blob: bdd4057cdaa4f9692cf26503911150113f3f071d [file] [log] [blame]
# OpenSTA, Static Timing Analyzer
# Copyright (c) 2021, Parallax Software, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Network editing commands.
namespace eval sta {
proc connect_pin { net pin } {
set insts_port [parse_connect_pin $pin]
if { $insts_port == 0 } {
return 0
set net [get_net_warn "net" $net]
if { $net == "NULL" } {
return 0
lassign $insts_port inst port
connect_pin_cmd $inst $port $net
return 1
proc parse_connect_pin { arg } {
set path_regexp [path_regexp]
set insts_port {}
if { [is_object $arg] } {
set object_type [object_type $arg]
if { $object_type == "Pin" } {
set pin $arg
set inst [$pin instance]
set port [$pin port]
} elseif { $object_type == "Port" } {
# Explicit port arg - convert to pin.
set pin [find_pin [get_name $arg]]
set inst [$pin instance]
set port [$pin port]
} else {
sta_error 586 "unsupported object type $object_type."
} else {
if {[regexp $path_regexp $arg ignore path_name port_name]} {
set inst [find_instance $path_name]
if { $inst == "NULL" } {
return 0
} else {
set inst [top_instance]
set port_name $arg
set cell [$inst cell]
set port [$cell find_port $port_name]
if { $port == "NULL" } {
return 0
set pin [$inst find_pin $port_name]
# Make sure the pin is not currently connected to a net.
if { $pin != "NULL" \
&& ![$pin is_hierarchical] \
&& [$pin net] != "NULL" } {
return 0
return [list $inst $port]
proc connect_pins { net pins } {
sta_warn 372 "connect_pins is deprecated. Use connect_pin."
# Visit the pins to make sure command will succeed.
set insts_ports [parse_connect_pins $pins]
if { $insts_ports == 0 } {
return 0
set net [get_net_warn "net" $net]
if { $net == "NULL" } {
return 0
foreach {inst port} $insts_ports {
connect_pin_cmd $inst $port $net
return 1
proc parse_connect_pins { arg } {
set path_regexp [path_regexp]
set inst_ports {}
# Copy backslashes that will be removed by foreach.
set arg [string map {\\ \\\\} $arg]
foreach obj $arg {
set inst_port [parse_connect_pin $obj]
if { $inst_port == 0 } {
return 0
set inst_ports [concat $inst_ports $inst_port]
return $inst_ports
proc delete_instance { instance } {
if { [is_object $instance] } {
set object_type [object_type $instance]
if { $object_type == "Instance" } {
set inst $obj
} else {
sta_error 587 "unsupported object type $object_type."
} else {
set inst [find_instance $instance]
if { $inst != "NULL" } {
delete_instance_cmd $inst
proc delete_net { net } {
if { [is_object $net] } {
set object_type [object_type $net]
if { $object_type != "Net" } {
sta_error 588 "unsupported object type $object_type."
} else {
set net [find_net $net]
if { $net != "NULL" } {
delete_net_cmd $net
proc disconnect_pin { net pin } {
set net [get_net_warn "net" $net]
if { $net == "NULL" } {
return 0
if { $pin == "-all" } {
set iter [$net connected_pin_iterator]
while {[$iter has_next]} {
set pin [$iter next]
disconnect_pin_cmd $pin
$iter finish
return 1
} else {
set pin1 [get_port_pin_warn "pin" $pin]
if { $pin1 == "NULL" } {
return 0
} else {
disconnect_pin_cmd $pin1
return 1
proc disconnect_pins { net pins } {
sta_warn 603 "disconnect_pins is deprecated. Use disconnect_pin."
foreach pin $pins {
disconnect_pin $net $pins
proc make_instance { inst_path lib_cell } {
set lib_cell [get_lib_cell_warn "lib_cell" $lib_cell]
if { $lib_cell != "NULL" } {
set path_regexp [path_regexp]
if {[regexp $path_regexp $inst_path ignore path_name inst_name]} {
set parent [find_instance $path_name]
if { $parent == "NULL" } {
# Parent instance not found. This could be a typo, but since
# SDC does not escape hierarchy dividers it can also be
# an escaped name.
set inst_name $inst_path
set parent [top_instance]
} else {
set inst_name $inst_path
set parent [top_instance]
return [make_instance_cmd $inst_name $lib_cell $parent]
} else {
return 0
proc make_net { net_path } {
# Copy backslashes that will be removed by foreach.
set net_path [string map {\\ \\\\} $net_path]
set path_regexp [path_regexp]
if {[regexp $path_regexp $net_path ignore path_name net_name]} {
set parent [find_instance $path_name]
if { $parent == "NULL" } {
return 0
} else {
set parent [top_instance]
set net_name $net_path
return [make_net_cmd $net_name $parent]
proc replace_cell { instance lib_cell } {
set cell [get_lib_cell_warn "lib_cell" $lib_cell]
if { $cell != "NULL" } {
set inst [get_instance_error "instance" $instance]
set inst_cell [$inst liberty_cell]
if { $inst_cell == "NULL" \
|| ![equiv_cell_ports $inst_cell $cell] } {
return 0
replace_cell_cmd $inst $cell
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc replace_to_scan_cell { instance } {
set inst [get_instance_error "instance" $instance]
set inst_cell [get_full_name [$inst liberty_cell]]
#Target scan cell __d to __sd
#example sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_2 to sky130_fd_sc_hd__sdfrtp_2
set inst_scell [regsub -all "__d" $inst_cell "__sd"]
puts "Info: Scan Swapping => Instance:$instance From:$inst_cell to:$inst_scell";
if { $inst_cell == "NULL"} {
return 0
set scell [get_lib_cell_warn "lib_cell" $inst_scell]
replace_cell_cmd $inst $scell
return 1
proc path_regexp {} {
global hierarchy_separator
set id_regexp "\[^${hierarchy_separator}\]+"
set prefix_regexp "${id_regexp}(?:${hierarchy_separator}${id_regexp})*"
return "^(${prefix_regexp})${hierarchy_separator}(${id_regexp})$"
# sta namespace end.