init commit
67 files changed
tree: d93d3a2446aed8368d2f79831b97d3e7871f9cf1
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. gds/
  4. mag/
  5. netgen/
  6. openlane/
  7. verilog/
  8. xschem/
  9. .gitignore
  10. Makefile

10 bit SAR-ADC with autocalibration + Analog Circuits

This submission features:

  • 10b SAR-ADC on powered from standalone supply.
  • 8b SAR-ADC powered from internal regulators.
  • trimable bandgap reference
  • Testbuffer with 8 inputs
  • 1MHz ringoscillator
  • 2 linear regulators, 1.2V and 1.4V
  • bias current generator