
if (ramAccessDelayRegister>0) begin
$display("Reduce register from within running monitor");
ramAccessDelayRegister <= ramAccessDelayRegister - 1;
wbs_ack_o <= ramAccessDelayRegister==2;
webA <= 1;
webB <= 1;
// Reading from SRAM1
if (accessFunction==1) begin
wbs_dat_o <= doutA0;
if (ramAccessDelayRegister==1) begin
csbA0 <= 1;
end else if (accessFunction==2) begin
wbs_dat_o <= doutB0;
if (ramAccessDelayRegister==1) begin
csbB0 <= 1;
end else begin
csbA0 <= 1;
csbB0 <= 1;
end else if (wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i) begin
if (wbs_we_i) begin
if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3001) begin
addrB0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
dinB0 <= wbs_dat_i;
wmaskB <= wbs_sel_i;
webB <= 0;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 5;
accessFunction <= 0;
csbB0 <= 0;
end else begin
if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3001) begin
// wbs_ack_o <= 0;
$display("Read XS accepted 2");
addrB0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 4;
accessFunction <= 2;
csbB0 <= 0;
end else if (ramAccessDelayRegister>0) begin
$display("Reduce register");
ramAccessDelayRegister <= ramAccessDelayRegister - 1;
wbs_ack_o <= ramAccessDelayRegister==2;
webA <= 1;
webB <= 1;
// Reading from SRAM1
if (accessFunction==1) begin
wbs_dat_o <= doutA0;
if (ramAccessDelayRegister==1) begin
csbA0 <= 1;
end else if (accessFunction==2) begin
wbs_dat_o <= doutB0;
if (ramAccessDelayRegister==1) begin
csbB0 <= 1;
end else begin
csbA0 <= 1;
csbB0 <= 1;
end else if (wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i) begin
if (wbs_we_i) begin
$display("Write XS: ",wbs_adr_i);
if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3000) begin
$display("Writing XS accepted ");
// wbs_ack_o <= 0;
addrA0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
dinA0 <= wbs_dat_i;
wmaskA <= wbs_sel_i;
webA <= 0;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 5;
accessFunction <= 0;
csbA0 <= 0;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3001) begin
addrB0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
dinB0 <= wbs_dat_i;
wmaskB <= wbs_sel_i;
webB <= 0;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 5;
accessFunction <= 0;
csbB0 <= 0;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3002) begin
if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h0000) begin
$display("XS Writing Main Control Register write");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
if (wbs_sel_i[0]) mainControlReg[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (wbs_sel_i[1]) mainControlReg[15:8] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (wbs_sel_i[2]) mainControlReg[23:16] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (wbs_sel_i[3]) mainControlReg[31:24] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h0004) begin
$display("XS Writing Main Proposition Register");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
// Activate cycle -- Copy propositions over to
// the state register. The nibbles get reversed
// in the process as this makes the HDL simpler.
// This doesn't matter, though, as the
// monitor compiler can adress this.
// Note that htis case doesn't look at the "wbs_sel" Wishbone
// information as writing to this address triggers a monitoring
// cycle
stateReg[63:60] <= wbs_dat_i[3:0];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>0) begin
stateReg[59:56] <= wbs_dat_i[7:4];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>1) begin
stateReg[55:52] <= wbs_dat_i[11:8];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>2) begin
stateReg[51:48] <= wbs_dat_i[15:12];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>3) begin
stateReg[47:44] <= wbs_dat_i[19:16];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>4) begin
stateReg[43:40] <= wbs_dat_i[23:20];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>5) begin
stateReg[39:36] <= wbs_dat_i[27:24];
if (mainControlNofStateNibblesForAPs>6) begin
stateReg[35:32] <= wbs_dat_i[31:28];
mainControlReg[17:12] <= 7; // Monitor cycle
mainControlReg[31] <= 1; // Monitor active
end else if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h0008) begin
$display("XS Writing State Register Lower Half");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
if (wbs_sel_i[0]) stateReg[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (wbs_sel_i[1]) stateReg[15:8] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (wbs_sel_i[2]) stateReg[23:16] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (wbs_sel_i[3]) stateReg[31:24] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h000C) begin
$display("XS Writing State Register Upper Half");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
if (wbs_sel_i[0]) stateReg[39:32] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (wbs_sel_i[1]) stateReg[47:40] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (wbs_sel_i[2]) stateReg[55:48] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (wbs_sel_i[3]) stateReg[63:56] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else begin
end else begin
$display("Read XS: %h",wbs_adr_i);
if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3000) begin
// wbs_ack_o <= 0;
$display("Read XS accepted ");
addrA0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 4;
accessFunction <= 1;
csbA0 <= 0;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3001) begin
// wbs_ack_o <= 0;
$display("Read XS accepted 2");
addrB0 <= wbs_adr_i[17:2];
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 4;
accessFunction <= 2;
csbB0 <= 0;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3002) begin
if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h0000) begin
$display("XS Main Control Register read");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
wbs_dat_o <= mainControlReg;
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h0008) begin
$display("XS State Register Lower half read");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
wbs_dat_o <= stateReg[31:0];
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
end else if (wbs_adr_i[15:0] == 16'h000C) begin
$display("XS State Register Upper half read");
wbs_ack_o <= 1'b1;
wbs_dat_o <= stateReg[63:32];
ramAccessDelayRegister <= 1;
end else begin
$display("unmatched! 2");
//$display("Cycle! %b %b %b %b ADRi %h wbs_datI %h datO %h StateRegister %h RDY %b",wbs_cyc_i,wbs_stb_i,wbs_we_i,wbs_ack_o,wbs_adr_i,wbs_dat_i,wbs_dat_o, stateReg,inReadySigBitextractor);
`default_nettype wire