first version riscduino dual core
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 7c54d50..453828c 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[submodule "verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c"]
-	path = verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c
-	url =
 [submodule "verilog/rtl/qspim"]
 	path = verilog/rtl/qspim
 	url =
+[submodule "verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c"]
+	path = verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c
+	url =
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2067627..cd5722b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 # Install lite version of caravel, (1): caravel-lite, (0): caravel
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@
 .PHONY: verify
 	cd ./verilog/dv/ && \
-	export SIM=${SIM} DUMP=${DUMP} && \
+	export SIM=${SIM} DUMP=${DUMP} RISC_CORE=${RISC_CORE} && \
 		$(MAKE) -j$(THREADS)
 # Install DV setup
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
 DV_PATTERNS = $(foreach dv, $(PATTERNS), verify-$(dv))
 TARGET_PATH=$(shell pwd)
-VERIFY_COMMAND="cd ${TARGET_PATH}/verilog/dv/$* && export SIM=${SIM} DUMP=${DUMP} && make"
+VERIFY_COMMAND="cd ${TARGET_PATH}/verilog/dv/$* && export SIM=${SIM} DUMP=${DUMP} RISC_CORE=${RISC_CORE} && make"
 $(DV_PATTERNS): verify-% : ./verilog/dv/% check-coremark_repo check-riscv_comp_repo check-riscv_test_repo
 	docker run -v ${TARGET_PATH}:${TARGET_PATH} -v ${PDK_PATH}:${PDK_PATH} \
                 -v ${CARAVEL_ROOT}:${CARAVEL_ROOT} \
diff --git a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
index c8c838c..2aab7ff 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/Makefile
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/risc_boot.c b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/risc_boot.c
index 48e54f0..126b3c1 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/risc_boot/risc_boot.c
+++ b/verilog/dv/risc_boot/risc_boot.c
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
     // Remove All Reset
-    reg_mprj_wbhost_reg0 = 0x1F;
+    reg_mprj_globl_reg2 = 0x21F;
     // Enable UART Multi Functional Ports
diff --git a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/Makefile b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/Makefile
index 0461ba3..2c853fa 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/Makefile
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
             VECT_IRQ  ?= 0
             IPIC      ?= 0
             TCM       ?= 0
-            SIM_CFG_DEF  = YCR1_CFG_$(CFG)
+            SIM_CFG_DEF  = YCR_CFG_$(CFG)
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@
 UPRJ_BEHAVIOURAL_MODELS = $(root_dir)/../model
 UPRJ_BEHAVIOURAL_AGENTS = $(root_dir)/../agents
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
@@ -283,6 +284,7 @@
 	printf "" > $(test_results); \
         iverilog-vpi ../../../vpi/system/system.c; \
 	vvp  -M. -msystem  $(top_module).vvp \
+	+risc_core_id=$(RISC_CORE) \
 	+test_info=$(test_info) \
 	+test_results=$(test_results) \
 	| tee $(sim_results)  ;\
@@ -303,6 +305,7 @@
 	printf "" > $(test_results); \
         iverilog-vpi ../../../vpi/system/system.c; \
 	vvp  -M. -msystem  $(top_module).vvp \
+	+risc_core_id=$(RISC_CORE) \
 	+test_info=$(test_info) \
 	+test_results=$(test_results) \
 	| tee $(sim_results)  ;\
diff --git a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/
index 25c14a5..9a798ff 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/
+++ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
  logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]           core2dmem_addr_o_r;           // DMEM address
  logic                                   core2dmem_cmd_o_r;
- `define RISC_CORE  i_top.i_core_top
+ `define RISC_CORE  i_top.i_core_top_0
  always@(posedge `RISC_CORE.clk) begin
      if(`RISC_CORE.imem2core_req_ack_i && `RISC_CORE.core2imem_req_o)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   logic [31:0] test_count;
- `define RISC_CORE  u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top
+ `define RISC_CORE  u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_0
  `define RISC_EXU  u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu
  initial begin
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
+wire [31:0] pc_curr_ff         = (d_risc_id == 0) ? u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_0.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.pc_curr_ff         : u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_1.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.pc_curr_ff;
+wire [31:0] exu2pipe_pc_curr_o = (d_risc_id == 0) ? u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_0.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.exu2pipe_pc_curr_o : u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_1.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.exu2pipe_pc_curr_o;
+wire [31:0] mprf_int_10        = (d_risc_id == 0) ? u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_0.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int[10]      : u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_1.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int[10];
 always @(posedge clk) begin
     bit test_pass;
     int unsigned                            f_test;
@@ -78,11 +82,11 @@
     if (test_running) begin
         test_pass = 1;
         rst_init <= 1'b0;
-	if(u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.pc_curr_ff === 32'hxxxx_xxxx) begin
+	if(pc_curr_ff === 32'hxxxx_xxxx) begin
 	   $display("ERROR: CURRENT PC Counter State is Known");
-        if ((u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_exu.exu2pipe_pc_curr_o == YCR1_SIM_EXIT_ADDR) & ~rst_init & &rst_cnt) begin
+        if ((exu2pipe_pc_curr_o == YCR1_SIM_EXIT_ADDR) & ~rst_init & &rst_cnt) begin
             `ifdef VERILATOR
                 logic [255:0] full_filename;
@@ -103,9 +107,9 @@
 	        // Flush the content of dcache for signature validation at app
 	        // memory	
-	        force u_top.u_riscv_top.u_intf.u_dcache.cfg_force_flush = 1'b1;
-	        wait(u_top.u_riscv_top.u_intf.u_dcache.force_flush_done == 1'b1);
-	        release u_top.u_riscv_top.u_intf.u_dcache.cfg_force_flush;
+	        force u_top.u_riscv_top.u_mintf.u_intf.u_dcache.cfg_force_flush = 1'b1;
+	        wait(u_top.u_riscv_top.u_mintf.u_intf.u_dcache.force_flush_done == 1'b1);
+	        release u_top.u_riscv_top.u_mintf.u_intf.u_dcache.cfg_force_flush;
 	        repeat (2000) @(posedge clock); // wait data to flush in pipe
 		$display("STATUS: Checking Complaince Test Status .... ");
                 test_running <= 1'b0;
@@ -203,10 +207,10 @@
                 `endif  // SIGNATURE_OUT
             end else begin // Non compliance mode
                 test_running <= 1'b0;
-		if(u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int[10] != 0)
-		   $display("ERROR: mprf_int[10]: %x not zero",u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int[10]);
+		if(mprf_int_10 != 0)
+		   $display("ERROR: mprf_int[10]: %x not zero",mprf_int_10);
-                test_pass = (u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int[10] == 0);
+                test_pass = (mprf_int_10 == 0);
                 tests_total     += 1;
                 tests_passed    += test_pass;
                 `ifndef SIGNATURE_OUT
@@ -236,7 +240,10 @@
             if (f_test != 0) begin
             // Launch new test
                 `ifdef YCR1_TRACE_LOG_EN
-                    u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top.i_pipe_top.i_tracelog.test_name = test_file;
+		    if(d_risc_id == 0)
+                        u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_0.i_pipe_top.i_tracelog.test_name = test_file;
+		    else
+                        u_top.u_riscv_top.i_core_top_1.i_pipe_top.i_tracelog.test_name = test_file;
                 `endif // SCR1_TRACE_LOG_EN
                 //i_memory_tb.test_file = test_file;
                 //i_memory_tb.test_file_init = 1'b1;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/run_iverilog b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/run_iverilog
index fbd8e05..6245dbc 100755
--- a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/run_iverilog
+++ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/run_iverilog
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 -I ../../../../../verilog/rtl \
 -I ../../../../../verilog \
 -I ../../../agents    \
--I ../../../../../verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes \
+-I ../../../../../verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes \
 -I ../../../../../verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/defs \
 -I ../../../../../verilog/rtl/i2cm/src/includes \
 -I ../../../../../verilog/rtl/usb1_host/src/includes \
diff --git a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/tests/isr_sample/isr_sample.S b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/tests/isr_sample/isr_sample.S
index d7b3d63..19f8703 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/tests/isr_sample/isr_sample.S
+++ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/tests/isr_sample/isr_sample.S
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 #define MCAUSE_TMR_IRQ              (1 << 31 | IRQ_M_TIMER)
 // IPIC
-#define IRQ_LINES_ADDR              0x10020018      // simulation
-#define TRIG_EXT_IRQ_ADDR           0x10020018      // external irq is triggered when tb memory is set to non-zero // Bit [15:0]
-#define TRIG_SW_IRQ_ADDR            0x10020018      // software irq is triggered when tb memory is set to non-zero // Bit [16]
+#define IRQ_LINES_ADDR              0x10020020      // simulation
+#define TRIG_EXT_IRQ_ADDR           0x10020020      // external irq is triggered when tb memory is set to non-zero // Bit [15:0]
+#define TRIG_SW_IRQ_ADDR            0x10020020      // software irq is triggered when tb memory is set to non-zero // Bit [16]
 #define IPIC_EOI                    0xBF4           // end of interrupt
 #define IPIC_SOI                    0xBF5           // start of interrupt
diff --git a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/user_risc_regress_tb.v b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/user_risc_regress_tb.v
index 2bc1cfb..c23fe35 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/user_risc_regress_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/riscv_regress/user_risc_regress_tb.v
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@
 `include "mt48lc8m8a2.v"
 `include "is62wvs1288.v"
+`define ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX  32'h3002_0000
 localparam [31:0]      YCR1_SIM_EXIT_ADDR      = 32'h0000_00F8;
 localparam [31:0]      YCR1_SIM_PRINT_ADDR     = 32'hF000_0000;
 localparam [31:0]      YCR1_SIM_EXT_IRQ_ADDR   = 32'hF000_0100;
@@ -157,6 +160,7 @@
 	logic  [7:0]           tem_mem[0:4095];
 	logic  [31:0]          mem_data;
+	integer    d_risc_id;
 parameter P_FSM_C      = 4'b0000; // Command Phase Only
@@ -220,6 +224,8 @@
                 wbd_ext_we_i  ='h0;  // write
                 wbd_ext_dat_i ='h0;  // data output
                 wbd_ext_sel_i ='h0;  // byte enable
+		$value$plusargs("risc_core_id=%d", d_risc_id);
 	`ifdef WFDUMP
@@ -230,7 +236,6 @@
 	   	$dumpvars(0, user_risc_regress_tb.u_top.u_riscv_top);
 	   	$dumpvars(0, user_risc_regress_tb.u_top.u_qspi_master);
 	   	$dumpvars(0, user_risc_regress_tb.u_top.u_intercon);
-	   	$dumpvars(0, user_risc_regress_tb.u_top.u_mbist);
@@ -289,7 +294,13 @@
 	        repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
 		// Remove WB and SPI Reset, Keep SDARM and CORE under Reset
-                wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'h5);
+               if(d_risc_id == 0) begin
+                    $display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 0");
+                    wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h11F);
+               end else begin
+                    $display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 1");
+                    wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h21F);
+               end
 		// CS#2 Switch to QSPI Mode
                 wb_user_core_write('h3080_0004,'h10); // Change the Bank Sel 10
diff --git a/verilog/dv/uart_master/Makefile b/verilog/dv/uart_master/Makefile
index ec6f963..9be6ff7 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/uart_master/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/uart_master/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_basic/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_basic/Makefile
index e9e1108..e534f3b 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_basic/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_basic/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
index 5788ed8..6f0b848 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/user_i2cm_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/user_i2cm_tb.v
index 826774d..b56a263 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/user_i2cm_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_i2cm/user_i2cm_tb.v
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	`ifdef WFDUMP
 	   initial begin
-	   	$dumpfile("tb_top.vcd");
+	   	$dumpfile("simx.vcd");
 	   	$dumpvars(0, tb_top);
@@ -151,11 +151,14 @@
    repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
    // Enable I2M Block & WB Reset and Enable I2CM Mux Select
-   wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'hA1);
+   wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'h01);
    // Enable I2C Multi Functional Ports
+   // Remove i2m reset
+   wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h010);
    repeat (100) @(posedge clock);  
     @(posedge  clock);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
index 1057c10..46c4437 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
 %.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
+	vvp $< +risc_core_id=$(RISC_CORE)
 	${GCC64_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/user_risc_boot_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/user_risc_boot_tb.v
index fff2408..11360d2 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/user_risc_boot_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_risc_boot/user_risc_boot_tb.v
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
 `include "uprj_netlists.v"
 `include "mt48lc8m8a2.v"
+`define ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX  32'h3002_0000
 module user_risc_boot_tb;
 	reg clock;
 	reg wb_rst_i;
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@
 	wire [7:0] mprj_io_0;
 	reg         test_fail;
 	reg [31:0] read_data;
+	integer    d_risc_id;
@@ -133,6 +135,8 @@
 	initial begin
+		$value$plusargs("risc_core_id=%d", d_risc_id);
 		#200; // Wait for reset removal
 	        repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
 		$display("Monitor: Standalone User Risc Boot Test Started");
@@ -143,7 +147,13 @@
 	        repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
 		// Remove all the reset
-                wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'hF);
+		if(d_risc_id == 0) begin
+		     $display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 0");
+                     wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h11F);
+		end else begin
+		     $display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 1");
+                     wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h21F);
+		end
 		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
index e0934e1..bedef96 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_spi/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_spi/user_spi_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_spi/user_spi_tb.v
index cb37454..97b7c9f 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_spi/user_spi_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_spi/user_spi_tb.v
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
  `define QSPIM_IMEM_RDATA          32'h1000002C
  `define QSPIM_SPI_STATUS          32'h10000030
+ `define ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX  32'h3002_0000
 module user_spi_tb;
 	reg clock;
 	reg wb_rst_i;
@@ -221,8 +223,8 @@
 	        repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
-		// Remove WB and SPI Reset, Keep SDARM and CORE under Reset
-                wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'h5);
+		// Remove only WB and SPI Reset
+                wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h2);
                 wb_user_core_write('h3080_0004,'h0); // Change the Bank Sel 0
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
index 387f35d..320f113 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_uart/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 ## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
 %.vcd: %.vvp
-	vvp $<
+	vvp $< +risc_core_id=$(RISC_CORE)
 	${GCC64_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_uart/user_uart_tb.v b/verilog/dv/user_uart/user_uart_tb.v
index dba2b77..9e150f4 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_uart/user_uart_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_uart/user_uart_tb.v
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@
 reg [7:0]      uart_write_data [0:39];
 reg 	       uart_fifo_enable     ;	// fifo mode disable
+	integer    d_risc_id;
 integer i,j;
 	// External clock is used by default.  Make this artificially fast for the
@@ -171,6 +173,8 @@
    uart_timeout            = 500;// wait time limit
    uart_fifo_enable        = 0;	// fifo mode disable
+   $value$plusargs("risc_core_id=%d", d_risc_id);
    #200; // Wait for reset removal
    repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
    $display("Monitor: Standalone User Uart Test Started");
@@ -184,7 +188,13 @@
    repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
    // Remove all the reset
-   wb_user_core_write('h3080_0000,'h1F);
+   if(d_risc_id == 0) begin
+	$display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 0");
+	wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h11F);
+   end else begin
+	$display("STATUS: Working with Risc core 1");
+	wb_user_core_write(`ADDR_SPACE_PINMUX+8'h8,'h21F);
+   end
    repeat (100) @(posedge clock);  // wait for Processor Get Ready
diff --git a/verilog/dv/user_uart_master/Makefile b/verilog/dv/user_uart_master/Makefile
index b52caef..4e61e77 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/user_uart_master/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/user_uart_master/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile
index a19be6a..8844da3 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_port/Makefile
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr1c/src/includes
+UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH1 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/yifive/ycr2c/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH2 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/sdram_ctrl/src/defs
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH3 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/i2cm/src/includes
 UPRJ_INCLUDE_PATH4 = $(UPRJ_RTL_PATH)/usb1_host/src/includes
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index 5015bb6..c1c1a56 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -50,6 +50,15 @@
 		       input logic             mclk,
                        input logic             h_reset_n,
+                       // Global Reset control
+                       output logic  [1:0]     cpu_core_rst_n   ,
+                       output logic            cpu_intf_rst_n   ,
+                       output logic            qspim_rst_n      ,
+                       output logic            sspim_rst_n      ,
+                       output logic            uart_rst_n       ,
+                       output logic            i2cm_rst_n       ,
+                       output logic            usb_rst_n        ,
 		       // Reg Bus Interface Signal
                        input logic             reg_cs,
                        input logic             reg_wr,
@@ -264,6 +273,14 @@
           .mclk                         (mclk                    ),
           .h_reset_n                    (h_reset_n               ),
+          .cpu_core_rst_n               (cpu_core_rst_n          ),
+          .cpu_intf_rst_n               (cpu_intf_rst_n          ),
+          .qspim_rst_n                  (qspim_rst_n             ),
+          .sspim_rst_n                  (sspim_rst_n             ),
+          .uart_rst_n                   (uart_rst_n              ),
+          .i2cm_rst_n                   (i2cm_rst_n              ),
+          .usb_rst_n                    (usb_rst_n               ),
       // Reg read/write Interface Inputs
           .reg_cs                       (reg_cs                  ),
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
index 211bd40..1e7ad9f 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/pinmux/src/
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@
 		       input logic             mclk,
                        input logic             h_reset_n,
+                       // Global Reset control
+                       output logic  [1:0]     cpu_core_rst_n   ,
+                       output logic            cpu_intf_rst_n   ,
+                       output logic            qspim_rst_n      ,
+                       output logic            sspim_rst_n      ,
+                       output logic            uart_rst_n       ,
+                       output logic            i2cm_rst_n       ,
+                       output logic            usb_rst_n        ,
 		       // Reg Bus Interface Signal
                        input logic             reg_cs,
                        input logic             reg_wr,
@@ -134,13 +143,13 @@
 logic [31:0]   reg_out;
 logic  [31:0]   reg_0; // Chip ID
 logic  [31:0]   reg_1; // Risc Fuse Id
-logic [31:0]    reg_2; // GPIO Read Data
-logic [31:0]    reg_3; // GPIO Output Data
-logic [31:0]    reg_4; // GPIO Dir Sel
-logic [31:0]    reg_5; // GPIO Type
-logic [31:0]    reg_6; // Interrupt
-logic [31:0]    reg_7; // 
-logic [31:0]    reg_8; // 
+logic  [31:0]   reg_2; // Global config-1
+logic  [31:0]   reg_3; // Global config-2
+logic [31:0]    reg_4; // GPIO Read Data
+logic [31:0]    reg_5; // GPIO Output Data
+logic [31:0]    reg_6; // GPIO Dir Sel
+logic [31:0]    reg_7; // GPIO Type
+logic [31:0]    reg_8; // Interrupt
 logic [31:0]    reg_9; // GPIO Interrupt Status
 logic  [31:0]   reg_10; // GPIO Interrupt Status
 logic [31:0]    reg_11; // GPIO Interrupt Mask
@@ -269,11 +278,12 @@
 // Chip ID
-wire [15:0] manu_id  =  16'h8949; // Asci value of YI
-wire [7:0] chip_id   =  8'h02;
-wire [7:0] chip_rev  =  8'h01;
+wire [15:0] manu_id      =  16'h8268; // Asci value of RD
+wire [3:0]  total_core   =  4'h02;
+wire [3:0]  chip_id      =  4'h03;
+wire [7:0]  chip_rev     =  8'h01;
-assign reg_0 = {manu_id,chip_id,chip_rev};
+assign reg_0 = {manu_id,total_core,chip_id,chip_rev};
@@ -294,34 +304,36 @@
 assign fuse_mhartid = reg_1;
-// Logic for gpio_data_in 
-logic [31:0] gpio_in_data_s;
-logic [31:0] gpio_in_data_ss;
-// Double Sync the gpio pin data for edge detection
-always @ (posedge mclk or negedge h_reset_n)
-  if (h_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
-    reg_2  <= 'h0 ;
-    gpio_in_data_s  <= 32'd0;
-    gpio_in_data_ss <= 32'd0;
-  end
-  else begin
-    gpio_in_data_s   <= gpio_in_data;
-    gpio_in_data_ss <= gpio_in_data_s;
-    reg_2           <= gpio_in_data_ss;
-  end
+// reg-2: GLBL_CFG_1
+wire [31:0] cfg_glb_ctrl = reg_2;
+ctech_buf u_buf_cpu_intf_rst  (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[0]),.X(cpu_intf_rst_n));
+ctech_buf u_buf_qspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[1]),.X(qspim_rst_n));
+ctech_buf u_buf_sspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[2]),.X(sspim_rst_n));
+ctech_buf u_buf_uart_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[3]),.X(uart_rst_n));
+ctech_buf u_buf_i2cm_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[4]),.X(i2cm_rst_n));
+ctech_buf u_buf_usb_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[5]),.X(usb_rst_n));
-assign cfg_gpio_data_in = reg_2[31:0]; // to be used for edge interrupt detect
-assign gpio_prev_indata = gpio_in_data_ss;
+ctech_buf u_buf_cpu0_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[8]),.X(cpu_core_rst_n[0]));
+ctech_buf u_buf_cpu1_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[9]),.X(cpu_core_rst_n[1]));
-// Logic for cfg_gpio_out_data 
-assign cfg_gpio_out_data = reg_3[31:0]; // data to the GPIO control blk 
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_2	(
+	      //List of Inputs
+	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
+	      .clk        (mclk          ),
+	      .cs         (sw_wr_en_2    ),
+	      .we         (wr_be         ),		 
+	      .data_in    (sw_reg_wdata  ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out   (reg_2         )
+	      );
+// reg-3: GLBL_CFG_1
 gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_3	(
 	      //List of Inputs
@@ -334,26 +346,36 @@
 	      //List of Outs
 	      .data_out   (reg_3         )
-// Logic for cfg_gpio_dir_sel 
-assign cfg_gpio_dir_sel = reg_4[31:0]; // data to the GPIO O/P pins 
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_4	(
-	      //List of Inputs
-	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
-	      .clk        (mclk          ),
-	      .cs         (sw_wr_en_4    ),
-	      .we         (wr_be         ),		 
-	      .data_in    (sw_reg_wdata  ),
-	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out   (reg_4         )
-	      );
+assign cfg_pulse_1us = reg_3[9:0];
-// Logic for cfg_gpio_out_type 
+// Logic for gpio_data_in 
-assign cfg_gpio_out_type = reg_5[31:0]; // to be used for read
+logic [31:0] gpio_in_data_s;
+logic [31:0] gpio_in_data_ss;
+// Double Sync the gpio pin data for edge detection
+always @ (posedge mclk or negedge h_reset_n)
+  if (h_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+    reg_4  <= 'h0 ;
+    gpio_in_data_s  <= 32'd0;
+    gpio_in_data_ss <= 32'd0;
+  end
+  else begin
+    gpio_in_data_s   <= gpio_in_data;
+    gpio_in_data_ss <= gpio_in_data_s;
+    reg_4           <= gpio_in_data_ss;
+  end
+assign cfg_gpio_data_in = reg_4[31:0]; // to be used for edge interrupt detect
+assign gpio_prev_indata = gpio_in_data_ss;
+// Logic for cfg_gpio_out_data 
+assign cfg_gpio_out_data = reg_5[31:0]; // data to the GPIO control blk 
 gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_5	(
 	      //List of Inputs
@@ -366,69 +388,87 @@
 	      //List of Outs
 	      .data_out   (reg_5         )
+// Logic for cfg_gpio_dir_sel 
+assign cfg_gpio_dir_sel = reg_6[31:0]; // data to the GPIO O/P pins 
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_6	(
+	      //List of Inputs
+	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
+	      .clk        (mclk          ),
+	      .cs         (sw_wr_en_6    ),
+	      .we         (wr_be         ),		 
+	      .data_in    (sw_reg_wdata  ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out   (reg_6         )
+	      );
+// Logic for cfg_gpio_out_type 
+assign cfg_gpio_out_type = reg_7[31:0]; // to be used for read
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_7	(
+	      //List of Inputs
+	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
+	      .clk        (mclk          ),
+	      .cs         (sw_wr_en_7    ),
+	      .we         (wr_be         ),		 
+	      .data_in    (sw_reg_wdata  ),
+	      //List of Outs
+	      .data_out   (reg_7         )
+	      );
-//   reg-6
+//   reg-8
-assign  irq_lines     = reg_6[15:0]; 
-assign  soft_irq      = reg_6[16]; 
-assign  user_irq      = reg_6[19:17]; 
+assign  irq_lines     = reg_8[15:0]; 
+assign  soft_irq      = reg_8[16]; 
+assign  user_irq      = reg_8[19:17]; 
-generic_register #(8,0  ) u_reg6_be0 (
-	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & 
+generic_register #(8,0  ) u_reg8_be0 (
+	      .we            ({8{sw_wr_en_8 & 
                                  wr_be[0]   }}   ),		 
 	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[7:0]  ),
 	      .reset_n       (h_reset_n          ),
 	      .clk           (mclk               ),
 	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out      (reg_6[7:0]         )
+	      .data_out      (reg_8[7:0]         )
-generic_register #(3,0  ) u_reg6_be1_1 (
-	      .we            ({3{sw_wr_en_6 & 
+generic_register #(3,0  ) u_reg8_be1_1 (
+	      .we            ({3{sw_wr_en_8 & 
                                  wr_be[1]   }}   ),		 
 	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[10:8] ),
 	      .reset_n       (h_reset_n          ),
 	      .clk           (mclk               ),
 	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out      (reg_6[10:8]        )
+	      .data_out      (reg_8[10:8]        )
-assign reg_6[15:11] = {gpio_intr, ext_intr_in[1:0], usb_intr, i2cm_intr};
+assign reg_8[15:11] = {gpio_intr, ext_intr_in[1:0], usb_intr, i2cm_intr};
-generic_register #(4,0  ) u_reg6_be2 (
-	      .we            ({4{sw_wr_en_6 & 
+generic_register #(4,0  ) u_reg8_be2 (
+	      .we            ({4{sw_wr_en_8 & 
                                  wr_be[2]   }}  ),		 
 	      .data_in       (sw_reg_wdata[19:16]),
 	      .reset_n       (h_reset_n           ),
 	      .clk           (mclk              ),
 	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out      (reg_6[19:16]        )
+	      .data_out      (reg_8[19:16]        )
-assign reg_6[31:20] = '0;
+assign reg_8[31:20] = '0;
-//  Register-7
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0) u_reg_7	(
-	      //List of Inputs
-	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
-	      .clk        (mclk          ),
-	      .cs         (sw_wr_en_7   ),
-	      .we         (wr_be         ),		 
-	      .data_in    (sw_reg_wdata  ),
-	      //List of Outs
-	      .data_out   (reg_7        )
-	      );
-assign cfg_pulse_1us = reg_7[9:0];
 // Logic for cfg_int_status 
@@ -721,7 +761,7 @@
 // Software Reg-2, Release date: <DAY><MONTH><YEAR>
 // ----------------------------------------
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h1402_2022) u_reg_23	(
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h2202_2022) u_reg_23	(
 	      //List of Inputs
 	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
 	      .clk        (mclk          ),
@@ -736,7 +776,7 @@
 // Software Reg-3: Poject Revison 3.3 = 0003400
 // ----------------------------------------
-gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0003_4000) u_reg_24	(
+gen_32b_reg  #(32'h0003_5000) u_reg_24	(
 	      //List of Inputs
 	      .reset_n    (h_reset_n     ),
 	      .clk        (mclk          ),
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index 4271db8..938ce8d 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -104,48 +104,49 @@
      `include "wb_interconnect/src/"
      `include "wb_interconnect/src/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/pipeline/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/primitives/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/primitives/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/top/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/cache/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/cache/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/cache/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/cache/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/cache/src/core/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/lib/"
-     `include "yifive/ycr1c/src/lib/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/pipeline/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/primitives/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/primitives/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/top/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/cache/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/cache/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/cache/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/cache/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/cache/src/core/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/lib/"
+     `include "yifive/ycr2c/src/lib/"
      `include "lib/"
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index f4ef426..f08cd4c 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -164,11 +164,15 @@
 ////    3.4  Feb 14, 2022, Dinesh A                               ////
 ////         burst mode supported added in imem buffer inside     ////
 ////         riscv core                                           ////
-////    We have created seperate repo from this onwards           ////
-////      SRAM based SOC is spin-out to                           ////
-////      dineshannayya/riscduino_sram.git                        ////
-////    This repo will remove mbist + SRAM and RISC SRAM will be  ////
-////    replaced with DFRAM                                       ////
+////    3.5  Feb 22, 2022 Dinesh A                                ////
+////      A. To create more space in die, we have removed mbist   ////
+////         controller and 4x 2KB RAM                            ////
+////      B. Risc core will have core with common icache,dcache   ////
+////            TCM memory                                        ////
+////      C. Individual block reset are moved to pinmux to        ////
+////         support peripheral reset from Risc and WishBone      ////
+////         Host.                                                ////
+////                                                              ////
 ////                                                              ////
 //// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
@@ -394,7 +398,8 @@
 //  CPU Configuration
-wire                           cpu_rst_n                              ;
+wire                           cpu_intf_rst_n                         ;
+wire  [1:0]                    cpu_core_rst_n                         ;
 wire                           qspim_rst_n                            ;
 wire                           sspim_rst_n                            ;
 wire                           uart_rst_n                             ; // uart reset
@@ -585,13 +590,6 @@
           .usb_clk                 (usb_clk                 ),
           .wbd_int_rst_n           (wbd_int_rst_n           ),
-          .cpu_rst_n               (cpu_rst_n               ),
-          .qspim_rst_n             (qspim_rst_n             ),
-          .sspim_rst_n             (sspim_rst_n             ), // spi reset
-          .uart_rst_n              (uart_rst_n              ), // uart reset
-          .i2cm_rst_n              (i2c_rst_n               ), // i2c reset
-          .usb_rst_n               (usb_rst_n               ), // usb reset
-          .bist_rst_n              (bist_rst_n              ), // BIST Reset  
     // Master Port
           .wbm_rst_i               (wb_rst_i                ),  
@@ -641,7 +639,7 @@
 // RISC V Core instance
-ycr1_top_wb u_riscv_top (
+ycr2_top_wb u_riscv_top (
           .vccd1                   (vccd1                   ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
           .vssd1                   (vssd1                   ),// User area 1 digital ground
@@ -653,7 +651,8 @@
     // Reset
           .pwrup_rst_n             (wbd_int_rst_n           ),
           .rst_n                   (wbd_int_rst_n           ),
-          .cpu_rst_n               (cpu_rst_n               ),
+          .cpu_intf_rst_n          (cpu_intf_rst_n          ),
+          .cpu_core_rst_n          (cpu_core_rst_n          ),
           .riscv_debug             (riscv_debug             ),
     // Clock
@@ -1124,6 +1123,15 @@
           .mclk                    (wbd_clk_pinmux_skew     ),
           .h_reset_n               (wbd_int_rst_n           ),
+	// Reset Control
+          .cpu_core_rst_n          (cpu_core_rst_n          ),
+          .cpu_intf_rst_n          (cpu_intf_rst_n          ),
+          .qspim_rst_n             (qspim_rst_n             ),
+          .sspim_rst_n             (sspim_rst_n             ),
+          .uart_rst_n              (uart_rst_n              ),
+          .i2cm_rst_n              (i2c_rst_n               ),
+          .usb_rst_n               (usb_rst_n               ),
         // Reg Bus Interface Signal
           .reg_cs                  (wbd_glbl_stb_o          ),
           .reg_wr                  (wbd_glbl_we_o           ),
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/ b/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
index 470a421..55bf9fb 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/wb_host/src/
@@ -82,13 +82,6 @@
        output logic                usb_clk          ,
        // Global Reset control
        output logic                wbd_int_rst_n    ,
-       output logic                cpu_rst_n        ,
-       output logic                qspim_rst_n        ,
-       output logic                sspim_rst_n      ,
-       output logic                uart_rst_n       ,
-       output logic                i2cm_rst_n       ,
-       output logic                usb_rst_n        ,
-       output logic                bist_rst_n        ,
     // Master Port
        input   logic               wbm_rst_i        ,  // Regular Reset signal
@@ -191,13 +184,6 @@
 ctech_buf u_buf_wb_rst        (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[0]),.X(wbd_int_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_cpu_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[1]),.X(cpu_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_qspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[2]),.X(qspim_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_sspim_rst     (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[3]),.X(sspim_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_uart_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[4]),.X(uart_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_i2cm_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[5]),.X(i2cm_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_usb_rst       (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[6]),.X(usb_rst_n));
-ctech_buf u_buf_bist_rst      (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[7]),.X(bist_rst_n));
 // Look like wishbone reset removed early than user Power up sequence
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c b/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c
deleted file mode 160000
index defc5ce..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr1c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit defc5ce7ce231aa0c5944a897a0144f9613944be
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c b/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..d2ab5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/yifive/ycr2c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit d2ab5c6787943530e98b18dfc3a92bdbe97756e5