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SDRAM Controller Request Generation
This file is part of the sdram controller project
Description: SDRAM Controller Reguest Generation
Address Generation Based on cfg_colbits
cfg_colbits= 2'b00
Address[7:0] - Column Address
Address[9:8] - Bank Address
Address[22:10] - Row Address
cfg_colbits= 2'b01
Address[8:0] - Column Address
Address[10:9] - Bank Address
Address[23:11] - Row Address
cfg_colbits= 2'b10
Address[9:0] - Column Address
Address[11:10] - Bank Address
Address[24:12] - Row Address
cfg_colbits= 2'b11
Address[10:0] - Column Address
Address[12:11] - Bank Address
Address[25:13] - Row Address
The SDRAMs are operated in 4 beat burst mode.
If Wrap = 0;
If the current burst cross the page boundary, then this block split the request
into two coressponding change in address and request length
if the current burst cross the page boundar.
This module takes requests from the memory controller,
chops them to page boundaries if wrap=0,
and passes the request to bank_ctl
Note: With Wrap = 0, each request from Application layer will be splited into two request,
if the current burst cross the page boundary.
To Do:
- Dinesh Annayya,
Version : 0.0 - 8th Jan 2012
0.1 - 5th Feb 2012, column/row/bank address are register to improve the timing issue in FPGA synthesis
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`include "sdrc_define.v"
module sdrc_req_gen (clk,
/* Request from app */
req, // Transfer Request
req_id, // ID for this transfer
req_addr, // SDRAM Address
req_len, // Burst Length (in 32 bit words)
req_wrap, // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4)
req_wr_n, // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
req_ack, // Request has been accepted
/* Req to xfr_ctl */
/* Req to bank_ctl */
r2b_req, // request
r2b_req_id, // ID
r2b_start, // First chunk of burst
r2b_last, // Last chunk of burst
r2b_wrap, // Wrap Mode
r2b_ba, // bank address
r2b_raddr, // row address
r2b_caddr, // col address
r2b_len, // length
r2b_write, // write request
parameter APP_AW = 26; // Application Address Width
parameter APP_DW = 32; // Application Data Width
parameter APP_BW = 4; // Application Byte Width
parameter APP_RW = 9; // Application Request Width
parameter SDR_DW = 16; // SDR Data Width
parameter SDR_BW = 2; // SDR Byte Width
input clk ;
input reset_n ;
input [1:0] cfg_colbits ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address, 2'b01 - 9 Bit, 10 - 10 bit, 11 - 11Bits
/* Request from app */
input req ; // Request
input [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] req_id ; // Request ID
input [APP_AW-1:0] req_addr ; // Request Address
input [APP_RW-1:0] req_len ; // Request length
input req_wr_n ; // 0 -Write, 1 - Read
input req_wrap ; // 1 - Wrap the Address on page boundary
output req_ack ; // Request Ack
/* Req to bank_ctl */
output r2x_idle ;
output r2b_req ; // Request
output r2b_start ; // First Junk of the Burst Access
output r2b_last ; // Last Junk of the Burst Access
output r2b_write ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
output r2b_wrap ; // 1 - Wrap the Address at the page boundary.
output [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] r2b_req_id;
output [1:0] r2b_ba ; // Bank Address
output [12:0] r2b_raddr ; // Row Address
output [12:0] r2b_caddr ; // Column Address
output [`REQ_BW-1:0] r2b_len ; // Burst Length
input b2r_ack ; // Request Ack
input b2r_arb_ok ; // Bank controller fifo is not full and ready to accept the command
input [1:0] sdr_width; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit, 2'b01 - 16 Bit, 2'b1x - 8Bit
// Internal Nets
`define REQ_IDLE 2'b00
`define REQ_ACTIVE 2'b01
`define REQ_PAGE_WRAP 2'b10
reg [1:0] req_st, next_req_st;
reg r2x_idle, req_ack, r2b_req, r2b_start,
r2b_write, req_idle, req_ld, lcl_wrap;
reg [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] r2b_req_id;
reg [`REQ_BW-1:0] lcl_req_len;
wire r2b_last, page_ovflw;
reg page_ovflw_r;
wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] r2b_len, next_req_len;
wire [12:0] max_r2b_len;
reg [12:0] max_r2b_len_r;
reg [1:0] r2b_ba;
reg [12:0] r2b_raddr;
reg [12:0] r2b_caddr;
reg [APP_AW-1:0] curr_sdr_addr ;
wire [APP_AW-1:0] next_sdr_addr ;
// Generate the internal Adress and Burst length Based on sdram width
reg [APP_AW:0] req_addr_int;
reg [APP_RW-1:0] req_len_int;
always @(*) begin
if(sdr_width == 2'b00) begin // 32 Bit SDR Mode
req_addr_int = {1'b0,req_addr};
req_len_int = req_len;
end else if(sdr_width == 2'b01) begin // 16 Bit SDR Mode
// Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
req_addr_int = {req_addr,1'b0};
req_len_int = {req_len,1'b0};
end else begin // 8 Bit SDR Mode
// Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
req_addr_int = {req_addr,2'b0};
req_len_int = {req_len,2'b0};
// Identify the page over flow.
// Find the Maximum Burst length allowed from the selected column
// address, If the requested burst length is more than the allowed Maximum
// burst length, then we need to handle the bank cross over case and we
// need to split the reuest.
assign max_r2b_len = (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? (12'h100 - {4'b0, req_addr_int[7:0]}) :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? (12'h200 - {3'b0, req_addr_int[8:0]}) :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? (12'h400 - {2'b0, req_addr_int[9:0]}) : (12'h800 - {1'b0, req_addr_int[10:0]});
// If the wrap = 0 and current application burst length is crossing the page boundary,
// then request will be split into two with corresponding change in request address and request length.
// If the wrap = 0 and current burst length is not crossing the page boundary,
// then request from application layer will be transparently passed on the bank control block.
// if the wrap = 1, then this block will not modify the request address and length.
// The wrapping functionality will be handle by the bank control module and
// column address will rewind back as follows XX -> FF ? 00 ? 1
// Note: With Wrap = 0, each request from Application layer will be spilited into two request,
// if the current burst cross the page boundary.
assign page_ovflw = ({1'b0, req_len_int} > max_r2b_len) ? ~r2b_wrap : 1'b0;
assign r2b_len = r2b_start ? ((page_ovflw_r) ? max_r2b_len_r : lcl_req_len) :
assign next_req_len = lcl_req_len - r2b_len;
assign next_sdr_addr = curr_sdr_addr + r2b_len;
assign r2b_wrap = lcl_wrap;
assign r2b_last = (r2b_start & !page_ovflw_r) | (req_st == `REQ_PAGE_WRAP);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
page_ovflw_r <= (req_ack) ? page_ovflw: 'h0;
max_r2b_len_r <= (req_ack) ? max_r2b_len: 'h0;
r2b_start <= (req_ack) ? 1'b1 :
(b2r_ack) ? 1'b0 : r2b_start;
r2b_write <= (req_ack) ? ~req_wr_n : r2b_write;
r2b_req_id <= (req_ack) ? req_id : r2b_req_id;
lcl_wrap <= (req_ack) ? req_wrap : lcl_wrap;
lcl_req_len <= (req_ack) ? req_len_int :
(req_ld) ? next_req_len : lcl_req_len;
curr_sdr_addr <= (req_ack) ? req_addr_int :
(req_ld) ? next_sdr_addr : curr_sdr_addr;
end // always @ (posedge clk)
always @ (*) begin
r2x_idle = 1'b0;
req_idle = 1'b0;
req_ack = 1'b0;
req_ld = 1'b0;
r2b_req = 1'b0;
next_req_st = `REQ_IDLE;
case (req_st) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
`REQ_IDLE : begin
r2x_idle = ~req;
req_idle = 1'b1;
req_ack = req & b2r_arb_ok;
req_ld = 1'b0;
r2b_req = 1'b0;
next_req_st = (req & b2r_arb_ok) ? `REQ_ACTIVE : `REQ_IDLE;
end // case: `REQ_IDLE
`REQ_ACTIVE : begin
r2x_idle = 1'b0;
req_idle = 1'b0;
req_ack = 1'b0;
req_ld = b2r_ack;
r2b_req = 1'b1; // req_gen to bank_req
next_req_st = (b2r_ack ) ? ((page_ovflw_r) ? `REQ_PAGE_WRAP :`REQ_IDLE) : `REQ_ACTIVE;
end // case: `REQ_ACTIVE
`REQ_PAGE_WRAP : begin
r2x_idle = 1'b0;
req_idle = 1'b0;
req_ack = 1'b0;
req_ld = b2r_ack;
r2b_req = 1'b1; // req_gen to bank_req
next_req_st = (b2r_ack) ? `REQ_IDLE : `REQ_PAGE_WRAP;
end // case: `REQ_ACTIVE
endcase // case(req_st)
end // always @ (req_st or ....)
always @ (posedge clk)
if (~reset_n) begin
req_st <= `REQ_IDLE;
end // if (~reset_n)
else begin
req_st <= next_req_st;
end // else: !if(~reset_n)
// addrs bits for the bank, row and column
// Register row/column/bank to improve fpga timing issue
wire [APP_AW-1:0] map_address ;
assign map_address = (req_ack) ? req_addr_int :
(req_ld) ? next_sdr_addr : curr_sdr_addr;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
// Bank Bits are always - 2 Bits
r2b_ba <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? {map_address[9:8]} :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? {map_address[10:9]} :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? {map_address[11:10]} : map_address[12:11];
* Colbits Mapping:
* 2'b00 - 8 Bit
* 2'b01 - 16 Bit
* 2'b10 - 10 Bit
* 2'b11 - 11 Bits
r2b_caddr <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? {5'b0, map_address[7:0]} :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? {4'b0, map_address[8:0]} :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? {3'b0, map_address[9:0]} : {2'b0, map_address[10:0]};
r2b_raddr <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? map_address[22:10] :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? map_address[23:11] :
(cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? map_address[24:12] : map_address[25:13];
endmodule // sdr_req_gen