blob: 4a007f9eed32ede22ab5c69829356ca6f27fe7ba [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 09/07/2021 11:05:36 AM
// Design Name:
// Module Name: pwm
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module pwm #(
parameter BITS = 32
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// Bus Interface
input valid_i,
input we_i,
input [BITS-1:0] addr_i,
input [BITS-1:0] wdata_i,
// input [BITS-1:0] la_write,
// input [BITS-1:0] la_input,
output ready_o,
output [BITS-1:0] rdata_o,
// Generic IO
output cio_pwm_o
localparam Resolution = 32;
localparam NRegisters = 16;
localparam RegAw = 8;
localparam RegDw = 32; // Shall be matched with TL_DW
localparam RegBw = RegDw/8;
localparam IDLE = 3'b000;
localparam STANDARD = 3'b001;
localparam BLINK = 3'b010;
localparam HEARTBEAT = 3'b011;
reg [3:0] enable_pwm;
// Standard Mode Setup
wire [Resolution-1:0] threshold_counter_standard;
wire [Resolution-1:0] period_counter_standard;
wire [Resolution-1:0] step_standard;
// Blink Mode Setup
wire [Resolution-1:0] threshold_counter_blink_1;
wire [Resolution-1:0] threshold_counter_blink_2;
wire [Resolution-1:0] period_counter_blink_1;
wire [Resolution-1:0] period_counter_blink_2;
wire [Resolution-1:0] step_blink;
wire [Resolution-1:0] switch_counter_blink;
// Heartbeat Mode Setup
wire [Resolution-1:0] threshold_counter_heartbeat_1;
wire [Resolution-1:0] threshold_counter_heartbeat_2;
wire [Resolution-1:0] period_counter_heartbeat;
wire [Resolution-1:0] step_heartbeat;
wire [Resolution-1:0] increment_step_heartbeat;
wire [2:0] state_select;
wire output_wire_standard;
wire output_wire_blink;
wire output_wire_heartbeat;
wire inversion;
reg cio_pwm_o_reg;
reg cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion;
// Register interface
wire [RegAw-1:0] addr_o;
reg [RegDw-1:0] rdata_q;
reg ready_q;
assign rdata_o = rdata_q;
assign ready_o = ready_q;
// Register file
reg [RegDw-1:0] register_file [NRegisters-1:0];
wire [3:0] addr_register_file;
assign cio_pwm_o = cio_pwm_o_reg;
// General
assign addr_register_file = addr_i[7:0] >> 2;
assign state_select = register_file[0][2:0];
assign inversion = register_file[1][0];
// Standard Mode Setup
assign threshold_counter_standard = register_file[2];
assign period_counter_standard = register_file[3];
assign step_standard = register_file[4];
// Blink Mode Setup
assign threshold_counter_blink_1 = register_file[5];
assign threshold_counter_blink_2 = register_file[6];
assign period_counter_blink_1 = register_file[7];
assign period_counter_blink_2 = register_file[8];
assign step_blink = register_file[9];
assign switch_counter_blink = register_file[10];
// Heartbeat Mode Setup
assign threshold_counter_heartbeat_1 = register_file[11];
assign threshold_counter_heartbeat_2 = register_file[12];
assign period_counter_heartbeat = register_file[13];
assign step_heartbeat = register_file[14];
assign increment_step_heartbeat = register_file[15];
integer k;
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (rst_ni == 0) begin
for (k = 0; k < NRegisters; k = k + 1) register_file[k] <= 0;
ready_q <= 0;
end else begin
ready_q <= 1'b0;
if (valid_i && !ready_q) begin
ready_q <= 1'b1;
if (we_i) begin
register_file[addr_register_file] <= wdata_i;
rdata_q = rdata_q;
end else begin
register_file[addr_register_file] <= register_file[addr_register_file];
rdata_q <= register_file[addr_register_file];
pwm_standard_mode #(
.Resolution (Resolution)
) standard_mode_pwm (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni & enable_pwm[STANDARD]),
.threshold_counter (threshold_counter_standard),
.period_counter (period_counter_standard),
.step (step_standard),
.pwm_signal (output_wire_standard)
pwm_blink_mode #(
.Resolution (Resolution)
) blink_mode_pwm (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni & enable_pwm[BLINK]),
.threshold_counter_1 (threshold_counter_blink_1),
.threshold_counter_2 (threshold_counter_blink_2),
.period_counter_1 (period_counter_blink_1),
.period_counter_2 (period_counter_blink_2),
.step (step_blink),
.switch_counter (switch_counter_blink),
.pwm_signal (output_wire_blink)
pwm_heartbeat_mode #(
.Resolution (Resolution)
) heartbeat_mode_pwm (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni & enable_pwm[HEARTBEAT]),
.threshold_counter_1 (threshold_counter_heartbeat_1),
.threshold_counter_2 (threshold_counter_heartbeat_2),
.period_counter (period_counter_heartbeat),
.step (step_heartbeat),
.increment_step (increment_step_heartbeat),
.pwm_signal (output_wire_heartbeat)
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (rst_ni == 0) begin
cio_pwm_o_reg <= 0;
end else begin
cio_pwm_o_reg <= cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion ^ inversion;
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (rst_ni == 0) begin
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= 0;
enable_pwm <= 4'b0000;
end else begin
case (state_select)
IDLE: begin // Idle mode
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= 0;
enable_pwm <= 4'b0000;
STANDARD: begin // Standard mode
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= output_wire_standard;
enable_pwm <= 4'b0010;
BLINK: begin // Blink mode
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= output_wire_blink;
enable_pwm <= 4'b0100;
HEARTBEAT: begin // Heartbeat mode
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= output_wire_heartbeat;
enable_pwm <= 4'b1000;
default: begin
cio_pwm_o_reg_before_inversion <= 0;
enable_pwm <= 4'b0000;