blob: a6e8e34a2a0307a0ee22e620e802c78b2eb111ae [file] [log] [blame]
# OpenSTA, Static Timing Analyzer
# Copyright (c) 2021, Parallax Software, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace eval sta {
# Non-SDC commands
define_cmd_args "delete_clock" {[-all] clocks}
proc delete_clock { args } {
parse_key_args "delete_clock" args keys {} flags {-all}
if { [info exists flags(-all)] } {
check_argc_eq0 "delete_clock" $args
set clks [all_clocks]
} else {
check_argc_eq1 "delete_clock" $args
set clks [get_clocks_warn "clocks" [lindex $args 0]]
foreach clk $clks {
remove_clock_cmd $clk
define_cmd_args "delete_generated_clock" {[-all] clocks}
proc delete_generated_clock { args } {
remove_gclk_cmd "delete_generated_clock" $args
define_cmd_args "set_disable_inferred_clock_gating" { objects }
proc set_disable_inferred_clock_gating { objects } {
set_disable_inferred_clock_gating_cmd $objects
proc set_disable_inferred_clock_gating_cmd { objects } {
parse_inst_port_pin_arg $objects insts pins
foreach inst $insts {
disable_clock_gating_check_inst $inst
foreach pin $pins {
disable_clock_gating_check_pin $pin
define_cmd_args "unset_case_analysis" {pins}
proc unset_case_analysis { pins } {
set pins1 [get_port_pins_error "pins" $pins]
foreach pin $pins1 {
unset_case_analysis_cmd $pin
define_cmd_args "unset_clock_groups" \
{[-logically_exclusive] [-physically_exclusive]\
[-asynchronous] [-name names] [-all]}
proc unset_clock_groups { args } {
unset_clk_groups_cmd "unset_clock_groups" $args
proc unset_clk_groups_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-name} \
flags {-logically_exclusive -physically_exclusive -asynchronous -all}
set all [info exists flags(-all)]
set names {}
if {[info exists keys(-name)]} {
set names $keys(-name)
if { $all && $names != {} } {
sta_error 454 "the -all and -name options are mutually exclusive."
if { !$all && $names == {} } {
sta_error 455 "either -all or -name options must be specified."
set logically_exclusive [info exists flags(-logically_exclusive)]
set physically_exclusive [info exists flags(-physically_exclusive)]
set asynchronous [info exists flags(-asynchronous)]
if { ($logically_exclusive+$physically_exclusive+$asynchronous) == 0 } {
sta_error 456 "one of -logically_exclusive, -physically_exclusive or -asynchronous is required."
if { ($logically_exclusive+$physically_exclusive+$asynchronous) > 1 } {
sta_error 457 "the keywords -logically_exclusive, -physically_exclusive and -asynchronous are mutually exclusive."
if { $all } {
if { $logically_exclusive } {
unset_clock_groups_logically_exclusive "NULL"
} elseif { $physically_exclusive } {
unset_clock_groups_physically_exclusive "NULL"
} elseif { $asynchronous } {
unset_clock_groups_asynchronous "NULL"
} else {
foreach name $names {
if { $logically_exclusive } {
unset_clock_groups_logically_exclusive $name
} elseif { $physically_exclusive } {
unset_clock_groups_physically_exclusive $name
} elseif { $asynchronous } {
unset_clock_groups_asynchronous $name
define_cmd_args "unset_clock_latency" {[-source] [-clock clock] objects}
proc unset_clock_latency { args } {
unset_clk_latency_cmd "unset_clock_latency" $args
proc unset_clk_latency_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args keys {-clock} flags {-source}
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
set objects [lindex $cmd_args 0]
parse_clk_port_pin_arg $objects clks pins
set pin_clk "NULL"
if { [info exists keys(-clock)] } {
set pin_clk [get_clock_warn "clock" $keys(-clock)]
if { $clks != {} } {
sta_warn 303 "-clock ignored for clock objects."
if {[info exists flags(-source)]} {
# Source latency.
foreach clk $clks {
unset_clock_insertion_cmd $clk "NULL"
foreach pin $pins {
# Source only allowed on clocks and clock pins.
if { ![is_clock_pin $pin] } {
sta_error 458 "-source '[$pin path_name]' is not a clock pin."
unset_clock_insertion_cmd $pin_clk $pin
} else {
# Latency.
foreach clk $clks {
unset_clock_latency_cmd $clk "NULL"
foreach pin $pins {
unset_clock_latency_cmd $pin_clk $pin
define_cmd_args "unset_clock_transition" {clocks}
proc unset_clock_transition { args } {
check_argc_eq1 "unset_clock_transition" $args
set clks [get_clocks_warn "clocks" [lindex $args 0]]
foreach clk $clks {
unset_clock_slew_cmd $clk
define_cmd_args "unset_clock_uncertainty" \
{[-from|-rise_from|-fall_from from_clock]\
[-to|-rise_to|-fall_to to_clock] [-rise] [-fall]\
[-setup] [-hold] [objects]}
proc unset_clock_uncertainty { args } {
unset_clk_uncertainty_cmd "unset_clock_uncertainty" $args
proc unset_clk_uncertainty_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-from -rise_from -fall_from -to -rise_to -fall_to} \
flags {-rise -fall -setup -hold}
set min_max "min_max"
if { [info exists flags(-setup)] && ![info exists flags(-hold)] } {
set min_max "max"
if { [info exists flags(-hold)] && ![info exists flags(-setup)] } {
set min_max "min"
if { [info exists keys(-from)] } {
set from_key "-from"
set from_rf "rise_fall"
} elseif { [info exists keys(-rise_from)] } {
set from_key "-rise_from"
set from_rf "rise"
} elseif { [info exists keys(-fall_from)] } {
set from_key "-fall_from"
set from_rf "fall"
} else {
set from_key "none"
if { [info exists keys(-to)] } {
set to_key "-to"
set to_rf "rise_fall"
} elseif { [info exists keys(-rise_to)] } {
set to_key "-rise_to"
set to_rf "rise"
} elseif { [info exists keys(-fall_to)] } {
set to_key "-fall_to"
set to_rf "fall"
} else {
set to_key "none"
if { $from_key != "none" && $to_key == "none" \
|| $from_key == "none" && $to_key != "none" } {
sta_error 459 "-from/-to must be used together."
} elseif { $from_key != "none" && $to_key != "none" } {
# Inter-clock uncertainty.
check_argc_eq0 "unset_clock_uncertainty" $cmd_args
# -from/-to can be lists.
set from_clks [get_clocks_warn "from_clocks" $keys($from_key)]
set to_clks [get_clocks_warn "to_clocks" $keys($to_key)]
foreach from_clk $from_clks {
foreach to_clk $to_clks {
unset_inter_clock_uncertainty $from_clk $from_rf \
$to_clk $to_rf $min_max
} else {
# Single clock uncertainty.
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
if { [info exists keys(-rise)] \
|| [info exists keys(-fall)] } {
sta_error 460 "-rise, -fall options not allowed for single clock uncertainty."
set objects [lindex $cmd_args 0]
parse_clk_port_pin_arg $objects clks pins
foreach clk $clks {
unset_clock_uncertainty_clk $clk $min_max
foreach pin $pins {
unset_clock_uncertainty_pin $pin $min_max
define_cmd_args "unset_data_check" \
{[-from from_pin] [-rise_from from_pin] [-fall_from from_pin]\
[-to to_pin] [-rise_to to_pin] [-fall_to to_pin]\
[-setup | -hold] [-clock clock]}
proc unset_data_check { args } {
unset_data_checks_cmd "unset_data_check" $args
proc unset_data_checks_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args cmd cmd_args \
keys {-from -rise_from -fall_from -to -rise_to -fall_to -clock} \
flags {-setup -hold}
check_argc_eq0 $cmd $cmd_args
set from_rf "rise_fall"
set to_rf "rise_fall"
set clk "NULL"
set setup_hold "max"
if [info exists keys(-from)] {
set from [get_port_pin_error "from_pin" $keys(-from)]
} elseif [info exists keys(-rise_from)] {
set from [get_port_pin_error "from_pin" $keys(-rise_from)]
set from_rf "rise"
} elseif [info exists keys(-fall_from)] {
set from [get_port_pin_error "from_pin" $keys(-fall_from)]
set from_rf "fall"
} else {
sta_error 461 "missing -from, -rise_from or -fall_from argument."
if [info exists keys(-to)] {
set to [get_port_pin_error "to_pin" $keys(-to)]
} elseif [info exists keys(-rise_to)] {
set to [get_port_pin_error "to_pin" $keys(-rise_to)]
set to_rf "rise"
} elseif [info exists keys(-fall_to)] {
set to [get_port_pin_error "to_pin" $keys(-fall_to)]
set to_rf "fall"
} else {
sta_error 462 "missing -to, -rise_to or -fall_to argument."
if [info exists keys(-clock)] {
set clk [get_clock_warn "clock" $keys(-clock)]
if { [info exists flags(-setup)] && ![info exists flags(-hold)] } {
set setup_hold "setup"
} elseif { [info exists flags(-hold)] && ![info exists flags(-setup)] } {
set setup_hold "hold"
} else {
set setup_hold "setup_hold"
unset_data_check_cmd $from $from_rf $to $to_rf $clk $setup_hold
define_cmd_args "unset_disable_inferred_clock_gating" { objects }
proc unset_disable_inferred_clock_gating { objects } {
unset_disable_inferred_clock_gating_cmd $objects
proc unset_disable_inferred_clock_gating_cmd { objects } {
parse_inst_port_pin_arg $objects insts pins
foreach inst $insts {
unset_disable_clock_gating_check_inst $inst
foreach pin $pins {
unset_disable_clock_gating_check_pin $pin
define_cmd_args "unset_disable_timing" \
{[-from from_port] [-to to_port] objects}
proc unset_disable_timing { args } {
unset_disable_cmd "unset_disable_timing" $args
proc unset_disable_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args keys {-from -to} flags {}
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
set from ""
if { [info exists keys(-from)] } {
set from $keys(-from)
set to ""
if { [info exists keys(-to)] } {
set to $keys(-to)
parse_libcell_libport_inst_port_pin_edge_timing_arc_set_arg $cmd_args \
libcells libports insts ports pins edges timing_arc_sets
if { ([info exists keys(-from)] || [info exists keys(-to)]) \
&& ($libports != {} || $pins != {} || $ports != {}) } {
sta_warn 304 "-from/-to keywords ignored for lib_pin, port and pin arguments."
foreach libcell $libcells {
unset_disable_timing_cell $libcell $from $to
foreach libport $libports {
unset_disable_lib_port $libport
foreach inst $insts {
unset_disable_timing_instance $inst $from $to
foreach pin $pins {
unset_disable_pin $pin
foreach port $ports {
unset_disable_port $port
foreach edge $edges {
unset_disable_edge $edge
foreach timing_arc_set $timing_arc_sets {
unset_disable_timing_arc_set $timing_arc_set
proc unset_disable_timing_cell { cell from to } {
set from_ports [parse_disable_cell_ports $cell $from]
set to_ports [parse_disable_cell_ports $cell $to]
if { $from_ports == "NULL" && $to_ports == "NULL" } {
unset_disable_cell $cell "NULL" "NULL"
} elseif { $from_ports == "NULL" } {
foreach to_port $to_ports {
unset_disable_cell $cell "NULL" $to_port
} elseif { $to_ports == "NULL" } {
foreach from_port $from_ports {
unset_disable_cell $cell $from_port "NULL"
} else {
foreach from_port $from_ports {
foreach to_port $to_ports {
unset_disable_cell $cell $from_port $to_port
proc unset_disable_timing_instance { inst from to } {
set from_ports [parse_disable_inst_ports $inst $from]
set to_ports [parse_disable_inst_ports $inst $to]
if { ![$inst is_leaf] } {
sta_error 463 "-from/-to hierarchical instance not supported."
if { $from_ports == "NULL" && $to_ports == "NULL" } {
unset_disable_instance $inst "NULL" "NULL"
} elseif { $from_ports == "NULL" } {
foreach to_port $to_ports {
unset_disable_instance $inst "NULL" $to_port
} elseif { $to_ports == "NULL" } {
foreach from_port $from_ports {
unset_disable_instance $inst $from_port "NULL"
} else {
foreach from_port $from_ports {
foreach to_port $to_ports {
unset_disable_instance $inst $from_port $to_port
define_cmd_args "unset_generated_clock" {[-all] clocks}
proc unset_generated_clock { args } {
unset_gclk_cmd "unset_generated_clock" $args
proc remove_gclk_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args keys {} flags {-all}
if { [info exists flags(-all)] } {
check_argc_eq0 $cmd $cmd_args
set clks [all_clocks]
} else {
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
set clks [get_clocks_warn "clocks" [lindex $cmd_args 0]]
foreach clk $clks {
if { [$clk is_generated] } {
remove_clock_cmd $clk
define_cmd_args "unset_input_delay" \
{[-rise] [-fall] [-max] [-min]\
[-clock clock] [-clock_fall]\
proc unset_input_delay { args } {
unset_port_delay "unset_input_delay" "unset_input_delay_cmd" $args
define_cmd_args "unset_output_delay" \
{[-rise] [-fall] [-max] [-min]\
[-clock clock] [-clock_fall]\
proc unset_output_delay { args } {
unset_port_delay "unset_output_delay" "unset_output_delay_cmd" $args
proc unset_port_delay { cmd swig_cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-clock -reference_pin} \
flags {-rise -fall -max -min -clock_fall }
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
set pins [get_port_pins_error "pins" [lindex $cmd_args 0]]
set clk "NULL"
if [info exists keys(-clock)] {
set clk [get_clock_warn "clock" $keys(-clock)]
if [info exists flags(-clock_fall)] {
set clk_rf "fall"
} else {
set clk_rf "rise"
set tr [parse_rise_fall_flags flags]
set min_max [parse_min_max_all_flags flags]
foreach pin $pins {
$swig_cmd $pin $tr $clk $clk_rf $min_max
define_cmd_args "unset_path_exceptions" \
{[-setup] [-hold] [-rise] [-fall] [-from from_list]\
[-rise_from from_list] [-fall_from from_list]\
[-through through_list] [-rise_through through_list]\
[-fall_through through_list] [-to to_list] [-rise_to to_list]\
[-fall_to to_list]}
proc unset_path_exceptions { args } {
unset_path_exceptions_cmd "unset_path_exceptions" $args
proc unset_path_exceptions_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-from -rise_from -fall_from -to -rise_to -fall_to} \
flags {-setup -hold -rise -fall} 0
set min_max "min_max"
if { [info exists flags(-setup)] && ![info exists flags(-hold)] } {
set min_max "max"
if { [info exists flags(-hold)] && ![info exists flags(-setup)] } {
set min_max "min"
set arg_error 0
set from [parse_from_arg keys arg_error]
set thrus [parse_thrus_arg cmd_args arg_error]
set to [parse_to_arg keys flags arg_error]
if { $arg_error } {
delete_from_thrus_to $from $thrus $to
sta_error 464 "$cmd command failed."
return 0
check_for_key_args $cmd cmd_args
if { $cmd_args != {} } {
delete_from_thrus_to $from $thrus $to
sta_error 465 "positional arguments not supported."
if { ($from == "NULL" && $thrus == "" && $to == "NULL") } {
delete_from_thrus_to $from $thrus $to
sta_error 466 "-from, -through or -to required."
reset_path_cmd $from $thrus $to $min_max
delete_from_thrus_to $from $thrus $to
define_cmd_args "unset_propagated_clock" {objects}
proc unset_propagated_clock { objects } {
parse_clk_port_pin_arg $objects clks pins
foreach clk $clks {
unset_propagated_clock_cmd $clk
foreach pin $pins {
unset_propagated_clock_pin_cmd $pin
define_cmd_args "unset_timing_derate" {}
proc unset_timing_derate { args } {
check_argc_eq0 "unset_timing_derate" $args
# Network editing commands
define_cmd_args "connect_pin" {net pin}
# deprecated 2.0.16 05/02/2019
define_cmd_args "connect_pins" {net pins}
define_cmd_args "delete_instance" {inst}
define_cmd_args "delete_net" {net}
define_cmd_args "disconnect_pin" {net -all|pin}
# deprecated 2.0.16 05/02/2019
define_cmd_args "disconnect_pins" {net -all|pins}
define_cmd_args "make_instance" {inst_path lib_cell}
define_cmd_args "make_net" {}
define_cmd_args "replace_cell" {instance lib_cell}
define_cmd_args "replace_to_scan_cell" {instance}
define_cmd_args "insert_buffer" {buffer_name buffer_cell net load_pins\
# Delay calculation commands
define_cmd_args "set_assigned_delay" \
{-cell|-net [-rise] [-fall] [-corner corner_name] [-min] [-max]\
[-from from_pins] [-to to_pins] delay}
# Change the delay for timing arcs between from_pins and to_pins matching
# on cell (instance) or net.
proc set_assigned_delay { args } {
set_assigned_delay_cmd "set_assigned_delay" $args
proc set_assigned_delay_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args keys {-corner -from -to} \
flags {-cell -net -rise -fall -max -min}
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
set corner [parse_corner keys]
set min_max [parse_min_max_all_check_flags flags]
set to_rf [parse_rise_fall_flags flags]
if [info exists keys(-from)] {
set from_pins [get_port_pins_error "from_pins" $keys(-from)]
} else {
sta_error 442 "$cmd missing -from argument."
if [info exists keys(-to)] {
set to_pins [get_port_pins_error "to_pins" $keys(-to)]
} else {
sta_error 443 "$cmd missing -to argument."
set delay [lindex $cmd_args 0]
if {![string is double $delay]} {
sta_error 444 "$cmd delay is not a float."
set delay [time_ui_sta $delay]
if {[info exists flags(-cell)] && [info exists flags(-net)]} {
sta_error 445 "set_annotated_delay -cell and -net options are mutually excluive."
} elseif {[info exists flags(-cell)]} {
if { $from_pins != {} } {
set inst [[lindex $from_pins 0] instance]
foreach pin $from_pins {
if {[$pin instance] != $inst} {
sta_error 446 "$cmd pin [get_full_name $pin] is not attached to instance [get_full_name $inst]."
foreach pin $to_pins {
if {[$pin instance] != $inst} {
sta_error 447 "$cmd pin [get_full_name $pin] is not attached to instance [get_full_name $inst]"
} elseif {![info exists flags(-net)]} {
sta_error 448 "$cmd -cell or -net required."
foreach from_pin $from_pins {
set from_vertices [$from_pin vertices]
set_assigned_delay1 [lindex $from_vertices 0] \
$to_pins $to_rf $corner $min_max $delay
if { [llength $from_vertices] == 2 } {
set_assigned_delay1 [lindex $from_vertices 1] \
$to_pins $to_rf $corner $min_max $delay
proc set_assigned_delay1 { from_vertex to_pins to_rf corner min_max delay } {
foreach to_pin $to_pins {
set to_vertices [$to_pin vertices]
set_assigned_delay2 $from_vertex [lindex $to_vertices 0] \
$to_rf $corner $min_max $delay
if { [llength $to_vertices] == 2 } {
# Bidirect driver.
set_assigned_delay2 $from_vertex [lindex $to_vertices 1] \
$to_rf $corner $min_max $delay
proc set_assigned_delay2 {from_vertex to_vertex to_rf corner min_max delay} {
set edge_iter [$from_vertex out_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
if { [$edge to] == $to_vertex \
&& ![timing_role_is_check [$edge role]] } {
set arc_iter [$edge timing_arc_iterator]
while {[$arc_iter has_next]} {
set arc [$arc_iter next]
if { $to_rf == "rise_fall" \
|| $to_rf eq [$arc to_trans_name] } {
set_arc_delay $edge $arc $corner $min_max $delay
$arc_iter finish
$edge_iter finish
define_cmd_args "set_assigned_check" \
{-setup|-hold|-recovery|-removal [-rise] [-fall]\
[-corner corner_name] [-min] [-max]\
[-from from_pins] [-to to_pins] [-clock rise|fall]\
[-cond sdf_cond] [-worst] check_value}
# -worst is ignored.
proc set_assigned_check { args } {
set_assigned_check_cmd "set_assigned_check" $args
# -worst is ignored.
proc set_assigned_check_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-from -to -corner -clock -cond} \
flags {-setup -hold -recovery -removal -rise -fall -max -min -worst}
check_argc_eq1 $cmd $cmd_args
if { [info exists keys(-from)] } {
set from_pins [get_port_pins_error "from_pins" $keys(-from)]
} else {
sta_error 449 "$cmd missing -from argument."
set from_rf "rise_fall"
if { [info exists keys(-clock)] } {
set clk_arg $keys(-clock)
if { $clk_arg eq "rise" \
|| $clk_arg eq "fall" } {
set from_rf $clk_arg
} else {
sta_error 450 "$cmd -clock must be rise or fall."
if { [info exists keys(-to)] } {
set to_pins [get_port_pins_error "to_pins" $keys(-to)]
} else {
sta_error 451 "$cmd missing -to argument."
set to_rf [parse_rise_fall_flags flags]
set corner [parse_corner keys]
set min_max [parse_min_max_all_check_flags flags]
if { [info exists flags(-setup)] } {
set role "setup"
} elseif { [info exists flags(-hold)] } {
set role "hold"
} elseif { [info exists flags(-recovery)] } {
set role "recovery"
} elseif { [info exists flags(-removal)] } {
set role "removal"
} else {
sta_error 452 "$cmd missing -setup|-hold|-recovery|-removal check type.."
set cond ""
if { [info exists key(-cond)] } {
set cond $key(-cond)
set check_value [lindex $cmd_args 0]
if { ![string is double $check_value] } {
sta_error 453 "$cmd check_value is not a float."
set check_value [time_ui_sta $check_value]
foreach from_pin $from_pins {
set from_vertices [$from_pin vertices]
set_assigned_check1 [lindex $from_vertices 0] $from_rf \
$to_pins $to_rf $role $corner $min_max $cond $check_value
if { [llength $from_vertices] == 2 } {
set_assigned_check1 [lindex $from_vertices 1] $from_rf \
$to_pins $to_rf $role $corner $min_max $cond $check_value
proc set_assigned_check1 { from_vertex from_rf to_pins to_rf \
role corner min_max cond check_value } {
foreach to_pin $to_pins {
set to_vertices [$to_pin vertices]
set_assigned_check2 $from_vertex $from_rf [lindex $to_vertices 0] \
$to_rf $role $corner $min_max $cond $check_value
if { [llength $to_vertices] == 2 } {
# Bidirect driver.
set_assigned_check2 $from_vertex $from_rf \
[lindex $to_vertices 1] $to_rf $role $corner $min_max \
$cond $check_value
proc set_assigned_check2 { from_vertex from_rf to_vertex to_rf \
role corner min_max cond check_value } {
set edge_iter [$from_vertex out_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
if { [$edge to] == $to_vertex } {
set arc_iter [$edge timing_arc_iterator]
while {[$arc_iter has_next]} {
set arc [$arc_iter next]
if { ($from_rf eq "rise_fall" \
|| $from_rf eq [$arc from_trans_name]) \
&& ($to_rf eq "rise_fall" \
|| $to_rf eq [$arc to_trans_name]) \
&& [$arc role] eq $role \
&& ($cond eq "" || [$arc sdf_cond] eq $cond) } {
set_arc_delay $edge $arc $corner $min_max $check_value
$arc_iter finish
$edge_iter finish
define_cmd_args "set_assigned_transition" \
{[-rise] [-fall] [-corner corner_name] [-min] [-max] slew pins}
# Change the slew on a list of ports.
proc set_assigned_transition { args } {
parse_key_args "set_assigned_transition" args keys {-corner} \
flags {-rise -fall -max -min}
set corner [parse_corner keys]
set min_max [parse_min_max_all_check_flags flags]
set tr [parse_rise_fall_flags flags]
check_argc_eq2 "set_assigned_transition" $args
set slew [lindex $args 0]
if {![string is double $slew]} {
sta_error 428 "set_assigned_transition transition is not a float."
set slew [time_ui_sta $slew]
set pins [get_port_pins_error "pins" [lindex $args 1]]
foreach pin $pins {
set vertices [$pin vertices]
set vertex [lindex $vertices 0]
set_annotated_slew $vertex $corner $min_max $tr $slew
if { [llength $vertices] == 2 } {
# Bidirect driver.
set vertex [lindex $vertices 1]
set_annotated_slew $vertex $min_max $tr $slew
# compatibility
define_cmd_args "read_parasitics" \
[-path path]\
[-coupling_reduction_factor factor]\
[-reduce_to pi_elmore|pi_pole_residue2]\
# Utility commands
define_cmd_args "delete_from_list" {list objs}
proc delete_from_list { list objects } {
delete_objects_from_list_cmd $list $objects
proc delete_objects_from_list_cmd { list objects } {
set list0 [lindex $list 0]
set list_is_object [is_object $list0]
set list_type [object_type $list0]
foreach obj $objects {
# If the list is a collection of tcl objects (returned by get_*),
# convert the obj to be removed from a name to an object of the same
# type.
if {$list_is_object && ![is_object $obj]} {
if {$list_type == "Clock"} {
set obj [find_clock $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "Port"} {
set top_instance [top_instance]
set top_cell [$top_instance cell]
set obj [$top_cell find_port $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "Pin"} {
set obj [find_pin $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "Instance"} {
set obj [find_instance $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "Net"} {
set obj [find_net $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "LibertyLibrary"} {
set obj [find_liberty $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "LibertyCell"} {
set obj [find_liberty_cell $obj]
} elseif {$list_type == "LibertyPort"} {
set obj [get_lib_pins $obj]
} else {
sta_error 439 "unsupported object type $list_type."
set index [lsearch $list $obj]
if { $index != -1 } {
set list [lreplace $list $index $index]
return $list
define_cmd_args "get_fanin" \
{-to sink_list [-flat] [-only_cells] [-startpoints_only]\
[-levels level_count] [-pin_levels pin_count]\
[-trace_arcs timing|enabled|all]}
proc get_fanin { args } {
parse_key_args "get_fanin" args \
keys {-to -levels -pin_levels -trace_arcs} \
flags {-flat -only_cells -startpoints_only}
if { [llength $args] != 0 } {
cmd_usage_error "get_fanin"
if { ![info exists keys(-to)] } {
cmd_usage_error "get_fanin"
parse_port_pin_net_arg $keys(-to) pins nets
foreach net $nets {
lappend pins [net_driver_pins $net]
set flat [info exists flags(-flat)]
set only_insts [info exists flags(-only_cells)]
set startpoints_only [info exists flags(-startpoints_only)]
set inst_levels 0
if { [info exists keys(-levels)] } {
set inst_levels $keys(-levels)
set pin_levels 0
if { [info exists keys(-pin_levels)] } {
set pin_levels $keys(-pin_levels)
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
if { [info exists keys(-trace_arcs)] } {
set trace_arcs $keys(-trace_arcs)
if { $trace_arcs == "timing" } {
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
} elseif { $trace_arcs == "enabled" } {
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
} elseif { $trace_arcs == "all" } {
set thru_disabled 1
set thru_constants 1
} else {
cmd_usage_error "get_fanin"
if { $only_insts } {
return [find_fanin_insts $pins $flat $startpoints_only \
$inst_levels $pin_levels $thru_disabled $thru_constants]
} else {
return [find_fanin_pins $pins $flat $startpoints_only \
$inst_levels $pin_levels $thru_disabled $thru_constants]
define_cmd_args "get_fanout" \
{-from source_list [-flat] [-only_cells] [-endpoints_only]\
[-levels level_count] [-pin_levels pin_count]\
[-trace_arcs timing|enabled|all]}
proc get_fanout { args } {
parse_key_args "get_fanout" args \
keys {-from -levels -pin_levels -trace_arcs} \
flags {-flat -only_cells -endpoints_only}
if { [llength $args] != 0 } {
cmd_usage_error "get_fanout"
parse_port_pin_net_arg $keys(-from) pins nets
foreach net $nets {
lappend pins [net_load_pins $net]
set flat [info exists flags(-flat)]
set only_insts [info exists flags(-only_cells)]
set endpoints_only [info exists flags(-endpoints_only)]
set inst_levels 0
if { [info exists keys(-levels)] } {
set inst_levels $keys(-levels)
set pin_levels 0
if { [info exists keys(-pin_levels)] } {
set pin_levels $keys(-pin_levels)
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
if { [info exists keys(-trace_arcs)] } {
set trace_arcs $keys(-trace_arcs)
if { $trace_arcs == "timing" } {
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
} elseif { $trace_arcs == "enabled" } {
set thru_disabled 0
set thru_constants 0
} elseif { $trace_arcs == "all" } {
set thru_disabled 1
set thru_constants 1
} else {
cmd_usage_error "get_fanout"
if { $only_insts } {
return [find_fanout_insts $pins $flat $endpoints_only \
$inst_levels $pin_levels $thru_disabled $thru_constants]
} else {
return [find_fanout_pins $pins $flat $endpoints_only \
$inst_levels $pin_levels $thru_disabled $thru_constants]
define_cmd_args "get_name" {objects}
define_cmd_args "get_full_name" {objects}
define_cmd_args "get_property" \
{[-object_type cell|pin|net|port|clock|timing_arc] object property}
proc get_property { args } {
return [get_property_cmd "get_property" "-object_type" $args]
proc get_property_cmd { cmd type_key cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args keys $type_key flags {-quiet}
set quiet [info exists flags(-quiet)]
check_argc_eq2 $cmd $cmd_args
set object [lindex $cmd_args 0]
if { $object == "" } {
sta_error 491 "$cmd object is null."
} elseif { ![is_object $object] } {
if [info exists keys($type_key)] {
set object_type $keys($type_key)
} else {
sta_error 492 "$cmd $type_key must be specified with object name argument."
set object [get_property_object_type $object_type $object $quiet]
set prop [lindex $cmd_args 1]
return [get_object_property $object $prop]
proc get_object_property { object prop } {
if { [is_object $object] } {
set object_type [object_type $object]
if { $object_type == "Instance" } {
return [instance_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Pin" } {
return [pin_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Net" } {
return [net_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Clock" } {
return [clock_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Port" } {
return [port_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "LibertyPort" } {
return [liberty_port_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "LibertyCell" } {
return [liberty_cell_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Cell" } {
return [cell_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Library" } {
return [library_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "LibertyLibrary" } {
return [liberty_library_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "Edge" } {
return [edge_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "PathEnd" } {
return [path_end_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "PathRef" } {
return [path_ref_property $object $prop]
} elseif { $object_type == "TimingArcSet" } {
return [timing_arc_set_property $object $prop]
} else {
sta_error 606 "get_property unsupported object type $object_type."
} else {
sta_error 493 "get_property $object is not an object."
proc get_property_object_type { object_type object_name quiet } {
set object "NULL"
if { $object_type == "cell" } {
set object [get_cells -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "pin" } {
set object [get_pins -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "net" } {
set object [get_nets -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "port" } {
set object [get_ports -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "clock" } {
set object [get_clocks -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "lib_cell" } {
set object [get_lib_cells -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "lib_pin" } {
set object [get_lib_pins -quiet $object_name]
} elseif { $object_type == "lib" } {
set object [get_libs -quiet $object_name]
} else {
sta_error 494 "$object_type not supported."
if { $object == "NULL" && !$quiet } {
sta_error 495 "$object_type '$object_name' not found."
return [lindex $object 0]
proc get_object_type { obj } {
set object_type [object_type $obj]
if { $object_type == "Clock" } {
return "clock"
} elseif { $object_type == "LibertyCell" } {
return "libcell"
} elseif { $object_type == "LibertyPort" } {
return "libpin"
} elseif { $object_type == "Cell" } {
return "design"
} elseif { $object_type == "Instance" } {
return "cell"
} elseif { $object_type == "Port" } {
return "port"
} elseif { $object_type == "Pin" } {
return "pin"
} elseif { $object_type == "Net" } {
return "net"
} elseif { $object_type == "Edge" } {
return "timing_arc"
} elseif { $object_type == "TimingArcSet" } {
return "timing_arc"
} else {
return "?"
proc get_name { object } {
return [get_object_property $object "name"]
proc get_full_name { object } {
return [get_object_property $object "full_name"]
proc sort_by_name { objects } {
return [lsort -command name_cmp $objects]
proc name_cmp { obj1 obj2 } {
return [string compare [get_name $obj1] [get_name $obj2]]
proc sort_by_full_name { objects } {
return [lsort -command full_name_cmp $objects]
proc full_name_cmp { obj1 obj2 } {
return [string compare [get_full_name $obj1] [get_full_name $obj2]]
define_cmd_args "get_timing_edges" \
{[-from from_pin] [-to to_pin] [-of_objects objects] [-filter expr]}
proc get_timing_edges { args } {
return [get_timing_edges_cmd "get_timing_edges" $args]
proc get_timing_edges_cmd { cmd cmd_args } {
parse_key_args $cmd cmd_args \
keys {-from -to -of_objects -filter} flags {}
check_argc_eq0 $cmd $cmd_args
set arcs {}
if { [info exists keys(-of_objects)] } {
if { [info exists keys(-from)] \
|| [info exists keys(-from)] } {
sta_error 440 "-from/-to arguments not supported with -of_objects."
set arcs [get_timing_arcs_objects $keys(-of_objects)]
} elseif { [info exists keys(-from)] \
&& [info exists keys(-to)] } {
set arcs [get_timing_arcs_from_to \
[get_port_pin_error "from" $keys(-from)] \
[get_port_pin_error "to" $keys(-to)]]
} elseif { [info exists keys(-from)] } {
set arcs [get_timing_arcs_from $keys(-from)]
} elseif { [info exists keys(-to)] } {
set arcs [get_timing_arcs_to $keys(-to)]
} else {
cmd_usage_error $cmd
if [info exists keys(-filter)] {
set arcs [filter_timing_arcs1 $keys(-filter) $arcs]
return $arcs
proc get_timing_arcs_objects { object_arg } {
parse_libcell_inst_arg $object_arg libcells insts
if { $insts != {} } {
set edges {}
foreach inst $insts {
lappend edges [instance_edges $inst]
return $edges
} elseif { $libcells != {} } {
set arc_sets {}
foreach libcell $libcells {
lappend arc_sets [libcell_timing_arc_sets $libcell]
return $arc_sets
proc instance_edges { inst } {
set edges {}
set pin_iter [$inst pin_iterator]
while {[$pin_iter has_next]} {
set pin [$pin_iter next]
foreach vertex [$pin vertices] {
set edge_iter [$vertex out_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
if { [$edge role] != "wire" } {
lappend edges $edge
$edge_iter finish
$pin_iter finish
return $edges
proc libcell_timing_arc_sets { libcell } {
set arc_sets {}
set arc_iter [$libcell timing_arc_set_iterator]
while { [$arc_iter has_next] } {
lappend arc_sets [$arc_iter next]
$arc_iter finish
return $arc_sets
proc get_timing_arcs_from_to { from_pin_arg to_pin_arg } {
set edges {}
set from_pin [get_port_pin_error "from" $from_pin_arg]
set to_pin [get_port_pin_error "to" $to_pin_arg]
foreach from_vertex [$from_pin vertices] {
foreach to_vertex [$to_pin vertices] {
set edge_iter [$from_vertex out_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
if { [$edge to] == $to_vertex } {
lappend edges $edge
$edge_iter finish
return $edges
proc get_timing_arcs_from { from_pin_arg } {
set from_pin [get_port_pin_error "from" $from_pin_arg]
set edges {}
foreach from_vertex [$from_pin vertices] {
set edge_iter [$from_vertex out_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
lappend edges $edge
$edge_iter finish
return $edges
proc get_timing_arcs_to { to_pin_arg } {
set to_pin [get_port_pin_error "to" $to_pin_arg]
set edges {}
foreach to_vertex [$to_pin vertices] {
set edge_iter [$to_vertex in_edge_iterator]
while {[$edge_iter has_next]} {
set edge [$edge_iter next]
lappend edges $edge
$edge_iter finish
return $edges
proc filter_timing_arcs1 { filter objects } {
variable filter_regexp1
variable filter_or_regexp
variable filter_and_regexp
set filtered_objects {}
# Ignore sub-exprs in filter_regexp1 for expr2 match var.
if { [regexp $filter_or_regexp $filter ignore expr1 \
ignore ignore ignore expr2] } {
regexp $filter_regexp1 $expr1 ignore attr_name op arg
set filtered_objects1 [filter_timing_arcs $attr_name $op $arg $objects]
regexp $filter_regexp1 $expr2 ignore attr_name op arg
set filtered_objects2 [filter_timing_arcs $attr_name $op $arg $objects]
set filtered_objects [concat $filtered_objects1 $filtered_objects2]
} elseif { [regexp $filter_and_regexp $filter ignore expr1 \
ignore ignore ignore expr2] } {
regexp $filter_regexp1 $expr1 ignore attr_name op arg
set filtered_objects [filter_timing_arcs $attr_name $op $arg $objects]
regexp $filter_regexp1 $expr2 ignore attr_name op arg
set filtered_objects [filter_timing_arcs $attr_name $op \
$arg $filtered_objects]
} elseif { [regexp $filter_regexp1 $filter ignore attr_name op arg] } {
set filtered_objects [filter_timing_arcs $attr_name $op $arg $objects]
} else {
sta_error 441 "unsupported -filter expression."
return $filtered_objects
define_cmd_args "report_clock_properties" {[clocks]}
proc_redirect report_clock_properties {
check_argc_eq0or1 "report_clock_properties" $args
report_line "Clock Period Waveform"
report_line "----------------------------------------------------"
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
set clk_iter [clock_iterator]
while {[$clk_iter has_next]} {
set clk [$clk_iter next]
report_clock1 $clk
$clk_iter finish
} else {
foreach clk [get_clocks_warn "clock_name" [lindex $args 0]] {
report_clock1 $clk
proc report_clock1 { clk } {
global sta_report_default_digits
if { [$clk waveform_valid] } {
set digits $sta_report_default_digits
set waveform [$clk waveform]
if { $waveform == {} } {
set wave " "
} else {
set wave ""
foreach edge $waveform {
set wave "$wave[format "%10s" [format_time $edge $digits]]"
if {[$clk is_generated]} {
set generated " (generated)"
} else {
set generated ""
report_line "[format %-20s [get_name $clk]][format %10s [format_time [$clk period] $digits]] $wave$generated"
define_cmd_args "report_object_full_names" {objects}
proc report_object_full_names { objects } {
foreach obj [sort_by_full_name $objects] {
report_line [get_full_name $obj]
define_cmd_args "report_object_names" {objects}
proc report_object_names { objects } {
foreach obj [sort_by_name $objects] {
report_line [get_name $obj]
define_cmd_args "report_units" {}
proc report_units { args } {
check_argc_eq0 "report_units" $args
foreach unit {"time" "capacitance" "resistance" "voltage" "current" "power" "distance"} {
report_line " $unit 1[unit_scale_abreviation $unit][unit_suffix $unit]"
define_cmd_args "with_output_to_variable" { var { cmds }}
# with_output_to_variable variable { command args... }
proc with_output_to_variable { var_name args } {
upvar 1 $var_name var
set body [lindex $args 0]
catch $body ret
set var [sta::redirect_string_end]
return $ret
define_cmd_args "set_pocv_sigma_factor" { factor }
define_cmd_args "write_path_spice" { -path_args path_args\
-spice_directory spice_directory\
-lib_subckt_file lib_subckts_file\
-model_file model_file\
-power power\
-ground ground}
proc write_path_spice { args } {
parse_key_args "write_path_spice" args \
keys {-spice_directory -lib_subckt_file -model_file \
-power -ground -path_args} \
flags {}
if { [info exists keys(-spice_directory)] } {
set spice_dir [file nativename $keys(-spice_directory)]
if { ![file exists $spice_dir] } {
sta_error 496 "Directory $spice_dir not found."
if { ![file isdirectory $spice_dir] } {
sta_error 497 "$spice_dir is not a directory."
if { ![file writable $spice_dir] } {
sta_error 498 "Cannot write in $spice_dir."
} else {
sta_error 499 "No -spice_directory specified."
if { [info exists keys(-lib_subckt_file)] } {
set lib_subckt_file [file nativename $keys(-lib_subckt_file)]
if { ![file readable $lib_subckt_file] } {
sta_error 500 "-lib_subckt_file $lib_subckt_file is not readable."
} else {
sta_error 501 "No -lib_subckt_file specified."
if { [info exists keys(-model_file)] } {
set model_file [file nativename $keys(-model_file)]
if { ![file readable $model_file] } {
sta_error 502 "-model_file $model_file is not readable."
} else {
sta_error 503 "No -model_file specified."
if { [info exists keys(-power)] } {
set power $keys(-power)
} else {
sta_error 504 "No -power specified."
if { [info exists keys(-ground)] } {
set ground $keys(-ground)
} else {
sta_error 505 "No -ground specified."
if { ![info exists keys(-path_args)] } {
sta_error 506 "No -path_args specified."
set path_args $keys(-path_args)
set path_ends [eval [concat find_timing_paths $path_args]]
if { $path_ends == {} } {
sta_error 507 "No paths found for -path_args $path_args."
} else {
set path_index 1
foreach path_end $path_ends {
set path [$path_end path]
set path_name "path_$path_index"
set spice_file [file join $spice_dir "$path_name.sp"]
set subckt_file [file join $spice_dir "$path_name.subckt"]
write_path_spice_cmd $path $spice_file $subckt_file \
$lib_subckt_file $model_file $power $ground
incr path_index
# sta namespace end.