Basic Verification and Physical design cleanup
diff --git a/openlane/Makefile b/openlane/Makefile
index a368605..62637fe 100644
--- a/openlane/Makefile
+++ b/openlane/Makefile
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 CONFIG = $(foreach block,$(BLOCKS), ./$(block)/config.tcl)
 CLEAN = $(foreach block,$(BLOCKS), clean-$(block))
-OPENLANE_IMAGE_NAME ?= dineshannayya/openlane:$(OPENLANE_TAG)
+OPENLANE_TAG ?= 2021.09.19_20.25.16
+OPENLANE_IMAGE_NAME ?= efabless/openlane:$(OPENLANE_TAG)
 OPENLANE_BASIC_COMMAND = "cd /project/openlane && flow.tcl -design ./$* -save_path .. -save -tag $* -overwrite"
 OPENLANE_INTERACTIVE_COMMAND = "cd /project/openlane && flow.tcl -it -file ./$*/interactive.tcl -design ./$* -save_path .. -save -tag $* -overwrite"
@@ -34,47 +34,32 @@
 	@echo "Please export OPENLANE_ROOT"
 	@exit 1
-#ifeq ($(PDK_ROOT),)
-#	@echo "Please export PDK_ROOT"
-#	@exit 1
-	@echo "############ Running Command #####################"
+ifeq ($(PDK_ROOT),)
+	@echo "Please export PDK_ROOT"
+	@exit 1
+	@echo "###############################################"
 	@sleep 1
-#if PDK root is not defines, then use the PDK ROOT inside docker /opt/pdk
-ifneq ($(PDK_ROOT), 1)
-	@if [ -f ./$*/interactive.tcl ]; then\
-		docker run -it -v $(OPENLANE_ROOT):/openLANE_flow \
-		-v $(PWD)/..:/project \
-		-u $(shell id -u $(USER)):$(shell id -g $(USER)) \
-	else\
-		docker run -it -v $(OPENLANE_ROOT):/openLANE_flow \
-		-v $(PWD)/..:/project \
-		-u $(shell id -u $(USER)):$(shell id -g $(USER)) \
-	fi 
-#if PDK_ROOT define, then pick the local path
-ifeq ($(PDK_ROOT), 1)
 	@if [ -f ./$*/interactive.tcl ]; then\
 		docker run -it -v $(OPENLANE_ROOT):/openLANE_flow \
 		-v $(PDK_ROOT):$(PDK_ROOT) \
 		-v $(PWD)/..:/project \
 		-e PDK_ROOT=$(PDK_ROOT) \
 		-u $(shell id -u $(USER)):$(shell id -g $(USER)) \
 		docker run -it -v $(OPENLANE_ROOT):/openLANE_flow \
 		-v $(PDK_ROOT):$(PDK_ROOT) \
 		-v $(PWD)/..:/project \
 		-e PDK_ROOT=$(PDK_ROOT) \
 		-u $(shell id -u $(USER)):$(shell id -g $(USER)) \
-	fi 
+	fi
 	mkdir -p ../signoff/$*/
 	cp $*/runs/$*/OPENLANE_VERSION ../signoff/$*/
 	cp $*/runs/$*/PDK_SOURCES ../signoff/$*/
@@ -86,8 +71,9 @@
 	@echo "Please export OPENLANE_ROOT"
 	@exit 1
-	git clone --branch=$(OPENLANE_TAG) --depth=1 $(OPENLANE_ROOT) && \
+	git clone --branch=$(OPENLANE_TAG) --depth=1 $(OPENLANE_ROOT) && \
 		cd $(OPENLANE_ROOT) && \
+		export IMAGE_NAME=efabless/openlane:$(OPENLANE_TAG) && \
 		make openlane
diff --git a/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl b/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
index 93cc2de..9e226cd 100755
--- a/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
 set ::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) 5
 set ::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) 5
-set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 4
+set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
diff --git a/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
index a701001..c502b5a 100644
--- a/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@
 reg_cs            200 0
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/base.sdc b/openlane/qspim/base.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/qspim/base.sdc
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/config.tcl b/openlane/qspim/config.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/qspim/config.tcl
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/pdn.tcl b/openlane/qspim/pdn.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/qspim/pdn.tcl
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/qspim/pin_order.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/qspim/pin_order.cfg
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/sta.tcl b/openlane/qspim/sta.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/qspim/sta.tcl
diff --git a/openlane/spi_master/base.sdc b/openlane/spi_master/base.sdc
deleted file mode 100644
index e151002..0000000
--- a/openlane/spi_master/base.sdc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
-set_units -time ns
-set ::env(WB_CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
-set ::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT) "mclk"
-set ::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)  "spiclk"
-set ::env(SPI_CLOCK_PERIOD) "20"
-# WB Clock domain input output
-create_clock [get_ports $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)]  -name $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)  -period $::env(WB_CLOCK_PERIOD)
-create_generated_clock -name $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT) -source [get_ports $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] -master_clock $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT) -divide_by 2  -add -comment "SPI Clock Out"  [get_port spi_clk]
-set wb_input_delay_value [expr $::env(WB_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
-set wb_output_delay_value [expr $::env(WB_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
-puts "\[INFO\]: Setting wb output delay to:$wb_output_delay_value"
-puts "\[INFO\]: Setting wb input delay to: $wb_input_delay_value"
-set_input_delay 2.0 -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] {rst_n}
-set_input_delay  $wb_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_stb_i*]
-set_input_delay  $wb_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_adr_i*]
-set_input_delay  $wb_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_we_i*]
-set_input_delay  $wb_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_dat_i*]
-set_input_delay  $wb_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_sel_i*]
-set_output_delay $wb_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_dat_o*]
-set_output_delay $wb_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_ack_o*]
-set_output_delay $wb_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port wbd_err_o*]
-set_output_delay $wb_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_debug*]
-### SPI I/F constaints
-set spi_input_delay_value  [expr $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
-set spi_output_delay_value [expr $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
-set_input_delay  6   -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[3]]
-set_input_delay  6   -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[2]]
-set_input_delay  6   -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[1]]
-set_input_delay  6   -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[0]]
-set_input_delay  0   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[3]]
-set_input_delay  0   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[2]]
-set_input_delay  0   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[1]]
-set_input_delay  0   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdi[0]]
-#io_out[0] is spiclcok
-#set_output_delay $wb_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port io_out[0]]
-set_output_delay 6  -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_csn0]
-set_output_delay 6  -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[3]]
-set_output_delay 6  -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[2]]
-set_output_delay 6  -max -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[1]]
-set_output_delay -0.5   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_csn0]
-set_output_delay -0.5   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[3]]
-set_output_delay -0.5   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[2]]
-set_output_delay -0.5   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[1]]
-set_output_delay -0.5   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_sdo[0]]
-# Chip select asserted multiple cycle eariler than spi clock
-set_output_delay 0   -min -clock [get_clocks $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT)] [get_port spi_csn0]
-set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT) -to $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT) -setup 0.800
-set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)  -to $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)  -setup 0.800
-set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT) -to $::env(SPI_CLOCK_PORT) -hold  0.050
-set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)  -to $::env(WB_CLOCK_PORT)  -hold  0.050
-# TODO set this as parameter
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) -pin $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL_PIN) [all_inputs]
-set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
-puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
-set_load  $cap_load [all_outputs]
diff --git a/openlane/spi_master/config.tcl b/openlane/spi_master/config.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a11a92..0000000
--- a/openlane/spi_master/config.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
-# Global
-# ------
-set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
-# Name
-set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) spim_top
-set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) "0"
-set ::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING) "0"
-# Timing configuration
-set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "mclk"
-set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
-# Sources
-# -------
-# Local sources + no2usb sources
-set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ \
-        $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ "
-set ::env(SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
-set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
-set ::env(LEC_ENABLE) 0
-set ::env(VDD_PIN) [list {vccd1}]
-set ::env(GND_PIN) [list {vssd1}]
-# Floorplanning
-# -------------
-set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
-set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 400 650"
-set ::env(PL_TIME_DRIVEN) 1
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.45"
-# If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
-set ::env(RUN_CVC) 0
-#set ::env(PDN_CFG) $script_dir/pdn.tcl
-# helps in anteena fix
-set ::env(USE_ARC_ANTENNA_CHECK) "0"
-set ::env(FP_IO_VEXTEND) 4
-set ::env(FP_IO_HEXTEND) 4
-set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 100
-set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 100
-set ::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) 5
-set ::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) 5
-set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 4
diff --git a/openlane/spi_master/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/spi_master/pin_order.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f537e0..0000000
--- a/openlane/spi_master/pin_order.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-mclk                   0000 0
-spi_debug\[0\]        0000 0 
-spi_sdi\[3\]             0200 0
-wbd_stb_i              0000 0
-wbd_we_i               0000 1
-wbd_adr_i\[31\]        0000 2
-wbd_adr_i\[30\]        0000 3
-wbd_adr_i\[29\]        0000 4
-wbd_adr_i\[28\]        0000 5
-wbd_adr_i\[27\]        0000 6
-wbd_adr_i\[26\]        0000 7
-wbd_adr_i\[25\]        0000 8
-wbd_adr_i\[24\]        0000 9
-wbd_adr_i\[23\]        0000 10
-wbd_adr_i\[22\]        0000 11
-wbd_adr_i\[21\]        0000 12
-wbd_adr_i\[20\]        0000 13
-wbd_adr_i\[19\]        0000 14
-wbd_adr_i\[18\]        0000 15
-wbd_adr_i\[17\]        0000 16
-wbd_adr_i\[16\]        0000 17
-wbd_adr_i\[15\]        0000 18
-wbd_adr_i\[14\]        0000 19
-wbd_adr_i\[13\]        0000 20
-wbd_adr_i\[12\]        0000 21
-wbd_adr_i\[11\]        0000 22
-wbd_adr_i\[10\]        0000 23
-wbd_adr_i\[9\]        0000 24
-wbd_adr_i\[8\]        0000 25
-wbd_adr_i\[7\]        0000 26
-wbd_adr_i\[6\]        0000 27
-wbd_adr_i\[5\]        0000 28
-wbd_adr_i\[4\]        0000 29
-wbd_adr_i\[3\]        0000 30
-wbd_adr_i\[2\]        0000 31
-wbd_adr_i\[1\]        0000 32
-wbd_adr_i\[0\]        0000 33
-wbd_sel_i\[3\]        0000 34
-wbd_sel_i\[2\]        0000 35
-wbd_sel_i\[1\]        0000 36
-wbd_sel_i\[0\]        0000 37
-wbd_dat_i\[31\]       0000 38
-wbd_dat_i\[30\]       0000 39
-wbd_dat_i\[29\]       0000 40
-wbd_dat_i\[28\]       0000 41
-wbd_dat_i\[27\]       0000 42
-wbd_dat_i\[26\]       0000 43
-wbd_dat_i\[25\]       0000 44
-wbd_dat_i\[24\]       0000 45
-wbd_dat_i\[23\]       0000 46
-wbd_dat_i\[22\]       0000 47
-wbd_dat_i\[21\]       0000 48
-wbd_dat_i\[20\]       0000 49
-wbd_dat_i\[19\]       0000 50
-wbd_dat_i\[18\]       0000 51
-wbd_dat_i\[17\]       0000 52
-wbd_dat_i\[16\]       0000 53
-wbd_dat_i\[15\]       0000 54
-wbd_dat_i\[14\]       0000 55
-wbd_dat_i\[13\]       0000 56
-wbd_dat_i\[12\]       0000 57
-wbd_dat_i\[11\]       0000 58
-wbd_dat_i\[10\]       0000 59
-wbd_dat_i\[9\]       0000 60
-wbd_dat_i\[8\]       0000 61
-wbd_dat_i\[7\]       0000 62
-wbd_dat_i\[6\]       0000 63
-wbd_dat_i\[5\]       0000 64
-wbd_dat_i\[4\]       0000 65
-wbd_dat_i\[3\]       0000 66
-wbd_dat_i\[2\]       0000 67
-wbd_dat_i\[1\]       0000 68
-wbd_dat_i\[0\]       0000 69
-wbd_dat_o\[31\]      0000 70
-wbd_dat_o\[30\]      0000 71
-wbd_dat_o\[29\]      0000 72
-wbd_dat_o\[28\]      0000 73
-wbd_dat_o\[27\]      0000 74
-wbd_dat_o\[26\]      0000 75
-wbd_dat_o\[25\]      0000 76
-wbd_dat_o\[24\]      0000 77
-wbd_dat_o\[23\]      0000 78
-wbd_dat_o\[22\]      0000 79
-wbd_dat_o\[21\]      0000 80
-wbd_dat_o\[20\]      0000 81
-wbd_dat_o\[19\]      0000 82
-wbd_dat_o\[18\]      0000 83
-wbd_dat_o\[17\]      0000 84
-wbd_dat_o\[16\]      0000 85
-wbd_dat_o\[15\]      0000 86
-wbd_dat_o\[14\]      0000 87
-wbd_dat_o\[13\]      0000 88
-wbd_dat_o\[12\]      0000 89
-wbd_dat_o\[11\]      0000 90
-wbd_dat_o\[10\]      0000 91
-wbd_dat_o\[9\]      0000 92
-wbd_dat_o\[8\]      0000 93
-wbd_dat_o\[7\]      0000 94
-wbd_dat_o\[6\]      0000 95
-wbd_dat_o\[5\]      0000 96
-wbd_dat_o\[4\]      0000 97
-wbd_dat_o\[3\]      0000 98
-wbd_dat_o\[2\]      0000 99
-wbd_dat_o\[1\]      0000 100
-wbd_dat_o\[0\]      0000 101
-wbd_ack_o           0000 102
-wbd_err_o           0000 103
diff --git a/openlane/spi_master/sta.tcl b/openlane/spi_master/sta.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index af91726..0000000
--- a/openlane/spi_master/sta.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
-set ::env(LIB_FASTEST) "/home/dinesha/workarea/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ff_n40C_1v95.lib"
-set ::env(LIB_SLOWEST) "/home/dinesha/workarea/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ss_100C_1v60.lib"
-set ::env(CURRENT_NETLIST) /project/openlane/spi_master/runs/spi_master/results/lvs/spim_top.lvs.powered.v
-set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) "spim_top"
-set ::env(CURRENT_SPEF) /project/openlane/spi_master/runs/spi_master/results/routing/spim_top.spef
-set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "/project/openlane/spi_master/base.sdc"
-set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8"
-set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65"
-set ::env(WIRE_RC_LAYER) "met1"
-set_cmd_units -time ns -capacitance pF -current mA -voltage V -resistance kOhm -distance um
-read_liberty -min $::env(LIB_FASTEST)
-read_liberty -max $::env(LIB_SLOWEST)
-read_verilog $::env(CURRENT_NETLIST)
-link_design  $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
-read_spef  $::env(CURRENT_SPEF)
-read_sdc -echo $::env(BASE_SDC_FILE)
-# check for missing constraints
-check_setup  -verbose > unconstraints.rpt
-set_operating_conditions -analysis_type single
-# Propgate the clock
-set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
-report_checks -unique -slack_max -0.0 -group_count 100 
-report_checks -unique -slack_min -0.0 -group_count 100 
-report_checks -path_delay min_max 
-report_checks -group_count 100  -slack_max -0.01  > timing.rpt
-report_checks -group_count 100  -slack_min -0.01 >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[5]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[4]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[3]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[2]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[1]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[5]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[4]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[3]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[2]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_out[1]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[5]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[4]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[3]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[2]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[5]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[4]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[3]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -to [get_port io_oeb[2]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[5]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[4]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[3]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[2]] -path_delay min >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[5]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[4]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[3]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
-report_checks -from [get_port io_in[2]] -path_delay max >> timing.rpt
diff --git a/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl b/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
index e939e83..de826a4 100755
--- a/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
 set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 100
 set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 100
diff --git a/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
index 90d5c0e..2fe39f5 100644
--- a/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
@@ -57,54 +57,7 @@
-sram_csb0            600 0  4
+sram_dout0\[31\] 200 0  4
@@ -137,7 +90,55 @@
+sram_din0\[31\] 300 0  4
+sram_csb1             0800 0 4
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d3a783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
+set_units -time ns
+set ::env(CORE_CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+set ::env(CORE_CLOCK_PORT)   "app_clk"
+set ::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)   "app_clk"
+set ::env(LINE_CLOCK_PERIOD) "100"
+set ::env(LINE_CLOCK_PORT)   "u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf/X"
+set ::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)   "line_clk"
+set ::env(USB_CLOCK_PERIOD) "100"
+set ::env(USB_CLOCK_PORT)   "usb_clk"
+set ::env(USB_CLOCK_NAME)   "usb_clk"
+# WB Clock domain input output
+create_clock [get_ports $::env(CORE_CLOCK_PORT)]  -name $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)  -period $::env(CORE_CLOCK_PERIOD)
+create_clock [get_pins  $::env(LINE_CLOCK_PORT)]  -name $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)  -period $::env(LINE_CLOCK_PERIOD)
+create_clock [get_ports $::env(USB_CLOCK_PORT)]  -name $::env(USB_CLOCK_NAME)  -period $::env(USB_CLOCK_PERIOD)
+set core_input_delay_value [expr $::env(CORE_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+set core_output_delay_value [expr $::env(CORE_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+set line_input_delay_value  [expr $::env(LINE_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+set line_output_delay_value [expr $::env(LINE_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+set usb_input_delay_value  [expr $::env(USB_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+set usb_output_delay_value [expr $::env(USB_CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.6]
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting wb output delay to:$core_output_delay_value"
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting wb input delay to: $core_input_delay_value"
+set_input_delay 2.0 -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] {uart_rstn}
+set_input_delay 2.0 -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] {i2c_rstn}
+set_input_delay 2.0 -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] {usb_rstn}
+set_input_delay  $core_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_cs*]
+set_input_delay  $core_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_addr*]
+set_input_delay  $core_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_wr*]
+set_input_delay  $core_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_be*]
+set_input_delay  $core_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_wdata*]
+set_output_delay $core_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_rdata*]
+set_output_delay $core_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port reg_ack*]
+set_input_delay  $line_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port io_in*]
+set_output_delay $line_input_delay_value   -clock [get_clocks $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port io_oeb*]
+set_output_delay $line_output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)] [get_port io_out*]
+set_clock_groups -name async_clock -asynchronous -comment "Async Clock group" -group [get_clocks $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)] -group [get_clocks $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)] 
+set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)   -to $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)  -setup 0.400
+set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)   -to $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME) -setup 0.400
+set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)   -to $::env(CORE_CLOCK_NAME)  -hold 0.050
+set_clock_uncertainty -from $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME)   -to $::env(LINE_CLOCK_NAME) -hold 0.050
+# TODO set this as parameter
+set_driving_cell -lib_cell $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) -pin $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL_PIN) [all_inputs]
+set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
+set_load  $cap_load [all_outputs]
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a8c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
+# Global
+# ------
+set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+# Name
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) uart_i2c_usb_spi_top
+set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) "0"
+set ::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING) "0"
+# Timing configuration
+set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "app_clk usb_clk"
+set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+# Sources
+# -------
+# Local sources + no2usb sources
+set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/uart/src/  \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/uart/src/   \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/uart/src/ \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/uart/src/ \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/   \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/      \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/   \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/      \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_low.v  \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/clk_ctl.v          \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/registers.v        \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/i2cm/src/core/i2cm_bit_ctrl.v      \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/i2cm/src/core/i2cm_byte_ctrl.v     \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/i2cm/src/core/i2cm_top.v           \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/core/    \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/core/   \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/core/    \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/core/    \  
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/core/     \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/phy/usb_fs_phy.v     \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/phy/usb_transceiver.v\
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/top/     \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sspim/src/             \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sspim/src/             \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sspim/src/              \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sspim/src/             \
+    $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/uart_i2c_usb_spi/src/\
+    "
+set ::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS) [glob $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/i2cm/src/includes $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/includes ]
+set ::env(SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
+set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
+set ::env(LEC_ENABLE) 0
+set ::env(VDD_PIN) [list {vccd1}]
+set ::env(GND_PIN) [list {vssd1}]
+# Floorplanning
+# -------------
+set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
+set ::env(FP_SIZING) "absolute"
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) [list 0.0 0.0 600.0 700.0]
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.45"
+# If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
+set ::env(RUN_CVC) 0
+#set ::env(PDN_CFG) $script_dir/pdn.tcl
+# helps in anteena fix
+set ::env(USE_ARC_ANTENNA_CHECK) "0"
+set ::env(FP_IO_VEXTEND) 4
+set ::env(FP_IO_HEXTEND) 4
+set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
+set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 100
+set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 100
+set ::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) 5
+set ::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) 5
diff --git a/openlane/spi_master/pdn.tcl b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/pdn.tcl
similarity index 100%
rename from openlane/spi_master/pdn.tcl
rename to openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/pdn.tcl
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/pin_order.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f6eea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/pin_order.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+app_clk                0000 0
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/sta.tcl b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/sta.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef1ab52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/sta.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
+set ::env(LIB_FASTEST) "/home/dinesha/workarea/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ff_n40C_1v95.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_SLOWEST) "/home/dinesha/workarea/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ss_100C_1v60.lib"
+set ::env(CURRENT_NETLIST) /project/openlane/uart_i2cm/runs/uart_i2cm/results/lvs/uart_i2c_top.lvs.powered.v
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) "uart_i2c_top"
+set ::env(CURRENT_SPEF) /project/openlane/uart_i2cm/runs/uart_i2cm/results/routing/uart_i2c_top.spef
+set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "/project/openlane/uart_i2cm/base.sdc"
+set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8"
+set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65"
+set ::env(WIRE_RC_LAYER) "met1"
+set_cmd_units -time ns -capacitance pF -current mA -voltage V -resistance kOhm -distance um
+read_liberty -min $::env(LIB_FASTEST)
+read_liberty -max $::env(LIB_SLOWEST)
+read_verilog $::env(CURRENT_NETLIST)
+link_design  $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
+read_spef  $::env(CURRENT_SPEF)
+read_sdc -echo $::env(BASE_SDC_FILE)
+# check for missing constraints
+#check_setup  -verbose > unconstraints.rpt
+set_operating_conditions -analysis_type bc_wc
+# Propgate the clock
+set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
+report_checks -unique -slack_max -0.0 -group_count 100 
+report_checks -unique -slack_min -0.0 -group_count 100 
+report_checks -path_delay min_max 
+report_checks -group_count 100  -slack_max -0.01 
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
index b89efe6..ef01dc5 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
@@ -15,11 +15,16 @@
 # Base Configurations. Don't Touch
 # section begin
+source $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/openlane/user_project_wrapper_empty/fixed_wrapper_cfgs.tcl
+source $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/openlane/user_project_wrapper_empty/default_wrapper_cfgs.tcl
 set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
 set proj_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
-source $script_dir/../../caravel/openlane/user_project_wrapper_empty/fixed_wrapper_cfgs.tcl
 set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) user_project_wrapper
 set verilog_root $proj_dir/../../verilog/
 set lef_root $proj_dir/../../lef/
@@ -57,11 +62,11 @@
 ### Black-box verilog and views
-        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/spi_master.v \
+        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/qspim.v \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/wb_interconnect.v \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/pinmux.v     \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/sar_adc.v     \
-        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/uart_i2cm_usb.v     \
+        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.v     \
 	$proj_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sar_adc/DAC_8BIT.v \
 	$proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/wb_host.v \
 	$proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/syntacore.v \
@@ -69,10 +74,10 @@
 set ::env(EXTRA_LEFS) "\
-	$lef_root/spi_master.lef \
+	$lef_root/qspim.lef \
 	$lef_root/pinmux.lef \
 	$lef_root/wb_interconnect.lef \
-	$lef_root/uart_i2cm_usb.lef \
+	$lef_root/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.lef \
 	$lef_root/wb_host.lef \
 	$lef_root/sar_adc.lef \
 	$lef_root/DAC_8BIT.lef \
@@ -81,10 +86,10 @@
 set ::env(EXTRA_GDS_FILES) "\
-	$gds_root/spi_master.gds \
+	$gds_root/qspim.gds \
 	$gds_root/pinmux.gds \
 	$gds_root/wb_interconnect.gds \
-	$gds_root/uart_i2cm_usb.gds \
+	$gds_root/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.gds \
 	$gds_root/wb_host.gds \
 	$gds_root/sar_adc.gds \
 	$gds_root/DAC_8BIT.gds \
@@ -101,12 +106,15 @@
 set ::env(RUN_KLAYOUT_DRC) 0
-set ::env(VDD_PIN) [list {vdda1 vdda2 vccd1 vccd2}]
-set ::env(GND_PIN) [list {vssa1 vssa2 vssd1 vssd2}]
+## Internal Macros
+### Macro PDN Connections
-set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list {vdda1 vdda2 vccd1 vccd2}]
-set ::env(GND_NETS) [list {vssa1 vssa2 vssd1 vssd2}]
+set ::env(VDD_NETS) "vccd1 vccd2 vdda1 vdda2"
+set ::env(GND_NETS) "vssd1 vssd2 vssa1 vssa2"
+set ::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS) 0
 # The following is because there are no std cells in the example wrapper project.
@@ -124,7 +132,7 @@
 set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
 #set ::env(MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS) "1"
+set ::env(QUIT_ON_LVS_ERROR) "1"
 set ::env(PL_DIAMOND_SEARCH_HEIGHT) "250"
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/interactive.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/interactive.tcl
index f93818b..baf999e 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/interactive.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/interactive.tcl
@@ -16,126 +16,109 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 package require openlane;
-proc run_floorplan_yifive {args} {
-		puts_info "Running Floorplanning for yifive..."
-		# |----------------------------------------------------|
-		# |----------------   2. FLOORPLAN   ------------------|
-		# |----------------------------------------------------|
-		#
-                set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
-		# intial fp
-		init_floorplan
+proc run_placement_step {args} {
+    # set pdndef_dirname [file dirname $::env(pdn_tmp_file_tag).def]
+    # set pdndef [lindex [glob $pdndef_dirname/*pdn*] 0]
+    # set_def $pdndef
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
-		# place io
-		if { [info exists ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG)] } {
-				place_io_ol
-		} else {
-			if { [info exists ::env(FP_CONTEXT_DEF)] && [info exists ::env(FP_CONTEXT_LEF)] } {
-				place_io
-				global_placement_or
-				place_contextualized_io \
-					-lef $::env(FP_CONTEXT_LEF) \
-					-def $::env(FP_CONTEXT_DEF)
-			} else {
-				place_io
-			}
-		}
-		apply_def_template
-		if { [info exist ::env(EXTRA_LEFS)] } {
-			if { [info exist ::env(MACRO_PLACEMENT_CFG)] } {
-				file copy -force $::env(MACRO_PLACEMENT_CFG) $::env(TMP_DIR)/macro_placement.cfg
-				manual_macro_placement f
-			} else {
-				global_placement_or
-				basic_macro_placement
-			}
-		}
-		# tapcell
-		tap_decap_or
-		scrot_klayout -layout $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
-		puts_info "Running pdn_gen for yifive..."
-		# power grid generation
-		#run_power_grid_generation
-		set ::env(SAVE_DEF) [index_file $::env(pdn_tmp_file_tag).def]
-		try_catch openroad -exit $script_dir/gen_pdn.tcl \
-           	|& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) [index_file $::env(pdn_log_file_tag).log 0]
-		set_def $::env(SAVE_DEF)
+    run_placement
-proc run_power_grid_generation {args} {
-	if { [info exists ::env(VDD_NETS)] || [info exists ::env(GND_NETS)] } {
-		# they both must exist and be equal in length
-		# current assumption: they cannot have a common ground
-		if { ! [info exists ::env(VDD_NETS)] || ! [info exists ::env(GND_NETS)] } {
-			puts_err "VDD_NETS and GND_NETS must *both* either be defined or undefined"
-			return -code error
-		}
-	} elseif { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_USE_PG_PINS_DEFINES)] } {
-		set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list]
-		set ::env(GND_NETS) [list]
-		# get the pins that are in $yosys_tmp_file_tag.pg_define.v
-		# that are not in $yosys_result_file_tag.v
-		#
-		set full_pins {*}[extract_pins_from_yosys_netlist $::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag).pg_define.v]
-		puts_info $full_pins
+proc run_cts_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(opendp_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
-		set non_pg_pins {*}[extract_pins_from_yosys_netlist $::env(yosys_result_file_tag).v]
-		puts_info $non_pg_pins
+    run_cts
+    run_resizer_timing
-		# assumes the pins are ordered correctly (e.g., vdd1, vss1, vcc1, vss1, ...)
-		foreach {vdd gnd} $full_pins {
-			if { $vdd ne "" && $vdd ni $non_pg_pins } {
-				lappend ::env(VDD_NETS) $vdd
-			}
-			if { $gnd ne "" && $gnd ni $non_pg_pins } {
-				lappend ::env(GND_NETS) $gnd
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		set ::env(VDD_NETS) $::env(VDD_PIN)
-		set ::env(GND_NETS) $::env(GND_PIN)
+proc run_routing_step {args} {
+    # set resizerdef_dirname [file dirname $::env(resizer_tmp_file_tag)_timing.def]
+    # set resizerdef [lindex [glob $resizerdef_dirname/*resizer*] 0]
+    # set_def $resizerdef
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+    run_routing
+proc run_diode_insertion_2_5_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(DIODE_INSERTION_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+    } else {
+    }
+	if { ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 2) || ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 5) } {
+		run_antenna_check
+		heal_antenna_violators; # modifies the routed DEF
-	puts_info "Power planning the following nets"
-	puts_info "Power: $::env(VDD_NETS)"
-	puts_info "Ground: $::env(GND_NETS)"
-	if { [llength $::env(VDD_NETS)] != [llength $::env(GND_NETS)] } {
-		puts_err "VDD_NETS and GND_NETS must be of equal lengths"
-		return -code error
+proc run_power_pins_insertion_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(POWER_PINS_INSERTION_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+    } else {
+    }
+    if { $::env(LVS_INSERT_POWER_PINS) } {
+		write_powered_verilog
+		set_netlist $::env(lvs_result_file_tag).powered.v
+    }
+proc run_lvs_step {{ lvs_enabled 1 }} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $lvs_enabled } {
+		run_magic_spice_export
+		run_lvs; # requires run_magic_spice_export
-	# generate multiple power grids per pair of (VDD,GND)
-	# offseted by WIDTH + SPACING
-	foreach vdd $::env(VDD_NETS) gnd $::env(GND_NETS) {
-		set ::env(VDD_NET) $vdd
-		set ::env(GND_NET) $gnd
-		gen_pdn
-		set ::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS) 0
-		# allow failure until open_pdks is up to date...
-		catch {set ::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET) [expr $::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET)+$::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH)+$::env(FP_PDN_VSPACING)]}
-		catch {set ::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET) [expr $::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET)+$::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH)+$::env(FP_PDN_HSPACING)]}
-		catch {set ::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VOFFSET) \
-			[expr $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VOFFSET)\
-			+2*($::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VWIDTH)\
-		catch {set ::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HOFFSET) [expr $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HOFFSET)\
-			+2*($::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HWIDTH)+\
+proc run_drc_step {{ drc_enabled 1 }} {
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $drc_enabled } {
+		run_magic_drc
+		run_klayout_drc
-	set ::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS) 1
+proc run_antenna_check_step {{ antenna_check_enabled 1 }} {
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $antenna_check_enabled } {
+		run_antenna_check
+	}
 proc run_flow {args} {
@@ -153,31 +136,58 @@
 	prep {*}$args
-	run_synthesis
-	run_floorplan_yifive
-	run_placement
-	run_cts
-	run_routing
+        set LVS_ENABLED 0
+        set DRC_ENABLED 0
-	if { ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 2) || ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 5) } {
-		run_antenna_check
-		heal_antenna_violators; # modifies the routed DEF
-	}
+        set steps [dict create "synthesis" {run_synthesis "" } \
+                "floorplan" {run_floorplan ""} \
+                "placement" {run_placement_step ""} \
+                "cts" {run_cts_step ""} \
+                "routing" {run_routing_step ""}\
+                "diode_insertion" {run_diode_insertion_2_5_step ""} \
+                "power_pins_insertion" {run_power_pins_insertion_step ""} \
+                "gds_magic" {run_magic ""} \
+                "gds_drc_klayout" {run_klayout ""} \
+                "gds_xor_klayout" {run_klayout_gds_xor ""} \
+                "lvs" "run_lvs_step $LVS_ENABLED" \
+                "drc" "run_drc_step $DRC_ENABLED" \
+                "antenna_check" "run_antenna_check_step $ANTENNACHECK_ENABLED" \
+                "cvc" {run_lef_cvc}
+        ]
-    if { $::env(LVS_INSERT_POWER_PINS) } {
-		write_powered_verilog
-		set_netlist $::env(lvs_result_file_tag).powered.v
-    }
+       set_if_unset arg_values(-to) "cvc";
-	run_magic
+       if {  [info exists ::env(CURRENT_STEP) ] } {
+           puts "\[INFO\]:Picking up where last execution left off"
+           puts [format "\[INFO\]:Current stage is %s " $::env(CURRENT_STEP)]
+       } else {
+           set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) "synthesis";
+       }
+       set_if_unset arg_values(-from) $::env(CURRENT_STEP);
+       set exe 0;
+       dict for {step_name step_exe} $steps {
+           if { [ string equal $arg_values(-from) $step_name ] } {
+               set exe 1;
+           }
-	run_klayout
+           if { $exe } {
+               # For when it fails
+               set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) $step_name
+               [lindex $step_exe 0] [lindex $step_exe 1] ;
+           }
-	run_klayout_gds_xor
+           if { [ string equal $arg_values(-to) $step_name ] } {
+               set exe 0:
+               break;
+           }
-	if { ! [info exists flags_map(-no_lvs)] } {
-		run_magic_spice_export
-	}
+       }
+       # for when it resumes
+       set steps_as_list [dict keys $steps]
+       set next_idx [expr [lsearch $steps_as_list $::env(CURRENT_STEP)] + 1]
+       set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) [lindex $steps_as_list $next_idx]
 	if {  [info exists flags_map(-save) ] } {
 		if { ! [info exists arg_values(-save_path)] } {
@@ -195,23 +205,9 @@
 			-tag $::env(RUN_TAG)
-	# Physical verification
-	if { ! [info exists flags_map(-no_lvs)] } {
-		run_lvs; # requires run_magic_spice_export
-	}
-	if { ! [info exists flags_map(-no_drc)] } {
-		run_magic_drc
-		run_klayout_drc
-	}
-	if {  ! [info exists flags_map(-no_antennacheck) ] } {
-		run_antenna_check
-	}
-	run_lef_cvc
+	save_state
 	puts_success "Flow Completed Without Fatal Errors."
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
index 79dcb94..b628ffc 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-u_spi_master            300             2700            N
-u_uart_i2c_usb          1000            2700            N
-u_adc                   2000            2700            N
-u_dac                   2000            3100            N
-u_riscv_top	        500	        800	        N
+u_qspi_master           300             2700            N
+u_uart_i2c_usb_spi      1000            2700            N
+u_adc                   2000            2600            N
+u_riscv_top	        300	        800	        N
 u_sram_2kb              2200            1200            N
 u_pinmux                2200            300             N
 u_intercon              300             2300            N
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pdn.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pdn.tcl
index 212085c..3982b7f 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pdn.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/pdn.tcl
@@ -1,55 +1,88 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 # Power nets
-set ::power_nets $::env(_VDD_NET_NAME)
-set ::ground_nets $::env(_GND_NET_NAME)
-set stdcell {
-    name grid
-	core_ring {
-		met5 {width $::env(_WIDTH) spacing $::env(_SPACING) core_offset $::env(_H_OFFSET)}
-		met4 {width $::env(_WIDTH) spacing $::env(_SPACING) core_offset $::env(_V_OFFSET)}
-	}
-	rails {
-	}
-    connect {{met4 met5}}
+if { ! [info exists ::env(VDD_NET)] } {
+	set ::env(VDD_NET) $::env(VDD_PIN)
-if { $::env(_WITH_STRAPS) } {
-	dict append stdcell straps {
-	    met4 {width $::env(_WIDTH) pitch $::env(_V_PITCH) offset $::env(_V_PDN_OFFSET)}
-	    met5 {width $::env(_WIDTH) pitch $::env(_H_PITCH) offset $::env(_H_PDN_OFFSET)}
+if { ! [info exists ::env(GND_NET)] } {
+	set ::env(GND_NET) $::env(GND_PIN)
+set ::power_nets $::env(VDD_NET)
+set ::ground_nets $::env(GND_NET)
+if { [info exists ::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONNECTIONS)] } {
+    if { $::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_GLOBAL_CONNECTIONS) == 1 } {
+        add_global_connection -net $::env(VDD_NET) -inst_pattern .* -pin_pattern {VPWR} -power
+        add_global_connection -net $::env(VDD_NET) -inst_pattern .* -pin_pattern {VPB} -power
+        add_global_connection -net $::env(GND_NET) -inst_pattern .* -pin_pattern {VGND} -ground
+        add_global_connection -net $::env(GND_NET) -inst_pattern .* -pin_pattern {VNB} -ground
-pdngen::specify_grid stdcell $stdcell
+set_voltage_domain -name CORE -power $::env(VDD_NET) -ground $::env(GND_NET)
-set macro {
-    orient {R0 R180 MX MY R90 R270 MXR90 MYR90}
-    power_pins "vccd1"
-    ground_pins "vssd1"
-    blockages "li1 met1 met2 met3 met4"
-    straps { 
-    } 
-    connect {{met4_PIN_ver met5}}
+# Assesses whether the deisgn is the core of the chip or not based on the 
+# value of $::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) and uses the appropriate stdcell section
+if { $::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) == 1 } {
+    # Used if the design is the core of the chip
+    define_pdn_grid -name stdcell_grid -starts_with POWER -voltage_domain CORE -pins [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER)}]
+    add_pdn_stripe -grid stdcell_grid -layer $::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) -width $::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) -pitch $::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) -offset $::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET) -starts_with POWER
+    add_pdn_stripe -grid stdcell_grid -layer $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER) -width $::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) -pitch $::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) -offset $::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET) -starts_with POWER
+    add_pdn_connect -grid stdcell_grid -layers [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER)}]
+} else {
+    # Used if the design is a macro in the core
+    define_pdn_grid -name stdcell_grid -starts_with POWER -voltage_domain CORE -pins $::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER)
+    add_pdn_stripe -grid stdcell_grid -layer $::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) -width $::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) -pitch $::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) -offset $::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET) -starts_with POWER
-pdngen::specify_grid macro [subst $macro]
+# Adds the standard cell rails if enabled.
+if { $::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS) == 1 } {
+    add_pdn_stripe -grid stdcell_grid -layer $::env(FP_PDN_RAILS_LAYER) -width $::env(FP_PDN_RAIL_WIDTH) -followpins -starts_with POWER
+    add_pdn_connect -grid stdcell_grid -layers [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_RAILS_LAYER) $::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER)}]
-set ::halo 10
+# Adds the core ring if enabled.
+if { $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING) == 1 } {
+    add_pdn_ring -grid stdcell_grid -layer [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER)}] \
+                 -widths [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VWIDTH) $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HWIDTH)}] \
+                 -spacings [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VSPACING) $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HSPACING)}] \
+                 -core_offset [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_VOFFSET) $::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING_HOFFSET)}]
+# A general macro that follows the premise of the set heirarchy. You may want to modify this or add other macro configs
+# The macro power pin names are assumed to match the VDD and GND net names 
+# TODO: parameterize the power pin names 
+set macro {
+    orient {R0 R180 MX MY R90 R270 MXR90 MYR90}
+    power_pins $::env(VDD_NET)
+    ground_pins $::env(GND_NET)
+    blockages "li1 met1 met2 met3 met4"
+    straps {
+    }
+    connect {{$::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER)_PIN_ver $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER)}}
+if { $::env(FP_PDN_ENABLE_MACROS_GRID) == 1} {
+    if { [llength $::env(FP_PDN_MACROS)] > 0 } {
+        # generate automatically per instance:
+        foreach macro_instance $::env(FP_PDN_MACROS) {
+            set macro_instance_grid [subst $macro] 
+            dict append $macro_instance_grid instance $macro_instance
+            pdngen::specify_grid macro [subst $macro_instance_grid]
+            set ::halo [list $::env(FP_HORIZONTAL_HALO) $::env(FP_VERTICAL_HALO)]
+        }
+    } else {
+        pdngen::specify_grid macro [subst $macro]
+        set ::halo [list $::env(FP_HORIZONTAL_HALO) $::env(FP_VERTICAL_HALO)]
+    }
+    # define_pdn_grid -macro -orient {R0 R180 MX MY R90 R270 MXR90 MYR90} -grid_over_pg_pins -starts_with POWER -pin_direction vertical -halo [subst {$::env(FP_HORIZONTAL_HALO) $::env(FP_VERTICAL_HALO)}]
+    # add_pdn_connect -layers [subst {$::env(FP_PDN_LOWER_LAYER) $::env(FP_PDN_UPPER_LAYER)}]
+} else {
+    define_pdn_grid -macro -orient {R0 R180 MX MY R90 R270 MXR90 MYR90} -grid_over_pg_pins -starts_with POWER -halo [subst {$::env(FP_HORIZONTAL_HALO) $::env(FP_VERTICAL_HALO)}]
 # POWER or GROUND #Std. cell rails starting with power or ground rails at the bottom of the core area
 set ::rails_start_with "POWER" ;
diff --git a/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl b/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
index d2c8819..47808f2 100755
--- a/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) wb_host
 set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) "0"
-set ::env(FP_PDN_CORE_RING) "0"
 # Timing configuration
 set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
@@ -62,15 +61,14 @@
 # If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
-set ::env(RUN_CVC) 0
+set ::env(RUN_CVC) 1
 #set ::env(PDN_CFG) $script_dir/pdn.tcl
-# helps in anteena fix
-set ::env(USE_ARC_ANTENNA_CHECK) "0"
 set ::env(FP_IO_VEXTEND) 4
 set ::env(FP_IO_HEXTEND) 4
@@ -80,9 +78,9 @@
 set ::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) 5
 set ::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) 5
-set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 4
+set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
diff --git a/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
index 4b8ace2..1b79571 100644
--- a/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 sdram_clk           0000 0 4
diff --git a/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl b/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
index 24f4b45..26b93c7 100755
--- a/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
@@ -85,5 +85,5 @@
 set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 4
diff --git a/signoff/pinmux/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/pinmux/OPENLANE_VERSION
index bab6e84..ba96224 100644
--- a/signoff/pinmux/OPENLANE_VERSION
+++ b/signoff/pinmux/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
-openlane v0.21-9-g94fe743
+openlane 2021.09.19_20.25.16
diff --git a/signoff/pinmux/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/pinmux/PDK_SOURCES
index 8b58bd5..4c20ce4 100644
--- a/signoff/pinmux/PDK_SOURCES
+++ b/signoff/pinmux/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -ne openlane 
 -ne skywater-pdk 
 -ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
index dd08286..f7bae69 100644
--- a/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/pinmux,pinmux,pinmux,Flow_completed,0h16m58s,0h8m8s,43688.0,0.25,21844.0,38,639.73,5461,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,401103,52059,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,325104227,0.0,40.27,35.86,2.11,-1,-1,5298,5578,1003,1283,0,0,0,5461,131,0,36,66,784,107,11,1148,1014,964,12,350,3009,0,3359,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.35,0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,5
+0,/project/openlane/pinmux,pinmux,pinmux,flow_completed,0h13m20s,0h10m28s,41992.0,0.25,20996.0,24.54,687.7,5249,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,-1,356411,53685,-1.51,-2.91,0.0,-2.58,-1.51,-707.01,-1833.63,0.0,-128.81,-376.98,280858451.0,6.67,34.96,29.98,5.61,0.5,-1,3127,7858,443,5174,0,0,0,3793,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1147,1169,11,350,3274,0,3624,86.88097306689835,11.51,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.35,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/qspim/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/qspim/OPENLANE_VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..326b88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/qspim/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+openlane v0.21-10-gb10884a
diff --git a/signoff/qspim/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/qspim/PDK_SOURCES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b58bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/qspim/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+-ne openlane 
+-ne skywater-pdk 
+-ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69addab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+0,/project/openlane/qspim,qspim_top,qspim,Flow_completed,0h18m21s,0h9m9s,58438.46153846153,0.26,29219.230769230766,47,661.77,7597,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,-1,0,384228,67124,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,294776771,0.0,31.33,39.79,0.04,-1,-1,7537,7673,1268,1404,0,0,0,7597,245,0,169,100,1051,210,32,2443,1353,1292,24,460,3132,0,3592,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.45,0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,5
diff --git a/signoff/syntacore/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/syntacore/OPENLANE_VERSION
index bab6e84..ba96224 100644
--- a/signoff/syntacore/OPENLANE_VERSION
+++ b/signoff/syntacore/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
-openlane v0.21-9-g94fe743
+openlane 2021.09.19_20.25.16
diff --git a/signoff/syntacore/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/syntacore/PDK_SOURCES
index 8b58bd5..4c20ce4 100644
--- a/signoff/syntacore/PDK_SOURCES
+++ b/signoff/syntacore/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -ne openlane 
 -ne skywater-pdk 
 -ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
index da99116..efd54e7 100644
--- a/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/syntacore,scr1_top_wb,syntacore,Flow_completed,1h31m39s,0h24m23s,28040.625,1.92,14020.3125,21,1253.29,26919,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,-1,0,1880737,263792,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1499814362,0.0,26.25,17.0,6.81,0.41,-1,26694,27107,3332,3745,0,0,0,26919,705,68,683,599,2928,1044,290,8055,3258,3238,73,866,24574,0,25440,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.4,0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,5
+0,/project/openlane/syntacore,scr1_top_wb,syntacore,flow_completed,0h52m58s,0h28m47s,21958.333333333336,1.92,10979.166666666668,12.31,1583.24,21080,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,-1,1482754,216223,-15.03,-29.73,-8.21,-15.82,-12.04,-19585.69,-41361.04,-498.79,-8887.44,-3636.06,1131946386.0,4.15,20.68,14.17,4.52,0.33,-1,18285,29630,984,12222,0,0,0,21719,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,5144,5849,49,866,26752,0,27618,45.37205081669692,22.04,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.4,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/OPENLANE_VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba96224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+openlane 2021.09.19_20.25.16
diff --git a/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/PDK_SOURCES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c20ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+-ne openlane 
+-ne skywater-pdk 
+-ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..424576b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+0,/project/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi,uart_i2c_usb_spi_top,uart_i2cm_usb_spi,flow_completed,0h18m54s,0h13m36s,52214.285714285725,0.42,26107.142857142862,29.25,869.61,10965,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,-1,453057,94827,-6.6,-7.12,-6.33,-8.81,-11.23,-694.83,-825.18,-485.91,-1894.31,-4979.38,307076382.0,0.55,25.76,25.22,1.89,0.63,-1,8086,12517,1449,5823,0,0,0,9108,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,2535,2532,26,498,5647,0,6145,47.103155911446066,21.23,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.45,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/OPENLANE_VERSION
index bab6e84..ba96224 100644
--- a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/OPENLANE_VERSION
+++ b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
-openlane v0.21-9-g94fe743
+openlane 2021.09.19_20.25.16
diff --git a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/PDK_SOURCES
index 8b58bd5..4c20ce4 100644
--- a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/PDK_SOURCES
+++ b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -ne openlane 
 -ne skywater-pdk 
 -ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
index bc98a12..f8f2aae 100644
--- a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,Flow_completed,0h45m28s,0h6m19s,1.5566625155666252,10.2784,0.7783312577833126,0,530.74,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,-1,-1,1147543,4266,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,1.2,4.73,0.78,1.3,-1,870,1488,867,1485,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,5,50,1,120,120,0.55,0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,0
+0,/project/openlane/user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,flow_completed,0h15m50s,0h3m45s,1.5566625155666252,10.2784,0.7783312577833126,-1,520.01,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1369644,5587,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,0.0,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,53026.4,1.9,5.04,1.02,2.11,-1,152,1776,151,1773,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,5,50,1,120,120,0.55,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,0
diff --git a/signoff/wb_host/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/wb_host/OPENLANE_VERSION
index bab6e84..ba96224 100644
--- a/signoff/wb_host/OPENLANE_VERSION
+++ b/signoff/wb_host/OPENLANE_VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
-openlane v0.21-9-g94fe743
+openlane 2021.09.19_20.25.16
diff --git a/signoff/wb_host/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/wb_host/PDK_SOURCES
index 8b58bd5..4c20ce4 100644
--- a/signoff/wb_host/PDK_SOURCES
+++ b/signoff/wb_host/PDK_SOURCES
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -ne openlane 
 -ne skywater-pdk 
 -ne open_pdks 
diff --git a/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
index 66c490c..fd1628d 100644
--- a/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/wb_host,wb_host,wb_host,Flow_completed,0h9m58s,0h5m3s,61440.0,0.1,30720.0,49,583.21,3072,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,170202,26317,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,138126985,0.0,48.13,23.41,16.33,-1,-1,2927,3182,554,809,0,0,0,3072,77,0,3,11,49,27,10,797,605,773,14,130,1139,0,1269,100.0,10.0,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.55,0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,5
+0,/project/openlane/wb_host,wb_host,wb_host,flow_completed,0h14m35s,0h13m13s,42500.0,0.1,21250.0,29.07,662.71,2125,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,41,0,0,-1,215024,28645,-1.52,-2.66,-1.41,-3.67,-4.33,-13.89,-136.29,-231.55,-927.15,-1231.73,108251432.0,0.0,47.2,37.88,24.92,1.26,-1,1166,2758,638,2228,0,0,0,1210,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,706,785,13,130,1239,0,1369,69.78367062107466,14.33,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.55,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
index bd7c2e7..c52a974 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
index c1654ac..39da3b4 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
index 3a03931..fa32693 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
index 96527bf..054ec11 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
index 7ef5e6d..fa0a9cf 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v
index e0d9f40..6e77702 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_port/wb_port_tb.v
@@ -169,63 +169,63 @@
 `ifndef GL // Drive Power for Hold Fix Buf
     // All standard cell need power hook-up for functionality work
     initial begin
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VNB  = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VNB  = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VGND    =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VNB     =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio0.VNB  = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio0.VNB  = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VGND    =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio0.VNB     =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VGND    =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VNB     =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio1.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio1.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VGND    =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio1.VNB     =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VGND    =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VNB     =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio2.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio2.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VGND    =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio2.VNB     =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VGND    =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_spi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VNB     =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay1_sdio3.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_delay2_sdio3.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VPWR    =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VPB     =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VGND    =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_qspi_master.u_buf_sdio3.VNB     =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb_spi.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb_spi.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb_spi.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_uart_i2c_usb_spi.u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.VNB = VSS;
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_wb_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_wb_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_cpu_rst.VGND =VSS;
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_cpu_rst.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_spi_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_spi_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_spi_rst.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_spi_rst.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_qspim_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_qspim_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_qspim_rst.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_qspim_rst.VNB = VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sdram_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sdram_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sdram_rst.VGND =VSS;
-	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sdram_rst.VNB = VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sspim_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sspim_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sspim_rst.VGND =VSS;
+	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_sspim_rst.VNB = VSS;
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_uart_rst.VPWR =USER_VDD1V8;
 	force uut.mprj.u_wb_host.u_buf_uart_rst.VPB  =USER_VDD1V8;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index 031f1c8..09832ee 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
                        output logic [15:0]     irq_lines,
                        output logic            soft_irq,
                        output logic [2:0]      user_irq,
+		       input  logic            usb_intr,
+		       input  logic            i2cm_intr,
                        // Digital IO
                        output logic [37:0]     digital_io_out,
@@ -209,6 +211,8 @@
 	  .irq_lines                    (irq_lines               ),
 	  .soft_irq                     (soft_irq                ),
 	  .user_irq                     (user_irq                ),
+          .usb_intr                     (usb_intr                ),
+          .i2cm_intr                    (i2cm_intr               ),
 	  .cfg_pulse_1us                (cfg_pulse_1us           ),
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index aea729f..23e5fe2 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
                        output logic [15:0]     irq_lines,
                        output logic            soft_irq,
                        output logic [2:0]      user_irq,
+		       input  logic            usb_intr,
+		       input  logic            i2cm_intr,
                        output logic [9:0]      cfg_pulse_1us,
@@ -300,9 +302,9 @@
 //   reg-6
-assign  irq_lines     = reg_6[15:0]; 
-assign  soft_irq      = reg_6[16]; 
-assign  user_irq      = {gpio_intr,ext_intr_in}; 
+assign  irq_lines     = {gpio_intr,ext_intr_in[1:0],usb_intr,i2cm_intr,reg_6[10:0]}; 
+assign  soft_irq      = reg_6[11]; 
+assign  user_irq      = reg_6[14:12]; 
 generic_register #(8,0  ) u_reg6_be0 (
 	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & 
@@ -315,18 +317,18 @@
 	      .data_out      (reg_6[7:0]        )
-generic_register #(8,0  ) u_reg6_be1 (
-	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & 
+generic_register #(7,0  ) u_reg6_be1 (
+	      .we            ({7{sw_wr_en_6 & 
                                  wr_be[1]   }}  ),		 
-	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[15:8]),
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[14:8]),
 	      .reset_n       (h_reset_n           ),
 	      .clk           (mclk              ),
 	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out      (reg_6[15:8]        )
+	      .data_out      (reg_6[14:8]        )
-assign reg_6[31:16] = '0;
+assign reg_6[31:15] = '0;
 //  Register-7
 gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_7	(
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/filelist.f b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/filelist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/filelist.f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/filelist.f b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/filelist.f
deleted file mode 100644
index ff10568..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/filelist.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <>
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3d9fb..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI Clkgen  Module                                          ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////      This is SPI Master Clock Generation control logic.      ////
-////      This logic also generate spi clock rise and fall pulse  ////
-////      Basis assumption is master clock is 2x time spi clock   ////
-////         1. spi fall pulse is used to transmit spi data       ////
-////         2. spi rise pulse is used to received spi data       ////
-////     SPI Master Top module                                    ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision:                                                   ////
-////      0.1 - 16th Feb 2021, Dinesh A                           ////
-////            Initial version                                   ////
-////      0.2 - 24th Mar 2021, Dinesh A                           ////
-////            1. Comments are added                             ////
-////            2. RTL clean-up done and the output are registred ////
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_clkgen
-    input  logic                        clk,
-    input  logic                        rstn,
-    input  logic                        en,
-    input  logic          [5:0]         cfg_sck_period,
-    output logic                        spi_clk,
-    output logic                        spi_fall,
-    output logic                        spi_rise
-	logic [5:0] sck_half_period;
-	logic [5:0] clk_cnt;
-    assign sck_half_period = {1'b0, cfg_sck_period[5:1]};
-    // The first transition on the sck_toggle happens one SCK period
-    // after en is asserted
-    always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-    	if(!rstn) begin
-    	   spi_clk    <= 1'b1;
-    	end // if (!reset_n)
-    	else 
-    	begin
-    	   if(en) 
-    	   begin
-    	      if(clk_cnt == sck_half_period) 
-    	      begin
-    		 spi_clk    <= 1'b0;
-    	      end // if (clk_cnt == sck_half_period)
-    	      else if(clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period) begin
-    		    spi_clk    <= 1'b1;
-    	      end 
-    	   end else begin
-    	      spi_clk    <= 1'b1;
-    	   end // else: !if(en)
-    	end // else: !if(!reset_n)
-    end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
-    // Generate Free runnng spi_fall and rise pulse
-    // after en is asserted
-    always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-    	if(!rstn) begin
-    	   clk_cnt    <= 'h1;
-	   spi_fall   <= 1'b0;
-	   spi_rise   <= 1'b0;
-    	end // if (!reset_n)
-    	else 
-    	begin
-    	   if(clk_cnt == sck_half_period) 
-    	   begin
-	      spi_fall   <= 1'b0;
-	      spi_rise   <= 1'b1;
-    	      clk_cnt    <= clk_cnt + 1'b1;
-    	   end // if (clk_cnt == sck_half_period)
-    	   else begin
-    	      if(clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period) 
-    	      begin
-	         spi_fall   <= 1'b1;
-	         spi_rise   <= 1'b0;
-    	         clk_cnt    <= 'h1;
-    	      end // if (clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period)
-    	      else 
-    	      begin
-    	         clk_cnt    <= clk_cnt + 1'b1;
-	         spi_fall   <= 1'b0;
-	         spi_rise   <= 1'b0;
-    	       end // else: !if(clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period)
-    	   end // else: !if(clk_cnt == sck_half_period)
-    	end // else: !if(!reset_n)
-    end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e8aa2e4..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI CTRL I/F Module                                         ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision :                                                  ////
-////     V.0  -  June 8, 2021                                     //// 
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_ctrl  #(
-     parameter ENDIEAN = 0  // 0 - Little, 1 - Big endian, since RISV is Little indian default set 0
-     )
-    input  logic                          clk,
-    input  logic                          rstn,
-    input  logic                    [7:0] spi_clk_div,
-    output logic                    [8:0] spi_status,
-    // Master 0 Configuration
-    input  logic [3:0]                   cfg_m0_cs_reg    ,  // Chip select
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_mode  ,  // Final SPI Mode 
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_switch,  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    input  logic [3:0]                   cfg_m1_cs_reg    ,  // Chip select
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_mode  ,  // Final SPI Mode 
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_switch,  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_early     ,  // Amount of cycle early CS asserted
-    input  logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_late      ,  // Amount of cycle late CS de-asserted
-    // Master 0 Command FIFO Interface
-    input  logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_empty,
-    output logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_rd,
-    input  logic [33:0]                  m0_cmd_fifo_rdata,
-    // Master 0 response FIFO Interface
-    output logic 	                 m0_res_fifo_flush,
-    input  logic                         m0_res_fifo_empty,
-    input  logic                         m0_res_fifo_full,
-    output logic                         m0_res_fifo_wr,
-    output logic [31:0]                  m0_res_fifo_wdata,
-    // Master 1 Command FIFO Interface
-    output logic 	                 m1_res_fifo_flush,
-    input  logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_empty,
-    output logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_rd,
-    input  logic [33:0]                  m1_cmd_fifo_rdata,
-    // Master 1 response FIFO Interface
-    input  logic                         m1_res_fifo_empty,
-    input  logic                         m1_res_fifo_full,
-    output logic                         m1_res_fifo_wr,
-    output logic [31:0]                  m1_res_fifo_wdata,
-    output logic [3:0]                   ctrl_state,
-    output logic                          spi_clk,
-    output logic                          spi_csn0,
-    output logic                          spi_csn1,
-    output logic                          spi_csn2,
-    output logic                          spi_csn3,
-    output logic                    [1:0] spi_mode,
-    output logic                          spi_sdo0,
-    output logic                          spi_sdo1,
-    output logic                          spi_sdo2,
-    output logic                          spi_sdo3,
-    input  logic                          spi_sdi0,
-    input  logic                          spi_sdi1,
-    input  logic                          spi_sdi2,
-    input  logic                          spi_sdi3,
-    output logic                          spi_en_tx_out // Spi Direction control
-// Parameter
-// --------------------------------------
-parameter P_SINGLE = 2'b00;
-parameter P_DOUBLE = 2'b01;
-parameter P_QUAD   = 2'b10;
-parameter P_QDDR   = 2'b11;
-*  SPI FSM State Control
-*   OPERATION   COMMAND                   SEQUENCE 
-*    ERASE       P4E(0x20)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       P8E(0x40)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       SE(0xD8)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0x60)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0xC7)            ->  COMMAND 
-*    PROGRAM     PP(0x02)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    PROGRAM     QPP(0x32)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    READ        READ(0x3)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    READ        DOR (0x3B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        QOR (0x6B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        DIOR (0xBB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + READ DATA
-*    READ        QIOR (0xEB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        RDID (0x9F)         ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    READ        READ_ID (0x90)      ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    WRITE       WREN(0x6)           ->  COMMAND
-*    WRITE       WRDI                ->  COMMAND
-*    STATUS      RDSR(0x05)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    STATUS      RCR(0x35)           ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    CONFIG      WRR(0x01)           ->  COMMAND + WRITE DATA
-*    CONFIG      CLSR(0x30)          ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving DP(0xB9)           ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving RES(0xAB)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    OTP          OTPP(0x42)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR+ WRITE DATA
-*    OTP          OTPR(0x4B)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    ********************************************************************/
-parameter P_FSM_C      = 4'b0000; // Command Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CW     = 4'b0001; // Command + Write DATA Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CA     = 4'b0010; // Command -> Address Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CAR    = 4'b0011; // Command -> Address -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADR   = 4'b0100; // Command -> Address -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMR   = 4'b0101; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMDR  = 4'b0110; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAW    = 4'b0111; // Command -> Address ->Write Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADW   = 4'b1000; // Command -> Address -> DUMMY + Write Data
-parameter P_FSM_CDR    = 4'b1001; // COMMAND -> DUMMY -> READ
-parameter P_FSM_CDW    = 4'b1010; // COMMAND -> DUMMY -> WRITE
-parameter P_FSM_CR     = 4'b1011;  // COMMAND -> READ
-  parameter P_8BIT   = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_16BIT  = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_24BIT  = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_32BIT  = 2'b11;
-//---- Phase where to switch the SPI Mode
-//---- This need to decided based on command
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_IDLE     = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_ADDR  = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_DATA  = 2'b10;
-// Local Variable
-// ---------------------------------------
-  logic spi_rise;
-  logic spi_fall;
-  logic spi_clock_en;
-  logic spi_en_rx;
-  logic spi_en_tx;
-  logic [15:0] counter_tx;
-  logic        counter_tx_valid;
-  logic [15:0] counter_rx;
-  logic        counter_rx_valid;
-  logic        dummy_phase;
-  logic [31:0] data_to_tx;
-  logic        data_to_tx_valid;
-  logic        data_to_tx_ready;
-  logic        tx_data_ready;
-  logic       tx_done;
-  logic       rx_done;
-  logic [1:0] s_spi_mode;
-  logic       ctrl_data_valid;
-  logic       spi_cs;
-  logic        tx_clk_en;
-  logic        rx_clk_en;
-  logic [1:0]  cnt; // counter for cs assertion and de-assertion
-  logic [1:0]  nxt_cnt;
-  logic [1:0]  gnt;
-  logic  [7:0] cfg_data_cnt    ;
-  logic  [1:0] cfg_dummy_cnt   ;
-  logic  [1:0] cfg_addr_cnt    ;
-  logic  [3:0] cfg_spi_seq     ;
-  logic [7:0]  spi_mode_cmd    ;
-  enum logic [2:0] {DATA_NULL,DATA_EMPTY,DATA_CMD,DATA_ADDR,DATA_MODE,DATA_FIFO} ctrl_data_mux;
-  assign ctrl_state =  state[3:0];
-  assign spi_mode = s_spi_mode;
-  //----------------------------
-  // Configuration
-  //----------------------------
-  logic [3:0]  cfg_cs_reg    ;  // Chip select
-  logic [1:0]  cfg_spi_mode  ;  // Final SPI Mode 
-  logic [1:0]  cfg_spi_switch;  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-  assign cfg_cs_reg     = (gnt == 2'b01) ? cfg_m0_cs_reg    : cfg_m1_cs_reg;
-  assign cfg_spi_mode   = (gnt == 2'b01) ? cfg_m0_spi_mode  : cfg_m1_spi_mode;  // Final SPI Mode 
-  assign cfg_spi_switch = (gnt == 2'b01) ? cfg_m0_spi_switch: cfg_m1_spi_switch;  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-  //----------------------------
-  // Command FIFO
-  //----------------------------
-  logic              cmd_fifo_empty;
-  logic              cmd_fifo_rd;
-  logic [33:0]       cmd_fifo_rdata;
-  assign cmd_fifo_empty = (gnt == 2'b01) ? m0_cmd_fifo_empty : m1_cmd_fifo_empty;
-  assign cmd_fifo_rdata = (gnt == 2'b01) ? m0_cmd_fifo_rdata : m1_cmd_fifo_rdata;
-  assign m0_cmd_fifo_rd = (gnt == 2'b01) ? cmd_fifo_rd : 1'b0;
-  assign m1_cmd_fifo_rd = (gnt == 2'b10) ? cmd_fifo_rd : 1'b0;
-  //----------------------------
-  // Response FIFO
-  //----------------------------
-  logic              res_fifo_empty;
-  logic              res_fifo_full;
-  logic              res_fifo_wr;
-  logic [31:0]       res_fifo_wdata;
-  assign res_fifo_empty = (gnt == 2'b01) ? m0_res_fifo_empty : m1_res_fifo_empty;
-  assign res_fifo_full  = (gnt == 2'b01) ? m0_res_fifo_full  : m1_res_fifo_full;
-  assign m0_res_fifo_wr = (gnt == 2'b01) ? res_fifo_wr : 1'b0;
-  assign m1_res_fifo_wr = (gnt == 2'b10) ? res_fifo_wr : 1'b0;
-  assign m0_res_fifo_wdata = (gnt == 2'b01) ? res_fifo_wdata : 1'b0;
-  assign m1_res_fifo_wdata = (gnt == 2'b10) ? res_fifo_wdata : 1'b0;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // To take care of partial/stall data in response fifo
-  // we are flushing the content
-  //
-  // WARNING: This will work well for burst size 4,
-  // If User given 6 Word Burst and Read only one location
-  // Read Path will hang waiting for Response FIFO to empty, User need to take
-  // care of partial reading case.
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  logic  fsm_flush;
-  logic  spi_dummy;
-  assign m0_res_fifo_flush   =  (gnt == 2'b01) ? fsm_flush : 1'b0;
-  assign m1_res_fifo_flush   =  (gnt == 2'b10) ? fsm_flush : 1'b0;
-  assign spi_clock_en =  tx_clk_en |  rx_clk_en;
-  assign spi_en_tx_out  = (spi_en_tx) && (spi_dummy ==0); // Don't Drive Tx On Dummy Phase
-  spim_clkgen u_clkgen
-  (
-    .clk            ( clk                    ),
-    .rstn           ( rstn                   ),
-    .en             ( spi_clock_en           ),
-    .cfg_sck_period ( spi_clk_div [5:0]      ),
-    .spi_clk        ( spi_clk                ),
-    .spi_fall       ( spi_fall               ),
-    .spi_rise       ( spi_rise               )
-  );
-  spim_tx u_txreg
-  (
-    .clk            ( clk                    ),
-    .rstn           ( rstn                   ),
-    .flush          ( fsm_flush              ),
-    .en             ( spi_en_tx              ),
-    .tx_edge        ( spi_fall               ),
-    .tx_done        ( tx_done                ),
-    .sdo0           ( spi_sdo0               ),
-    .sdo1           ( spi_sdo1               ),
-    .sdo2           ( spi_sdo2               ),
-    .sdo3           ( spi_sdo3               ),
-    .s_spi_mode     ( s_spi_mode             ),
-    .counter_in     ( counter_tx             ),
-    .counter_in_upd ( counter_tx_valid       ),
-    .dummy_phase    ( dummy_phase            ),
-    .txdata         ( data_to_tx             ),
-    .data_valid     ( data_to_tx_valid       ),
-    .data_ready     ( tx_data_ready          ),
-    .spi_dummy      ( spi_dummy              ),
-    .clk_en_o       ( tx_clk_en              )
-  );
-  spim_rx #(.ENDIEAN(ENDIEAN)) u_rxreg
-  (
-    .clk            ( clk                    ),
-    .rstn           ( rstn                   ),
-    .flush          ( fsm_flush              ),
-    .en             ( spi_en_rx              ),
-    .rx_edge        ( spi_rise               ),
-    .rx_done        ( rx_done                ),
-    .sdi0           ( spi_sdi0               ),
-    .sdi1           ( spi_sdi1               ),
-    .sdi2           ( spi_sdi2               ),
-    .sdi3           ( spi_sdi3               ),
-    .s_spi_mode     ( s_spi_mode             ),
-    .counter_in     ( counter_rx             ),
-    .counter_in_upd ( counter_rx_valid       ),
-    .data           ( res_fifo_wdata         ),
-    .data_valid     ( res_fifo_wr            ),
-    .data_ready     ( !res_fifo_full         ),
-    .clk_en_o       ( rx_clk_en              )
-  );
-  always_comb
-  begin
-      data_to_tx       =  'h0;
-      data_to_tx_valid = 1'b0;
-      dummy_phase       = 1'b0;
-      case(ctrl_data_mux)
-          DATA_NULL:
-          begin
-              data_to_tx       =  '0;
-              data_to_tx_valid = 1'b0;
-          end
-          DATA_EMPTY:
-          begin
-	      dummy_phase       =  1'b1;
-              data_to_tx       =  '0;
-              data_to_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-          end
-          DATA_CMD:
-          begin
-              data_to_tx       = {cmd_fifo_rdata[7:0],24'h0};
-              data_to_tx_valid = ctrl_data_valid;
-          end
-          DATA_MODE:
-          begin
-              data_to_tx       = {spi_mode_cmd,24'h0};
-              data_to_tx_valid = ctrl_data_valid;
-          end
-          DATA_ADDR:
-          begin
-              data_to_tx       = (cfg_addr_cnt == P_8BIT)  ? {cmd_fifo_rdata[7:0],24'h0}  :
-		                 (cfg_addr_cnt == P_16BIT) ? {cmd_fifo_rdata[15:0],16'h0} :
-		                 (cfg_addr_cnt == P_24BIT) ? {cmd_fifo_rdata[23:0],8'h0}  : {cmd_fifo_rdata[31:0]};
-              data_to_tx_valid = ctrl_data_valid;
-          end
-	  // RISV is little endian, so data is converted to little endian format
-          DATA_FIFO: begin
-             data_to_tx     = (ENDIEAN) ? cmd_fifo_rdata[31:0] : 
-		                 {cmd_fifo_rdata[7:0],cmd_fifo_rdata[15:8],cmd_fifo_rdata[23:16],cmd_fifo_rdata[31:24]};
-             data_to_tx_valid  = !cmd_fifo_empty;
-          end
-      endcase
-  end
-  always_comb
-  begin
-    fsm_flush          = 0;
-    counter_tx         =  '0;
-    counter_tx_valid   = 1'b0;
-    counter_rx         =  '0;
-    counter_rx_valid   = 1'b0;
-    next_state         = state;
-    ctrl_data_mux      = DATA_NULL;
-    ctrl_data_valid    = 1'b0;
-    spi_en_rx          = 1'b0;
-    spi_en_tx          = 1'b0;
-    spi_status         =  '0;
-    cmd_fifo_rd        = 1'b0;
-    nxt_cnt            = cnt;
-    case(state)
-      FSM_IDLE:
-      begin
-        spi_status[0] = 1'b1;
-	nxt_cnt    = 0;
-	if(!m0_cmd_fifo_empty || !m1_cmd_fifo_empty )  begin
-	   next_state  = FSM_CS_ASSERT;
-        end
-      end
-      // Asserted CS# low
-      FSM_CS_ASSERT: begin
-	 fsm_flush=1; // Flush stale data in response fifo
-	 if(cfg_cs_early == cnt) begin
-	     next_state  = FSM_CMD_PHASE;
-	 end else begin
-             nxt_cnt = nxt_cnt+1;
-	 end
-      end
-      // WAIT for COMMAND Phase Completed
-      FSM_CMD_PHASE: begin
-              counter_tx       = 8'h8;
-              ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_CMD;
-              ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-              counter_tx       = 'd8;
-              counter_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-              spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	 if (tx_data_ready) begin
-	      cmd_fifo_rd      = 1'b1;
-	      case(cfg_spi_seq)
-	      P_FSM_C:     next_state = FSM_TX_DONE;
-	      P_FSM_CW:    next_state = FSM_WRITE_CMD;
-	      P_FSM_CA:    next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAR:   next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-              P_FSM_CADR:  next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAMR:  next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAMDR: next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAW:   next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CADW:  next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CDR:   next_state = FSM_DUMMY_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CDW:   next_state = FSM_DUMMY_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CR:    next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-	      default  :   next_state = FSM_TX_DONE;
-              endcase
-	  end
-      end
-      // WAIT for ADDR Command Accepted
-      FSM_ADR_PHASE: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_ADDR;
-          ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx       =  (cfg_addr_cnt == P_8BIT) ? 'd8 :
-	                      (cfg_addr_cnt == P_16BIT) ? 'd16 :
-	                      (cfg_addr_cnt == P_24BIT) ? 'd24 : 'd32;
-          counter_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_data_ready) begin
-              ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b0;
-	      cmd_fifo_rd      = 1'b1;
-	      case(cfg_spi_seq)
-	      P_FSM_CA:    next_state = FSM_TX_DONE;
-	      P_FSM_CAR:   next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-              P_FSM_CADR:  next_state = FSM_DUMMY_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAMR:  next_state = FSM_MODE_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAMDR: next_state = FSM_MODE_PHASE;
-	      P_FSM_CAW:   next_state = FSM_WRITE_CMD;
-	      P_FSM_CADW:  next_state = FSM_DUMMY_PHASE;
-	      default  :   next_state = FSM_TX_DONE;
-              endcase
-           end
-        end
-      // WAIT for DUMMY command Accepted
-      FSM_DUMMY_PHASE: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_EMPTY;
-          ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-	  if(s_spi_mode == P_QDDR ) begin
-	    // QDDR Mode, change the Dummy cycle values to 32,40,48,56
-            counter_tx       =  (cfg_dummy_cnt == 2'b00) ? 'd32 :
-	                        (cfg_dummy_cnt == 2'b01) ? 'd40 :
-	                        (cfg_dummy_cnt == 2'b10) ? 'd48 : 'd56;
-	  end else begin
-            counter_tx       =  (cfg_dummy_cnt == P_8BIT) ? 'd8 :
-	                        (cfg_dummy_cnt == P_16BIT) ? 'd16 :
-	                        (cfg_dummy_cnt == P_24BIT) ? 'd24 : 'd32;
-	  end
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_data_ready) begin
-              ctrl_data_valid = 1'b0;
-	      case(cfg_spi_seq)
-              P_FSM_CADR:  next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-	      P_FSM_CAMDR: next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-	      P_FSM_CADW:  next_state = FSM_WRITE_CMD;
-	      P_FSM_CDR:   next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-	      P_FSM_CDW:   next_state = FSM_WRITE_CMD;
-	      default  :   next_state = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-              endcase
-           end
-        end
-      // WAIT for MODE command accepted
-      FSM_MODE_PHASE: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_MODE;
-          ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx       = 'd8;
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_data_ready) begin
-	      case(cfg_spi_seq)
-	      P_FSM_CAMR:  next_state = FSM_READ_WAIT;
-	      P_FSM_CAMDR: next_state = FSM_DUMMY_PHASE;
-	      default  :   next_state = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-              endcase
-           end
-        end
-      FSM_WRITE_CMD: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_FIFO;
-          ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx_valid = 1'b1;
-          counter_tx       = {5'b0,cfg_data_cnt[7:0],3'b000}; // Convert Byte to Bit Count
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_data_ready) begin
-	      cmd_fifo_rd      = 1'b1;
-	      next_state = FSM_WRITE_PHASE;
-	   end
-        end
-      // Wait for ALL WRITE DATA ACCEPTED
-      FSM_WRITE_PHASE: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          ctrl_data_mux    = DATA_FIFO;
-          ctrl_data_valid  = 1'b1;
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_done) begin
-	      next_state = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-           end else if(tx_data_ready  && cmd_fifo_empty == 0) begin
-	      // Once Current Data is accepted by TX FSM, check FIFO not empty
-	      // and read next location
-	      cmd_fifo_rd      = 1'b1;
-	   end
-        end
-      // Wait for Previous TX Completeion
-      FSM_READ_WAIT: begin
-          spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	  if (tx_done) begin
-	      next_state = FSM_READ_PHASE;
-	  end
-      end
-      FSM_READ_PHASE: begin
-          nxt_cnt          = 0;
-          counter_rx_valid = 1'b1;
-          counter_rx       = {5'b0,cfg_data_cnt[7:0],3'b000}; // Convert Byte to Bit Count
-          spi_en_rx        = 1'b1;
-	  if(!cmd_fifo_empty) begin
-             // If you see new command request, then abort the current request
-	      next_state = FSM_FLUSH;
-	  end else begin
-	     if (rx_done) begin
-	         next_state = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-             end 
-	  end
-        end
-      FSM_FLUSH: begin
-	   fsm_flush = 1;
-	   // Wait for safe SPI-clock de-assertion phase
-	   if(spi_clock_en ==0) begin 
-	         next_state = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-	   end
-      end
-      // Wait for TX Done
-      FSM_TX_DONE: begin
-         spi_en_tx        = 1'b1;
-	 if(tx_done) next_state  = FSM_CS_DEASEERT;
-      end
-      // De-assert CS#
-      FSM_CS_DEASEERT: begin
-	 if(cfg_cs_late == cnt) begin
-	     next_state  = FSM_IDLE;
-	 end else begin
-             nxt_cnt = nxt_cnt+1;
-	 end
-      end
-   endcase
-  always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-    if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
-      state       <= FSM_IDLE;
-      cnt         <= 'h0;
-    end else begin
-       state <= next_state;
-       cnt   <= nxt_cnt;
-    end
-  end
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //  Grant Generation Based on FIFO empty, priority given to Master 0
-  //  Grant switch happens only at FSM IDLE State
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-    if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
-      gnt             <= 0;
-      spi_mode_cmd    <= 'h0;
-      cfg_spi_seq     <= 'h0;
-      cfg_addr_cnt    <= 'h0;
-      cfg_dummy_cnt   <= 'h0;
-      cfg_data_cnt    <= 'h0;
-    end else begin
-       if(state == FSM_IDLE) begin
-           if(!m0_cmd_fifo_empty) begin
-              cfg_data_cnt    <= m0_cmd_fifo_rdata[31:24];
-              cfg_dummy_cnt   <= m0_cmd_fifo_rdata[23:22];
-              cfg_addr_cnt    <= m0_cmd_fifo_rdata[21:20];
-              cfg_spi_seq     <= m0_cmd_fifo_rdata[19:16];
-              spi_mode_cmd    <= m0_cmd_fifo_rdata[15:8];
-              gnt             <= 2'b01;
-           end
-           else if(!m1_cmd_fifo_empty ) begin
-              cfg_data_cnt    <= m1_cmd_fifo_rdata[31:24];
-              cfg_dummy_cnt   <= m1_cmd_fifo_rdata[23:22];
-              cfg_addr_cnt    <= m1_cmd_fifo_rdata[21:20];
-              cfg_spi_seq     <= m1_cmd_fifo_rdata[19:16];
-              spi_mode_cmd    <= m1_cmd_fifo_rdata[15:8];
-              gnt             <= 2'b10;
-           end
-        end
-      end
-   end
-  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // SPI Mode Switch Control Logic
-  // Note: SPI Protocl Start with SPI_STD Mode (Sigle Bit Mode) Base on the
-  // Command, Type it Switch the mode at ADDRESS/DUMMY/DATA Phase
-  // QIOR(0xEB) -> Mode switch at Address Phase
-  // DIOR(0xBB) -> Mode Switch at Address Phase
-  // QOR (0x6B) -> Mode Switch at Data Phase
-  // DOR (0x3B) -> Mode Switch at Data Phase
-  // QPP (0x32) -> Mode Switch at Data Phase 
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-     if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
-        s_spi_mode <= P_SINGLE;
-     end else begin
-	if(state == FSM_IDLE) begin // Reset the Mode at IDLE State
-            s_spi_mode <= P_SINGLE;
-	end else if(state == FSM_ADR_PHASE && cfg_spi_switch == P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_ADDR) begin
-            s_spi_mode <= cfg_spi_mode;
-	end else if(((state == FSM_READ_PHASE) || state == FSM_WRITE_CMD ) && cfg_spi_switch == P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_DATA) begin
-            s_spi_mode <= cfg_spi_mode;
-	end
-     end
-  end
-  // SPI Chip Select Logic
-  always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
-     if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
-        spi_csn0 <= 1'b1;
-        spi_csn1 <= 1'b1;
-        spi_csn2 <= 1'b1;
-        spi_csn3 <= 1'b1;
-     end else begin
-	if(state != FSM_IDLE) begin
-           spi_csn0 <= ~cfg_cs_reg[0];
-           spi_csn1 <= ~cfg_cs_reg[1];
-           spi_csn2 <= ~cfg_cs_reg[2];
-           spi_csn3 <= ~cfg_cs_reg[3];
-	end else begin
-           spi_csn0 <= 1'b1;
-           spi_csn1 <= 1'b1;
-           spi_csn2 <= 1'b1;
-           spi_csn3 <= 1'b1;
-	end
-     end
-  end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index b16a1b3..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-  This file is part of the yifive project
-  Description: SYNC FIFO 
-  To Do:                                                      
-    nothing                                                   
-  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
- Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
- This source file may be used and distributed without         
- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
-later version.                                               
- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
- PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
- details.                                                     
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
- Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
- from                     
-// sync FIFO
-//`timescale  1ns/1ps
-module spim_fifo (clk,
-                   reset_n,
-		   flush,
-                   wr_en,
-                   wr_data,
-                   full,                 
-                   afull,                 
-                   rd_en,
-                   empty,                
-                   aempty,                
-                   rd_data);
-   parameter W = 4'd8;
-   parameter DP = 3'd4;
-   parameter WR_FAST = 1'b1;
-   parameter RD_FAST = 1'b1;
-   parameter FULL_DP = DP;
-   parameter EMPTY_DP = 1'b0;
-   parameter AW = (DP == 2)   ? 1 : 
-		  (DP == 4)   ? 2 :
-                  (DP == 8)   ? 3 :
-                  (DP == 16)  ? 4 :
-                  (DP == 32)  ? 5 :
-                  (DP == 64)  ? 6 :
-                  (DP == 128) ? 7 :
-                  (DP == 256) ? 8 : 0;
-   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
-   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
-   input             clk, reset_n, wr_en,flush,
-                     rd_en;
-   output            full, empty;
-   output            afull, aempty;       // about full and about to empty
-   // synopsys translate_off
-   initial begin
-      if (AW == 0) begin
-         $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 2 to 256", DP);
-      end // if (AW == 0)
-   end // initial begin
-   // synopsys translate_on
-   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[DP-1 : 0];
-   /*********************** write side ************************/
-   reg [AW:0] wr_ptr;
-   reg full_q;
-   wire full_c;
-   wire afull_c;
-   wire [AW:0] wr_ptr_inc = wr_ptr + 1'b1;
-   wire [AW:0] wr_cnt = get_cnt(wr_ptr, rd_ptr);
-   assign full_c  = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-   assign afull_c = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP-1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-   always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
-	if (!reset_n) begin
-	   wr_ptr <= 0;
-	   full_q <= 0;	
-	end
-	else begin
-	   if(flush) begin
-		wr_ptr <= 0;
-		full_q <= 0;	
-	   end else if (wr_en) begin
-	   	wr_ptr <= wr_ptr_inc;
-	   	if (wr_cnt == (FULL_DP-1)) begin
-	   		full_q <= 1'b1;
-	   	end
-	   end else begin
-	       	if (full_q && (wr_cnt<FULL_DP)) begin
-	   		full_q <= 1'b0;
-	        end
-	   end
-       end
-    end
-    assign full  = (WR_FAST == 1) ? full_c : full_q;
-    assign afull = afull_c;
-    always @(posedge clk) begin
-        if (wr_en) begin
-           mem[wr_ptr[AW-1:0]] <= wr_data;
-        end
-    end
-   /************************ read side *****************************/
-   reg [AW:0] rd_ptr;
-   reg empty_q;
-   wire empty_c;
-   wire aempty_c;
-   wire [AW:0] rd_ptr_inc = rd_ptr + 1'b1;
-   wire [AW:0] rd_cnt = get_cnt(wr_ptr, rd_ptr);
-   assign empty_c  = (rd_cnt == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-   assign aempty_c = (rd_cnt == 1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-   always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
-      if (!reset_n) begin
-            rd_ptr <= 0;
-            empty_q <= 1'b1;
-      end
-      else begin
-	 if(flush) begin
-           rd_ptr <= 0;
-	   empty_q <= 1'b1;
-	 end else if (rd_en) begin
-               rd_ptr <= rd_ptr_inc;
-               if (rd_cnt==(EMPTY_DP+1)) begin
-                  empty_q <= 1'b1;
-               end
-         end else begin
-            if (empty_q && (rd_cnt!=EMPTY_DP)) begin
-	      empty_q <= 1'b0;
-	    end
-         end
-       end
-    end
-    assign empty  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? empty_c : empty_q;
-    assign aempty = aempty_c;
-    reg [W-1 : 0]  rd_data_q;
-   wire [W-1 : 0] rd_data_c = mem[rd_ptr[AW-1:0]];
-   always @(posedge clk) begin
-	rd_data_q <= rd_data_c;
-   end
-   assign rd_data  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? rd_data_c : rd_data_q;
-function [AW:0] get_cnt;
-input [AW:0] wr_ptr, rd_ptr;
-	if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) begin
-		get_cnt = (wr_ptr - rd_ptr);	
-	end
-	else begin
-		get_cnt = DP*2 - (rd_ptr - wr_ptr);
-	end
-// synopsys translate_off
-always @(posedge clk) begin
-   if (wr_en && full) begin
-      $display($time, "%m Error! afifo overflow!");
-      $stop;
-   end
-always @(posedge clk) begin
-   if (rd_en && empty) begin
-      $display($time, "%m error! afifo underflow!");
-      $stop;
-   end
-// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d47adcb..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI WishBone I/F Module                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////     SPI WishBone I/F module                                  ////
-////     This block support following functionality               ////
-////        1. This block Response to Direct Memory Read and      ////
-////           Register Write and Read Command                    ////
-////        2. In case of Direct Memory Read, It check send the   ////
-////           SPI Read command to SPI Ctrl logic and wait for    ////
-////           Read data through Response                         ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    1. Add 4 Word Memory Fetch for better Through Put         ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision :                                                  ////
-////     V.0  -  June 30, 2021                                    //// 
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_if #( parameter WB_WIDTH = 32) (
-    input  logic                         mclk,
-    input  logic                         rst_n,
-    input  logic                         wbd_stb_i, // strobe/request
-    input  logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_adr_i, // address
-    input  logic                         wbd_we_i,  // write
-    input  logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_dat_i, // data output
-    input  logic   [3:0]                 wbd_sel_i, // byte enable
-    output logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_dat_o, // data input
-    output logic                         wbd_ack_o, // acknowlegement
-    output logic                         wbd_err_o,  // error
-    // Configuration
-    input logic                          cfg_fsm_reset,
-    input logic [3:0]                    cfg_mem_seq,    // SPI MEM SEQUENCE
-    input logic [1:0]                    cfg_addr_cnt,   // SPI Addr Count
-    input logic [1:0]                    cfg_dummy_cnt,  // SPI Dummy Count
-    input logic [7:0]                    cfg_data_cnt,   // SPI Read Count
-    input logic [7:0]                    cfg_cmd_reg,    // SPI MEM COMMAND
-    input logic [7:0]                    cfg_mode_reg,   // SPI MODE REG
-    input logic                          spi_init_done,  // SPI internal Init completed
-    // Towards Reg I/F
-    output logic                         spim_reg_req,     // Reg Request
-    output logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_addr,    // Reg Address
-    output logic                         spim_reg_we,      // Reg Write/Read Command
-    output logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_be,      // Reg Byte Enable
-    output logic [31:0]                  spim_reg_wdata,    // Reg Write Data
-    input  logic                         spim_reg_ack,     // Read Ack
-    input  logic [31:0]                  spim_reg_rdata,    // Read Read Data
-    // Towards Command FIFO
-    input  logic                         cmd_fifo_empty,   // Command FIFO empty
-    output logic                         cmd_fifo_wr,      // Command FIFO Write
-    output logic [33:0]                  cmd_fifo_wdata,   // Command FIFO WData
-    // Towards Response FIFO
-    input  logic                         res_fifo_empty,   // Response FIFO Empty
-    output logic                         res_fifo_rd,      // Response FIFO Read
-    input  logic [31:0]                  res_fifo_rdata,    // Response FIFO Data
-    output  logic [3:0]                  state         
-    );
-// Parameter Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------
-parameter SOC = 1'b1;    // START of COMMAND
-parameter EOC = 1'b1;    // END of COMMAND
-parameter NOC = 1'b0;    // NORMAL COMMAND
-// State Machine state
-parameter IDLE       = 4'b000;
-parameter ADR_PHASE  = 4'b001;
-parameter CMD_WAIT   = 4'b010;
-parameter READ_DATA  = 4'b011;
-*  SPI FSM State Control
-*   OPERATION   COMMAND                   SEQUENCE 
-*    ERASE       P4E(0x20)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       P8E(0x40)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       SE(0xD8)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0x60)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0xC7)            ->  COMMAND 
-*    PROGRAM     PP(0x02)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    PROGRAM     QPP(0x32)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    READ        READ(0x3)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    READ        DOR (0x3B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        QOR (0x6B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        DIOR (0xBB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + READ DATA
-*    READ        QIOR (0xEB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        RDID (0x9F)         ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    READ        READ_ID (0x90)      ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    WRITE       WREN(0x6)           ->  COMMAND
-*    WRITE       WRDI                ->  COMMAND
-*    STATUS      RDSR(0x05)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    STATUS      RCR(0x35)           ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    CONFIG      WRR(0x01)           ->  COMMAND + WRITE DATA
-*    CONFIG      CLSR(0x30)          ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving DP(0xB9)           ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving RES(0xAB)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    OTP          OTPP(0x42)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR+ WRITE DATA
-*    OTP          OTPR(0x4B)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    ********************************************************************/
-parameter P_FSM_C      = 4'b0000; // Command Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CA     = 4'b0001; // Command -> Address Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CAR    = 4'b0010; // Command -> Address -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADR   = 4'b0011; // Command -> Address -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMR   = 4'b0100; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMDR  = 4'b0101; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAW    = 4'b0110; // Command -> Address ->Write Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADW   = 4'b0111; // Command -> Address -> DUMMY + Write Data
-// Variable declartion
-// -------------------------------------------------------
-logic                 spim_mem_req   ;  // Current Request is Direct Memory Read
-logic                 spim_wb_req    ;
-logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0]  spim_wb_wdata  ;
-logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0]  spim_wb_addr   ;
-logic                 spim_wb_ack    ;
-logic                 spim_wb_we     ;
-logic [3:0]           spim_wb_be     ;
-logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0]  spi_mem_rdata  ;
-logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0]  spim_wb_rdata  ;
-logic                 spim_mem_ack   ;
-logic [3:0]           next_state     ;
-logic 	              NextPreDVal    ;
-logic [7:0]	      NextPreDCnt    ;
-logic [31:0]	      NextPreAddr    ;
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Address Decoding
-  // 0x0000_0000 - 0x0FFF_FFFF  - SPI FLASH MEMORY ACCESS - 256MB
-  // 0x1000_0000 -              - SPI Register Access
-  // 
-  //
-  // Note: Only Bit[28] is decoding done here, other Bit decoding 
-  // will be done inside the wishbone inter-connect 
-  // --------------------------------------------------------------
-  assign spim_mem_req = ((spim_wb_req) && spim_wb_addr[28] == 1'b0);
-  assign spim_reg_req = ((spim_wb_req) && spim_wb_addr[28] == 1'b1);
-  assign spim_reg_addr = spim_wb_addr[5:2];
-  assign spim_reg_wdata = spim_wb_wdata;
-  assign spim_reg_we   = spim_wb_we;
-  assign spim_reg_be   = spim_wb_be;
-  assign wbd_dat_o  =  spim_wb_rdata;
-  assign wbd_ack_o  =  spim_wb_ack;
-  assign wbd_err_o  =  1'b0;
-  // To reduce the load/Timing Wishbone I/F, all the variable are registered
-always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-        spim_wb_req   <= '0;
-        spim_wb_wdata <= '0;
-        spim_wb_rdata <= '0;
-        spim_wb_addr  <= '0;
-        spim_wb_be    <= '0;
-        spim_wb_we    <= '0;
-        spim_wb_ack   <= '0;
-   end else begin
-	if(spi_init_done) begin // Wait for internal SPI Init Done
-            spim_wb_req   <= wbd_stb_i && ((spim_wb_ack == 0) && (spim_mem_ack ==0) && (spim_reg_ack == 0));
-            spim_wb_wdata <= wbd_dat_i;
-            spim_wb_addr  <= wbd_adr_i;
-            spim_wb_be    <= wbd_sel_i;
-            spim_wb_we    <= wbd_we_i;
-    	    if(!spim_wb_we && spim_mem_req && spim_mem_ack) 
-                   spim_wb_rdata <= spi_mem_rdata;
-            else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_ack)
-                   spim_wb_rdata <= spim_reg_rdata;
-            spim_wb_ack   <= (spim_mem_req) ? spim_mem_ack :
-		             (spim_reg_req) ? spim_reg_ack : 1'b0;
-       end
-   end
-always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-	state <= IDLE;
-    end else begin
-	if(cfg_fsm_reset) state <= IDLE;
-	else state <= next_state;
-    end
-* This block interface with WishBone Request and Write Command & Read Response FIFO
-* **********************************************************************************/
-   cmd_fifo_wr    = '0;
-   cmd_fifo_wdata = '0;
-   res_fifo_rd    = 0;
-   spi_mem_rdata = '0;
-   spim_mem_ack   = 0;
-   next_state     = state;
-   case(state)
-   IDLE:  begin
-	// Check If any prefetch data available and if see it matched with WB
-	// address, If yes, the move to data reading from response fifo, else 
-	// generate command request
-	if(spim_mem_req && NextPreDVal && (spim_wb_addr == NextPreAddr)) begin
-          next_state = READ_DATA;
-	end else if(spim_mem_req && cmd_fifo_empty) begin
-	   cmd_fifo_wdata = {SOC,NOC,cfg_data_cnt[7:0],cfg_dummy_cnt[1:0],cfg_addr_cnt[1:0],cfg_mem_seq[3:0],cfg_mode_reg[7:0],cfg_cmd_reg[7:0]};
-	   cmd_fifo_wr    = 1;
-	   next_state = ADR_PHASE;
-	end
-   end
-   ADR_PHASE: begin
-          cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,EOC,spim_wb_addr[31:0]};
-          cmd_fifo_wr      = 1;
-          next_state = CMD_WAIT;
-   end
-   CMD_WAIT: begin
-	  // Wait for Command Accepted, before reading data
-	  // to take care of staled data being read due to pre-fetch logic
-	  if(cmd_fifo_empty) next_state = READ_DATA;
-    end
-   READ_DATA: begin
-	if(res_fifo_empty != 1) begin
-           spi_mem_rdata = res_fifo_rdata;
-	   res_fifo_rd   = 1;
-           spim_mem_ack  = 1;
-           next_state    = IDLE;
-	end
-   end
-   endcase
-* This logic help to find any pre-fetch data available inside the response
-* FIFO and if the next data read request address matches with NextPreAddr, The read
-* the data from Response FIFO, else generate new request
-* Note: Basic Assumption is cmd_fifo_wr & res_fifo_rd does not occur in same
-* time as it's generation control through FSM
-* **********************************************************/
-always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-	NextPreDVal       <= 1'b0;
-	NextPreDCnt       <= 'h0;
-	NextPreAddr       <= 'h0;
-    end else if(cmd_fifo_wr) begin
-       NextPreDVal    <= 1'b1;
-       NextPreDCnt    <= cfg_data_cnt;
-       NextPreAddr    <= spim_wb_addr;
-    end else if (res_fifo_rd) begin
-	if(NextPreDCnt == 4) begin
-            NextPreDVal <= 1'b0;
-        end else begin
-           NextPreDCnt <= NextPreDCnt-4;
-           NextPreAddr <= NextPreAddr+4;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0885fe0..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI WishBone Register I/F Module                            ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////     SPI WishBone I/F module                                  ////
-////     This block support following functionality               ////
-////        1. Direct SPI Read memory support for address rang    ////
-////             0x0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF - Use full for Instruction ////
-////             Data Memory fetch                                ////
-////        2. SPI Local Register Access                          ////
-////        3. Indirect register way to access SPI Memory         ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision :                                                  ////
-////     V.0  -  June 8, 2021                                     //// 
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_regs #( parameter WB_WIDTH = 32) (
-    input  logic                         mclk             ,
-    input  logic                         rst_n            ,
-    input logic                          fast_sim_mode    , // Set 1 for simulation
-    output logic                   [7:0] spi_clk_div      ,
-    output logic                         spi_init_done    , // SPI internal Init completed
-    // Status Monitoring
-    input logic                    [31:0] spi_debug       ,
-    // Master 0 Configuration
-    output logic                         cfg_m0_fsm_reset ,
-    output logic [3:0]                   cfg_m0_cs_reg    ,  // Chip select
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_mode  ,  // Final SPI Mode 
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_switch,  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    output logic [3:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_seq   ,  // SPI SEQUENCE
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_addr_cnt  ,  // SPI Addr Count
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_dummy_cnt ,  // SPI Dummy Count
-    output logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_data_cnt  ,  // SPI Read Count
-    output logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_cmd_reg   ,  // SPI MEM COMMAND
-    output logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_mode_reg  ,  // SPI MODE REG
-    output logic [3:0]                   cfg_m1_cs_reg    ,  // Chip select
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_mode  ,  // Final SPI Mode 
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_switch,  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_early     ,  // Amount of cycle early CS asserted
-    output logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_late      ,  // Amount of cycle late CS de-asserted
-    // Towards Reg I/F
-    input  logic                         spim_reg_req     ,   // Reg Request
-    input  logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_addr    ,   // Reg Address
-    input  logic                         spim_reg_we      ,   // Reg Write/Read Command
-    input  logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_be      ,   // Reg Byte Enable
-    input  logic [31:0]                  spim_reg_wdata   ,   // Reg Write Data
-    output  logic                        spim_reg_ack     ,   // Read Ack
-    output  logic [31:0]                 spim_reg_rdata    ,   // Read Read Data
-    // Towards Command FIFO
-    input  logic                         cmd_fifo_full    ,   // Command FIFO full
-    input  logic                         cmd_fifo_empty   ,   // Command FIFO empty
-    output logic                         cmd_fifo_wr      ,   // Command FIFO Write
-    output logic [33:0]                  cmd_fifo_wdata   ,   // Command FIFO WData
-    // Towards Response FIFO
-    input  logic                         res_fifo_full    ,   // Response FIFO Empty
-    input  logic                         res_fifo_empty   ,   // Response FIFO Empty
-    output logic                         res_fifo_rd      ,   // Response FIFO Read
-    input  logic [31:0]                  res_fifo_rdata   ,   // Response FIFO Data
-    output logic [3:0]                   state           
-    );
-// Parameter Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------
-parameter SOC = 1'b1;    // START of COMMAND
-parameter EOC = 1'b1;    // END of COMMAND
-parameter NOC = 1'b0;    // NORMAL COMMAND
-parameter BTYPE = 1'b0;  // Count is Byte Type
-parameter WTYPE = 1'b1;  // Count is Word Type
-parameter CNT1 = 2'b00; // BYTE/WORD Count1
-parameter CNT2 = 2'b01; // BYTE/WORD Count2
-parameter CNT3 = 2'b10; // BYTE/WORD Count3
-parameter CNT4 = 2'b11; // BYTE/WORD Count4
-// Type of command
-parameter NWRITE = 2'b00; // Normal Write
-parameter NREAD  = 2'b01; // Normal Read
-parameter DWRITE = 2'b10; // Dummy Write
-parameter DREAD  = 2'b11; // Dummy Read
-// State Machine state
-parameter FSM_IDLE        = 3'b000;
-parameter FSM_ADR_PHASE   = 3'b001;
-parameter FSM_WRITE_PHASE = 3'b010;
-parameter FSM_READ_PHASE  = 3'b011;
-parameter FSM_READ_BUSY   = 3'b100;
-parameter FSM_WRITE_BUSY  = 3'b101;
-parameter FSM_ACK_PHASE   = 3'b110;
-// Register Decoding
-// ---------------------------
-parameter GLBL_CTRL    = 4'b0000;
-parameter DMEM_CTRL1   = 4'b0001;
-parameter DMEM_CTRL2   = 4'b0010;
-parameter IMEM_CTRL1   = 4'b0011;
-parameter IMEM_CTRL2   = 4'b0100;
-parameter IMEM_ADDR    = 4'b0101;
-parameter IMEM_WDATA   = 4'b0110;
-parameter IMEM_RDATA   = 4'b0111;
-parameter SPI_STATUS   = 4'b1000;
-// Init FSM
-parameter SPI_INIT_PWUP      = 3'b000;
-parameter SPI_INIT_IDLE      = 3'b001;
-parameter SPI_INIT_CMD_WAIT  = 3'b010;
-parameter SPI_INIT_WREN_CMD  = 3'b011;
-parameter SPI_INIT_WREN_WAIT = 3'b100;
-parameter SPI_INIT_WRR_CMD   = 3'b101;
-parameter SPI_INIT_WRR_WAIT  = 3'b110;
-parameter SPI_INIT_WAIT      = 3'b111;
-*  SPI FSM State Control
-*   OPERATION   COMMAND                   SEQUENCE 
-*    ERASE       P4E(0x20)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       P8E(0x40)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       SE(0xD8)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0x60)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS
-*    ERASE       BE(0xC7)            ->  COMMAND 
-*    PROGRAM     PP(0x02)            ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    PROGRAM     QPP(0x32)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + Write DATA
-*    READ        READ(0x3)           ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    READ        DOR (0x3B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        QOR (0x6B)          ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        DIOR (0xBB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + READ DATA
-*    READ        QIOR (0xEB)         ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + MODE  + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    READ        RDID (0x9F)         ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    READ        READ_ID (0x90)      ->  COMMAND + ADDRESS + READ DATA
-*    WRITE       WREN(0x6)           ->  COMMAND
-*    WRITE       WRDI                ->  COMMAND
-*    STATUS      RDSR(0x05)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    STATUS      RCR(0x35)           ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    CONFIG      WRR(0x01)           ->  COMMAND + WRITE DATA
-*    CONFIG      CLSR(0x30)          ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving DP(0xB9)           ->  COMMAND
-*    Power Saving RES(0xAB)          ->  COMMAND + READ DATA
-*    OTP          OTPP(0x42)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR+ WRITE DATA
-*    OTP          OTPR(0x4B)         ->  COMMAND + ADDR + DUMMY + READ DATA
-*    ********************************************************************/
-parameter P_FSM_C      = 4'b0000; // Command Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CW     = 4'b0001; // Command + Write DATA Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CA     = 4'b0010; // Command -> Address Phase Only
-parameter P_FSM_CAR    = 4'b0011; // Command -> Address -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADR   = 4'b0100; // Command -> Address -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMR   = 4'b0101; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAMDR  = 4'b0110; // Command -> Address -> Mode -> Dummy -> Read Data
-parameter P_FSM_CAW    = 4'b0111; // Command -> Address ->Write Data
-parameter P_FSM_CADW   = 4'b1000; // Command -> Address -> DUMMY + Write Data
-parameter P_FSM_CDR    = 4'b1001; // COMMAND -> DUMMY -> READ
-parameter P_FSM_CDW    = 4'b1010; // COMMAND -> DUMMY -> WRITE
-parameter P_FSM_CR     = 4'b1011;  // COMMAND -> READ
-  parameter P_CS0 = 4'b0001;
-  parameter P_CS1 = 4'b0010;
-  parameter P_CS2 = 4'b0100;
-  parameter P_CS3 = 4'b1000;
-  parameter P_SINGLE = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_DOUBLE = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_QUAD   = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_IDLE     = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_ADDR  = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_DATA  = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_QOR = 8'h6B;
-  parameter P_QIOR = 8'hEB;
-  parameter P_RES = 8'hAB;
-  parameter P_WEN = 8'h06;
-  parameter P_WRR = 8'h01;
-  parameter P_8BIT   = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_16BIT  = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_24BIT  = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_32BIT  = 2'b11;
-// Variable declartion
-// -------------------------------------------------------
-logic   [2:0]        spi_init_state ;
-logic                spim_reg_req_f ; 
-logic [1:0]          cfg_m1_fsm_reset ;
-logic [3:0]          cfg_m1_spi_seq   ; // SPI SEQUENCE
-logic [1:0]          cfg_m1_addr_cnt  ; // SPI Addr Count
-logic [1:0]          cfg_m1_dummy_cnt ; // SPI Dummy Count
-logic [7:0]          cfg_m1_data_cnt  ; // SPI Read Count
-logic [7:0]          cfg_m1_cmd_reg   ; // SPI MEM COMMAND
-logic [7:0]          cfg_m1_mode_reg  ; // SPI MODE REG
-logic [31:0]         cfg_m1_addr      ;
-logic [31:0]         cfg_m1_wdata     ;
-logic [31:0]         cfg_m1_rdata     ;
-logic                cfg_m1_wrdy      ;
-logic                cfg_m1_req       ;
-logic [31:0]         reg_rdata        ;
-logic [5:0]           cur_cnt         ;
-logic [5:0]           next_cnt        ;
-logic [3:0]           next_state      ;
-logic [31:0]          spim_m1_rdata   ;
-logic                 spim_m1_ack     ;
-logic                 spim_m1_rrdy    ;
-logic                 spim_m1_wrdy    ;
-logic  [9:0]          spi_delay_cnt  ;
-logic                 spim_fifo_rdata_req  ;
-logic                 spim_fifo_wdata_req  ;
-// Consolidated Register Ack handling
-//   1. Handles Normal Register Read
-//   2. Indirect Memory Write
-//   3. Indirect Memory Read
-assign spim_fifo_rdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr== IMEM_RDATA);
-assign spim_fifo_wdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 1 && (spim_reg_addr== IMEM_WDATA);
-always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-   if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-       spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b0;
-       spim_reg_rdata <= 'h0;
-   end else begin
-      if(spi_init_done && spim_reg_ack == 0) begin
-         if (spim_fifo_wdata_req && (spim_m1_wrdy == 1)) begin // Indirect Memory Write
-	     // If FIFO Write DATA case, Make sure that there no previous pending
-	     // need to processed
-             spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
-	 end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we && (spim_reg_addr != IMEM_WDATA)) begin // Indirect memory Write
-             spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
-	 end else if (spim_fifo_rdata_req && (spim_m1_rrdy == 1)) begin // Indirect mem Read
-	     // If FIFO Read DATA case, Make sure that there Data is read from
-             // External SPI Memory
-             spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
-             spim_reg_rdata <= reg_rdata;
-	end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr != IMEM_RDATA)) begin // Normal Read
-	     // Read other than FIFO Read Data case
-             spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
-             spim_reg_rdata <= reg_rdata;
-	end
-      end else begin
-         spim_reg_ack <= 1'b0;
-      end
-   end
-  //---------------------------------------------
-  // Manges the initial Config Phase of SPI Memory
-  // 1. Power Up Command -  RES(0xAB) 
-  // 2. Write Enable Command - WEN (0x06)
-  // 3. WRITE CONFIG Reg - WRR (0x01) - Set Qaud Mode
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  logic  [9:0]          cfg_exit_cnt  ;
-  assign cfg_exit_cnt = (fast_sim_mode) ? 100: 1000;
-  integer byte_index;
-  always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-      cfg_m0_fsm_reset      <= 'h0;
-      cfg_m0_cs_reg         <= P_CS0;
-      cfg_m0_spi_mode       <= P_QUAD;
-      cfg_m0_spi_switch     <= P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_ADDR;
-      cfg_m0_cmd_reg        <= P_QIOR;
-      cfg_m0_mode_reg       <= 'h0;
-      cfg_m0_spi_seq[3:0]   <= P_FSM_CAMDR;
-      cfg_m0_addr_cnt[1:0]  <= P_24BIT;
-      cfg_m0_dummy_cnt[1:0] <= P_16BIT;
-      cfg_m0_data_cnt[7:0]  <= 8'h20; // 32 Byte
-      cfg_m1_fsm_reset      <= 'h0;
-      cfg_m1_cs_reg         <= P_CS0;
-      cfg_m1_spi_mode       <= P_QUAD;
-      cfg_m1_spi_switch     <= P_MODE_SWITCH_AT_DATA;
-      cfg_m1_cmd_reg        <= P_QOR;
-      cfg_m1_mode_reg       <= 'h0;
-      cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0]   <= P_FSM_CADR;
-      cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0]  <= P_24BIT;
-      cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0] <= P_8BIT;
-      cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0]  <= 0;
-      cfg_m1_req            <= 0; 
-      cfg_m1_wrdy           <= 1'b0;
-      cfg_m1_wdata          <= 'h0; // Not Used
-      cfg_cs_early         <= 'h1;
-      cfg_cs_late          <= 'h1;
-      spi_clk_div          <= 'h2;
-      spi_init_done         <=  'h0;
-      spi_delay_cnt         <= 'h0;
-      spim_reg_req_f        <= 1'b0;
-      spi_init_state        <=  SPI_INIT_PWUP;
-    end else begin 
-        spim_reg_req_f        <= spim_reg_req; // Needed for finding Req Edge
-        if (spi_init_done == 0) begin
-          case(spi_init_state)
-              //----------------------------------------------
-              // SPI MEMORY Need minimum 5Us after power up
-              // With 100Mhz, 10ns translated to 500 cycle
-              // We are waiting 1000 cycle
-              // ---------------------------------------------
-              SPI_INIT_PWUP:begin
-                   if(spi_delay_cnt == cfg_exit_cnt) begin
-                       spi_init_state   <=  SPI_INIT_IDLE;
-           	end else begin
-           	    spi_delay_cnt <= spi_delay_cnt+1;
-           	end
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_IDLE:
-              begin
-                 cfg_m1_cs_reg        <= P_CS0;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_mode      <= P_SINGLE;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0]  <= P_FSM_C;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_switch    <= '0;
-                 cfg_m1_cmd_reg       <= P_RES;
-                 cfg_m1_mode_reg      <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0] <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0]<= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0] <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_addr          <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_wdata         <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_req           <= 'h1;
-                 spi_init_state       <=  SPI_INIT_CMD_WAIT;
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_CMD_WAIT:
-              begin
-                 if(spim_m1_ack)   begin
-                    cfg_m1_req       <= 1'b0;
-                    spi_init_state   <=  SPI_INIT_WREN_CMD;
-                 end
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_WREN_CMD:
-              begin
-                 cfg_m1_cs_reg        <= P_CS0;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_mode      <= P_SINGLE;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0]  <= P_FSM_C;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_switch    <= '0;
-                 cfg_m1_cmd_reg       <= P_WEN;
-                 cfg_m1_mode_reg      <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0] <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0]<= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0] <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_addr          <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_wdata         <= 'h0; // Not Used
-                 cfg_m1_req           <= 'h1;
-                 spi_init_state       <=  SPI_INIT_WREN_WAIT;
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_WREN_WAIT:
-              begin
-                 if(spim_m1_ack)   begin
-                    cfg_m1_req      <= 1'b0;
-                    spi_init_state    <=  SPI_INIT_WRR_CMD;
-                 end
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_WRR_CMD:
-              begin
-                 cfg_m1_cs_reg        <= P_CS0;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_mode      <= P_SINGLE;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0]  <= P_FSM_CW;
-                 cfg_m1_spi_switch    <= '0;
-                 cfg_m1_cmd_reg       <= P_WRR;
-                 cfg_m1_mode_reg      <= 'h0; 
-                 cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0] <= 'h0; 
-                 cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0]<= 'h0; 
-                 cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0] <= 'h2; // 2 Bytes
-                 cfg_m1_addr          <= 'h0; 
-                 cfg_m1_wrdy          <= 1'b1;
-                 cfg_m1_wdata         <= {16'h0,8'h2,8'h0}; // <<cr1[7:0]><sr1[7:0]>> cr1[1] = 1 indicate quad mode cr1[7:6]=3 
-                 cfg_m1_req           <= 'h1;
-                 spi_init_state       <=  SPI_INIT_WRR_WAIT;
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_WRR_WAIT:
-              begin
-                 if(spim_m1_ack)   begin
-		    spi_delay_cnt    <= 'h0;
-                    cfg_m1_wrdy      <= 1'b0;
-                    cfg_m1_req       <= 1'b0;
-                    spi_init_state   <=  SPI_INIT_WAIT;
-                 end
-              end
-              SPI_INIT_WAIT:
-              begin // SPI MEMORY need 5us after WRR Command
-                   if(spi_delay_cnt == cfg_exit_cnt) begin
-                       spi_init_done    <=  'h1;
-           	end else begin
-           	    spi_delay_cnt <= spi_delay_cnt+1;
-           	end
-              end
-          endcase
-       end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we && spi_init_done )
-       begin
-         case(spim_reg_addr)
-         GLBL_CTRL: begin
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_cs_early  <= spim_reg_wdata[1:0];
-                cfg_cs_late   <= spim_reg_wdata[3:2];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[1] == 1 ) begin
-                spi_clk_div <= spim_reg_wdata[15:8];
-             end
-         end
-        DMEM_CTRL1: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-               cfg_m0_cs_reg    <= spim_reg_wdata[3:0]; // Chip Select for Memory Interface
-               cfg_m0_spi_mode  <= spim_reg_wdata[5:4]; // SPI Mode, 0 - Normal, 1- Double, 2 - Qard, 3 - QDDR
-               cfg_m0_spi_switch<= spim_reg_wdata[7:6]; // Phase where to switch the SPI Mode
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[1] == 1 ) begin
-               cfg_m0_fsm_reset <= spim_reg_wdata[8];
-             end
-         end
-         DMEM_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m0_cmd_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[7:0];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[1] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m0_mode_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[15:8];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[2] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m0_spi_seq[3:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[19:16];
-                cfg_m0_addr_cnt[1:0] <= spim_reg_wdata[21:20];
-                cfg_m0_dummy_cnt[1:0]<= spim_reg_wdata[23:22];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[3] == 1 ) begin
-               cfg_m0_data_cnt[7:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[31:24];
-             end
-         end
-         IMEM_CTRL1: begin
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-               cfg_m1_cs_reg    <= spim_reg_wdata[3:0]; // Chip Select for Memory Interface
-               cfg_m1_spi_mode  <= spim_reg_wdata[5:4]; // SPI Mode, 0 - Normal, 1- Double, 2 - Qard
-               cfg_m1_spi_switch<= spim_reg_wdata[7:6]; // Phase where to switch the SPI Mode
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-               cfg_m1_fsm_reset <= spim_reg_wdata[8];
-             end
-         end
-         IMEM_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
-             if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m1_cmd_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[7:0];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[1] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m1_mode_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[15:8];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[2] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[19:16];
-                cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0] <= spim_reg_wdata[21:20];
-                cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0]<= spim_reg_wdata[23:22];
-             end
-             if ( spim_reg_be[3] == 1 ) begin
-                cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[31:24];
-             end
-         end
-         IMEM_ADDR: begin
-           for (byte_index = 0; byte_index < 4; byte_index = byte_index+1 )
-               if ( spim_reg_be[byte_index] == 1 )
-                 cfg_m1_addr[byte_index*8 +: 8] <= spim_reg_wdata[(byte_index*8) +: 8];
-         end
-         endcase
-         end 
-     end 
-  end 
-  // implement slave model register read mux
-  always_comb
-    begin
-      reg_rdata = '0;
-      if(spim_reg_req) begin
-          case(spim_reg_addr)
-            GLBL_CTRL:   reg_rdata[31:0] = {16'h0,spi_clk_div,4'h0,cfg_cs_late,cfg_cs_early};
-	    DMEM_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0,cfg_m0_fsm_reset,cfg_m0_spi_switch,cfg_m0_spi_mode,cfg_m0_cs_reg};
-	    DMEM_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m0_data_cnt,cfg_m0_dummy_cnt,cfg_m0_addr_cnt,cfg_m0_spi_seq,cfg_m0_mode_reg,cfg_m0_cmd_reg};
-            IMEM_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0, cfg_m1_fsm_reset,cfg_m1_spi_switch,cfg_m1_spi_mode,cfg_m1_cs_reg};
-	    IMEM_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m1_data_cnt,cfg_m1_dummy_cnt,cfg_m1_addr_cnt,cfg_m1_spi_seq,cfg_m1_mode_reg,cfg_m1_cmd_reg};
-            IMEM_ADDR:   reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_addr;
-            IMEM_WDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_wdata;
-            IMEM_RDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_rdata;
-            SPI_STATUS:   reg_rdata[31:0] = spi_debug;
-          endcase
-       end
-    end 
-// FSM
-always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
-    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
-	cur_cnt <= 'h0;
-	state    <= FSM_IDLE;
-    end else begin
-       if(cfg_m1_fsm_reset) begin
-          cur_cnt <= 'h0;
-	  state    <= FSM_IDLE;
-       end else begin
-           cur_cnt <= next_cnt;
-       	   state <= next_state;
-       end
-    end
-* This block interface with WishBone Request and Write Command & Read Response FIFO
-* **********************************************************************************/
-logic [7:0] cfg_data_cnt;
-logic [31:0] spim_fifo_wdata;
-logic       spim_fifo_req;
-assign cfg_data_cnt = cfg_m1_data_cnt-1;
-assign spim_fifo_req = cfg_m1_req || spim_fifo_rdata_req || spim_fifo_wdata_req;
-assign spim_fifo_wdata = (cfg_m1_req) ?  cfg_m1_wdata :  spim_reg_wdata;
-   cmd_fifo_wr    = '0;
-   cmd_fifo_wdata = '0;
-   res_fifo_rd    = 0;
-   spim_m1_rdata   = '0;
-   spim_m1_ack    = 0;
-   spim_m1_rrdy   = 0;
-   next_cnt      = cur_cnt;
-   next_state    = state;
-   spim_m1_rrdy  = 0;
-   spim_m1_wrdy  = 0;
-   cfg_m1_rdata  = 0;
-   case(state)
-   FSM_IDLE:  begin
-        next_cnt      = 0;
-	if(spim_fifo_req && cmd_fifo_empty) begin
-	   case(cfg_m1_spi_seq)
-	      P_FSM_C: begin
-	              cmd_fifo_wdata = {SOC,EOC, cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0],cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0],
-		                        cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0],cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0],
-					cfg_m1_mode_reg[7:0],cfg_m1_cmd_reg[7:0]};
-	              spim_m1_wrdy = 1;
-	              next_state = FSM_ACK_PHASE;
-	      end
-	      P_FSM_CW, 
-	      P_FSM_CDW:
-	      begin
-	          cmd_fifo_wdata = {SOC,NOC, cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0],cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0],
-			            cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0],cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0],
-				    cfg_m1_mode_reg[7:0],cfg_m1_cmd_reg[7:0]};
-	          next_state = FSM_WRITE_PHASE;
-	      end
-	      P_FSM_CA, 
-	      P_FSM_CAR, 
-	      P_FSM_CADR,
-	      P_FSM_CAMR, 
-	      P_FSM_CAMDR, 
-	      P_FSM_CAW, 
-	      P_FSM_CADW: 
-	      begin
-	          cmd_fifo_wdata = {SOC,NOC, cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0],cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0],
-			            cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0],cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0],
-				    cfg_m1_mode_reg[7:0],cfg_m1_cmd_reg[7:0]};
-	          next_state = FSM_ADR_PHASE;
-	      end
-	       P_FSM_CDR,
-	       P_FSM_CR: 
-               begin
-	          cmd_fifo_wdata = {SOC,EOC, cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0],cfg_m1_dummy_cnt[1:0],
-			            cfg_m1_addr_cnt[1:0],cfg_m1_spi_seq[3:0],
-				    cfg_m1_mode_reg[7:0],cfg_m1_cmd_reg[7:0]};
-	          next_state = FSM_READ_PHASE;
-	       end
-	   endcase
-	   cmd_fifo_wr    = 1;
-	end
-   end
-   FSM_ADR_PHASE: begin
-	  if(!cmd_fifo_full) begin
-	      case(cfg_m1_spi_seq)
-	         begin
-                       cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,EOC,cfg_m1_addr[31:0]};
-	               spim_m1_wrdy = 1;
-	               next_state = FSM_ACK_PHASE;
-	         end
-		 begin
-                    cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,EOC,cfg_m1_addr[31:0]};
-	            next_cnt  = 'h0;
-	            next_state = FSM_READ_PHASE;
-	         end
-		 P_FSM_CAW,
-		 P_FSM_CADW: 
-		 begin
-                    cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,NOC,cfg_m1_addr[31:0]};
-	            next_cnt  = 'h0;
-	            next_state = FSM_WRITE_PHASE;
-	         end
-	      endcase
-              cmd_fifo_wr      = 1;
-	  end
-   end
-   //----------------------------------------------------------
-   // Check Resonse FIFO is not empty then read the data from response fifo
-   // ---------------------------------------------------------
-   FSM_READ_PHASE: begin
-	if(res_fifo_empty != 1 && spim_fifo_rdata_req) begin
-	   spim_m1_rrdy = 1;
-           cfg_m1_rdata = res_fifo_rdata;
-	   res_fifo_rd  = 1;
-	   if(cfg_data_cnt[7:2] == cur_cnt) begin
-	      next_state = FSM_ACK_PHASE;
-	   end else begin
-	      next_state = FSM_READ_BUSY;
-	      next_cnt  = cur_cnt+1;
-	    end
-	 end
-   end
-   //----------------------------------------------
-   // Wait for Previous Read Data Read
-   // ---------------------------------------------
-   FSM_READ_BUSY: begin
-        spim_m1_rrdy = 0;
-	if(spim_fifo_rdata_req == 0) begin
-           next_state    = FSM_READ_PHASE;
-	end
-   end
-   //----------------------------------------------------------
-   // Check command FIFO is not full and Write Data is available
-   // ---------------------------------------------------------
-   FSM_WRITE_PHASE: begin
-        if(cmd_fifo_full != 1 && spim_fifo_req) begin
-	   // If this a single word config cycle or 
-           // in crrent spim_fifo_wr request
-	   spim_m1_wrdy = 1;
-	   if(cfg_data_cnt[7:2] == cur_cnt) begin
-              cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,EOC,spim_fifo_wdata[31:0]};
-	      next_state     = FSM_ACK_PHASE;
-	   end else begin
-              cmd_fifo_wdata = {NOC,NOC,spim_fifo_wdata[31:0]};
-	      next_state     = FSM_WRITE_BUSY;
-	      next_cnt      = cur_cnt+1;
-	    end
-	   cmd_fifo_wr  = 1;
-	 end
-   end
-   //----------------------------------------------
-   // Wait for NEXT Data Ready
-   // ---------------------------------------------
-   FSM_WRITE_BUSY: begin
-	spim_m1_wrdy = 0;
-	if(spim_fifo_wdata_req == 0) begin
-           next_state    = FSM_WRITE_PHASE;
-	end
-   end
-   FSM_ACK_PHASE: begin
-	   spim_m1_ack = 1;
-	   next_state = FSM_IDLE;
-	end
-   endcase
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 199ef4c..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI RX  Module                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////     SPI RX module                                            ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision :                                                  ////
-////     V.0  -  June 8, 2021                                     //// 
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_rx #(
-		parameter ENDIEAN = 0  // 0 - Little, 1 - Big endian, since RISV is Little indian default set 0
-	)	
-    input  logic        clk,
-    input  logic        rstn,
-    input  logic        flush,
-    input  logic        en,
-    input  logic        rx_edge,
-    output logic        rx_done,
-    input  logic        sdi0,
-    input  logic        sdi1,
-    input  logic        sdi2,
-    input  logic        sdi3,
-    input  logic [1:0]  s_spi_mode,
-    input  logic [15:0] counter_in,
-    input  logic        counter_in_upd,
-    output logic [31:0] data,
-    input  logic        data_ready,
-    output logic        data_valid,
-    output logic        clk_en_o
-// Parameter Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------------
-  parameter P_SINGLE = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_DOUBLE = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_QUAD   = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_QDDR   = 2'b11;
-// Variable Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------------
-  logic [31:0] data_int;
-  logic [31:0] data_int_next;
-  logic [15:0] counter;
-  logic [15:0] counter_trgt;
-  logic [15:0] counter_next;
-  logic        reg_done;
-  logic        data_valid_i;
-  logic        qddr_rx_en;
-  enum logic [1:0] { IDLE, RECEIVE, WAIT_FIFO, WAIT_FIFO_DONE } rx_CS, rx_NS;
-  assign reg_done  = (s_spi_mode == P_SINGLE && (counter[4:0] == 5'b11111)) || 
-	             (s_spi_mode == P_DOUBLE && (counter[3:0] == 4'b1111)) ||
-	             (s_spi_mode == P_QUAD && (counter[2:0] == 3'b111))    ||
-	             (s_spi_mode == P_QDDR && (counter[2:0] == 3'b111));
-  always_comb
-  begin
-    rx_NS         = rx_CS;
-    data_int_next = data_int;
-    data_valid_i    = 1'b0;
-    counter_next  = counter;
-    case (rx_CS)
-      IDLE: begin
-        // check first if there is available space instead of later
-        if (en) begin
-          rx_NS = RECEIVE;
-        end
-      end
-      RECEIVE: begin
-        if (rx_edge || qddr_rx_en) begin
-          counter_next = counter + 1;
-          if ((s_spi_mode == P_QUAD ) || (s_spi_mode == P_QDDR ))
-             data_int_next = {data_int[27:0],sdi3,sdi2,sdi1,sdi0};
-          else if (s_spi_mode == P_DOUBLE )
-             data_int_next = {data_int[29:0],sdi1,sdi0};
-          else
-             data_int_next = {data_int[30:0],sdi1};
-          if (rx_done) begin
-               counter_next = 0;
-	       if (data_ready) begin
-                 data_valid_i   = 1'b1;
-                 rx_NS = IDLE;
-	       end else
-                 rx_NS = WAIT_FIFO_DONE;
-          end else if (reg_done) begin
-	    if (data_ready) begin
-              data_valid_i   = 1'b1;
-            end else begin
-              // no space in the FIFO, wait for free space
-              rx_NS    = WAIT_FIFO;
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      WAIT_FIFO_DONE: begin
-	  if (data_ready) begin
-             data_valid_i = 1'b1;
-             rx_NS = IDLE;
-	 end
-      end
-      WAIT_FIFO: begin
-	 if (data_ready) begin
-            data_valid_i = 1'b1;
-            rx_NS = RECEIVE;
-	 end
-      end
-    endcase
-  end
-  always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rstn)
-  begin
-    if (rstn == 0)
-    begin
-      counter      <= 0;
-      counter_trgt <= 'h8;
-      data_int     <= '0;
-      rx_done      <= '0;
-      clk_en_o     <= '0;
-      data         <= 'b0;
-      data_valid   <= 1'b0;
-      qddr_rx_en   <= '0;
-      rx_CS        <= IDLE;
-    end else if(flush && rx_edge) begin
-        counter      <= 0;
-        counter_trgt <= 'h8;
-        data_int     <= '0;
-        rx_done      <= '0;
-        clk_en_o     <= '0;
-        data         <= 'b0;
-        data_valid   <= 1'b0;
-	qddr_rx_en   <= 0;
-        rx_CS        <= IDLE;
-    end else begin
-        // Enable qddr rx after first rx edge
-        if(en && rx_edge && (rx_CS == RECEIVE) && (s_spi_mode ==P_QDDR)) begin
-	   qddr_rx_en <= 1;
-        end else if(!en || rx_done) begin
-	   qddr_rx_en <= 0;
-	end
-       data_valid <= data_valid_i;
-       data <= (ENDIEAN) ? data_int_next : {data_int_next[7:0],data_int_next[15:8],data_int_next[23:16],data_int_next[31:24]};
-       clk_en_o     <= (rx_NS == RECEIVE);
-       if (rx_edge ||  qddr_rx_en) begin
-          counter      <= counter_next;
-          data_int     <= data_int_next;
-          rx_CS        <= rx_NS;
-          rx_done      <= (counter_next == (counter_trgt-1)) && (rx_NS == RECEIVE);
-          clk_en_o     <= (rx_NS == RECEIVE);
-       end
-       if (en && counter_in_upd) begin
-           counter_trgt <= (s_spi_mode ==P_QDDR )   ? {2'b00,counter_in[15:2]} : 
-		           (s_spi_mode ==P_QUAD )   ? {2'b00,counter_in[15:2]} : 
-		           (s_spi_mode ==P_DOUBLE ) ? {1'b0,counter_in[15:1]} : counter_in;
-       end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e8b6320..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI Master Top Module                                       ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////     SPI Master Top module                                    ////
-////     There are two seperate Data path managed here            ////
-////     with seperate command and response memory                ////
-////     Master-0 : This is targetted for CORE IMEM request       ////
-////                and expect only Read access                   ////
-////     Master-1: This is targetted to CORE DMEM or              ////
-////               Indirect Memory access, Both Write and Read    ////
-////               accesss are supported.                         ////
-////               Upto 255 Byte Read/Write Burst supported       ////
-////    Limitation:                                               ////
-////       1.  Write/Read FIFO Abort case not managed M1 port,    ////
-////           expect user to clearly close the busrt request     ////
-////       2.  Wishbone Request abort not yet supported.          ////
-////       3.  Write access through M0 Port not supported         ////
-////       4.  When Pre fetch feature used and both port m0 and   ////
-////           m1 used, user need to make sure that data pre fetch////
-////           count is withing 8DW, less Read path can hang due  ////
-////           to response FIFO full from one master port         ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    1. Add support for WishBone request timout                ////
-////    2. Add Pre-fetch feature for M0 Port                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision :                                                  ////
-////     V.0  -  June 8, 2021                                     //// 
-////     V.1  - June 25, 2021                                     ////
-////            Pad logic is brought inside the block to avoid    ////
-////            logic at digital core level for caravel project   ////
-////     V.2  - July 6, 2021                                      ////
-////            Added Hold fix cell for SPI data out signal to    ////
-////            met interface hold                                ////
-////     V.3  - July 13, 2021                                     ////
-////            Data Prefetch feature added in M0 port, If Only   ////
-////            M0 Read used, then Prefetch read can be 255 Byte, ////
-////            But if the Both M0 and M1 read access enabled,    ////
-////            then user need to make sure that M0 Prefetch is   ////
-////            with in 8DW or 32 Byte, else there is chance      ////
-////            data path can hang due to response FIFO full due  ////
-////            to partial reading of data                        ////
-////     V.4  -  July 26, 2021                                    ////
-////             QDDR (0xED) supported is added                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_top
-#( parameter WB_WIDTH = 32)
-    input  logic                          mclk,
-    input  logic                          rst_n,
-    input  logic                         wbd_stb_i, // strobe/request
-    input  logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_adr_i, // address
-    input  logic                         wbd_we_i,  // write
-    input  logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_dat_i, // data output
-    input  logic   [3:0]                 wbd_sel_i, // byte enable
-    output logic   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]        wbd_dat_o, // data input
-    output logic                         wbd_ack_o, // acknowlegement
-    output logic                         wbd_err_o,  // error
-    output logic                 [31:0]  spi_debug,
-    // PAD I/f
-    input logic [3:0]                    spi_sdi,
-    output logic                         spi_clk,
-    output logic                         spi_csn0,// No hold fix for CS#, as it asserted much eariler than SPI clock
-    output logic [3:0]                   spi_sdo,
-    output logic [3:0]                   spi_oen
-    logic                   [7:0] spi_clk_div      ;
-    // Master 0 Configuration
-    logic                         cfg_m0_fsm_reset ;
-    logic [3:0]                   cfg_m0_cs_reg    ;  // Chip select
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_mode  ;  // Final SPI Mode 
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_switch;  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    logic [3:0]                   cfg_m0_spi_seq   ;  // SPI SEQUENCE
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_addr_cnt  ;  // SPI Addr Count
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m0_dummy_cnt ;  // SPI Dummy Count
-    logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_data_cnt  ;  // SPI Read Count
-    logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_cmd_reg   ;  // SPI MEM COMMAND
-    logic [7:0]                   cfg_m0_mode_reg  ;  // SPI MODE REG
-    logic [3:0]                   cfg_m1_cs_reg    ;  // Chip select
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_mode  ;  // Final SPI Mode 
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_m1_spi_switch;  // SPI Mode Switching Place
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_early     ;  // Amount of cycle early CS asserted
-    logic [1:0]                   cfg_cs_late      ;  // Amount of cycle late CS de-asserted
-    // Towards Reg I/F
-    logic                         spim_reg_req     ;   // Reg Request
-    logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_addr    ;   // Reg Address
-    logic                         spim_reg_we      ;   // Reg Write/Read Command
-    logic [3:0]                   spim_reg_be      ;   // Reg Byte Enable
-    logic [31:0]                  spim_reg_wdata   ;   // Reg Write Data
-    logic                         spim_reg_ack     ;   // Read Ack
-    logic [31:0]                  spim_reg_rdata   ;   // Read Read Data
-    // Towards m0 Command FIFO
-    logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_full    ;   // Command FIFO full
-    logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_empty   ;   // Command FIFO empty
-    logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_wr      ;   // Command FIFO Write
-    logic                         m0_cmd_fifo_rd      ;   // Command FIFO read
-    logic [33:0]                  m0_cmd_fifo_wdata   ;   // Command FIFO WData
-    logic [33:0]                  m0_cmd_fifo_rdata   ;   // Command FIFO RData
-    // Towards m0 Response FIFO
-    logic                         m0_res_fifo_full    ;   // Response FIFO Empty
-    logic                         m0_res_fifo_empty   ;   // Response FIFO Empty
-    logic                         m0_res_fifo_wr      ;   // Response FIFO Write
-    logic                         m0_res_fifo_rd      ;   // Response FIFO Read
-    logic [31:0]                  m0_res_fifo_wdata   ;   // Response FIFO WData
-    logic [31:0]                  m0_res_fifo_rdata   ;   // Response FIFO RData
-    // Towards m1 Command FIFO
-    logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_full    ;   // Command FIFO full
-    logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_empty   ;   // Command FIFO empty
-    logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_wr      ;   // Command FIFO Write
-    logic                         m1_cmd_fifo_rd      ;   // Command FIFO Write
-    logic [33:0]                  m1_cmd_fifo_wdata   ;   // Command FIFO WData
-    logic [33:0]                  m1_cmd_fifo_rdata   ;   // Command FIFO RData
-    // Towards m0 Response FIFO
-    logic                         m1_res_fifo_full    ;   // Response FIFO Empty
-    logic                         m1_res_fifo_empty   ;   // Response FIFO Empty
-    logic                         m1_res_fifo_wr      ;   // Response FIFO Read
-    logic                         m1_res_fifo_rd      ;   // Response FIFO Read
-    logic [31:0]                  m1_res_fifo_wdata   ;   // Response FIFO WData
-    logic [31:0]                  m1_res_fifo_rdata   ;   // Response FIFO RData
-    logic                         m0_res_fifo_flush   ;   // m0 response fifo flush
-    logic                         m1_res_fifo_flush   ;   // m0 response fifo flush
-// SPI Debug monitoring
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-    logic [8:0]   spi_ctrl_status       ;
-    logic [3:0]   m0_state         ;
-    logic [3:0]   m1_state         ;
-    logic [3:0]   ctrl_state        ;
-    assign spi_debug  =   {m0_res_fifo_flush,m1_res_fifo_flush,spi_init_done,
-		          m0_cmd_fifo_full,m0_cmd_fifo_empty,m0_res_fifo_full,m0_res_fifo_empty,
-		          m1_cmd_fifo_full,m1_cmd_fifo_empty,m1_res_fifo_full,m1_res_fifo_empty,
-		          ctrl_state[3:0], m0_state[3:0],m1_state[3:0],spi_ctrl_status[8:0]};
-// SPI Interface moved inside to support carvel IO pad 
-// -------------------------------------------------------
-logic                          spi_csn1;
-logic                          spi_csn2;
-logic                          spi_csn3;
-logic                    [1:0] spi_mode;
-logic                          spi_en_tx;
-logic                          spi_init_done;
-logic  [3:0]                   spi_sdo_int;
-logic                          spi_sdo0_dl;
-logic                          spi_sdo1_dl;
-logic                          spi_sdo2_dl;
-logic                          spi_sdo3_dl;
-// ADDing Delay cells for Interface hold fix
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[0]));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d2),.A(spi_sdo0_d1));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio0    (.X(spi_sdo[0]),.A(spi_sdo0_d2));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[1]));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d2),.A(spi_sdo1_d1));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio1    (.X(spi_sdo[1]),.A(spi_sdo1_d2));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[2]));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d2),.A(spi_sdo2_d1));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio2    (.X(spi_sdo[2]),.A(spi_sdo2_d2));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[3]));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d2),.A(spi_sdo3_d1));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio3    (.X(spi_sdo[3]),.A(spi_sdo3_d2));
-assign   #1 spi_oen[0] = !spi_en_tx;  // SPI_DIO0
-assign   #1 spi_oen[1] = !spi_en_tx;  // SPI_DIO1
-assign   #1 spi_oen[2] =  (spi_mode == 0) ? 1 'b0 : !spi_en_tx;   // HOLD
-assign   #1 spi_oen[3] =  (spi_mode == 0) ? 1 'b0 : !spi_en_tx;   // 
-spim_if #( .WB_WIDTH(WB_WIDTH)) u_wb_if(
-        .mclk                           (mclk                         ),
-        .rst_n                          (rst_n                        ),
-        .wbd_stb_i                      (wbd_stb_i                    ), // strobe/request
-        .wbd_adr_i                      (wbd_adr_i                    ), // address
-        .wbd_we_i                       (wbd_we_i                     ),  // write
-        .wbd_dat_i                      (wbd_dat_i                    ), // data output
-        .wbd_sel_i                      (wbd_sel_i                    ), // byte enable
-        .wbd_dat_o                      (wbd_dat_o                    ), // data input
-        .wbd_ack_o                      (wbd_ack_o                    ), // acknowlegement
-        .wbd_err_o                      (wbd_err_o                    ),  // error
-    // Configuration
-        .cfg_fsm_reset                  (cfg_m0_fsm_reset             ),
-        .cfg_mem_seq                    (cfg_m0_spi_seq               ), // SPI MEM SEQUENCE
-        .cfg_addr_cnt                   (cfg_m0_addr_cnt              ), // SPI Addr Count
-        .cfg_dummy_cnt                  (cfg_m0_dummy_cnt             ), // SPI Dummy Count
-        .cfg_data_cnt                   (cfg_m0_data_cnt              ), // SPI Read Count
-        .cfg_cmd_reg                    (cfg_m0_cmd_reg               ), // SPI MEM COMMAND
-        .cfg_mode_reg                   (cfg_m0_mode_reg              ), // SPI MODE REG
-        .spi_init_done                  (spi_init_done                ), // SPI internal Init completed
-    // Towards Reg I/F
-        .spim_reg_req                   (spim_reg_req                 ), // Reg Request
-        .spim_reg_addr                  (spim_reg_addr                ), // Reg Address
-        .spim_reg_we                    (spim_reg_we                  ), // Reg Write/Read Command
-        .spim_reg_be                    (spim_reg_be                  ), // Reg Byte Enable
-        .spim_reg_wdata                 (spim_reg_wdata               ), // Reg Write Data
-        .spim_reg_ack                   (spim_reg_ack                 ), // Read Ack
-        .spim_reg_rdata                 (spim_reg_rdata               ), // Read Read Data
-    // Towards Command FIFO
-        .cmd_fifo_empty                 (m0_cmd_fifo_empty            ), // Command FIFO empty
-        .cmd_fifo_wr                    (m0_cmd_fifo_wr               ), // Command FIFO Write
-        .cmd_fifo_wdata                 (m0_cmd_fifo_wdata            ), // Command FIFO WData
-    // Towards Response FIFO
-        .res_fifo_empty                 (m0_res_fifo_empty            ), // Response FIFO Empty
-        .res_fifo_rd                    (m0_res_fifo_rd               ), // Response FIFO Read
-        .res_fifo_rdata                 (m0_res_fifo_rdata            ), // Response FIFO Data
-	.state                          (m0_state                     )
-    );
-    spim_regs
-    #(
-        .WB_WIDTH(WB_WIDTH)
-    )
-    u_spim_regs
-    (
-        .mclk                           (mclk                         ),
-        .rst_n                          (rst_n                        ),
-	.fast_sim_mode                  (1'b0                         ),
-        .spi_clk_div                    (spi_clk_div                  ),
-	.spi_init_done                  (spi_init_done                ),
-        .spi_debug                      (spi_debug                    ),
-        .cfg_m0_fsm_reset               (cfg_m0_fsm_reset             ),
-        .cfg_m0_cs_reg                  (cfg_m0_cs_reg                ), // Chip select
-        .cfg_m0_spi_mode                (cfg_m0_spi_mode              ), // Final SPI Mode 
-        .cfg_m0_spi_switch              (cfg_m0_spi_switch            ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
-        .cfg_m0_spi_seq                 (cfg_m0_spi_seq               ), // SPI SEQUENCE
-        .cfg_m0_addr_cnt                (cfg_m0_addr_cnt              ), // SPI Addr Count
-        .cfg_m0_dummy_cnt               (cfg_m0_dummy_cnt             ), // SPI Dummy Count
-        .cfg_m0_data_cnt                (cfg_m0_data_cnt              ), // SPI Read Count
-        .cfg_m0_cmd_reg                 (cfg_m0_cmd_reg               ), // SPI MEM COMMAND
-        .cfg_m0_mode_reg                (cfg_m0_mode_reg              ), // SPI MODE REG
-        .cfg_m1_cs_reg                  (cfg_m1_cs_reg                ), // Chip select
-        .cfg_m1_spi_mode                (cfg_m1_spi_mode              ), // Final SPI Mode 
-        .cfg_m1_spi_switch              (cfg_m1_spi_switch            ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
-	.cfg_cs_early                   (cfg_cs_early                 ),
-	.cfg_cs_late                    (cfg_cs_late                  ),
-    // Towards Reg I/F
-        .spim_reg_req                   (spim_reg_req                 ), // Reg Request
-        .spim_reg_addr                  (spim_reg_addr                ), // Reg Address
-        .spim_reg_we                    (spim_reg_we                  ), // Reg Write/Read Command
-        .spim_reg_be                    (spim_reg_be                  ), // Reg Byte Enable
-        .spim_reg_wdata                 (spim_reg_wdata               ), // Reg Write Data
-        .spim_reg_ack                   (spim_reg_ack                 ), // Read Ack
-        .spim_reg_rdata                 (spim_reg_rdata               ), // Read Read Data
-    // Towards Command FIFO
-        .cmd_fifo_full                  (m1_cmd_fifo_full             ), // Command FIFO empty
-        .cmd_fifo_empty                 (m1_cmd_fifo_empty            ), // Command FIFO empty
-        .cmd_fifo_wr                    (m1_cmd_fifo_wr               ), // Command FIFO Write
-        .cmd_fifo_wdata                 (m1_cmd_fifo_wdata            ), // Command FIFO WData
-    // Towards Response FIFO
-        .res_fifo_full                  (m1_res_fifo_full             ), // Response FIFO Empty
-        .res_fifo_empty                 (m1_res_fifo_empty            ), // Response FIFO Empty
-        .res_fifo_rd                    (m1_res_fifo_rd               ), // Response FIFO Read
-        .res_fifo_rdata                 (m1_res_fifo_rdata            ),  // Response FIFO Data
-	.state                          (m1_state                     )
-    );
- // Master 0 Command FIFO
- spim_fifo #(.W(34), .DP(2)) u_m0_cmd_fifo (
-	 .clk                           (mclk                        ),
-         .reset_n                       (rst_n                       ),
-	 .flush                         (1'b0                        ),
-         .wr_en                         (m0_cmd_fifo_wr              ),
-         .wr_data                       (m0_cmd_fifo_wdata           ),
-         .full                          (m0_cmd_fifo_full            ),                 
-         .afull                         (                            ),                 
-         .rd_en                         (m0_cmd_fifo_rd              ),
-         .empty                         (m0_cmd_fifo_empty           ),                
-         .aempty                        (                            ),                
-         .rd_data                       (m0_cmd_fifo_rdata           )
-   );
- // Master 0 Response FIFO
- spim_fifo #(.W(32), .DP(8)) u_m0_res_fifo (
-	 .clk                           (mclk                        ),
-         .reset_n                       (rst_n                       ),
-	 .flush                         (m0_res_fifo_flush           ),
-         .wr_en                         (m0_res_fifo_wr              ),
-         .wr_data                       (m0_res_fifo_wdata           ),
-         .full                          (m0_res_fifo_full            ),                 
-         .afull                         (                            ),                 
-         .rd_en                         (m0_res_fifo_rd              ),
-         .empty                         (m0_res_fifo_empty           ),                
-         .aempty                        (                            ),                
-         .rd_data                       (m0_res_fifo_rdata           )
-   );
- // Master 1 Command FIFO
- spim_fifo #(.W(34), .DP(4)) u_m1_cmd_fifo (
-	 .clk                           (mclk                        ),
-         .reset_n                       (rst_n                       ),
-	 .flush                         (1'b0                        ),
-         .wr_en                         (m1_cmd_fifo_wr              ),
-         .wr_data                       (m1_cmd_fifo_wdata           ),
-         .full                          (m1_cmd_fifo_full            ),                 
-         .afull                         (                            ),                 
-         .rd_en                         (m1_cmd_fifo_rd              ),
-         .empty                         (m1_cmd_fifo_empty           ),                
-         .aempty                        (                            ),                
-         .rd_data                       (m1_cmd_fifo_rdata           )
-   );
- // Master 1 Response FIFO
- spim_fifo #(.W(32), .DP(8)) u_m1_res_fifo (
-	 .clk                           (mclk                        ),
-         .reset_n                       (rst_n                       ),
-	 .flush                         (m1_res_fifo_flush           ),
-         .wr_en                         (m1_res_fifo_wr              ),
-         .wr_data                       (m1_res_fifo_wdata           ),
-         .full                          (m1_res_fifo_full            ),                 
-         .afull                         (                            ),                 
-         .rd_en                         (m1_res_fifo_rd              ),
-         .empty                         (m1_res_fifo_empty           ),                
-         .aempty                        (                            ),                
-         .rd_data                       (m1_res_fifo_rdata           )
-   );
-    spim_ctrl u_spictrl
-    (
-        .clk                            (mclk                         ),
-        .rstn                           (rst_n                        ),
-        .spi_clk_div                    (spi_clk_div                  ),
-        .spi_status                     (spi_ctrl_status              ),
-        .cfg_m0_cs_reg                  (cfg_m0_cs_reg                ), // Chip select
-        .cfg_m0_spi_mode                (cfg_m0_spi_mode              ), // Final SPI Mode 
-        .cfg_m0_spi_switch              (cfg_m0_spi_switch            ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
-        .cfg_m1_cs_reg                  (cfg_m1_cs_reg                ), // Chip select
-        .cfg_m1_spi_mode                (cfg_m1_spi_mode              ), // Final SPI Mode 
-        .cfg_m1_spi_switch              (cfg_m1_spi_switch            ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
-	.cfg_cs_early                   (cfg_cs_early                 ),
-	.cfg_cs_late                    (cfg_cs_late                  ),
-	.m0_cmd_fifo_empty              (m0_cmd_fifo_empty            ),
-        .m0_cmd_fifo_rd                 (m0_cmd_fifo_rd               ),
-	.m0_cmd_fifo_rdata              (m0_cmd_fifo_rdata            ),
-	.m0_res_fifo_flush              (m0_res_fifo_flush            ),
-	.m0_res_fifo_empty              (m0_res_fifo_empty            ),
-	.m0_res_fifo_full               (m0_res_fifo_full             ),
-	.m0_res_fifo_wr                 (m0_res_fifo_wr               ),
-	.m0_res_fifo_wdata              (m0_res_fifo_wdata            ),
-	.m1_cmd_fifo_empty              (m1_cmd_fifo_empty            ),
-        .m1_cmd_fifo_rd                 (m1_cmd_fifo_rd               ),
-	.m1_cmd_fifo_rdata              (m1_cmd_fifo_rdata            ),
-	.m1_res_fifo_flush              (m1_res_fifo_flush            ),
-	.m1_res_fifo_empty              (m1_res_fifo_empty            ),
-	.m1_res_fifo_full               (m1_res_fifo_full             ),
-	.m1_res_fifo_wr                 (m1_res_fifo_wr               ),
-	.m1_res_fifo_wdata              (m1_res_fifo_wdata            ),
-	.ctrl_state                     (ctrl_state                   ),
-        .spi_clk                        (spi_clk                      ),
-        .spi_csn0                       (spi_csn0                     ),
-        .spi_csn1                       (spi_csn1                     ),
-        .spi_csn2                       (spi_csn2                     ),
-        .spi_csn3                       (spi_csn3                     ),
-        .spi_mode                       (spi_mode                     ),
-        .spi_sdo0                       (spi_sdo_int[0]               ),
-        .spi_sdo1                       (spi_sdo_int[1]               ),
-        .spi_sdo2                       (spi_sdo_int[2]               ),
-        .spi_sdo3                       (spi_sdo_int[3]               ),
-        .spi_sdi0                       (spi_sdi[0]                   ),
-        .spi_sdi1                       (spi_sdi[1]                   ),
-        .spi_sdi2                       (spi_sdi[2]                   ),
-        .spi_sdi3                       (spi_sdi[3]                   ),
-	.spi_en_tx_out                  (spi_en_tx                    )
-    );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b57e64..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
-////                                                              ////
-////  SPI TX  Module                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////              ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////    This is SPI Master Transmit Word control logic.           ////
-////    This logic transmit data upto 32 bit in bit or Quad spi   ////
-////    mode                                                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision:                                                   ////
-////       0.1 - 16th Feb 2021, Dinesh A                          ////
-////             Initial version                                  ////
-////       0.2 - 24th Mar 2021, Dinesh A                          ////
-////             1. Comments are added                            ////
-////             2. RTL clean-up done and the output are registred////
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module spim_tx
-    // General Input
-    input  logic        clk,            // SPI clock
-    input  logic        rstn,           // Active low Reset
-    input  logic        flush,          // init the state
-    input  logic        en,             // Transmit Enable
-    input  logic        tx_edge,        // Transmiting Edge
-    output logic        tx_done,        // Transmission completion
-    output logic        sdo0,           // SPI Dout0
-    output logic        sdo1,           // SPI Dout1
-    output logic        sdo2,           // SPI Dout2
-    output logic        sdo3,           // SPI Dout3
-    input  logic [1:0]  s_spi_mode,     // SPI quad mode indication
-    input  logic [15:0] counter_in,     // Transmit counter
-    input  logic        counter_in_upd,
-    input  logic [31:0] txdata,         // 32 bit tranmsit data
-    input  logic        dummy_phase,    // dummy data
-    input  logic        data_valid,     // Input data valid
-    output logic        data_ready,     // Data in acepted, this for txfifo
-    output logic        spi_dummy,      // spi dummy phase
-    output logic        clk_en_o        // Enable Tx clock
-// Parameter Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------------
-  parameter P_SINGLE = 2'b00;
-  parameter P_DOUBLE = 2'b01;
-  parameter P_QUAD   = 2'b10;
-  parameter P_QDDR   = 2'b11;
-// Variable Decleration
-// -----------------------------------------------------
-  logic [31:0]          data_int       ; // Data Input
-  logic [31:0]          data_int_next  ; // Next Data Input
-  logic [15:0]          counter        ; // Tx Counter
-  logic [15:0]          counter_next   ; // tx next counter
-  logic [15:0]          counter_trgt   ; // counter exit counter
-  logic                 tx32b_done     ;  // 32 bit Transmit done
-  logic  [1:0]          spi_mode     ;
-  logic  [1:0]          spi_mode_next;
-  logic                 data_ready_i;     // Data in acepted, this for txfifo
-  logic                 next_data_ready_i;// Data in acepted, this for txfifo
-  enum logic [1:0] { IDLE, TRANSMIT,WAIT_FIFO_AVAIL } tx_CS, tx_NS;
-  // Indicate 32 bit data done, usefull for readining next 32b from txfifo
-  assign tx32b_done  = (spi_mode == P_SINGLE  && (counter[4:0] == 5'b11111)) || 
-                       (spi_mode == P_DOUBLE  && (counter[3:0] == 4'b1111)) || 
-	               (spi_mode == P_QUAD    && (counter[2:0] == 3'b111))   ||
-	               (spi_mode == P_QDDR    && (counter[2:0] == 3'b111));
-  assign tx_done    = (counter == (counter_trgt-1)) && (tx_CS == TRANSMIT);
-  assign   clk_en_o  = (tx_NS == TRANSMIT);
-  always_comb
-  begin
-    tx_NS         = tx_CS;
-    data_int_next = data_int;
-    data_ready_i    = 1'b0;
-    next_data_ready_i    = 1'b0;
-    counter_next  = counter;
-    spi_mode_next  =  spi_mode;
-    case (tx_CS)
-      IDLE: begin
-        data_int_next = txdata;
-        counter_next  = '0;
-        if (en && data_valid && tx_edge) begin
-	  spi_mode_next    = s_spi_mode;
-          data_ready_i    = 1'b1;
-          tx_NS         = TRANSMIT;
-        end
-      end
-      TRANSMIT: begin
-         if ((counter + 1) ==counter_trgt) begin
-               counter_next = 0;
-               // Check if there is next data
-               if (en && data_valid && tx_edge) begin 
-	         spi_mode_next    = s_spi_mode;
-                 data_int_next = txdata;
-                 data_ready_i    = 1'b1;
-                 tx_NS         = TRANSMIT;
-               end else begin
-                 tx_NS    = IDLE;
-               end
-         end else if (tx32b_done) begin
-               if (en && (spi_dummy || data_valid) && tx_edge) begin
-	         spi_mode_next    = s_spi_mode;
-                 data_int_next = txdata;
-                 next_data_ready_i    = 1'b1;
-                 counter_next = counter + 1;
-                 tx_NS         = TRANSMIT;
-               end else begin
-                 tx_NS    = WAIT_FIFO_AVAIL;
-               end
-           end else begin
-              counter_next = counter + 1;
-              data_int_next = (spi_mode == P_QDDR   ) ? {data_int[27:0],4'b0000} :
-		              (spi_mode == P_QUAD   ) ? {data_int[27:0],4'b0000} : 
-		              (spi_mode == P_DOUBLE ) ? {data_int[29:0],2'b00} : {data_int[30:0],1'b0};
-           end
-      end
-      WAIT_FIFO_AVAIL: begin
-           if (en && data_valid && tx_edge) begin 
-	     spi_mode_next    = s_spi_mode;
-             data_int_next = txdata;
-             data_ready_i    = 1'b1;
-             tx_NS         = TRANSMIT;
-           end 
-        end
-    endcase
-  end
-  logic data_ready_f;
-  always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rstn)
-  begin
-    if (~rstn)
-    begin
-      counter      <= 0;
-      data_int     <= 'h0;
-      tx_CS        <= IDLE;
-      sdo0         <= '0;
-      sdo1         <= '0;
-      sdo2         <= '1;
-      sdo3         <= '1;
-      counter_trgt <= '0;
-      data_ready   <= '0;
-      data_ready_f <= 0;
-      spi_dummy    <= 0;
-      spi_mode     <= P_SINGLE;
-    end
-    else if(flush && tx_edge) begin
-       counter      <= 0;
-       data_int     <= 'h0;
-       tx_CS        <= IDLE;
-       sdo0         <= '0;
-       sdo1         <= '0;
-       sdo2         <= '1;
-       sdo3         <= '1;
-       counter_trgt <= '0;
-       data_ready   <= '0;
-       data_ready_f <= 0;
-       spi_dummy     <= dummy_phase;
-      spi_mode     <= P_SINGLE;
-    end else begin
-       data_ready_f <= data_ready_i | next_data_ready_i;
-       data_ready   <= data_ready_f && !(data_ready_i | next_data_ready_i); // Generate Pulse at falling edge
-       if(tx_edge || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR)) begin
-          tx_CS        <= tx_NS;
-          counter      <= counter_next;
-          data_int     <= data_int_next;
-       end
-       // Counter Exit condition, quad mode div-4 , else actual counter
-       if (en && data_ready_i && tx_edge) begin
-	  spi_mode      <= s_spi_mode;
-	  spi_dummy     <= dummy_phase;
-          counter_trgt <= (s_spi_mode == P_QDDR )   ? {2'b00,counter_in[15:2]} : 
-		          (s_spi_mode == P_QUAD )   ? {2'b00,counter_in[15:2]} : 
-		          (s_spi_mode == P_DOUBLE ) ? {1'b0, counter_in[15:1]} :    counter_in;
-       end else if (en == 0) begin
-	  spi_dummy     <= '0;
-       end
-       if((tx_edge || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR)) && tx_NS == TRANSMIT) begin
-          sdo0         <= ((spi_mode_next == P_QUAD) || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR))? data_int_next[28] : (spi_mode_next == P_DOUBLE) ? data_int_next[30] : data_int_next[31];
-          sdo1         <= ((spi_mode_next == P_QUAD) || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR))? data_int_next[29] : (spi_mode_next == P_DOUBLE) ? data_int_next[31] :  1'b0;
-          sdo2         <= ((spi_mode_next == P_QUAD) || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR))? data_int_next[30] : 1'b1; // Protect
-          sdo3         <= ((spi_mode_next == P_QUAD) || (spi_mode_next == P_QDDR))? data_int_next[31] : 1'b1; // Hold need to '1'
-       end
-    end      
-  end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/Makefile b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f6ae1df..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya
-# // 
-# // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# // You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# //
-# //
-# //
-# // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-# // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# // limitations under the License.
-# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# // SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <>
-# // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# Makefile for Synthesis
-# Paths
-export ROOT_DIR := $(shell pwd)
-export REPORT_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/reports
-export NETLIST_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/netlist
-export TMP_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/tmp
-# Targets
-.PHONY: clean create synth
-default: clean create synth
-synth: clean create 
-	yosys -g -c synth.tcl -l synth.log
-	mkdir -p ./tmp/synthesis; 
-	mkdir -p ./reports; 
-	mkdir -p ./netlist;
-	$(OPENLANE_ROOT)/scripts/ $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/ > ./tmp/trimmed.lib
-	$(RM) -R synth.log
-	$(RM) -R $(REPORT_DIR)
-	$(RM) -R $(TMP_DIR)
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/synth.tcl b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/synth.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index aa97d89..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/synth/synth.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya
-# // 
-# // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# // You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# //
-# //
-# //
-# // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-# // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# // limitations under the License.
-# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# // SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <>
-# // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# inputs expected as env vars
-#set opt $::env(SYNTH_OPT)
-########### config.tcl ##################
-# User config
-# User config
-set ::env(DESIGN_DIR) ../
-set ::env(PROJ_DIR) ../../../../
-# User config
-set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) spim_ctrl
-# Change if needed
-set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) [glob  \
-	../src/   \
-        ../src/    \
-	../src/    \
-	../src/    \
-	../src/    \
-	../src/    \
-	../src/ ]
-set ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) [list YOSYS ]
-set ::env(LIB_SYNTH)  ./tmp/trimmed.lib
-# Fill this
-set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "mclk"
-set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
-set ::env(RUN_SIMPLE_CTS) 0
-set ::env(SYNTH_BUFFERING) 0
-set ::env(SYNTH_SIZING) 0
-set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8"
-set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65"
-set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) "[expr {0.1*10.0}]"
-set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 6
-set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) 50
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) [ expr ($::env(FP_CORE_UTIL)+5) / 100.0 ]
-set ::env(CELL_PAD) 4
-set ::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) "0"
-set ::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY) "AREA 0"
-set ::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 LO"
-set ::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 HI"
-set ::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_2 A X"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) $::env(CLOCK_PORT)
-set ::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag) "./tmp/"
-set ::env(TMP_DIR) "./tmp/"
-set ::env(yosys_netlist_dir) "./netlist"
-set ::env(yosys_report_file_tag) "./reports/yosys"
-set ::env(yosys_result_file_tag) "./reports/yosys.synthesis"
-set ::env(SAVE_NETLIST) $::env(yosys_netlist_dir)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).gv
-########### End of config.tcl
-set buffering $::env(SYNTH_BUFFERING)
-set sizing $::env(SYNTH_SIZING)
-yosys -import
-set vtop $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
-#set sdc_file $::env(SDC_FILE)
-set sclib $::env(LIB_SYNTH)
-if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) ] } {
-	foreach define $::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) {
-		log "Defining $define"
-		verilog_defines -D$define
-	}
-set vIdirsArgs ""
-if {[info exist ::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS)]} {
-	foreach dir $::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS) {
-		log "Adding include file -I$dir "
-		lappend vIdirsArgs "-I$dir"
-	}
-	set vIdirsArgs [join $vIdirsArgs]
-if { [info exists ::env(EXTRA_LIBS) ] } {
-	foreach lib $::env(EXTRA_LIBS) {
-		read_liberty {*}$vIdirsArgs -lib -ignore_miss_dir -setattr blackbox $lib
-	}
-# ns expected (in sdc as well)
-set clock_period [expr {$::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)*1000}]
-set driver  $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL)
-set cload   $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD)
-# input pin cap of IN_3VX8
-set max_FO $::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT)
-if {![info exist ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN)]} {
-	set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) [expr {0.1*$clock_period}]
-} else {
-	set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) [expr {$::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) * 1000}]
-set max_Tran $::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN)
-# Mapping parameters
-set A_factor  0.00
-set B_factor  0.88
-set F_factor  0.00
-# Don't change these unless you know what you are doing
-set stat_ext    ".stat.rpt"
-set chk_ext    ".chk.rpt"
-set gl_ext      ".gl.v"
-set constr_ext  ".$clock_period.constr"
-set timing_ext  ".timing.txt"
-set abc_ext     ".abc"
-# get old sdc, add library specific stuff for abc scripts
-set sdc_file $::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag).sdc
-set outfile [open ${sdc_file} w]
-#puts $outfile $sdc_data
-puts $outfile "set_driving_cell ${driver}"
-puts $outfile "set_load ${cload}"
-close $outfile
-# ABC Scrips
-set abc_rs_K    "resub,-K,"
-set abc_rs      "resub"
-set abc_rsz     "resub,-z"
-set abc_rw_K    "rewrite,-K,"
-set abc_rw      "rewrite"
-set abc_rwz     "rewrite,-z"
-set abc_rf      "refactor"
-set abc_rfz     "refactor,-z"
-set abc_b       "balance"
-set abc_resyn2        "${abc_b}; ${abc_rw}; ${abc_rf}; ${abc_b}; ${abc_rw}; ${abc_rwz}; ${abc_b}; ${abc_rfz}; ${abc_rwz}; ${abc_b}"
-set abc_share         "strash; multi,-m; ${abc_resyn2}"
-set abc_resyn2a       "${abc_b};${abc_rw};${abc_b};${abc_rw};${abc_rwz};${abc_b};${abc_rwz};${abc_b}"
-set abc_resyn3        "balance;resub;resub,-K,6;balance;resub,-z;resub,-z,-K,6;balance;resub,-z,-K,5;balance"
-set abc_resyn2rs      "${abc_b};${abc_rs_K},6;${abc_rw};${abc_rs_K},6,-N,2;${abc_rf};${abc_rs_K},8;${abc_rw};${abc_rs_K},10;${abc_rwz};${abc_rs_K},10,-N,2;${abc_b},${abc_rs_K},12;${abc_rfz};${abc_rs_K},12,-N,2;${abc_rwz};${abc_b}"
-set abc_choice        "fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; fraig_restore"
-set abc_choice2      "fraig_store; balance; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; fraig_restore"
-set abc_map_old_cnt			"map,-p,-a,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
-set abc_map_old_dly         "map,-p,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
-set abc_retime_area         "retime,-D,{D},-M,5"
-set abc_retime_dly          "retime,-D,{D},-M,6"
-set abc_map_new_area        "amap,-m,-Q,0.1,-F,20,-A,20,-C,5000"
-set abc_area_recovery_1       "${abc_choice}; map;"
-set abc_area_recovery_2       "${abc_choice2}; map;"
-set map_old_cnt			    "map,-p,-a,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
-set map_old_dly			    "map,-p,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
-set abc_retime_area   	"retime,-D,{D},-M,5"
-set abc_retime_dly    	"retime,-D,{D},-M,6"
-set abc_map_new_area  	"amap,-m,-Q,0.1,-F,20,-A,20,-C,5000"
-if {$buffering==1} {
-	set abc_fine_tune		"buffer,-N,${max_FO},-S,${max_Tran};upsize,{D};dnsize,{D}"
-} elseif {$sizing} {
-	set abc_fine_tune       "upsize,{D};dnsize,{D}"
-} else {
-	set abc_fine_tune       ""
-set delay_scripts [list \
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_map_old_dly};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	\
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_old_dly};${abc_area_recovery_2}; retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	\
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_choice};${abc_map_old_dly};${abc_area_recovery_1}; retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	\
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_old_dly};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	]
-set area_scripts [list \
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	\
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	\
-	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_choice2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
-	]
-set all_scripts [list {*}$delay_scripts {*}$area_scripts]
-set strategy_parts [split $::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY)]
-proc synth_strategy_format_err { } {
-	upvar area_scripts area_scripts
-	upvar delay_scripts delay_scripts
-	log -stderr "\[ERROR] Misformatted SYNTH_STRATEGY (\"$::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY)\")."
-	log -stderr "\[ERROR] Correct format is \"DELAY|AREA 0-[expr [llength $delay_scripts]-1]|0-[expr [llength $area_scripts]-1]\"."
-	exit 1
-if { [llength $strategy_parts] != 2 } {
-	synth_strategy_format_err
-set strategy_type [lindex $strategy_parts 0]
-set strategy_type_idx [lindex $strategy_parts 1]
-if { $strategy_type != "AREA" && $strategy_type != "DELAY" } {
-	log -stderr "\[ERROR] AREA|DELAY tokens not found. ($strategy_type)"
-	synth_strategy_format_err
-if { $strategy_type == "DELAY" && $strategy_type_idx >= [llength $delay_scripts] } {
-	log -stderr "\[ERROR] strategy index ($strategy_type_idx) is too high."
-	synth_strategy_format_err
-if { $strategy_type == "AREA" && $strategy_type_idx >= [llength $area_scripts] } {
-	log -stderr "\[ERROR] strategy index ($strategy_type_idx) is too high."
-	synth_strategy_format_err
-if { $strategy_type == "DELAY" } {
-	set strategy $strategy_type_idx
-} else {
-	set strategy [expr {[llength $delay_scripts]+$strategy_type_idx}]
-for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $::env(VERILOG_FILES)] } { incr i } {
-	read_verilog -sv {*}$vIdirsArgs [lindex $::env(VERILOG_FILES) $i]
-if { [info exists ::env(VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX)] } {
-	foreach verilog_file $::env(VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX) {
-		read_verilog -sv {*}$vIdirsArgs -lib $verilog_file
-	}
-select -module $vtop
-show -format dot -prefix $::env(TMP_DIR)/synthesis/hierarchy
-select -clear
-hierarchy -check -top $vtop
-# Infer tri-state buffers.
-set tbuf_map false
-if { [info exists ::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)] } {
-        if { [file exists $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)] } {
-                set tbuf_map true
-                tribuf
-        } else {
-          log "WARNING: TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP is defined but could not be found: $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)"
-        }
-if { $::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) } {
-	synth -top $vtop
-} else {
-	synth -top $vtop -flatten
-share -aggressive
-opt_clean -purge
-tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_pre.stat" stat
-# Map tri-state buffers.
-if { $tbuf_map } {
-        log {mapping tbuf}
-        techmap -map $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)
-        simplemap
-# handle technology mapping of 4-MUX, and tell Yosys to infer 4-muxes
-if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)] } {
-  muxcover -mux4 
-  techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)
-  simplemap
-# handle technology mapping of 2-MUX
-if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)] } {
-  techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)
-  simplemap
-# handle technology mapping of latches
-if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)] } {
-	techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)
-	simplemap
-dfflibmap -liberty $sclib
-tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_dff.stat" stat
-if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_EXPLORE)] && $::env(SYNTH_EXPLORE) } {
-	design -save myDesign
-	for { set index 0 }  { $index < [llength $all_scripts] }  { incr index } {
-		log "\[INFO\]: ABC: WireLoad : S_$index"
-		design -load myDesign
-		abc -D $clock_period \
-			-constr "$sdc_file" \
-			-liberty $sclib  \
-			-script [lindex $all_scripts $index]
-		setundef -zero
-		hilomap -hicell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) -locell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT)
-		# get rid of the assignments that make verilog2def fail
-		splitnets
-		opt_clean -purge
-		insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
-		tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$index$chk_ext" check
-		write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(yosys_result_file_tag)_$index.v"
-		design -reset
-	}
-} else {
-	log "\[INFO\]: ABC: WireLoad : S_$strategy"
-	abc -D $clock_period \
-		-constr "$sdc_file" \
-		-liberty $sclib  \
-		-script [lindex $all_scripts $strategy] \
-		-showtmp;
-	setundef -zero
-	hilomap -hicell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) -locell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT)
-	# get rid of the assignments that make verilog2def fail
-	splitnets
-	opt_clean -purge
-	insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
-	tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$strategy$chk_ext" check
-	write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(SAVE_NETLIST)"
-if { $::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) } {
-	design -reset
-	file copy -force $::env(SAVE_NETLIST) $::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag)_unflat.v
-	read_verilog -sv $::env(SAVE_NETLIST)
-	synth -top $vtop -flatten
-	splitnets
-	opt_clean -purge
-	insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
-	write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(SAVE_NETLIST)"
-	tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$strategy$chk_ext" check
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/filelist_spi.f b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/filelist_spi.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23a2ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/filelist_spi.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-v ../../lib/registers.v
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd39e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+////                                                              ////
+////  Single SPI Master Interface Module                          ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the riscduino cores project            ////
+////              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////     Subbport Single Bit SPI Master                           ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////      V.0  - 06 Oct 2021                                      ////
+////          Initial SpI Module picked from                      ////
+////           ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module sspim_cfg (
+              input  logic          mclk               ,
+              input  logic          reset_n            ,
+              output logic [1:0]    cfg_tgt_sel        ,
+              output logic          cfg_op_req         , // SPI operation request
+              output logic [1:0]    cfg_op_type        , // SPI operation type
+              output logic [1:0]    cfg_transfer_size  , // SPI transfer size
+              output logic [5:0]    cfg_sck_period     , // sck clock period
+              output logic [4:0]    cfg_sck_cs_period  , // cs setup/hold period
+              output logic [7:0]    cfg_cs_byte        , // cs bit information
+              output logic [31:0]   cfg_datain         , // data for transfer
+              input  logic [31:0]   cfg_dataout        , // data for received
+              input  logic          hware_op_done      , // operation done
+              //---------------------------------
+              // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+              //---------------------------------
+              input logic           reg_cs             ,
+              input logic           reg_wr             ,
+              input logic [7:0]     reg_addr           ,
+              input logic [31:0]    reg_wdata          ,
+              input logic [3:0]     reg_be             ,
+              // Outputs
+              output logic [31:0]   reg_rdata          ,
+              output logic          reg_ack            
+        );
+// Internal Wire Declarations
+logic           sw_rd_en               ;
+logic           sw_wr_en;
+logic   [1:0]   sw_addr; // addressing 16 registers
+logic   [31:0]  sw_reg_wdata;
+logic   [3:0]   wr_be  ;
+logic           reg_cs_l;
+logic           reg_cs_2l;
+logic  [31:0]    reg_0;  // Software_Reg_0
+logic  [31:0]    reg_1;  // Software-Reg_1
+logic  [31:0]    reg_2;  // Software-Reg_2
+logic  [31:0]    reg_out;
+// Main code starts here
+// To avoid interface timing, all the content are registered
+always @ (posedge mclk or negedge reset_n)
+   if (reset_n == 1'b0)
+   begin
+    sw_addr       <= '0;
+    sw_rd_en      <= '0;
+    sw_wr_en      <= '0;
+    sw_reg_wdata  <= '0;
+    wr_be         <= '0;
+    reg_cs_l      <= '0;
+    reg_cs_2l     <= '0;
+  end else begin
+    sw_addr       <= reg_addr [3:2];
+    sw_rd_en      <= reg_cs & !reg_wr;
+    sw_wr_en      <= reg_cs & reg_wr;
+    sw_reg_wdata  <= reg_wdata;
+    wr_be         <= reg_be;
+    reg_cs_l      <= reg_cs;
+    reg_cs_2l     <= reg_cs_l;
+  end
+// Read path mux
+always @ (posedge mclk or negedge reset_n)
+begin : preg_out_Seq
+   if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+      reg_rdata [31:0]  <= 32'h0000_0000;
+      reg_ack           <= 1'b0;
+   end else if (sw_rd_en && !reg_ack && !reg_cs_2l) begin
+      reg_rdata [31:0]  <= reg_out [31:0];
+      reg_ack           <= 1'b1;
+   end else if (sw_wr_en && !reg_ack && !reg_cs_2l) begin 
+      reg_ack           <= 1'b1;
+   end else begin
+      reg_ack        <= 1'b0;
+   end
+// register read enable and write enable decoding logic
+wire   sw_wr_en_0   = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 2'h0);
+wire   sw_rd_en_0   = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 2'h0);
+wire   sw_wr_en_1   = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 2'h1);
+wire   sw_rd_en_1   = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 2'h1);
+wire   sw_wr_en_2   = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 2'h2);
+wire   sw_rd_en_2   = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 2'h2);
+wire   sw_wr_en_3   = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 2'h3);
+wire   sw_rd_en_3   = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 2'h3);
+always @( *)
+begin : preg_sel_Com
+  reg_out [31:0] = 32'd0;
+  case (sw_addr [3:0])
+    4'b0000 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_0 [31:0];     
+    4'b0001 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_1 [31:0];    
+    4'b0010 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_2 [31:0];     
+    default : reg_out [31:0] = 32'h0;
+  endcase
+// Individual register assignments
+// Logic for Register 0 : SPI Control Register
+assign    cfg_op_req         = reg_0[31];    // cpu request
+assign    cfg_tgt_sel        = reg_0[24:23]; // target chip select
+assign    cfg_op_type        = reg_0[22:21]; // SPI operation type
+assign    cfg_transfer_size  = reg_0[20:19]; // SPI transfer size
+assign    cfg_sck_period     = reg_0[18:13]; // sck clock period
+assign    cfg_sck_cs_period  = reg_0[12:8];  // cs setup/hold period
+assign    cfg_cs_byte        = reg_0[7:0];   // cs bit information
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_ctrl_be0 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_0 & 
+                                 wr_be[0]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[7:0]    ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_0[7:0]        )
+          );
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_ctrl_be1 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_0 & 
+                                wr_be[1]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[15:8]  ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_0[15:8]       )
+          );
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_ctrl_be2 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_0 & 
+                                wr_be[2]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[23:16] ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_0[23:16]       )
+          );
+assign reg_0[30:24] = 7'h0;
+req_register #(0  ) u_spi_ctrl_req (
+	      .cpu_we       ({sw_wr_en_0 & 
+                             wr_be[3]   }       ),		 
+	      .cpu_req      (sw_reg_wdata[31]      ),
+	      .hware_ack    (hware_op_done      ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_0[31]         )
+          );
+// Logic for Register 1 : SPI Data In Register
+assign   cfg_datain        = reg_1[31:0]; 
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_din_be0 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_1 & 
+                                wr_be[0]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[7:0]    ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_1[7:0]        )
+          );
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_din_be1 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_1 & 
+                                wr_be[1]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[15:8]   ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_1[15:8]       )
+          );
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_din_be2 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_1 & 
+                                wr_be[2]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[23:16]  ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_1[23:16]      )
+          );
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_spi_din_be3 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_1 & 
+                                wr_be[3]   }}  ),		 
+	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[31:24]  ),
+	      .reset_n       (reset_n           ),
+	      .clk           (mclk              ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out      (reg_1[31:24]      )
+          );
+// Logic for Register 2 : SPI Data output Register
+assign  reg_2 = cfg_dataout; 
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f65c0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@

+////                                                              ////

+////  Single SPI Master Interface Module                          ////

+////                                                              ////

+////  This file is part of the riscduino cores project            ////

+////              ////

+////                                                              ////

+////  Description                                                 ////

+////      SPI Control module                                      ////

+////                                                              ////

+////  To Do:                                                      ////

+////    nothing                                                   ////

+////                                                              ////

+////  Author(s):                                                  ////

+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////

+////                                                              ////

+////  Revision :                                                  ////

+////      V.0  - 06 Oct 2021                                      ////

+////          Initial SpI Module picked from                      ////

+////           ////

+////                                                              ////


+////                                                              ////

+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////

+////                                                              ////

+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////

+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////

+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////

+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////

+////                                                              ////

+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////

+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////

+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////

+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////

+//// later version.                                               ////

+////                                                              ////

+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////

+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////


+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////

+//// details.                                                     ////

+////                                                              ////

+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////

+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////

+//// from                     ////

+////                                                              ////





+module sspim_ctl

+       ( 

+  input  logic          clk,

+  input  logic          reset_n,

+  input  logic          cfg_op_req,

+  input  logic [1:0]    cfg_op_type,

+  input  logic [1:0]    cfg_transfer_size,


+  input  logic [5:0]    cfg_sck_period,

+  input  logic [4:0]    cfg_sck_cs_period, // cs setup & hold period

+  input  logic [7:0]    cfg_cs_byte,

+  input  logic [31:0]   cfg_datain,

+  output logic [31:0]   cfg_dataout,


+  output logic [7:0]    byte_out, // Byte out for Serial Shifting out

+  input  logic [7:0]    byte_in,  // Serial Received Byte

+  output logic          sck_int,

+  output logic          cs_int_n,

+  output logic          sck_pe,

+  output logic          sck_ne,

+  output logic          shift_out,

+  output logic          shift_in,

+  output logic          load_byte,

+  output logic          op_done


+         );


+ //*************************************************************************



+  logic [5:0]       clk_cnt;

+  logic [5:0]       sck_cnt;


+  logic [3:0]       spiif_cs;

+  logic             shift_enb;

+  logic             clr_sck_cnt ;

+  logic             sck_out_en;


+  logic  [5:0]      sck_half_period;

+  logic [2:0]       byte_cnt;



+  `define SPI_IDLE   4'b0000

+  `define SPI_CS_SU  4'b0001

+  `define SPI_WRITE  4'b0010

+  `define SPI_READ   4'b0011

+  `define SPI_CS_HLD 4'b0100

+  `define SPI_WAIT   4'b0101



+  assign sck_half_period = {1'b0, cfg_sck_period[5:1]};

+  // The first transition on the sck_toggle happens one SCK period

+  // after op_en or boot_en is asserted

+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin

+     if(!reset_n) begin

+        sck_ne   <= 1'b0;

+        clk_cnt  <= 6'h1;

+        sck_pe   <= 1'b0;

+        sck_int  <= 1'b0;

+     end // if (!reset_n)

+     else 

+     begin

+        if(cfg_op_req) 

+        begin

+           if(clk_cnt == sck_half_period) 

+           begin

+              sck_ne <= 1'b1;

+              sck_pe <= 1'b0;

+              if(sck_out_en) sck_int <= 0;

+              clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1'b1;

+           end // if (clk_cnt == sck_half_period)

+           else 

+           begin

+              if(clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period) 

+              begin

+                 sck_ne <= 1'b0;

+                 sck_pe <= 1'b1;

+                 if(sck_out_en) sck_int <= 1;

+                 clk_cnt <= 6'h1;

+              end // if (clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period)

+              else 

+              begin

+                 clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1'b1;

+                 sck_pe <= 1'b0;

+                 sck_ne <= 1'b0;

+              end // else: !if(clk_cnt == cfg_sck_period)

+           end // else: !if(clk_cnt == sck_half_period)

+        end // if (op_en)

+        else 

+        begin

+           clk_cnt    <= 6'h1;

+           sck_pe     <= 1'b0;

+           sck_ne     <= 1'b0;

+        end // else: !if(op_en)

+     end // else: !if(!reset_n)

+  end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)



+wire [1:0] cs_data =  (byte_cnt == 2'b00) ? cfg_cs_byte[7:6]  :

+                      (byte_cnt == 2'b01) ? cfg_cs_byte[5:4]  :

+                      (byte_cnt == 2'b10) ? cfg_cs_byte[3:2]  : cfg_cs_byte[1:0] ;


+assign byte_out = (byte_cnt == 2'b00) ? cfg_datain[31:24] :

+                      (byte_cnt == 2'b01) ? cfg_datain[23:16] :

+                      (byte_cnt == 2'b10) ? cfg_datain[15:8]  : cfg_datain[7:0] ;


+assign shift_out =  shift_enb && sck_ne;


+always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin

+   if(!reset_n) begin

+      spiif_cs    <= `SPI_IDLE;

+      sck_cnt     <= 6'h0;

+      shift_in    <= 1'b0;

+      clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+      byte_cnt    <= 2'b00;

+      cs_int_n    <= 1'b1;

+      sck_out_en  <= 1'b0;

+      shift_enb   <= 1'b0;

+      cfg_dataout <= 32'h0;

+      load_byte   <= 1'b0;

+   end

+   else begin

+      if(sck_ne)

+         sck_cnt <=  clr_sck_cnt  ? 6'h0 : sck_cnt + 1 ;


+      case(spiif_cs)

+      `SPI_IDLE   : 

+      begin

+          op_done     <= 0;

+          clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+          sck_out_en  <= 1'b0;

+          shift_enb   <= 1'b0;

+          if(cfg_op_req) 

+          begin

+              cfg_dataout <= 32'h0;

+              spiif_cs    <= `SPI_CS_SU;

+           end 

+           else begin

+              spiif_cs <= `SPI_IDLE;

+           end 

+      end 


+      `SPI_CS_SU  : 

+       begin

+          if(sck_ne) begin

+            cs_int_n <= cs_data[1];

+            if(sck_cnt == cfg_sck_cs_period) begin

+               clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+               if(cfg_op_type == 0) begin // Write Mode

+                  load_byte   <= 1'b1;

+                  spiif_cs    <= `SPI_WRITE;

+                  shift_enb   <= 1'b0;

+               end else begin

+                  shift_in    <= 1;

+                  spiif_cs    <= `SPI_READ;

+                end

+             end

+             else begin 

+                clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b0;

+             end

+         end

+      end 


+      `SPI_WRITE : 

+       begin 

+         load_byte   <= 1'b0;

+         if(sck_ne) begin

+           if(sck_cnt == 3'h7 )begin

+              clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+              spiif_cs    <= `SPI_CS_HLD;

+              shift_enb   <= 1'b0;

+              sck_out_en  <= 1'b0; // Disable clock output

+           end

+           else begin

+              shift_enb   <= 1'b1;

+              sck_out_en  <= 1'b1;

+              clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b0;

+           end

+         end else begin

+            shift_enb   <= 1'b1;

+         end

+      end 


+      `SPI_READ : 

+       begin 

+         if(sck_ne) begin

+             if( sck_cnt == 3'h7 ) begin

+                clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+                shift_in    <= 0;

+                spiif_cs    <= `SPI_CS_HLD;

+                sck_out_en  <= 1'b0; // Disable clock output

+             end

+             else begin

+                sck_out_en  <= 1'b1; // Disable clock output

+                clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b0;

+             end

+         end

+      end 


+      `SPI_CS_HLD : begin

+         if(sck_ne) begin

+             cs_int_n <= cs_data[0];

+            if(sck_cnt == cfg_sck_cs_period) begin

+               if(cfg_op_type == 1) begin // Read Mode

+                  cfg_dataout <= (byte_cnt[1:0] == 2'b00) ? { byte_in, cfg_dataout[23:0] } :

+                                 (byte_cnt[1:0] == 2'b01) ? { cfg_dataout[31:24] ,

+                                                              byte_in, cfg_dataout[15:0] } :

+                                 (byte_cnt[1:0] == 2'b10) ? { cfg_dataout[31:16] ,

+                                                              byte_in, cfg_dataout[7:0]  } :

+                                                            { cfg_dataout[31:8]  ,

+                                                              byte_in  } ;

+               end

+               clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b1;

+               if(byte_cnt == cfg_transfer_size) begin

+                  spiif_cs <= `SPI_WAIT;

+                  byte_cnt <= 0;

+                  op_done  <= 1;

+               end else begin

+                  byte_cnt <= byte_cnt +1;

+                  spiif_cs <= `SPI_CS_SU;

+               end

+            end

+            else begin

+                clr_sck_cnt <= 1'b0;

+            end

+         end 

+      end // case: `SPI_CS_HLD    

+      `SPI_WAIT : begin

+          if(!cfg_op_req) // Wait for Request de-assertion

+             spiif_cs <= `SPI_IDLE;

+       end

+    endcase // casex(spiif_cs)

+   end

+end // always @(sck_ne



diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42b18f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+////                                                              ////
+////  Single SPI Master Interface Module                          ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the riscduino cores project            ////
+////              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////      V.0  - 06 Oct 2021                                      ////
+////          Initial SpI Module picked from                      ////
+////           ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module sspim_if
+          (
+          input  logic clk,
+          input  logic reset_n,
+          input  logic sck_pe,
+          input  logic sck_int,
+          input  logic cs_int_n,
+          input  logic       load_byte,
+          input  logic [1:0] cfg_tgt_sel,
+          input  logic [7:0] byte_out,
+          input  logic       shift_out,
+          input  logic       shift_in,
+          output logic  [7:0] byte_in,
+          output logic        sck,
+          output logic        so,
+          output logic  [3:0] cs_n,
+          input  logic        si
+           );
+  logic [7:0]    so_reg;
+  logic [7:0]    si_reg;
+  //Output Shift Register
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
+     if(!reset_n) begin
+        so_reg <= 8'h00;
+        so <= 1'b0;
+     end
+     else begin
+        if(load_byte) begin
+           so_reg <= byte_out;
+           if(shift_out) begin 
+              // Handling backto back case : 
+              // Last Transfer bit + New Trasfer Load
+              so <= so_reg[7];
+           end
+        end // if (load_byte)
+        else begin
+           if(shift_out) begin
+              so <= so_reg[7];
+              so_reg <= {so_reg[6:0],1'b0};
+           end // if (shift_out)
+        end // else: !if(load_byte)
+     end // else: !if(!reset_n)
+  end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+// Input shift register
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
+     if(!reset_n) begin
+        si_reg <= 8'h0;
+     end
+     else begin
+        if(sck_pe & shift_in) begin
+           si_reg[7:0] <= {si_reg[6:0],si};
+        end // if (sck_pe & shift_in)
+     end // else: !if(!reset_n)
+  end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+  assign byte_in[7:0] = si_reg[7:0];
+  assign cs_n[0] = (cfg_tgt_sel[1:0] == 2'b00) ? cs_int_n : 1'b1;
+  assign cs_n[1] = (cfg_tgt_sel[1:0] == 2'b01) ? cs_int_n : 1'b1;
+  assign cs_n[2] = (cfg_tgt_sel[1:0] == 2'b10) ? cs_int_n : 1'b1;
+  assign cs_n[3] = (cfg_tgt_sel[1:0] == 2'b11) ? cs_int_n : 1'b1;
+  assign sck = sck_int;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c740d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sspim/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  SPI Master Top Module                                       ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the riscduino cores project            ////
+////              ////
+////  This block integrate the SPI Master related module          ////
+////     - sspim_if                                               ////
+////     - sspim_ctl                                              ////
+////     - sspim_cfg                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.1 - 03 Oct 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////          Initial SpI Module picked from                      ////
+////           ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module sspim_top (
+           input  logic         clk          ,
+           input  logic         reset_n      ,          
+           //---------------------------------
+           // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+           //---------------------------------
+           input logic          reg_cs       ,
+           input logic          reg_wr       ,
+           input logic [7:0]    reg_addr     ,
+           input logic [31:0]   reg_wdata    ,
+           input logic [3:0]    reg_be       ,
+           // Outputs
+           output logic [31:0]  reg_rdata    ,
+           output logic         reg_ack      ,
+           //-------------------------------------------
+           // Line Interface
+           //-------------------------------------------
+           output logic        sck           , // clock out
+           output logic        so            , // serial data out
+           input  logic        si            , // serial data in
+           output logic        ssn             // cs_n
+           );
+// Local declration
+logic [7:0]          byte_in                       ;
+logic [7:0]          byte_out                      ;
+logic  [1:0]         cfg_tgt_sel                   ;
+logic                cfg_op_req                    ; // SPI operation request
+logic  [1:0]         cfg_op_type                   ; // SPI operation type
+logic  [1:0]         cfg_transfer_size             ; // SPI transfer size
+logic  [5:0]         cfg_sck_period                ; // sck clock period
+logic  [4:0]         cfg_sck_cs_period             ; // cs setup/hold period
+logic  [7:0]         cfg_cs_byte                   ; // cs bit information
+logic  [31:0]        cfg_datain                    ; // data for transfer
+logic  [31:0]        cfg_dataout                   ; // data for received
+logic                hware_op_done                 ; // operation done
+logic [3:0]          cs_n                          ; // cs_n
+assign ssn =  cs_n[0]; // Only 1 chip select supported in riscdunio
+sspim_if  u_spi_if
+          (
+          . clk                         (clk                          ), 
+          . reset_n                     (reset_n                      ),
+           // towards ctrl i/f
+          . sck_pe                      (sck_pe                       ),
+          . sck_int                     (sck_int                      ),
+          . cs_int_n                    (cs_int_n                     ),
+          . byte_in                     (byte_in                      ),
+          . load_byte                   (load_byte                    ),
+          . byte_out                    (byte_out                     ),
+          . shift_out                   (shift_out                    ),
+          . shift_in                    (shift_in                     ),
+          . cfg_tgt_sel                 (cfg_tgt_sel                  ),
+          . sck                         (sck                          ),
+          . so                          (so                           ),
+          . si                          (si                           ),
+          . cs_n                        (cs_n                         )
+           );
+sspim_ctl  u_spi_ctrl
+       ( 
+          . clk                         (clk                          ),
+          . reset_n                     (reset_n                      ),
+          . cfg_op_req                  (cfg_op_req                   ),
+          . cfg_op_type                 (cfg_op_type                  ),
+          . cfg_transfer_size           (cfg_transfer_size            ),
+          . cfg_sck_period              (cfg_sck_period               ),
+          . cfg_sck_cs_period           (cfg_sck_cs_period            ),
+          . cfg_cs_byte                 (cfg_cs_byte                  ),
+          . cfg_datain                  (cfg_datain                   ),
+          . cfg_dataout                 (cfg_dataout                  ),
+          . op_done                     (hware_op_done                ),
+          . sck_int                     (sck_int                      ),
+          . cs_int_n                    (cs_int_n                     ),
+          . sck_pe                      (sck_pe                       ),
+          . sck_ne                      (sck_ne                       ),
+          . shift_out                   (shift_out                    ),
+          . shift_in                    (shift_in                     ),
+          . load_byte                   (load_byte                    ),
+          . byte_out                    (byte_out                     ),
+          . byte_in                     (byte_in                      )
+         );
+sspim_cfg u_cfg (
+          . mclk                        (clk                          ),
+          . reset_n                     (reset_n                      ),
+        // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+          . reg_cs                      (reg_cs                       ),
+          . reg_wr                      (reg_wr                       ),
+          . reg_addr                    (reg_addr                     ),
+          . reg_wdata                   (reg_wdata                    ),
+          . reg_be                      (reg_be                       ),
+            // Outputs
+          . reg_rdata                   (reg_rdata                    ),
+          . reg_ack                     (reg_ack                      ),
+           // configuration signal
+          . cfg_tgt_sel                 (cfg_tgt_sel                  ),
+          . cfg_op_req                  (cfg_op_req                   ), // SPI operation request
+          . cfg_op_type                 (cfg_op_type                  ), // SPI operation type
+          . cfg_transfer_size           (cfg_transfer_size            ), // SPI transfer size
+          . cfg_sck_period              (cfg_sck_period               ), // sck clock period
+          . cfg_sck_cs_period           (cfg_sck_cs_period            ), // cs setup/hold period
+          . cfg_cs_byte                 (cfg_cs_byte                  ), // cs bit information
+          . cfg_datain                  (cfg_datain                   ), // data for transfer
+          . cfg_dataout                 (cfg_dataout                  ), // data for received
+          . hware_op_done               (hware_op_done                )  // operation done
+        );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uart_i2c_usb_spi/src/ b/verilog/rtl/uart_i2c_usb_spi/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13555ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uart_i2c_usb_spi/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  integrated UART,I2C Master, SPU Master & USB1.1 Host        ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the riscduino cores project            ////
+////              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description: This module integarte Uart , I2C Master        ////
+////   SPI Master and USB 1.1 Host.                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module uart_i2c_usb_spi_top 
+     (  
+   input logic         uart_rstn  , // async reset
+   input logic         i2c_rstn  ,  // async reset
+   input logic         usb_rstn  ,  // async reset
+   input logic         spi_rstn  ,  // async reset
+   input logic         app_clk ,
+   input logic         usb_clk ,   // 48Mhz usb clock
+        // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+   input logic         reg_cs,
+   input logic         reg_wr,
+   input logic [7:0]   reg_addr,
+   input logic [31:0]  reg_wdata,
+   input logic         reg_be,
+        // Outputs
+   output logic [31:0] reg_rdata,
+   output logic        reg_ack,
+   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   // i2c interface
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   input logic         scl_pad_i              , // SCL-line input
+   output logic        scl_pad_o              , // SCL-line output (always 1'b0)
+   output logic        scl_pad_oen_o          , // SCL-line output enable (active low)
+   input logic         sda_pad_i              , // SDA-line input
+   output logic        sda_pad_o              , // SDA-line output (always 1'b0)
+   output logic        sda_padoen_o           , // SDA-line output enable (active low)
+   output logic        i2cm_intr_o            ,
+   // UART I/F
+   input  logic        uart_rxd               , 
+   output logic        uart_txd               ,
+   // USB 1.1 HOST I/F
+   input  logic        usb_in_dp              ,
+   input  logic        usb_in_dn              ,
+   output logic        usb_out_dp             ,
+   output logic        usb_out_dn             ,
+   output logic        usb_out_tx_oen         ,
+   output logic        usb_intr_o            ,
+   // SPIM I/F
+   output logic        sspim_sck, // clock out
+   output logic        sspim_so,  // serial data out
+   input  logic        sspim_si,  // serial data in
+   output logic        sspim_ssn  // cs_n
+     );
+`define SEL_UART 2'b00
+`define SEL_I2C  2'b01
+`define SEL_USB  2'b10
+`define SEL_SPI  2'b11
+//  Register Response Path Mux
+//  --------------------------------------
+logic [7:0]   reg_uart_rdata;
+logic [7:0]   reg_i2c_rdata;
+logic [31:0]  reg_usb_rdata;
+logic [31:0]  reg_spim_rdata;
+logic         reg_uart_ack;
+logic         reg_i2c_ack;
+logic         reg_usb_ack;
+logic         reg_spim_ack;
+assign reg_rdata = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_UART) ? {24'h0,reg_uart_rdata} : 
+	           (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_I2C) ? {24'h0,reg_i2c_rdata} :
+	           (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_USB) ? reg_usb_rdata : reg_spim_rdata;
+assign reg_ack   = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_UART) ? reg_uart_ack   : 
+	           (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_I2C) ? reg_i2c_ack   : 
+	           (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_USB) ? reg_usb_ack : reg_spim_ack;
+wire reg_uart_cs  = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_UART) ? reg_cs : 1'b0;
+wire reg_i2cm_cs  = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_I2C)  ? reg_cs : 1'b0;
+wire reg_usb_cs   = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_UART) ? reg_cs : 1'b0;
+wire reg_spim_cs  = (reg_addr[7:6] == `SEL_SPI) ?  reg_cs : 1'b0;
+uart_core  u_uart_core (  
+        .arst_n      (uart_rstn        ), // async reset
+        .app_clk     (app_clk          ),
+        // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+        .reg_cs      (reg_uart_cs      ),
+        .reg_wr      (reg_wr           ),
+        .reg_addr    (reg_addr[5:2]    ),
+        .reg_wdata   (reg_wdata[7:0]   ),
+        .reg_be      (reg_be           ),
+        // Outputs
+        .reg_rdata   (reg_uart_rdata[7:0]),
+        .reg_ack     (reg_uart_ack     ),
+            // Pad Control
+        .rxd          (uart_rxd        ),
+        .txd          (uart_txd        )
+     );
+i2cm_top  u_i2cm (
+	// wishbone signals
+	.wb_clk_i      (app_clk        ), // master clock input
+	.sresetn       (1'b1           ), // synchronous reset
+	.aresetn       (i2c_rstn       ), // asynchronous reset
+	.wb_adr_i      (reg_addr[4:2]  ), // lower address bits
+	.wb_dat_i      (reg_wdata[7:0] ), // databus input
+	.wb_dat_o      (reg_i2c_rdata  ), // databus output
+	.wb_we_i       (reg_wr         ), // write enable input
+	.wb_stb_i      (reg_i2cm_cs    ), // stobe/core select signal
+	.wb_cyc_i      (reg_i2cm_cs    ), // valid bus cycle input
+	.wb_ack_o      (reg_i2c_ack    ), // bus cycle acknowledge output
+	.wb_inta_o     (i2cm_intr_o    ), // interrupt request signal output
+	// I2C signals
+	// i2c clock line
+	.scl_pad_i     (scl_pad_i      ), // SCL-line input
+	.scl_pad_o     (scl_pad_o      ), // SCL-line output (always 1'b0)
+	.scl_padoen_o  (scl_pad_oen_o  ), // SCL-line output enable (active low)
+	// i2c data line
+	.sda_pad_i     (sda_pad_i      ), // SDA-line input
+	.sda_pad_o     (sda_pad_o      ), // SDA-line output (always 1'b0)
+	.sda_padoen_o  (sda_padoen_o   )  // SDA-line output enable (active low)
+         );
+usb1_host u_usb_host (
+    .usb_clk_i      (usb_clk       ),
+    .usb_rstn_i     (usb_rstn      ),
+    // USB D+/D-
+    .in_dp          (usb_in_dp     ),
+    .in_dn          (usb_in_dn     ),
+    .out_dp         (usb_out_dp    ),
+    .out_dn         (usb_out_dn    ),
+    .out_tx_oen     (usb_out_tx_oen),
+    // Master Port
+    .wbm_rst_n      (usb_rstn      ),  // Regular Reset signal
+    .wbm_clk_i      (app_clk       ),  // System clock
+    .wbm_stb_i      (reg_usb_cs    ),  // strobe/request
+    .wbm_adr_i      (reg_addr[5:0]),  // address
+    .wbm_we_i       (reg_wr        ),  // write
+    .wbm_dat_i      (reg_wdata     ),  // data output
+    .wbm_sel_i      (reg_be        ),  // byte enable
+    .wbm_dat_o      (reg_usb_rdata ),  // data input
+    .wbm_ack_o      (reg_usb_ack   ),  // acknowlegement
+    .wbm_err_o      (              ),  // error
+    // Outputs
+    .usb_intr_o    ( usb_intr_o    )
+    );
+sspim_top u_sspim (
+     .clk          (app_clk         ),
+     .reset_n      (spi_rstn        ),          
+     //---------------------------------
+     // Reg Bus Interface Signal
+     //---------------------------------
+     .reg_cs      (reg_spim_cs      ),
+     .reg_wr      (reg_wr           ),
+     .reg_addr    (reg_addr         ),
+     .reg_wdata   (reg_wdata        ),
+     .reg_be      (reg_be           ),
+     // Outputs
+     .reg_rdata   (reg_spim_rdata   ),
+     .reg_ack     (reg_spim_ack     ),
+      //-------------------------------------------
+      // Line Interface
+      //-------------------------------------------
+      .sck           (sspim_sck), // clock out
+      .so            (sspim_so),  // serial data out
+      .si            (sspim_si),  // serial data in
+      .ssn           (sspim_ssn)  // cs_n
+           );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index 7610979..3dc1964 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@
      `include "lib/"
      `include "lib/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
-     `include "spi_master/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
+     `include "qspim/src/"
      `include "uart/src/"
      `include "uart/src/"
@@ -87,7 +87,13 @@
      `include "usb1_host/src/phy/usb_transceiver.v"
      `include "usb1_host/src/top/"
-     `include "uart_i2c_usb/src/"
+     `include "sspim/src/"  
+     `include "sspim/src/"  
+     `include "sspim/src/"
+     `include "sspim/src/"
+     `include "uart_i2c_usb_spi/src/"
      `include "lib/"  
      `include "lib/registers.v"
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index 66d3db2..856c053 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -26,8 +26,14 @@
 ////      This is digital core and integrate all the main block   ////
 ////      here.  Following block are integrated here              ////
 ////      1. Risc V Core                                          ////
-////      2. SPI Master                                           ////
+////      2. Quad SPI Master                                      ////
 ////      3. Wishbone Cross Bar                                   ////
+////      4. UART                                                 ////
+////      5, USB 1.1                                              ////
+////      6. SPI Master (Single)                                  ////
+////      7. SRAM 2KB                                             ////
+////      8. 6 Channel ADC                                        ////
+////      9. Pinmux with GPIO and 6 PWM                           ////
 ////                                                              ////
 ////  To Do:                                                      ////
 ////    nothing                                                   ////
@@ -107,6 +113,8 @@
 ////    1.3 - 30th Sept 2021, Dinesh.A                            ////
 ////          2KB SRAM Interface added to RISC Core               ////
 ////                                                              ////
+////    1.4 - 13th Oct 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          Basic verification and Synthesis cleanup            ////
 ////                                                              ////
 //// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
@@ -280,8 +288,8 @@
 //  CPU Configuration
 wire                              cpu_rst_n     ;
-wire                              spi_rst_n     ;
-wire                              sdram_rst_n   ;
+wire                              qspim_rst_n     ;
+wire                              sspim_rst_n     ;
 wire                              uart_rst_n    ;// uart reset
 wire                              i2c_rst_n     ;// i2c reset
 wire                              usb_rst_n     ;// i2c reset
@@ -385,7 +393,15 @@
 wire  [31:0]                     sram_dout1          ; // Read Data
+// SPIM I/F
+wire                             sspim_sck           ; // clock out
+wire                             sspim_so            ; // serial data out
+wire                             sspim_si            ; // serial data in
+wire                             sspim_ssn           ; // cs_n
+wire                             usb_intr_o          ;
+wire                             i2cm_intr_o         ;
 // Clock Skew Ctrl
@@ -422,8 +438,8 @@
        .wbd_int_rst_n    (wbd_int_rst_n        ),
        .cpu_rst_n        (cpu_rst_n            ),
-       .spi_rst_n        (spi_rst_n            ),
-       .sdram_rst_n      (sdram_rst_n          ),
+       .qspim_rst_n      (qspim_rst_n          ),
+       .sspim_rst_n      (sspim_rst_n          ), // spi reset
        .uart_rst_n       (uart_rst_n           ), // uart reset
        .i2cm_rst_n       (i2c_rst_n            ), // i2c reset
        .usb_rst_n        (usb_rst_n            ), // usb reset
@@ -557,15 +573,15 @@
 * It supports both the normal SPI mode and QPI mode with 4 data lines.
 * *******************************************************/
 `ifndef SYNTHESIS
-) u_spi_master
+) u_qspi_master
     .mclk                   (wbd_clk_int               ),
-    .rst_n                  (spi_rst_n                 ),
+    .rst_n                  (qspim_rst_n                 ),
     .wbd_stb_i              (wbd_spim_stb_o            ),
     .wbd_adr_i              (wbd_spim_adr_o            ),
@@ -673,10 +689,11 @@
-uart_i2c_usb_top   u_uart_i2c_usb (
+uart_i2c_usb_spi_top   u_uart_i2c_usb_spi (
         .uart_rstn              (uart_rst_n               ), // uart reset
         .i2c_rstn               (i2c_rst_n                ), // i2c reset
-        .usb_rstn               (usb_rst_n                ), // i2c reset
+        .usb_rstn               (usb_rst_n                ), // USB reset
+        .spi_rstn               (sspim_rst_n              ), // SPI reset
         .app_clk                (wbd_clk_int              ),
 	.usb_clk                (usb_clk                  ),
@@ -699,6 +716,8 @@
        .sda_pad_i               (i2cm_data_i              ),
        .sda_pad_o               (i2cm_data_o              ),
        .sda_padoen_o            (i2cm_data_oen            ),
+       .i2cm_intr_o             (i2cm_intr_o              ),
        .uart_rxd                (uart_rxd                 ),
        .uart_txd                (uart_txd                 ),
@@ -708,7 +727,15 @@
        .usb_out_dp              (usb_dp_o                 ),
        .usb_out_dn              (usb_dn_o                 ),
-       .usb_out_tx_oen          (usb_oen                  )
+       .usb_out_tx_oen          (usb_oen                  ),
+       .usb_intr_o              (usb_intr_o               ),
+      // SPIM Master
+       .sspim_sck               (sspim_sck                ), 
+       .sspim_so                (sspim_so                 ),  
+       .sspim_si                (sspim_si                 ),  
+       .sspim_ssn               (sspim_ssn                )  
@@ -736,6 +763,8 @@
         .irq_lines              (irq_lines                 ),
         .soft_irq               (soft_irq                  ),
         .user_irq               (user_irq                  ),
+        .usb_intr               (usb_intr_o                ),
+        .i2cm_intr              (i2cm_intr_o               ),
        // Digital IO
         .digital_io_out         (io_out                    ),
@@ -776,10 +805,10 @@
         .i2cm_data_i            (i2cm_data_i               ),
        // SPI MASTER
-        .spim_sck               (sflash_sck                ),
-        .spim_ss                (sflash_ss                 ),
-        .spim_miso              (sflash_do[0]              ),
-        .spim_mosi              (                          ),
+        .spim_sck               (sspim_sck                 ),
+        .spim_ss                (sspim_ssn                 ),
+        .spim_miso              (sspim_so                  ),
+        .spim_mosi              (sspim_si                  ),
 	.pulse1m_mclk           (pulse1m_mclk              ),
@@ -814,14 +843,16 @@
 	// DAC I/F
         .sar2dac         (sar2dac       ), 
-        .analog_dac_out  (analog_dac_out) , 
+        //.analog_dac_out  (analog_dac_out) ,  // TODO: Need to connect to DAC O/P
+        .analog_dac_out  (analog_io[6]) , 
         // ADC Input 
         .analog_din(analog_io[5:0])    // (Analog)
+* TODO: Need to uncomment the DAC
 DAC_8BIT u_dac (
      `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
@@ -839,7 +870,6 @@
 endmodule : user_project_wrapper
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/ b/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
index 184e9b6..114ef20 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
        // Global Reset control
        output logic                wbd_int_rst_n    ,
        output logic                cpu_rst_n        ,
-       output logic                spi_rst_n        ,
-       output logic                sdram_rst_n      ,
+       output logic                qspim_rst_n        ,
+       output logic                sspim_rst_n      ,
        output logic                uart_rst_n       ,
        output logic                i2cm_rst_n       ,
        output logic                usb_rst_n        ,
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_wb_rst        (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[0]),.X(wbd_int_rst_n));
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_cpu_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[1]),.X(cpu_rst_n));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_spi_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[2]),.X(spi_rst_n));
-sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_sdram_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[3]),.X(sdram_rst_n));
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_qspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[2]),.X(qspim_rst_n));
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_sspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[3]),.X(sspim_rst_n));
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_uart_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[4]),.X(uart_rst_n));
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_i2cm_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[5]),.X(i2cm_rst_n));
 sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_usb_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[6]),.X(usb_rst_n));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/ b/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
index d7b7f7a..c0e9bd7 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
@@ -223,11 +223,12 @@
-// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF  - SPI FLASH MEMORY
-// 0x1000_0000 to 0x1000_00FF  - SPI REGISTER
+// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF  - QSPI MEMORY
+// 0x1000_0000 to 0x1000_00FF  - QSPIM REG
 // 0x1001_0000 to 0x1001_003F  - UART
 // 0x1001_0040 to 0x1001_007F  - I2C
-// 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_008F  - USB
+// 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_00BF  - USB
+// 0x1001_00C0 to 0x1001_00FF  - SSPIM
 // 0x1002_0000 to 0x1002_00FF  - ADC
 // 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_00FF  - PINMUX
 // 0x3080_0000 to 0x3080_00FF  - WB HOST (This decoding happens at wb_host block)
@@ -235,18 +236,19 @@
 wire [3:0] m0_wbd_tid_i       = (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:28] == 4'b0000   ) ? 4'b0000 :   // SPI
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1000  ) ? 4'b0000 :   // SPI REG
-                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1001  ) ? 4'b0001 :   // UART/I2C/USB
+                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1001  ) ? 4'b0001 :   // UART/I2C/USB/SPI
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1002  ) ? 4'b0010 :   // ADC 
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003  ) ? 4'b0011 :   // PINMUX
 // RISC Data Memory Map
-// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF  - SPI FLASH MEMORY
-// 0x1000_0000 to 0x1000_00FF  - SPI REGISTER
+// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF  - QSPIM MEMORY
+// 0x1000_0000 to 0x1000_00FF  - QSPIM REG
 // 0x1001_0000 to 0x1001_003F  - UART
 // 0x1001_0040 to 0x1001_007F  - I2
-// 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_008F  - USB
+// 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_00BF  - USB
+// 0x1001_00C0 to 0x1001_00FF  - SSPIM
 // 0x1002_0000 to 0x1002_00FF  - ADC
 // 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_00FF  - PINMUX