MPW-4 submission with 8KB WishBone and 4KB TCM Memory
diff --git a/openlane/mbist/base.sdc b/openlane/mbist/base.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f050a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/mbist/base.sdc
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Created by write_sdc
+# Sun Nov 14 09:33:23 2021
+current_design mbist_top
+# Timing Constraints
+create_clock -name wb_clk_i -period 10.0000 [get_ports {wb_clk_i}]
+create_clock -name wb_clk2_i -period 10.0000 [get_ports {wb_clk2_i}]
+create_generated_clock -name bist_mem_clk_a -add -source [get_ports {wb_clk2_i}] -master_clock [get_clocks wb_clk2_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {Mem Clock A} [get_ports mem_clk_a]
+create_generated_clock -name bist_mem_clk_b -add -source [get_ports {wb_clk2_i}] -master_clock [get_clocks wb_clk2_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {Mem Clock B} [get_ports mem_clk_b]
+set_clock_groups -name async_clock -asynchronous -comment "Async Clock group" -group [get_clocks {wb_clk_i wb_clk2_i bist_mem_clk_a bist_mem_clk_b}]  
+set_clock_transition 0.1500 [all_clocks]
+set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.2500 [all_clocks]
+set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.2500 [all_clocks]
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) 0.05
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting timing derate to: [expr {$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) * 10}] %"
+set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
+set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
+set_input_delay  -max 5.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {rst_n}]
+set_input_delay  -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {rst_n}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_correct}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_done}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[0]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[1]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[2]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[3]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_sdo}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_correct}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_done}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[0]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[1]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[2]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_error_cnt[3]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_sdo}]
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {bist_en}]
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_load}]
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_run}]
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_sdi}]
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_shift}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_en}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_load}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_run}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_sdi}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {bist_shift}]
+## Functional Inputs
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_adr_i[*]}]  
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_stb_i}]      
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_cyc_i}]      
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_we_i}]      
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wbd_mbist1_dat_o[*]}] 
+set_input_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_sel_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_adr_i[*]}]  
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_stb_i}]      
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_cyc_i}]      
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_we_i}]      
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wbd_mbist1_dat_o[*]}] 
+set_input_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay   [get_ports {wb_sel_i[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 5 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_dat_o[*]}]  
+set_output_delay -max 5 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_ack_o}]  
+set_output_delay -max 5 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_err_o}]  
+set_output_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_dat_o[*]}]  
+set_output_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_ack_o}]  
+set_output_delay -min 2 -clock [get_clocks {wb_clk_i}] -add_delay     [get_ports {wb_err_o}]  
+## Towards MEMORY from MBIST CLOCK
+## PORT-A
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_dout_a[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_dout_a[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_addr_a[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_cen_a}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_addr_a[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_a}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_cen_a}]
+## PORT-B
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_cen_b}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_din_b[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_mask_b[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_web_b}]
+set_output_delay -max 4 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_addr_b[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_cen_b}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_din_b[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_mask_b[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_web_b}]
+set_output_delay -min -0.5 -clock [get_clocks {bist_mem_clk_b}] -add_delay [get_ports {mem_addr_b[*]}]
+# Set max delay for clock skew
+set_max_delay   3.5 -from [get_ports {wbd_clk_int}]
+set_max_delay   2 -to   [get_ports {wbd_clk_mbist}]
+set_max_delay 3.5 -from wbd_clk_int -to wbd_clk_mbist
+# Environment
+set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL_PIN) [all_inputs]
+set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
+set_load  $cap_load [all_outputs]
+set_timing_derate -early 0.9500
+set_timing_derate -late 1.0500
+# Design Rules
+set_max_fanout 4.0000 [current_design]
diff --git a/openlane/mbist/config.tcl b/openlane/mbist/config.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78cd955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/mbist/config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
+# Global
+# ------
+set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+# Name
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) mbist_top
+set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) "0"
+# Timing configuration
+set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+#set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "u_cts_wb_clk_b1.u_buf/X  \
+#	               u_cts_wb_clk_b2.u_buf/X  \
+#		       "
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) { wb_clk_i mem_no\[3\].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X mem_no\[2\].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X mem_no\[1\].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X mem_no\[0\].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X  }
+set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
+# Sources
+# -------
+# Local sources + no2usb sources
+set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/clk_skew_adjust/src/clk_skew_adjust.gv \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/     \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/  \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/src/top/  \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/     \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/ \
+     $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/lib/ \
+	     "
+set ::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS) [glob $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/mbist/include ]
+set ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) [list SYNTHESIS ]
+set ::env(SYNTH_PARAMS) "BIST_ADDR_WD 9,\
+	                 BIST_DATA_WD 32,\
+		         BIST_ADDR_START 9'h000,\
+			 BIST_ADDR_END 9'h1FB,\
+			 BIST_RAD_WD_I 9,\
+			 BIST_RAD_WD_O 9\
+			 "
+set ::env(SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
+set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
+set ::env(LEC_ENABLE) 0
+set ::env(VDD_PIN) [list {vccd1}]
+set ::env(GND_PIN) [list {vssd1}]
+# Floorplanning
+# -------------
+set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
+set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 1500 200"
+# If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
+set ::env(RUN_CVC) 1
+#set ::env(PDN_CFG) $script_dir/pdn.tcl
+set ::env(PL_TIME_DRIVEN) 1
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.30"
+set ::env(FP_IO_VEXTEND) 4
+set ::env(FP_IO_HEXTEND) 4
+set ::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) 140
+set ::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) 140
+set ::env(FP_PDN_VWIDTH) 5
+set ::env(FP_PDN_HWIDTH) 5
+set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
+set ::env(QUIT_ON_MAGIC_DRC) "1"
+set ::env(QUIT_ON_LVS_ERROR) "0"
diff --git a/openlane/mbist/interactive.tcl b/openlane/mbist/interactive.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f59586f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/mbist/interactive.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Copyright 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Copyright 2020 Sylvain Munaut
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+package require openlane;
+proc run_placement_step {args} {
+    # set pdndef_dirname [file dirname $::env(pdn_tmp_file_tag).def]
+    # set pdndef [lindex [glob $pdndef_dirname/*pdn*] 0]
+    # set_def $pdndef
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(PLACEMENT_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+    run_placement
+proc run_cts_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(opendp_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CTS_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+    run_cts
+    run_resizer_timing
+proc run_routing_step {args} {
+    # set resizerdef_dirname [file dirname $::env(resizer_tmp_file_tag)_timing.def]
+    # set resizerdef [lindex [glob $resizerdef_dirname/*resizer*] 0]
+    # set_def $resizerdef
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(ROUTING_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+    run_routing
+proc run_diode_insertion_2_5_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(DIODE_INSERTION_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+    } else {
+    }
+	if { ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 2) || ($::env(DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY) == 5) } {
+		run_antenna_check
+		heal_antenna_violators; # modifies the routed DEF
+	}
+proc run_power_pins_insertion_step {args} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(POWER_PINS_INSERTION_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+    } else {
+    }
+    if { $::env(LVS_INSERT_POWER_PINS) } {
+		write_powered_verilog
+		set_netlist $::env(lvs_result_file_tag).powered.v
+    }
+proc run_lvs_step {{ lvs_enabled 1 }} {
+    # set_def $::env(tritonRoute_result_file_tag).def
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(LVS_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $lvs_enabled } {
+		run_magic_spice_export
+		run_lvs; # requires run_magic_spice_export
+	}
+proc run_drc_step {{ drc_enabled 1 }} {
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(DRC_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $drc_enabled } {
+		run_magic_drc
+		run_klayout_drc
+	}
+proc run_antenna_check_step {{ antenna_check_enabled 1 }} {
+    if { ! [ info exists ::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF) ] } {
+        set ::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF) $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
+    } else {
+        set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) $::env(ANTENNA_CHECK_CURRENT_DEF)
+    }
+	if { $antenna_check_enabled } {
+		run_antenna_check
+	}
+proc run_flow {args} {
+       set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+		set options {
+		{-design required}
+		{-save_path optional}
+		{-no_lvs optional}
+	    {-no_drc optional}
+	    {-no_antennacheck optional}
+	}
+	set flags {-save}
+	parse_key_args "run_flow" args arg_values $options flags_map $flags -no_consume
+	prep {*}$args
+        set LVS_ENABLED 1
+        set DRC_ENABLED 1
+        set steps [dict create "synthesis" {run_synthesis "" } \
+                "floorplan" {run_floorplan ""} \
+                "placement" {run_placement_step ""} \
+                "cts" {run_cts_step ""} \
+                "routing" {run_routing_step ""}\
+                "diode_insertion" {run_diode_insertion_2_5_step ""} \
+                "power_pins_insertion" {run_power_pins_insertion_step ""} \
+                "gds_magic" {run_magic ""} \
+                "gds_drc_klayout" {run_klayout ""} \
+                "gds_xor_klayout" {run_klayout_gds_xor ""} \
+                "lvs" "run_lvs_step $LVS_ENABLED" \
+                "drc" "run_drc_step $DRC_ENABLED" \
+                "antenna_check" "run_antenna_check_step $ANTENNACHECK_ENABLED" \
+                "cvc" {run_lef_cvc}
+        ]
+       set_if_unset arg_values(-to) "cvc";
+       if {  [info exists ::env(CURRENT_STEP) ] } {
+           puts "\[INFO\]:Picking up where last execution left off"
+           puts [format "\[INFO\]:Current stage is %s " $::env(CURRENT_STEP)]
+       } else {
+           set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) "synthesis";
+       }
+       set_if_unset arg_values(-from) $::env(CURRENT_STEP);
+       set exe 0;
+       dict for {step_name step_exe} $steps {
+           if { [ string equal $arg_values(-from) $step_name ] } {
+               set exe 1;
+           }
+           if { $exe } {
+               # For when it fails
+               set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) $step_name
+               [lindex $step_exe 0] [lindex $step_exe 1] ;
+           }
+           if { [ string equal $arg_values(-to) $step_name ] } {
+               set exe 0:
+               break;
+           }
+       }
+       # for when it resumes
+       set steps_as_list [dict keys $steps]
+       set next_idx [expr [lsearch $steps_as_list $::env(CURRENT_STEP)] + 1]
+       set ::env(CURRENT_STEP) [lindex $steps_as_list $next_idx]
+	if {  [info exists flags_map(-save) ] } {
+		if { ! [info exists arg_values(-save_path)] } {
+			set arg_values(-save_path) ""
+		}
+		save_views 	-lef_path $::env(magic_result_file_tag).lef \
+			-def_path $::env(CURRENT_DEF) \
+			-gds_path $::env(magic_result_file_tag).gds \
+			-mag_path $::env(magic_result_file_tag).mag \
+			-maglef_path $::env(magic_result_file_tag).lef.mag \
+			-spice_path $::env(magic_result_file_tag).spice \
+			-spef_path $::env(CURRENT_SPEF) \
+			-verilog_path $::env(CURRENT_NETLIST) \
+			-save_path $arg_values(-save_path) \
+			-tag $::env(RUN_TAG)
+	}
+	calc_total_runtime
+	save_state
+	generate_final_summary_report
+	check_timing_violations
+	puts_success "Flow Completed Without Fatal Errors."
+run_flow {*}$argv
diff --git a/openlane/mbist/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/mbist/pin_order.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0416192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/mbist/pin_order.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+rst_n            0000 0        
+cfg_cska_mbist\[3\]  0000 0 4
+wb_cyc_i            0025 0 2
+bist_error_cnt3\[3\] 0150 0 2
+mem_clk_a\[0\]       250 0 2
+mem_dout_a0\[0\]  350 0 2
+mem_clk_b\[0\]    0450 0 2
+mem_clk_a\[1\]       1000 0 2
+mem_dout_a1\[0\]  1100 0 2
+mem_clk_b\[1\]    1200 0 2
+mem_clk_a\[2\]       250 0 2
+mem_dout_a2\[0\]  0350 0 2
+mem_clk_b\[2\]    0450 0 2
+mem_clk_a\[3\]       1000 0 2
+mem_dout_a3\[0\]  1100 0 2
+mem_clk_b\[3\]    1200 0 2
diff --git a/openlane/mbist/sta.tcl b/openlane/mbist/sta.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57a6c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/mbist/sta.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2021 , Dinesh Annayya
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by Dinesh Annayya <>
+set ::env(LIB_FASTEST) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ff_n40C_1v95.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_TYPICAL) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_SLOWEST) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ss_100C_1v60.lib"
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) "mbist_top"
+set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "base.sdc"
+set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8"
+set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65"
+set ::env(WIRE_RC_LAYER) "met1"
+#To disable empty filler cell black box get created
+#set link_make_black_boxes 0
+set_cmd_units -time ns -capacitance pF -current mA -voltage V -resistance kOhm -distance um
+define_corners wc bc tt
+read_liberty -corner bc $::env(LIB_FASTEST)
+read_liberty -corner wc $::env(LIB_SLOWEST)
+read_liberty -corner tt $::env(LIB_TYPICAL)
+read_verilog ../user_project_wrapper/netlist/mbist.v
+link_design  $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
+read_spef ../../spef/mbist_top.spef  
+read_sdc -echo $::env(BASE_SDC_FILE)
+# check for missing constraints
+check_setup  -verbose > unconstraints.rpt
+set_operating_conditions -analysis_type single
+# Propgate the clock
+set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
+echo "################ CORNER : WC (SLOW) TIMING Report ###################" > timing_ss_max.rpt
+report_checks -unique -path_delay max -slack_max -0.0 -group_count 100 -corner wc >> timing_ss_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100 -path_delay max  -path_group bist_clk  -corner wc  >> timing_ss_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100 -path_delay max  -path_group mem_clk_a  -corner wc  >> timing_ss_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100 -path_delay max  -path_group mem_clk_b -corner wc  >> timing_ss_max.rpt
+report_checks -path_delay max   -corner wc >> timing_ss_max.rpt
+echo "################ CORNER : BC (SLOW) TIMING Report ###################" > timing_ff_min.rpt
+report_checks -unique -path_delay min -slack_min -0.0 -group_count 100 -corner bc >> timing_ff_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group bist_clk  -corner bc  >> timing_ff_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group mem_clk_a  -corner bc  >> timing_ff_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group mem_clk_b -corner bc  >> timing_ff_min.rpt
+report_checks -path_delay min  -corner bc >> timing_ff_min.rpt
+echo "################ CORNER : TT (MAX) TIMING Report ###################" > timing_tt_max.rpt
+report_checks -unique -path_delay min -slack_min -0.0 -group_count 100 -corner tt >> timing_tt_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay max -path_group bist_clk  -corner tt  >> timing_tt_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay max -path_group mem_clk_a  -corner tt  >> timing_tt_max.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay max -path_group mem_clk_b -corner tt  >> timing_tt_max.rpt
+report_checks -path_delay min  -corner tt >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+echo "################ CORNER : TT (MIN) TIMING Report ###################" > timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -unique -path_delay min -slack_min -0.0 -group_count 100 -corner tt >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group bist_clk  -corner tt  >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group mem_clk_a -corner tt  >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -group_count 100  -path_delay min -path_group mem_clk_b -corner tt  >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -path_delay min  -corner tt >> timing_tt_min.rpt
+report_checks -path_delay min
diff --git a/openlane/pinmux/base.sdc b/openlane/pinmux/base.sdc
index b6a4983..cbbfba5 100644
--- a/openlane/pinmux/base.sdc
+++ b/openlane/pinmux/base.sdc
@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@
 set_input_delay 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {h_reset_n}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_addr[*]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_be[*]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_cs}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wdata[*]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wr}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_addr[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_be[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_cs}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wdata[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wr}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_addr[*]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_be[*]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_cs}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wdata[*]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wr}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_addr[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_be[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_cs}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wdata[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_wr}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_ack}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.5000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_rdata[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_ack}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_rdata[*]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_ack}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_rdata[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_ack}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {mclk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_rdata[*]}]
 # Environment
diff --git a/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl b/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
index 99ecdb7..ce6c000 100755
--- a/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/pinmux/config.tcl
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
@@ -74,7 +79,7 @@
 set ::env(PL_TIME_DRIVEN) 1
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.35"
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.30"
 set ::env(CELL_PAD) "4"
diff --git a/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
index 3a35f08..05643c9 100644
--- a/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/pinmux/pin_order.cfg
@@ -66,13 +66,6 @@
@@ -80,13 +73,6 @@
@@ -94,13 +80,6 @@
@@ -108,13 +87,13 @@
diff --git a/openlane/qspim/config.tcl b/openlane/qspim/config.tcl
index 4b3958f..a29839a 100755
--- a/openlane/qspim/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/qspim/config.tcl
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
diff --git a/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl b/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
index 5f94296..57a674a 100755
--- a/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/syntacore/config.tcl
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
@@ -70,6 +75,7 @@
 set ::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS) [glob $script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/includes ]
+set ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) [list SYNTHESIS ]
 set ::env(SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
 set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/base.sdc"
@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@
 set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
 set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) [list 0.0 0.0 1500.0 500.0]
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) [list 0.0 0.0 1520.0 520.0]
 # If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@
 set ::env(PL_TIME_DRIVEN) 1
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.33"
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) "0.32"
 # helps in anteena fix
 set ::env(USE_ARC_ANTENNA_CHECK) "0"
diff --git a/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
index cf28a0a..d9738fe 100644
--- a/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/syntacore/pin_order.cfg
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
-wbd_imem_stb_o          0150 0
+wbd_imem_stb_o          0200 0
@@ -274,131 +274,267 @@
+sram0_clk0                    250 0 2
+sram0_dout0\[0\]  0350 0 2
+sram0_clk1              0450 0 2
+sram0_dout1\[0\]  0550 0 2
+sram1_clk0           1000 0 2
+sram1_dout0\[0\]  1100 0 2
+sram1_clk1           1200 0 2
+sram1_dout1\[0\]  1300 0 2
-sram_dout0\[31\] 000 0  4
-sram_din0\[31\] 200 0  4
-sram_csb1         400 0 4
 riscv_debug\[0\]      1000  0 2
@@ -465,7 +601,7 @@
-wb_rst_n          1200 0 2
+wb_rst_n          1450 0 2
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc
index 8623b71..bee06d8 100644
--- a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/base.sdc
@@ -7,33 +7,18 @@
 # Timing Constraints
 create_clock -name app_clk -period 10.0000 [get_ports {app_clk}]
-create_clock -name line_clk -period 100.0000 [get_pins {u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.u_buf/X}]
+create_clock -name line_clk -period 100.0000 [get_pins {u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.u_mux/X}]
 create_clock -name usb_clk -period 100.0000 [get_ports {usb_clk}]
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {app_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {app_clk}]    -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -rise_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -setup 0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -hold  0.2500
-set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from [get_clocks {line_clk}] -fall_to [get_clocks {line_clk}]  -setup 0.2500
+set_clock_transition 0.1500 [all_clocks]
+set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.2500 [all_clocks]
+set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.2500 [all_clocks]
-set ::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) 0.05
-puts "\[INFO\]: Setting timing derate to: [expr {$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) * 10}] %"
-set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
-set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
 set_clock_groups -name async_clock -asynchronous \
  -group [get_clocks {app_clk}]\
+ -group [get_clocks {usb_clk}]\
  -group [get_clocks {line_clk}] -comment {Async Clock group}
 ### ClkSkew Adjust
@@ -43,15 +28,15 @@
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_ports {cfg_cska_uart[3]}]
-set_max_delay   3.5 -from [get_ports {wbd_clk_int}]
-set_max_delay   2 -to   [get_ports {wbd_clk_uart}]
-set_max_delay 3.5 -from wbd_clk_int -to wbd_clk_uart
+set_max_delay 5 -from [get_ports {wbd_clk_int}]
+set_max_delay 5 -to   [get_ports {wbd_clk_uart}]
+set_max_delay 5 -from wbd_clk_int -to wbd_clk_uart
-set_input_delay 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {i2c_rstn}]
-set_input_delay 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {uart_rstn}]
-set_input_delay 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {usb_rstn}]
+set_input_delay 3.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {i2c_rstn}]
+set_input_delay 3.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {uart_rstn}]
+set_input_delay 3.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {usb_rstn}]
 set_input_delay  -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {app_clk}] -add_delay [get_ports {reg_addr[*]}]
@@ -80,15 +65,11 @@
 set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
 puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
 set_load  $cap_load [all_outputs]
-# Design Rules
-#disable clock gating check at static clock select pins
-set_false_path -through [get_pins u_cpu_ref_sel.u_mux/S]
-set_false_path -through [get_pins u_cpu_clk_sel.u_mux/S]
-set_false_path -through [get_pins u_wbs_clk_sel.u_mux/S]
-set_false_path -through [get_pins u_usb_clk_sel.u_mux/S]
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) 0.05
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting timing derate to: [expr {$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE) * 10}] %"
+set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
+set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+$::env(SYNTH_TIMING_DERATE)}]
 # Design Rules
diff --git a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl
index 852ba18..fa19eff 100644
--- a/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/config.tcl
@@ -27,10 +27,15 @@
 # Timing configuration
 set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "app_clk usb_clk u_uart_core.line_clk_16x"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "app_clk usb_clk u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.u_mux/X"
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
index d85c42a..97e8153 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/qspim.v \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/wb_interconnect.v \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/pinmux.v     \
-        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/mbist1.v     \
+        $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/mbist.v     \
         $proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.v     \
 	$proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/wb_host.v \
 	$proj_dir/../../verilog/gl/syntacore.v \
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 	$lef_root/wb_interconnect.lef \
 	$lef_root/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.lef \
 	$lef_root/wb_host.lef \
-	$lef_root/mbist1.lef \
+	$lef_root/mbist.lef \
 	$lef_root/syntacore.lef \
 	$lef_root/sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8.lef \
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	$gds_root/wb_interconnect.gds \
 	$gds_root/uart_i2cm_usb_spi.gds \
 	$gds_root/wb_host.gds \
-	$gds_root/mbist1.gds \
+	$gds_root/mbist.gds \
 	$gds_root/syntacore.gds \
 	$gds_root/sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8.gds \
@@ -114,44 +114,39 @@
 set ::env(VDD_PIN) "vccd1 vccd2 vdda1 vdda2"
 set ::env(GND_PIN) "vssd1 vssd2 vssa1 vssa2"
-set ::env(GLB_RT_OBS) " 
-                        li1  200 165  883.1 581.54,\
-                        met1 200 165  883.1 581.54,\
-	                met2 200 165  883.1 581.54,\
-	                met3 200 165  883.1 581.54,\
-	                met4 200 195  883.1 581.54,\
-                        li1  200 1325  883.1 1741.54,\
-                        met1 200 1325  883.1 1741.54,\
-	                met2 200 1325  883.1 1741.54,\
-	                met3 200 1325  883.1 1741.54,\
-                        li1  200 1850  883.1 2266.54,\
-                        met1 200 1850  883.1 2266.54,\
-	                met2 200 1850  883.1 2266.54,\
-	                met3 200 1850  883.1 2266.54,\
-                        li1  200 2400  883.1 2816.54,\
-                        met1 200 2400  883.1 2816.54,\
-	                met2 200 2400  883.1 2816.54,\
-	                met3 200 2400  883.1 2816.54,\
-                        li1  200 2950  883.1 3366.54,\
-                        met1 200 2950  883.1 3366.54,\
-	                met2 200 2950  883.1 3366.54,\
-	                met3 200 2950  883.1 3366.54,\
-	                met5 0 0 2920 3520"
+set ::env(GLB_RT_OBS) " li1   150 1300  833.1  1716.54,\
+	                met1  150 1300  833.1  1716.54,\
+	                met3  150 1300  833.1  1716.54,\
+                        li1   950 1300 1633.1  1716.54,\
+                        met1  950 1300 1633.1  1716.54,\
+                        met2  950 1300 1633.1  1716.54,\
+                        met3  950 1300 1633.1  1716.54,\
+                        li1   150 1900  833.1  2316.54,\
+                        met1  150 1900  833.1  2316.54,\
+                        met3  150 1900  833.1  2316.54,\
+                        li1  950  1900 1633.1  2316.54,\
+                        met1 950  1900 1633.1  2316.54,\
+                        met3 950  1900 1633.1  2316.54,\
+                        li1  150  2900  833.1  3316.54,\
+                        met1 150  2900  833.1  3316.54,\
+                        met3 150  2900  833.1  3316.54,\
+                        li1  950  2900 1633.1  3316.54,\
+                        met1 950  2900 1633.1  3316.54,\
+                        met3 950  2900 1633.1  3316.54,\
+	                met5  0 0 2920 3520"
 set ::env(FP_PDN_MACRO_HOOKS) "\
 	u_intercon vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_pinmux vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_qspi_master vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_riscv_top vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_sram_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_mbist1 vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_mbist2 vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_mbist3 vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_mbist4 vccd1 vssd1 \
+	u_tsram0_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
+	u_tsram1_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
+	u_mbist vccd1 vssd1 \
+	u_sram0_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_sram1_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_sram2_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_sram3_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
-	u_sram4_2kb vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_uart_i2c_usb_spi vccd1 vssd1 \
 	u_wb_host vccd1 vssd1 \
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
index e8c75d9..b98e50c 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
-u_qspi_master           2200             700           N
-u_uart_i2c_usb_spi      2200            1400           N
-u_pinmux                2200            2300           N
-u_riscv_top	        200	        700	       N
-u_sram_2kb              200             165            N
+u_qspi_master           2200             600           N
+u_uart_i2c_usb_spi      2200            1300           N
+u_pinmux                2200            2200           N
+u_riscv_top	        150	        600	       N
+u_tsram0_2kb            150             1300           N
+u_tsram1_2kb            950             1300           N
-u_mbist1                1100            1325           N
-u_sram1_2kb             200             1325           N
-u_mbist2                1100            1850           N
-u_sram2_2kb             200             1850           N
-u_mbist3                1100            2400           N
-u_sram3_2kb             200             2400           N
-u_mbist4                1100            2950           N
-u_sram4_2kb             200             2950           N
-u_intercon              1850            700            N
-u_wb_host               1750            200            N
+u_mbist                 150             2500           N
+u_sram0_2kb             150             1900           N
+u_sram1_2kb             950             1900           FS
+u_sram2_2kb             150             2900           N
+u_sram3_2kb             950             2900           N
+u_intercon              1850            600            N
+u_wb_host               1850            300            N
diff --git a/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl b/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
index a3cd647..3ad1047 100755
--- a/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/wb_host/config.tcl
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
@@ -60,7 +65,7 @@
 set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
 set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 350 250"
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 450 200"
 # If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
diff --git a/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
index 27bcf92..ed4f0bd 100644
--- a/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/wb_host/pin_order.cfg
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
+cpu_clk               0100 0 2
@@ -145,11 +148,7 @@
-cpu_clk               0000 0 2
-wbd_int_rst_n         0100 0 2
+wbd_int_rst_n         0000 0 2
@@ -209,7 +208,7 @@
-wbs_stb_o       0160 0 2 
+wbs_stb_o       060 0 2 
diff --git a/openlane/wb_interconnect/base.sdc b/openlane/wb_interconnect/base.sdc
index 37358bb..68e7dde 100644
--- a/openlane/wb_interconnect/base.sdc
+++ b/openlane/wb_interconnect/base.sdc
@@ -29,2058 +29,118 @@
 # Set max delay for clock skew
-set_max_delay   3.5 -from [get_ports {wbd_clk_int}]
+set_max_delay 4.0 -from [get_ports {wbd_clk_int}]
 set_max_delay   2 -to   [get_ports {wbd_clk_wi}]
-set_max_delay 3.5 -from wbd_clk_int -to wbd_clk_wi
+set_max_delay 4.0 -from wbd_clk_int -to wbd_clk_wi
 set_input_delay -max 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {rst_n}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[19]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[9]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_sel_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_sel_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_sel_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_sel_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[19]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[9]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_sel_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_sel_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_sel_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_sel_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[10]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[28]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[9]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_sel_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_sel_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_sel_i[3]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
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-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -max 6.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[10]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[17]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[9]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[15]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[26]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[28]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[7]}]
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-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_input_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_sel_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_sel_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_adr_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_sel_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_ack_i}]
+set_input_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
 set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_err_o}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
 set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_err_o}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[26]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[28]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[6]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[9]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_sel_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_sel_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_sel_o[3]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[9]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_sel_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_sel_o[3]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[7]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_sel_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_sel_o[3]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[7]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
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-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[3]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
 set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_stb_o}]
 set_output_delay -max 4.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_we_o}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_err_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_ack_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_ack_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_err_o}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[19]}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[21]}]
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-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_we_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_cyc_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[0]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[1]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[2]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[3]}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_stb_o}]
-set_output_delay -min 1.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_we_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_ack_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m0_wbd_err_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_ack_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m1_wbd_err_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_ack_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {m2_wbd_err_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_cyc_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_stb_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s0_wbd_we_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_cyc_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_stb_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s1_wbd_we_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_cyc_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_stb_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s2_wbd_we_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_adr_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_cyc_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_sel_o[*]}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_stb_o}]
+set_output_delay -min 2.0000 -clock [get_clocks {clk_i}] -add_delay [get_ports {s3_wbd_we_o}]
 # Environment
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_ack_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_err_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_ack_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_err_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_ack_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_err_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_cyc_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_stb_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_we_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s1_wbd_cyc_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s1_wbd_stb_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s1_wbd_we_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s2_wbd_cyc_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s2_wbd_stb_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s2_wbd_we_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s3_wbd_cyc_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s3_wbd_stb_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s3_wbd_we_o}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {wbd_clk_wi}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m0_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m1_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[31]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[30]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[29]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[28]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[27]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[26]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[25]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[24]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[23]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[22]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[21]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[20]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[19]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[18]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[17]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[16]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[15]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[14]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[13]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[12]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[11]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[10]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[9]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[8]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[7]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[6]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[5]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[4]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[3]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[2]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[1]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {m2_wbd_dat_o[0]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[31]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[30]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[29]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[28]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[27]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[26]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[25]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[24]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[23]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[22]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[21]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[20]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[19]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[18]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[17]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[16]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[15]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[14]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[13]}]
-set_load -pin_load 0.0334 [get_ports {s0_wbd_adr_o[12]}]
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-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s1_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s2_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[31]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[30]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[29]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[28]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[27]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[26]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[25]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[24]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[23]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[22]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[21]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[20]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[19]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[18]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[17]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[16]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[15]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[14]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[13]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[12]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[11]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[10]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[9]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[8]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[7]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[6]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[5]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[4]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[3]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[2]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[1]}]
-set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin {Y} -input_transition_rise 0.0000 -input_transition_fall 0.0000 [get_ports {s3_wbd_dat_i[0]}]
+set_driving_cell -lib_cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8 -pin $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL_PIN) [all_inputs]
+set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
+puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
+set_load  $cap_load [all_outputs]
 # Design Rules
diff --git a/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl b/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
index fc3e712..7861baf 100755
--- a/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/wb_interconnect/config.tcl
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 4
+set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8"
+set ::env(CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT) "8"
 # Sources
 # -------
@@ -46,7 +51,7 @@
 set ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) [list SYNTHESIS ]
 set ::env(SYNTH_PARAMS) "CH_CLK_WD 8,\
-	                 CH_DATA_WD 137 \
+	                 CH_DATA_WD 116 \
@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@
 set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/pin_order.cfg
 set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 160 2500"
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 160 2200"
 # If you're going to use multiple power domains, then keep this disabled.
@@ -100,6 +105,12 @@
+set ::env(PL_RESIZER_MAX_WIRE_LENGTH) "1000"
+set ::env(PL_RESIZER_MAX_SLEW_MARGIN) "1.5"
+## FANOUT Reduced to take care of long routes
+set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) "2"
diff --git a/openlane/wb_interconnect/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/wb_interconnect/pin_order.cfg
index d2855e3..295c0ef 100644
--- a/openlane/wb_interconnect/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/wb_interconnect/pin_order.cfg
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-m0_wbd_stb_i         050 0 2
+m0_wbd_stb_i         060 0 2
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
-m1_wbd_stb_i         0150 0 2 
+m1_wbd_stb_i         0200 0 2 
@@ -440,15 +440,17 @@
-ch_data_out\[23\]   600 0 2
+ch_data_out\[23\]   1900 0 2
-s3_wbd_cyc_o        625 0 2
+s3_wbd_cyc_o        1925 0 2
@@ -530,113 +532,12 @@
-ch_data_in\[97\]   750 0 2
-ch_data_out\[27\]   1150 0 2
-s4_wbd_cyc_o        1175 0 2
-ch_data_in\[110\]   1300 0 2
+ch_data_in\[115\]   2050 0 2
@@ -644,223 +545,42 @@
-ch_data_out\[31\]   1700 0 2
+ch_clk_out\[5\]    2150 0 2
-s5_wbd_cyc_o        1725 0 2
-ch_data_in\[123\]   1850 0 2
-ch_data_out\[35\]   2250 0 2
-s6_wbd_cyc_o        2275 0 2
-ch_data_in\[136\]   2400 0 2
 ch_data_out\[19\]   0000 0  2  
@@ -1066,35 +786,12 @@
-ch_data_out\[136\]  1600 0 2  
+ch_data_out\[115\]  1600 0 2  
@@ -1102,14 +799,12 @@
diff --git a/signoff/mbist1/OPENLANE_VERSION b/signoff/mbist/OPENLANE_VERSION
similarity index 100%
rename from signoff/mbist1/OPENLANE_VERSION
rename to signoff/mbist/OPENLANE_VERSION
diff --git a/signoff/mbist1/PDK_SOURCES b/signoff/mbist/PDK_SOURCES
similarity index 100%
rename from signoff/mbist1/PDK_SOURCES
rename to signoff/mbist/PDK_SOURCES
diff --git a/signoff/mbist1/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/mbist/final_summary_report.csv
similarity index 72%
rename from signoff/mbist1/final_summary_report.csv
rename to signoff/mbist/final_summary_report.csv
index d452efb..78824ce 100644
--- a/signoff/mbist1/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/mbist/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/mbist1,mbist_top1,mbist1,flow_completed,0h4m36s,-1,45345.454545454544,0.055,22672.727272727272,28.31,565.84,1247,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,79820,14384,-1.26,-1.78,-1,-1.47,-1,-20.05,-28.82,-1,-32.82,-1,50155361.0,15.2,37.82,27.67,8.7,0.06,-1,1182,2538,325,1649,0,0,0,1156,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,231,261,16,186,665,0,851,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.35,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/mbist,mbist_top,mbist,flow_completed,0h11m2s,-1,20833.333333333336,0.3,10416.666666666668,13.1,663.13,3125,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,-1,458568,43437,-0.67,-6.26,-1,-1.39,-1,-0.67,-3033.14,-1,-1.39,-1,372704250.0,1.47,48.85,12.24,20.92,0.0,-1,2382,6613,753,4936,0,0,0,2339,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,849,672,17,130,3852,0,3982,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,140,140,0.3,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
index bc9656d..c09928a 100644
--- a/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/pinmux/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/pinmux,pinmux,pinmux,flow_completed,0h24m22s,-1,46327.27272727273,0.2475,23163.636363636364,27.14,711.29,5733,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,426122,64960,0.0,-0.15,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,-4.48,-1,0.0,-1,294610837.0,2.99,41.93,31.98,13.81,0.52,-1,3584,8628,542,5585,0,0,0,4221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1345,1351,16,314,3259,0,3573,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.35,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/pinmux,pinmux,pinmux,flow_completed,0h16m18s,-1,46004.0404040404,0.2475,23002.0202020202,27.03,702.81,5693,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,421015,60601,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,309034294.0,6.6,42.63,33.16,10.43,0.49,-1,3568,8567,541,5539,0,0,0,4197,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1341,1339,16,314,3259,0,3573,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.3,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv
index b8e1b13..b75a144 100644
--- a/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/qspim/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/qspim,qspim_top,qspim,flow_completed,0h8m51s,-1,64727.27272727273,0.22,32363.636363636364,37.61,693.52,7120,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,300881,62676,0.0,-4.31,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,-1599.52,-1,0.0,-1,205184440.0,6.18,33.84,32.42,0.61,1.6,-1,5860,8812,519,3470,0,0,0,6886,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1764,2182,20,388,2940,0,3328,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.4,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/qspim,qspim_top,qspim,flow_completed,0h8m52s,-1,64727.27272727273,0.22,32363.636363636364,37.61,695.07,7120,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,299102,62398,0.0,-4.31,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,-1599.52,-1,0.0,-1,205184440.0,6.62,33.96,32.07,0.54,1.34,-1,5860,8812,519,3470,0,0,0,6886,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1764,2182,20,388,2940,0,3328,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.4,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
index 7f9e60e..d573af1 100644
--- a/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/syntacore/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/syntacore,scr1_top_wb,syntacore,flow_completed,1h33m29s,-1,55728.0,0.75,27864.0,32.5,1199.69,20898,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,1799741,253072,-2.04,-16.74,-1,-0.12,-1,-2459.49,-21364.73,-1,-0.15,-1,1416553880.0,6.55,67.08,25.24,36.63,0.0,-1,18304,29655,1036,12280,0,0,0,21716,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,5144,5849,49,350,10177,0,10527,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.33,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/syntacore,scr1_top_wb,syntacore,flow_completed,0h35m5s,-1,53092.1052631579,0.7904,26546.05263157895,30.7,1184.14,20982,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,1620249,234724,-2.04,-17.66,-1,-0.03,-1,-2476.75,-21882.2,-1,-0.03,-1,1288559929.0,1.19,62.41,23.31,23.29,0.0,-1,18371,29934,1071,12527,0,0,0,21750,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,5144,5851,49,366,10822,0,11188,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.32,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv
index b018192..82f2b7b 100644
--- a/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/uart_i2cm_usb_spi/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi,uart_i2c_usb_spi_top,uart_i2cm_usb_spi,flow_completed,0h14m3s,-1,64045.71428571429,0.35,32022.857142857145,37.57,832.49,11208,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,436470,97856,-4.53,-4.87,-1,-4.61,-1,-141.45,-152.51,-1,-139.04,-1,264189380.0,3.96,30.67,29.3,0.93,0.27,-1,8571,12978,1539,5889,0,0,0,9747,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,2731,2697,26,498,4643,0,5141,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.45,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/uart_i2cm_usb_spi,uart_i2c_usb_spi_top,uart_i2cm_usb_spi,flow_completed,0h13m36s,-1,63977.14285714286,0.35,31988.57142857143,37.54,836.07,11196,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,434083,97891,-4.52,-4.86,-1,-4.69,-1,-141.37,-151.91,-1,-139.26,-1,264395920.0,0.39,30.63,28.98,0.99,0.4,-1,8563,12970,1541,5891,0,0,0,9737,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,2730,2694,26,498,4643,0,5141,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.45,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
index 2973df2..b98995d 100644
--- a/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/user_project_wrapper/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,flow_completed,0h37m54s,-1,2.9187422166874217,10.2784,1.4593711083437109,-1,535.66,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,-1,1475745,10933,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,-1,-1,40144.52,4.51,3.23,0.65,0.54,-1,298,2697,298,2697,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,5,50,1,180,90,0.55,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,0
+0,/project/openlane/user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,user_project_wrapper,flow_completed,0h39m20s,-1,2.529576587795766,10.2784,1.264788293897883,-1,530.09,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,-1,1195465,7994,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,-1,0.0,-1,-1,40144.36,3.25,3.57,0.37,0.62,-1,269,2530,269,2530,0,0,0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,5,50,1,180,90,0.55,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,0
diff --git a/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
index 64e4de6..8a3c4ac 100644
--- a/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/wb_host/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/wb_host,wb_host,wb_host,flow_completed,0h6m16s,-1,63908.571428571435,0.0875,31954.285714285717,39.91,592.74,2796,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,142732,25079,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,103335902.0,2.56,41.03,34.71,4.26,0.62,-1,1403,3046,726,2367,0,0,0,1466,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,783,970,13,166,1105,0,1271,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.41,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/wb_host,wb_host,wb_host,flow_completed,0h7m17s,-1,62133.33333333334,0.09,31066.66666666667,39.23,583.55,2796,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,156439,26510,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,117576375.0,0.0,47.59,28.13,12.61,0.16,-1,1403,3046,726,2367,0,0,0,1466,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,783,970,13,130,1105,0,1235,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.41,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/signoff/wb_interconnect/final_summary_report.csv b/signoff/wb_interconnect/final_summary_report.csv
index ff1a200..de2a952 100644
--- a/signoff/wb_interconnect/final_summary_report.csv
+++ b/signoff/wb_interconnect/final_summary_report.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-0,/project/openlane/wb_interconnect,wb_interconnect,wb_interconnect,flow_completed,0h6m50s,-1,9035.0,0.4,4517.5,3.86,674.82,1807,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,690765,27420,0.0,0.0,-1,-0.07,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,-0.14,-1,611850677.0,26.99,15.84,53.48,1.44,22.81,-1,1268,3988,208,2928,0,0,0,1682,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,540,639,7,1822,5021,0,6843,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,4,50,1,100,100,0.5,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
+0,/project/openlane/wb_interconnect,wb_interconnect,wb_interconnect,flow_completed,0h8m25s,-1,10670.454545454546,0.35200000000000004,5335.227272727273,4.18,656.2,1878,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,595153,26667,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,0.0,0.0,-1,0.0,-1,524917517.0,43.3,14.09,52.85,1.35,22.33,-1,948,3082,178,2312,0,0,0,1249,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,439,494,10,1600,4411,0,6011,90.9090909090909,11,10,AREA 0,2,50,1,100,100,0.5,0.0,sky130_fd_sc_hd,4,4
diff --git a/sta/scripts/caravel_timing.tcl b/sta/scripts/caravel_timing.tcl
index 695b0fa..92b3b08 100644
--- a/sta/scripts/caravel_timing.tcl
+++ b/sta/scripts/caravel_timing.tcl
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
         set ::env(USER_ROOT)    "/home/dinesha/workarea/opencore/git/riscduino"
         set ::env(CARAVEL_ROOT) "/home/dinesha/workarea/efabless/MPW-4/caravel_openframe"
-        set ::env(PDK_ROOT)     "/opt/pdk_mpw4"
+        set ::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)     "/opt/pdk_mpw4"
-        read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_sram_macros/lib/sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8_TT_1p8V_25C.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_sram_macros/lib/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8_TT_1p8V_25C.lib
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hvl__tt_025C_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hvl__tt_025C_3v30_lv1v80.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_gpiov2_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_hvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad_tt_100C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped3_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped3_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
-	read_liberty $::env(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+        read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_sram_macros/lib/sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8_TT_1p8V_25C.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_sram_macros/lib/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8_TT_1p8V_25C.lib
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hvl__tt_025C_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hvl__tt_025C_3v30_lv1v80.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_gpiov2_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_hvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad_tt_100C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_tt_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped3_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped3_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30_3v30.lib	
+	read_liberty $::env(CARAVEL_PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/lib/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad_tt_025C_1v80_3v30.lib	
 	read_verilog $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/mgmt_core_wrapper/verilog/gl/mgmt_core.v	
 	read_verilog $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/mgmt_core_wrapper/verilog/gl/DFFRAM.v	
 	read_verilog $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/mgmt_core_wrapper/verilog/gl/mgmt_core_wrapper.v	
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/wb_host.v  
         read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/wb_interconnect.v
         read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/pinmux.v
-        read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/mbist1.v
+        read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/mbist.v
         read_verilog $::env(USER_ROOT)/verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v  
@@ -144,10 +144,7 @@
 	read_spef -path gpio_defaults_block_37              $::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/spef/gpio_defaults_block.spef	
 	## User Project Spef
-        read_spef -path mprj/u_mbist1                       $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/mbist_top1.spef  
-        read_spef -path mprj/u_mbist2                       $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/mbist_top1.spef  
-        read_spef -path mprj/u_mbist3                       $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/mbist_top1.spef  
-        read_spef -path mprj/u_mbist4                       $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/mbist_top1.spef  
+        read_spef -path mprj/u_mbist                       $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/mbist_top.spef  
         read_spef -path mprj/u_riscv_top         $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/scr1_top_wb.spef
         read_spef -path mprj/u_pinmux            $::env(USER_ROOT)/spef/pinmux.spef
diff --git a/sta/sdc/caravel.sdc b/sta/sdc/caravel.sdc
index 10f37d4..cda6027 100644
--- a/sta/sdc/caravel.sdc
+++ b/sta/sdc/caravel.sdc
@@ -14,68 +14,60 @@
 #create_clock [get_pins  clocking/pll_clk90 ] -name "pll_clk90"  -period 25
 create_generated_clock -name wb_clk -add -source [get_ports {clock}] -master_clock [get_clocks clock] -divide_by 1 -comment {Wishbone User Clock} [get_pins mprj/wb_clk_i]
-create_clock -name wbs_clk_i -period 15.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}]
-create_clock -name cpu_clk -period 20.0000    [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cpu_clk}]
-create_clock -name rtc_clk -period 50.0000    [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/rtc_clk}]
-create_clock -name usb_clk -period 20.0000    [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/usb_clk}]
-create_clock -name line_clk -period 100.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.u_buf/X}]
+create_clock -name wbs_clk_i   -period 15.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}]
+create_clock -name cpu_ref_clk -period 10.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/u_cpu_ref_sel.u_mux/X}]
+create_clock -name cpu_clk     -period 20.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cpu_clk}]
+create_clock -name rtc_clk     -period 50.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/rtc_clk}]
+create_clock -name usb_clk     -period 20.0000  [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/usb_clk}]
+create_clock -name line_clk    -period 100.0000 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/u_uart_core.u_lineclk_buf.u_mux/X}]
+create_generated_clock -name mem_clk0 -add -source [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}] -master_clock [get_clocks wbs_clk_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {memory Clock} [get_pins mprj/u_mbist/mem_no[0].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X]
+create_generated_clock -name mem_clk1 -add -source [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}] -master_clock [get_clocks wbs_clk_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {memory Clock} [get_pins mprj/u_mbist/mem_no[1].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X]
+create_generated_clock -name mem_clk2 -add -source [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}] -master_clock [get_clocks wbs_clk_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {memory Clock} [get_pins mprj/u_mbist/mem_no[2].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X]
+create_generated_clock -name mem_clk3 -add -source [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/wbs_clk_out}] -master_clock [get_clocks wbs_clk_i] -divide_by 1 -comment {memory Clock} [get_pins mprj/u_mbist/mem_no[3].u_mem_sel.u_mem_clk_sel.u_mux/X]
 ## Case analysis
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_intercon/cfg_cska_wi[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_intercon/cfg_cska_wi[1]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_intercon/cfg_cska_wi[1]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_intercon/cfg_cska_wi[2]}]
 set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_intercon/cfg_cska_wi[3]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[3]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[1]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[2]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_pinmux/cfg_cska_pinmux[3]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_sp_co[0]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_sp_co[1]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_sp_co[2]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_sp_co[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[0]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[0]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[3]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[2]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_qspi_master/cfg_cska_spi[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[3]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[0]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[1]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[2]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_riscv_top/cfg_cska_riscv[3]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cfg_cska_wh[0]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cfg_cska_wh[1]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cfg_cska_wh[2]}]
 set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_wb_host/cfg_cska_wh[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[0]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[0]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[1]}]
 set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[3]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_uart_i2c_usb_spi/cfg_cska_uart[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist1/cfg_cska_mbist[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist1/cfg_cska_mbist[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist1/cfg_cska_mbist[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist1/cfg_cska_mbist[3]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist/cfg_cska_mbist[0]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist/cfg_cska_mbist[1]}]
+set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist/cfg_cska_mbist[2]}]
+set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist/cfg_cska_mbist[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist2/cfg_cska_mbist[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist2/cfg_cska_mbist[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist2/cfg_cska_mbist[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist2/cfg_cska_mbist[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist3/cfg_cska_mbist[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist3/cfg_cska_mbist[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist3/cfg_cska_mbist[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist3/cfg_cska_mbist[3]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist4/cfg_cska_mbist[0]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist4/cfg_cska_mbist[1]}]
-set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist4/cfg_cska_mbist[2]}]
-set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins {mprj/u_mbist4/cfg_cska_mbist[3]}]
 #disable clock gating check at static clock select pins
 set_false_path -through [get_pins mprj/u_wb_host/u_wbs_clk_sel.u_mux/S]
@@ -83,10 +75,11 @@
 set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
 set_clock_groups -name async_clock -asynchronous \
- -group [get_clocks {clock wb_clk}]\
+ -group [get_clocks {clock wb_clk mem_clk0 mem_clk1 mem_clk2 mem_clk3}]\
  -group [get_clocks {user_clk2}]\
  -group [get_clocks {wbs_clk_i}]\
  -group [get_clocks {cpu_clk}]\
+ -group [get_clocks {cpu_ref_clk}]\
  -group [get_clocks {rtc_clk}]\
  -group [get_clocks {usb_clk}]\
  -group [get_clocks {line_clk}]\
@@ -154,6 +147,9 @@
 set_false_path -from [get_ports mprj_io[*]]
 set_false_path -from [get_ports gpio]
+## User Project static signals
+set_false_path -through [get_pins mprj/u_pinmux/bist_en]
 # TODO set this as parameter
 set cap_load [expr $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) / 1000.0]
 puts "\[INFO\]: Setting load to: $cap_load"
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_basic/user_basic_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_basic/user_basic_tb.v
index f645004..49482e0 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_basic/user_basic_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_basic/user_basic_tb.v
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
-	 wb_user_core_read_check(32'h3002005C,read_data,32'h1112_2021);
-	 wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020060,read_data,32'h0001_9000);
+	 wb_user_core_read_check(32'h3002005C,read_data,32'h2012_2021);
+	 wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020060,read_data,32'h0002_2000);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_mbist_test1/user_mbist_test1_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_mbist_test1/user_mbist_test1_tb.v
index 8378213..5fe3ae9 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_mbist_test1/user_mbist_test1_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_mbist_test1/user_mbist_test1_tb.v
@@ -42,14 +42,10 @@
 `define WB_MAP           `30080_0000
 `define GLBL_FUNC_MAP    'h3002_0000
-`define MBIST1_FUNC_MAP  'h3003_0000
-`define MBIST2_FUNC_MAP  'h3004_0000
-`define MBIST3_FUNC_MAP  'h3005_0000
-`define MBIST4_FUNC_MAP  'h3006_0000
-`define MBIST5_FUNC_MAP  'h3007_0000
-`define MBIST6_FUNC_MAP  'h3008_0000
-`define MBIST7_FUNC_MAP  'h3009_0000
-`define MBIST8_FUNC_MAP  'h300A_0000
+`define MBIST1_FUNC_MAP  'h3003_0000  // 0x3003_0000 to 0x3003_07FF
+`define MBIST2_FUNC_MAP  'h3003_0800  // 0x3003_0800 to 0x3003_0FFF
+`define MBIST3_FUNC_MAP  'h3003_1000  // 0x3003_1000 to 0x3003_17FF
+`define MBIST4_FUNC_MAP  'h3003_1800  // 0x3003_1800 to 0x3003_1FFF
 `define GLBL_BIST_CTRL1  'h3002_0070    
 `define GLBL_BIST_STAT1  'h3002_0074
@@ -59,7 +55,7 @@
 `define WB_GLBL_CTRL     'h3080_0000
-`define NO_SRAM          2 // 8
+`define NO_SRAM          4 // 8
@@ -115,7 +111,9 @@
 	`ifdef WFDUMP
 	   initial begin
-	   	$dumpvars(5, user_mbist_test1_tb);
+	   	$dumpvars(2, user_mbist_test1_tb);
+	   	$dumpvars(0, user_mbist_test1_tb.u_top.u_mbist);
+	   	$dumpvars(0, user_mbist_test1_tb.u_top.u_intercon);
@@ -144,16 +142,81 @@
 		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 0
 		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
 		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h0
-		insert_fault(0,0,64'h01010101_01010101);
+		insert_fault(0,0,0,0,0,32'h01010101);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
 	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-1: BIST Test without any Memory Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
 	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-1: BIST Test without any Memory Error insertion test Failed");
-		$dumpon;
-	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Single Address Failure");
+		$display("#########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Single Address Failure for MEM-0");
+	    	$display("#########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h1
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(1,0,0,0,0,32'h01010115);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.1: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.1: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Single Address Failure for MEM-0/1");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h1
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(1,1,0,0,0,32'h01011515);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.2: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.2: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Single Address Failure for MEM-0/1/2");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h1
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(1,1,1,0,0,32'h01151515);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.3: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.3: BIST Test with Single Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Single Address Failure to All Memory");
 		   // Check Is there is any BIST Error
 		   // [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
@@ -163,17 +226,84 @@
 		   // [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h1
 		   //if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0001101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x1
 		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
-		insert_fault(1,1,64'h15151515_15151515);
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(1,1,1,1,1,32'h15151515);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2: BIST Test with One Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.4: BIST Test with One Memory Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2: BIST Test with One Memory Error insertion test Failed");
-		 end
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-2.4: BIST Test with One Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
-		$dumpoff;
+		$display("#########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Two Address Failure for MEM-0");
+	    	$display("#########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h2
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(2,0,0,0,0,32'h01010125);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.1: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.1: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Two Address Failure for MEM-0/1");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h2
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(2,2,0,0,0,32'h01012525);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.2: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.2: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Two Address Failure for MEM-0/1/2");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h2
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(2,2,2,0,0,32'h01252525);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.3: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.3: BIST Test with Two Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
-	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Two Address Failure");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Two Address Failure to All Memory");
 		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
 		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
@@ -181,19 +311,23 @@
 		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
 		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
 		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h2
-		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0010101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x2
+		   //if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0001101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x1
 		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
 		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
-		insert_fault(2,0,64'h25252525_25252525);
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(2,2,2,2,1,32'h25252525);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3: BIST Test with Two Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.4: BIST Test with Two Memory Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3: BIST Test with Two Memory Error insertion test Failed");
-		 end
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-3.4: BIST Test with Two Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
-	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Three Address Failure");
-	    	$display("###################################################");
+		$display("#########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Three Address Failure for MEM-0");
+	    	$display("#########################################################");
 		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
 		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
@@ -201,41 +335,171 @@
 		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
 		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
 		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
-		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0011101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x3
 		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
 		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
 		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
-		insert_fault(3,1,64'h35353535_35353535);
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(3,0,0,0,0,32'h01010135);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4: BIST Test with Three Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.1: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4: BIST Test with Three Memory Error insertion test Failed");
-		 end
-                $dumpoff;
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.1: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Three Address Failure for MEM-0/1");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(3,3,0,0,0,32'h01013535);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.2: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.2: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Three Address Failure for MEM-0/1/2");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(3,3,3,0,0,32'h01353535);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.3: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.3: BIST Test with Three Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
-	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Fours Address Failure");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Three Address Failure to All Memory");
+		   // Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		   // [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		   // [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		   // [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		   // [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		   // [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
+		   //if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0001101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x1
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(3,3,3,3,1,32'h35353535);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.4: BIST Test with Three Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.4: BIST Test with Three Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+		$display("#########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Four Address Failure for MEM-0");
+	    	$display("#########################################################");
 		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
 		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
 		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
 		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
 		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
 		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h4
-		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0100101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x4
 		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
 		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
 		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
 		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
-		insert_fault(4,0,64'h45454545_45454545);
+		insert_fault(4,0,0,0,0,32'h01010145);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.1: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.1: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Four Address Failure for MEM-0/1");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h4
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(4,4,0,0,0,32'h01014545);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.2: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.2: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0/1 Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+		$display("##########################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with With Four Address Failure for MEM-0/1/2");
+	    	$display("##########################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(4,4,4,0,0,32'h01454545);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.3: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.3: BIST Test with Four Address Failure at MEM0/1/2 Error insertion test Failed");
-		$dumpon;
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Four Address Failure to All Memory");
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+		   // Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		   // [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		   // [1]   - Bist Error     - 0
+		   // [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		   // [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		   // [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h3
+		   //if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0001101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x1
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		insert_fault(4,4,4,4,1,32'h45454545);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.4: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-4.4: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+		end
+	    	$display("###################################################");
 	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Fours Address(Continous Starting Addrsess) Failure");
@@ -250,12 +514,12 @@
 		faultaddr[1] = 9'h1;
 		faultaddr[2] = 9'h2;
 		faultaddr[3] = 9'h3;
-		insert_fault(4,0,64'h45454545_45454545);
+		insert_fault(4,4,4,4,0,32'h45454545);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.2: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.1: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.2: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.1: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
@@ -272,15 +536,16 @@
 		faultaddr[1] = 9'hF1;
 		faultaddr[2] = 9'hF2;
 		faultaddr[3] = 9'hF3;
-		insert_fault(4,0,64'h45454545_45454545);
+		insert_fault(4,4,4,4,0,32'h45454545);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.3: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.2: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.3: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5.2: BIST Test with Four Memory Error insertion test Failed");
-	    	$display("###################################################");
-	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Five Address Failure");
+		$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Five Address Failure for MEM0");
 		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
 		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
@@ -294,19 +559,87 @@
 		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
 		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
 		faultaddr[4] = 9'h50;
-		insert_fault(5,1,64'h47474747_47474747);
+		insert_fault(5,0,0,0,1,32'h01010147);
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.1: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0 test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion test Failed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.1: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0 test Failed");
+		 end
+		$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Five Address Failure for MEM0/1");
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 1
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h4
+		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0100101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x4
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		faultaddr[4] = 9'h50;
+		insert_fault(5,5,0,0,1,32'h01014747);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.2: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0/1 test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.2: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0/1 test Failed");
+		 end
+        	$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Five Address Failure for MEM0/1/2");
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 1
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h4
+		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0100101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x4
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		faultaddr[4] = 9'h50;
+		insert_fault(5,5,5,0,1,32'h01474747);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.3: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0/1/2 test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.3: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion for MEM0/1/2 test Failed");
+		 end
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Five Address Failure for All Memory");
+	    	$display("###################################################");
+		// Check Is there is any BIST Error
+		// [0]   - Bist Done      - 1
+		// [1]   - Bist Error     - 1
+		// [2]   - Bist Correct   - 1
+		// [3]   - Reserved       - 0
+		// [7:4] - Bist Error Cnt - 4'h4
+		//if(read_data[6:0]  != 7'b0100101) test_fail = 1; // Bist correct = 1 and Bist Err Cnt - 0x4
+		faultaddr[0] = 9'h10;
+		faultaddr[1] = 9'h20;
+		faultaddr[2] = 9'h30;
+		faultaddr[3] = 9'h40;
+		faultaddr[4] = 9'h50;
+		insert_fault(5,5,5,5,1,32'h47474747);
+          	if(test_fail == 0) begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.4: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion test Passed");
+	        end else begin
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-6.4: BIST Test with Five Memory Error insertion test Failed");
 	    	$display(" MBIST Test with Functional Access, continuation of previous MBIST Signature");
-		$dumpon;
 		    // Remove the Bist Enable and Bist Run
@@ -401,9 +734,9 @@
                 disable fork; //disable pending fork activity
           	if(test_fail == 0) begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Functional access test Passed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-7: BIST Test with Functional access test Passed");
 	        end else begin
-	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-5: BIST Test with Functional access test failed");
+	    	    $display("Monitor: Step-7: BIST Test with Functional access test failed");
@@ -463,16 +796,24 @@
 // -----------------------------------
 task insert_fault;
-input [3:0]  num_fault;
+input [3:0]  num0_fault;
+input [3:0]  num1_fault;
+input [3:0]  num2_fault;
+input [3:0]  num3_fault;
 input        fault_type; // 0 -> struck at 0 and 1 -> struck at 1
-input [63:0]  mbist_signature;
+input [31:0]  mbist_signature;
 reg [31:0] datain;
 reg [8:0]  fail_addr1;
 reg [8:0]  fail_addr2;
 reg [8:0]  fail_addr3;
 reg [8:0]  fail_addr4;
+reg [3:0]  num_fault[0:3];
 integer j;
+   num_fault[0] = num0_fault;
+   num_fault[1] = num1_fault;
+   num_fault[2] = num2_fault;
+   num_fault[3] = num3_fault;
    repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
@@ -481,7 +822,7 @@
        // Remove WB and BIST RESET
        // Set the Bist Enable and Bist Run
-       wb_user_core_write(`GLBL_BIST_CTRL1,'h00003333);
+       wb_user_core_write(`GLBL_BIST_CTRL1,'h00000003);
        // Remove WB and BIST RESET
       // Check for MBIST Done
@@ -491,6 +832,9 @@
       // wait for some time for all the BIST to complete
       repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
+      // Toggle the Bist Load for update the shift data
+      wb_user_core_write(`GLBL_BIST_CTRL1,'h00000004);
+      wb_user_core_write(`GLBL_BIST_CTRL1,'h00000000);
       // Check Is there is any BIST Error
       // [0]   - Bist Done      
       // [1]   - Bist Error     
@@ -506,82 +850,82 @@
          repeat (1) @(posedge clock);
-         if(u_top.u_sram1_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
-	   ((num_fault > 0 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 1 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 2 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 3 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 4 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 5 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 6 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]) ||
-	    (num_fault > 7 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7])))
+         if(u_top.u_sram0_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
+	   ((num_fault[0] > 0 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 1 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 2 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 3 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 4 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 5 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 6 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]) ||
+	    (num_fault[0] > 7 && u_top.u_sram0_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7])))
 	   if(fault_type == 0) // Struck at 0
-	      force u_top.u_sram1_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem1_din_b  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
+	      force u_top.u_sram0_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem0_din_a  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
-	      force u_top.u_sram1_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem1_din_b | 32'h1;
+	      force u_top.u_sram0_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem0_din_a | 32'h1;
+   	   -> error_insert;
+         end else begin
+            release u_top.u_sram0_2kb.din0;
+         end
+         if(u_top.u_sram1_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
+	   ((num_fault[1] > 0 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 1 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 2 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 3 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 4 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 5 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 6 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+1) ||
+	    (num_fault[1] > 7 && u_top.u_sram1_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+1)))
+             begin
+	   if(fault_type == 0) // Struck at 0
+	      force u_top.u_sram1_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem1_din_a  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
+	   else
+	      force u_top.u_sram1_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem1_din_a | 32'h1;
    	   -> error_insert;
          end else begin
             release u_top.u_sram1_2kb.din0;
          if(u_top.u_sram2_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
-	   ((num_fault > 0 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 1 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 2 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 3 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 4 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 5 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 6 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+1) ||
-	    (num_fault > 7 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+1)))
+	   ((num_fault[2] > 0 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 1 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 2 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 3 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 4 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 5 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 6 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+2) ||
+	    (num_fault[2] > 7 && u_top.u_sram2_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+2)))
 	   if(fault_type == 0) // Struck at 0
-	      force u_top.u_sram2_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem2_din_b  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
+	      force u_top.u_sram2_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem2_din_a  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
-	      force u_top.u_sram2_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem2_din_b | 32'h1;
+	      force u_top.u_sram2_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem2_din_a | 32'h1;
    	   -> error_insert;
          end else begin
             release u_top.u_sram2_2kb.din0;
          if(u_top.u_sram3_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
-	   ((num_fault > 0 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 1 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 2 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 3 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 4 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 5 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 6 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+2) ||
-	    (num_fault > 7 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+2)))
+	   ((num_fault[3] > 0 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 1 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 2 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 3 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 4 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 5 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 6 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+3) ||
+	    (num_fault[3] > 7 && u_top.u_sram3_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+3)))
 	   if(fault_type == 0) // Struck at 0
-	      force u_top.u_sram3_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem3_din_b  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
+	      force u_top.u_sram3_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem3_din_a  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
-	      force u_top.u_sram3_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem3_din_b | 32'h1;
+	      force u_top.u_sram3_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem3_din_a | 32'h1;
    	   -> error_insert;
          end else begin
             release u_top.u_sram3_2kb.din0;
-         if(u_top.u_sram4_2kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
-	   ((num_fault > 0 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 1 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 2 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[2]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 3 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[3]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 4 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[4]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 5 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[5]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 6 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[6]+3) ||
-	    (num_fault > 7 && u_top.u_sram4_2kb.addr0 == faultaddr[7]+3)))
-             begin
-	   if(fault_type == 0) // Struck at 0
-	      force u_top.u_sram4_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem4_din_b  & 32'hFFFF_FFFE;
-	   else
-	      force u_top.u_sram4_2kb.din0 = u_top.mem4_din_b | 32'h1;
-   	   -> error_insert;
-         end else begin
-            release u_top.u_sram4_2kb.din0;
-         end
          //if(u_top.u_sram5_1kb.web0 == 1'b0 && 
 	 //  ((num_fault > 0 && u_top.u_sram5_1kb.addr0 == faultaddr[0]+4) ||
 	 //   (num_fault > 1 && u_top.u_sram5_1kb.addr0 == faultaddr[1]+4) ||
@@ -670,25 +1014,28 @@
    disable fork; //disable pending fork activity
    // Read Back the Failure Address and cross-check all the 8 MBIST
-   for(j=0; j < `NO_SRAM; j=j+1) begin
-      fail_addr1 = faultaddr[0]+j;
-      fail_addr2 = faultaddr[1]+j;
-      fail_addr3 = faultaddr[2]+j;
-      fail_addr4 = faultaddr[3]+j;
+   // Read Signature is comming is reverse order, MBIST4 => MBIST3 => MBIST2
+   for(j=`NO_SRAM; j > 0; j=j-1) begin
+      fail_addr1 = faultaddr[0]+j-1;
+      fail_addr2 = faultaddr[1]+j-1;
+      fail_addr3 = faultaddr[2]+j-1;
+      fail_addr4 = faultaddr[3]+j-1;
-      // Select the Serial SDI/SDO interface
-      wb_user_core_write(`GLBL_BIST_CTRL1,j << 28); 
-      if(num_fault == 1)
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{16'h0,7'h0,fail_addr1},32'h0000_FFFF);
-      if(num_fault == 2)
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr2,7'h0,fail_addr1},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
-      if(num_fault == 3) begin
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr2,7'h0,fail_addr1},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{16'h0,7'h0,fail_addr3},32'h0000_FFFF);
-      end
-      if(num_fault >= 4) begin
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr2,7'h0,fail_addr1},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
-          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,faultaddr[3]+j,7'h0,fail_addr3},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+      if(num_fault[j-1] == 1) begin
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{32'h0},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr1,16'h0},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+      end else if(num_fault[j-1] == 2) begin
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{32'h0},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr1,7'h0,fail_addr2},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+     end else if(num_fault[j-1] == 3) begin
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr3,16'h0},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr1,7'h0,fail_addr2},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+      end else if(num_fault[j-1] >= 4) begin
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr3,7'h0,fail_addr4},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,{7'h0,fail_addr1,7'h0,fail_addr2},32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+      end else begin
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,32'h0,32'hFFFF_FFFF);
+          wb_user_core_read_check(`GLBL_BIST_SRDATA,read_data,32'h0,32'hFFFF_FFFF);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_risc_soft_boot/user_risc_soft_boot_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_risc_soft_boot/user_risc_soft_boot_tb.v
index 278e07f..e748da4 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_risc_soft_boot/user_risc_soft_boot_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_risc_soft_boot/user_risc_soft_boot_tb.v
@@ -155,13 +155,13 @@
 		   tem_mem_32b[i] = {tem_mem[(i*4)+3],tem_mem[(i*4)+2],tem_mem[(i*4)+1],tem_mem[(i*4)]};
-	        $readmemh("sram_bank0.hex",u_top.u_sram1_2kb.mem,0,511);
+	        $readmemh("sram_bank0.hex",u_top.u_sram0_2kb.mem,0,511);
 		for(i =512; i < 1023; i = i+1)
 		   tem_mem_32b[i-512] = {tem_mem[(i*4)+3],tem_mem[(i*4)+2],tem_mem[(i*4)+1],tem_mem[(i*4)]};
-	        $readmemh("sram_bank1.hex",u_top.u_sram2_2kb.mem,0,511);
+	        $readmemh("sram_bank1.hex",u_top.u_sram1_2kb.mem,0,511);
 		// Enable the SRAM Remap to boot region
@@ -189,23 +189,12 @@
                 // 0x3000002C = 0x66778899; 
                 test_fail = 0;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h30020058,read_data);
-		if(read_data != 32'h11223344) test_fail = 1;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h3002005C,read_data);
-		if(read_data != 32'h22334455) test_fail = 1;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h30020060,read_data);
-	        if(read_data != 32'h33445566) test_fail = 1;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h30020064,read_data);
-                if(read_data!= 32'h44556677) test_fail = 1;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h30020068,read_data);
-                if(read_data!= 32'h55667788) test_fail = 1;
-		wb_user_core_read(32'h3002006C,read_data) ;
-	        if(read_data != 32'h66778899) test_fail = 1;
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020058,read_data,32'h11223344);
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h3002005C,read_data,32'h22334455);
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020060,read_data,32'h33445566);
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020064,read_data,32'h44556677);
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h30020068,read_data,32'h55667788);
+		wb_user_core_read_check(32'h3002006C,read_data,32'h66778899) ;
@@ -332,6 +321,40 @@
+task  wb_user_core_read_check;
+input [31:0] address;
+output [31:0] data;
+input [31:0] cmp_data;
+reg    [31:0] data;
+  repeat (1) @(posedge clock);
+  #1;
+  wbd_ext_adr_i =address;  // address
+  wbd_ext_we_i  ='h0;  // write
+  wbd_ext_dat_i ='0;  // data output
+  wbd_ext_sel_i ='hF;  // byte enable
+  wbd_ext_cyc_i ='h1;  // strobe/request
+  wbd_ext_stb_i ='h1;  // strobe/request
+  wait(wbd_ext_ack_o == 1);
+  data  = wbd_ext_dat_o;  
+  repeat (1) @(posedge clock);
+  #1;
+  wbd_ext_cyc_i ='h0;  // strobe/request
+  wbd_ext_stb_i ='h0;  // strobe/request
+  wbd_ext_adr_i ='h0;  // address
+  wbd_ext_we_i  ='h0;  // write
+  wbd_ext_dat_i ='h0;  // data output
+  wbd_ext_sel_i ='h0;  // byte enable
+  if(data !== cmp_data) begin
+     $display("ERROR : WB USER ACCESS READ  Address : 0x%x, Exd: 0x%x Rxd: 0x%x ",address,cmp_data,data);
+     test_fail = 1;
+  end else begin
+     $display("STATUS: WB USER ACCESS READ  Address : 0x%x, Data : 0x%x",address,data);
+  end
+  repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
 `ifdef GL
 wire        wbd_spi_stb_i   = u_top.u_spi_master.wbd_stb_i;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ef9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  ser_shift                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the mbist_ctrl cores project           ////
+////              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////   This block manages the parallel to serial conversion       ////
+////   This block usefull for Bist SDI/SDO access                 ////
+////         asserts Reg Ack                                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.0 - 16th Dec 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          Initial integration                                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+module ser_shift
+     #(parameter WD = 32)
+       (
+    // Master Port
+       input   logic               rst_n       ,  // Regular Reset signal
+       input   logic               clk         ,  // System clock
+       input   logic               load        ,  // load request
+       input   logic               shift       ,  // shift
+       input   logic [WD-1:0]      load_data   ,  // load data
+       input   logic               sdi         ,  // sdi
+       output  logic               sdo            // sdo
+    );
+logic [WD-1:0] shift_reg;
+always@(negedge rst_n or posedge clk)
+   if(rst_n == 0) begin
+      shift_reg   <= 'h0;
+   end else if(load) begin
+      shift_reg   <= load_data;
+   end else if(shift) begin
+      shift_reg   <= {sdi,shift_reg[WD-1:1]};
+   end
+assign sdo = shift_reg[0];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/run_iverilog b/verilog/rtl/mbist/run_iverilog
index a88ada5..f5f5020 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/mbist/run_iverilog
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/run_iverilog
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-iverilog -g2005-sv \
-src/top/ \
+iverilog -g2005-sv -DFUNCTIONAL -D UNIT_DELAY=#0.1 \
+src/top/ \
 src/core/ \
 src/core/ \
 src/core/ \
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 -I include/ \
 ../lib/ \
 ../lib/ \
+../clk_skew_adjust/src/clk_skew_adjust.gv \
 $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hd.v \
-$PDK_ROOT/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/primitives.v \
---timescale 1ns/100ps \
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
index 584a2b6..ffcf42c 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
    input   logic                    rst_n,       //  asynchronous reset 
    input   logic                    run,         //  stop or start state machine 
    input   logic                    updown,      //  count up or down 
-   input   logic                    scan_shift,  //  shift scan input
-   input   logic                    scan_load,   //  load scan input
+   input   logic                    bist_shift,  //  shift scan input
+   input   logic                    bist_load,   //  load scan input
    input   logic                    sdi          //  scan data input 
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
   if(!rst_n)          bist_addr <= BIST_ADDR_START ;
-  else if(scan_load)  bist_addr <= start_addr;
+  else if(bist_load)  bist_addr <= start_addr;
   else                bist_addr <= next_addr;
@@ -100,17 +100,16 @@
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
   if(!rst_n)           start_addr <= BIST_ADDR_START ;
-  else if(scan_shift)  start_addr <= {sdi, start_addr[BIST_ADDR_WD-1:1]};
+  else if(bist_shift)  start_addr <= {sdi, start_addr[BIST_ADDR_WD-1:1]};
 /* Start register */
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
   if(!rst_n)           end_addr <= BIST_ADDR_END ;
-  else if(scan_shift)  end_addr <= {start_addr[0], end_addr[BIST_ADDR_WD-1:1]};
+  else if(bist_shift)  end_addr <= {start_addr[0], end_addr[BIST_ADDR_WD-1:1]};
 assign sdo   = end_addr[0];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
index b631626..5e22d3e 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
@@ -61,12 +61,15 @@
 ////                                                              ////
 module mbist_mem_wrapper #(
+	parameter BIST_NO_SRAM=4,
 	parameter BIST_ADDR_WD=10,
 	parameter BIST_DATA_WD=32) (
 	input   logic                          rst_n           ,
           // WB I/F
+	input   logic [(BIST_NO_SRAM+1)/2-1:0] sram_id         ,
         input   logic                          wb_clk_i        ,  // System clock
         input   logic                          wb_cyc_i        ,  // strobe/request
+        input   logic [(BIST_NO_SRAM+1)/2-1:0] wb_cs_i         ,  // Chip Select
         input   logic                          wb_stb_i        ,  // strobe/request
         input   logic [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]       wb_adr_i        ,  // address
         input   logic                          wb_we_i         ,  // write
@@ -75,35 +78,26 @@
         output  logic [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]       wb_dat_o        ,  // data input
         output  logic                          wb_ack_o        ,  // acknowlegement
         output  logic                          wb_err_o        ,  // error
-      // MEM A PORT 
-        output   logic                         func_clk_a      ,
-        output   logic                         func_cen_a      ,
-        output   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]     func_addr_a     ,
-        input    logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]     func_dout_a     ,
-       // Functional B Port
-        output   logic                         func_clk_b     ,
-        output   logic                         func_cen_b     ,
-        output   logic                         func_web_b     ,
-        output   logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    func_mask_b    ,
-        output   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]     func_addr_b    ,
-        output   logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]     func_din_b     
+      // MEM PORT 
+        output   logic                         func_clk        ,
+        output   logic                         func_cen        ,
+        output   logic                         func_web        ,
+        output   logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    func_mask       ,
+        output   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]     func_addr       ,
+        input    logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]     func_dout       ,
+        output   logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]     func_din        
 // Memory Write PORT
-assign func_clk_b    = wb_clk_i;
-assign func_cen_b    = !wb_stb_i;
-assign func_web_b    = !wb_we_i;
-assign func_mask_b   = wb_sel_i;
-assign func_addr_b   = wb_adr_i;
-assign func_din_b    = wb_dat_i;
-assign func_clk_a    = wb_clk_i;
-assign func_cen_a    = (wb_stb_i == 1'b1 && wb_we_i == 1'b0 && wb_ack_o ==0) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
-assign func_addr_a   = wb_adr_i;
-assign wb_dat_o      = func_dout_a;
+assign func_clk    = wb_clk_i;
+assign func_cen    = (wb_cs_i == sram_id) ? !wb_stb_i : 1'b1;
+assign func_web    = (wb_cs_i == sram_id) ? !wb_we_i  : 1'b1;
+assign func_mask   = wb_sel_i;
+assign func_addr   = wb_adr_i;
+assign func_din    = wb_dat_i;
+assign wb_dat_o      = func_dout;
 assign wb_err_o      = 1'b0;
@@ -112,7 +106,7 @@
     if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
       wb_ack_o<= 'h0;
    end else begin
-      wb_ack_o <= (wb_stb_i == 1'b1) & (wb_ack_o == 0);
+      wb_ack_o <= (wb_cs_i == sram_id) & (wb_stb_i == 1'b1) & (wb_ack_o == 0);
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
index 754ea63..0341b16 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
@@ -61,73 +61,57 @@
       input   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  bist_error_addr,
       output  logic                      bist_correct,
       input   logic                      bist_sdi,
+      input   logic                      bist_load,
       input   logic                      bist_shift,
       output  logic                      bist_sdo,
-      input   logic                      func_clk_a,
-      input   logic                      func_cen_a,
-      input   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  func_addr_a,
-      // Common for func and Mbist i/f
-      output  logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  func_dout_a,
-      input   logic                      func_clk_b,
-      input   logic                      func_cen_b,
-      input   logic                      func_web_b,
-      input   logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0] func_mask_b,
-      input   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  func_addr_b,
-      input   logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  func_din_b,
+      input   logic                      func_clk,
+      input   logic                      func_cen,
+      input   logic                      func_web,
+      input   logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0] func_mask,
+      input   logic  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  func_addr,
+      input   logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  func_din,
+      output  logic  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  func_dout,
      // towards memory
-      output logic                       mem_clk_a,
-      output logic                       mem_cen_a,
-      output logic   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  mem_addr_a,
-      input  logic   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  mem_dout_a,
-      output logic                       mem_clk_b,
-      output logic                       mem_cen_b,
-      output logic                       mem_web_b,
-      output logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]  mem_mask_b,
-      output logic   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  mem_addr_b,
-      output logic   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  mem_din_b
+      output logic                       mem_clk,
+      output logic                       mem_cen,
+      output logic                       mem_web,
+      output logic [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]  mem_mask,
+      output logic   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]  mem_addr,
+      output logic   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  mem_din,
+      input  logic   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]  mem_dout
 parameter BIST_MASK_WD = BIST_DATA_WD/8;
-wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      addr_a;
-wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      addr_b;
-wire                           mem_clk_a_cts; // used for internal clock tree
-wire                           mem_clk_b_cts; // usef for internal clock tree
+wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      addr;
-assign addr_a   = (bist_en) ? bist_addr   : func_addr_a;
-assign addr_b   = (bist_en) ? bist_addr   : func_addr_b;
+assign addr   = (bist_en) ? bist_addr   : func_addr;
-assign mem_cen_a    = (bist_en) ? !bist_rd   : func_cen_a;
-assign mem_cen_b    = (bist_en) ? !bist_wr   : func_cen_b;
-assign mem_web_b    = (bist_en) ? !bist_wr   : func_web_b;
-assign mem_mask_b   = (bist_en) ? {{BIST_MASK_WD}{1'b1}}       : func_mask_b;
+assign mem_cen    = (bist_en) ? !(bist_rd | bist_wr)   : func_cen;
+assign mem_web    = (bist_en) ? !bist_wr   : func_web;
+assign mem_mask   = (bist_en) ? {{BIST_MASK_WD}{1'b1}} : func_mask;
 //assign mem_clk_a    = (bist_en) ? bist_clk   : func_clk_a;
 //assign mem_clk_b    = (bist_en) ? bist_clk   : func_clk_b;
-ctech_mux2x1 u_mem_clk_a_sel (.A0 (func_clk_a),.A1 (bist_clk),.S  (bist_en),     .X  (mem_clk_a));
-ctech_mux2x1 u_mem_clk_b_sel (.A0 (func_clk_b),.A1 (bist_clk),.S  (bist_en),     .X  (mem_clk_b));
+ctech_mux2x1 u_mem_clk_sel (.A0 (func_clk),.A1 (bist_clk),.S  (bist_en),     .X  (mem_clk));
-ctech_clk_buf u_cts_mem_clk_a (.A (mem_clk_a), . X(mem_clk_a_cts));
-ctech_clk_buf u_cts_mem_clk_b (.A (mem_clk_b), . X(mem_clk_b_cts));
+//ctech_clk_buf u_mem_clk (.A (mem_clk_cts), . X(mem_clk));
-assign mem_din_b    = (bist_en) ? bist_wdata   : func_din_b;
+assign mem_din    = (bist_en) ? bist_wdata   : func_din;
 // During scan, SRAM data is unknown, feed data in back to avoid unknow
 // propagation
-assign func_dout_a   =  (scan_mode) ?  mem_din_b : mem_dout_a;
+assign func_dout   =  (scan_mode) ?  mem_din : mem_dout;
       #(.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD),
@@ -137,41 +121,21 @@
 	.BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I),
 	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O)) 
-     u_repair_A(
-    .AddressOut    (mem_addr_a       ),
+     u_repair(
+    .AddressOut    (mem_addr         ),
     .Correct       (bist_correct     ),
     .sdo           (bist_sdo         ),
-    .AddressIn     (addr_a           ),
-    .clk           (mem_clk_a_cts    ),
+    .AddressIn     (addr             ),
+    .clk           (mem_clk          ),
     .rst_n         (rst_n            ),
     .Error         (bist_error       ),
     .ErrorAddr     (bist_error_addr  ),
-    .scan_shift    (bist_shift       ),
+    .bist_load     (bist_load       ),
+    .bist_shift    (bist_shift       ),
     .sdi           (bist_sdi         )
-      #(.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD),
-	.BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O)) 
-    u_repair_B(
-    .AddressOut    (mem_addr_b      ),
-    .Correct       (                ), // Both Bist Correct are same
-    .sdo           (                ),
-    .AddressIn     (addr_b          ),
-    .clk           (mem_clk_b_cts   ),
-    .rst_n         (rst_n           ),
-    .Error         (bist_error      ),
-    .ErrorAddr     (bist_error_addr ),
-    .scan_shift    (1'b0            ), // Both Repair hold same address
-    .sdi           (1'b0            )
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
index 70eb7c1..983f661 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/core/
@@ -60,18 +60,14 @@
     input logic                      rst_n,
     input logic                      Error,
     input logic [BIST_RAD_WD_I-1:0]  ErrorAddr,
-    input logic                      scan_shift,  //  shift scan input
+    input logic                      bist_load,
+    input logic                      bist_shift,  //  shift scan input
     input logic                      sdi          //  scan data input 
 logic [3:0]   ErrorCnt; // Assumed Maximum Error correction is less than 16
-logic [15:0]  shift_reg;
-logic [15:0]  shift_load;
-logic [7:0]   shift_cnt;
-logic         scan_shift_d;
-logic         shift_pos_edge;
 logic [BIST_RAD_WD_I-1:0] RepairMem [0:BIST_ERR_LIMIT-1];
 integer i;
@@ -110,39 +106,39 @@
 * Serial shifting the Repair address
 * *******************************************/
-always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
-   if(!rst_n) begin
-     shift_reg   <= '0;
-     shift_cnt   <= '0;
-     scan_shift_d <= 1'b0;
-   end else begin
-      if(scan_shift && (shift_cnt[7:4] < BIST_ERR_LIMIT)) begin
-         shift_cnt <= shift_cnt+1;
-      end
-      scan_shift_d <= scan_shift;
-      shift_reg <= shift_load;
+integer j;
+logic [0:BIST_ERR_LIMIT-1] sdi_in;
+logic [0:BIST_ERR_LIMIT-1] sdo_out;
+// Daisy chain the Serial In/OUT 
+always_comb begin
+   for(j =0; j < BIST_ERR_LIMIT; j=j+1) begin
+      sdi_in[j] =(j==0) ?  sdi :  sdo_out[j-1];
-// Detect scan_shift pos edge
-assign shift_pos_edge = (scan_shift_d ==0) && (scan_shift);
+assign  sdo = sdo_out[BIST_ERR_LIMIT-1];
-  shift_load = shift_reg;
-  // Block the data reloading every pos edge of shift
-  if(scan_shift && ((shift_cnt[7:4]+1) < BIST_ERR_LIMIT) && (shift_cnt[3:0] == 4'b1111))
-     shift_load = {RepairMem[shift_cnt[7:4]+1]};
-  else if(scan_shift)
-     shift_load = {sdi,shift_reg[15:1]};
-  else
-     shift_load = {RepairMem[shift_cnt[7:4]]};
+genvar no;
+for (no = 0; $unsigned(no) < BIST_ERR_LIMIT; no=no+1) begin : num
+ ser_shift
+     #(.WD(16)) u_shift(
+    // Master Port
+       .rst_n       (rst_n         ),
+       .clk         (clk           ), 
+       .load        (bist_load     ),
+       .shift       (bist_shift    ),
+       .load_data   (RepairMem[no] ), 
+       .sdi         (sdi_in[no]    ),  
+       .sdo         (sdo_out[no]   )  
+    );
-assign sdo   = shift_reg[0];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/top/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1094cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbist/src/top/
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  MBIST TOP                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the mbist_ctrl cores project           ////
+////             ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////      This block integrate mbist controller with row          ////
+////      redendency feature                                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.0 - 11th Oct 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          Initial integration                                 ////
+////    0.1 - 26th Oct 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          Fixed Error Address are serial shifted through      ////
+////          sdi/sdo                                             ////
+////    0.2 - 15 Dec 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////          Added support for common MBIST for 4 SRAM           ////
+////    0.3 - 29th Dec 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          yosys synthesis issue for two dimension variable    ////
+////          changed the variable defination from logic to wire  ////
+////                                                              ////
+`include "mbist_def.svh"
+module mbist_top
+     #(  
+         parameter BIST_NO_SRAM           = 4,
+	 parameter BIST_ADDR_WD           = 9,
+	 parameter BIST_DATA_WD           = 32,
+	 parameter BIST_ADDR_START        = 9'h000,
+	 parameter BIST_ADDR_END          = 9'h1FB,
+	 parameter BIST_REPAIR_ADDR_START = 9'h1FC,
+	 parameter BIST_RAD_WD_I          = BIST_ADDR_WD,
+	 parameter BIST_RAD_WD_O          = BIST_ADDR_WD) (
+    inout vccd1,	// User area 1 1.8V supply
+    inout vssd1,	// User area 1 digital ground
+    // Clock Skew Adjust
+       input  wire                           wbd_clk_int, 
+       output wire                           wbd_clk_mbist,
+       input  wire [3:0]                     cfg_cska_mbist, // clock skew adjust for web host
+	input logic                            rst_n,
+	// MBIST I/F
+	input wire                           bist_en,
+	input wire                            bist_run,
+	input wire                            bist_shift,
+	input wire                            bist_load,
+	input wire                            bist_sdi,
+	output wire [3:0]                     bist_error_cnt0,
+	output wire [3:0]                     bist_error_cnt1,
+	output wire [3:0]                     bist_error_cnt2,
+	output wire [3:0]                     bist_error_cnt3,
+	output wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        bist_correct   ,
+	output wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        bist_error     ,
+	output wire                           bist_done,
+	output wire                           bist_sdo,
+        // WB I/F
+        input   wire                          wb_clk_i,  // System clock
+        input   wire                          wb_clk2_i, // System clock2 is no cts
+        input   wire                          wb_cyc_i,  // strobe/request
+        input   wire                          wb_stb_i,  // strobe/request
+	input   wire [(BIST_NO_SRAM+1)/2-1:0] wb_cs_i,
+        input   wire [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]       wb_adr_i,  // address
+        input   wire                          wb_we_i ,  // write
+        input   wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]       wb_dat_i,  // data output
+        input   wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]     wb_sel_i,  // byte enable
+        output  wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]       wb_dat_o,  // data input
+        output  wire                          wb_ack_o,  // acknowlegement
+        output  wire                          wb_err_o,  // error
+     // towards memory
+     // PORT-A
+        output wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_clk_a,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_a0,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_a1,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_a2,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_a3,
+        output wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_cen_a,
+        output wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_web_a,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    mem_mask_a0,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    mem_mask_a1,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    mem_mask_a2,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]    mem_mask_a3,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_din_a0,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_din_a1,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_din_a2,
+        output wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_din_a3,
+        input  wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_dout_a0,
+        input  wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_dout_a1,
+        input  wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_dout_a2,
+        input  wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_dout_a3,
+     // PORT-B
+        output wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        mem_clk_b,
+        output wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        mem_cen_b,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_b0,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_b1,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_b2,
+        output wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_b3
+parameter  NO_SRAM_WD = (BIST_NO_SRAM+1)/2;
+wire                    func_clk[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire                    func_cen[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire                    func_web[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]func_mask[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]func_addr[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]func_dout[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire  [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]func_din[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+// Local variable defination
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+wire                    srst_n     ; // sync reset w.r.t bist_clk
+wire                    cmd_phase  ;  // Command Phase
+wire                    cmp_phase  ;  // Compare Phase
+wire                    run_op     ;  // Run next Operation
+wire                    run_addr   ;  // Run Next Address
+wire                    run_sti    ;  // Run Next Stimulus
+wire                    run_pat    ;  // Run Next Pattern
+wire                    op_updown  ;  // Adress updown direction
+wire                    last_addr  ;  // last address indication
+wire                    last_sti   ;  // last stimulus
+wire                    last_op    ;  // last operation
+wire                    last_pat   ;  // last pattern
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0] pat_data   ;  // Selected Data Pattern
+wire [BIST_STI_WD-1:0]  stimulus   ;  // current stimulus
+wire                    compare    ;  // compare data
+wire                    op_repeatflag;
+wire                    op_reverse;
+wire                    op_read   ;
+wire                    op_write   ;
+wire                    op_invert   ;
+wire                    bist_error_correct[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1]  ;
+wire  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]bist_error_addr[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1] ; // bist address
+wire  [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]bist_addr       ; // bist address
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0] bist_wdata      ; // bist write data
+wire                    bist_wr         ;
+wire                    bist_rd         ;
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0] wb_dat[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];  // data input
+wire                    wb_ack[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];  // acknowlegement
+wire                    wb_err[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];  // error
+// As yosys does not support two dimensional var, 
+// converting it single dimension
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+wire [3:0]              bist_error_cnt_i [0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+assign bist_error_cnt0 = bist_error_cnt_i[0];
+assign bist_error_cnt1 = bist_error_cnt_i[1];
+assign bist_error_cnt2 = bist_error_cnt_i[2];
+assign bist_error_cnt3 = bist_error_cnt_i[3];
+// Towards MEMORY PORT - A
+wire   [BIST_ADDR_WD-1:0]      mem_addr_a_i[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem_mask_a_i[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_dout_a_i[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem_din_a_i[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+assign mem_addr_a0 = mem_addr_a_i[0];
+assign mem_addr_a1 = mem_addr_a_i[1];
+assign mem_addr_a2 = mem_addr_a_i[2];
+assign mem_addr_a3 = mem_addr_a_i[3];
+assign mem_din_a0 = mem_din_a_i[0];
+assign mem_din_a1 = mem_din_a_i[1];
+assign mem_din_a2 = mem_din_a_i[2];
+assign mem_din_a3 = mem_din_a_i[3];
+assign mem_mask_a0= mem_mask_a_i[0];
+assign mem_mask_a1= mem_mask_a_i[1];
+assign mem_mask_a2= mem_mask_a_i[2];
+assign mem_mask_a3= mem_mask_a_i[3];
+assign mem_dout_a_i[0] = mem_dout_a0;
+assign mem_dout_a_i[1] = mem_dout_a1;
+assign mem_dout_a_i[2] = mem_dout_a2;
+assign mem_dout_a_i[3] = mem_dout_a3;
+// Towards MEMORY PORT - A
+assign mem_clk_b   = 'b0;
+assign mem_cen_b   = 'b0;
+assign mem_addr_b0 = 'b0;
+assign mem_addr_b1 = 'b0;
+assign mem_addr_b2 = 'b0;
+assign mem_addr_b3 = 'b0;
+// Manage the SDI => SDO Diasy chain
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// SDI => SDO diasy chain
+// bist_sdi => bist_addr_sdo =>  bist_sti_sdo =>  bist_op_sdo => bist_pat_sdo => bist_sdo
+// ---------------------------------
+wire                    bist_addr_sdo   ;                 
+wire                    bist_sti_sdo    ;                 
+wire                    bist_op_sdo     ;                 
+wire                    bist_pat_sdo    ;                 
+wire                    bist_ms_sdi[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+wire                    bist_ms_sdo[0:BIST_NO_SRAM-1];
+// Adjust the SDI => SDO Daisy chain
+assign bist_ms_sdi[0] = bist_pat_sdo;
+assign bist_ms_sdi[1] = bist_ms_sdo[0];
+assign bist_ms_sdi[2] = bist_ms_sdo[1];
+assign bist_ms_sdi[3] = bist_ms_sdo[2];
+assign bist_sdo = bist_ms_sdo[3];
+// Pick the correct read path
+assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat[wb_cs_i];
+assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack[wb_cs_i];
+assign wb_err_o = wb_err[wb_cs_i];
+assign bist_wr = (cmd_phase && op_write);
+assign bist_rd = (cmd_phase && op_read);
+assign compare    = (cmp_phase && op_read);
+assign bist_wdata = (op_invert) ? ~pat_data : pat_data;
+// Clock Tree branching to avoid clock latency towards SRAM path
+wire wb_clk_b1,wb_clk_b2;
+//ctech_clk_buf u_cts_wb_clk_b1 (.A (wb_clk_i), . X(wb_clk_b1));
+//ctech_clk_buf u_cts_wb_clk_b2 (.A (wb_clk_i), . X(wb_clk_b2));
+// wb_host clock skew control
+clk_skew_adjust u_skew_mbist
+       (
+               .vccd1      (vccd1                      ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
+               .vssd1      (vssd1                      ),// User area 1 digital ground
+	       .clk_in     (wbd_clk_int                ), 
+	       .sel        (cfg_cska_mbist             ), 
+	       .clk_out    (wbd_clk_mbist              ) 
+       );
+reset_sync   u_reset_sync (
+	      .scan_mode  (1'b0 ),
+              .dclk       (wb_clk_i  ), // Destination clock domain
+	      .arst_n     (rst_n     ), // active low async reset
+              .srst_n     (srst_n    )
+          );
+integer i;
+reg bist_error_and;
+reg bist_error_correct_or;
+always_comb begin
+   bist_error_and =0;
+   bist_error_correct_or = 0;
+   for(i=0; i <BIST_NO_SRAM; i = i+1) begin
+     bist_error_and = bist_error_and & bist_error[i];
+     bist_error_correct_or = bist_error_correct_or | bist_error_correct[i];
+   end
+// bist main control FSM
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+     u_fsm (
+	            .cmd_phase          (cmd_phase           ),
+	            .cmp_phase          (cmp_phase           ),
+	            .run_op             (run_op             ),
+	            .run_addr           (run_addr           ),
+	            .run_sti            (run_sti            ),
+	            .run_pat            (run_pat            ),
+	            .bist_done          (bist_done          ),
+	            .clk                (wb_clk_i           ),
+	            .rst_n              (srst_n             ),
+	            .bist_run           (bist_run           ),
+	            .last_op            (last_op            ),
+	            .last_addr          (last_addr          ),
+	            .last_sti           (last_sti           ),
+	            .last_pat           (last_pat           ),
+		    .op_reverse         (op_reverse         ),
+		    .bist_error         (bist_error_and     )
+// bist address generation
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+      u_addr_gen(
+                    .last_addr          (last_addr          ), 
+                    .bist_addr          (bist_addr          ),   
+                    .sdo                (bist_addr_sdo      ),         
+                    .clk                (wb_clk_i           ),         
+                    .rst_n              (srst_n             ),       
+                    .run                (run_addr           ),         
+                    .updown             (op_updown          ),      
+                    .bist_shift         (bist_shift         ),  
+                    .bist_load          (bist_load          ),   
+                    .sdi                (bist_sdi           )
+// BIST current stimulus selection
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+       u_sti_sel(
+	            .sdo                (bist_sti_sdo       ),  
+	            .last_stimulus      (last_sti           ),  
+                    .stimulus           (stimulus           ),
+	            .clk                (wb_clk_i           ),  
+	            .rst_n              (srst_n             ),  
+	            .scan_shift         (bist_shift         ),  
+	            .sdi                (bist_addr_sdo      ),  
+	            .run                (run_sti            )              
+// Bist Operation selection
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+        u_op_sel (
+                    .op_read            (op_read               ), 
+	            .op_write           (op_write              ),
+	            .op_invert          (op_invert             ),
+	            .op_updown          (op_updown             ),
+	            .op_reverse         (op_reverse            ),
+	            .op_repeatflag      (op_repeatflag         ),
+	            .sdo                (bist_op_sdo           ),
+	            .last_op            (last_op               ),
+	            .clk                (wb_clk_i              ),
+	            .rst_n              (srst_n                ),
+	            .scan_shift         (bist_shift            ),
+	            .sdi                (bist_sti_sdo          ),
+		    .re_init            (bist_error_correct_or ),
+	            .run                (run_op                ),
+                    .stimulus           (stimulus              )
+    );
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+      u_pat_sel (
+                    .pat_last           (last_pat           ),
+                    .pat_data           (pat_data           ),
+                    .sdo                (bist_pat_sdo       ),
+                    .clk                (wb_clk_i           ),
+                    .rst_n              (srst_n             ),
+                    .run                (run_pat            ),
+                    .scan_shift         (bist_shift         ),
+                    .sdi                (bist_op_sdo        )
+   );
+genvar sram_no;
+for (sram_no = 0; $unsigned(sram_no) < BIST_NO_SRAM; sram_no=sram_no+1) begin : mem_no
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+     u_cmp (
+                    .error              (bist_error[sram_no]         ),
+		    .error_correct      (bist_error_correct[sram_no] ),
+		    .correct            (                            ), // same signal available at bist mux
+		    .error_addr         (bist_error_addr[sram_no]    ),
+		    .error_cnt          (bist_error_cnt_i[sram_no]   ),
+                    .clk                (wb_clk_i                    ),
+                    .rst_n              (srst_n                      ),
+		    .addr_inc_phase     (run_addr                    ),
+                    .compare            (compare                     ), 
+	            .read_invert        (op_invert                   ),
+                    .comp_data          (pat_data                    ),
+                    .rxd_data           (func_dout[sram_no]          ),
+		    .addr               (bist_addr                   )
+	);
+    // WB To Memory Signal Mapping
+    mbist_mem_wrapper #(
+	 .BIST_NO_SRAM           (BIST_NO_SRAM           ),
+    	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+    	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           )
+              ) u_mem_wrapper_(
+    	                .rst_n           (srst_n                    ),
+                   // WB I/F
+		        .sram_id         (NO_SRAM_WD'(sram_no)      ),
+                        .wb_clk_i        (wb_clk2_i                 ),  // System clock
+                        .wb_cyc_i        (wb_cyc_i                  ),  // strobe/request
+			.wb_cs_i         (wb_cs_i                   ),  // Chip Select
+                        .wb_stb_i        (wb_stb_i                  ),  // strobe/request
+                        .wb_adr_i        (wb_adr_i                  ),  // address
+                        .wb_we_i         (wb_we_i                   ),  // write
+                        .wb_dat_i        (wb_dat_i                  ),  // data output
+                        .wb_sel_i        (wb_sel_i                  ),  // byte enable
+                        .wb_dat_o        (wb_dat[sram_no]           ),  // data input
+                        .wb_ack_o        (wb_ack[sram_no]           ),  // acknowlegement
+                        .wb_err_o        (wb_err[sram_no]           ),  // error
+                    // MEM A PORT 
+                        .func_clk        (func_clk[sram_no]         ),
+                        .func_cen        (func_cen[sram_no]         ),
+                        .func_web        (func_web[sram_no]         ),
+                        .func_mask       (func_mask[sram_no]        ),
+                        .func_addr       (func_addr[sram_no]        ),
+                        .func_din        (func_din[sram_no]         ),    
+                        .func_dout       (func_dout[sram_no]        )
+         );
+      #(
+	 .BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST_ADDR_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_START        (BIST_ADDR_START        ),
+	 .BIST_ADDR_END          (BIST_ADDR_END          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST_RAD_WD_I          ),
+	 .BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST_RAD_WD_O          )
+          )
+       u_mem_sel (
+	            .scan_mode            (1'b0                       ),
+                    .rst_n                (srst_n                     ),
+                    // MBIST CTRL SIGNAL
+                    .bist_en              (bist_en                    ),
+                    .bist_addr            (bist_addr                  ),
+                    .bist_wdata           (bist_wdata                 ),
+                    .bist_clk             (wb_clk2_i                  ),
+                    .bist_wr              (bist_wr                    ),
+                    .bist_rd              (bist_rd                    ),
+                    .bist_error           (bist_error_correct[sram_no]),
+                    .bist_error_addr      (bist_error_addr[sram_no]   ),
+                    .bist_correct         (bist_correct[sram_no]      ),
+		    .bist_sdi             (bist_ms_sdi[sram_no]       ),
+		    .bist_load            (bist_load                  ),
+		    .bist_shift           (bist_shift                 ),
+		    .bist_sdo             (bist_ms_sdo[sram_no]       ),
+                    // FUNCTIONAL CTRL SIGNAL
+                    .func_clk             (func_clk[sram_no]          ),
+                    .func_cen             (func_cen[sram_no]          ),
+	            .func_web             (func_web[sram_no]          ),
+	            .func_mask            (func_mask[sram_no]         ),
+                    .func_addr            (func_addr[sram_no]         ),
+                    .func_din             (func_din[sram_no]          ),
+                    .func_dout            (func_dout[sram_no]         ),
+                    // towards memory
+                    // Memory Out Port
+                    .mem_clk             (mem_clk_a[sram_no]          ),
+                    .mem_cen             (mem_cen_a[sram_no]          ),
+                    .mem_web             (mem_web_a[sram_no]          ),
+                    .mem_mask            (mem_mask_a_i[sram_no]       ),
+                    .mem_addr            (mem_addr_a_i[sram_no]       ),
+                    .mem_din             (mem_din_a_i[sram_no]        ),
+                    .mem_dout            (mem_dout_a_i[sram_no]       )
+    );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index 518ceaa..3588254 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
 	               output  logic [31:0]    pinmux_debug,	       
 		// BIST I/F
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_en,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_run,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_load,
+	               output logic            bist_en,
+	               output logic            bist_run,
+	               output logic            bist_load,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_sdi,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_shift,
-	               input  logic [3:0]      bist_sdo,
+	               output logic            bist_sdi,
+	               output logic            bist_shift,
+	               input  logic            bist_sdo,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_done,
+	               input logic             bist_done,
 	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error,
 	               input logic [3:0]       bist_correct,
 	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error_cnt0,
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index 4ed5fbc..06e259e 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -64,21 +64,21 @@
                        output logic [31:0]      gpio_prev_indata,       // prv data from GPIO I/P pins
 		// BIST I/F
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_en,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_run,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_load,
+	               output logic             bist_en,
+	               output logic             bist_run,
+	               output logic             bist_load,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_sdi,
-	               output logic [3:0]      bist_shift,
-	               input  logic [3:0]      bist_sdo,
+	               output logic             bist_sdi,
+	               output logic             bist_shift,
+	               input  logic             bist_sdo,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_done,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_correct,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error_cnt0,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error_cnt1,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error_cnt2,
-	               input logic [3:0]       bist_error_cnt3
+	               input logic              bist_done,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_error,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_correct,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_error_cnt0,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_error_cnt1,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_error_cnt2,
+	               input logic [3:0]        bist_error_cnt3
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
 // Software Reg-2, Release date: <DAY><MONTH><YEAR>
 // ----------------------------------------
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h1312_2021) u_reg_23	(
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h2012_2021) u_reg_23	(
 	      //List of Inputs
 	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
 	      .clk        (mclk          ),
@@ -681,9 +681,9 @@
-// Software Reg-3: Poject Revison 2.0 = 0002000
+// Software Reg-3: Poject Revison 2.1 = 0002200
 // ----------------------------------------
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0002_0000) u_reg_24	(
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0002_2000) u_reg_24	(
 	      //List of Inputs
 	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
 	      .clk        (mclk          ),
@@ -759,23 +759,11 @@
-wire [3:0] bist_serial_sel  = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[31:28];
-assign bist_en[0]           = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[0];
-assign bist_run[0]          = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[1];
-assign bist_load[0]         = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[2];
+assign bist_en             = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[0];
+assign bist_run            = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[1];
+assign bist_load           = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[2];
-assign bist_en[1]           = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[4];
-assign bist_run[1]          = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[5];
-assign bist_load[1]         = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[6];
-assign bist_en[2]           = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[8];
-assign bist_run[2]          = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[9];
-assign bist_load[2]         = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[10];
-assign bist_en[3]           = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[12];
-assign bist_run[3]          = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[13];
-assign bist_load[3]         = cfg_bist_ctrl_1[14];
 //   reg-29
@@ -783,10 +771,10 @@
 logic [31:0] cfg_bist_status_1;
 assign cfg_bist_status_1 = {  16'h0,
-	                      bist_error_cnt3, 1'b0, bist_correct[3], bist_error[3], bist_done[3],
-	                      bist_error_cnt2, 1'b0, bist_correct[2], bist_error[2], bist_done[2],
-	                      bist_error_cnt1, 1'b0, bist_correct[1], bist_error[1], bist_done[1],
-	                      bist_error_cnt0, 1'b0, bist_correct[0], bist_error[0], bist_done[0]
+	                      bist_error_cnt3, 1'b0, bist_correct[3], bist_error[3], bist_done,
+	                      bist_error_cnt2, 1'b0, bist_correct[2], bist_error[2], bist_done,
+	                      bist_error_cnt1, 1'b0, bist_correct[1], bist_error[1], bist_done,
+	                      bist_error_cnt0, 1'b0, bist_correct[0], bist_error[0], bist_done
@@ -798,21 +786,9 @@
 logic        bist_sdo_int;
 logic [31:0] serail_dout;
-assign bist_sdo_int = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0000) ? bist_sdo[0] :
-                      (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0001) ? bist_sdo[1] :
-                      (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0010) ? bist_sdo[2] :
-                      (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0011) ? bist_sdo[3] :
-		      1'b0;
-assign  bist_shift[0] = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0000) ? bist_shift_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_shift[1] = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0001) ? bist_shift_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_shift[2] = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0010) ? bist_shift_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_shift[3] = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0011) ? bist_shift_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_sdi[0]   = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0000) ? bist_sdi_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_sdi[1]   = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0001) ? bist_sdi_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_sdi[2]   = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0010) ? bist_sdi_int : 1'b0;
-assign  bist_sdi[3]   = (bist_serial_sel == 4'b0011) ? bist_sdi_int : 1'b0;
+assign bist_sdo_int = bist_sdo;
+assign  bist_shift = bist_shift_int;
+assign  bist_sdi   = bist_sdi_int ;
 ser_inf_32b u_ser_intf
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
index dfe2904..b1a5a05 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
@@ -73,87 +73,104 @@
 module scr1_intf (
     // Control
-    input   logic                                   pwrup_rst_n,            // Power-Up Reset
-    input   logic                                   rst_n,                  // Regular Reset signal
-    input   logic                                   cpu_rst_n,              // CPU Reset (Core Reset)
-    input   logic                                   core_clk,               // Core clock
-    input   logic                                   rtc_clk,                // Real-time clock
-    output  logic [63:0]                            riscv_debug,
+    input   logic                           pwrup_rst_n,            // Power-Up Reset
+    input   logic                           rst_n,                  // Regular Reset signal
+    input   logic                           cpu_rst_n,              // CPU Reset (Core Reset)
+    input   logic                           core_clk,               // Core clock
+    input   logic                           rtc_clk,                // Real-time clock
+    output  logic [63:0]                    riscv_debug,
 `ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
     // -- JTAG I/F
-    input   logic                                   trst_n,
+    input   logic                           trst_n,
 `endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    output  logic                           sram_csb0,
-    output  logic                           sram_web0,
-    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram_addr0,
-    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram_wmask0,
-    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram_din0,
-    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram_dout0,
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram0_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram0_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram0_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram0_dout0,
-    // SRAM PORT-1
-    output  logic                           sram_csb1,
-    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram_addr1,
-    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram_dout1,
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram0_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram0_dout1,
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram1_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram1_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram1_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram1_dout0,
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram1_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram1_dout1,
-    input   logic                                   wb_rst_n,       // Wish bone reset
-    input   logic                                   wb_clk,         // wish bone clock
+    input   logic                           wb_rst_n,       // Wish bone reset
+    input   logic                           wb_clk,         // wish bone clock
     // Instruction Memory Interface
-    output  logic                                   wbd_imem_stb_o, // strobe/request
-    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_imem_adr_o, // address
-    output  logic                                   wbd_imem_we_o,  // write
-    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_imem_dat_o, // data output
-    output  logic   [3:0]                           wbd_imem_sel_o, // byte enable
-    input   logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_imem_dat_i, // data input
-    input   logic                                   wbd_imem_ack_i, // acknowlegement
-    input   logic                                   wbd_imem_err_i,  // error
+    output  logic                           wbd_imem_stb_o, // strobe/request
+    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_imem_adr_o, // address
+    output  logic                           wbd_imem_we_o,  // write
+    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_imem_dat_o, // data output
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   wbd_imem_sel_o, // byte enable
+    input   logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_imem_dat_i, // data input
+    input   logic                           wbd_imem_ack_i, // acknowlegement
+    input   logic                           wbd_imem_err_i,  // error
     // Data Memory Interface
-    output  logic                                   wbd_dmem_stb_o, // strobe/request
-    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_dmem_adr_o, // address
-    output  logic                                   wbd_dmem_we_o,  // write
-    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_dmem_dat_o, // data output
-    output  logic   [3:0]                           wbd_dmem_sel_o, // byte enable
-    input   logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]             wbd_dmem_dat_i, // data input
-    input   logic                                   wbd_dmem_ack_i, // acknowlegement
-    input   logic                                   wbd_dmem_err_i, // error
+    output  logic                           wbd_dmem_stb_o, // strobe/request
+    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_dmem_adr_o, // address
+    output  logic                           wbd_dmem_we_o,  // write
+    output  logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_dmem_dat_o, // data output
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   wbd_dmem_sel_o, // byte enable
+    input   logic   [SCR1_WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wbd_dmem_dat_i, // data input
+    input   logic                           wbd_dmem_ack_i, // acknowlegement
+    input   logic                           wbd_dmem_err_i, // error
     // Common
-    output   logic                                  pwrup_rst_n_sync,                // Power-Up reset
-    output   logic                                  rst_n_sync,                      // Regular reset
-    output   logic                                  cpu_rst_n_sync,                  // CPU reset
-    output   logic                                  test_mode,                  // DFT Test Mode
-    output   logic                                  test_rst_n,                 // DFT Test Reset
-    input    logic                                  core_rst_n_local,               // Core reset
-    input    logic   [48:0]                         core_debug  ,
+    output   logic                          pwrup_rst_n_sync,                // Power-Up reset
+    output   logic                          rst_n_sync,                      // Regular reset
+    output   logic                          cpu_rst_n_sync,                  // CPU reset
+    output   logic                          test_mode,                  // DFT Test Mode
+    output   logic                          test_rst_n,                 // DFT Test Reset
+    input    logic                          core_rst_n_local,               // Core reset
+    input    logic   [48:0]                 core_debug  ,
 `ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
     // Debug Interface
-    output   logic                                  tapc_trst_n,                // Test Reset (TRSTn)
+    output   logic                          tapc_trst_n,                // Test Reset (TRSTn)
     // Memory-mapped external timer
-    output   logic [63:0]                           timer_val,          // Machine timer value
-    output   logic                                  timer_irq,
+    output   logic [63:0]                   timer_val,          // Machine timer value
+    output   logic                          timer_irq,
     // Instruction Memory Interface
-    output   logic                                  core_imem_req_ack,        // IMEM request acknowledge
-    input    logic                                  core_imem_req,            // IMEM request
-    input    logic                                  core_imem_cmd,            // IMEM command
-    input    logic [`SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]          core_imem_addr,           // IMEM address
-    output   logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]          core_imem_rdata,          // IMEM read data
-    output   logic [1:0]                            core_imem_resp,           // IMEM response
+    output   logic                          core_imem_req_ack,        // IMEM request acknowledge
+    input    logic                          core_imem_req,            // IMEM request
+    input    logic                          core_imem_cmd,            // IMEM command
+    input    logic [`SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]  core_imem_addr,           // IMEM address
+    output   logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]  core_imem_rdata,          // IMEM read data
+    output   logic [1:0]                    core_imem_resp,           // IMEM response
     // Data Memory Interface
-    output   logic                                  core_dmem_req_ack,        // DMEM request acknowledge
-    input    logic                                  core_dmem_req,            // DMEM request
-    input    logic                                  core_dmem_cmd,            // DMEM command
-    input    logic[1:0]                             core_dmem_width,          // DMEM data width
-    input    logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]          core_dmem_addr,           // DMEM address
-    input    logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]          core_dmem_wdata,          // DMEM write data
-    output   logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]          core_dmem_rdata,          // DMEM read data
-    output   logic [1:0]                            core_dmem_resp            // DMEM response
+    output   logic                          core_dmem_req_ack,        // DMEM request acknowledge
+    input    logic                          core_dmem_req,            // DMEM request
+    input    logic                          core_dmem_cmd,            // DMEM command
+    input    logic[1:0]                     core_dmem_width,          // DMEM data width
+    input    logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]  core_dmem_addr,           // DMEM address
+    input    logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]  core_dmem_wdata,          // DMEM write data
+    output   logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]  core_dmem_rdata,          // DMEM read data
+    output   logic [1:0]                    core_dmem_resp            // DMEM response
@@ -285,18 +302,36 @@
     .rst_n          (core_rst_n_local),
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb0      (sram_csb0),
-    .sram_web0      (sram_web0),
-    .sram_addr0     (sram_addr0),
-    .sram_wmask0    (sram_wmask0),
-    .sram_din0      (sram_din0),
-    .sram_dout0     (sram_dout0),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    .sram0_clk0      (sram0_clk0),
+    .sram0_csb0      (sram0_csb0),
+    .sram0_web0      (sram0_web0),
+    .sram0_addr0     (sram0_addr0),
+    .sram0_wmask0    (sram0_wmask0),
+    .sram0_din0      (sram0_din0),
+    .sram0_dout0     (sram0_dout0),
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb1      (sram_csb1),
-    .sram_addr1     (sram_addr1),
-    .sram_dout1     (sram_dout1),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-1
+    .sram0_clk1      (sram0_clk1),
+    .sram0_csb1      (sram0_csb1),
+    .sram0_addr1     (sram0_addr1),
+    .sram0_dout1     (sram0_dout1),
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-0
+    .sram1_clk0      (sram1_clk0),
+    .sram1_csb0      (sram1_csb0),
+    .sram1_web0      (sram1_web0),
+    .sram1_addr0     (sram1_addr0),
+    .sram1_wmask0    (sram1_wmask0),
+    .sram1_din0      (sram1_din0),
+    .sram1_dout0     (sram1_dout0),
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-1
+    .sram1_clk1      (sram1_clk1),
+    .sram1_csb1      (sram1_csb1),
+    .sram1_addr1     (sram1_addr1),
+    .sram1_dout1     (sram1_dout1),
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
index 48e6930..2524fd3 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
@@ -33,18 +33,36 @@
     input   logic                           rst_n,
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    output  logic                           sram_csb0,
-    output  logic                           sram_web0,
-    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram_addr0,
-    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram_wmask0,
-    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram_din0,
-    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram_dout0,
+    // SRAM0 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram0_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram0_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram0_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram0_dout0,
-    // SRAM PORT-1
-    output  logic                           sram_csb1,
-    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram_addr1,
-    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram_dout1,
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram0_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram0_dout1,
+    // SRAM1 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram1_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram1_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram1_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram1_dout0,
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram1_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram1_dout1,
     // Core instruction interface
@@ -105,18 +123,38 @@
 // Memory data composing
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-// connect the TCM memory to SRAM
-assign sram_csb1 =!imem_req;
-assign sram_addr1 = imem_addr[10:2];
-assign imem_rdata  = sram_dout1;
+// connect the TCM memory to SRAM-0
+assign sram0_clk1 = clk;
+assign sram0_csb1 =!(imem_req & imem_addr[11] == 1'b0);
+assign sram0_addr1 = imem_addr[10:2];
-// SRAM Port 0 Control Generation
-assign sram_csb0   = !(dmem_req & ((dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) | (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR)));
-assign sram_web0   = !(dmem_req & (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR));
-assign sram_addr0  = dmem_addr[10:2];
-assign sram_wmask0 =  dmem_byteen;
-assign sram_din0   =  dmem_writedata;
-assign dmem_rdata_local = sram_dout0;
+// connect the TCM memory to SRAM-1
+assign sram1_clk1 = clk;
+assign sram1_csb1 =!(imem_req & imem_addr[11] == 1'b1);
+assign sram1_addr1 = imem_addr[10:2];
+// IMEM Read Data Selection Based on Address bit[11]
+assign imem_rdata  = (imem_addr[11] == 1'b0) ?  sram0_dout1: sram1_dout1;
+// SRAM-0 Port 0 Control Generation
+assign sram0_clk0 = clk;
+assign sram0_csb0   = !(dmem_req & (imem_addr[11] == 1'b0) & ((dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) | (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR)));
+assign sram0_web0   = !(dmem_req & (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR));
+assign sram0_addr0  = dmem_addr[10:2];
+assign sram0_wmask0 =  dmem_byteen;
+assign sram0_din0   =  dmem_writedata;
+// SRAM-1 Port 0 Control Generation
+assign sram1_clk0 = clk;
+assign sram1_csb0   = !(dmem_req & (imem_addr[11] == 1'b1) & ((dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) | (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR)));
+assign sram1_web0   = !(dmem_req & (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR));
+assign sram1_addr0  = dmem_addr[10:2];
+assign sram1_wmask0 =  dmem_byteen;
+assign sram1_din0   =  dmem_writedata;
+// DMEM Read Data Selection Based on Address bit[11]
+assign dmem_rdata_local = (dmem_addr[11] == 1'b0) ? sram0_dout0: sram1_dout0;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
index 6c67693..60e055c 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
@@ -141,18 +141,35 @@
 `endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    output  logic                           sram_csb0,
-    output  logic                           sram_web0,
-    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram_addr0,
-    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram_wmask0,
-    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram_din0,
-    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram_dout0,
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram0_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram0_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram0_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram0_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram0_dout0,
-    // SRAM PORT-1
-    output  logic                           sram_csb1,
-    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram_addr1,
-    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram_dout1,
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram0_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram0_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram0_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram0_dout1,
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-0
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb0,
+    output  logic                           sram1_web0,
+    output  logic   [8:0]                   sram1_addr0,
+    output  logic   [3:0]                   sram1_wmask0,
+    output  logic   [31:0]                  sram1_din0,
+    input   logic   [31:0]                  sram1_dout0,
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-1
+    output  logic                           sram1_clk1,
+    output  logic                           sram1_csb1,
+    output  logic  [8:0]                    sram1_addr1,
+    input   logic  [31:0]                   sram1_dout1,
@@ -297,18 +314,35 @@
 `endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb0      (sram_csb0),
-    .sram_web0      (sram_web0),
-    .sram_addr0     (sram_addr0),
-    .sram_wmask0    (sram_wmask0),
-    .sram_din0      (sram_din0),
-    .sram_dout0     (sram_dout0),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    .sram0_clk0      (sram0_clk0),
+    .sram0_csb0      (sram0_csb0),
+    .sram0_web0      (sram0_web0),
+    .sram0_addr0     (sram0_addr0),
+    .sram0_wmask0    (sram0_wmask0),
+    .sram0_din0      (sram0_din0),
+    .sram0_dout0     (sram0_dout0),
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb1      (sram_csb1),
-    .sram_addr1     (sram_addr1),
-    .sram_dout1     (sram_dout1),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-1
+    .sram0_clk1      (sram0_clk1),
+    .sram0_csb1      (sram0_csb1),
+    .sram0_addr1     (sram0_addr1),
+    .sram0_dout1     (sram0_dout1),
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-0
+    .sram1_clk0      (sram1_clk0),
+    .sram1_csb0      (sram1_csb0),
+    .sram1_web0      (sram1_web0),
+    .sram1_addr0     (sram1_addr0),
+    .sram1_wmask0    (sram1_wmask0),
+    .sram1_din0      (sram1_din0),
+    .sram1_dout0     (sram1_dout0),
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-1
+    .sram1_clk1      (sram1_clk1),
+    .sram1_csb1      (sram1_csb1),
+    .sram1_addr1     (sram1_addr1),
+    .sram1_dout1     (sram1_dout1),
     .wb_rst_n                           (wb_rst_n),           // Wish bone reset
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uart/src/ b/verilog/rtl/uart/src/
index b3eefab..948cd35 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uart/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uart/src/
@@ -192,7 +192,10 @@
 wire line_clk_16x_in;
-ctech_clk_buf u_lineclk_buf  (.A(line_clk_16x_in),  .X(line_clk_16x));
+// OpenSource CTS tool does not work with buffer as source point
+// changed buf to max with select tied=0
+//ctech_clk_buf u_lineclk_buf  (.A(line_clk_16x_in),  .X(line_clk_16x));
+ctech_mux2x1 u_lineclk_buf  (.A0(line_clk_16x_in), .A1(1'b0), .S(1'b0), .X(line_clk_16x));
 clk_ctl #(11) u_clk_ctl (
    // Outputs
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index b140722..18389aa 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
      `include "lib/registers.v"
      `include "lib/clk_ctl.v"
      `include "lib/"
+     `include "lib/"
      `include "digital_core/src/"
      `include "wb_host/src/"
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@
      `include "mbist/src/core/"
      `include "mbist/src/core/"
-    `include "mbist/src/top/" 
+    `include "mbist/src/top/" 
      `include "user_project_wrapper.v"
      // we are using netlist file for clk_skew_adjust as it has 
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index bb64ea6..916a1fd 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -129,8 +129,16 @@
 ////    1.9  Dec 11, 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
 ////         2 x 2K SRAM added into Wishbone Interface            ////
 ////         Temporary ADC block removed                          ////
-////    0.0  Dec 14, 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////    2.0  Dec 14, 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
 ////         Added two more 2K SRAM added into Wishbone Interface ////
+////    2.1  Dec 16, 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////      1.4 MBIST controller changed to single one              ////
+////      2.Added one more SRAM to TCM memory                     ////
+////      3.WishBone Interconnect chang to take care mbist changes////
+////      4.Pinmux change to take care of mbist changes           ////
+////    2.2  Dec 20, 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////      1. MBIST design issue fix for yosys                     ////
+////      2. Full chip Timing and Transition clean-up             ////                   
 ////                                                              ////
 //// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
@@ -208,6 +216,7 @@
 // Local Parameter Declaration
 // --------------------------------------------------
+parameter     BIST_NO_SRAM= 4; // NO of MBIST MEMORY
 parameter     SDR_DW   = 8;  // SDR Data Width 
 parameter     SDR_BW   = 1;  // SDR Byte Width
 parameter     WB_WIDTH = 32; // WB ADDRESS/DARA WIDTH
@@ -305,54 +314,16 @@
 //  MBIST1  
-wire                           wbd_mbist1_stb_o; // strobe/request
-wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:0]     wbd_mbist1_adr_o; // address
-wire                           wbd_mbist1_we_o;  // write
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist1_dat_o; // data output
-wire   [3:0]                   wbd_mbist1_sel_o; // byte enable
-wire                           wbd_mbist1_cyc_o ;
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist1_dat_i; // data input
-wire                           wbd_mbist1_ack_i; // acknowlegement
-wire                           wbd_mbist1_err_i;  // error
+wire                           wbd_mbist_stb_o; // strobe/request
+wire   [12:0]                  wbd_mbist_adr_o; // address
+wire                           wbd_mbist_we_o;  // write
+wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist_dat_o; // data output
+wire   [3:0]                   wbd_mbist_sel_o; // byte enable
+wire                           wbd_mbist_cyc_o ;
+wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist_dat_i; // data input
+wire                           wbd_mbist_ack_i; // acknowlegement
+wire                           wbd_mbist_err_i;  // error
-//  MBIST2  
-wire                           wbd_mbist2_stb_o; // strobe/request
-wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:0]     wbd_mbist2_adr_o; // address
-wire                           wbd_mbist2_we_o;  // write
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist2_dat_o; // data output
-wire   [3:0]                   wbd_mbist2_sel_o; // byte enable
-wire                           wbd_mbist2_cyc_o ;
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist2_dat_i; // data input
-wire                           wbd_mbist2_ack_i; // acknowlegement
-wire                           wbd_mbist2_err_i;  // error
-//  MBIST2  
-wire                           wbd_mbist3_stb_o; // strobe/request
-wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:0]     wbd_mbist3_adr_o; // address
-wire                           wbd_mbist3_we_o;  // write
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist3_dat_o; // data output
-wire   [3:0]                   wbd_mbist3_sel_o; // byte enable
-wire                           wbd_mbist3_cyc_o ;
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist3_dat_i; // data input
-wire                           wbd_mbist3_ack_i; // acknowlegement
-wire                           wbd_mbist3_err_i;  // error
-//  MBIST2  
-wire                           wbd_mbist4_stb_o; // strobe/request
-wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:0]     wbd_mbist4_adr_o; // address
-wire                           wbd_mbist4_we_o;  // write
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist4_dat_o; // data output
-wire   [3:0]                   wbd_mbist4_sel_o; // byte enable
-wire                           wbd_mbist4_cyc_o ;
-wire   [WB_WIDTH-1:0]          wbd_mbist4_dat_i; // data input
-wire                           wbd_mbist4_ack_i; // acknowlegement
-wire                           wbd_mbist4_err_i;  // error
 //  CPU Configuration
@@ -427,7 +398,7 @@
 wire                              wbd_clk_spi_skew   ; // clock for spi with clock skew
 wire                              wbd_clk_glbl_skew  ; // clock for global reg with clock skew
 wire                              wbd_clk_wh_skew    ; // clock for global reg
-wire                              wbd_clk_mbist1_skew; // clock for global reg
+wire                              wbd_clk_mbist_skew; // clock for global reg
 wire                              wbd_clk_mbist2_skew; // clock for global reg
 wire                              wbd_clk_mbist3_skew; // clock for global reg
 wire                              wbd_clk_mbist4_skew; // clock for global reg
@@ -483,18 +454,36 @@
 wire                             h_reset_n           ;
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-wire                             sram_csb0           ; // CS#
-wire                             sram_web0           ; // WE#
-wire   [8:0]                     sram_addr0          ; // Address
-wire   [3:0]                     sram_wmask0         ; // WMASK#
-wire   [31:0]                    sram_din0           ; // Write Data
-wire   [31:0]                    sram_dout0          ; // Read Data
+// SRAM-0 PORT-0 - DMEM I/F
+wire                             sram0_clk0           ; // CLK
+wire                             sram0_csb0           ; // CS#
+wire                             sram0_web0           ; // WE#
+wire   [8:0]                     sram0_addr0          ; // Address
+wire   [3:0]                     sram0_wmask0         ; // WMASK#
+wire   [31:0]                    sram0_din0           ; // Write Data
+wire   [31:0]                    sram0_dout0          ; // Read Data
-wire                             sram_csb1           ; // CS#
-wire  [8:0]                      sram_addr1          ; // Address
-wire  [31:0]                     sram_dout1          ; // Read Data
+wire                             sram0_clk1           ; // CLK
+wire                             sram0_csb1           ; // CS#
+wire  [8:0]                      sram0_addr1          ; // Address
+wire  [31:0]                     sram0_dout1          ; // Read Data
+// SRAM-1 PORT-0 - DMEM I/F
+wire                             sram1_clk0           ; // CLK
+wire                             sram1_csb0           ; // CS#
+wire                             sram1_web0           ; // WE#
+wire   [8:0]                     sram1_addr0          ; // Address
+wire   [3:0]                     sram1_wmask0         ; // WMASK#
+wire   [31:0]                    sram1_din0           ; // Write Data
+wire   [31:0]                    sram1_dout0          ; // Read Data
+wire                             sram1_clk1           ; // CLK
+wire                             sram1_csb1           ; // CS#
+wire  [8:0]                      sram1_addr1          ; // Address
+wire  [31:0]                     sram1_dout1          ; // Read Data
 // SPIM I/F
@@ -510,15 +499,15 @@
 // BIST I/F
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
-wire [3:0]                       bist_en             ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_run            ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_load           ;
+wire                             bist_en             ;
+wire                             bist_run            ;
+wire                             bist_load           ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_sdi            ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_shift          ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_sdo            ;
+wire                             bist_sdi            ;
+wire                             bist_shift          ;
+wire                             bist_sdo            ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_done           ;
+wire                             bist_done           ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_error          ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_correct        ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_error_cnt0     ;
@@ -527,15 +516,15 @@
 wire [3:0]                       bist_error_cnt3     ;
 // With Repeater Buffer
-wire [3:0]                       bist_en_rp          ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_run_rp         ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_load_rp        ;
+wire                             bist_en_rp          ;
+wire                             bist_run_rp         ;
+wire                             bist_load_rp        ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_sdi_rp         ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_shift_rp       ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_sdo_rp         ;
+wire                             bist_sdi_rp         ;
+wire                             bist_shift_rp       ;
+wire                             bist_sdo_rp         ;
-wire [3:0]                       bist_done_rp        ;
+wire                             bist_done_rp        ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_error_rp       ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_correct_rp     ;
 wire [3:0]                       bist_error_cnt0_rp  ;
@@ -545,63 +534,34 @@
 // towards memory MBIST1
 // PORT-A
-wire                           mem1_clk_a;
+wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_clk_a;
+wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]     mem0_addr_a;
 wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]     mem1_addr_a;
-wire                           mem1_cen_a;
-wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem1_din_b;
-// PORT-B
-wire                           mem1_clk_b;
-wire                           mem1_cen_b;
-wire                           mem1_web_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem1_mask_b;
-wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem1_addr_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]        mem1_dout_a;
-// towards memory MBIST2
-// PORT-A
-wire                           mem2_clk_a;
 wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]     mem2_addr_a;
-wire                           mem2_cen_a;
-wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem2_din_b;
-// PORT-B
-wire                           mem2_clk_b;
-wire                           mem2_cen_b;
-wire                           mem2_web_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem2_mask_b;
-wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem2_addr_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]        mem2_dout_a;
-// towards memory MBIST3
-// PORT-A
-wire                           mem3_clk_a;
 wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]     mem3_addr_a;
-wire                           mem3_cen_a;
-wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem3_din_b;
+wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_cen_a;
+wire   [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]      mem_web_a;
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem0_mask_a;
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem1_mask_a;
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem2_mask_a;
+wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem3_mask_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem0_din_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem1_din_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem2_din_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem3_din_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem0_dout_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem1_dout_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem2_dout_a;
+wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem3_dout_a;
 // PORT-B
-wire                           mem3_clk_b;
-wire                           mem3_cen_b;
-wire                           mem3_web_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem3_mask_b;
+wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        mem_clk_b;
+wire [BIST_NO_SRAM-1:0]        mem_cen_b;
+wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem0_addr_b;
+wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem1_addr_b;
+wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem2_addr_b;
 wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem3_addr_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]        mem3_dout_a;
-// towards memory MBIST4
-// PORT-A
-wire                           mem4_clk_a;
-wire   [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]     mem4_addr_a;
-wire                           mem4_cen_a;
-wire   [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]      mem4_din_b;
-// PORT-B
-wire                           mem4_clk_b;
-wire                           mem4_cen_b;
-wire                           mem4_web_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD/8-1:0]      mem4_mask_b;
-wire [BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]       mem4_addr_b;
-wire [BIST_DATA_WD-1:0]        mem4_dout_a;
 // Clock Skew Ctrl
@@ -724,18 +684,35 @@
     // .test_rst_n          (1'b1                      ), // Moved inside IP
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-    // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb0              (sram_csb0                 ),
-    .sram_web0              (sram_web0                 ),
-    .sram_addr0             (sram_addr0                ),
-    .sram_wmask0            (sram_wmask0               ),
-    .sram_din0              (sram_din0                 ),
-    .sram_dout0             (sram_dout0                ),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    .sram0_clk0             (sram0_clk0                ),
+    .sram0_csb0             (sram0_csb0                ),
+    .sram0_web0             (sram0_web0                ),
+    .sram0_addr0            (sram0_addr0               ),
+    .sram0_wmask0           (sram0_wmask0              ),
+    .sram0_din0             (sram0_din0                ),
+    .sram0_dout0            (sram0_dout0               ),
+    // SRAM-0 PORT-0
+    .sram0_clk1             (sram0_clk1                ),
+    .sram0_csb1             (sram0_csb1                ),
+    .sram0_addr1            (sram0_addr1               ),
+    .sram0_dout1            (sram0_dout1               ),
+    // SRAM-1 PORT-0
+    .sram1_clk0             (sram1_clk0                ),
+    .sram1_csb0             (sram1_csb0                ),
+    .sram1_web0             (sram1_web0                ),
+    .sram1_addr0            (sram1_addr0               ),
+    .sram1_wmask0           (sram1_wmask0              ),
+    .sram1_din0             (sram1_din0                ),
+    .sram1_dout0            (sram1_dout0               ),
     // SRAM PORT-0
-    .sram_csb1              (sram_csb1                 ),
-    .sram_addr1             (sram_addr1                ),
-    .sram_dout1             (sram_dout1                ),
+    .sram1_clk1             (sram1_clk1                ),
+    .sram1_csb1             (sram1_csb1                ),
+    .sram1_addr1            (sram1_addr1               ),
+    .sram1_dout1            (sram1_dout1               ),
     .wb_rst_n               (wbd_int_rst_n             ),
@@ -762,24 +739,44 @@
 `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
-sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram_2kb(
+sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_tsram0_2kb(
     .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
     .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
 // Port 0: RW
-    .clk0     (cpu_clk),
-    .csb0     (sram_csb0),
-    .web0     (sram_web0),
-    .wmask0   (sram_wmask0),
-    .addr0    (sram_addr0),
-    .din0     (sram_din0),
-    .dout0    (sram_dout0),
+    .clk0     (sram0_clk0),
+    .csb0     (sram0_csb0),
+    .web0     (sram0_web0),
+    .wmask0   (sram0_wmask0),
+    .addr0    (sram0_addr0),
+    .din0     (sram0_din0),
+    .dout0    (sram0_dout0),
 // Port 1: R
-    .clk1     (cpu_clk),
-    .csb1     (sram_csb1),
-    .addr1    (sram_addr1),
-    .dout1    (sram_dout1)
+    .clk1     (sram0_clk1),
+    .csb1     (sram0_csb1),
+    .addr1    (sram0_addr1),
+    .dout1    (sram0_dout1)
+  );
+sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_tsram1_2kb(
+    .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
+    .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
+// Port 0: RW
+    .clk0     (sram1_clk0),
+    .csb0     (sram1_csb0),
+    .web0     (sram1_web0),
+    .wmask0   (sram1_wmask0),
+    .addr0    (sram1_addr0),
+    .din0     (sram1_din0),
+    .dout0    (sram1_dout0),
+// Port 1: R
+    .clk1     (sram1_clk1),
+    .csb1     (sram1_csb1),
+    .addr1    (sram1_addr1),
+    .dout1    (sram1_dout1)
@@ -837,7 +834,7 @@
 wb_interconnect  #(
 	`ifndef SYNTHESIS
-	        .CH_DATA_WD(137)
+	        .CH_DATA_WD(116)
 	) u_intercon (
@@ -866,46 +863,25 @@
-			 bist_done[3],
-			 bist_sdo[3],
-			 bist_shift[3],
-			 bist_sdi[3],
-			 bist_load[3],
-			 bist_run[3],
-			 bist_en[3],
-			 bist_done[2],
-			 bist_sdo[2],
-			 bist_shift[2],
-			 bist_sdi[2],
-			 bist_load[2],
-			 bist_run[2],
-			 bist_en[2],
-			 bist_done[1],
-			 bist_sdo[1],
-			 bist_shift[1],
-			 bist_sdi[1],
-			 bist_load[1],
-			 bist_run[1],
-			 bist_en[1],
-			 bist_done[0],
-			 bist_sdo[0],
-			 bist_shift[0],
-			 bist_sdi[0],
-			 bist_load[0],
-			 bist_run[0],
-			 bist_en[0],
+			 bist_done,
+			 bist_sdo,
+			 bist_shift,
+			 bist_sdi,
+			 bist_load,
+			 bist_run,
+			 bist_en,
@@ -926,46 +902,25 @@
-			 bist_done_rp[3],
-			 bist_sdo_rp[3],
-			 bist_shift_rp[3],
-			 bist_sdi_rp[3],
-			 bist_load_rp[3],
-			 bist_run_rp[3],
-			 bist_en_rp[3],
-			 bist_done_rp[2],
-			 bist_sdo_rp[2],
-			 bist_shift_rp[2],
-			 bist_sdi_rp[2],
-			 bist_load_rp[2],
-			 bist_run_rp[2],
-			 bist_en_rp[2],
-			 bist_done_rp[1],
-			 bist_sdo_rp[1],
-			 bist_shift_rp[1],
-			 bist_sdi_rp[1],
-			 bist_load_rp[1],
-			 bist_run_rp[1],
-			 bist_en_rp[1],
-			 bist_done_rp[0],
-			 bist_sdo_rp[0],
-			 bist_shift_rp[0],
-			 bist_sdi_rp[0],
-			 bist_load_rp[0],
-			 bist_run_rp[0],
-			 bist_en_rp[0],
+			 bist_done_rp,
+			 bist_sdo_rp,
+			 bist_shift_rp,
+			 bist_sdi_rp,
+			 bist_load_rp,
+			 bist_run_rp,
+			 bist_en_rp,
@@ -1059,47 +1014,15 @@
          // Slave 3 Interface
          // .s3_wbd_err_i  (1'b0          ), - Moved inside IP
-         .s3_wbd_dat_i  (wbd_mbist1_dat_i ),
-         .s3_wbd_ack_i  (wbd_mbist1_ack_i ),
-         .s3_wbd_dat_o  (wbd_mbist1_dat_o ),
-         .s3_wbd_adr_o  (wbd_mbist1_adr_o ),
-         .s3_wbd_sel_o  (wbd_mbist1_sel_o ),
-         .s3_wbd_we_o   (wbd_mbist1_we_o  ),  
-         .s3_wbd_cyc_o  (wbd_mbist1_cyc_o ),
-         .s3_wbd_stb_o  (wbd_mbist1_stb_o ),
+         .s3_wbd_dat_i  (wbd_mbist_dat_i ),
+         .s3_wbd_ack_i  (wbd_mbist_ack_i ),
+         .s3_wbd_dat_o  (wbd_mbist_dat_o ),
+         .s3_wbd_adr_o  (wbd_mbist_adr_o ),
+         .s3_wbd_sel_o  (wbd_mbist_sel_o ),
+         .s3_wbd_we_o   (wbd_mbist_we_o  ),  
+         .s3_wbd_cyc_o  (wbd_mbist_cyc_o ),
+         .s3_wbd_stb_o  (wbd_mbist_stb_o )
-         // Slave 4 Interface
-         // .s4_wbd_err_i  (1'b0          ), - Moved inside IP
-         .s4_wbd_dat_i  (wbd_mbist2_dat_i ),
-         .s4_wbd_ack_i  (wbd_mbist2_ack_i ),
-         .s4_wbd_dat_o  (wbd_mbist2_dat_o ),
-         .s4_wbd_adr_o  (wbd_mbist2_adr_o ),
-         .s4_wbd_sel_o  (wbd_mbist2_sel_o ),
-         .s4_wbd_we_o   (wbd_mbist2_we_o  ),  
-         .s4_wbd_cyc_o  (wbd_mbist2_cyc_o ),
-         .s4_wbd_stb_o  (wbd_mbist2_stb_o ),
-         // Slave 5 Interface
-         // .s5_wbd_err_i  (1'b0          ), - Moved inside IP
-         .s5_wbd_dat_i  (wbd_mbist3_dat_i ),
-         .s5_wbd_ack_i  (wbd_mbist3_ack_i ),
-         .s5_wbd_dat_o  (wbd_mbist3_dat_o ),
-         .s5_wbd_adr_o  (wbd_mbist3_adr_o ),
-         .s5_wbd_sel_o  (wbd_mbist3_sel_o ),
-         .s5_wbd_we_o   (wbd_mbist3_we_o  ),  
-         .s5_wbd_cyc_o  (wbd_mbist3_cyc_o ),
-         .s5_wbd_stb_o  (wbd_mbist3_stb_o ),
-         // Slave 6 Interface
-         // .s6_wbd_err_i  (1'b0          ), - Moved inside IP
-         .s6_wbd_dat_i  (wbd_mbist4_dat_i ),
-         .s6_wbd_ack_i  (wbd_mbist4_ack_i ),
-         .s6_wbd_dat_o  (wbd_mbist4_dat_o ),
-         .s6_wbd_adr_o  (wbd_mbist4_adr_o ),
-         .s6_wbd_sel_o  (wbd_mbist4_sel_o ),
-         .s6_wbd_we_o   (wbd_mbist4_we_o  ),  
-         .s6_wbd_cyc_o  (wbd_mbist4_cyc_o ),
-         .s6_wbd_stb_o  (wbd_mbist4_stb_o )
@@ -1260,8 +1183,9 @@
 //------------- MBIST1 - 512x32             ----
-mbist_top1  #(
+mbist_top  #(
 	`ifndef SYNTHESIS
+	.BIST_NO_SRAM           (4                      ),
 	.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
 	.BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
 	.BIST_ADDR_START        (9'h000                 ),
@@ -1271,7 +1195,7 @@
 	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        )
-	     u_mbist1 (
+	     u_mbist (
        .vccd1                  (vccd1                     ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
@@ -1281,228 +1205,132 @@
      // Clock Skew adjust
 	.wbd_clk_int          (wbd_clk_mbist1_rp     ), 
 	.cfg_cska_mbist       (cfg_cska_mbist1_rp    ), 
-	.wbd_clk_mbist        (wbd_clk_mbist1_skew   ),
+	.wbd_clk_mbist        (wbd_clk_mbist_skew   ),
 	// WB I/F
-        .wb_clk_i             (wbd_clk_mbist1_skew  ),  
-        .wb_cyc_i             (wbd_mbist1_cyc_o),  
-        .wb_stb_i             (wbd_mbist1_stb_o),  
-        .wb_adr_i             (wbd_mbist1_adr_o[BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]),  
-        .wb_we_i              (wbd_mbist1_we_o ),  
-        .wb_dat_i             (wbd_mbist1_dat_o),  
-        .wb_sel_i             (wbd_mbist1_sel_o),  
-        .wb_dat_o             (wbd_mbist1_dat_i),  
-        .wb_ack_o             (wbd_mbist1_ack_i),  
+        .wb_clk2_i            (wbd_clk_mbist_skew  ),  
+        .wb_clk_i             (wbd_clk_mbist_skew  ),  
+        .wb_cyc_i             (wbd_mbist_cyc_o),  
+        .wb_stb_i             (wbd_mbist_stb_o),  
+	.wb_cs_i              (wbd_mbist_adr_o[12:11]),
+        .wb_adr_i             (wbd_mbist_adr_o[BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]),  
+        .wb_we_i              (wbd_mbist_we_o ),  
+        .wb_dat_i             (wbd_mbist_dat_o),  
+        .wb_sel_i             (wbd_mbist_sel_o),  
+        .wb_dat_o             (wbd_mbist_dat_i),  
+        .wb_ack_o             (wbd_mbist_ack_i),  
         .wb_err_o             (                 ), 
 	.rst_n                (bist_rst_n       ),
-	.bist_en              (bist_en_rp[0]       ),
-	.bist_run             (bist_run_rp[0]      ),
-	.bist_shift           (bist_shift_rp[0]    ),
-	.bist_load            (bist_load_rp[0]     ),
-	.bist_sdi             (bist_sdi_rp[0]      ),
+	.bist_en              (bist_en_rp       ),
+	.bist_run             (bist_run_rp      ),
+	.bist_shift           (bist_shift_rp    ),
+	.bist_load            (bist_load_rp     ),
+	.bist_sdi             (bist_sdi_rp      ),
-	.bist_error_cnt       (bist_error_cnt0      ),
-	.bist_correct         (bist_correct[0]      ),
-	.bist_error           (bist_error[0]        ),
-	.bist_done            (bist_done[0]         ),
-	.bist_sdo             (bist_sdo[0]          ),
+	.bist_error_cnt3      (bist_error_cnt3  ),
+	.bist_error_cnt2      (bist_error_cnt2  ),
+	.bist_error_cnt1      (bist_error_cnt1  ),
+	.bist_error_cnt0      (bist_error_cnt0  ),
+	.bist_correct         (bist_correct     ),
+	.bist_error           (bist_error       ),
+	.bist_done            (bist_done        ),
+	.bist_sdo             (bist_sdo         ),
      // towards memory
      // PORT-A
-        .mem_clk_a            (mem1_clk_a        ),
-        .mem_addr_a           (mem1_addr_a       ),
-        .mem_cen_a            (mem1_cen_a        ),
-        .mem_dout_a           (mem1_dout_a       ),
+        .mem_clk_a            (mem_clk_a         ),
+        .mem_addr_a0          (mem0_addr_a       ),
+        .mem_addr_a1          (mem1_addr_a       ),
+        .mem_addr_a2          (mem2_addr_a       ),
+        .mem_addr_a3          (mem3_addr_a       ),
+        .mem_cen_a            (mem_cen_a         ),
+        .mem_web_a            (mem_web_a         ),
+        .mem_mask_a0          (mem0_mask_a       ),
+        .mem_mask_a1          (mem1_mask_a       ),
+        .mem_mask_a2          (mem2_mask_a       ),
+        .mem_mask_a3          (mem3_mask_a       ),
+        .mem_din_a0           (mem0_din_a        ),
+        .mem_din_a1           (mem1_din_a        ),
+        .mem_din_a2           (mem2_din_a        ),
+        .mem_din_a3           (mem3_din_a        ),
+        .mem_dout_a0          (mem0_dout_a       ),
+        .mem_dout_a1          (mem1_dout_a       ),
+        .mem_dout_a2          (mem2_dout_a       ),
+        .mem_dout_a3          (mem3_dout_a       ),
      // PORT-B
-        .mem_clk_b            (mem1_clk_b        ),
-        .mem_cen_b            (mem1_cen_b        ),
-        .mem_web_b            (mem1_web_b        ),
-        .mem_mask_b           (mem1_mask_b       ),
-        .mem_addr_b           (mem1_addr_b       ),
-        .mem_din_b            (mem1_din_b        )
+        .mem_clk_b            (mem_clk_b         ),
+        .mem_cen_b            (mem_cen_b         ),
+        .mem_addr_b0          (mem0_addr_b       ),
+        .mem_addr_b1          (mem1_addr_b       ),
+        .mem_addr_b2          (mem2_addr_b       ),
+        .mem_addr_b3          (mem3_addr_b       )
+sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram0_2kb(
+    .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
+    .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
+// Port 0: RW
+    .clk0     (mem_clk_a[0]),
+    .csb0     (mem_cen_a[0]),
+    .web0     (mem_web_a[0]),
+    .wmask0   (mem0_mask_a),
+    .addr0    (mem0_addr_a),
+    .din0     (mem0_din_a),
+    .dout0    (mem0_dout_a),
+// Port 1: R
+    .clk1     (mem_clk_b[0]),
+    .csb1     (mem_cen_b[0]),
+    .addr1    (mem0_addr_b),
+    .dout1    ()
+  );
 sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram1_2kb(
     .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
     .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
 // Port 0: RW
-    .clk0     (mem1_clk_b),
-    .csb0     (mem1_cen_b),
-    .web0     (mem1_web_b),
-    .wmask0   (mem1_mask_b),
-    .addr0    (mem1_addr_b),
-    .din0     (mem1_din_b),
-    .dout0    (),
+    .clk0     (mem_clk_a[1]),
+    .csb0     (mem_cen_a[1]),
+    .web0     (mem_web_a[1]),
+    .wmask0   (mem1_mask_a),
+    .addr0    (mem1_addr_a),
+    .din0     (mem1_din_a),
+    .dout0    (mem1_dout_a),
 // Port 1: R
-    .clk1     (mem1_clk_a),
-    .csb1     (mem1_cen_a),
-    .addr1    (mem1_addr_a),
-    .dout1    (mem1_dout_a)
+    .clk1     (mem_clk_b[1]),
+    .csb1     (mem_cen_b[1]),
+    .addr1    (mem1_addr_b),
+    .dout1    ()
-//------------- MBIST2 - 512x32             ----
-mbist_top1  #(
-	`ifndef SYNTHESIS
-	.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_START        (9'h000                 ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_END          (9'h1FB                 ),
-	.BIST_REPAIR_ADDR_START (9'h1FC                 ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        )
-        `endif
-     ) 
-	     u_mbist2 (
-       .vccd1                  (vccd1                     ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
-       .vssd1                  (vssd1                     ),// User area 1 digital ground
-     // Clock Skew adjust
-	.wbd_clk_int          (wbd_clk_mbist2_rp), 
-	.cfg_cska_mbist       (cfg_cska_mbist2_rp), 
-	.wbd_clk_mbist        (wbd_clk_mbist2_skew),
-	// WB I/F
-        .wb_clk_i             (wbd_clk_mbist2_skew),  
-        .wb_cyc_i             (wbd_mbist2_cyc_o),  
-        .wb_stb_i             (wbd_mbist2_stb_o),  
-        .wb_adr_i             (wbd_mbist2_adr_o[BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]),  
-        .wb_we_i              (wbd_mbist2_we_o ),  
-        .wb_dat_i             (wbd_mbist2_dat_o),  
-        .wb_sel_i             (wbd_mbist2_sel_o),  
-        .wb_dat_o             (wbd_mbist2_dat_i),  
-        .wb_ack_o             (wbd_mbist2_ack_i),  
-        .wb_err_o             (                ), 
-	.rst_n                (bist_rst_n     ),
-	.bist_en                (bist_en_rp[1]     ),
-	.bist_run               (bist_run_rp[1]    ),
-	.bist_shift             (bist_shift_rp[1]  ),
-	.bist_load              (bist_load_rp[1]   ),
-	.bist_sdi               (bist_sdi_rp[1]    ),
-	.bist_error_cnt         (bist_error_cnt1    ),
-	.bist_correct           (bist_correct[1]    ),
-	.bist_error             (bist_error[1]      ),
-	.bist_done              (bist_done[1]       ),
-	.bist_sdo               (bist_sdo[1]        ),
-     // towards memory
-     // PORT-A
-        .mem_clk_a            (mem2_clk_a        ),
-        .mem_addr_a           (mem2_addr_a       ),
-        .mem_cen_a            (mem2_cen_a        ),
-        .mem_dout_a           (mem2_dout_a       ),
-     // PORT-B
-        .mem_clk_b            (mem2_clk_b        ),
-        .mem_cen_b            (mem2_cen_b        ),
-        .mem_web_b            (mem2_web_b        ),
-        .mem_mask_b           (mem2_mask_b       ),
-        .mem_addr_b           (mem2_addr_b       ),
-        .mem_din_b            (mem2_din_b        )
 sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram2_2kb(
     .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
     .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
 // Port 0: RW
-    .clk0     (mem2_clk_b),
-    .csb0     (mem2_cen_b),
-    .web0     (mem2_web_b),
-    .wmask0   (mem2_mask_b),
-    .addr0    (mem2_addr_b),
-    .din0     (mem2_din_b),
-    .dout0    (),
+    .clk0     (mem_clk_a[2]),
+    .csb0     (mem_cen_a[2]),
+    .web0     (mem_web_a[2]),
+    .wmask0   (mem2_mask_a),
+    .addr0    (mem2_addr_a),
+    .din0     (mem2_din_a),
+    .dout0    (mem2_dout_a),
 // Port 1: R
-    .clk1     (mem2_clk_a),
-    .csb1     (mem2_cen_a),
-    .addr1    (mem2_addr_a),
-    .dout1    (mem2_dout_a)
+    .clk1     (mem_clk_b[2]),
+    .csb1     (mem_cen_b[2]),
+    .addr1    (mem2_addr_b),
+    .dout1    ()
-//------------- MBIST3 - 512x32             ----
-mbist_top1  #(
-	`ifndef SYNTHESIS
-	.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_START        (9'h000                 ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_END          (9'h1FB                 ),
-	.BIST_REPAIR_ADDR_START (9'h1FC                 ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        )
-        `endif
-     ) 
-	     u_mbist3 (
-       .vccd1                  (vccd1                     ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
-       .vssd1                  (vssd1                     ),// User area 1 digital ground
-     // Clock Skew adjust
-	.wbd_clk_int          (wbd_clk_mbist3_rp), 
-	.cfg_cska_mbist       (cfg_cska_mbist3_rp), 
-	.wbd_clk_mbist        (wbd_clk_mbist3_skew),
-	// WB I/F
-        .wb_clk_i             (wbd_clk_mbist3_skew),  
-        .wb_cyc_i             (wbd_mbist3_cyc_o),  
-        .wb_stb_i             (wbd_mbist3_stb_o),  
-        .wb_adr_i             (wbd_mbist3_adr_o[BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]),  
-        .wb_we_i              (wbd_mbist3_we_o ),  
-        .wb_dat_i             (wbd_mbist3_dat_o),  
-        .wb_sel_i             (wbd_mbist3_sel_o),  
-        .wb_dat_o             (wbd_mbist3_dat_i),  
-        .wb_ack_o             (wbd_mbist3_ack_i),  
-        .wb_err_o             (                ), 
-	.rst_n                (bist_rst_n     ),
-	.bist_en                (bist_en_rp[2]     ),
-	.bist_run               (bist_run_rp[2]    ),
-	.bist_shift             (bist_shift_rp[2]  ),
-	.bist_load              (bist_load_rp[2]   ),
-	.bist_sdi               (bist_sdi_rp[2]    ),
-	.bist_error_cnt         (bist_error_cnt2    ),
-	.bist_correct           (bist_correct[2]    ),
-	.bist_error             (bist_error[2]      ),
-	.bist_done              (bist_done[2]       ),
-	.bist_sdo               (bist_sdo[2]        ),
-     // towards memory
-     // PORT-A
-        .mem_clk_a            (mem3_clk_a        ),
-        .mem_addr_a           (mem3_addr_a       ),
-        .mem_cen_a            (mem3_cen_a        ),
-        .mem_dout_a           (mem3_dout_a       ),
-     // PORT-B
-        .mem_clk_b            (mem3_clk_b        ),
-        .mem_cen_b            (mem3_cen_b        ),
-        .mem_web_b            (mem3_web_b        ),
-        .mem_mask_b           (mem3_mask_b       ),
-        .mem_addr_b           (mem3_addr_b       ),
-        .mem_din_b            (mem3_din_b        )
 sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram3_2kb(
@@ -1510,106 +1338,18 @@
     .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
 // Port 0: RW
-    .clk0     (mem3_clk_b),
-    .csb0     (mem3_cen_b),
-    .web0     (mem3_web_b),
-    .wmask0   (mem3_mask_b),
-    .addr0    (mem3_addr_b),
-    .din0     (mem3_din_b),
-    .dout0    (),
+    .clk0     (mem_clk_a[3]),
+    .csb0     (mem_cen_a[3]),
+    .web0     (mem_web_a[3]),
+    .wmask0   (mem3_mask_a),
+    .addr0    (mem3_addr_a),
+    .din0     (mem3_din_a),
+    .dout0    (mem3_dout_a),
 // Port 1: R
-    .clk1     (mem3_clk_a),
-    .csb1     (mem3_cen_a),
-    .addr1    (mem3_addr_a),
-    .dout1    (mem3_dout_a)
-  );
-//------------- MBIST4 - 512x32             ----
-mbist_top1  #(
-	`ifndef SYNTHESIS
-	.BIST_ADDR_WD           (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_DATA_WD           (BIST_DATA_WD           ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_START        (9'h000                 ),
-	.BIST_ADDR_END          (9'h1FB                 ),
-	.BIST_REPAIR_ADDR_START (9'h1FC                 ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_I          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        ),
-	.BIST_RAD_WD_O          (BIST1_ADDR_WD-2        )
-        `endif
-     ) 
-	     u_mbist4 (
-       .vccd1                  (vccd1                     ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
-       .vssd1                  (vssd1                     ),// User area 1 digital ground
-     // Clock Skew adjust
-	.wbd_clk_int          (wbd_clk_mbist4_rp), 
-	.cfg_cska_mbist       (cfg_cska_mbist4_rp), 
-	.wbd_clk_mbist        (wbd_clk_mbist4_skew),
-	// WB I/F
-        .wb_clk_i             (wbd_clk_mbist4_skew),  
-        .wb_cyc_i             (wbd_mbist4_cyc_o),  
-        .wb_stb_i             (wbd_mbist4_stb_o),  
-        .wb_adr_i             (wbd_mbist4_adr_o[BIST1_ADDR_WD-1:2]),  
-        .wb_we_i              (wbd_mbist4_we_o ),  
-        .wb_dat_i             (wbd_mbist4_dat_o),  
-        .wb_sel_i             (wbd_mbist4_sel_o),  
-        .wb_dat_o             (wbd_mbist4_dat_i),  
-        .wb_ack_o             (wbd_mbist4_ack_i),  
-        .wb_err_o             (                ), 
-	.rst_n                (bist_rst_n     ),
-	.bist_en                (bist_en_rp[3]     ),
-	.bist_run               (bist_run_rp[3]    ),
-	.bist_shift             (bist_shift_rp[3]  ),
-	.bist_load              (bist_load_rp[3]   ),
-	.bist_sdi               (bist_sdi_rp[3]    ),
-	.bist_error_cnt         (bist_error_cnt3    ),
-	.bist_correct           (bist_correct[3]    ),
-	.bist_error             (bist_error[3]      ),
-	.bist_done              (bist_done[3]       ),
-	.bist_sdo               (bist_sdo[3]        ),
-     // towards memory
-     // PORT-A
-        .mem_clk_a            (mem4_clk_a        ),
-        .mem_addr_a           (mem4_addr_a       ),
-        .mem_cen_a            (mem4_cen_a        ),
-        .mem_dout_a           (mem4_dout_a       ),
-     // PORT-B
-        .mem_clk_b            (mem4_clk_b        ),
-        .mem_cen_b            (mem4_cen_b        ),
-        .mem_web_b            (mem4_web_b        ),
-        .mem_mask_b           (mem4_mask_b       ),
-        .mem_addr_b           (mem4_addr_b       ),
-        .mem_din_b            (mem4_din_b        )
-sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_sram4_2kb(
-    .vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
-    .vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
-// Port 0: RW
-    .clk0     (mem4_clk_b),
-    .csb0     (mem4_cen_b),
-    .web0     (mem4_web_b),
-    .wmask0   (mem4_mask_b),
-    .addr0    (mem4_addr_b),
-    .din0     (mem4_din_b),
-    .dout0    (),
-// Port 1: R
-    .clk1     (mem4_clk_a),
-    .csb1     (mem4_cen_a),
-    .addr1    (mem4_addr_a),
-    .dout1    (mem4_dout_a)
+    .clk1     (mem_clk_b[3]),
+    .csb1     (mem_cen_b[3]),
+    .addr1    (mem3_addr_b),
+    .dout1    ()
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/ b/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
index ebd1fcd..51e4beb 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
 ////         removed                                              ////
 ////         Memory remap added to move the RISC Program memory   ////
 ////         to SRAM Memory                                       ////
+////   0.9  - 15 Dec 2021, Dinesh A                               ////
+////         Consolidated 4 MBIST port into one 8KB Port          ////
 ////                                                              ////
 ////                                                              ////
@@ -194,47 +196,11 @@
          input	logic 	        s3_wbd_ack_i,
          // input	logic 	s3_wbd_err_i,
          output	logic [31:0]	s3_wbd_dat_o,
-         output	logic [10:0]	s3_wbd_adr_o, 
+         output	logic [12:0]	s3_wbd_adr_o, 
          output	logic [3:0]   	s3_wbd_sel_o,
          output	logic 	        s3_wbd_we_o,
          output	logic 	        s3_wbd_cyc_o,
-         output	logic 	        s3_wbd_stb_o,
-         // Slave 4 Interface
-	 // MBIST2
-         input	logic [31:0]	s4_wbd_dat_i,
-         input	logic 	        s4_wbd_ack_i,
-         // input	logic 	s4_wbd_err_i,
-         output	logic [31:0]	s4_wbd_dat_o,
-         output	logic [10:0]	s4_wbd_adr_o, 
-         output	logic [3:0]   	s4_wbd_sel_o,
-         output	logic 	        s4_wbd_we_o,
-         output	logic 	        s4_wbd_cyc_o,
-         output	logic 	        s4_wbd_stb_o,
-	 // Slave 5 Interface
-	 // MBIST3
-         input	logic [31:0]	s5_wbd_dat_i,
-         input	logic 	        s5_wbd_ack_i,
-         // input	logic 	s5_wbd_err_i,
-         output	logic [31:0]	s5_wbd_dat_o,
-         output	logic [10:0]	s5_wbd_adr_o, 
-         output	logic [3:0]   	s5_wbd_sel_o,
-         output	logic 	        s5_wbd_we_o,
-         output	logic 	        s5_wbd_cyc_o,
-         output	logic 	        s5_wbd_stb_o,
-	 // Slave 6 Interface
-	 // MBIST4
-         input	logic [31:0]	s6_wbd_dat_i,
-         input	logic 	        s6_wbd_ack_i,
-         // input	logic 	s6_wbd_err_i,
-         output	logic [31:0]	s6_wbd_dat_o,
-         output	logic [10:0]	s6_wbd_adr_o, 
-         output	logic [3:0]   	s6_wbd_sel_o,
-         output	logic 	        s6_wbd_we_o,
-         output	logic 	        s6_wbd_cyc_o,
-         output	logic 	        s6_wbd_stb_o
+         output	logic 	        s3_wbd_stb_o
@@ -246,10 +212,7 @@
 parameter TARGET_SPI_REG  = 4'b0000;
 parameter TARGET_UART     = 4'b0001;
 parameter TARGET_PINMUX   = 4'b0010;
-parameter TARGET_MBIST1   = 4'b0011;
-parameter TARGET_MBIST2   = 4'b0100;
-parameter TARGET_MBIST3   = 4'b0101;
-parameter TARGET_MBIST4   = 4'b0110;
+parameter TARGET_MBIST    = 4'b0011;
 // WishBone Wr Interface
 typedef struct packed { 
@@ -285,18 +248,12 @@
 type_wb_wr_intf  s1_wb_wr;
 type_wb_wr_intf  s2_wb_wr;
 type_wb_wr_intf  s3_wb_wr;
-type_wb_wr_intf  s4_wb_wr;
-type_wb_wr_intf  s5_wb_wr;
-type_wb_wr_intf  s6_wb_wr;
 // Slave Read Interface
 type_wb_rd_intf  s0_wb_rd;
 type_wb_rd_intf  s1_wb_rd;
 type_wb_rd_intf  s2_wb_rd;
 type_wb_rd_intf  s3_wb_rd;
-type_wb_rd_intf  s4_wb_rd;
-type_wb_rd_intf  s5_wb_rd;
-type_wb_rd_intf  s6_wb_rd;
 type_wb_wr_intf  m_bus_wr;  // Multiplexed Master I/F
@@ -330,10 +287,7 @@
 // 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_00BF  - USB
 // 0x1001_00C0 to 0x1001_00FF  - SSPIM
 // 0x1002_0000 to 0x1002_00FF  - PINMUX
-// 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_07FF  - MBIST1
-// 0x1004_0000 to 0x1004_07FF  - MBIST2
-// 0x1005_0000 to 0x1005_07FF  - MBIST3
-// 0x1006_0000 to 0x1006_07FF  - MBIST4
+// 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_1FFF  - MBIST
 // 0x3080_0000 to 0x3080_00FF  - WB HOST (This decoding happens at wb_host block)
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -341,10 +295,7 @@
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1000  ) ? TARGET_SPI_REG :   // SPI REG
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1001  ) ? TARGET_UART    :   // UART/I2C/USB/SPI
                                 (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1002  ) ? TARGET_PINMUX  :   // PINMUX
-                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003  ) ? TARGET_MBIST1  :   // MBIST1
-                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1004  ) ? TARGET_MBIST2  :   // MBIST2
-                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1005  ) ? TARGET_MBIST3  :   // MBIST3
-                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1006  ) ? TARGET_MBIST4  :   // MBIST4
+                                (m0_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003  ) ? TARGET_MBIST   :   // MBIST
@@ -356,38 +307,29 @@
 // 0x1001_0080 to 0x1001_00BF  - USB
 // 0x1001_00C0 to 0x1001_00FF  - SSPIM
 // 0x1002_0000 to 0x1002_00FF  - PINMUX
-// 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_07FF  - MBIST1
-// 0x1004_0000 to 0x1004_07FF  - MBIST2
-// 0x1005_0000 to 0x1005_07FF  - MBIST3
-// 0x1006_0000 to 0x1006_07FF  - MBIST4
+// 0x1003_0000 to 0x1003_1FFF  - MBIST
-wire [3:0] m1_wbd_tid_i     = (boot_remap[0] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h0) ? TARGET_MBIST1:
-	                      (boot_remap[1] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h1) ? TARGET_MBIST2:
-	                      (boot_remap[2] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h2) ? TARGET_MBIST3:
-	                      (boot_remap[3] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h3) ? TARGET_MBIST4:
+wire [3:0] m1_wbd_tid_i     = (boot_remap[0] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h0) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[1] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h1) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[2] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h2) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[3] && m1_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h3) ? TARGET_MBIST:
 	                      (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:28] ==  4'b0000 ) ? TARGET_SPI_MEM :
                               (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1000 ) ? TARGET_SPI_REG :
                               (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1001 ) ? TARGET_UART :
                               (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1002 ) ? TARGET_PINMUX : 
-                              (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003 ) ? TARGET_MBIST1 : 
-                              (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1004 ) ? TARGET_MBIST2 : 
-                              (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1005 ) ? TARGET_MBIST3 : 
-                              (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1006 ) ? TARGET_MBIST4 : 
+                              (m1_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003 ) ? TARGET_MBIST : 
-wire [3:0] m2_wbd_tid_i     = (boot_remap[0] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h0) ? TARGET_MBIST1:
-	                      (boot_remap[1] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h1) ? TARGET_MBIST2:
-	                      (boot_remap[2] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h2) ? TARGET_MBIST3:
-	                      (boot_remap[3] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h3) ? TARGET_MBIST4:
+wire [3:0] m2_wbd_tid_i     = (boot_remap[0] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h0) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[1] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h1) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[2] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h2) ? TARGET_MBIST:
+	                      (boot_remap[3] && m2_wbd_adr_i[31:11] == 21'h3) ? TARGET_MBIST:
 	                      (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:28] ==  4'b0000 ) ? TARGET_SPI_MEM :
                               (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1000 ) ? TARGET_SPI_REG :
                               (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1001 ) ? TARGET_UART : 
                               (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1002 ) ? TARGET_PINMUX : 
-                              (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003 ) ? TARGET_MBIST1 : 
-                              (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1004 ) ? TARGET_MBIST2 : 
-                              (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1005 ) ? TARGET_MBIST3 : 
-                              (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1006 ) ? TARGET_MBIST4 : 
+                              (m2_wbd_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h1003 ) ? TARGET_MBIST : 
 // Master Mapping
@@ -454,32 +396,12 @@
  assign  s2_wbd_stb_o =  s2_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
  assign  s3_wbd_dat_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
- assign  s3_wbd_adr_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // MBIST Need 11 bit
+ assign  s3_wbd_adr_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_adr[12:0] ; // MBIST Need 13 bit
  assign  s3_wbd_sel_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
  assign  s3_wbd_we_o  =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_we  ;
  assign  s3_wbd_cyc_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
  assign  s3_wbd_stb_o =  s3_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
- assign  s4_wbd_dat_o =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
- assign  s4_wbd_adr_o =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // MBIST Need 11 bit
- assign  s4_wbd_sel_o =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
- assign  s4_wbd_we_o  =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_we  ;
- assign  s4_wbd_cyc_o =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
- assign  s4_wbd_stb_o =  s4_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
- assign  s5_wbd_dat_o =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
- assign  s5_wbd_adr_o =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // MBIST Need 11 bit
- assign  s5_wbd_sel_o =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
- assign  s5_wbd_we_o  =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_we  ;
- assign  s5_wbd_cyc_o =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
- assign  s5_wbd_stb_o =  s5_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
- assign  s6_wbd_dat_o =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
- assign  s6_wbd_adr_o =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // MBIST Need 11 bit
- assign  s6_wbd_sel_o =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
- assign  s6_wbd_we_o  =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_we  ;
- assign  s6_wbd_cyc_o =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
- assign  s6_wbd_stb_o =  s6_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
  assign s0_wb_rd.wbd_dat  = s0_wbd_dat_i ;
  assign s0_wb_rd.wbd_ack  = s0_wbd_ack_i ;
@@ -497,17 +419,6 @@
  assign s3_wb_rd.wbd_ack  = s3_wbd_ack_i ;
  assign s3_wb_rd.wbd_err  = 1'b0; // s3_wbd_err_i ; - unused
- assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_dat  = s4_wbd_dat_i ;
- assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_ack  = s4_wbd_ack_i ;
- assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_err  = 1'b0; // s4_wbd_err_i ; - unused
- assign s5_wb_rd.wbd_dat  = s5_wbd_dat_i ;
- assign s5_wb_rd.wbd_ack  = s5_wbd_ack_i ;
- assign s5_wb_rd.wbd_err  = 1'b0; // s5_wbd_err_i ; - unused
- assign s6_wb_rd.wbd_dat  = s6_wbd_dat_i ;
- assign s6_wb_rd.wbd_ack  = s6_wbd_ack_i ;
- assign s6_wb_rd.wbd_err  = 1'b0; // s6_wbd_err_i ; - unused
 // arbitor 
@@ -542,9 +453,6 @@
         4'h1:	   s_bus_rd = s1_wb_rd;
         4'h2:	   s_bus_rd = s2_wb_rd;
         4'h3:	   s_bus_rd = s3_wb_rd;
-        4'h4:	   s_bus_rd = s4_wb_rd;
-        4'h5:	   s_bus_rd = s5_wb_rd;
-        4'h6:	   s_bus_rd = s6_wb_rd;
         default:   s_bus_rd = s0_wb_rd;
@@ -555,9 +463,6 @@
 assign  s1_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b001) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
 assign  s2_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b010) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
 assign  s3_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b011) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
-assign  s4_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b100) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
-assign  s5_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b101) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
-assign  s6_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 3'b110) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
 // Connect Slave to Master
 assign  m0_wb_rd = (gnt == 2'b00) ? m_bus_rd : 'h0;