blob: 343a4e1b9596c92b1d42b920738558f5db5682fc [file] [log] [blame]
# Get the Cell wise statistic
proc get_statistic {design_name } {
#puts "Analysising the Statistic ..."
#To get all the lib cells and initialise the counter
array set libArray {}
set mylist [get_lib_cells *]
set lib_cnt 0
foreach elem $mylist {
#puts [get_full_name $elem]
#set libArray($lib_cnt,0) [get_full_name $elem]
set libArray($lib_cnt) 0
#puts "$libArray($lib_cnt)"
set lib_cnt [expr {$lib_cnt + 1}]
# Accumlate the lib count
set mylist1 [get_cells]
foreach elem1 $mylist1 {
set Inst [get_full_name $elem1]
#puts "Searching: ..:: $Inst .."
if ([string match "*ANTENNA*" $Inst]) {
if ([string match "*FILLER*" $Inst]) {
if ([string match "*TAP_*" $Inst]) {
set lib [get_lib_cells -of_objects [get_cells $Inst]]
set lib_name [get_full_name $lib]
#puts "Searching: ..:: $lib_name .."
if ([string match "*decap*" $lib_name]) {
set lib_cnt 0
set mylist2 [get_lib_cells *]
foreach elem2 $mylist2 {
set ref_lib_name [get_full_name $elem2]
if { [expr {$ref_lib_name eq $lib_name}] == 1 } {
set c_lib_cnt $libArray($lib_cnt)
set libArray($lib_cnt) [expr {$c_lib_cnt + 1}]
#puts "Lib Matched : $Inst: $lib_name :: $ref_lib_name :: cnt: $libArray($lib_cnt)"
set lib_cnt [expr {$lib_cnt + 1}]
## lib count > 0
set mylist [get_lib_cells *]
set lib_cnt 0
set seq_cnt 0
set comb_cnt 0
set total_cnt 0
foreach elem $mylist {
set ref_lib_name [get_full_name $elem]
if {$libArray($lib_cnt) > 0} {
#puts "Lib Name: $ref_lib_name :: Count: $libArray($lib_cnt)"
# Check cell is Sequential OR Combo
if ([string match "*__df*" $ref_lib_name]) {
set seq_cnt [expr {$seq_cnt + $libArray($lib_cnt) }]
} else {
set comb_cnt [expr {$comb_cnt + $libArray($lib_cnt) }]
set total_cnt [expr {$total_cnt + $libArray($lib_cnt) }]
set lib_cnt [expr {$lib_cnt + 1}]
puts "$design_name :: $total_cnt :: $comb_cnt :: $seq_cnt"
return "$total_cnt $comb_cnt $seq_cnt"