blob: f518a84a67f57ee24381ed7f3c41a70cde0321f5 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Copyright by Syntacore LLC © 2016-2020. See LICENSE for details
/// @file <>
/// @brief Execution Unit (EXU)
// Functionality:
// - Performs instructions execution:
// - Prevents instructions from execution if the HART is in WFI or Debug Halted
// state
// - Fetches operands for IALU
// - Calculates operation results via IALU
// - Stores IALU results in MPRF
// - Performs LOAD/STORE operations via LSU
// - Handles exceptions:
// - Generates exception request
// - Encodes exception code
// - Calculates exception trap value
// - Controls WFI instruction execution
// - Calculates PC value:
// - Initializes PC on reset
// - Stores the current PC value
// - Calculates a New PC value and generates a New PC request to IFU
// Structure:
// - Instruction queue
// - Integer Arithmetic Logic Unit (IALU)
// - Exceptions logic
// - WFI logic
// - Program Counter logic
// - Load-Store Unit (LSU)
// - EXU status logic
// - EXU <-> MPRF i/f
// - EXU <-> CSR i/f
// - EXU <-> TDU i/f
`include "scr1_arch_description.svh"
`include "scr1_arch_types.svh"
`include "scr1_memif.svh"
`include "scr1_riscv_isa_decoding.svh"
`include "scr1_csr.svh"
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
`include "scr1_hdu.svh"
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
`include "scr1_tdu.svh"
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
module scr1_pipe_exu (
// Common
input logic rst_n, // EXU reset
input logic clk, // Gated EXU clock
input logic clk_alw_on, // Not-gated EXU clock
input logic clk_pipe_en, // EXU clock enabled flag
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// EXU <-> IDU interface
input logic idu2exu_req_i, // Request form IDU to EXU
output logic exu2idu_rdy_o, // EXU ready for new data from IDU
input type_scr1_exu_cmd_s idu2exu_cmd_i, // EXU command
input logic idu2exu_use_rs1_i, // Clock gating on rs1_addr field
input logic idu2exu_use_rs2_i, // Clock gating on rs2_addr field
input logic idu2exu_use_rd_i, // Clock gating on rd_addr field
input logic idu2exu_use_imm_i, // Clock gating on imm field
`endif // SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
// EXU <-> MPRF interface
output logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rs1_addr_o, // MPRF rs1 read address
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] mprf2exu_rs1_data_i, // MPRF rs1 read data
output logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rs2_addr_o, // MPRF rs2 read address
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] mprf2exu_rs2_data_i, // MPRF rs2 read data
output logic exu2mprf_w_req_o, // MPRF write request
output logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rd_addr_o, // MPRF rd write address
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2mprf_rd_data_o, // MPRF rd write data
// EXU <-> CSR read/write interface
output logic [SCR1_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] exu2csr_rw_addr_o, // CSR read/write address
output logic exu2csr_r_req_o, // CSR read request
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2exu_r_data_i, // CSR read data
output logic exu2csr_w_req_o, // CSR write request
output type_scr1_csr_cmd_sel_e exu2csr_w_cmd_o, // CSR write command
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2csr_w_data_o, // CSR write data
input logic csr2exu_rw_exc_i, // CSR read/write access exception
// EXU <-> CSR events interface
output logic exu2csr_take_irq_o, // Take IRQ trap
output logic exu2csr_take_exc_o, // Take exception trap
output logic exu2csr_mret_update_o, // MRET update CSR
output logic exu2csr_mret_instr_o, // MRET instruction
output type_scr1_exc_code_e exu2csr_exc_code_o, // Exception code (see scr1_arch_types.svh)
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2csr_trap_val_o, // Trap value
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2exu_new_pc_i, // Exception/IRQ/MRET new PC
input logic csr2exu_irq_i, // IRQ request
input logic csr2exu_ip_ie_i, // Some IRQ pending and locally enabled
input logic csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_i, // MSTATUS or MIE update in the current cycle
// EXU <-> DMEM interface
output logic exu2dmem_req_o, // Data memory request
output type_scr1_mem_cmd_e exu2dmem_cmd_o, // Data memory command
output type_scr1_mem_width_e exu2dmem_width_o, // Data memory width
output logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2dmem_addr_o, // Data memory address
output logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] exu2dmem_wdata_o, // Data memory write data
input logic dmem2exu_req_ack_i, // Data memory request acknowledge
input logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem2exu_rdata_i, // Data memory read data
input type_scr1_mem_resp_e dmem2exu_resp_i, // Data memory response
// EXU control
output logic exu2pipe_exc_req_o, // Exception on last instruction
output logic exu2pipe_brkpt_o, // Software Breakpoint (EBREAK)
output logic exu2pipe_init_pc_o, // Reset exit
output logic exu2pipe_wfi_run2halt_o, // Transition to WFI halted state
output logic exu2pipe_instret_o, // Instruction retired (with or without exception)
output logic exu2csr_instret_no_exc_o, // Instruction retired (without exception)
output logic exu2pipe_exu_busy_o, // EXU busy
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// EXU <-> HDU interface
input logic hdu2exu_no_commit_i, // Forbid instruction commitment
input logic hdu2exu_irq_dsbl_i, // Disable IRQ
input logic hdu2exu_pc_advmt_dsbl_i, // Forbid PC advancement
input logic hdu2exu_dmode_sstep_en_i, // Enable single-step
input logic hdu2exu_pbuf_fetch_i, // Take instructions from Program Buffer
input logic hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i, // Debug halted state
input logic hdu2exu_dbg_run2halt_i, // Transition to debug halted state
input logic hdu2exu_dbg_halt2run_i, // Transition to run state
input logic hdu2exu_dbg_run_start_i, // First cycle of run state
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] hdu2exu_dbg_new_pc_i, // New PC as starting point for HART Resume
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU <-> TDU interface
output type_scr1_brkm_instr_mon_s exu2tdu_imon_o, // Instruction monitor
input logic [SCR1_TDU_ALLTRIG_NUM-1:0] tdu2exu_ibrkpt_match_i, // Instruction breakpoint(s) match
input logic tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i, // Instruction breakpoint exception
output type_scr1_brkm_lsu_mon_s lsu2tdu_dmon_o, // Data monitor
input logic tdu2lsu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i, // Instruction breakpoint exception
input logic [SCR1_TDU_MTRIG_NUM-1:0] tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_match_i, // Data breakpoint(s) match
input logic tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i, // Data breakpoint exception
output logic [SCR1_TDU_ALLTRIG_NUM-1:0] exu2tdu_ibrkpt_ret_o, // Instruction with breakpoint flag retire
output logic exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_o, // Hardware breakpoint on current instruction
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// PC interface
output logic exu2pipe_wfi_halted_o, // WFI halted state
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2pipe_pc_curr_o, // Current PC
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2csr_pc_next_o, // Next PC
output logic exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o, // New PC request
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2ifu_pc_new_o // New PC data
// Local parameters declaration
// Local types declaration
typedef enum logic {
} scr1_csr_access_e;
// Local signals declaration
// Instruction queue signals
logic exu_queue_vd;
type_scr1_exu_cmd_s exu_queue;
logic exu_queue_barrier;
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
logic dbg_run_start_npbuf;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
logic exu_queue_en;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu_illegal_instr;
logic idu2exu_use_rs1_ff;
logic idu2exu_use_rs2_ff;
// EXU queue valid flag register signals
logic exu_queue_vd_upd;
logic exu_queue_vd_ff;
logic exu_queue_vd_next;
`endif // SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
// IALU signals
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
logic ialu_rdy;
logic ialu_vd;
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_main_op1;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_main_op2;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_main_res;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_addr_op1;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_addr_op2;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ialu_addr_res;
logic ialu_cmp;
// Exceptions signals
logic exu_exc_req;
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
logic exu_exc_req_ff;
logic exu_exc_req_next;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
type_scr1_exc_code_e exc_code;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exc_trap_val;
logic instr_fault_rvi_hi;
// WFI signals
// WFI control signals
logic wfi_halt_cond;
logic wfi_run_req;
logic wfi_halt_req;
// WFI Run Start register
logic wfi_run_start_ff;
logic wfi_run_start_next;
// WFI halted register
logic wfi_halted_upd;
logic wfi_halted_ff;
logic wfi_halted_next;
// PC signals
logic [3:0] init_pc_v;
logic init_pc;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] inc_pc;
logic branch_taken;
logic jb_taken;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] jb_new_pc;
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
logic jb_misalign;
// Current PC register
logic pc_curr_upd;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] pc_curr_ff;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] pc_curr_next;
// LSU signals
logic lsu_req;
logic lsu_rdy;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] lsu_l_data;
logic lsu_exc_req;
type_scr1_exc_code_e lsu_exc_code;
// EXU status signals
logic exu_rdy;
// MPRF signals
logic mprf_rs1_req;
logic mprf_rs2_req;
logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] mprf_rs1_addr;
logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] mprf_rs2_addr;
// CSR signals
// CSR access register
scr1_csr_access_e csr_access_ff;
scr1_csr_access_e csr_access_next;
logic csr_access_init;
// Instruction execution queue
// Instruction execution queue consists of the following functional units:
// - EXU queue control logic
// - EXU queue valid flag register
// - EXU queue register
// - EXU queue status logic
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
assign dbg_run_start_npbuf = hdu2exu_dbg_run_start_i & ~hdu2exu_pbuf_fetch_i;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// EXU queue control logic
assign exu_queue_barrier = wfi_halted_ff | wfi_halt_req | wfi_run_start_ff
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i | hdu2exu_dbg_run2halt_i
| dbg_run_start_npbuf
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu_queue_en = exu2idu_rdy_o & idu2exu_req_i;
// EXU queue valid flag register
assign exu_queue_vd_upd = exu_queue_barrier | exu_rdy;
always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
exu_queue_vd_ff <= 1'b0;
end else if (exu_queue_vd_upd) begin
exu_queue_vd_ff <= exu_queue_vd_next;
assign exu_queue_vd_next = ~exu_queue_barrier & idu2exu_req_i & ~exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o;
assign exu_queue_vd = exu_queue_vd_ff;
// EXU queue register
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (exu_queue_en) begin
exu_queue.instr_rvc <= idu2exu_cmd_i.instr_rvc;
exu_queue.ialu_op <= idu2exu_cmd_i.ialu_op;
exu_queue.ialu_cmd <= idu2exu_cmd_i.ialu_cmd;
exu_queue.sum2_op <= idu2exu_cmd_i.sum2_op;
exu_queue.lsu_cmd <= idu2exu_cmd_i.lsu_cmd;
exu_queue.csr_op <= idu2exu_cmd_i.csr_op;
exu_queue.csr_cmd <= idu2exu_cmd_i.csr_cmd;
exu_queue.rd_wb_sel <= idu2exu_cmd_i.rd_wb_sel;
exu_queue.jump_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.jump_req;
exu_queue.branch_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.branch_req;
exu_queue.mret_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.mret_req;
exu_queue.fencei_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.fencei_req;
exu_queue.wfi_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.wfi_req;
exu_queue.exc_req <= idu2exu_cmd_i.exc_req;
exu_queue.exc_code <= idu2exu_cmd_i.exc_code;
idu2exu_use_rs1_ff <= idu2exu_use_rs1_i;
idu2exu_use_rs2_ff <= idu2exu_use_rs2_i;
if (idu2exu_use_rs1_i) begin
exu_queue.rs1_addr <= idu2exu_cmd_i.rs1_addr;
if (idu2exu_use_rs2_i) begin
exu_queue.rs2_addr <= idu2exu_cmd_i.rs2_addr;
if (idu2exu_use_rd_i) begin
exu_queue.rd_addr <= idu2exu_cmd_i.rd_addr;
if (idu2exu_use_imm_i) begin
exu_queue.imm <= idu2exu_cmd_i.imm;
`else // ~SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
assign exu_queue_barrier = wfi_halted_ff | wfi_run_start_ff
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i | dbg_run_start_npbuf
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu_queue_vd = idu2exu_req_i & ~exu_queue_barrier;
assign exu_queue = idu2exu_cmd_i;
`endif // ~SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
// Integer Arithmetic Logic Unit (IALU)
// Functionality:
// - Performs addition/subtraction and arithmetic and branch comparisons
// - Performs logical operations (AND(I), OR(I), XOR(I))
// - Performs address calculation for branch, jump, DMEM load and store and AUIPC
// instructions
// - Performs shift operations
// - Performs MUL/DIV operations
// IALU main operands fetch
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
assign ialu_vd = exu_queue_vd & (exu_queue.ialu_cmd != SCR1_IALU_CMD_NONE)
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
& ~tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
always_comb begin
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
if (~ialu_vd) begin
ialu_main_op1 = '0;
ialu_main_op2 = '0;
end else begin
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
if (exu_queue.ialu_op == SCR1_IALU_OP_REG_REG) begin
ialu_main_op1 = mprf2exu_rs1_data_i;
ialu_main_op2 = mprf2exu_rs2_data_i;
end else begin
ialu_main_op1 = mprf2exu_rs1_data_i;
ialu_main_op2 = exu_queue.imm;
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
// IALU address operands fetch
always_comb begin
if (exu_queue.sum2_op == SCR1_SUM2_OP_REG_IMM) begin
ialu_addr_op1 = mprf2exu_rs1_data_i;
ialu_addr_op2 = exu_queue.imm;
end else begin
ialu_addr_op1 = pc_curr_ff;
ialu_addr_op2 = exu_queue.imm;
// IALU module instantiation
scr1_pipe_ialu i_ialu(
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
// Common
.clk (clk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.exu2ialu_rvm_cmd_vd_i (ialu_vd ),
.ialu2exu_rvm_res_rdy_o (ialu_rdy ),
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
.exu2ialu_main_op1_i (ialu_main_op1 ),
.exu2ialu_main_op2_i (ialu_main_op2 ),
.exu2ialu_cmd_i (exu_queue.ialu_cmd),
.ialu2exu_main_res_o (ialu_main_res ),
.ialu2exu_cmp_res_o (ialu_cmp ),
// Address adder signals
.exu2ialu_addr_op1_i (ialu_addr_op1 ),
.exu2ialu_addr_op2_i (ialu_addr_op2 ),
.ialu2exu_addr_res_o (ialu_addr_res )
// Exceptions logic
// Exceptions logic consists of the following functional units:
// - Exception request logic
// - Exception code encoder
// - Exception trap value multiplexer
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
assign jb_misalign = exu_queue_vd & jb_taken & |jb_new_pc[1:0];
`endif // ~SCR1_RVC_EXT
// Exception request
assign exu_exc_req = exu_queue_vd & (exu_queue.exc_req | lsu_exc_req
| csr2exu_rw_exc_i
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
| jb_misalign
`endif // ~SCR1_RVC_EXT
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
| exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_o
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU exception request register
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
exu_exc_req_ff <= 1'b0;
end else begin
exu_exc_req_ff <= exu_exc_req_next;
assign exu_exc_req_next = hdu2exu_dbg_halt2run_i ? 1'b0 : exu_exc_req;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Exception code encoder
always_comb begin
case (1'b1)
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_o: exc_code = SCR1_EXC_CODE_BREAKPOINT;
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
exu_queue.exc_req : exc_code = exu_queue.exc_code;
lsu_exc_req : exc_code = lsu_exc_code;
csr2exu_rw_exc_i : exc_code = SCR1_EXC_CODE_ILLEGAL_INSTR;
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
jb_misalign : exc_code = SCR1_EXC_CODE_INSTR_MISALIGN;
`endif // ~SCR1_RVC_EXT
default : exc_code = SCR1_EXC_CODE_ECALL_M;
endcase // 1'b1
// Exception trap value multiplexer
assign instr_fault_rvi_hi = exu_queue.instr_rvc;
assign exu_illegal_instr = {exu2csr_rw_addr_o, // CSR address
5'(exu_queue.rs1_addr), // rs1 / zimm
exu_queue.imm[14:12], // funct3
5'(exu_queue.rd_addr), // rd
// If Instruction Access Fault occurred on high part of RVI instruction trap
// value is set to point on the high part of the instruction (inc_pc=pc+2)
always_comb begin
case (exc_code)
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
SCR1_EXC_CODE_INSTR_MISALIGN : exc_trap_val = jb_new_pc;
`endif // SCR1_RVC_EXT
SCR1_EXC_CODE_INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT: exc_trap_val = instr_fault_rvi_hi
? inc_pc
: pc_curr_ff;
SCR1_EXC_CODE_ILLEGAL_INSTR : exc_trap_val = exu_queue.exc_req
? exu_queue.imm
: exu_illegal_instr;
SCR1_EXC_CODE_ILLEGAL_INSTR : exc_trap_val = '0;
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
case (1'b1)
tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i: exc_trap_val = pc_curr_ff;
tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i: exc_trap_val = ialu_addr_res;
default : exc_trap_val = '0;
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
SCR1_EXC_CODE_ST_ACCESS_FAULT : exc_trap_val = ialu_addr_res;
default : exc_trap_val = '0;
endcase // exc_code
// WFI logic
// Wait for interrupt (WFI) logic consists of the following functional units:
// - WFI control logic
// - WFI Run Start register
// - WFI Halted flag register
// - WFI status signals
// WFI control logic
assign wfi_halt_cond = ~csr2exu_ip_ie_i
& ((exu_queue_vd & exu_queue.wfi_req) | wfi_run_start_ff)
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_no_commit_i & ~hdu2exu_dmode_sstep_en_i & ~hdu2exu_dbg_run2halt_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign wfi_halt_req = ~wfi_halted_ff & wfi_halt_cond;
// HART will exit WFI halted state if the event that causes the HART to resume
// execution occurs even if it doesn't cause an interrupt to be taken
assign wfi_run_req = wfi_halted_ff & (csr2exu_ip_ie_i
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| hdu2exu_dbg_halt2run_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// WFI Run Start register
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
`else // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk_alw_on) begin
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
if (~rst_n) begin
wfi_run_start_ff <= 1'b0;
end else begin
wfi_run_start_ff <= wfi_run_start_next;
assign wfi_run_start_next = wfi_halted_ff & csr2exu_ip_ie_i & ~exu2csr_take_irq_o;
// WFI halted flag register
assign wfi_halted_upd = wfi_halt_req | wfi_run_req;
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
`else // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk_alw_on) begin
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
if (~rst_n) begin
wfi_halted_ff <= 1'b0;
end else if (wfi_halted_upd) begin
wfi_halted_ff <= wfi_halted_next;
assign wfi_halted_next = wfi_halt_req | ~wfi_run_req;
// WFI status signals
assign exu2pipe_wfi_run2halt_o = wfi_halt_req;
assign exu2pipe_wfi_halted_o = wfi_halted_ff;
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// Program Counter logic
// PC logic consists of the following functional units:
// - PC initialization logic
// - Current PC register
// - New PC multiplexer
// PC initialization logic
// Generates a New PC request to set PC to reset value
always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
init_pc_v <= '0;
end else begin
if (~&init_pc_v) begin
init_pc_v <= {init_pc_v[2:0], 1'b1};
assign init_pc = ~init_pc_v[3] & init_pc_v[2];
// Current PC register
assign pc_curr_upd = ((exu2pipe_instret_o | exu2csr_take_irq_o
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| dbg_run_start_npbuf) & ( ~hdu2exu_pc_advmt_dsbl_i
& ~hdu2exu_no_commit_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
pc_curr_ff <= SCR1_RST_VECTOR;
end else if (pc_curr_upd) begin
pc_curr_ff <= pc_curr_next;
`ifdef SCR1_RVC_EXT
assign inc_pc = pc_curr_ff + (exu_queue.instr_rvc ? `SCR1_XLEN'd2 : `SCR1_XLEN'd4);
`else // ~SCR1_RVC_EXT
assign inc_pc = pc_curr_ff + `SCR1_XLEN'd4;
`endif // ~SCR1_RVC_EXT
assign pc_curr_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o ? exu2ifu_pc_new_o
: (inc_pc[6] ^ pc_curr_ff[6]) ? inc_pc
: {pc_curr_ff[`SCR1_XLEN-1:6], inc_pc[5:0]};
// New PC multiplexer
always_comb begin
case (1'b1)
init_pc : exu2ifu_pc_new_o = SCR1_RST_VECTOR;
exu2csr_mret_instr_o: exu2ifu_pc_new_o = csr2exu_new_pc_i;
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
dbg_run_start_npbuf : exu2ifu_pc_new_o = hdu2exu_dbg_new_pc_i;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
wfi_run_start_ff : exu2ifu_pc_new_o = pc_curr_ff;
exu_queue.fencei_req: exu2ifu_pc_new_o = inc_pc;
default : exu2ifu_pc_new_o = ialu_addr_res & SCR1_JUMP_MASK;
assign exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o = init_pc // reset
| exu2csr_take_irq_o
| exu2csr_take_exc_o
| (exu2csr_mret_instr_o & ~csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_i)
| (exu_queue_vd & exu_queue.fencei_req)
| (wfi_run_start_ff
& clk_pipe_en
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| dbg_run_start_npbuf
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
| (exu_queue_vd & jb_taken);
// Jump/branch signals
assign branch_taken = exu_queue.branch_req & ialu_cmp;
assign jb_taken = exu_queue.jump_req | branch_taken;
assign jb_new_pc = ialu_addr_res & SCR1_JUMP_MASK;
// PC to be loaded on MRET from interrupt trap
assign exu2csr_pc_next_o = ~exu_queue_vd ? pc_curr_ff
: jb_taken ? jb_new_pc
: inc_pc;
assign exu2pipe_pc_curr_o = pc_curr_ff;
// Load/Store Unit (LSU)
// Functionality:
// - Performs load and store operations in Data Memory
// - Generates DMEM address misalign and access fault exceptions
// - Passes DMEM operations information to TDU and generates LSU breakpoint exception
assign lsu_req = ((exu_queue.lsu_cmd != SCR1_LSU_CMD_NONE) & exu_queue_vd);
scr1_pipe_lsu i_lsu(
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
// EXU <-> LSU interface
.exu2lsu_req_i (lsu_req ), // Request to LSU
.exu2lsu_cmd_i (exu_queue.lsu_cmd ), // LSU command
.exu2lsu_addr_i (ialu_addr_res ), // DMEM address
.exu2lsu_sdata_i (mprf2exu_rs2_data_i ), // Data for store to DMEM
.lsu2exu_rdy_o (lsu_rdy ), // LSU ready
.lsu2exu_ldata_o (lsu_l_data ), // Loaded data form DMEM
.lsu2exu_exc_o (lsu_exc_req ), // LSU exception
.lsu2exu_exc_code_o (lsu_exc_code ), // LSU exception code
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// TDU <-> LSU interface
.lsu2tdu_dmon_o (lsu2tdu_dmon_o ),
.tdu2lsu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i (tdu2lsu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i),
.tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i (tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i),
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// Data memory interface
.lsu2dmem_req_o (exu2dmem_req_o ), // DMEM request
.lsu2dmem_cmd_o (exu2dmem_cmd_o ), // DMEM command
.lsu2dmem_width_o (exu2dmem_width_o ), // DMEM width
.lsu2dmem_addr_o (exu2dmem_addr_o ), // DMEM address
.lsu2dmem_wdata_o (exu2dmem_wdata_o ), // DMEM write data
.dmem2lsu_req_ack_i (dmem2exu_req_ack_i ), // DMEM request acknowledge
.dmem2lsu_rdata_i (dmem2exu_rdata_i ), // DMEM read data
.dmem2lsu_resp_i (dmem2exu_resp_i ) // DMEM response
// EXU status logic
// EXU ready flag
always_comb begin
case (1'b1)
lsu_req : exu_rdy = lsu_rdy | lsu_exc_req;
`ifdef SCR1_RVM_EXT
ialu_vd : exu_rdy = ialu_rdy;
`endif // SCR1_RVM_EXT
csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_i: exu_rdy = 1'b0;
default : exu_rdy = 1'b1;
assign exu2pipe_init_pc_o = init_pc;
assign exu2idu_rdy_o = exu_rdy & ~exu_queue_barrier;
assign exu2pipe_exu_busy_o = exu_queue_vd & ~exu_rdy;
assign exu2pipe_instret_o = exu_queue_vd & exu_rdy;
assign exu2csr_instret_no_exc_o = exu2pipe_instret_o & ~exu_exc_req;
// Exceptions
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu2pipe_exc_req_o = exu_queue_vd ? exu_exc_req : exu_exc_req_ff;
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu2pipe_exc_req_o = exu_exc_req;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Breakpoints
assign exu2pipe_brkpt_o = exu_queue_vd & (exu_queue.exc_code == SCR1_EXC_CODE_BREAKPOINT);
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
assign exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_o = tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i | tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i;
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU <-> MPRF interface
// Operands fetching stage
assign mprf_rs1_req = exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs1_i;
assign mprf_rs2_req = exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs2_i;
`else // SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
`ifdef SCR1_MPRF_RAM
assign mprf_rs1_req = exu_queue_en
? (exu_queue_vd_next & idu2exu_use_rs1_i)
: (exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs1_ff);
assign mprf_rs2_req = exu_queue_en
? (exu_queue_vd_next & idu2exu_use_rs2_i)
: (exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs2_ff);
`else // SCR1_MPRF_RAM
assign mprf_rs1_req = exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs1_ff;
assign mprf_rs2_req = exu_queue_vd & idu2exu_use_rs2_ff;
`endif // SCR1_MPRF_RAM
`endif // SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
// If exu_queue isn't enabled we need previous addresses and usage flags because
// RAM blocks read operation is SYNCHRONOUS
`ifdef SCR1_MPRF_RAM
assign mprf_rs1_addr = exu_queue_en ? idu2exu_cmd_i.rs1_addr : exu_queue.rs1_addr;
assign mprf_rs2_addr = exu_queue_en ? idu2exu_cmd_i.rs2_addr : exu_queue.rs2_addr;
`else // SCR1_MPRF_RAM
assign mprf_rs1_addr = exu_queue.rs1_addr;
assign mprf_rs2_addr = exu_queue.rs2_addr;
`endif // SCR1_MPRF_RAM
assign exu2mprf_rs1_addr_o = mprf_rs1_req ? `SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH'(mprf_rs1_addr) : '0;
assign exu2mprf_rs2_addr_o = mprf_rs2_req ? `SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH'(mprf_rs2_addr) : '0;
// Write back stage
assign exu2mprf_w_req_o = (exu_queue.rd_wb_sel != SCR1_RD_WB_NONE) & exu_queue_vd & ~exu_exc_req
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_no_commit_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
& ((exu_queue.rd_wb_sel == SCR1_RD_WB_CSR) ? csr_access_init : exu_rdy);
assign exu2mprf_rd_addr_o = `SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH'(exu_queue.rd_addr);
// MRPF RD data multiplexer
always_comb begin
case (exu_queue.rd_wb_sel)
SCR1_RD_WB_SUM2 : exu2mprf_rd_data_o = ialu_addr_res;
SCR1_RD_WB_IMM : exu2mprf_rd_data_o = exu_queue.imm;
SCR1_RD_WB_INC_PC: exu2mprf_rd_data_o = inc_pc;
SCR1_RD_WB_LSU : exu2mprf_rd_data_o = lsu_l_data;
SCR1_RD_WB_CSR : exu2mprf_rd_data_o = csr2exu_r_data_i;
default : exu2mprf_rd_data_o = ialu_main_res;
// EXU <-> CSR interface
// EXU <-> CSR interface consists of the following functional units:
// - CSR write/read interface
// - CSR access FSM
// - CSR events interface:
// - Exceptions signals
// - Interrupts signals
// - MRET signals
// CSRs write/read interface
// CSR write/read request signals calculation
always_comb begin
if (~exu_queue_vd
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
| tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
) begin
exu2csr_r_req_o = 1'b0;
exu2csr_w_req_o = 1'b0;
end else begin
case (exu_queue.csr_cmd)
exu2csr_r_req_o = |exu_queue.rd_addr;
exu2csr_w_req_o = csr_access_init;
exu2csr_r_req_o = 1'b1;
exu2csr_w_req_o = |exu_queue.rs1_addr & csr_access_init;
default : begin
exu2csr_r_req_o = 1'b0;
exu2csr_w_req_o = 1'b0;
assign exu2csr_w_cmd_o = exu_queue.csr_cmd;
assign exu2csr_rw_addr_o = exu_queue.imm[SCR1_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0];
assign exu2csr_w_data_o = (exu_queue.csr_op == SCR1_CSR_OP_REG)
? mprf2exu_rs1_data_i
: {'0, exu_queue.rs1_addr}; // zimm
// CSR access FSM
always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
csr_access_ff <= SCR1_CSR_INIT;
end else begin
csr_access_ff <= csr_access_next;
assign csr_access_next = (csr_access_init & csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_i)
assign csr_access_init = (csr_access_ff == SCR1_CSR_INIT);
// CSR events interface
// Exceptions signals
assign exu2csr_take_exc_o = exu_exc_req
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu2csr_exc_code_o = exc_code;
assign exu2csr_trap_val_o = exc_trap_val;
// Interrupts signals
assign exu2csr_take_irq_o = csr2exu_irq_i & ~exu2pipe_exu_busy_o
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_irq_dsbl_i
& ~hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
& clk_pipe_en
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// MRET signals
// MRET instruction flag
assign exu2csr_mret_instr_o = exu_queue_vd & exu_queue.mret_req
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
& ~tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign exu2csr_mret_update_o = exu2csr_mret_instr_o & csr_access_init;
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU <-> TDU interface
// Instruction monitor
assign exu2tdu_imon_o.vd = exu_queue_vd;
assign exu2tdu_imon_o.req = exu2pipe_instret_o;
assign exu2tdu_imon_o.addr = pc_curr_ff;
always_comb begin
exu2tdu_ibrkpt_ret_o = '0;
if (exu_queue_vd) begin
exu2tdu_ibrkpt_ret_o = tdu2exu_ibrkpt_match_i;
if (lsu_req) begin
exu2tdu_ibrkpt_ret_o[SCR1_TDU_MTRIG_NUM-1:0] |= tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_match_i;
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// Tracelog signals
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] update_pc;
logic update_pc_en;
assign update_pc_en = (init_pc | exu2pipe_instret_o | exu2csr_take_irq_o)
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
& ~hdu2exu_pc_advmt_dsbl_i & ~hdu2exu_no_commit_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign update_pc = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o ? exu2ifu_pc_new_o : inc_pc;
// Assertion
// X checks
SCR1_SVA_EXU_XCHECK_CTRL : assert property (
@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
!$isunknown({idu2exu_req_i, csr2exu_irq_i, csr2exu_ip_ie_i, lsu_req, lsu_rdy, exu_exc_req})
) else $error("EXU Error: unknown control values");
SCR1_SVA_EXU_XCHECK_QUEUE : assert property (
@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
idu2exu_req_i |-> !$isunknown(idu2exu_cmd_i)
) else $error("EXU Error: unknown values in queue");
SCR1_SVA_EXU_XCHECK_CSR_RDATA : assert property (
@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
exu2csr_r_req_o |-> !$isunknown({csr2exu_r_data_i, csr2exu_rw_exc_i})
) else $error("EXU Error: unknown values from CSR");
// Behavior checks
SCR1_SVA_EXU_ONEHOT : assert property (
@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
$onehot0({exu_queue.jump_req, exu_queue.branch_req, lsu_req})
) else $error("EXU Error: illegal combination of control signals");
SCR1_SVA_EXU_ONEHOT_EXC : assert property (
@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
exu_queue_vd |->
$onehot0({exu_queue.exc_req, lsu_exc_req, csr2exu_rw_exc_i
`ifndef SCR1_RVC_EXT
, jb_misalign
) else $error("EXU Error: exceptions $onehot0 failed");
endmodule : scr1_pipe_exu